IGE :: Volume #7

#615: Empresses or war-gods?

Imperial palace. 帝国皇宫。 Emperor's garden. 御花园。 A Ye Qingyu person walks on trail that in a blue stone spreads. 叶青羽一个人走在一条青石铺成的小径上。 The curving trail two sides numerous flowers are in full bloom, in the intermittent fragrant wind that brilliant purple and red, occasionally several beautiful butterflies head on danced in the air lightly, has increased many vitalities. 弯弯曲曲的小径两边繁花盛开,一片姹紫嫣红,偶有几只美丽的蝴蝶扑面而来的阵阵香风中翩然飞舞,增添了不少生气。 The end of blue stone trail, is a white jade pavilion. 青石小径的尽头,是一座白玉凉亭。 In the pavilion, tall and strong form back is standing to the Ye Qingyu direction together. 凉亭中,一道魁梧的身影背对着叶青羽的方向而立。 The body of snow emperor wears the simple white cotton robe, and long hair bunch of waist after behind, sends the grayish white color first time to see Ye Qingyu must be more. 雪帝的身上还是穿着简单白色布袍,及腰的长发束在身后,发中的灰白之色比叶青羽第一次见到的时候要更多了。 Ye Qingyu approaches gradually, halts outside the pavilion. 叶青羽缓步走近,在凉亭外止步。 See your majesty.” “参见陛下。” Ye Qingyu is saluting to own form toward that back. 叶青羽朝着那背对着自己的身影行礼。 The snow emperor likely was just from ponder sober, has turned around slowly. 雪帝像是刚刚从沉思中清醒,缓缓转过身来。 On his face is having the kind happy expression, made his face line with deep veneration gentle. 他的脸上带着浅浅的亲切笑意,令他那肃然的面部线条都柔和了起来。 His corner of the eye were many two superficial wrinkles, when seems initially sees was older. 他的眼角多了两道浅淡的皱纹,看上去比初见时苍老了许多。 However, even if the hair of two temples turned into the silver, when as before is actually hard conceals him to be young the grace and talent, light elegant condition sending out from inside to outside. 不过,即便两鬓的头发都变成了银色,却依旧难以掩饰他年轻时的风华,一股淡淡的飘逸之态由内而外的散发出来。 Does not need to be overly courteous, sits.” “不必多礼,过来坐吧。” The snow emperor turns around to sit on the stone stool in pavilion, smiled is beckoning toward Ye Qingyu, hints Ye Qingyu in the past. 雪帝转身坐在凉亭中的石凳上,微笑着朝叶青羽招手,示意叶青羽过去。 Ye Qingyu walked up gradually, sits the snow emperor opposite. 叶青羽缓步走上前去,坐到了雪帝对面。 Present he, indeed had in the qualifications in front of the snow emperor sitting. 如今的他,的确是已经有了在雪帝面前坐着的资格。 He felt that the snow emperor aura is somewhat disorderly, understands that was initially in a Bright God palace service, the snow emperor does not hesitate to take the combustion life source as the price, seals up the internal injury that snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race Domain Portal leaves behind thoroughly. 他感觉到雪帝身上的气息有些凌乱,明白那是当初光明神殿一役中,雪帝不惜以燃烧生命本源为代价,彻底封闭白山黑水蛮族界域之门而留下的暗伤。 The source is damaged, vertical is snow emperor occupies completely Snow Country high and low all Heaven and Earth Treasure, was hard again recovery in the past powerful posture. 本源受损,纵是雪帝占尽雪国上下所有的天才地宝,也难以再恢复往昔的强盛之姿。 Looks at this obviously only then the king of middle age, had actually revealed that on the brink of old age condition, the aura is uncertain, in Ye Qingyu heart ease, but the meaning of its respect. 看着这位明明只有中年的帝王,却已经显露出垂老之态,气息不定,叶青羽心中悠然而其一股崇敬之意。 