IGE :: Volume #7

#611: Empire thumb

Returns to Snow Country, the Yu Xiao Xing status to elevate suddenly, she also knows, if continue to stand here, it is estimated that the cousins and these subordinate friends talked about old days cannot enjoy oneself to the full, and she was the Royal Family member, was the empire crown prince, since came back, this earliest possible time hurried back the having an audience with father emperor, a lot must be done. 回到雪国,鱼小杏身份地位骤然升高,她自己也知道,如果自己继续立在这里,估计表哥和这些下属朋友们叙旧也不能尽兴,且她自己身为皇族成员,又是帝国太子,既然回来了,就该第一时间赶回去觐见父皇,还有很多事情要做。 After Bai Yuanxing, Gao Diping and the others greeted with a smile, Yu Xiao Xing under the guards of several bright armed soldiers leaves. 白远行高地平等人笑着打了招呼之后,鱼小杏在几位光明甲士的护卫下离开。 The group left Bright City, entered the imperial guard big camp, after simple notification, is stationed in the imperial guard the high level is very low-key coming out, greeted this empire His Highness Crown Prince, then under the guard of imperial guard Elite military officer, Yu Xiao Xing goes toward the imperial palace. 一行人离开了光明城,进入了禁军大营,简单的通报之后,驻扎禁军的高层很是低调的出来,迎接了这位帝国太子殿下,然后在禁军精锐军官的护卫之下,鱼小杏朝着皇宫而去。 Meanwhile 与此同时 In the sky of Snow Capital east county fair direction, the scarlet light group terminal velocity came, to cross layer on layer Restriction together, crashed suddenly the Bright God palace. 雪京东面市集方向的天空之中,一道血色光团极速而来,越过了重重禁制,骤然坠落光明神殿。 Dares to be like this rampant inside and outside Bright City the dissolute person, only then, Ye Qingyu did not look, knows the person who who was. 敢在光明城内外这样嚣张放肆的人,只有一个,叶青羽就算是不看,也知道来的人是谁了。 Feeds, Brother Ye, you come back!” Familiar sound/noise resounds, Wen Mianmian appears. “喂喂喂,叶老弟,你回来啦!”熟悉的声音响起,温面面出现。 After Ye Qingyu returned to Heaven Wasteland Domain, spreads the news selectively one by one, but from Bright City farthest Wen Wan, is last catches up obviously, the instance of landing, in the left hand of this goods carries a surface bowl of specially-made basin same size, in the bowl is also braving the steaming steam, obviously this just fished from the pot, the right hand selects to grab similarly specially-made big chopsticks, chopsticks get down obviously compared with ordinary chopsticks man more noodles. 叶青羽回到了天荒界之后,有选择性地逐一放出消息,而距离光明城最远的温晚,显然是最后一个赶来的,落地的瞬间,这货的左手里端着一个特制的盆子一样大小的面碗,碗里还冒着腾腾热气,显然这面刚刚才从锅里捞出来,右手择抓着一双同样特制的大筷子,一筷子下去显然要比普通筷子佬更多的面条。 The vision falls on the body of Ye Qingyu, has sized up, Wen Wan somewhat is also excited. 目光落在叶青羽的身上,上上下下打量了一下,温晚也有些激动。 He wants to a hug, suddenly realized the own two hands both were being occupied, thinks that has measured, finally is primarily the surface, tittered several, swept away the surface in bowl, eats cleanly the hot water in bowl, can receive the tableware, gave a Ye Qingyu hug. 他想要冲过来一个拥抱,突然意识到自己两只手都被占着,想了想,权衡了一下,最终还是以面为主,噗嗤噗嗤几口,将碗里的面一扫而空,喝干净了碗里的面汤,才能收起碗筷,过来给叶青羽一个拥抱。 Ye Qingyu is a little helpless, said: It seems like, to you, eats the noddles more important than me.” 叶青羽有点儿无奈,道:“看来,对你来说,吃面还是比我更重要啊。” Wen Wan smiles, said: You, since came back, that continuously, but this bowl of surface , if late to eat, that may cool soft the lump not be delicious......” 温晚嘿嘿一笑,道:“你既然回来了,那就一直都在,但是这碗面要是晚点吃,那可就凉了软了坨了不好吃了……” Ye Qingyu: „......” 叶青羽:“……” This dialog causes people able help smiling actually, laughs. 这一番对话倒是引得众人忍俊不禁,开怀大笑起来。 Words said that your this also too can eat the noddles, that many delicacies of every kind, you actually must eat the insipid noodles, oh, were you ancestors dough making have any enmity...... I have guessed more than half a year, has only feared in this Snow Capital the noodle stand boss of main street and small alley, must supply you.” Ye Qingyu has smiled. “话说过来,你这也实在是太能吃面了吧,那么多的山珍海味,你却偏偏要吃寡淡的面条,唉,你是不是上辈子和面有什么仇啊……我猜过了这大半年,只怕这雪京之中大街小巷的面摊老板,都要把你供起来了吧。”