IGE :: Volume #7

#619: Past reappeared

In hot woods. 火树林中。 This strength......” was stopping in Cultivation Bai Yuanxing suddenly. “这力量……”正在修炼白远行猛然停了下来。 He routinely inclines the head and listens attentively, on the face reveals startled to allow, to feel the terrifying power that such as the beast of prey roared from the temple direction transmits generally, felt within the body galloping yuan qi, the whole body unexpectedly is being cannot help but unconscious to shiver gently. 他习惯性地侧耳倾听,脸上露出惊容,感受到自神殿方向如猛兽咆哮一般传来的恐怖力量,感受着体内不由自主奔腾的元气,浑身竟然不自觉轻轻颤抖了起来。 Nearby Jin Ling'er and Li Ying Li Qi also looks to the direction of Bright God palace, but ray really extremely dazzling, even if they transport foot full power, being hard looks straight ahead directly, shows a painful look. 一旁的金灵儿李英李琦也纷纷看向光明神殿的方向,但光芒实在太过刺目,即便他们运足全力,也难以正面直视,纷纷露出一丝痛苦的神色。 Not far away. 不远处。 To come the calm palace Divine General whole person to be ordinary just like the petrochemical. 想来从容的宫神将整个人宛如石化一般。 His both hands are gripping tightly the slightly worn-out broom, the broom strut interrupted to be rubbed the fragment powder by the giant palm strength, had not discovered. Changed in those days the calm look, solemnly and respectfully and was staring at the temple direction dignified, among the facial features excited, when did not know, in the eye socket really had the tears of faint circulation. 他双手紧紧握着略显破旧的扫帚,以至于扫帚支杆中断被巨大的掌力揉成了碎片粉末,也没有发现。一改往日淡定的神色,肃穆而庄严地凝视着神殿方向,眉眼间激动万分,不知道何时,眼眶之中竟然有隐隐流转的热泪。 Finally, has waited till......” “终于,等到了……” Is always indifferent, facing him who Alien race monster kings are without turning a hair, never has so rude. 向来淡然,面对异族妖王都面不改色的他,从未有如此失态过。 ...... …… The Bright City third region. 光明城第三区域。 In temple......” “神殿上……” That is...... Bright God sword?” “那是……光明神剑?” Was the Bright God sword starts?” “是光明神剑启动了?” Is the Sir......” “难道是大人……” Practices Gao Han as well as his Dai Youmeng and Liu Jinyan Yang Henshui and tent of martial stage, is almost the same time stops acting suddenly, looks to the temple direction. 练武场的杨恨水、营帐里的高寒以及他身边的戴有梦刘尽言,几乎是同一时刻骤然停止动作,望向神殿方向。 Yang Henshui is shaking the hand of elegantly beautiful saw, because excited shivers slightly, elegantly beautiful saw also along with expressing intermittent strange shaking cry. 杨恨水握着冷艳锯的手因为激动微微颤抖,冷艳锯也随着发出阵阵诡异的震鸣。 Gao Han walked two steps in the temple direction, feels that copious imperial suppression feeling to be not getting more and more intense, stops the footsteps. 高寒朝着神殿方向走了两步,感受到那股沛然莫御的镇压感越来越强烈,又停下来脚步。 One year of anterior lobe Sir was stranded in the Bright God palace stimulates to movement the Bright God sword repeatedly the period, he has also seen, however today this entirely different strength and tyrannical incomparable Divine sword strength, make him be awed at the sight, in the heart gives birth to the infinite respect and fear. He stares at the light beam that temple sky that is soaring to the heavens together towers from afar, thinks in again Heaven Wasteland Domain may start the person of this Bright God sword only, in the heart excited. 