Thank you comes back the Xing'er safety belt.” The snow emperor looks at opposite this young people, benign, when speech does not have the dignity of slight king, instead like is the hot sauce length, is having the smiling face, said: The day before yesterday Xing'er came back, the matter in Clear Ginger Domain, said one, in Snow Country can present your like this peerless talent, my heart was much relieved.” “谢谢你把杏儿安全带回来。”雪帝看着对面这个年轻人,和颜悦色,说话时没有丝毫帝王的威严,反而像是辣酱长一样,带着笑容,道:“前日杏儿回来,已经把清姜界中的事情,都说了一遍了,雪国之中能够出现你这样的绝世天才,朕心甚慰。” Your majesty erroneous approved, this is I should do.” Neither arrogant nor servile of Ye Qingyu performance. “陛下谬赞了,这是我应该做的。”叶青羽表现的不卑不亢。 In experiencing the war of initial Bright City , after having seen Yu Jun Han and fish Monarch please and the others, why does not know, Ye Qingyu regarding this Snow Country Human Race king, but before actually likely is not, such awe, no longer thought that one generation of kings have keep aloof mystically, this perhaps and present Ye Qingyu martial arts Cultivation Base is related with the experience. 在经历了当初的光明城之战,又见过了鱼君寒、鱼君请等人之后,不知道为什么,叶青羽对于这位雪国人族的帝王,倒不像是以前那样的敬畏,不再觉得一代帝王有多么神秘高高在上,这或许和如今叶青羽的武道修为和经历有关。 The snow emperor smiled. 雪帝笑了笑。 Following some time, in this small pavilion, the snow emperor such as slightly has the dignity, but are more is the gentle elder is the same, moved same west same and Ye Qingyu said that was some immaterial matters, but he said was very happy. 接下来的一段时间里,就在这个小小的凉亭之中,雪帝如一个略有威严但更多的是慈祥的长辈一样,动一样西一样地和叶青羽说了很多,都是一些无关紧要的事情,但他却说的很高兴。 The sunlight according to the body of king of this empire, Ye Qingyu has a strange misconception, probably this should be the prime of life king, resembled unexpectedly is somewhat old. 阳光照在这位帝国之王的身上,叶青羽有一种奇怪的错觉,好像这位本该是春秋鼎盛的帝王,竟似是有些老了。 In an instant passes on several double-hour. 转眼就几个时辰过去。 This time does not have the dialog of what essence, finally arrived at the last act. 这次并没有什么实质内容的对话,终于到了尾声。 The snow emperor stands, has stretched the shoulder extremely at will. 雪帝站起来,极为随意地舒展了一下肩膀。 Ye Qingyu also hastily along with standing. 叶青羽也连忙随着站起来。 You thought that the empire needs one to flow the empress of Royal Family Yu Clan bloodlines, can reach the pinnacle to tread near peak Martial Dao Emperor truly?” The snow emperor has turned around, resembling was asked one very much at will: „Can Xing'er become a good emperor?” “你觉得帝国需要一位流淌着皇室鱼族血脉的女帝,还是一位真正可以登峰造极踏临巅峰的武道皇帝?”雪帝转过身来,似是很随意地问了一句:“杏儿可以成为一位好皇帝吗?” Ye Qingyu is startled: „?” 叶青羽一怔:“啊?” The snow emperor smiled, has not spoken again. 雪帝笑了笑,没有再说话。 ...... …… When Ye Qingyu takes one's leave snow emperor goes out of the back garden, the class cloud of horizon already slightly flood red, the sunset glow has wrapped entire Snow Capital gently. 叶青羽拜别雪帝走出后花园时,天边的流云已经微微泛红,晚霞将整个雪京温柔包裹了起来。 He looks out the sky that a sunset and moon/month splendor serves as contrast, was lost in thought. 他遥望一眼落霞与月辉相映的天空,陷入了沉思。 Your majesty today's expression and facial expression, are somewhat strange, his final those words, are really......” Ye Qingyu shook the head, does not want to pester such matter again. “陛下今日的语气和神情,有些奇怪,他最后的那句话,实在是……”叶青羽摇了摇头,不想再去纠缠这样的事情。 