叶青羽又笑了起来。 Since he enters White Deer Academy has not gained fame and fortune the time, Wen Wan has accompanied in the Ye Qingyu side, in Youyan Pass, Wen Wan also has stood afterward in the Ye Qingyu standpoint, sentiments and friendship between two people, it can be said that deepest. 自从他进入白鹿学院还未发迹的时候,温晚就一直都陪在叶青羽的身边了,后来在幽燕关,温晚也是一直都站在叶青羽的立场上,两个人之间的感情和友谊,可以说是最为深厚的了。 During the speeches, leader of bright armed soldier camp fatty king Li Jin that covets life and fears death is greedy for money to like to gamble dreadfully, caught up grinningly, but this delivery now is a little inexpensive, far away lowered the head to bend the back gives regards to Ye Qingyu, appearance that a little does not dare to approach. 说话之间,光明甲士营的首领那个贪生怕死猥琐贪财好赌的胖子王郦金,也笑嘻嘻地赶来了,不过这货到现在还是有点儿贱兮兮的,老远低头哈腰地向叶青羽问好,有点儿不敢太靠近的样子。 Ye Qingyu takes a look at this goods appearance, knows that he definitely gambled to lose much, only feared that was won again by the subordinates armed soldiers including the official stamp, therefore like this shrank, at once, does not know that said his anything good, but this said that although the grades and salary was bad, but at crucial moments, was actually reliable, initially a Bright City war, this fatty had made the great merit, he and his subordinates bright armed soldier camp, in any case was one crowd of Prodigy, cannot come the side with the common sense. 叶青羽一瞅这货的样子,就知道他肯定是又赌钱输了不少,只怕是再一次连官印都被麾下的甲士们赢走了,所以才这样畏畏缩缩,一时之间,也不知道说他什么好,不过这说虽然品秩恶劣,但在关键时刻,却是靠得住,当初光明城一战,这胖子立下了大功,他和他麾下的光明甲士营,反正都是一群奇葩,也不能用常理来度侧。 Lao Yu Jing at the same time has been looking that the vision the bodies passed over gently and swiftly when Wen Wan, Li Changkong and the others, is sizing up quietly, often slightly nods, when sees black student Ximen Yeshuo, in his vision, strange brilliance flashes through, finally sees king Li Jin, Lao Yu Jing was clever to smile, that was a yellow weasel saw similar or was the child saw expression that the interesting toy time can show. 老鱼精一直都在一边看着,目光在温晚李长空等人的身上掠过,悄悄地打量着,不时微微地点点头,在看到黑书生西门夜说的时候,他的目光里,有一丝奇异的光华闪过,最后看到王郦金时,老鱼精却是贼兮兮地笑了起来,那是一种黄鼠狼见到了同类或者是小孩子看到了有趣的玩具时候才会露出的表情。 Naturally, in all people, happiest must be counted Mother Wu that takes care in the kitchen personally. 当然,所有人之中,最开心的还要算上在厨房里亲自张罗的吴妈了。 Knows that moment that palace Military leader comes back, Mother Wu is moved to tears, asked after is good, immediately first rushes to the kitchen in overthrows formerly all the cooked food of preparation, ties the apron to arrange a meal to stir-fry personally, from the cold dish to the soup and broth, is the tastes that Ye Qingyu usually in likes. 自知道殿主大人回来的那一刻,吴妈激动得热泪盈眶,问了个好之后,就立刻第一时间奔到厨房里推翻先前所有预备的菜肴,亲自系上围裙重新配菜翻炒,从凉菜到汤羹,都是叶青羽平日里喜欢的口味。 After stick of incense. 炷香之后。 In Bright God palace leaning hall meals room. 光明神殿偏厅膳房内。 Mother Wu gets several kitchen helper helpers to serve food one after another, has set out a big table dazzlingly fully, almost could not put down including the soup bowl. 吴妈领着十几个厨工帮手轮番上菜,琳琅满目满满摆了一大桌子,连汤碗都几乎搁不下了。 For a long time has not tasted the Mother Wu craftsmanship, but also was really greedy.” Ye Qingyu looks that whole face sweat cleans without enough time, the facial features already smiled colored Mother Wu, shows a faint smile. “好久没有尝吴妈的手艺了,还真是馋了呢。”叶青羽看着满脸大汗来不及擦拭,眉眼早已笑成一朵花的吴妈,也是微微一笑。 Mother Wu hears the Ye Qingyu words, rubs hands excitedly, the eye smiled a crescent moon fine drawn, Palace Master you liked eating, my later every day non- identical style did to you......” 吴妈听到叶青羽的话,兴奋地搓手,眼睛笑成了一道月牙细缝,“殿主您喜欢吃,我以后每天都不重样得给您做……” Ha Ha, Brother Ye you came back to be good, usually where we can make the Mother Wu 18 cooks show all.” Wen Wan was already staring at large bowl red oil dough sheet dripping saliva. “哈哈,叶老弟你回来就好了,平日里我们这些人哪能让吴妈18般厨艺尽数展现出来啊。”