IGE :: Volume #7

#618: Genuine bright temple

Daybreak. 黎明。 Night of time quickly in the past. 一夜时间很快过去。 Although in sword pit microcosm is maintaining strange Dark-red as before, but sky over Bright City outside sword pit already was the weather greatly was bright, the Chaoyang multi-colored sunlight of ten thousand bunches of [gold/metal] arrow jumped to shoot from the cloud layer. 虽然剑坑小世界里之中依旧维持着诡异的暗红色,但剑坑外的光明城上空却早已是天色大亮,万簇金箭似的朝阳霞光自云层中迸射而出。 Distant place hot woods deep place. 远处火树林深处。 The time of only not passing the night, in the entire hot woods accumulated the thick fallen leaf. 只不过一夜的时间,整个火树林之中又积下了厚厚一层落叶。 The leaves of these hot trees, as if unceasingly have been growing, falls again unceasingly, never stands still. 这些火树的树叶,仿佛一直在不断地生长,再不断地落下,从不停歇。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! The long hair only slightly ties palace Divine General Gao Diping after brain with a brown hairlace, in concentrated is sweeping the hot leaf to one pile. 长发仅用一根褐色发带微微束在脑后的宫神将高地平,正在神情专注得将火树叶扫到一堆。 His movement is leisurely nimble and resourceful, that appearance with total concentration, seems is handling a very great matter to be the same, the whole person vigor unites, such as is the same facing the unparalleled archenemy, the look is grave. He seems, although in cleaning fallen leaf, but carefully observes can discover that the broom simply has not moved in any fallen leaf and ground. 他的动作非常轻缓灵动,那聚精会神的样子,仿佛是在做一件非常伟大的事情一样,整个人精气神合一,如面对盖世大敌一样,神色庄重。他看上去虽然是在打扫落叶,可仔细观察就能发现,扫帚根本没有触碰到任何落叶和地面上。 That bare broom brandishes in his hands gently, resembled has concealed strange Power of Laws. 那光秃秃的扫帚在他手中轻柔挥舞之间,似是隐含了一种奇异的法则之力 The terminal of broom has smog common chaos mist. 扫帚的末端有一层似烟雾一般的混沌雾气。 These mist as if had the intelligence, the broom have raised wield, the mist looked like light fine gauze to curl up the fallen leaf to throw in a direction again gently. 这些雾气仿佛有了灵性,扫帚一扬一挥之间,雾气像一层薄薄的轻纱将落叶悉数卷起再轻轻朝着一个方向抛了过去。 Not far away. 不远处。 Needs four people to joint hold, the branches and leaves prosperous crown to look like a giant hot tree of giant flame vault, the branches and leaves shivers to dance in the air with the wind, crash-bang makes noise in the wind. 一棵需要四人合抱、枝叶繁盛的树冠像一个巨大火焰穹顶的巨型火树,枝叶随风颤动飞舞,在风中哗啦啦作响。 Under tree. 树下。 Several or the form of black or white different yuan qi halo fluctuation is comparing notes Cultivation mutually. 几个或黑或白不同元气光晕波动的身影正在相互切磋修炼 These forms in more than one year day after day, in all weather here morning calisthenics Bai Yuanxing, Jin Ling'er and the others. 这几个身影正是这一年多来日复一日,风雨无阻在此处晨练的白远行金灵儿等人。 At this moment 就在这时 ! 咻! In the sword pit empty shade white light together leaps, in the wink of an eye then entered in the Bright God palace. 剑坑之中一道的虚影般的白光一跃而出,瞬息之间便进入了光明神殿之中。 The white light stops in the stone palace space most central position, slightly, one imaginary, among three then changed to the essence, is Ye Qingyu of looking pensive appearance. 白光停在石殿空间最中央的位置,微微一荡,一步一幻,三步之间便化作了实质,正是一幅若有所思模样的叶青羽 A night of exchange, from stone monkey there, Ye Qingyu obtained made he extremely shocking news, particularly listens to some matters and secrets of Bright God palace Stone Hou said that in the Ye Qingyu heart as if to at present this stone palace felt that was strange. 一夜的交流,从石猴那里,叶青羽得到了许多令他极为震惊的消息,尤其是听完石猴所说的光明神殿的一些事情和隐秘,叶青羽心中仿佛对眼前这个石殿感到陌生起来。 