He went out of the imperial palace gradually. 他一步一步地走出了皇宫。 Does not think other, Heaven Wasteland Domain has resisted the invasions of other domain, protects the domain independence, is most important, the pending issue also has, but cannot get rid rashly, all arrangements must wait for me to go back to reorganize and plan well......” “不想其他的了,天荒界抵御其他界域的入侵,守护住界域的独立性,才是重中之重,急待解决的问题还有很多,但也不能贸然出手,一切的安排还得等我回去好好整理和计划一下……” Next split second. 一瞬间 His personal appearance Flashed, in imperial city gate stone steps, only then if together has the halo that resembles not to dissipate with the wind. 他身形一闪,宫门石阶上只有一道若有似无的光晕随风消散。 ...... …… In Bright God palace. 光明神殿中。 Ye Qingyu sits cross-legged to sit well on the stone bed, revolution Nameless Mantra, enters the condition of sitting in meditation. 叶青羽盘膝端坐在石床上,运转无名心法,进入入定的状态。 But he does not have Cultivation, but entered in an extremely peaceful condition, slowly combs various complicated information and arrangements. 但他并没有修炼,而是进入了一个极为安宁的状态之中,慢慢梳理千头万绪的信息和各项安排。 Long night, he such has sat. 漫漫长夜,他一直都这么坐着。 In an instant the dim light of night removes. 转眼间夜色褪去。 In the sky the cloud layer turns out white halo gradually, is together light the golden photo source slowly to raise from the mountain of distant place. 天空之中云层渐渐翻出白色光晕,一道淡淡得金色光源从远处的山岳背后缓缓升起。 The intermittent micro cool cool breeze blows in the awaking hot woods also to moisten is sparkling the fallen leaf of shining dewdrop, the tremor leaf sends out gently tremor sound/noise slightly, seems a unique early morning tune. 阵阵微凉的清风吹醒火树林中还沾着闪闪发亮的露珠的落叶,微微颤动的树叶发出轻轻颤动的声音,仿佛是一曲别致的晨曲。 By in distant place temple yard. 远处神殿旁的小院里。 Mother Wu led several kitchen helper helpers to sound the pots and pans very early in the morning, the lively rhythm agile dish sound was Bright City has built a aura of world smoke and fire actually. 吴妈一大早就带着十几个厨工帮手敲响了锅碗瓢盆,节奏明快利落的切菜声倒是为光明城营造了一丝人间烟火的气息。 Ye Qingyu also slowly leaves to strip from acme deep sitting in meditation, revived little. 叶青羽也从极致深沉的入定之中慢慢抽身剥离,一点点苏醒了过来。 „The Sect influence that it seems like with the aid of some pledged allegiance to......” his standing up body, in the heart decided slowly. “看来还是得借助一些已经归顺的宗门势力……”他缓缓站起身子,心中似是打定了主意。 At this moment 就在这时 Well?” Ye Qingyu is just thinking the matter, realized suddenly anything, in the eye has flashed through one just like the fine glow of lightning flash. “咦?”叶青羽正想着事情,突然之间察觉到了什么,眼中闪过一丝宛如电闪的精芒。 In fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 地火幽泉剑坑之中。 A wisp of strange aura passed on toward the Bright God palace. 一缕奇异的气息朝着光明神殿传了过来。 This strange aura, went to the sword pit how before hadn't I discovered?” Ye Qingyu catches keenly, one wisp as if likely is in the cool breeze is similar to hair one, likely is the careful aura that the gentleness in Spirit Spring Changxi passed over gently and swiftly, transmits in place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng of Bright God Your Highness side slightly. “这古怪的气息,之前去剑坑之中我怎么没有发现?”叶青羽敏锐捕捉到,一缕仿佛像是清风之中如同发丝的一丝,又像是灵泉长溪之中的轻柔掠过的细致一线的气息,在光明神殿下方的地火幽泉剑坑之中细微地传来。 He knit the brows slightly. 他微微皱了皱眉。 