IGE :: Volume #7

#613: Probes this Heaven and Earth

After Ye Qingyu is startled slightly, immediately understands that who fish Monarch invited that person in mouth is. 叶青羽微微一怔之后,立刻就明白过来,鱼君请口中的那个人是谁。 He also suddenly realized, why initially rose in fine powder Yu Clan, finally has not chosen Sect or is the way of aristocratic family, appears in Heaven Wasteland Domain, but drew up a martial arts common custom dynasty directly, has established the army, has established the military headquarters, the lord of Yu Clan by the name rule world of Emperor Human Race...... 他也突然意识到,为什么当初崛起的于微末的鱼族,最终并没有选择宗门或者是世家的方式,来出现在天荒界之中,而是直接开立了一个武道世俗王朝,建立了军队,设置了军部,鱼族之主更是以人族皇帝的名义统治天下…… If that established the Bright God palace and one existence that in the past facilitated Yu Clan to rise, was holding and this time same faith, that all successed when conditions are ripe. 如果当年那个创立了光明神殿、一手促成了鱼族崛起的存在,也抱着和自己此时相同的信念的话,那一切就都水到渠成了。 What Ye Qingyu is surprised, oneself so are unexpectedly same as the idea of that person. 叶青羽惊讶的是,自己竟然和那个人的想法如此相同。 What is surprised is more than 100 years ago, some people have thought of this point, and put into practice. 惊讶的是早在100多年之前,就已经有人想到了这一点,而且付诸实施了。 Until now, strength of Snow Country in Heaven Wasteland Domain was strongest, presses hurricane wave Demon Court, northwest and northeast Barbarian Race Wang Ting, as well as Snow Ground Demon Court has not gasped for breath, made the latter three also from most start the chaotic clan condition to enter the step confronts to the establishment royal court imperial authority and Snow Country, this fortunately survived, obviously in the past that person the accuracy of idea, obtained the verification. 到如今,雪国天荒界之中实力最强,压得飓浪妖庭、西北和东北蛮族王庭、以及雪地妖庭喘不过气来,更让后三者也从最开始混乱氏族状态进阶到成立王庭皇权与雪国对峙,这才幸存下来,可见当年那个人的想法之正确性,得到了印证。 Also from the beginning has taken such road, therefore in present Heaven Wasteland Domain, the influence pattern likely is not Clear Ginger Domain such confusion numerous and diverse excess are many, can maintain a about Century relative peace? 也正是一开始就走上了这样的路,所以如今的天荒界之中,势力格局并不像是清姜界那样混乱繁杂冗多,才能保持了近一百年的相对和平? Ye Qingyu thought that although cannot such arbitrary recognize, but has certainly the enormous relations with the armed forces country organization system. 叶青羽觉得,虽不能就这么武断地认定,但一定和军国建制有着极大的关系。 You are really flowing the same blood.” Fish Monarch please smile was happier. “你们果然是流着相同血液。”鱼君请笑的更开心了。 Ye Qingyu has not met these words. 叶青羽没有接这一句话。 The old reason, regarding own life experience, he now truly did not determine. 还是老原因,对于自己的身世,他现在并不真正确定。 Fish Monarch have please drunk one glass of liquor, has remembered anything, asked: To be honest, sees rapidness that such you grow, I really am very happy, before previous time you leave, the elder sister holds Lin Zheng to give your jade piece, should you be looked?” 鱼君请又喝了一杯酒,想起了什么,问道:“说实话,看到你成长的这么快,我实在是很高兴,上次你离开之前,姐姐托蔺争送给你的玉诀,你应该是已经看了吧?” Ye Qingyu shakes the head slightly. 叶青羽微微摇头。 Um?” Fish Monarch asked these time to be startled, was astonished however said: Such important thing, why didn't you look?” “嗯?”鱼君请这一次吃惊了,讶然道:“这么重要的东西,为什么你一直都不看?” Ye Qingyu silent moment, said: Perhaps is...... Too busy.” 