IGE :: Volume #7

#617: Two important matters

This is sound/noise of that stone monkey. 这是那个石猴的声音 This fellow it is said is battle companion of peerless war-god, statue guarding under the float stone steps in Bright God palace, keeping the later all previous Royal Family designation Bright God palace Palace Master from entering the genuine temple, that wisp of Divine Sense in stone monkey, is it may be said that tyrannical, the rumor initial snow emperor, cannot make this monkey compromise make concessions. 这家伙据说是绝世战神的战宠,一尊石像驻守在光明神殿的悬浮石阶之下,让之后历代皇室指派的光明神殿殿主都无法进入真正的神殿,石猴之中的那一缕神识,可谓强横,传言就连当初的雪帝,都没有能够让这猴子妥协退让。 Before a Bright God palace war, stone monkey deep sleep. 之前光明神殿一战,石猴沉睡。 Ye Qingyu daytime time, after that Stone Hou statue, but also once attempted with its communication, has not been responded, he thinks that Stone Hou in the deep sleep, has not thought of this time as before, in this strange treacherous microcosm space, Stone Hou sound/noise, appeared unexpectedly once again. 叶青羽白天的时候,经过那石猴的雕像,还曾尝试与其沟通,没有得到回应,他以为石猴依旧在沉睡,没想到此时,在这个奇异诡谲的小世界空间里面,石猴的声音,竟然再度出现了。 Ha Ha, you look like very puzzled appearance, the kid.” “哈哈,你看起来很困惑的样子,小家伙。” Stone Hou sound/noise, resounds once again. 石猴的声音,再度响起。 The flavor in sound/noise, is bringing several points of excitement, but more is one type meanly teases. 声音之中的味道,带着几分兴奋,而更多的则是一种幸灾乐祸般地调侃。 Ye Qingyu at this time, recovered. 叶青羽这个时候,才回过神来。 You...... Where?” His Divine Sense radiates the entire treacherous space microcosm, could not realize that the life fluctuates slightly, where is unable the sensation stone monkey, cannot help but in the heart more surprised, Stone Hou strength, above the beforehand guess? “你……在哪里?”他神识辐射整个诡谲空间小世界,根本察觉不到丝毫生命波动,无法感知石猴到底在哪里,不由得心中更为惊讶,石猴的实力,难道还远在自己之前的猜测之上吗? I? I here, Ha Ha.” Stone Hou has laughed. “我?我就在这里啊,哈哈。”石猴又哈哈大笑了起来。 Ye Qingyu has taken back Divine Sense slowly. 叶青羽缓缓地收回了神识 He felt Stone Hou teasing, but in this teasing was having the obvious good intentions, therefore he poured not vigilantly, but Ye Qingyu understands, if Stone Hou did not come, oneself will never realize that it was at truly, therefore the Divine Sense radiation did not have what use. 他感觉到了石猴的调侃,不过这种调侃之中带着明显的善意,所以他倒也不是有多警惕,但叶青羽明白,如果石猴不现身的话,自己永远都不会察觉到它的真正所在,所以神识辐射也没有什么用处。 A moment ago was the stone monkey Senior deliberate release the aura, made here come me?” Ye Qingyu asked loudly. “刚才是石猴前辈故意释放出气息,将我引到这里来的吗?”叶青羽大声地问道。 Stone Hou the status is battle companion of that peerless war-god, is the meritorious service that Snow Country founds a country, the age estimate is also enormous, long ago the ominous prestige was prominent, therefore Ye Qingyu called Senior, poured is also fair. 石猴的身份是那位绝世战神的战宠,也算是雪国开国的功勋,年岁估计也是极大,早年间凶威显赫,所以叶青羽叫一声前辈,倒也合情合理。 Stone Hou sound/noise, has made a sound once more: You were very intelligent, have guessed right, good, was I makes you come intentionally.” 石猴的声音,再次响了起来:“你还挺聪明,猜对了,不错,是我故意引你来的。” Ye Qingyu smiled: Senior makes me arrive at this, doesn't know for what?” 叶青羽笑了笑:“前辈引我到此,不知道是为了何事呢?” To this time, Ye Qingyu already completely calm. 到了这个时候,叶青羽已经完全镇定了下来。 In his heart even also some anticipated that perhaps this stone monkey looks for itself to come, will disclose that some truth are uncertain, could that such as one group of mess general questions provide some references for their mind. 他心中甚至还有一些期待,也许这一次石猴找自己来,会透露出一些事情真相也不一定,或许可以为自己脑海之中那如一团乱麻一般的疑问提供一些参考。 „Aren't you curious?” Stone Houdao. “难道你一点都不好奇吗?”石猴道。 Ye Qingyu: What to be curious?” 