What's the matter? This aura...... Absolutely is the first appearance, is it possible that in the sword pit also has what mutation?” “怎么回事?这气息……绝对是第一次出现,莫非剑坑之中还有什么异变?” Now situation subtle time, this Bright God palace takes the Snow Capital important shield strength, in any event cannot have any variable. 现在正是局势微妙的时候,这光明神殿作为雪京的重要盾力,无论如何不能有什么变数。 His intention moves, gets down split second, the personal appearance has leapt forward in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng. 他心念一动,下一瞬间,身形已经跃入地火幽泉剑坑之中。 The blazing aura forms a Ocean hurricane wave to head on toward Ye Qingyu. 炽热的气息形成一道汪洋飓浪朝着叶青羽扑面而来。 Fire quiet spring, originally is a world of underground flame. 地火幽泉,本就是一个地下火焰的世界。 Initially Snow Country Royal Family and high-level several big giants supposed the shocking general situation, instead killed to suppress expert or the spirit of innumerable Heaven Wasteland Domain and foreign country in place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng at one fell swoop, after that fought, although Ye Qingyu to cast to build up Blood Drinking Sword to get down sword pit one time, but not the bright treasure house in true careful observation excessively entire sword pit and deep place. 当初雪国皇室和高层的几大巨头设下惊世大局,在地火幽泉剑坑之中一举反杀镇压了无数天荒界和外域的强者或精魂,在那一战之后,叶青羽虽然为铸炼饮血剑下过剑坑一次,但并未真正仔细观察过整个剑坑和深处的光明宝库。 This time, he happen to planned that the submergence in the past, found out. 这一次,他正好打算一路下潜过去,一探究竟。 Ye Qingyu since enters in the sword pit, the application of force terminal velocity has not sunk desirably, but relaxes the body, is relying on the cushion of strength of air wave the potential and the place fire natural whereabouts surges, gradually thorough sword pit depth place. 叶青羽自从进入剑坑之中,并未刻意施力极速下沉,只是放松身体,凭借着自然下落之势与地火涌动的气浪之力的缓冲,逐步深入剑坑深处。 Line to kilometer. 行至千米。 Suddenly the purple large flame licks to lick toward the Ye Qingyu body together. 突然一道紫色的火舌朝着叶青羽身躯舔舐而来。 „The flame imposing manner in this sword pit, with previous time comes the time but actually is really some are different.” Ye Qingyu looks that instantaneously the purple flame that he entire swallows into, shows an unusual look. “这剑坑之中的火焰气势,与上次来的时候倒真是有些不一样了。”叶青羽看着瞬间将他整个吞入的紫色火焰,露出一丝异样的神色。 The purple flame of flaming combustion looked like a ancient times beast of prey to open its big mouth, was swallowing to the previous group unscrupulously. 熊熊燃烧的紫色火焰像一只上古猛兽张开了它的血盆大口,正在肆无忌惮地向上一路吞噬。 The purple flame leaps up fiercely, everywhere one visit, the blazing ray all around all will dye to keep the fluctuation shape the purple halo. 紫色火焰剧烈蹿动,所到之处,炽热的光芒将四周一切都染成不停变幻形态的紫色光晕。 This compared with common flame strong a lot of times of ignition feelings, if trades to be the Sea of Bitterness Stage following person to come, only feared that these step the mortal body changed to the flying ash. 这股比寻常火焰强过千百倍的灼烧感,若是换作苦海境以下的人进来,只怕到这一步就已经肉身化作飞灰了。 Ye Qingyu present mortal body Cultivation Base when incarnation to turn into a dragon is also not Immortal Rank Boundary, quenchings just likes the millennium diamond Cold Steel general mortal body, in the bunch rushes in the flame that the tumbling comes, only thought that the gentle feather strokes the flesh to be common likely gently. 