一年前叶大人被困在光明神殿中反复催动光明神剑的期间,他也是见过的,然而今天这截然不同的力量和强横无匹的神剑之力,却令他望而生畏,心中生出无限的崇敬和畏惧。他远远凝视着神殿上空那一道冲天耸立的光柱,再想到天荒界中唯一有可能启动这光明神剑的人,心中激动万分。 One followed Sir Ye from Youyan Pass after the war already nearly two years, during this, he has witnessed the fortuitous encounter and breakthrough of many time Sir Ye, did benefits truly the Human Race magnificent feat that under his leadership many first halves of life was unable to imagine. He to this Sir Ye, not only admired, the respect, trusts, with the respect, this phenomenon, lets Sir Ye who he feels himself to follow now at present, is in Heaven Wasteland Human Race just like the god landmass general exists...... 幽燕关一战后跟随叶大人已经快两年了,这期间他见证了很多次叶大人的奇遇和突破,也在他的领导下做了很多前半生都无法想象的真正造福人族的壮举。他对这位叶大人,已经不仅仅是佩服,尊重,还有信任,和敬仰,如今眼前这一异象,更让他感受到自己追随的叶大人,是天荒人族之中宛如神坻一般的存在…… But Dai Youmeng and Liu Jinyan were already frightened to tremble by this pressure. 戴有梦刘尽言早已被这股威压震慑得瑟瑟发抖。 They associate to various heavenly thunder phenomenon that the past years fought, was really hard to imagine the Bright God sword born once more, can leave any earthshaking important matter...... 两人联想到当年一战的各种天雷异象,真是难以想象光明神剑再次出世,又会出什么惊天动地的大事…… ...... …… In Snow Capital county fair. 雪京市集中。 Is squatting , is simple big stuttering scope Wen Wan before house number plate no noodle restaurant gate, suddenly such as was struck by lightning, thorough delay. 正蹲在一家简朴得连门牌都没有的面馆门前大口吃面的温晚,突然如遭雷劈般,彻底呆滞。 Bang! 轰! The silver great column breaks through the clouds, ray covers the Yunhua sunlight, the shining entire Snow Capital instance. 银色巨柱冲破云霄,光芒遮盖云华日光,照耀整个雪京的瞬间。 With split second 一瞬间 Thump! 咚! Wen Wan wrist shakes, full large bowl surface falls on the ground, actually still did not know. 温晚手腕一抖,满满一大碗面摔在地上,却犹不自知。 He is shocked eyeful, looks to the Snow Capital West Bright City direction sky. 他满眼震惊,看向雪京西方光明城方向的上空。 As if split second was out of sorts Wen Wan, quick on look excited, shivering is hard to practice moderation slightly, he looks at the distant place silver light beam crazily the direction, passed dozens rests time, suddenly like is a lunatic, has laughed crazily, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...... the day, came finally......” 仿佛一瞬间失了神般的温晚,很快就神色激动了起来,微微颤抖难以自持,他痴痴地看着远处银色光柱的方向,足足过了数十息的时间,猛然间像是一个疯子一样,疯狂地大笑了起来,“哈哈哈哈哈哈哈……这一天,终于还是来了……” In noodle restaurant. 面馆中。 Other people look at each other in blank diamay. 其他人面面相觑。 ...... …… The Snow Capital first brothel light dance building. 雪京第一青楼轻舞楼。 In two building side buildings. 二楼厢房中。 Is surrounded by beautiful women, Li Changkong and Ximen Yeshuo that two people fills with pleasantly warmly, have stood from the liquor table suddenly in pairs, looks at each other one, during turned around Flashed, the form arrived was void. 正左拥右抱,温软满怀的李长空西门夜说两个人,突然双双从酒桌旁站了起来,对视一眼,转身一闪,身影已经来到了虚空之中。 At the same time 同一时间 Bang! 轰! Perpendicular incidence of that light beam in the cloud layer of Snow Capital another end goes together, resembles must fire into the vault of heaven the end. 那一道光柱在雪京另一端的云层中直射而去,似是要冲向天穹的尽头。 