叶青羽沉默了片刻,道:“也许是……太忙了吧。” Fish Monarch please is a fool, can hear, being perfunctory ingredient in these words. 鱼君请就算是个傻子,也听得出来,这句话之中的敷衍成分。 Intelligent such as she, has realized anything suddenly, before remembering , when mentioned the riddle of status each time, the response of Ye Qingyu, fish Monarch asked the shiny smooth red lip to open, several times wanted to say anything, but why did not know, finally has not said. 聪慧如她,猛然间意识到了什么,想起之前自己每次说起身份之谜时,叶青羽的反应,鱼君请莹润的红唇微启,好几次想要说什么,但不知道为什么,最终还是没有说出来。 Has the words of time, opens has a look.” She smiled finally lightly, said: Perhaps the matter likely is not such that you think.” “有时间的话,打开看看吧。”她最终淡淡地笑了笑,道:“也许事情并不像是你想的那样。” Ye Qingyu nodded. 叶青羽点了点头。 Yu Jun Han is how intelligent, she no longer pesters in this issue, a topic revolution, said: Today some of my also matters must process, another day again discussed.” Saying, was setting out, walks toward outside directly. 鱼君寒何其聪慧,她不再在这个问题上纠缠,话题一转,道:“今日我还有些事情要去处理,改日再谈吧。”说着,已经是起身,直接朝着外面走去。 Ye Qingyu sets out to see off hastily. 叶青羽连忙起身相送。 To the entrance of side hall, fish Monarch please look at Ye Qingyu, said: I think that you should quick to go to a time imperial priest temple?” 到了偏殿的门口,鱼君请又看了一眼叶青羽,道:“我想你应该很快又要去一次皇家祭司神殿了吧?” Ye Qingyu is astonished however has a look at her, does not know how she guessed correctly, but does not conceal, nods, said: Yes, had been planning several day goes.” 叶青羽讶然地看看她,不知道她如何猜到,但也不隐瞒,点点头,道:“是,正打算过几日去。” Fish Monarch please nod, said: Good, when you come back from the sacrificial offering temple, I look for you again, a more important matter, must discuss with you.” 鱼君请点点头,道:“那好,等你从祭祀神殿之中回来,我再来找你,还有一件更加重要的事情,要与你商议。” The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 . 咻。 This empire sister of the emperor changed to a stream of light, vanishes in the vault of heaven of distant place. 这位帝国长公主已经化作了一道流光,消失在远处的天穹。 More important matter? 更加重要的事情? Ye Qingyu looking pensive looks at the direction that the sister of the emperor vanishes, frowns slightly, silent a long time. 叶青羽若有所思地看着长公主消失的方向,微微皱着眉头,沉默了很长一段时间。 Then, he also left side hall, walks in the place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng above Bright God palace toward the float gradually. 然后,他也离开了偏殿,一步一步地朝着漂浮在地火幽泉剑坑上空的光明神殿走去。 He must confirm something. 他要验证一些事情。 Square black stone palace as before float above place fire quiet spring, extends in 100 white flagstones to ground from the palace entrance is emitting the shiny smooth gloss as before. 四方的黑色石殿依旧悬浮在地火幽泉之上,从殿门口延伸到地面上的100来根白色石板依旧散发着莹润的光泽。 Before Ye Qingyu looked at the stone steps, that lifelikeness, the power and prestige icy stone monkey statue, in the heart moves suddenly. 叶青羽看了看石阶前那尊栩栩如生,威风凌凌的石猴雕像,突然心中一动。 On the same day after Bright City fights, this Stone Hou spirit knowledge no longer has appeared, didn't know may now once recovery? 当日光明城一战之后,这石猴的灵识就不再出现过,不知道如今可曾恢复了? Ye Qingyu attempts to transmit a wisp of thought that with its communication. 叶青羽尝试着传递出一缕意念,与其沟通。 However has not gotten any response. 然而并没有得到任何回应。 Monkey also in deep sleep?” His some talking to oneself of being astonished. “猴子还在沉睡?”