IGE :: Volume #7

#616: Familiar sound

Ye Qingyu thinks in the heart surprised. 叶青羽觉得心中惊讶。 Because surface layer the purple rock magma of that tumbling, is hiding space formation unexpectedly, seems like some space entrance is the same. 因为那翻滚的紫色岩浆表层,竟然是隐藏着一个空间阵法,看起来像是某个空间的入口一样。 This formation, pouring is really hides extremely profound, previous time I come, suddenly had not discovered that its has......” the Ye Qingyu previous time to cast to build up Blood Drinking Sword, the energy of use fire quiet spring stimulates to movement Cloud top cauldron, therefore once had also come in this sword pit, had not actually discovered that this kind of covert space formation exists. “这阵法,倒真是极为高深隐蔽,上次我进来的时候,竟然没有发现它的存在……”叶青羽上一次为了铸炼饮血剑,利用地火幽泉的能量催动云顶铜炉,所以也曾进来过这剑坑,却没有发现有这样一个隐蔽的空间阵法存在。 To come to be the last time time, the strength of his Divine Soul was imprisoned in the Cloud top cauldron mural space, therefore the sensation ability reduces, has not noted. 想来应该是上一次的时候,他的神魂之力被囚禁在云顶铜炉的壁画空间之中,所以感知能力降低,才没有注意到。 Ye Qingyu observed slightly, actually cannot feel any fluctuation that in ripples, from that light moves full. 叶青羽略微观察了一下,却感受不到自那股淡淡盈动的涟漪之中的任何波动。 Formerly that wisp of strange aura, should from here biography, but I do not have the trail at this time lost to view, should be the concealment in this space formation? It seems like in the Bright God palace is hiding secret, I had not discovered that thoroughly, is it possible that these, what unknown secret but also hides to be inadequate?” “先前那一缕古怪的气息,应该就是从这里传出来的,但此时吾杳无踪迹,应该是隐匿在了这空间阵法之中?看来光明神殿中隐藏着的秘密,我还未彻底发现啊,莫非这其中,还隐藏着什么不为人知的秘密不成?” The Ye Qingyu intention moves. 叶青羽心念一动。 ! 咻! He looks like one flood the white light spirit fish, jumped to leap leaps forward the microwave to clear away in the rock magma of position directly. 他像一尾泛着白光的灵鱼,纵身一跃径直跃进了微波涤荡位置的岩浆之中。 His personal appearance, truly has not certainly entered in the rock magma, instead sneaked in that rock magma surface that slight ripples. 他的身形,当然并未真正进入岩浆之中,反而是钻进了那岩浆表面那一层细微涟漪里。 The next quarter, strange change occurred. 下一刻,奇异的变化发生了。 Ye Qingyu thought one looked like has crashed into void of float suddenly, could not feel own weight, fluttered along with the void hauling like one autumn wind fallen leaves up and down. 叶青羽觉得自己就像是突然坠入了漂浮的虚空之中,感受不到自身的重量,像一片秋风落叶随着虚空的牵引上下飘动。 After a short black nihility, his both feet steps on finally in the spot, at present all suddenly see the light. 一阵短暂的黑色虚无之后,他双脚终于踩在实地上,眼前一切豁然开朗。 The present picture changes thoroughly. 眼前的景象彻底变化。 Is it possible that is this treasure house in sword pit?” Ye Qingyu looks at the surrounding scenery, in heart looking pensive. “莫非这就是剑坑之中的宝库?”叶青羽看着周围的景物,心中若有所思。 He sees at present, was one has covered entirely the Dark-red ray strange environment. 他眼前所见,是一个布满了暗红色光芒的诡异环境。 During entire is void piece of Dark-red just likes the bloody common brilliance, is quite heavy is oppressing the entire space. 整个虚空之中一片暗红色犹如血腥一般的光耀,极为沉重得压迫着整个空间。 Everywhere is black quarry stone of stack with the remaining rock magma, raise soars to the heavens the great waves the rock magma adverse current, sends out the strange air wave to whoosh the sound, is whipping the rock pile of high ground fluctuating furiously, the temperature in air is suffocating, as if walks in the flame is the same. 到处都是堆砌的黑色乱石和残余的岩浆,一股股掀起冲天浪涛的岩浆逆流,发出古怪的气浪嘶吼声,奋力拍打着高地起伏的岩石堆,空气之中的温度令人窒息,仿佛是行走在火焰之中一样。 