His look is somewhat strange, after entering the temple, resembling is first time enters the stone palace to be ordinary, has sized up to stone wall and Stone Chuang, stone table and Stone Yi. 他的眼神有些怪异,进入神殿之后,似是第一次进入石殿一般,对着石壁和石床、石桌和石椅重新打量了起来。 Since one year ago after his first time turns on the Bright God sword, the stone palace endophragm of originally gloomy non- light, sends out the mild Yu Ze brilliance, until now, these map the gentle halo to seep slightly as before slowly from stone wall, seems inexhaustible. 自从一年前他第一次开启光明神剑之后,原本暗淡无光的石殿内壁,发出温润的玉泽光华,时至今日,这些微微映射出轻柔光晕依旧缓缓从石壁之中渗透出来,仿佛无穷无尽。 But jade archery target stone table Stone Yi and Stone Chuang are also sending out Yu Run glory, during touching, as if one year ago feels temperately exquisite. 而玉质的石桌石椅和石床也都散发着玉润光辉,触摸之间,似乎比一年前更感觉温和细腻。 First the inspiring method that tries Stone Hou saying that lets Small Silver Dragon with this temple conjunction, entrusts with temple to work, then has a look, the mysterious place of its so-called temple is anything......” Ye Qingyu took a deep breath, sits well on clear such as the stone chair of jade. “还是先试试石猴说的引动法门,让小银龙与这神殿契合,重新赋予神殿器灵,然后再看看,它所谓的这神殿的奥妙之处到底是什么……”叶青羽深深吸了一口气,端坐在晶莹如玉的石椅上。 His mind rotation, with changing to silver sends the Small Silver Dragon communication of hairpin. 他心神转动,与化作银色发簪的小银龙沟通。 Has been at the deep sleep condition Small Silver Dragon to revive slowly. 一直处于沉睡状态的小银龙缓缓地苏醒了过来。 It looks like rests excessive Little Bug to be the same, this kid long stretched oneself in Ye Qingyu hair, transmits affectionate feelings, crawls from the Ye Qingyu hair, falls on the shoulder, then gained ground with the cheeks of its miniature leading Ye Qingyu on has rubbed rubbing gently, an appearance of extremely dependence. 就像是睡过头的小虫子一样,这个小家伙在叶青羽发丝中间长长地伸了个懒腰,传递出一种亲昵的情愫,从叶青羽头发里爬出来,落在肩膀上,然后抬头用它那迷你龙头轻轻地叶青羽的脸颊上蹭了蹭,一副极为依恋的样子。 Deep sleep such long time, kid build not slight change, as before miniature adorable, whole body silver glow shiny smooth. 沉睡了这么长的时间,小家伙体型没有丝毫的变化,依旧迷你可爱,浑身银芒莹润。 Ye Qingyu and kid exchange, are transmitting own meaning. 叶青羽和小家伙交流,传递着自己的意思。 Small Silver Dragon assumes an air of self approbation, has rubbed rubbing in the palm of Ye Qingyu affectionate, this rises with a spring, changes to together the silver glory instantaneously, submerged under the Bright God palace center vault courtyard ground, seemed the dragon enters Ocean to be the same, integrated instantaneously. 小银龙摇头晃脑,又亲昵地在叶青羽的掌心里蹭了蹭,这才一跃而起,瞬间化作一道银色光辉,没入到了光明神殿最中心穹顶天井下方的地面里,仿佛是龙入大海一样,瞬间融入了其中。 Because Small Silver Dragon has swallowed the originally spirit small snake, has digested its memory and energy, therefore also had became the Bright God palace new spirit possibility. 因为小银龙吞掉了原本器灵小蛇,消化了它的记忆和能量,因此也就有了成为光明神殿新的器灵的可能。 But from the performance of Small Silver Dragon, it already had understood a moment ago clearly all these obviously, can therefore such with ease fuse with the temple. 而从刚才小银龙的表现来看,显然它早就洞悉了这一切,所以才会与神殿这么轻松地融合。 Ye Qingyu sees this, relaxed slightly. 叶青羽看到这一幕,微微松了一口气。 He thinks that in the beforehand that microcosm Stone Hou had said words, both hands are quite slow and firm holds the segmentum anterius of stone chair both sides arm rest. 他想了想之前那小世界之中石猴说过的话,双手极为缓慢而坚定的扶上石椅两侧扶手的前段。 What on the both sides arm rests carves is extremely simple smooth, the line sprightly cloud pattern. 两侧扶手上所雕刻的是极为简朴光滑、线条明快的云纹。 „According to Stone Hou that at this time needed......” Ye Qingyu eye pupil to past, looks on the arm rest just like the class cloud pattern of deep sleep wound, the intention moved, strength of twinkling of two in acme pure yuan qi from Dantian World poured into above the arm rest. “按照石猴所说,这时候需要……”叶青羽眼眸流转,看着扶手上宛如沉睡的流云纹络,心念一动,两道自丹田世界之中极致精纯的元气之力瞬息注入扶手之上。 The strange change occurred 奇异的变化发生了 The cloud pattern of deep sleep as if suddenly was awakened by the strength of this yuan qi, after regaining consciousness suddenly, the cloud layer starts to past gradually, raises the potential of tuck dive faintly. 沉睡的云纹仿佛突然被这股元气之力唤醒,陡然苏醒之后,云层渐渐开始流转,隐隐掀起翻腾之势。 But entire jade nature Stone Yi seemed also infused the new vigor, vein cuns (2.5cm) of able to move unhindered winding one continuously flows from the stone chair under Ye Qingyu body on, after a rest, has covered entirely entire Stone Yi. These veins have filled slightly the silver liquid of putsation, seems Stone Yi is awakened the later rebirth the bloodlines, is in the stone chair contains the Power of Laws primary vein probably. 而整个玉质石椅也似乎被注入了新的活力,纵横蜿蜒的脉络一寸寸一缕缕自叶青羽身下的石椅上流淌出来,一息之后,已经布满了整个石椅。这些脉络充满了微微搏动的银色液体,仿佛是石椅被唤醒之后重生的血脉,又好像是石椅之中蕴含法则之力的原生脉络。 The picture occurred amazingly. 更令人惊异地景象发生了。 These as if lived the vein to be bursting out the ground proliferation of speed of scattering in all directions toward stone palace to spread crazily. 这些仿佛活了的脉络正以疯狂迸发四散的速度朝着石殿的地面扩散蔓延。 In the wink of an eye. 瞬息之间。 The ground in entire temple covered has wound the staggered silver vein, but this vein was the living creature, started to climb up unexpectedly toward the stone walls of stone palace four walls on. 整个神殿的地面都覆盖了蜿蜒交错的银色脉络,而这脉络似是活物,竟开始朝着石殿四壁的石墙上攀爬起来。 Spreads to multiply just like millennium old tree complicate vein rapidly, several rests later all around on the wall completely have covered entirely these veins. 宛如千年古树盘根错节的脉络急速蔓延滋生,几息之后四周墙壁上已经全部都布满了那些脉络。 These bloodlines as if spread to stretch out from stone chair, also probably is in the originally entire stone palace the deep sleep many years, finally is awakened by the strength institute that Ye Qingyu pours into today. 这些血脉仿佛是自石椅之中蔓延伸出,又好像是原本整个石殿之中沉睡多年,终于在今日被叶青羽注入的力量所重新唤醒。 After tea. 一盏茶之后。 The grounds, four walls and the wall columns entire stone palace, and even the entire vault, spread to reappear the minor details and dense and numerous veins. 整个石殿之中的地面、四壁、墙柱、乃至整个穹顶,都蔓延浮现了细枝末节、密密麻麻的脉络。 In the entire space along with multiplying of vein, starts to have the strange strength baseless, these strengths do not come from Ye Qingyu within the body, but sends out from the stone palace. 整个空间之中随着脉络的滋生,开始凭空生出许多奇异的力量,这些力量并非来自于叶青羽的体内,而是从石殿之中散发而出。 This time Bright God palace, just likes ancient times Fiendgod, after the strength of that yuan qi continuously awakens, energy again recovery, the entire thalamium becomes is full. 此时的光明神殿,犹如一只上古神魔,被那一缕缕的元气之力唤醒之后,能量重新恢复,整个内室变得充盈起来。 More and more energies are filling to inflate the stone palace thalamium unceasingly. 越来越多的能量在不断填充膨胀着石殿内室。 In the Ye Qingyu heart shocks. 叶青羽心中震惊。 Strength that in these stone palaces erupts from wells up continuously in all directions, as if must pushing to explode general the Bright God palace. 这些石殿之中爆发的力量源源不断从四面八方涌来,仿佛要将光明神殿给挤爆一般。 , Ye Qingyu also feels this constriction that gradually is not the inexplicable supernatural power brings, he seemed extruded , is full in the giant spheroid of gas, but this spheroid unceasingly is still instilling into the gas, he was oppressed in a small corner, the body and mind feels this strange suppression. 渐渐地,叶青羽也感受到这股并非莫名的神力所带来的压迫感,他仿佛被挤压在一个充盈着气体的巨大球体之中,而这球体还在不断地灌输着气体,他被压迫在一个小小的角落,身心都感受到了这股奇异的镇压。 At this moment 就在这时 Rumble! 隆隆! One intermittently just likes the rolling thunder heavy bang sound erupts generally from the stone palace. 一阵阵犹如滚雷一般沉重的巨响声从石殿之中爆发出来。 Is sending out the stone palace endophragm, stone table and on Stone Chuang and stone chair mild halo all the vein that winds to intertwine erupts a dazzling silver ray suddenly. 散发着温润光晕的石殿内壁、石桌、石床和石椅上所有的蜿蜒盘错的脉络突然爆发一阵耀眼的银色光芒。 In a twinkling Stone Diannei the brilliance does in a big way, making one is unable to watch intently. 霎时间石殿内光华大作,令人无法逼视。 Bang! 轰! Compares together for one year ago is dazzling sacredly, more substantive silver light beam shoots up to the sky suddenly, explodes just like a handle shoots the silver glow the giant sharp sword from the stone palace courtyard central in-line highest heaven vault of heaven. 一道相比一年前更为耀眼神圣,更加实质的银色光柱陡然冲天而起,宛如一柄爆射银芒的巨型利剑自石殿天井中央直插九霄天穹。 Centered on the Bright God palace hundred li (0.5km) , the golden rising sun sunlight and deep blue sky instantaneously become gloomy, everywhere mist turns wells up the fluctuation, as if has raised a surge of intermittent surging forward in the sky. 光明神殿为中心的百里之内,金色的旭日阳光和湛蓝的天空瞬间变得暗淡,漫天的云气翻涌浮动,仿佛在天空之中掀起了一阵阵汹涌澎湃的浪涌。 The endless glory spreads toward Bright City around, ten rest times, sky over entire Snow Capital just liked by this silver glow is covered, heavy Yun Lang keeps seething, at once, entire Snow Capital becomes the dim piece. 无尽的光辉朝着光明城四周蔓延,不出十息功夫,整个雪京上空就已经犹如被这银芒遮盖,厚重的云浪不停地翻腾着,一时之间,整个雪京变得昏暗一片。 mist that in the vault of heaven surges toward the silver light beam terminal velocity gathering, the Bright God sword of perpendicular incidence highest heaven is wrapped by the mist whirlpool that the unceasing collection of winding around inflates all round. 天穹之中涌动的云气正朝着银色光柱极速汇聚,直射九霄的光明神剑被缭绕的不断汇集膨胀的云气旋涡团团包裹。 In temple. 神殿之中。 The Ye Qingyu eye including looks on the stone seat arm rest the tuck dive class to say astonishedly, looks all around veins on four wall, Divine Sense touches, on stone wall formerly mildness, did not start to give off heat to feel hot unexpectedly faintly. 叶青羽眼含惊异地看着石椅扶手上翻腾的流云,又环顾四壁上的脉络,神识一触,石壁上竟然不似先前的温润,隐隐开始发热发烫起来。 He looks up courtyard sky that covers the silver light beam of entire Bright God palace together, in the eye the astonished light wins, Stone Diannei picture, the shape of Bright God sword compared with one year ago first time sit Stone Yi time, was entirely different. 他抬头看着天井上空那一道笼罩整个光明神殿的银色光柱,眼中惊异之光更胜,石殿内的景象,和光明神剑的形态比一年前自己第一次坐上石椅的时候,截然不同了。 „Is this true power of Bright God palace? Too astonishing...... It seems like that was the time opens its true deep meaning......” “这才是光明神殿的真正力量吗?太惊人了……看来,是时候开启它真正的奥义了……” The Ye Qingyu look became the burning hot. 叶青羽的眼神变得炙热了起来。 In his Dantian World one continuously was extracted, but the strength of yuan qi from the dantian toward the arm rapid fleeing class, will shortly rush in the arm rest that the palm turns round just like the spirit snake that the light rhyme winds around, continuously. 丹田世界之中一缕缕被抽取而出的元气之力自丹田朝着手臂飞速窜流,宛如光韵缭绕的灵蛇顷刻之间涌向手掌所覆的扶手之中,源源不绝。 