温晚早就盯着一大碗红油面片淌口水了。 Oh, good good, delicious.” The Lao Yu Jing eye stares at the delicacy cooked food that the full table is building, pair of cross-eyed already braved the extremely anxious fine glow, looked for a position to sit, a while mouthful must be the wine and meat, ate while excitedly said: Has not thought that your boy has these many fierce people in Heaven Wasteland Domain, daily but also eats is so good, really has the meat to eat with you! Liquor? Does not have the liquor, comes, takes the liquor quickly!” “嗯嗯嗯,不错不错,好吃。”老鱼精眼睛盯着满桌子垒起来的珍馐菜肴,一双斗鸡眼早就冒着急不可待的精芒,率先找了个位置坐了上去,一会儿满嘴里塞得都是酒肉,一边吃一边兴奋地赞道:“没想到,你小子在天荒界有这么多厉害的人跟着,还天天吃的这么好,跟着你果然有肉吃啊!酒呢?怎么没有酒,来来来,快拿酒来!” The people are one laugh, takes a seat immediately in abundance. 众人又是一阵大笑,也随即纷纷落座。 Formerly Ye Qingyu in the temple introduced Lao Yu Jing for everybody, naturally cannot say his real status, but introduced sketchily he is in old Senior that Clear Ginger Domain met. 先前在神殿里叶青羽已经为大家介绍了老鱼精,当然不能说他的真实身份,只是粗略介绍他是自己在清姜界遇到的一位老前辈 But presents the person here, is the worldly people, naturally can look, in the Ye Qingyu surface as if very much disdains to Lao Yu Jing, but in fact actually very much regards as important, knows that this cross-eyed old man, is the origin is it is estimated that uncommon. 但出现在这里的人,都是人精,自然看得出来,叶青羽表面上对老鱼精似乎很是不屑,但实际上却是很看重,也就知道,这个斗鸡眼的老头子,估计也是来历不凡。 At the session the lively banquet scene, the delicacies smell as sweet, atmosphere is warm. 席间觥筹交错,佳肴飘香,气氛温馨和谐。 Often also has Lao Yu Jing and dull dog also has Ximen Yeshuo and Li Changkong for the laughingstock that to snatch the duck leg chicken leg attacks brutally to toss about, this atmosphere, making in the Ye Qingyu heart also resemble by the gentle breeze winding around package, is especially happy. 不时还有老鱼精和呆狗还有西门夜说李长空为了抢鸭腿鸡腿而大打出手折腾出来的笑料,这久违的氛围,让叶青羽心中也似是被轻柔微风缭绕包裹,格外舒畅。 ...... …… After a double-hour. 一个时辰之后。 In Bright God palace. 光明神殿中。 Belch...... Little Ye, cannot think that you have hidden the craftsmanship such good female cook in this temple...... Belch...... This flavor, caught up with I flowed the palace in vast desert , the kitchen after quickly...... Belch......” Lao Yu Jing is hitting the belch deliciously, appearance that to never revere, while in the hand is also grasping the chicken leg that snatches from the dull dog Little Nine mouth. “嗝……小叶子,想不到你在这神殿里藏了个手艺这么好的厨娘……嗝……这味道,快赶上我流沙海的宫廷后厨了……嗝……”老鱼精一边美滋滋打着嗝,一副为老不尊的样子,一边手里还握着从呆狗小九嘴边抢过来的鸡腿。 Wang...... Stinky old man...... Gives back to this Wang the chicken leg quickly!” The dull dog Little Nine violent anger, supported the belly of round to pursue. “汪……臭老头……快把鸡腿还给本汪!”呆狗小九暴怒,挺着圆滚滚的肚子追了上来。 Ye Qingyu does not have simply is speechless, has covered the forehead with the hand, treats as has not seen. 叶青羽无简直是无语,用手捂住了额头,当做没看见。 Snatches in the main hall from the dinner table, only then these two different races can achieve. 从餐桌上抢到大殿里,也只有这两个“异类”能做到了。 Suddenly the chicken leg had been nibbled a cleanness by Lao Yu Jing, he has not given full expression to suck. Has sucked the finger, was inexpensive to shake the smooth chicken bone toward the dull dog. 眨眼之间鸡腿已经被老鱼精啃了个干净,他意犹未尽吮.了吮手指,又贱兮兮得朝着呆狗晃了晃光溜溜的鸡骨头。 Old thing, Wang He you are unable to co-exist!” The dull dog casts a sidelong glance slantingly complacent Lao Yu Jing, squats to sit in the one side angrily, thinks that the eye of round rumble the rotation, in the look has been full of the sneering meaning of user-friendly, said: Hey, the old thing should not be favorite, in this Snow Capital, everywhere is the delicacies of every kind, this Wang must go to the Snow Capital city, fills of enjoyment, has 100 peerless delicacies the chicken legs, drinks 1000 types of smelling as sweet aging...... Naturally, daily eats 100 grilled fish, Ha Ha, irritates you.” “老东西,汪和你势不两立!”