That is...... The direction of Bright God palace?” Ximen Yeshuo stares dumbfounded, looks at the silver light beam and mist cyclone direction, reveals look that strange has doubts, is difficult to be inadequate is my treasure brothers, what extraordinary matter also has done, ignites the temple unexpectedly?” “那是……光明神殿的方向?”西门夜说瞠目结舌,看着银色光柱和云气气旋的方向,露出古怪又疑惑的神色,“难不成是我那宝贝兄弟,又干了什么了不得的事情,竟然把神殿点着啦?” Right, this indeed is the strength of Bright God sword.” Li Changkong feels the yuan qi fluctuation that within the body is surging, in the heart surprised, „, but...... This strength, how can...... Such......” he has never seen such strong strength, this strength, as if only exists in the legend. “没错,这的确是光明神剑的力量。”李长空感受着体内激荡的元气波动,心中惊讶不已,“可是……这种力量,怎么会……这么的强……”他从未见过这么强的力量,这种力量,似乎只存在于传说之中。 At this time, below restaurant. 这时,下方的酒楼之中。 Also crowded around a moment ago in their arms several beautiful appearance singing girls from the window deep place head, looks in the sky curiously, 刚才还簇拥在两人怀里的几个美貌歌姬都从窗口深处头,好奇地看着天空之中, Young Master Ximen, clouds over you to run, your bird forgets!” And a female, holds the old mother hen same size has been getting drunk the parrot pink clouds, shouted toward the sky. 西门公子,一变天你就跑,你的鸟儿忘啦!”其中一个女子,抱着老母鸡一样大小喝醉了的鹦鹉彩云,朝着天空之中大喊。 Recited pleased, you said how on this day to suddenly turn about......” another female to say. “悦吟,你说这天怎么说变就变了……”另一个女子道。 Who knows! Couple days ago had not divided several golden thunder, recently only feared did not want peacefully!” Is called beautiful female slender element who recited pleased to hold the chin, static tunnel. “谁知道呢!前几天不是还劈了几道金色的雷,最近只怕是又要不太平咯!”叫做悦吟的美丽女子纤纤素手托着下巴,静静地道。 ...... …… Royal Family consecrates sky over the institute. 皇室供奉院上空。 In light light smoke fog, black white two forms, harness the cloud to be the same just like the deity, sit cross-legged above the clouds, motionless, the astral wind in upper air cannot tilt their clothes robe hair, looks like is very strange. 薄薄一层轻烟云雾之中,一黑一白两个身影,宛如神仙驾云一样,盘坐在云端之上,一动不动,连高空之中的罡风都不能掀动他们的衣袍发丝,看起来很是诡异。 Carefully looks, snow emperor and Hu who Yu the mind sits in meditation. 仔细看去,正是心神入定的雪帝和胡钰。 Bang! 轰! The bang lives suddenly. 巨响突生。 Hu Yu both eyes open the eyes suddenly greatly, instantly turns head to look in the Bright City direction. 胡钰陡然双眼大睁,即刻扭头朝着光明城方向看去。 You lost......” snow emperor to open both eyes slowly, sound/noise was deep. “你输了……”雪帝缓缓睁开双眼,声音深沉醇厚。 But if Hu Yu turns head to look at this time, can see the astonished color that in the snow emperor eye pupil flashes through. 可是若胡钰此时回头看过来,也能看见雪帝眼瞳之中闪过的惊异之色。 Many years...... Looked at many round moonset dates to rise obsolete...... Finally waited till......” Hu Yu unable to attend to the snow emperor saying anything, this empire first expert, stared at the Bright God palace sky that silver great sword to think aloud stubbornly together. “多少年了……老朽都看了多少轮月落日升了……终于等到了……”胡钰根本顾不上雪帝说了什么,这位帝国第一强者,死死盯着光明神殿上空那一道银色巨剑自言自语。 Distant place. 远处。 