But the position that Ye Qingyu stands, is approximate in three rocks surrounds, at the same time rock magma to rush forth shoal. 叶青羽所站的位置,近似于一个三面岩石环绕,一面岩浆奔涌的浅滩。 On the shoal accumulates over a long period of time is ground to together surface layer the smooth giant rock gradually, the temperature of blazing ignition indistinct passes to the sole by the boots. 浅滩上是日积月累被逐渐磨成一道平整的巨型岩石表层,炽热灼烧的温度隐约透过靴子传到脚底。 On the shoal was turned the rock magma wave erosion that wells up to come to cover unceasingly, is the fish common dry corpse that just likes reaching a deadlock, surprisingly, even if in such extreme high temperature, even if undergoing the washout of purple rock magma fire frequently, these corpses unexpectedly as before not by the burning down ash. 浅滩上不断被翻涌而来的岩浆波浪冲刷覆盖的,则是犹如一尾尾搁浅的鱼一般的干尸,令人惊讶的是,即便是在这样的极度高温之中,即便是时时刻刻都经受着紫色岩浆地火的冲刷,这些尸体竟然依旧没有被焚烧化灰。 This corpse...... Um, that side also has.” Ye Qingyu looks all around in all directions, on the face is difficult to cover the surprised color. “这尸体……嗯,那边还有。”叶青羽四处环顾,脸上难掩惊讶之色。 Cannot look on the side shoal, spreads across to lie down at least 20-30 dry corpses, during is void except for the billowing heat wave, is mixing with the cyclone fluctuation of weak five lines of yuan qi. 一眼望不到边的浅滩上,纵横交错躺着至少二三十具的干尸,虚空之中除了滚滚热浪,还有夹杂着微弱的五行元气的气旋波动。 Words of careful observation, the skins of these dry corpses already lost the elasticity, the whole body was drained likely presented an appearance of strange withered dispirited, the face was hollow is unable to identify, but the quality of material actually be harder than the steel and iron, obviously before death is top expert, only fears Cultivation Base most little also in high level Sea of Bitterness Stage, therefore after dying, in such environment, can guarantee that the corpse does not damage. 仔细观察的话,这些干尸的皮肤早已失去了弹性,全身像是被抽干了似的呈现一种古怪的干瘪萎靡的模样,面部已经凹陷得无法辨认,但质地却要比钢铁还坚硬,显然生前都是顶级强者,只怕修为最少也在高阶苦海境,所以死后在这样的环境里,都可以保证尸体不损。 Has here fallen from the sky unexpectedly these many Sea of Bitterness Stage expert? 这里竟然陨落过这么多的苦海境强者 In the Ye Qingyu heart is somewhat shocking. 叶青羽心中有些震惊。 Words from the shape and withered degree of these corpses, they here at least already 350 years. 从这些尸体的形状和枯萎程度来看的话,它们在这里至少已经350年了。 But the 350 years ago words, Heaven Wasteland Domain has not connected with the outside, at that time, Sea of Bitterness Stage expert was considered as in Heaven Wasteland Domain on is the top exists, few, each Sea of Bitterness Stage expert it can be said that well-known, is stamps stamps the feet, entire Heaven Wasteland Domain must shiver, actually here died these many, why hasn't the outside related record or been the legend? 但350年之前的话,天荒界还未与外界相连通,那个时候,苦海境强者天荒界之中都已经算得上是顶级存在,为数不多,每一个苦海境强者都可以说是有名有姓,都是跺一跺脚,整个天荒界都要颤抖,却在这里死了这么多,为什么外界并没有相关的记载或者是传说? In the Ye Qingyu heart has been full of the question, walked along the shoal. 叶青羽心中充满了疑问,沿着浅滩走了起来。 These are...... Well? The body fights Jiawei to damage, this design...... Probably is the Crepe Myrtle sect person.” He the completely withered several dry corpses, has not seen these dry corpse war armor at present suddenly, as before majority of complete, above some special design several, are in Heaven Wasteland Domain the alone gate mark of Three Sects Three Schools inside Crepe Myrtle sect. “这几个是……咦?身上还是战甲未损,这个图案……好像是紫薇宗的人啊。”他眼前尚未完全干瘪的几具干尸,突然看到这几个干尸身上的战甲,依旧大部分完好,其上有一些特殊的图案几号,正是天荒界之中三宗三派里面的紫薇宗的独门标记。 Almost can determine that these dry corpses, came certainly from Crepe Myrtle sect. 