呆狗斜睨一眼得意洋洋的老鱼精,气鼓鼓蹲坐在一旁,想了想,圆溜溜的眼睛咕噜噜转动,眼神里充满了人性化的冷笑意思,道:“嘿嘿,老东西你别得意,这雪京之中,到处都是山珍海味,本汪要去雪京城里,吃香喝辣,吃100种绝世美味的鸡腿,喝1000种飘香陈酿……当然,天天吃100条烤鱼,哈哈,气死你。” 100 types...... 1000 types......” Lao Yu Jing two braved light, immediately to put down the moral integrity, the greasy hand grasped carelessly, dull dog hugging in bosom, I was your Master Senior, you cannot keep everything for oneself, come, guided to This King quickly, we ate the grilled fish together!” “100种……1000种……”老鱼精两眼冒光,立刻放下了节操,油腻腻的手胡乱一抓,就把呆狗给搂在怀里,“我好歹是你主人前辈,你可不能吃独食,来来来,快给本王带路,我们一起去吃烤鱼!” The dull dog really dumbfounded immediately. 呆狗顿时就真的呆住了。 Your did Lao Yu Jing, such excitedly clamor unexpectedly is eating the grilled fish? 你一条老鱼精,居然这么兴奋地叫嚣着去吃烤鱼? Are you fish. 你到底是不是鱼啊。 To the next second, the dull dog truly responded. 到了下一秒,呆狗才真正反应过来。 Wang...... Puts this Wang Xialai...... You feared that was several Century has not taken a bath! Stank to high heaven stank to high heaven!” The small fish of dull dog water leakage goes all out to wiggle forward to try in the Lao Yu Jing arm elbow likely to work loose, but this Water leakage small fish Fights that only hundreds of thousands years of Lao Yu Jing, the dull dog that was immobilized stubbornly reveals the creamy white fang to shake the head to gnaw crazily. “汪……放本汪下来……你怕是几百年没洗澡了吧!臭死了臭死了!”呆狗像出水的小鱼拼命在老鱼精胳膊肘里扭来扭去试图挣脱出来,但这【出水小鱼】怎么斗得过那只十几万年的老鱼精,被死死钳制住的呆狗露出乳白獠牙嗷呜嗷呜摆头狂啃。 Yeah, do not nip, we discussed well......” “哎,别咬啊,咱好好商量一下嘛……” „...... Wang is not rare!” The dull dog struggles while clenches teeth, suddenly resembles is in the longan miraculous glow Flashed, coughs...... Old man...... This Wang Dai you goes also...... Three drops of Thunder Broth.” “……汪不稀罕!”呆狗一边挣扎一边咬牙,突然似是圆眼中灵光一闪,“咳……老头……本汪带你去也可以……三滴雷浆。” The dull dog had struggled on the contrary no longer at this time, on the face is also hanging color of the hoping, in it at heart, that drop of Thunder Broth taste, exceeded entire Heaven Wasteland Domain all good wine, moreover it knows that the body of Lao Yu Jing, had certainly Thunder Broth. 呆狗这时候反倒不再挣扎了,脸上还挂着一丝期冀之色,在它心里,那一滴雷浆的滋味,胜过整个天荒界所有的佳酿了,而且它知道,老鱼精的身上,一定是有雷浆的。 „, Your this request, a little goes too far, rather also great lion greatly has opened the mouth, but, looked in share that in your I relate...... Deal!” “呃,你这个要求啊,有点儿太过分啊,未免也太狮子大开口了,不过,看在你我关系的份上……成交!” Woof Woof, refreshed person, Wang Xihuan, that this, but also waits for anything, we quick, first Wang Ha Ha Ha, I lead you to go to me most to like......” 汪汪,爽快人,汪喜欢,那就这样,还等什么啊,咱们快出发吧,汪哈哈哈,我先带你去我最喜欢的……” „, Hadn't here finished eating? What? Asked me to eat the supreme grilled fish? Good, that such has decided that we are walking.” “呃,这儿还没吃完呢?什么?请我吃至尊烤鱼?好,那就这么定了,咱们走着。” A person of dog dialog, then such disregards other Ye Qingyu and all person people, changes to Flowing Light, vanished in the stone steps end of Bright God palace. 一人一狗一番对话,然后就这么无视叶青羽和所有人其他人,化作流光,消失在了光明神殿的石阶尽头。 The people stare dumbfounded. 众人瞠目结舌。 Ye Qingyu looks the weak ray that a distant place point gradually vanishes, cannot help smiling, is smiling bitterly shaking the head. 叶青羽看着远处一点逐渐消失的微弱光芒,忍俊不禁,苦笑着摇了摇头。 This person of dog strength is very strong, outside that layer on layer formation and hundreds of thousands of imperial guards, cannot block them, these two disasters link now, only feared is in Snow Capital wants one to be in chaotic situation, after all initially Great One Sect like this super Sect, was made in a complete mess the entrance by these two disasters. 这一人一狗实力都很强,外面那重重阵法和数十万禁军,根本拦不住他们,这两个祸害现在结合在一起,只怕是雪京之中又要过一阵鸡飞狗跳了,毕竟当初就连太一门这样的超级宗门,也被这两个祸害把山门弄得一塌糊涂。 The meal continues. 餐宴继续。 Ye Qingyu had understood Bai Yuanxing and the others Cultivation achievements, is very gratified, eats meal, is one raises. 