他有些讶异的自语道。 On the same day fights Stone Hou, because consumes many falls into the deep sleep, but has not thought that already more than half a year, he unexpectedly not sober. 当日大战石猴因为消耗过多而陷入沉睡中,只是没想到,已经大半年了,他竟然还是没有清醒。 „, When he awoke chats with it again.” “罢了,等他醒了再与它聊聊吧。” Then, Ye Qingyu goes up steps gradually on. 说完,叶青羽缓步拾级而上。 Burning hot air wave agitation of clothes robe by from under fire quiet spring flap flap creates an incident. 身上的衣袍被来自下方地火幽泉中的炙热气浪鼓动的猎猎生风。 Feels hot element that galloping was roaring to come, in the Ye Qingyu heart was somewhat sigh with emotion. 感受着奔腾咆哮而来的火元素,叶青羽心中有些感慨。 Thinks one first time come here situation, on the face unconscious reveals to wipe the light happy expression. 想到自己第一次来到这里的情形,脸上不自觉的流露出一抹淡淡的笑意。 After counting breaths. 数息之后。 Ye Qingyu stepped finally first-level stone steps, stood in stone palace that ten meters corridor entrance. 叶青羽已经踏上了最后一级石阶,站在了石殿那十米长的甬道门口。 He passes through that ten meters corridor gradually, Stone Diannei all one such as in the past. 他缓步走过那十米长的甬道,石殿内的一切一如往昔。 In the main hall is emitting the shining white mild gloss, that assumes „” Stone Chuang of character shape ornaments stone table Stone Yi and in palace is the original appearance. 大殿中散发着莹白温润的光泽,那呈“品”字状摆设在殿内的石桌石椅和石床还是原来的样子。 Ye Qingyu strokes the jade archery target stone table, the fingertip is transmitting that mild touch. 叶青羽抚摸着玉质的石桌,指尖传来那久违的温润触感。 Although before , feels the Heaven and Earth principle and domain strength of Heaven Wasteland Domain indistinctly changed the dilatancy, but where this domain upper limit, is not clear now, needs to try well, can know fairly well, then works, will have confidence.” “虽然之前隐约感觉到天荒界之中的天地法则和界域之力已经变化扩容,但如今这个界域的上限在哪里,还不清楚,需要好好试一试,才能心中有数,接下来做事,就会更有把握了。” He is considering at the same time, in the heart had the plan. 他一边思量着,心中已经有了打算。 Subconscious, Ye Qingyu sits cross-legged above the stone bed. 下意识的,叶青羽盘坐到石床之上。 The intention moves, he releases the strength of Divine Soul slowly. 心念一动,他缓缓释放出神魂之力。 Vast such as the strength of Ocean general Divine Soul such as tide general Bright God palace is the center, to spreads in all directions. 浩瀚如汪洋一般的神魂之力如潮水一般一光明神殿为中心,向四面八方蔓延开去。 Almost in split second, the entire Snow Capital picture clearly reappears in his mind. 几乎就在一瞬间,整个雪京的景象就清晰地浮现在他的脑海之中。 The Snow Capital lively magnificent scene as before such as in the past, in the dim light of night the light by Snow Capital that embellished just likes starry skies of inversion, meandered radiantly, point stars in vault of heaven as if complemented was dim. 雪京的繁华盛景依旧如往昔,夜色中被灯光点缀的雪京犹如倒置的一片星空,璀璨迤逦,苍穹中的点点繁星似乎都被映衬的黯淡下来。 Ye Qingyu calmly is feeling the aura in vault of heaven, graceful flowing of one secret mysterious strength in vault of heaven. 叶青羽静静地感受着苍穹中的气息,一种隐秘的神秘力量在苍穹中盈盈流动。 He really felt Power of Laws in Heaven Wasteland Domain to have the change, but has not talked clearly this change temporarily the degree. 他果然感受到天荒界中的法则之力已经有了变化,只是暂时还说不清这变化的程度。 „ The Heaven Wasteland Domain bearing capacity was enhanced, the Ascending Heaven Boundary strength already no longer is the limit, but if the Immortal Rank Boundary strength? 