几乎可以确定,这几个干尸,生前一定是来自于紫薇宗 These war armor, are treasure fights armor, even if were among essence drained, but as before has actually preserved certain physical appearance, was why Crepe Myrtle sect expert, will die here? Moreover these death time of people, at least were also 50 years ago.” “这些战甲,都是宝器战甲,所以即便是其内的精华都流失了,但却依旧保存了一定的品相,可是为什么紫薇宗强者,会死在这里?而且这几个人的死亡时间,至少也是50年之前了。” Ye Qingyu is the observation, is surprised. 叶青羽越是观察,越是惊讶。 Certainly has any matter, had occurred here, but actually do not know. 一定是有什么事情,曾经在这里发生过,但自己却并不知道。 Not only even does not know that only feared all people do not know. 甚至不仅仅是自己不知道,只怕所有人都不知道。 The Ye Qingyu complexion, became strange. 叶青羽的脸色,变得古怪了起来。 He saw that in a Crepe Myrtle sect dead dry corpse refers , but also is bringing storage ring, this ring modeling is simple, but is actually engraving the star light design of Crape Myrtle star, is glittering slightly the glory, above intelligence, has not drained unexpectedly, faint , the weak fluctuation of energy is surging silently. 他看到,在其中一位紫薇宗亡者干尸的指上,还带着一枚储物戒指,这戒指造型简单,但却镌刻着紫薇星的星芒图案,微微闪烁着光辉,其上的灵性,竟然是并未流失,隐隐之间,还有微弱的能量波动在无声无息地涌动着。 In the Ye Qingyu heart moves, picks to take down this ring. 叶青羽心中一动,将这枚戒指摘取了下来。 In the ring has the space formation seal, is quite wise, by the Ye Qingyu present rune formation attainments, cannot untie unexpectedly for a while. 戒指之中有空间阵法的封印,极为高明,以叶青羽如今的符文阵法造诣,竟然一时也解不开。 This ring, is far from every.” “这戒指,绝非凡品。” In the Ye Qingyu heart has made judgment quickly, it certainly is a heavy treasure in Crepe Myrtle sect, has not the poor value. 叶青羽心中很快做出了判断,它一定是紫薇宗中的一件重宝,有着不菲的价值。 Thinks slightly that Ye Qingyu temporarily received it. 稍微想了想,叶青羽就将它暂时收了起来。 He sets out , to continue to proceed along rock magma sandbank. 他起身,继续沿着岩浆河滩往前走。 Also all the way, meets many dry corpses, in some hands is also grasping the weapon, initially was also the weapon of treasure rank, only feared that also once had drunk the blood of innumerable expert, once made in Heaven Wasteland Domain the innumerable lives awe panic-stricken, but now these weapons already damaging, the intelligence of drained, with rust iron not different. 一路上,又遇到不少的干尸,有的手中还握着兵器,当初也是宝器级别的武器,只怕也曾饮过无数强者的血,也曾让天荒界之中无数的生灵惊恐敬畏,可如今这些兵器都已经残损,其中的灵性都已经流失,与锈铁无异。 The Ye Qingyu careful resolution, can recognize probably, really also some are from Three Sects Three Schools expert, but more never has actually heard, does not know that from where, before death surely is the tyrannical generation, does not know why will appear here, after dying, became the dry corpse, cannot be buried for secure, is it may be said that pitiful. 叶青羽仔细分辨,大概可以认得出来,其中果然还有一些是来自于三宗三派强者,但更多的却是从未听闻过,也不知道来自于哪里,生前必定是强横之辈,不知道为什么会出现在这里,死后成为了干尸,不能入土为安,可谓凄惨。 Moreover Ye Qingyu discovered gradually that these dry corpses are not only only humanity, Demon Race expert. 而且渐渐地叶青羽发现,那些干尸不仅仅只是人类,还有妖族强者 After these Demon Race expert die, main body, the corpse is huge, but the essence intelligence in within the body drains, imitates, if the giant beast specimen is the same. 这些妖族强者死后化出了本体,尸体庞大,但体内的精气灵性都流失,仿若是巨兽标本一样。 Proceeds again. 再往前走。 Um is this?” “嗯这是?” Ye Qingyu also has the new discovery. 叶青羽又有新的发现。 In the discussion of rock magma rivers, presented some shape extremely strange things, some are one is likely light the shadow, some are one group of spiritless smog, but also some are unceasingly along with heat wave swinging just likes the jack-o '- lantern common fluorescence, one light death air/Qi fills the air, similar corpse shell that probably after is also some living thing dies, to keep and so on thing. 