IGE :: Volume #7

#614: The four directions alarm

At once, entire Snow Capital by this mammoth phenomenon vibration. 一时之间,整个雪京都被这声势浩大的异象震动。 No matter Martial Artist or average person, Snow Capital innumerable lives, shock looks at the phenomenon of West, the heart by that invisible boundless strength hauling, suddenly contraction. 不管是武者还是普通人,雪京无数的生灵,震惊的看着西方的异象,心头被那无形的磅礴力量牵引,骤然紧缩。 Day, what happened!” “天啊,发生什么事情了!” „The aura of that golden lightning was too terrorist!” “那金色闪电的气息太恐怖了!” Was too fearful, this situation and one year ago looked like!” “太可怕了,这情形和一年前太像了!” This simply one year ago when Bright God palace Palace Master suppresses Foreign Domain Fiendgod the inspiring day falls the Divine Punishment imposing manner more fearful than!” “这简直比一年前光明神殿殿主镇压域外神魔时引动天降神罚的气势更加可怕!” What situation this is, was the end arrives?” “这到底是什么情况,难道是末日降临了吗?” Many people feel restlessly. 很多人都感觉到不安。 ...... ...... Royal Family's Ancestral Land surrounding temple region. 皇室祖地外围庙宇区域。 Under 18 buddhist monk towers. 18层浮屠塔下。 A bird Bai Xu old monk, from sitting in meditation awakens fiercely, the vision went to the upper air West. 一位白眉白须的老僧,从入定中猛地惊醒,目光投向了西方的高空。 This...... Is the strength of Divine Punishment? Do some people cross the tribulation? Who can be?” “这……是神罚之力?有人渡劫?会是谁?” Personal appearance Flashed, the person appeared in the upper air, is looking out into the distance the West. 身形一闪,人已经出现在高空之中,远眺着西方。 He releases the strength of Divine Soul, actually felt tearing strength that gang are unable to withstand to his Divine Soul. 他释放出神魂之力,却感觉到一股自己无法承受的撕扯力向他的神魂袭来。 Under, the strength of his bite back Divine Soul, does not dare to probe in great surprise again, must wait and see from afar. 大惊之下,他急忙收回神魂之力,不敢再去试探,只得远远地观望着。 Emperor palace deep place. 帝宫深处。 In a dead room, the hair is grayish white, facial features middle-aged person with deep veneration from diving to repair awakens, the color of item of dew shock. 一座静室中,头发灰白,面容肃然的中年人从潜修中惊醒,目露震惊之色。 Feels that shocking strength that the distant place is transmitting, he has thought the news that today obtains, slightly has closed the eye again, resembling is understands clearly general, the face color on shock sheds slightly, chuckle shaking the head. 感受着远处传来的那种令人震惊的力量,他又想到了今天得到的消息,重新又微微闭上了眼睛,似是了然一般,脸上的震惊之色稍褪,轻笑着摇了摇头。 Should be he......” “应该是他吧......” Right Minister palace. 右相府。 Is reviewing archives the writing brush in old person hand to succeed in giving up two sections suddenly, under examines carefully, his arm slightly is still shivering. 正在批阅文案的老人手中的毛笔骤然断成两截,细看之下,他的手臂还在微微颤抖。 This strength...... Is...... He?” “这力量......难道是……他?” Right Minister Lin Zheng puts on the breaking pen in hand the desk slowly, looks out the West. 右相蔺争将手中的断笔缓缓置于书桌上,遥望西方。 In his eye emerges to wipe the happy expression. 他的眼中涌现出一抹喜色。 Royal Family consecrates the institute. 皇室供奉院。 Hoary-headed, is in high spirits old person's opposite stone lion to crush the ash loudly. 白发苍苍,精神矍铄的老人对面的石狮子轰然粉碎成灰。 Is the Snow Country first master, is honored as Royal Family consecrates Hu Yu facial color to be shocking. 身为雪国第一高手,被尊为皇室供奉胡钰面色震惊。 He cannot attend to concealing itself to break stone lion once more fact, changes to a white light to fly in the upper air, is looking into the West from afar. 他顾不上掩饰自己再次震碎石狮子的事实,化作一道白光飞到高空之中,远远眺望着西方。 „, This aura...... In Heaven Wasteland Domain, when left this degree of expert unexpectedly? The fearful strength, does not know that can support...... Hey, does not know that who must be struck by lightning!” “啧啧啧,这气息……天荒界之中,什么时候竟然出了这种程度的强者?可怕的力量,不知道能不能撑过去……嘿嘿,不知道又有谁要遭雷劈了!” Hu Yu holds breath cold air, looks at the phenomenon of distant place, in the heart has the war intent twinkle. 胡钰倒吸一口凉气,看着远方的异象,心中有战意闪烁。 Youyan Pass. 幽燕关 In Pass Lord residence study room. 关主府的书房内。 With Lu Zhaoge of Successor Ye Congyun discussing official business, is gaining ground suddenly, the facial color big change, looks to the Snow Capital direction, he only thought that his heart was seized to shake the contraction by a boundless strength likely, double fist cannot help but grips. 正在与传人叶从云议事的陆朝歌,猛然之间抬头,面色大变,看向雪京的方向,他只觉得自己的心头像是被一股磅礴的力量攫住般一震紧缩,双拳不由自主的攥起。 On his face is having the color of thick shock, in the heart a shock. 他的脸上带着浓浓的震惊之色,心中一片震惊。 The line of sight of this Youyan War God goes to the Snow Capital direction, surprised uncertain. 这位幽燕战神的视线投向雪京方向,惊疑不定。 Actually... Is who......” in his eyes pupil, flashes through worried look. “究竟...是谁......”他眼眸之中,闪过一丝忧色。 Northwest Snow Country, desert Barbarian Race royal court. 雪国西北,大漠蛮族王庭。 The limitless wild desert bottom deep place, in a giant underground palace a spooky pale blue fireworks restless twinkle rocks. 无边无际的蛮荒沙漠底部的深处,一座巨大的地下宫殿中幽幽的淡蓝色焰火一阵不安的闪烁晃动。 Sits cross-legged the tall and strong form together above profound black shrine, shakes unexpectedly. 一道盘坐在玄黑的神坛之上的魁梧身影,蓦地一震。 The whiskers that in his surface is curling up steadily thickly, the eye socket gets sucked, in the deep green eye pupil has been full of the shock. 他的面上长着浓密蜷曲的络腮胡,眼窝深陷,碧绿的眼眸中充满了震惊。 Two strange green luminous spots projected from his eye, penetrated the underground palace and desert, went to the Snow Country west. 两道奇异绿色光点从他的眼中射出,穿透了地下宫殿和沙漠,投向了雪国的西部。 This strength! How in Heaven Wasteland Domain to have such strength to exist......” “这种力量!天荒界中怎么会有这样的力量存在......” North Snow Country, Snow Ground Demon Court. 雪国北方,雪地妖庭 Ice sculpture giant palace error calmly floats sky over the be continuous several thousand li (0.5km) snowy peak. 一座冰雕般的巨大宫阙静静地漂浮在绵延数千里的雪峰上空。 Perfect severely cold sends out from that snow and ice colored glaze palace. 极致的严寒从那冰雪琉璃宫殿中散发出来。 A towering profound serac like like a crane among chickens stands erect in the continuous palace space. 一座参天的玄冰塔如鹤立鸡群般矗立在连绵的宫宇中。 Tower top. 塔顶。 A body wearing mourning robe, beard and hair all white old man slightly shiver both hands build on parapet that in the snow and ice vulture casts. 一位身穿素袍,须发皆白的老者微微颤抖地双手搭在冰雪雕铸的栏杆上。 In the old man purple pupil has been full of the color of shock, is looking out the Snow Country west. 老者紫色瞳孔中充满了震惊之色,遥望着雪国的西部。 Any person will initiate such strength unexpectedly, is actually who!” “什么人竟然会引发这样的力量,究竟是谁!” Northeast Snow Country, snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race royal court. 雪国东北,白山黑水蛮族王庭。 On Barbarian Race sacrificial altar of reaching to the sky. 高耸入云的蛮族祭台上。 Is burning around the black Wu Huo chancel, is placing the skeletons of various Monster, on the fierce bones of the dead is sending out the light black mist. 燃烧着黑色巫火的圣坛四周,安置着各种异兽的骸骨,狰狞的白骨上散发着淡淡的黑色雾气。 The black witch fire that the flaming combustion, the arrogance surges upward flashes on and off suddenly erratically, the flame several want to extinguish, the black flame erupts together the silver dragon shape brilliance suddenly. 