IGE :: Volume #7

#612: First time said

Sister of the emperor's arrival, does not have any specially important matter actually, the first goal is to certainly be in the care, comes to see Ye Qingyu. 长公主的到来,其实也没有什么特别重要的事情,第一目的当然是处于关心,来看看叶青羽 If Ye Qingyu is really the Yu Jun Han son, that must call the sister of the emperor a paternal aunt, two person within the body have the same bloodlines, what suspicion no matter Ye Qingyu in the heart also has now, sister of the emperor fish Monarch invited himself has recognized this fact obviously, therefore has the special care regarding Ye Qingyu. 因为如果叶青羽真的是鱼君寒的儿子的话,那就要叫长公主一声姑姑的,两个人体内有着相同的血脉,而不管叶青羽现在心中还抱有什么样的怀疑,长公主鱼君请自己显然是已经认定了这一事实,因此对于叶青羽有着特别的关心。 Ye Qingyu invitation fish Monarch invited in the palace. 叶青羽邀请鱼君请进了殿内。 Quick Mother Wu serves tea personally. 很快吴妈亲自端茶进来。 Does not need she to ask, Ye Qingyu the experience in Clear Ginger Domain, approximately said that but spoke of initially entered Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace this time, he slightly hesitated, finally that appearance and matter of childhood mother look extremely similar white hair female corpse, slightly past. 不用等她发问,叶青羽就将自己在清姜界之中的经历,大致说了一遍,只是说到了初入地下月色仙宫这段的时候,他稍微犹豫了一下,最终还是将那个面貌和自己童年母亲相貌极为相似的白发女子尸体的事情,略了过去。 About own life experience, now became incomparably complex. 关于自己的身世,现在已经变得无比复杂。 In Ye Qingyu brains one group of messes, but sister of the emperor fish Monarch please obviously was extremely assuredly have recognized Ye Qingyu was Yu Jun Han son fact, therefore made the judgment time, unavoidably will have some responsible fields of force, Ye Qingyu does not want to be affected, he respected fish Monarch to invite very much, respected Yu Jun Han, but involved own life experience, he wanted to depend upon his strength step by step, from fact and evidence, verifies truth. 叶青羽头脑之中一团乱麻,而长公主鱼君请显然是极为笃定地已经认定了叶青羽鱼君寒儿子这个事实,所以做出判断的时候,难免会有一些主管力场,叶青羽不想受到影响,他很尊重鱼君请,更尊重鱼君寒,但涉及到自己的身世,他还是想要一步步依靠自己的力量,从事实和证据出发,去探明真相。 After listening to the experience of Ye Qingyu, sister of the emperor fish Monarch slightly a little be please silent. 听完了叶青羽的经历之后,长公主鱼君请略略有点儿沉默。 Obviously the confusion and stern in Clear Ginger Domain, making the important personage in this empire Royal Family member somewhat silent. 显然清姜界之中的混乱和严峻,让这位帝国皇室成员之中的重要人物有些沉默。 Then, your has strength, achieved Immortal Rank Boundary?” She looks up the young people who an opposite heroic bearing has thrived, after listening to that soul-stirring experience, cannot help but in the heart shocks the feeling. “这么说来,你的实力,已经达到了仙阶境?”她抬头看了一眼对面这个英姿勃发的年轻人,听完那段惊心动魄的经历之后,也不由得心中震惊感慨。 In Heaven Wasteland Domain, many Martial Artist do not even know that has existence of Immortal Rank Boundary this kind of martial arts Realm, Ascending Heaven Boundary is many person unattainable peak, but then exits short less than one year, this youth was in this degree, really worthily was in the past the descendant of that person, no wonder the present could not completely understand his Cultivation Base. 天荒界之中,很多武者甚至都不知道有仙阶境这样一个武道境界的存在,登天境已经是许多人可望不可即的巅峰,而这才出去短短不到一年的时间,这个少年就已经到了这种程度,果然不愧是当年那个人的后代,也怪不得自己如今已经看不透他的修为了。 