叶青羽:“好奇什么?” „The causes of death of these dry corpses,” stone monkey some complained discontentedly that as if has remembered anything, gets angry: Your this young people, initially put the dragon has eaten the Bright God palace spirit, almost brings the big trouble...... You said you, how always to like not pressing the custom to play a card? You should first ask me with a very surprised appearance and stance, who these dry corpses are, why will die here, is who has killed them......” “那些干尸的死因啊,”石猴有些不满地抱怨,似乎是又想起了什么,怒道:“你这个年轻人,当初放龙吃掉了光明神殿的器灵,差点儿闯下大祸……你说你,怎么老是喜欢不按规矩出牌呢?你应该先用一副很吃惊的样子和姿态问我,到底那些干尸是谁,为什么会死在这里,是谁杀死了他们……” Ye Qingyu: ............ 叶青羽:“…………” Good,” Ye Qingyu therefore clear settles the throat, said: Senior, who these dry corpses are, why will die here, is who has killed them?” “好吧,”叶青羽于是清了清嗓子,道:“前辈,到底那些干尸是谁,为什么会死在这里,是谁杀死了他们?” The monkey as if was a little right now excited, said: Ha Ha, they once overawed a side in Heaven Wasteland Domain expert, before death is the great person of keeping aloof, had......” time to enumerate several names, then complacent tunnel: Is only these fellows, extremely in greedy, always wants to obtain not own thing, thinks, therefore sneaks to here quietly comes, hey, therefore I butchered them.” 猴子这下子才似乎有点儿兴奋了,道:“哈哈,他们都曾经是在天荒界之中威震一方的强者,生前无一不是高高在上的大人物,其中就有……”时候列举了好几个名字,然后又得意洋洋地道:“只是这些家伙,太过于贪婪,总想得到不属于自己的东西,以为神不知鬼不觉,所以悄悄地潜入到这里来,嘿嘿,于是我就把他们一个个都宰掉了。” The Ye Qingyu hear, one is the shocking appearance, the nod said hastily very much: Originally is this, Senior you were really too fierce.” 叶青羽听完,连忙一副很是震惊的样子,点头道:“原来是这样啊,哇,前辈你实在是太厉害了。” Stone Hou silent moment, despises the tunnel: Your this appearance, develops may be perfunctory really amateur really......” 石猴沉默了片刻,才鄙夷地道:“你这幅样子,演的可真业余真敷衍……” Ye Qingyu: ............ 叶青羽:“…………” Good, does the kid, what you want to know?” The stone monkey interest lacks the tunnel. “好吧,小家伙,你到底想要知道什么?”石猴兴致缺缺地道。 Ye Qingyu took a deep breath, the look has enforced, said: Where here is, you where?” 叶青羽深深吸了一口气,神色严肃了起来,道:“这里是什么地方,你在哪里?” Here?” Stone Hou hey happy, said: I will make a bet 1000 female monkey with you, you could not guess correctly absolutely, Ha Ha, here naturally is in my body, my martial arts Dantian World, but had been beaten......” “这里吗?”石猴又嘿嘿地乐了起来,道:“我敢和你打赌1000只母猴子,你绝对猜不到,哈哈,这里当然就是我的身体里面啊,我的武道丹田世界,只不过是被人打烂了……” What? 什么? Ye Qingyu was shocked. 叶青羽真的被震惊了。 He has not thought that he got this answer. 他万万没有想到,自己得到了这个一个答案。 In legend, martial arts expert Cultivation Base to acme time, Dantian World can evolve is a side real world, this process just like creating the world is ordinary, to the extreme, the legend Martial Dao Emperor has been able to achieve this point mystically in the past, even there is a rumor, present infinite universe major domain, after are actually martial arts expert of extremely remote time falls from the sky, its Dantian World retained the intelligence, grows unceasingly evolves, finally evolved the new life and world mysteriously, became newborn domain. 传说之中,武道强者修为到了极致的时候,丹田世界可以衍化为一方真实世界,这个过程宛如创世一般,神秘到了极点,传说当年武道皇帝已经可以做到这一点,甚至有传言,如今的大千世界各大界域,其实都是极遥远时代的武道强者陨落之后,其丹田世界保留了灵性,不断地衍生衍化,最终神奇地衍化出了新的生命和世界,成为了一个个新生界域 Martial arts Cultivation originally with the strength of Heaven and Earth the line, realizes from experience Heaven and Earth, if falls from the sky to expert, gives back to this Heaven and Earth Cultivation Base and strength, domain that martial arts Dantian World breeds, naturally is the best way. 武道修炼本就是借天地之力而行,体悟天地,若是至强者陨落,将一身修为和力量还给这天地,武道丹田世界孕育出来的界域,当然就是最好的方式。 This view, was very once popular. 