熊熊燃烧,气焰高涨的黑色巫火突然明灭不定,火焰几欲熄灭,黑色的火焰突然爆发出一道银色的龙形光焰。 Before the chancel, a build is thin, wears black long robe, full disorderly grey hair dishevelled is hanging loose Barbarian Race old man fierce goes to west the line of sight Snow Country. 圣坛前,一个体型精瘦,身着黑色长袍,满头杂乱的灰白头发乱蓬蓬的披散着的蛮族老者猛的将视线投向雪国西部。 In both eyes of Barbarian Race old man cloudy zhi filled has written all over alarmed and afraid. 蛮族老者阴骘的双眼中充满了写满了惊惧。 Changing powder powder that the wild animal skull that in his hand is used to practice divination is quietly! 他手中用来占卜的野兽头骨悄无声息的化作齑粉! silver dragon is born, the danger of Saint flame! My clan predicted that can fulfill unexpectedly really?!” 银龙出世,圣焰之危!我族预言竟然真的要应验了吗?!” Snow Country south, hurricane wave Demon Court. 雪国之南,飓浪妖庭 In the upper air overcast sky, in the sea level the turbulent tide rushes, the sad and shrill hurricane such as the ominous beast wreaks havoc generally. 高空中阴云密布,海面上汹涌的浪潮澎湃,凄厉的飓风如凶兽一般肆虐。 In the seabed, a scale is huge, such as seven color quartz gorgeous palace deep places. 海底之中,一片规模巨大,如七彩水晶般绚丽的殿宇深处。 Is sparkling on the scarlet red throne of splendid light, sits a personal appearance tall and strong middle-aged man. 闪耀着华光的赤红色王座上,坐着一个身形魁梧的中年男子。 Behind the neck of man is growing the inch allow Chang golden fish fin, is sparkling light golden brilliance. 男子的脖子后面长着寸许长的金色鱼鳍,闪耀着淡淡的金色光华。 His face such as the blade truncates the edges and corners to be distinct, the eyebrow enlarges ones vision in extravagant, fiery both eyes has the light dark golden color to be mobile. 他的面部如刀削般棱角分明,眉开眼阔,炯炯有神的双目中有着淡淡的暗金色流动。 A dignified aura flows on his body slowly. 一股威严的气息在他的身上缓缓流淌。 Suddenly. 突然。 Standing up of male fierce racket arm rest, vision stubbornly is staring at the Snow Country western direction. 男子猛一拍扶手的站起身来,目光死死的盯着雪国西部的方向。 Snow Country!” 雪国!” His pupil contraction, aura does not receive the eruption of control, exposes light a Golden Light twinkle on the skin outside white long robe, the scale of close [gold/metal] has covered entirely the whole body instantaneously! Behind the neck the inch allow Chang golden fish fin raises up instantaneously, such as a Liancheng row of steel needle is sparkling generally the sharp dim light. 他的瞳孔紧缩,身上的气息不收控制的爆发,裸露在白色长袍外的皮肤上一阵淡淡的金芒闪烁,细密的金的鳞片瞬间布满了全身!脖子后面寸许长的金色鱼鳍瞬间竖起,如连城一排的钢针一般闪耀着锋利的幽光。 After two rests, he deeply inspires, the restraining aura, the neck following fish fin contracts slowly slowly, the golden scale on skin gradually desalinates vanishes. 两息之后,他才深吸一口气,缓缓收敛气息,脖子后面的鱼鳍缓缓收缩回去,皮肤上的金色鳞片逐渐淡化消失。 Heaven Wasteland Domain, must cloud over.” 天荒界,就要变天了。” The sigh of man such as indistinct smoke cloud dissipation. 男子的叹息声如缥缈的烟云般消散。 ...... …… Snow Country. 雪国 In Snow Capital West upper air. 雪京西方高空中。 The crowded golden god thunder from the lead of tumbling fell unceasingly in the clouds, extinguishes the world deafening explosion sound sound to spread over the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km), continuous, has been continuing, innumerable martial arts expert came, but actually does not dare to approach that golden god thunder tumbling the region, but place siwubai miles away looks from afar that was having the extremely shocking look and expression. 密集的金色神雷不断地从翻滚的铅云中落下,灭世般震耳欲聋的轰响声传遍了方圆数万里,连绵不绝,一直都在持续着,无数武道强者都闻讯而来,但却不敢靠近那金色神雷翻滚的区域,只是在四五百里之外的地方远远地看着,一个个都带着极度震惊的神色和表情。 