叶青羽已经了解了白远行等人的修炼成果,很是欣慰,吃饭之间,又是一番提点。 One after stick of incense time, 炷香时间之后 Brother Ye! We come!” 叶老弟!我们来啦!” Two anxious and excited sound/noise passed from the midair as if by prior agreement. 两道急切而兴奋的声音不约而同自半空传了过来。 The Ye Qingyu corners of the mouth raise slightly. 叶青羽嘴角微微扬起。 Comes is so quick!” “来的这么快!” Next split second, including pill god Du Gu Quan, medical god Ouyang is uneven, Left Minister Lin Zheng, Right Minister Qu Hanshan, senior marshal Li Guangbi and Jinding crown prince the Yu Feiyan wait / etc. empire of thumb, during Flowing Light glitters, fell on the Radiant Palace Hall entrance. 一瞬间,包括丹神独孤全,医神欧阳不平,左相蔺争,右相曲寒山,老元帅李光弼、金鼎亲王鱼非言等等帝国的巨擘,都在流光闪烁之中,落在了光明殿的门口。 ...... …… In a side hall dead room in Bright City. 光明城之中的一座偏殿静室内。 In the square thalamium decorates is quite simple, only then several ink that seems like splashes ink at will changes to the embellishment on jet black stone wall. 四四方方的内室里装饰极为简朴,只有几幅看似随意泼墨的水墨化作点缀在漆黑的石壁上。 In the wall surface wing celtis strip portrays some dissimilar in shape and form lifelike ancient times god beast totem, as if the next quarter then must leap the body in abundance, Tun Tian bites. 墙面檀条上刻画着一些形态各异活灵活现的上古神兽图腾,仿佛下一刻便要纷纷跃身而出,吞天噬地似的。 Brother Ye, your this walks more than half a year, the news does not have, but was worried to go bad us.” pill god Du Gu Quan is sizing up Ye Qingyu carefully, although has not induced to his yuan qi fluctuation, but is well steady in the aura, like does not have the wound in the appearance of body, felt relieved finally. 叶老弟,你这一走大半年,一点儿消息都没有,可是把我们担心坏了。”丹神独孤全仔细打量着叶青羽,虽然没有感应到他的元气波动,但好在气息平稳,不像是有伤在身的样子,总算放下心来。 Yes, I am blocking Mr. Du Gu, waits for the first half month again, only feared that he must unable to attend, crashed in Domain Portal to ask you.” Ouyang does not put down caresses silver white long beard lightly, smiles to look at Ye Qingyu. “是啊,要不是我拦着独孤老头,再等上半月,只怕他就要顾不得许多,冲进界域之门找你去了。”欧阳不平轻抚银白长须,笑眯眯看着叶青羽 I said Mr. Ouyang, your meaning said me well, is not your this Old Man, said that Brother Ye did not have the news, we added several hundred years old not to matter exactly are again long, simply entered Clear Ginger Domain to look Brother Ye?” Du Gu Quan shot a look at Ouyang not to be uneven indifferently. “我说欧阳老头,你好好意思说我,不是你这个老家伙,说叶老弟一直没消息,咱们俩加起来几百岁了也无所谓再活多长,干脆杀入清姜界叶老弟找回来的吗?”独孤全冷眼瞥了一眼身旁的欧阳不平。 Ouyang does not put down shakes the head very much assuredly, said: When I have said that left the embarrassed acknowledgment to depend on the old man, person who the old man acted rashly likely?” 欧阳不平很笃定地摇摇头,道:“我什么时候说过,别不好意思承认就赖老夫了,老夫像是那么轻举妄动的人吗?” „The place that hey your old man, you acts rashly are many went, 80 years ago you......” Du Gu Quan was also anxious. “嘿你个老头子,你轻举妄动的地方多了去了,80年前你……”独孤全也是急了。 Two add nearly thousand -year-old man, starts the child to bring up old scores to bicker unexpectedly likely. 两个加起来近千岁的老头,竟然开始像小孩子般翻旧账斗起嘴来。 Ye Qingyu sits, in the place above does not know whether to laugh or cry, but thought that this atmosphere and situation, is very warm, two brothers regarding own concern concern, makes in his heart surge an intermittent warm current, understood a feeling of going home. 叶青羽坐在上方哭笑不得,但觉得这种气氛和场合,无比温馨,两个老哥哥对于自己的关怀关切之情,也让他心中涌起一阵阵的暖流,体会到了一种回家的感觉。 His palm has caressed among volumes gently, said with a smile: I said two brothers, although my person in Clear Ginger Domain, but two brothers to my care I know that we, or first chats the proper business, do not let Right Minister and Left Minister , etc. was too long.” 