Ye Qingyu nodded, said: In Heaven Wasteland Domain, the domain principle and Heaven and Earth strength are immature, therefore has suppressed, but Clear Ginger Domain has been able to withstand the strength above heavenly ascension, therefore my Cultivation Base, can progress by leaps and bounds, moreover according to my judgment, our Heaven Wasteland Domain after central Domain Portal opens, along with the Heaven and Earth the improvement of principle and domain strength , the strength enhancement that can withstand, soon time, Martial Artist in Heaven Wasteland Domain, will welcome a golden age of Realm blowout, my this coming back, although said that was intends to suppress yuan qi Cultivation Base, coming out that but can feel as before, the Ascending Heaven Boundary strength, will not receive this piece now again. Suppression of Heaven and Earth.” 叶青羽点了点头,道:“天荒界之中,界域法则和天地之力还未成熟,所以有所压制,但清姜界已经可以承受登天之上的力量,所以我的修为,才能突飞猛进,而且根据我的判断,我们天荒界在中央界域之门开启之后,随着天地法则和界域之力的完善,可以承受的力量增强,用不了太久的时间,天荒界之中的武者们,将会迎来一个境界井喷的黄金时代,我这次回来,虽然说是有意压制了元气修为,但依旧可以感觉的出来,如今登天境的力量,已经不会再受到这片。天地的压制了。” Fish Monarch please smile, said: In this indeed wrong, past six months, many expert had not broken through own Cultivation Base shackles, particularly in Jiang Hu Sect, many Ascending Heaven Boundary expert comes, but also once had erupted the war between Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, was permitted by this piece of Heaven and Earth.” 鱼君请笑了笑,道:“这的确是没有错,过去的半年时间里,有很多强者突破了自身修为的桎梏,尤其是在江湖宗门之中,许多登天境强者现身,还曾爆发过登天境强者之间的大战,都被这片天地所允许了。” Has such matter?” Ye Qingyu slightly one startled, such matter, had not listened to Left Minister and senior marshal and the others before had said. “有这样的事情?”叶青羽微微一惊,这样的事情,之前并未听左相和老元帅等人说过。 Fish Monarch please judge tea, then puts down the teacup, said: What the Li Guangbi senior marshal supervises is Three Sects Three Schools, after passing through initially Bright City had fought, Three Sects Three Schools injures the foundation, therefore performance is also very calm and steady, the senior marshal not too copes with the experience of Jiang Hu Sect, about two phase masters are busy with making determined efforts, reorganize the national affairs, therefore has no time Clone, therefore they do not know that now the Jiang Hu influence pattern in Heaven Wasteland Domain, changed.” 鱼君请品茶,然后放下茶杯,道:“李光弼老元帅监察的是三宗三派,经过了当初光明城一战之后,三宗三派伤到了根基,所以表现的也很安稳,老元帅并无太多对付江湖宗门的经验,左右两位相爷更是忙于励精图治,整顿国事,所以无暇分身,所以他们并不知道,如今天荒界之中的这江湖势力格局,已经变了。” Originally is this. 原来是这样。 In this case, no wonder empire that several thumb, before had not mentioned. 这样的话,也难怪帝国那几位巨擘,之前都未曾言及。 Ye Qingyu looking pensive. 叶青羽若有所思。 Naturally, these days, related to the genuine martial arts expert Jiang Hu matter, was I acted to solve in the past.” Fish Monarch please quite proudly smile, by an extremely comfortable posture, relies on slantingly on the chair, said: Senior marshal they with you had not said that too the matter in this aspect , because they know that I can ask you saying that moreover something, before I said that I must determine, you had that qualifications and strength really know.” “当然,过去这段时间里,涉及到真正武道强者江湖的事情,都是我来出面解决。”