这种说法,曾一度很流行。 But afterward dissipated along with the years, now is the innumerable years has not presented Martial Dao Emperor, even is few including expert of Quasi-Emperor rank, therefore to expert martial arts Dantian World, can evolve into the new domain world, breeds the life myriad things, starts to be suspected, because too nobody has experienced to have been to such matter occurrence for a long time, after Ji ancient book also already vanished in river of history that in the flames of war frequency has sent. 但后来随着岁月消逝,如今已经是无数年未曾出现过武道皇帝,甚至连准帝级别的强者都很少,所以到底至强者的武道丹田世界,能不能衍化成为新的界域世界,孕育生命万物,开始被人怀疑,因为已经太长时间没有人见识到过这样的事情发生,许多经籍典籍也早就消失在了战火频发的历史长河之中。 For this reason, Stone Hou said this microcosm is his martial arts Dantian World, Ye Qingyu so will be shocking. 正是因为这个原因,石猴说这个小世界是他的武道丹田世界,叶青羽才会如此震惊。 Stone Hou has Cultivation Base, achieved that Realm to be inadequate? 难道石猴的修为,已经达到了那种境界不成? However under split second, what Ye Qingyu has realized suddenly, possibly was wants to be many, because this microcosm, although various Power of Laws relative improvements, but there are is very certainly clear, it has not bred the true life, dry corpse that before these died, was only the outcomer, perhaps from this perspective, Stone Hou the stone monkey has not achieved that type the situation of shaking Gu Shuojin? 不过下一瞬间,叶青羽猛然之间意识到了什么,可能是自己想多了,因为这个小世界虽然各种法则之力相对完善,但有一定却很清楚,它并未孕育出真正的生命,之前那些死去的干尸,只是外来者而已,从这个方面来讲,也许石猴的石猴并未达到那种震古烁今的地步? But whatever, can breed a side mature microcosm in martial arts Dantian World, is very as before fearful. 但不论怎么样,能够在武道丹田世界中孕育出来一方成熟的小世界,依旧很可怕。 At least Stone Hou Cultivation Base, appears Ye Qingyu is much higher. 至少石猴的修为,比叶青羽显得高得多。 But the issue is, Stone Hou also said a moment ago, his martial arts Dantian World was beaten...... 但问题是,石猴自己刚才也说了,他的武道丹田世界被人打烂了…… Dantian World was beaten, did that die? 丹田世界都被打烂了,那岂不是死了? But bright alum monkey was still speaking with oneself. 可明明石猴还在和自己说话。 Ye Qingyu knows that something possibly cannot come the side by the common sense, perhaps such as Stone Hou such existence, broke the martial arts common sense, in any case since Ye Qingyu has entered Snow Capital, understood a truth anything, so long as in the peerless war-god with that legend is related, no matter is inconceivable, is the normal phenomena. 叶青羽知道,有些事情可能不能以常理来度侧,如石猴这样的存在,或许已经打破了武道常理,反正自从叶青羽进入雪京以来,就明白了一个道理任何事情,只要是和那位传说之中的绝世战神有关,那不管多么不可思议,都是正常现象。 These thoughts, are split second flash through in the Ye Qingyu mind. 这些念头,都是一瞬间叶青羽的脑海之中闪过的。 After he hesitates slightly, asked: Stone monkey Senior makes me come to here, for?” 他略略迟疑之后,又问道:“石猴前辈引我来这里,到底是为了?” Naturally some matters, must say with you.” Stone Hou sound/noise resounds once again, the air/Qi is very full, is very loud and clear, is containing a martial arts power and influence, likely is not the appearance of injury, said: Your present strength, enough has protected oneself, therefore something, were the time tell you.” “当然是有一些事情,要和你说一说。”石猴的声音再度响起,中气很足,也很洪亮,蕴含着一种武道威势,不像是受了重伤的样子,道:“你如今的实力,已经足够自保,所以有些事情,是时候告诉你了。” In Ye Qingyu heart one austere. 叶青羽心中一肃。 By own present strength, does not make the second person to think in Heaven Wasteland Domain that however in the eye of stone monkey, only suffices to protect oneself unexpectedly? 以自己如今的实力,在天荒界之中不做第二人想,但是在石猴的眼中,竟然是只够自保吗? Has not waited for Ye Qingyu to ask anything again, Stone Hou already coming straight to the point tunnel: However today This King must tell you, is mainly two matters, first, I have a thing high to you, is taking this thing, you go to the Yu Clan Royal Family priest temple again, will see something there you......” 