Although in the past nearly one year, because of the Heaven and Earth the change of principle and domain strength of Heaven Wasteland Domain, more and more expert started to break through the shackles, strength Cultivation Base increases new Realm, once many people crossed the tribulation, strided in Ascending Heaven Boundary, but expert of any origin, crossed the tribulation time the sound, actually never such fearful. 尽管在过去近一年的时间里,因为天荒界天地法则和界域之力的变化,越来越多的强者开始突破桎梏,实力修为攀升到了一个新的境界,也曾有很多人渡劫,跨入了登天境,但不论是什么来历的强者,渡劫时候的动静,却从来没有这么可怕过。 The golden god Thunder Jieyun surrounding area several thousand meters, occupied the entire vault of heaven, the golden thunder and lightning twinkle, just like hanging upside down golden Milky Way on vault of heaven is the same, the brilliance made the person palpitation densely and numerously, the surrounding void wall barrier was torn to pieces, void looked like by the turbulent flow is involved in broken sawdust same to revolve! 金色神雷劫云方圆数万米,占据了整个天穹,其中金色雷电闪烁,宛如倒挂在天穹上的金色天河一样,光焰密密麻麻令人心悸,周围的虚空壁障都被扯碎,虚空就像是被乱流卷入其中的碎木屑一样旋转! In an instant, is double-hour time passes. 转眼之间,就是一个时辰时间过去。 All expert that comes, quantity have been several thousands, the respective stealth in void, each other looks at each other vigilantly, but majority of attention, projects above that terror golden thunder clouds. 闻讯而来的各方强者们,数量已经达到了数千,各自隐身在虚空之中,彼此警惕地对视,但大部分的注意力,还是投射在那恐怖的金色雷云之上。 Their many people are top expert that nearly one year emerges, is best, talent strength or Cultivation Base mental, can be said as the apex in Heaven Wasteland Domain Martial Artist exists, has experienced the innumerable wind and cloud crafty matters, but at this time actually by far is maintaining with the thunder clouds several hundred li (0.5km) distance, does not dare to approach. 他们很多人都是近一年涌现出来的顶级强者,无一不是一时之选,不论是天赋实力还是修为心智,都可以说是天荒界武者之中的顶尖存在,也一个个都见识了无数的风云诡事,但此时却都远远地与雷云保持着数百里的距离,不敢靠近。 Who is?” “到底是谁?” Will really have this strength to exist...... Is it possible that is first expert Hu Jue who Snow Country Royal Family consecrates the Yuan is crossing the tribulation?” “竟然会有这种力量存在……莫非是雪国皇室供奉元的第一强者胡珏在渡劫?” „It is not right, Hu Jue does not have to be so right.” “不对啊,胡珏也没有这么强才对。” Is the Far Ancient era old monster regains consciousness to cross the tribulation?” “难道是上古时代的老怪物苏醒渡劫?” No matter what, cannot with this person be the enemy in the future, is really too fearful.” “不管怎么说,日后千万不可与此人为敌,实在是太可怕。” Thoughts, flash through in the mind of countless person. 一个个念头,在无数人的脑海之中闪过。 They can see in the thunder clouds faintly, form that tall and strong builds, just like Fiendgod, partly visible, resists the golden tribulation thunder, appears relaxed incomparable, tearing golden color Thunder Jie, is conveniently same just like the bathing spring breeze drizzle, such personal appearance, engraved in the heart of each expert, making their eternal life unforgettable. 他们隐隐可以看到雷云之中,有一个魁梧修成的身影,宛如神魔,若隐若现,对抗金色劫雷,显得轻松无比,随手撕裂金色雷劫,宛如沐浴春风细雨一样,这样的身形,镌刻在了每个强者的心中,令他们永生难忘。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 Until [gold/metal] abates gradually, the densely covered lead cloud also fills the air in the horizon, for a very long time is not loose. 直到金雷逐渐消退,密布的铅云还弥漫在天边,久久不散。 ....... ....... After several double-hour. 几个时辰后。 The air in Bright God palace stone palace twists suddenly. 光明神殿石殿之中的空气突然扭曲。 