鱼君请颇为自傲地笑了笑,以一个极为舒服的姿势,斜斜地倚在椅子上,道:“老元帅他们没有和你说太多这方面的事情,是因为他们知道,我会来找你说的,而且有些事情,在我说出来之前,我得确定一下,你是不是真的有那个资格和实力知道。” Ye Qingyu has been startled being startled, at once smiles bitterly, said: „Do you determine now?” 叶青羽怔了怔,旋即苦笑,道:“那你现在确定了吗?” Determined.” The Yu Jun Han smiling face was gentle, said: Saw your earliest possible time in me a moment ago, I had determined that in following a long time, I can relax.” Saying, her mutton fat white jade equally fine slender white hands was lifting, a light slip of paper, has abandoned leisurely, fell to Ye Qingyu. “确定了。”鱼君寒的笑容柔和了许多,道:“在我刚才看到你的第一时间,我就已经确定,在接下来的很长一段时间里,我可以松一口气了。”说着,她羊脂白玉一样精致的纤纤玉手一抬,一张薄薄的纸片,悠悠废了过来,落向叶青羽 Ye Qingyu puts out a hand to catch the slip of paper, looked, discovered that above has recorded 350 people of names probably, but also behind the name, labelled has been similar to the relative importance mark. 叶青羽伸手接住纸片,一看,发现上面大概记载了350人的名字,还在名字后面,标注了类似于轻重缓急的符号。 „Is this?” He saw a fish Monarch to invite, doubts tunnel. “这是?”他看了一眼鱼君请,疑惑地道。 „, Some not too honest person list,” Yu Jun Han has placed on the teacup in hand the table, knits the brows, said: Flavor of tea is too light, I do not like, do you entertain the guest not to use the liquor?” “哦,一些不太老实的人名单,”鱼君寒将手中的茶杯放在了桌子上,皱皱眉,道:“茶味太淡,我不太喜欢,你招待客人难道不用酒吗?” Ye Qingyu was speechless, took out the good wine that brought from Clear Ginger Domain, for long male Military leader on full. 叶青羽无语,取出了从清姜界中带来的佳酿,为长公主大人满上。 It was gracefully sip a small mouth, the eye one bright, the liquor of one breath in the cup drank completely, fish Monarch please nod: Good, is the nice wine, the liquor outside Heaven Wasteland Domain...... On that list, was some recently for the six months, broke through the Ascending Heaven Boundary expert list, naturally was not complete, was only this above fellow, was not quite honest, thinks that a dynasty broke through, was invincible on Heaven and Earth, recently displays jumped very much, was not obedient, I prepared to go with them to chat personally, now you came, a I such pretty daughter each family, did not need to climb mountains and cross rivers and these fellows negotiated, gave you.” 很是优雅地抿了一小口,眼睛一亮,一口气将杯中酒饮尽,鱼君请点点头:“不错,是好酒,天荒界之外的酒……那个名单上面,都是一些最近半年以来,突破到了登天境强者的名单,当然并非是全部,只是这上面的家伙,一个个都不太老实,自以为一朝突破,就天地无敌,最近一段时间都表现的很跳,也不怎么听话,我本来准备亲自去和他们聊聊,现在你来了,我这么娇滴滴的一个女儿家家,就不用去跋山涉水地和那些家伙交涉了,都交给你了。” The Ye Qingyu hear, understood finally. 叶青羽听完,终于明白了。 Before because of the Heaven and Earth the restraint of principle and domain strength, expert in Heaven Wasteland Domain, even if had Ascending Heaven Boundary expert, that was also very few, moreover does not dare to use the Ascending Heaven Boundary strength truly, therefore can only be existence of one crowd of false Ascending Heaven Boundary, but appeared along with central Domain Portal, the Heaven and Earth principle and domain strength have stepped onto the tide rising tide stage, suddenly innumerable originally by the card in Martial Artist of Sea of Bitterness Stage peak, finally were broken through the shackles, leapt enters Ascending Heaven Boundary, moreover discovered with amazement that oneself can display the Ascending Heaven Boundary strength unscrupulously, the great power that as the matter stands, arrived at suddenly stimulated the ambitions of many person, was started to inflate by them.. 