But opens and closes along with the Ye Qingyu lip slightly, an extremely obscure ancient times singing in praise of the Buddha recited from his mouth. 而随着叶青羽嘴唇微微开合,一段极其晦涩的上古梵音从他的嘴里吟唱出来。 This is Stone Hou teaches to one of his control methods. 这是石猴传授给他的操控法门之一。 Bestows on again spirits, starts formation, then recited the method, here was controls the Bright God palace true power the method, the three were indispensable. 重赋器灵,启动阵法,然后吟唱法门,这边是操控光明神殿真正力量的方法,三者缺一不可。 As unceasing chanting of singing in praise of the Buddha, as well as injection of strength of more and more yuan qi, the Ye Qingyu whole body bathes suddenly likely in the silver flame that in the stone chair erupts. 随着梵音的不断咏唱,以及越来越多元气之力的注入,叶青羽全身突然像是沐浴在石椅之中所爆发的银色的火焰之中。 Flame of crazy combustion erupts the silver ray that cannot be restrained, the light of this flame is similar to by mystically the strength hauling, the terminal velocity fires into the silver light beam. 疯狂燃烧的火焰爆发出不可抑止的银色光芒,这火焰之光如同被神秘地力量牵引,极速冲向银色光柱之中。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 The Bright God palace ray bursts out, is eye-catching just like a round Clear Sun glory, making one be hard to look straight ahead. 光明神殿光芒迸发,宛如一轮昊日般光辉夺目,令人难以直视。 The light beam in temple looks like opened the channel to unknown nihility world, blooms the fine glow that blocks the sky, the unceasing lasing of fine glow in the light beam walks randomly, gathers to split unceasingly, fluctuates the strange shape. 神殿之中的光柱就像是一处被开启的通往未知虚无世界的通道,绽放出遮天蔽日的精芒,精芒在光柱之中不断激射游走,不断地汇聚分裂,变幻出奇异的形态。 But wraps silver light beam mist suddenly to start becomes the pollution, the strength of Between Heaven and Earth countless yuan qi turns into a mist spirit snake of continuously dance, speeds along toward the mist center unceasingly. 而包裹着银色光柱的云气突然开始变得浑浊,天地之间不计其数的元气之力变成一缕缕狂舞的云气灵蛇,朝着云气中心不断飞驰而来。 The entire imperial capital was covered by this huge muddy mist, Snow Capital becomes the fog fills the air instantaneously, just like entering during endless dark night. 整个帝都被这巨大的混浊云气笼罩起来,雪京瞬间变得云雾弥漫,宛如进入无尽黑夜之中。 Day?” “天?” What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” That strength?” “那股力量?” The yuan qi of Heaven and Earth fog that the phenomenon of Bright God palace and walks unceasingly insanely wild, lets be centered on each Martial Artist innermost feelings of Bright God palace proliferation to shock, surprised looks in the direction of Bright God palace. 光明神殿的异象和不断疯狂暴走的天地元气云雾,让以光明神殿为中心扩散的每一个武者内心震骇,都吃惊地朝着光明神殿的方向看去。 Almost is instantaneous, they felt just liked the mountain general suppression feelings, yuan qi and Dantian World in within the body became moving restlessly difficult secure, some Spirit Spring stage and Sea of Bitterness preliminary Cultivation Base Martial Artist was hard to control within the body crazily yuan qi that fled in all directions to gallop, was hard to resist shows the painful look. 几乎是瞬间,他们都感受到了犹如山岳一般的镇压感,体内的元气丹田世界都变得躁动难安,一些灵泉境苦海初阶修为武者难以控制体内疯狂流窜奔腾的元气,更是难以抵御露出痛苦的神色。 ------------------ ------------------ First 第一更 Originally the railway engine adds hum, is the dirty meaning, I go, this said was too vague. 原来火车头加呜呜呜,就是污的意思啊,我去,这说的太隐晦了。 I have to turn head to have a look at the public micro letter again, discovered that the assistant younger sister has not sent the too dirty thing. 我不得不回头再去看看公众微信,发现助理妹子并没有发太污的东西啊。
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