他手掌轻轻抚了抚额间,笑道:“我说两位大哥,虽然我人在清姜界,但是二位大哥对我的关心我还是知道的,咱们要不还是先聊聊正事,也别让右相左相等太久了。” All right, the Snow Country pivotal pill god and medical god quarrelled, we usually also rarely had the story, this time can see face to face, Ha Ha, was a charming story, Ha Ha.” Right Minister Lin Zheng blows the steam that in tea flutters gently, has smiled rarely, obviously his mood is very good. “没事儿,雪国举足轻重的丹神和医神拌嘴,我们平时也鲜有见闻,这一次能够当面一见,哈哈,也算是一段佳话,哈哈。”右相蔺争轻轻吹了吹茶盏上飘动的热气,罕见地笑了起来,显然他的心情很是不错。 Ha Ha, two Senior mentalities are so young, I and Right Minister really can not hold a candle.” The Qu Hanshan Piao Daoban frown shakes gently, smiles lightly. “哈哈,两位前辈心态如此年轻,我与右相真是望尘莫及。”曲寒山朴刀般的双眉轻轻一抖,淡淡一笑。 In the half year, Heaven Wasteland Domain situation how?” Ye Qingyu recovery stern, then looks to Right Minister Lin Zheng. “这半年多来,天荒界情形如何?”叶青羽恢复正色,转而看向右相蔺争 „Since crown prince Your Excellency follows Hall Master Ye you enter Clear Ginger Domain, in the Snow Country emperor courtyard temporarily hands over by Jinding Crown Prince Yu Feiyan Chancellor Your Highness, since that fought in the past, in Heaven Wasteland Domain actually all tranquil, lives in peace with each other......” Lin Zheng all affairs big or small the situations and situations of Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) major influences 11 reply, „...... Whip of regiment god of thunder, treads the wave regiment, the western crag regiment and in the combat report of Youyan Pass that side each half a month, with major Alien race, has had the friction, since recently, beside several big Alien race abatement Snow Ground Demon Court, has been ready to make trouble, only feared that will not be law-abiding.” “自从太子冕下跟随叶殿主您进入清姜界之后,雪国皇庭之中暂交由金顶亲王鱼非言殿下主事,自从当年那一战之后,天荒界之中倒是一切平静,相安无事……”蔺争事无巨细将天荒各大势力的局势和情形11回禀,“……雷神之鞭军团、踏浪军团、西岩军团和幽燕关那边每半月的战报里来看,与各大异族之间,一直都有摩擦,近些日子以来,几大异族除却雪地妖庭之外,都是蠢蠢欲动,只怕不会太安分。” But actually does not use extremely in the worry, generally speaking, undergoes the heavy losses hurricane wave Demon Court and desert Barbarian Race royal court clear water Montenegro Barbarian Race and Snow Ground Demon Court now only the strength of remaining protection respites, is difficult to form an army.” Qu Hanshan also then said that „, and after four big Alien race Domain Portal were prohibited by Snow Country Royal Family, not any news of Domain Portal unusual fluctuation comes.” “不过倒也不用太过于担心,总的来说,经受重创的飓浪妖庭、大漠蛮族王庭白水黑山蛮族雪地妖庭如今只剩下防备喘息之力,再难成军。”曲寒山也接着说道,“且四大异族界域之门雪国皇族封禁之后,并无任何域门异常波动的消息传来。” In the half year time, Snow Country high and low all rulers and ministers military officers and several million sergeants are at a defense readiness condition of resting and building up strength, particularly in emperor Left Minister and Right Minister concerted effort coordinates, the exquisite deployment and issued that various following plans, let the armament strength swift reinforcement of entire Snow Country. 这半年多的时间里,雪国上下所有的君臣将领和数百万军士都处在一种休养生息的戒备状态,尤其是皇廷之中左相右相通力配合,精妙部署和发布各项后续计划,让整个雪国的军备实力迅速增强。 Is only......” senior marshal Li Yuanbi sighs slightly, „, although the present Heaven Wasteland Domain general situation has stabilized relatively, but such as Three Sects Three Schools such Jiang Hu Sect, will have some unusual actions in secret, after cleaning that fights, some stubbornly disobedient roots of evil stamp one's foot in the hidden place as before......” “只是……”老元帅李元弼微微叹了口气,“虽然现在天荒界的大局已经相对稳定下来,但是诸如三宗三派这样的江湖宗门,暗中还是会有一些异常举动,经过那一战的清扫,依旧有一些顽劣恶根在暗处跳脚……” The senior marshal beard and hair is all white, space between eyebrows gully general wrinkle before over six months was more obvious. 老元帅须发皆白,眉间沟壑一般的皱纹似是比半年多以前更加明显了。 Initially before crown prince Your Excellency walked, the last order is arranges Left Minister and Right Minister is in charge in the Snow Country emperor courtyard all military aircraft arrangements, but oneself , then processed in Heaven Wasteland Domain all Jiang Hu Sect sizes to fluctuate, however until now, major Sect and Jiang Hu influence is unable throughout properly processing and submitting, this aspect makes the senior marshal day and night the melancholy, was hard to fall asleep. 