That ray explodes the silver great column that shoots seems illuminates his heart of hearts to hide for a long time belief, strength of galloping whole body boundless yuan qi howls, unquenchable arrogance lights him general, next quarter he then lifts the foot to be eager to change to Flowing Light to fly in the light beam direction. 那光芒爆射的银色巨柱仿佛是照亮他内心深处掩藏已久的信仰,浑身磅礴的元气之力奔腾呼啸,难以抑制的气焰似是将他点燃一般,下一刻他便抬脚急欲化作流光朝着光柱方向飞去。 ...... …… Right Minister palace. 右相府。 In dead room in lifts chess playing chess while discussed military aircraft plan Right Minister Lin Zheng and Left Minister Qu Hanshan looks at each other in blank diamay, strange Flowing Light burst out the twinkle in each other eye pupil. 静室之中正在一边举棋对弈一边商讨军机计划的右相蔺争左相曲寒山面面相觑,奇异的流光在彼此的眼眸之中迸发闪烁。 Two Snow Country backbone common old people changed to be calm in those days, as stable as the rock of Gibraltar imposing manner, the flag between fingers changed to the dust powder instantaneously, shortly will also chap including front heavy white jade checkerboard, proliferates to wind the staggered fissure. 两个雪国顶梁柱一般的老人一改往日处变不惊,稳如泰山的气势,手指间的旗子瞬间化作尘埃粉末,连面前厚重白玉棋盘也顷刻皲裂,遍布蜿蜒交错的裂痕。 Light frequent flash. 光影频闪。 Two forms flash to the roof midair above instantaneously, looks out into the distance that together silver light beam. 两个身影瞬间闪动到房顶半空之上,远眺那一道银色光柱。 Trembles with fear, awe, excitedly, joyful...... 惊颤、敬畏、激动、喜悦…… Sees that light sword, has thought Century the grand occasion of empire, complex mood reappeared before on two old faces, the lip shivers slightly, actually language inadequate sound...... 看到那光剑,想到了百年之前帝国的盛况,各种复杂的情绪在两个老人脸上浮现出来,嘴唇微微颤动,却语不成声…… Taizi Gong. 太子宫。 Crown Prince Snow Country Yu Xiao Xing and sister of the emperor fish Monarch please Yu Feiyan be standing with Jinding crown prince before the sand table of Snow Country border is discussing anything. 雪国太子鱼小杏、长公主鱼君请和金顶亲王鱼非言正站在雪国国境的沙盘前商议着什么。 Phenomenon eruption split second that but suddenly has, three people all reveal the shocking and wild with joy color. 骤然而起的异象爆发的一瞬间,三个人已经皆是露出震惊和狂喜之色。 Waited to be so long, when finally today......” fish Monarch please be looking at the palace west side silver light direction, sighed slightly. “等了这么久,终于等到今天了……”鱼君请望着宫殿西边银光的方向,微微感叹。 I know that he can achieve!” In the Yu Xiao Xing eye pupil the strange ray circulation, the look looks at likely the central direction of silver light beam, the dimple like the flower. “我就知道他能做到!”鱼小杏眼眸之中奇异的光芒流转,眼神看像银色光柱的中心方向,笑靥如花。 „The Bright God sword reappears Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland), it seems like we formerly worried...... Actually unnecessary......” Yu Feiyan long had breathed a sigh of relief, happily smiles. 光明神剑再现天荒,看来我们先前的顾虑……倒是多余了……”鱼非言长长舒了口气,欣慰一笑。 ...... …… In Snow Country pill Shenfu Di Qian square. 雪国丹神府邸前的广场上。 Two beard and hair all Bai old people stand in the surging crowd front line, looks that at present the light fluctuates darkly, the hanging down mist funnel that keeps turning wells up, as well as if cloud penetration, but the incomparable holy dignified silver great sword, is hilarious, corner of the eye unexpectedly slightly flood a shiny smooth gloss. 两个须发皆白的老人站在涌动的人群最前方,看着眼前光暗变幻,不停翻涌的倒垂云气漏斗,以及仿佛穿云而出的无比圣洁威严的银色巨剑,皆是喜不自禁,眼角竟微微泛着一丝莹润光泽。 