天荒界的承受能力增强了,登天境的力量早就已经不再是极限了,但如果是仙阶境的力量呢? Ye Qingyu decides to be sure to well truly tries. 叶青羽决定好好真正切切地试一试。 He revolves Nameless Mantra, gradually releases own strength. 他运转无名心法,逐渐释放自己的力量。 Before this, before returning to Heaven Wasteland Domain, because is worried about domain Backlash, therefore he his strength suppression in the Sea of Bitterness Stage peak, has a mind to probe Heaven and Earth to respond now, therefore promoted Ascending Heaven Boundary Little to become in an instant preliminarily. 此前,返回天荒界之前,因为担心界域反噬,所以他将自己的力量压制在苦海境巅峰,现在有心试探天地反应,所以一念之间就提升到了登天境小成初阶。 Ye Qingyu imposing manner increased suddenly Realm, air ripples invisible wave, disperses to all around. 叶青羽身上的气势陡然攀升了一个境界,身边的空气荡漾出一圈无形的波浪,向四周散开。 A copious strength lingers on the body of Ye Qingyu, gradually has filled entire Stone Dian. 一股沛然之力萦绕在叶青羽的身上,逐渐充满了整个石殿。 In the sunny nighttime sky stars, is tranquil and indifferent, has not had any change. 晴朗的夜空中繁星点点,平静而淡然,没有产生任何的变化。 Ye Qingyu shows a faint smile , to continue to promote strength. 叶青羽微微一笑,继续提升实力 The imposing manner of whole body is getting more and more boundless vigorously, such as the tide wave after wave, the outward diffusion strikes generally. 周身的气势越来越磅礴浑厚,如潮汐一般一浪接一浪,向外扩散拍击。 Stone Diannei the barometric pressure is actually higher and higher, the air stopped flowing, was extruded the transparent semi-solid shape likely, is ordinary just like the mobile quartz. 石殿内的气压却是越来越高,空气都停止了流动,像是被挤压成透明的半固体形态,宛如流动的水晶一般。 But the Ye Qingyu imposing manner unceasingly is still increasing! 叶青羽的气势还在不断地攀升! Ascending Heaven Boundary Little to become scala media. 登天境小成中阶。 Ascending Heaven Boundary Little to become high level. 登天境小成高阶。 In Ascending Heaven Boundary becomes preliminary. 登天境中成初阶。 Ye Qingyu continually promotes this strength, to the Ascending Heaven Boundary accomplishment scala media, Between Heaven and Earth does not have any very obvious change. 叶青羽不断地提升这实力,一直到登天境大成中阶,天地之间都没有什么非常明显的变化。 ...... …… At the same time. 同一时间。 In Snow Capital. 雪京中。 A round setting sun is hanging in the backdrop of West. 一轮夕阳悬挂在西方的天幕中。 Light fog does not know where from float, crescent moon just liked has covered fine gauze, became dim. 一丝淡淡的云雾不知从何方飘来,弯月犹如蒙上了一层轻纱,变得朦胧。 The breeze has stroked, that wisp of mist has not actually dissipated along with the cool breeze. 微风拂过,那一缕薄雾却并没有随着清风消散。 Must blow off likely general from the light red setting sun that wisp of mist, wind power as if in gradual increase. 像是要把那一缕薄雾从淡红色的夕阳上吹散一般,风力似乎在逐渐的加大。 At first, the leaf is also only tremor slightly, to afterward, the branch swung with the wind. 起初,树叶还只是微微的颤动,到后来,树枝随风摇摆起来。 Well, the wind was how getting bigger and bigger, is really strange.” “咦,怎么风越来越大了,真是奇怪。” On a Snow Capital main road, leans on the old person of walking stick to walk against the wind on the road. 雪京的一条主干道上,一个拄着拐杖的老人正逆风行走在路上。 The circumstances of gradually increasing, making him walk already somewhat strenuously, although was leaning on the walking stick, personal appearance some were not steady. 逐渐增大的风势,令他行走起来已经有些吃力,尽管拄着拐杖,身形有些不稳。 