当初太子冕下走之前,最后一道命令便是安排左相右相主管雪国皇庭之中一切军机安排,而自己则处理天荒界内所有江湖宗门的大小波动,然而时至今日,各大宗门江湖势力始终无法得到妥善处理和归附,这一局面令老元帅日夜愁思,难以成眠。 Heaven Wasteland Domain some Sect, I was have also had to do in Youyan Pass, this......” Ye Qingyu looks that in the facial features had no intention to reveal a senior marshal of anxious look, the smiling face of lightly revealing comforting, I came you to share for the marshal.” 天荒界的一些宗门,我在幽燕关的时候也算是打过交道了,这样吧……”叶青羽看着眉眼之中无意流露出一丝愁容的老元帅,淡淡露出一丝宽慰的笑容,“我来替元帅您分担一些。” In Li Yuanbi hear Yanxin one startled, in the eye flashes through a happy expression. 李元弼闻言心中一惊,眼中闪过一丝喜色。 Hall Master Ye is willing to get rid, that was really good!” Li Yuanbi transfer sorrow to happily, resembles is pressing at heart the giant stone to move out the common look more relaxed finally. 叶殿主愿意出手,那真是太好了!”李元弼转忧为喜,似是心里压着的巨石终于被人搬走了一般神色轻松了许多。 By Ye Qingyu present Cultivation Base, wants to suppress some Sect in Heaven Wasteland Domain, can achieve absolutely. 叶青羽如今的修为,想要镇压天荒界之内的一些宗门,绝对可以做得到。 As for national affairs, must hand over by Jinding crown prince with two phase masters, is assisted His Highness Crown Prince to discuss by your several together.” Ye Qingyu looks to Lin Zheng and Qu Hanshan direction. “至于国事,还是要交由金顶亲王与两位相爷,由您们几位辅佐太子殿下一同商议。”叶青羽又看向蔺争曲寒山的方向。 This is natural.” Two phase masters nod in abundance. “这是自然。”两位相爷纷纷点头。 Then naturally is a discussion. 接下来自然又是一番议论。 Ye Qingyu is not to all matters, can map out strategic plans in an army tent, in fact likely is some armed forces country important matters, is not his manager, is not his interest is, but Right Minister and the others are hopes obviously this present became Radiant Palace Hall Military leader of empire pillar, can sit to listen also well, therefore said was very detailed. 叶青羽并非是对所有的事情,都能运筹帷幄,实际上像是一些军国大事,并非是他所长,也不是他的兴趣所在,但右相等人显然是希望这位如今已经成为了帝国支柱的光明殿主大人,能够坐下来听一听也好,所以讲的都很详细。 Ye Qingyu occasionally inserts several words. 叶青羽偶尔插几句话。 In an instant is two double-hour passes. 转眼就是两个时辰过去。 Big or medium business Ye Qingyu that in the deployment and Snow Country of Heaven Wasteland Domain have had the approximate understanding. 天荒界的部署和雪国之中所发生的大小事务叶青羽都有了大致了解。 The people drink tea, postpones rhythm rest slightly. 众人喝茶,稍稍放缓节奏休息。 „...... The proper business discussed that should say you experience to us in different.” Du Gu Quan waited for quite a while, finally had the neutral gear of digression, reveals an anxious meaning. “咳……正事商量完了吧,该跟我们说说你在异界中的经历吧。”独孤全似是等了半天,终于有了个插话的空档,露出一丝急切之意。 Right right, Brother Ye, we were very curious you exactly to have any interesting matter in Clear Ginger Domain.” Ouyang does not put down rarely does not choke the sound with Du Gu Quan, they sang a duet. “对啊对啊,叶老弟,我们都很好奇你在清姜界里到底发生了什么有趣的事情。”欧阳不平难得的不跟独孤全呛声,两人一唱一和起来。 But Ye Qingyu smiled, said in Clear Ginger Domain all approximately, naturally hidden went to the essential information, such as moonlight immortal palace, Chaotic Thunder Broth as well as Lao Yu Jing status wait / etc.. 叶青羽无奈笑了笑,也将自己在清姜界中的一切大致说了一遍,当然隐去了很多关键的信息,如月色仙宫,混沌雷浆以及老鱼精的身份等等。 After a double-hour. 一个时辰之后。 The people look that Ye Qingyu is the interest lacks really regarding the matter of armed forces country, this and that Sir was exactly the same in years past, how, knows palace Military leader that just came back, possibly also some private affairs must process, Right Minister and the others then return to report not to have the reason of processing, then set out to say goodbye successively. 众人看出来,叶青羽真的对于军国之事是兴致缺缺,这和昔年那位大人一模一样,也是奈何不得,又知道刚刚回来的殿主大人,可能还有一些私事要处理,右相等人便以还有奏报没处理的理由,先后便起身告辞了。 Ye Qingyu sees off personally. 叶青羽亲自相送。 