Cannot think of our two old men, there are to see Divine sword might once more full one day......” “想不到我们两个老头,也有见到神剑威力再次全开的一天……” I already said that the boy, compared with past that will not miss!” “我早就说了,那小子,比当年那位,不会差!” After two people, are been getting more and more by the tide of people of phenomenon inspiring this blocks the sky, as if entire Snow Capital people have welled up from the house, the strength with overpowering momentum makes all people shock and awe inexplicably. 两人身后,被这遮天蔽日的异象引动的人潮越来越多,仿佛整个雪京的人都从房屋里涌了出来,气势磅礴的力量让所有人莫名震惊和敬畏。 The in addition several days ago sky phenomenon, many people start to guess in Snow Capital and even Heaven Wasteland Domain whether must have the big change...... 加之几天前的天空异象,许多人开始揣测雪京乃至天荒界之中是否要有大的变动…… But this imposing manner is vast, deters the scary phenomenon toward in all directions just likes in invisible tidal rapidly is also proliferating...... 而这气势浩大,威慑骇人的异象也正在无形之中朝着四面八方犹如潮水般急速扩散…… ...... …… Youyan Pass. 幽燕关 Pass Lord residence. 关主府 Lu Zhaoge and Ye Congyun were discussing the deployment of border army. 陆朝歌叶从云正在商讨边境军队的部署。 Arrives just like the boundless strength that a great surge comes suddenly, has blocked their mind likely suddenly. 宛如一阵巨浪涌来的磅礴之力骤然降临,像是突然扼住了两人的心神。 The Lu Zhaoge facial color is shocking. 陆朝歌面色震惊。 The armed forces god in this rein empire north strategic place, so has been never rude, he has realized suddenly as if anything, puts out a hand suddenly, the big palm holds the arm of nearby Ye Congyun, Golden Light Flowing Light Flashed, gets down split second, they fell in the Pass Lord residence above several thousand meters upper air. 这位统御帝国北方重镇的军神,从未如此失态过,他突然似乎是意识到了什么,猛然伸手,大掌抓住一旁叶从云的胳膊,金芒流光一闪,下一瞬间,两人已经落在关主府上方数万米的高空之中。 That is...... Was he comes back!” Lu Zhaoge loses one's voice to call out in alarm. “那是……难道是他回来了!”陆朝歌失声惊呼。 He looked into Snow Capital from afar that he once familiar the extremely direction, the heart was shocking the difficult draw. 他远远眺望着雪京之中那个他曾经极为熟悉的方向,心头震惊难平。 Teacher, who...... Who came back?” Ye Congyun is startled and doubts at the same time, his Cultivation Base far inferior Lu Zhaoge, but feels the sudden strength, from the southeast imperial capital Snow Capital direction is coming, to raise intermittent dreadful rough sea waves, all yuan qi are turning unceasingly wells up. “师尊,谁……谁回来了?”叶从云在一边又惊又疑,他的修为远不及陆朝歌,只是感受到突如其来的力量,在从东南帝都雪京的方向而来,掀起一阵阵滔天巨浪,所有的元气正在不断地翻涌。 The Youyan Pass land war-god, many years can be without turning a hair facing the Snow Ground Demon Court 1 million armies, the facial expression is calm. 幽燕关的陆战神,多少年来面对雪地妖庭的1000000大军都能面不改色,神情淡定。 Ye Congyun follows in more than one year side Lu Zhaoge, but also never sees own teacher to be so rude. 叶从云这一年多来跟在陆朝歌身边,还从未见自己的师尊如此失态过。 ...... …… At the same time. 同一时间。 In Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) northernmost Snow Ground Demon Court. 天荒最北端的雪地妖庭中。 Profound serac top. 玄冰塔顶。 Just continuously issued dozens military orders the old man sudden personal appearance to stagnate slightly, in the eye contained the color of shocking completely. 