叶青羽如今的肉身修为在不化身成龙的时候也已经是一步仙阶境了,淬炼得犹如千年金刚寒铁一般的肉身在一团团澎湃翻滚而来的火焰之中,只觉得像轻柔的羽毛轻轻拂过肌肤一般。 He passed through the flame to dive about 500 meters, fell on the hot rock magma steadily just liked on the reef general black rock. 他一路穿越火焰又下潜了500米左右,稳稳落在了地火岩浆上犹如礁石一般的黑色岩石上。 From falling on reef, the Ye Qingyu whole body sends out light lavender light fog, the smog along with his slow and flows peacefully, seems like gentle, actually formed a protection of destroying the hardest defenses, burning of burning hot has roasted to him does not have the slight influence. 自落在礁石上,叶青羽周身散发出一层薄薄的淡紫色轻雾,烟雾随着他的动作缓慢而安静地流动,看似轻柔,却形成了一个无坚不摧的防护,炙热的灼烤对他没有丝毫的影响。 Passed more than half a year, in the sword pit the strength and the bloody air/Qi remaining yuan qi so are as before rich.” Ye Qingyu stands on the rock, is feeling in the burning hot environment along with heat wave ups and downs air/Qi and the blood aura of the five lines of element. “过了这大半年,剑坑之中残余的元气之力和血腥气依旧如此浓郁。”叶青羽站在岩石上,感受着炙热环境中随着热浪沉浮的一股股五行元素之气和血液气息。 On the same day that war, countless Alien race expert and Human Race Jiang Hu master, just wisp of remaining aura in remaining this sword pit rock magma, makes one sigh with emotion now. 当日那一战,不计其数的异族强者人族江湖高手,如今也只不过剩下这剑坑岩浆之中的一缕残余气息,不免令人感慨。 He sizes up the under foot rolling to surge carefully, from time to time the turbulent waves tumbling emits several air bubbles the rock magma. 他仔细打量着脚下滚滚涌动,时而激浪翻滚冒出几个气泡的岩浆。 An intention revolution, Divine Sense looks all around. 心念一转,神识环顾四周。 Rock magma of surging forward looks like in Ocean to keep the tuck dive the wild waves, raises tall Guo rock magma rough sea waves to whip toward all around black stone wall impact, the sad heavy echo of great waves sound bang in the sword pit, this time Ye Qingyu is similar to stands, in knocked on the giant mighty bell that strikes to tremble. 汹涌澎湃的岩浆像汪洋之中不停翻腾的骇浪,掀起一层高过一层的岩浆巨浪朝着四周黑色的石壁冲击拍打,沉闷厚重的浪涛声在剑坑之中轰隆回响,此时的叶青羽如同站在一座被叩击震颤的巨大洪钟之中。 After the boundless rock magma surges, splashes innumerably like Mars general slurry, these slurry splashes scatter in all directions, fall in the Ye Qingyu whole body lavender light fog, was vaporized small group red smog instantaneously, shortly will dissipate. 磅礴的岩浆涌起之后溅起无数像火星一般的浆液,这些浆液飞溅四散,落在叶青羽周身淡紫色的轻雾上,瞬间被汽化成一小团红色烟雾,顷刻消散。 „Is this?” “这是?” A rock magma surface that Ye Qingyu Divine Sense turns round, is different from the nearby air wave fluctuates, is approximate in the air fluctuation that the wave ripples ripple slightly, has caused his idea. 叶青羽神识所覆的一处岩浆表面,一处不同于附近气浪波动,近似于水波涟漪一圈圈微微荡漾的空气波动,引起了他的主意。 The rock magma surface of fierce tumbling, the air wave ripple of this faint float has formed the natural barrier that thin and passed likely, but regardless of the rock magma were how turbulent, actually jumped over this just likes the cool breeze common ripples. 剧烈翻滚的岩浆表面,这隐隐漂浮的气浪波纹像是形成了一个薄而透的天然的屏障,但无论岩浆如何汹涌,却越不过这犹如清风一般的涟漪。 ----------- ----------- Second 第二更
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