brilliance Flashed, the Ye Qingyu personal appearance appears above the stone bed in stone palace unexpectedly. 光华一闪,叶青羽的身形蓦地出现在石殿内的石床之上。 His aura is steady, on the face is having the self-confident appearance, spiritual Yi Yi, the body clothing as before, a fold does not have neatly. 他的气息平稳,脸上带着自信的神采,精神奕奕,身上衣衫整洁依旧,一丝褶皱都没有。 My guess really not wrong, the Heaven Wasteland Domain bearing capacity is really enhanced much, the strength limit that can withstand has promoted Immortal Rank Boundary, in other words, Immortal Rank Boundary expert, in Heaven Wasteland Domain, absolutely is invincible existence, but expert of foreign country enters here, strength definitely will also be suppressed under Immortal Rank Boundary, otherwise, will not be allowed by this piece of Heaven and Earth...... In this case, in the Ascending Heaven Boundary strength range, I can handle a lot.” “我的猜测果然没有错,天荒界的承受能力果然增强不少,能够承受的力量极限已经提升到了仙阶境,也就是说,仙阶境强者,在天荒界之中,绝对是无敌的存在,而外域的强者进入这里,实力也必然会被压制在仙阶境之下,否则,不会被这片天地所容许……这样的话啊,在登天境的力量范围内,我可以做很多事情了。” He is very satisfied to this result. 他对这个结果很满意。 Returns to the stone chair, under the place, Ye Qingyu lifts the right palm slowly slightly, grips the fist slowly, is feeling own ** strength, satisfaction nodded saying: Now my strength is too strong, now Heaven Wasteland Domain the strength of Divine Punishment was unable to break my ** defense...... Moreover withstands Thunder Jie, although bad risk, but actually is also a big chance, I swallow to fuse Chaotic Thunder Broth in Clear Ginger Domain, after this time Thunder Jie, lets that Chaotic Thunder Broth strength, fuses with my source thoroughly, ** the intensity got to a stair again.” 回到石椅上,缓缓地座下,叶青羽微微抬起右掌,缓缓攥成拳头,感受着自己的**力量,满意的点了点头说道:“如今我的实力太强,现在天荒界神罚之力已经无法破开我的**防御……而且承受雷劫,虽然凶险,但却也是一份大机缘,我在清姜界之中吞噬融合混沌雷浆,经过这一次雷劫,让那混沌雷浆的力量,彻底与我的本源融合,**强度再上了一个台阶。” He closes both eyes slowly, is tasting by ** when the strength resists the strength of Divine Punishment that wisp of Power of Laws that senses, fell into has contemplated. 他缓缓闭上双眼,回味着以**力量对抗神罚之力时感悟到的那一缕法则之力,陷入了冥想当中。 Ye Qingyu starts to sense itself these time to cross the harvest of tribulation once again. 叶青羽开始再度感悟自己这一次渡劫的收获。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 ...... …… Next day. 第二天。 The scorching sun hangs above ten thousand li (0.5km) clear sky. 骄阳悬在万里晴空之上。 In the stone palace in Bright God palace. 光明神殿的石殿中。 Ye Qingyu opens both eyes slowly, finished contemplating. 叶青羽缓缓地睁开双眼,结束冥想。 Um? Gao Han?” “嗯?高寒?” He finished that split second that contemplates, induced to the stone palace outside has the person. 他结束冥想的那一瞬间,就已经感应到石殿外有人。 Before the stone steps, Gao Han is standing in the stone monkey statue front awaits calmly. 石阶前,高寒正站在石猴雕像前方静候。 In an instant, before the Ye Qingyu form presented the fire quiet spring float stair. 一念之间,叶青羽的身影已经出现地火幽泉悬浮的台阶前。 Gao Han salutes toward Ye Qingyu respectfully. 高寒恭敬地朝着叶青羽行礼。 What important matter has?” Ye Qingyu light looks at Gao Han to ask. “有什么重要的事情吗?”叶青羽淡淡的看着高寒问道。 Opens reports Palace Master, snow emperor goes out, summons you to enter the palace to have an audience with.” Gao Han stern replied. “启禀殿主,雪帝陛下出关,传召您入宫觐见。”高寒正色回答道。 The Ye Qingyu hear, pondered over slightly, nods saying: Um, knew.” 叶青羽听完,略微思忖后点头道:“嗯,知道了。” ------------------ ------------------ First 第一更
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