之前因为天地法则和界域之力的约束,天荒界之中的强者,就算是有登天境强者,那也是少之又少,而且还不敢真正动用登天境的力量,所以只能算是一群伪登天境的存在,但是随着中央界域之门出现,天地法则和界域之力走上了潮汐涨潮阶段,一时间无数原本被卡在苦海境巅峰的武者们,终于突破了桎梏,一跃进入登天境,而且还惊讶地发现,自己可以肆无忌惮地发挥登天境的力量,这样一来,骤然降临的强大力量刺激了很多人的野心,让他们开始膨胀。了起来。 Snow Country regarding the attack of Jiang Hu influence, good that originally makes, is like this under the big background, some original efforts, appeared somewhat pale. 雪国对于江湖势力的打击,原本做的不错,可是在这样的大背景之下,原先的一些努力,就显得有些苍白了。 Heaven Wasteland Domain heavenly ascension expert of these new promote, because the inflation of strength caused the mentality to be unbalanced, invisible in changed from big, started the provocative Snow Country dignity. 这些新晋的天荒界登天强者们,因为力量的膨胀导致了心态失衡,无形之中变得自大,开始挑衅雪国的威严。 Regarding Snow Country, this indeed is a threat, even if cannot vacillate the empire rule the foundation, but actually depending on giving birth to many mighty waves, in such crucial time, such situation is the entire empire is obviously intolerable, therefore fish Monarch invited this empire sister of the emperor, had the thoughts. 对于雪国来说,这的确是一个威胁,就算是不能动摇帝国统治的根基,但却会凭生出很多波澜,在这样关键的时刻,这样的情况显然是整个帝国都不能容忍的,所以鱼君请这位帝国长公主,才动了心思。 Receives this slip of paper, Ye Qingyu nodded, said: Good, this matter, gave me.” 将这张纸片收起来,叶青羽点了点头,道:“好,这件事情,交给我了。” Fish Monarch be please fine on fair face, has shown the relaxed happy expression, said: Good good, by your present strength, handles this matter compared with me appropriately.” 鱼君请精致白皙的脸上,露出了轻松的笑意,道:“不错不错,以你如今的实力,比我更加合适去做这件事情。” Ye Qingyu smiled, has not spoken. 叶青羽笑了笑,没有说话。 Fish Monarch to oneself but actually one glass of liquor, have carried, looks to Ye Qingyu, asked: Since you experience in Clear Ginger Domain are so rich, experienced that many expert, Sect, experienced that many matters, can you say that what touched to you are biggest was what? What has to prompt to you?” 鱼君请给自己倒了一杯酒,端起来,看向叶青羽,又问道:“既然你在清姜界之中的经历这么丰富,见识到了那么多的强者,宗门,又经历了那么多的事情,你能不能说一说,对你触动最大的是什么?或者是对你有什么提示?” Ye Qingyu looked that her look is serious, received the thoughts of cracking a joke, carefully thinks very much that said: Must say that touches in a big way to me, that should be Demon Spider Race Tun Tian Camp.” 叶青羽看她的神色严肃,也就收起了开玩笑的心思,很认真地想了想,道:“要说对我触动最大,那应该是魔蛛族吞天营。” „?” Fish Monarch invited faint smile, said: Isn't Great One Sect? Isn't Tempest Sword Assembly expert? Isn't Immortal God Emperor Sect?” “哦?”鱼君请似笑非笑,道:“不是太一门?不是风云论剑大会强者?不是不死神皇宗?” „It is not.” Ye Qingyu affirms the tunnel very much: These that you said that is very strong, makes my this initially have the Heaven Wasteland Domain new military recruits to be surprised, but affects to me truly in a big way, Demon Spider Race Tun Tian Camp...... I do not know that Demon Spider Race other influences are also this, but is very obvious, the strength composition of Tun Tian Camp this military structure, was they almost once had destroyed completely the