岩浆河流的浅谈上,出现了一些形态极为怪异的东西,有的像是一层淡淡得影子,有的是一团死气沉沉的烟雾,还有的是不断随着热浪摆动的犹如鬼火一般的荧光,其中都有一种淡淡的死气弥漫出来,大概也是某种生物死后留下来的类似尸壳之类的东西。 This is......” “这是……” In the Ye Qingyu mind the miraculous glow flashes through together. 叶青羽脑海之中一道灵光闪过。 On the same day a Bright God palace wartime, these take place of the fallen to emerge the fire quiet Quan Jiankeng different demon soul, finally was buried alive in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, if he has not guessed that wrong, that these strange corpse shells, after should be some different demon souls die, remain, moreover comes up the judgment from the time, time of these different demon soul deaths, but must fight before the Bright God palace. 当日光明神殿一战时,那些前仆后继涌入地火幽泉剑坑的异界魔魂,最终都被坑杀在了地火幽泉剑坑,如果他没有猜错的话,那这些怪异的尸壳,应该是一些异界魔魂死后所留,而且从时间上来判断的话,这些异界魔魂死亡的时间,可要远在光明神殿一战之前。 In other words, here loses the life the different demon soul, obviously is another batch. 也就是说,这里丢掉性命的异界魔魂,显然是另外一批。 These many expert, Human Race or Alien race, why will appear here, they die? 这么多的强者,不论是人族还是异族,为什么会出现在这里,他们又是怎么死的呢? Ye Qingyu carefully observed these corpses, to this time, he has not discovered these expert causes of death. 叶青羽仔细观察了这些尸体,一直到这个时候,他都没有发现这些强者的死因。 On the entire rock magma sandbank, the slight fight trace, has not had the slight fight residual aura generally speaking, the aura that Sea of Bitterness Stage high level expert fights at risk of life remains, even if away from Century, will have some complementary waves, but is very obvious, by Ye Qingyu the fearfulness of Divine Soul intensity, walks suddenly slightly not to realize. 整个岩浆河滩上,都没有丝毫的战斗痕迹,更没有丝毫的战斗残留气息一般来说,苦海境高阶强者拼死一战的气息残留,即便是隔着百年,也都会有一些余波,但很显然,以叶青羽神魂强度之可怕,一路走来竟然是丝毫没有察觉。 Resembles these expert, does not revolt against the leeway to be killed dead by the second in split second to be the same. 就好像这些强者,都是在一瞬间毫无反抗余地被秒杀而死一样。 The bonus is Ye Qingyu strength certainly, absolutely is considered as now is first expert in Heaven Wasteland Domain, but at this time also absolutely terrified feelings. 饶是叶青羽如今实力强绝,绝对算得上是天荒界中的第一强者,但此时也不禁有一种毛骨悚然的感觉。 What is stranger, he discovers another incomparably strange phenomenon. 更加诡异的是,他发现另一个无比诡异的现象。 All dry corpses, corpse position, is the surface toward the ground, toward the deep place of this strange microcosm, toward this direction extended the arm, probably is to hold any thing same...... 所有的干尸,尸体的位置,都是面朝地面,头向着这个奇异小世界的更深处,都朝着这个方向伸出了手臂,好像是想要抓住什么东西一样…… In this strange microcosm, hides what thing to be inadequate? 难道这个奇异的小世界里,隐藏着什么东西不成? Ye Qingyu more wants more to think strange. 叶青羽越想越觉得奇怪。 His intention moves, Divine Sense radiates. 他心念一动,神识辐射出去。 By his present Divine Soul, can cover the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km), therefore below split second, the entire length and breadth boundless Dark-red space takes in everything at a glance immediately. 以他如今的神魂之强,可以覆盖方圆数千里,于是在下一瞬间,整个广袤无边的暗红色空间顿时一览无余。 Originally this side microcosm, unexpectedly be continuous surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km).” The tide that before Ye Qingyu Divine Sense just likes the terminal velocity surges, extends, has covered the entire battlefield. “原来这一方小世界,竟然绵延了方圆数百里。”叶青羽神识犹如极速涌动前伸的潮水,将整个战场笼罩了起来。 