还不等叶青羽再问什么,石猴已经开门见山地道:“而今天本座要告诉你的,主要是两个事情,第一个,我有一件东西高给你,拿着这件东西,你再去鱼族皇室祭司神殿,在那里你会看到一些东西……” The voice falls. 话音落下。 A strange fluctuation of energy, from the Ye Qingyu top of the head is void appears, crashes. 一股奇异的能量波动,自叶青羽的头顶虚空之中出现,坠落下来。 Ye Qingyu put out a hand to meet, has any thing to pound instantaneously in his hand. 叶青羽伸手一接,有什么东西瞬间砸在了他的手中。 . 啪。 The dull thumping sound sound transmits. 闷响声传来。 Ye Qingyu only thought that wrist sinks, an unequalled weight pounds probably in own control was the same, takes his present building up Body Cultivation as, even if were an antique Divine Mountain pounds to fall in his palm, will not have such serious feeling, in Ye Qingyu heart curious, fixed the eyes on looks, appeared in own palm was actually a drop graceful such as the red blood of jade. 叶青羽只觉得手腕一沉,一种无与伦比的重量好像是砸在了自己的手心里一样,以他如今的炼体修为,就算是一座太古神山砸落在他的掌心中,也不会有这样沉重的感觉,叶青羽心中好奇,定睛一看,出现在自己的掌心之中的却是一滴盈盈如玉的红色鲜血。 This drop of blood is glittering scarlet red brilliance, rotates just like the mercury turning round generally, although first shortly any treacherous place, but Ye Qingyu thought that it is unusual. 这滴鲜血闪烁着赤红色的光华,滴溜溜宛如水银一般转动,虽然第一眼看不出来什么诡谲的地方,但叶青羽就是觉得它不寻常。 In instance that the blood drop starts, he has a strange feeling, as if the blood in within the body, can hand over to echo with this drop of scarlet-red blood bead each other attracts to be the same. 在血滴入手的瞬间,他有一种奇异的感觉,仿佛自己体内的血液,能够和这一滴赤红血珠交相呼应彼此吸引一样。 Ye Qingyu felt that own blood is burning, in ebullition. 叶青羽感觉到自己的血液在燃烧,在沸腾。 Does not wait for Ye Qingyu to think that Stone Hou sound/noise has made a sound once again, said: „The first matter said that the present is second, remembers that initially your first time entered the Bright God palace time the situation, that by your silver dragon pet eating did the small snake, you still remember?” 不等叶青羽多想,石猴的声音再度响了起来,道:“第一件事情说完了,现在是第二件,记得当初你第一次进入光明神殿时候的情形吗,那条被你的银龙宠物给吃掉的小蛇,你还记得吗?” Ye Qingyu nodded. 叶青羽点了点头。 He remembers certainly. 他当然记得。 At that time Ye Qingyu was controlled by the mysterious strength, is unable to move, that mysterious small snake crawled the endophragm of entire Bright God palace, crawled huge broad numerous and diverse excess dense strange formation, has stimulated to movement the strength in entire Bright God palace, when finally the small snake crawled toward oneself, suddenly appeared by Small Silver Dragon, swallowed to one. 当时叶青羽被神秘力量控制,无法移动,那神秘小蛇爬遍了整个光明神殿的内壁,爬出了一个巨大恢弘繁杂冗密密的奇异阵法,催动了整个光明神殿之中的力量,最后当小蛇朝着自己爬过来的时候,却被小银龙突然出现,给一口吞掉了。 At that time, in the Bright God palace resounded one extremely shocking I depended, the stone monkey sent out impressively. 当时,光明神殿之中响起一句极为震惊的‘我靠’,赫然正是石猴发出的。 That small snake is the Bright God palace spirits, after being swallowed, although the Bright God palace formation was activated, but has not displayed its true strength, now your strength is enough, can make your only small the pet attempt and Bright God palace conjunction, the true might of this temple, plays thoroughly......” “那小蛇乃是光明神殿的器灵,被吞噬之后,光明神殿虽然阵法被激活,但并未发挥出它真正的力量,如今你的实力足够,可以让你那只小宠物尝试与光明神殿契合,将这神殿的真正威力,彻底地发挥出来……” Stone Hou said that the stone monkey of proper business, actually appears very serious. 石猴说正事的石猴,倒是显得很严肃。 --------- --------- After having brothers looked at the public micro-signal, to me has sent a small train design, matches the word is hum hum, what is this? 有个兄弟看了公众微信号之后,给我发了一辆小火车图案,配词是呜呜呜呜,这是什么意思?
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