刚刚连续发出数十道军令的老者突然身形微微一滞,眼中满含震骇之色。 Is he!” During the old person is shocked extremely has doubts, does not reveal color of the pain on own initiative, „not right...... How possibly is he......” “是他!”老人震惊之中又极为疑惑,不自觉露出一丝痛苦之色,“不对……怎么可能是他……” ...... …… Snow Country northwest edge. 雪国西北边缘。 Desert Barbarian Race royal court. 大漠蛮族王庭。 The barbarian king personal appearance above profound black shrine trembles, in eye green light because unexpectedly frightened the strange change that starts to walk randomly lax. 玄黑神坛之上的蛮王身形一颤,眼中绿光竟然因为恐惧开始涣散游走的奇异变化。 He...... Is he...... Came back?” The king heart shakes greatly, facial color is flurried, turns a blind eye to the doubts puzzled astonished vision that shrine next dozens Barbarian Race warriors cast at once unexpectedly. “他……难道是他……回来了?”蛮王心头巨震,面色慌乱惊恐,一时之间竟然对神坛下数十个蛮族武士投来的疑惑不解的惊异目光视若无睹。 ...... …… Snow Country northeast deep forest border. 雪国东北深林边境。 Snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race royal court. 白山黑水蛮族王庭。 On Barbarian Race sacrificial altar. 蛮族祭台上。 Feels pressure that comes boundless, the black robe old man heart before chancel shakes suddenly, the huge panic-stricken feeling is similar to the tide submerges him instantaneously. 感受到磅礴汹涌而来的威压,圣坛前的黑袍老者心头陡然一震,巨大的惊恐感如同潮水瞬间将他淹没其中。 Nearby silver dragon shape flame concentrates for the essence unexpectedly gradually, as if swallows the black witch fire instantaneously cleanly, several want the soaring diving posture. 一旁的银色龙形火焰竟然逐步凝为实质,仿佛瞬间将黑色的巫火吞噬干净,几欲腾空飞身而起。 The old person look delay is empty, stares at silver dragon of that dance to think aloud, the day, really came......” 老人眼神呆滞空洞,盯着那狂舞的银龙自言自语,“这一天,果然还是来了……” ...... …… Snow Country south, hurricane wave Demon Court. 雪国之南,飓浪妖庭 Formerly also in the uneventful sea level suddenly the wave turned to well up, the strong winds howled to roar, curl up intermittent marine tornado, raised crazily soars to the heavens the wild waves of reaching to the sky. 先前还风平浪静的海面上骤浪翻涌而起,狂风呼啸怒吼,卷起一阵阵海上龙卷风,疯狂地掀起冲天一道道高耸入云的骇浪。 Pats in the duplicate wild waves one after another, a personal appearance tall and strong, neck behind covers the empty shade of golden fish fin to stand steadily in the great waves. 接连拍覆的骇浪之中,一个身形魁梧,脖子后面覆盖着金色鱼鳍的虚影稳稳立在浪涛之中。 His look is staring at west Snow Country motionlessly that together partly visible light beam direction, the whole body, because enormously frightened instinct transforms just likes armor general close [gold/metal] Lin, between both feets that the [gold/metal] boots wrap starts to present a faint trace unexpectedly is similar to the mucus general mounting thick liquid, has connected both feet. 他的眼神一动不动盯着雪国西部那一道若隐若现的光柱方向,全身因为极大地恐惧本能的幻化出犹如铠甲一般的细密金鳞,金靴包裹的双足之间竟然开始出现一丝丝如同黏液一般的黏稠液体,将双足连接了起来。 Has not thought that on this day comes...... sound/noise that such quick......” empty shade shivers slightly in surge of howling air/Qi, if gossamer, dejected. “没想到,这一天来的……这么快……”虚影微微颤抖的声音在呼啸的浪涌之中气若游丝,颓靡不已。 ------------ ------------ Second. 第二更。
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