Great One Sect important reason, in the past number Century time, Great One Sect can stand in opposition with Demon Spider Race, even also occupied some winning sides, but when Demon Spider Race changed the style suddenly, the past tribe Sect scattered in disorder pattern, the change became the army organization system, has spent. After the Century time forms the regiment, a Tempest Sword Assembly war, their potential like lightning, before Great One Sect has not responded, overran to Great one Mountain Range...... to strict enforcement of orders and bans, the onset and retreat had the evidence, even if were I strikes to kill General Tun Tian on the same day, Yun Tianying by the minimum loss, withdrew from Flowing Light City as before, after the army pitched camp, the meteorology is stern, even if were I do not dare to capture the military compound easily...... I once for a very long time stood erect in the Flowing Light City top, once in Great One Sect has left uncultivated in the entrance passes through, I suddenly thought that likely is present Snow Country such empire organization system, perhaps truly can let the means that the Human Race powerful continues formidable, but such as Three Sects Three Schools and Great One Sect such Sect pattern, could continue Heritage, eventually is actually hard to unite and unity entire race strength truly.” “不是。”叶青羽很肯定地道:“你说的这几个,也许都很强,都让我这个初出天荒界的菜鸟感到惊讶,但真正对我影响最大的,还是魔蛛族吞天营……我不知道魔蛛族的其他势力是不是也这样,但很显然,吞天营这种军队结构的力量组成,才是他们几乎一度灭掉了太一门的重要原因,过去的数百年时间里,太一门都能和魔蛛族鼎足而立,甚至还占一些上风,但当魔蛛族突然一改风格,将过去的部落门派的散乱模式,改变成为了军队建制,花费了。百年时间组建出军团之后,风云论剑大会一战,它们势如闪电,在太一门还未反应过来之前,就攻到了太一山脉……令行禁止,进退有据,哪怕是当日我击杀了吞天大将,云天应依旧以极小的损失,退出了流光城,大军安营扎寨之后,气象森严,哪怕是我也不敢轻易攻入军营……我曾经在流光城的城头上久久矗立,也曾在太一门荒废了的山门上经过,我突然觉得,像是如今雪国这样的帝国建制,或许才是真正可以让人族强势强大延续的办法,而如三宗三派太一门这样的门派格局,或许能够延续传承,却终究难以真正凝聚和团结整个种族的力量。” Ye Qingyu said is very slow. 叶青羽说的很慢。 These words, are he in Clear Ginger Domain, particularly after experiencing the Tun Tian Camp Demon Spider Race army, already realized, words that but has not said. 这些话,是他在清姜界的时候,尤其是在见识了吞天营魔蛛族大军之后,早就意识到,但却没有说出来的话。 Also was Ye Qingyu first time speaks such words in the face of other people. 也是叶青羽第一次在其他人面前说这样的话。 Before facing Liu Shaji and Hu bugui was as for Nan Tieyi time, he has not said any character. 之前面对刘杀鸡胡不归乃至于南铁衣的时候,他都没有说过任何一个字。 Because these people in the clear ginger, come Sect, perhaps regarding Ye Qingyu such idea, very much does not approve. 因为这些人身在清姜,出身宗门,对于叶青羽这样的想法,或许并不是很认同。 But potential of Ye Qingyu from Youyan Pass time, is a firm army person, after the experience settles the tour of ginger, even more has strengthened own idea. 叶青羽幽燕关起势的时候,就一直是一个坚定的军队主义者,在经历了清姜之行之后,就越发地坚定了自己的想法。 ! 啪啪啪! The clear applause resounds. 清脆的掌声响起。 Fish Monarch please gently applaud, on the face is having a gratified happy expression of not mincing matter, said: You know that these words, before Century , the person, has said in Yu Clan several thousand the front of expert and clansman.” 鱼君请轻轻地鼓掌,脸上带着一种毫不掩饰的欣慰笑意,道:“你知道吗,这一番话,在一百年之前,也有一个人,曾经在鱼族数千强者和族人的面前说过。” ------------ ------------ First. 第一更。
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