Grandfather, the wind was somewhat big, I hold you to walk.” “爷爷,风有些大了,我扶着您走吧。” Side the old person, wears Bu Ao, the roughly shiwuliu-year-old youth is supporting by the arm old person's arm...... 老人身旁,一个身穿布袄,约莫十五六岁的少年搀扶着老人的手臂...... In Stone Dian. 石殿中。 Ye Jixu attempts to promote to the Ascending Heaven Boundary accomplishment high level, is the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak. 叶继续尝试着提升到登天境大成高阶,也就是登天境巅峰。 Strides in the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak that split second, Between Heaven and Earth the color of wind and cloud starts to change. 跨入登天境巅峰的那一瞬间,天地之间的风云之色开始变化。 In Snow Capital sunny nighttime sky, suddenly faint has covered entirely dense mist, covers the moonlight, casts the huge shadow in the ground. 雪京晴朗的夜空中,突然隐隐的布满了氤氲云气,将月色掩盖,在地面上投下巨大的阴影。 mist such as the tide is common, rushes in the Snow Capital sky, one unobservable secret strength gathers in the cloud layer faintly. 云气如浪潮一般,在雪京的上空澎湃,一种难以察觉的隐秘力量在云层中隐隐汇聚。 Um? Started to change, it seems like, quick must reach the domain limit!” “嗯?已经开始有变化了,看来,很快就要达到界域的极限了!” Ye Qingyu suspended promoting strength, calmly felt the strength that in the vault of heaven was surging, the interlabial outlines to wipe the light happy expression. 叶青羽暂停了提升实力,静静感受着苍穹之中涌动的力量,唇间勾勒起一抹淡淡的笑意。 In the heart moves, his personal appearance vanishes in the stone palace baseless. 心中一动,他的身形凭空消失在石殿之中。 In Stone Dian the invisible pressure dissipates suddenly, the air started flowing. 石殿中无形的压力骤然消散,空气又开始了流动。 Next split second. 一瞬间 Bang. 轰隆。 From Snow Capital in western sky several thousand li (0.5km) away, the mutation appears. 距离雪京数千里之外的西方天空之中,异变出现。 In the sky, curls up to block the sky suddenly thick crowded mist, surging forward just likes the tide in hurricane is ordinary, was the ancient times giant beast roars in the horizon likely galloping. 天空之中,骤然卷起遮天蔽日般浓厚密集的云气,汹涌澎湃犹如飓风中的浪潮一般,又像是远古巨兽在天际咆哮奔腾。 Everywhere lead cloud is revolving in the upper air rapidly, the innumerable [say / way] giant lightnings tear the heavy cloud layer, as if sturdy golden light beams drop down into the ground from the vault, is the innumerable complicate old tree roots hangs down likely generally in the horizon, trim Heaven and Earth is illuminated by this golden lightning, curtain of night exaggeration just likes the daytime is ordinary. 漫天的铅云在高空中飞速的旋转着,无数道巨大的闪电撕裂厚重的云层,仿佛一道道粗壮的金色光柱从穹顶之上直落入地面,像是无数盘根错节的老树根一般倒垂在天际,整片天地被这金色的闪电照亮,将夜幕渲染的犹如白昼一般。 Void is unable to withstand the Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth general strength, the golden thunder and lightning place visited, is several kilometers long and narrow Space-Time crack almost tears fragments the backdrop! 虚空无法承受着毁天灭地一般的力量,金色雷电所过之处,长达数千米的狭长时空裂缝几乎将天幕撕裂成一个个碎片! Suddenly, bang to thunderous sound is lingering on faintly, as if in frightening destruction aura high western sky blasts open to fill the air. 瞬息间,轰向的雷鸣声不绝于耳,仿佛有一股令人心惊的毁灭气息从从西边的天空中炸裂弥漫开来。 ----------- ----------- Second. 第二更。 Guesses that the strength upper limit that now Heaven Wasteland Domain can withstand what Realm is? What important matter fish Monarch please have, must look for Ye Qingyu again 猜一猜如今天荒界能够承受的力量上限是什么境界?鱼君请到底有什么样重要的事情,要再找叶青羽
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