Du Gu Quan and Ouyang did not put down two people, originally must remain to share recently over six months the attainment experience that from 108 Ancient symbol comprehended to attain with Ye Qingyu, but the Flowing Light twinkle, in the Snow Country main shrine an anonymous note passed on suddenly, flew high, but , after them received the letter paper, hurried to set out to depart. 独孤全欧阳不平两个人,原本要留下来与叶青羽分享最近半年多从108个古字中领悟所获的心得体会,但流光闪烁,雪国主殿之中一封飞书突然传了过来,凌空而至,两人接到信笺之后,也赶紧起身离去了。 ...... …… Before dead room gate. 静室门前。 After Ye Qingyu has packed off these empire thumb, stands in the entrance, stretched oneself, long relaxed. 叶青羽送走了这些帝国巨擘之后,站在门口,伸了个懒腰,长长地松了一口气。 Recently in Clear Ginger Domain, his nerve was tight, momentarily could arrive facing the powerful enemy who collapsed, momentarily was fighting, experienced such big accident, although strength has been promoting, but spiritual exhausted eventually was actually hard to avoid, now returns to Heaven Wasteland Domain, looks at the familiar scenery, looks at the familiar smiling faces, that has been tying tight the nerve has relaxed finally. 这些日子在清姜界之中,他的神经一直都是崩的紧紧的,随时可能要面对强敌降临,随时都在战斗,又经历了那样大的变故,虽说是实力一直都在提升,但精神上的疲惫却终究是难以避免,现在回到天荒界之中,看着熟悉的景物,看着熟悉的一张张笑脸,那一直都紧绷着的神经终于是舒缓了下来。 Ye Qingyu has a total involvement relaxes the comfort. 叶青羽有一种全身心的放松舒适感。 Has stood in the entrance for a long time, Ye Qingyu is preparing to return to the body to go back, suddenly realized that anything, the corners of the mouth have shown a smile. 在门口站了许久,叶青羽正准备返身回去,突然察觉到了什么,嘴角露出一丝微笑。 Since came, was inferior that drinks the cup tea.” He looks at the distant place quietly void, says with a smile lightly. “既然来了,不如出来喝杯茶。”他看着远处沉寂的虚空,淡淡地笑着道。 Oh, unexpectedly discovered me, good, kid, your strength, compared with before departure, during had to progress......” was void, simple and beautiful persuasive sound/noise spread, Ye Qingyu was very familiar. “唷,居然发现我了,不错呀,小家伙,你的实力,比离开之前,更有长进了……”虚空之中,一个清丽婉转的声音传出,叶青羽无比熟悉。 Meanwhile a microwave ripples gently, one , if there is transparent halo ripples that resembles not to revolve from bottom to top spookily. 与此同时一阵微波轻轻荡漾,一圈若有似无的透明光晕涟漪自下而上幽幽旋转。 A pale blue long skirt, the beautiful figure ordering of long hair micro-beam is solid. 一个月白长裙,长发微束的倩影有序化实。 Comes person Snow Country sister of the emperor fish Monarch to invite. 来人正是雪国长公主鱼君请。 After a half year, this empire sister of the emperor is as before simple and beautiful refinedly, one fairy maiden general noble manner, a court lady style of dress long-range punch, the personal appearance slender beautiful fascinating'winsome, walks leisurely, the physique drags, dazzling glories fill the air on her, the long time occupies the dignified aura that the superior trains, with is martial arts expert the strength of pressure, making this look like the extremely young princess, has to make the charm that one perishes. 时隔半年,这位帝国长公主依旧清丽脱俗,有一种仙子一般的高贵气质,一身宫装长拳,身形修长婀娜,款款走来,身姿摇曳,有一种令人炫目的光辉在她身上弥漫,久居上位培养出来的威严气息,和身为武道强者的威压之力,让这位看起来极为年轻的公主,有着令人沉沦的魅力。 Has seen sister of the emperor Your Highness.” Ye Qingyu salutes. “见过长公主殿下。”叶青羽行礼。 Good was good, does not have the bystander, your this kid, but also such smalltalk makes anything,” on sister of the emperor face is having the light happy expression, high and low is sizing up Ye Qingyu, in the beautiful pupil, reveals the surprised color, because she discovered that she could not completely understand Cultivation Base of this kid completely. “行了行了,又没有外人,你这个小家伙,还这么客套做什么,”长公主脸上带着淡淡的笑意,上下打量着叶青羽,美眸之中,露出惊讶之色,因为她发现,自己已经完全看不透这个小家伙的修为了。 ------ ------ Two chapters united. 两章合一了。 Everybody looked that earlier rests, in the weekend the excellent time cannot disappoint 大家看完早点休息吧,周末大好时光不可辜负啊
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