In Divine Sense, the mighty waves turbulent rock magma hurricane wave raises hundred zhang (333m) high flaminging flame wave walls with the heat wave that rolling wreaks havoc, in the entire space was surrounded by this rough sea waves all round, but this shoal is just in several hundred li (0.5km) sea area such as the reef of sesame seed size. 神识之中,波涛汹涌的岩浆飓浪伴随着滚滚肆虐的热浪掀起一道道百丈高的炽焰浪墙,整个空间中被这巨浪团团包围,而这浅滩只不过是数百里海域之中如芝麻大小的一处礁石。 The air wave that Dark-red Flame as if Evil Qi aurora of void in heat wave friction inspiring will float dyes the red that depth varies a piece by piece. 虚空之中一道道热浪摩擦引动的暗红色火焰仿佛一道道煞气极光将漂浮的气浪染成一片片深浅不一的红色。 The red air waves of these alarmed as if blood invasions turn regarding the entire space well up the trundle, the strange air wave keeps exuding the sad and shrill howling sound, like innumerable variations the flying beast circles to whoosh in the sky unceasingly, urgently needs to swallow the dry corpse spirit on shoal cleanly. 这些触目惊心仿佛鲜血侵染的红色气浪围绕着整个空间翻涌滚动,奇异的气浪不停地发出凄厉的呼啸声,就像无数变异了的飞兽在天空之中不断盘旋嘶吼,急待将浅滩上的干尸精魂都吞噬干净。 Such picture, even sees in Great one Mountain Range Ye Qingyu is more frightened , the atmosphere made one feel the body and mind oppression. 这样的画面,甚至比叶青羽太一山脉之中所见的更为惊悚,气氛更令人感到身心压迫。 Um? That is...... Crack?!” “嗯?那是……裂缝?!” On the Ye Qingyu face flashes through an astonished color. 叶青羽脸上闪过一丝惊异之色。 During hundred li (0.5km) away is void, void crack of several concealment after overlapping air wave present in him at present, in the crack together is similar to sol common several near transparent ripple slightly phugoid oscillations. 百里之外的一处虚空之中,几道隐匿在层层叠叠气浪之后的虚空裂缝呈现在他眼前,裂缝之中一道如同胶质一般几近透明的波纹微微起伏摆动。 When these cracks have the top expert fight stays behind? 这些裂缝难道是有顶级强者战斗时留下的? Suddenly, in his heart misgivings frequency lives. 一时间,他心中疑云频生。 At this moment 就在这时 „Did you come back?” Some void, sound/noise of calm nihility unexpectedly has actually reverberated. “你回来了?”虚空的某一处,一个沉稳却虚无的声音蓦地回荡了起来。 Who is?!” The Ye Qingyu heart shakes. “是谁?!”叶青羽心头一震。 He had induced before, in this space, not existence of any life, at this time suddenly resounds sound/noise, how making him not startled? 他之前感应过,这个空间里,并无任何生命的存在,此时骤然响起一个声音,让他如何不惊? However below split second, he suddenly discovered that sound/noise that this presents suddenly, made him have an extremely familiar feeling. 但是在下一瞬间,他突然发现,这个骤然出现的声音,却令他有一种极为熟悉的感觉。 Flashes through in his mind together miraculous. 一道灵光在他的脑海之中闪过。 He knows suddenly that who this sound/noise was. 他猛然之间知道,这个声音到底是谁了。 ------------- ------------- First. 第一更。 Said that before able to move unhindered had been writing the big god hardship night strange guest who the super entertainment dynasty and emperor giant star fosters the system to open the new book, the named strongest monstruous talent, the interested brothers can pass to sweep one. 说一下哈,之前在纵横写过超级娱乐王朝和天皇巨星养成系统的大神厄夜怪客开新书了,名为最强妖孽,有兴趣的兄弟们可以过去扫一眼。 Recently many brothers asked my matter about refresh time, everybody can send my public micro letter to look, I at noon, will announce the time that the same day renewed probably every day, fosters the good custom that an notice renewed, the public micro letter last present also to have too many welfare, the female assistant more walked on the dirty path is farther, anything dares to send, I could not control. 最近很多兄弟都问我关于更新时间的事情,大家可以去我的公众微信去看啊,我大概每天会在中午的时候,把当天更新的时间公布一下,养成一个通知更新的好习惯,公众微信上现在还有太多的福利,女助理在污的道路上越走越远,什么都敢发,我都管不了了。
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