IGE :: Volume #7

#610: Brother, manages well your bird

This style......” one side Jin Ling'er moves sideways in the eye to flash through a surprised color, but after hearing this familiar laughter, he immediately has also reflected: Is the master! The master came back!” “这招式……”一边的金灵儿闪身之间眼中闪过一丝惊疑之色,但是听到了这熟悉的笑声之后,他也是立刻就反映了过来:“是师父!师父回来了!” In his heart wild with joy. 他心中一阵狂喜。 Bai Yuanxing and Li brother and sister at the same time also at the same time, understood. 一边的白远行、李氏兄妹也在同一时间,明白了过来。 Also at this time, on domain stone gate, light mark of spooky circulation such as wave slightly. 也就在这个时候,界域石门上,幽幽流转的光纹如水波微微一荡。 And also has the form to walk. 其中又有身影走出来。 What front has exchanged a Crown Prince Snow Country of female attire Yu Xiao Xing. 前面的是换上了一袭女装的雪国太子鱼小杏 But she is after death curious with a face, comes out to size up Lao Yu Jing of environment. 而她身后则跟着一脸好奇,普一出来就四下打量着周围环境的老鱼精 Feeds! Slow...... Wang Haoxiang was caught by any thing...... Feeds, the crown prince beautiful little girl, waits for Wang!” Also was sound/noise that the people were familiar with from activating in central domain stone gate passed on, then looked at a white furry meat. Group, followed to drill. “喂喂喂!慢点……汪好像是被什么东西卡住了……喂喂,太子美妞,等等汪啊!”又是众人熟悉的声音从激活了的中央界域石门之中传了出来,接着就看一个白色毛绒绒的肉.团,也紧随其后钻了出来。 Who isn't dull dog Little Nine is? 不是呆狗小九又是谁? Meanwhile, before that and Bai Yuanxing and the others the white shadow of photo, just liked the zephyr that void in rippled slightly is continuously common, fell on Yu Xiao Xing and the others the sides. 与此同时,之前那个连续和白远行等人果照的白色影子,犹如虚空之中微微荡漾的徐风一般,落在了鱼小杏等人的身边。 Bai Yi (white-clothed) like the jade, the personal appearance is handsome, natural elusive, black hair thick like waterfall equally micro in wind, exiles immortal the dust aura lingers. 白衣如玉,身形俊朗,潇洒空灵,黑发浓密如瀑布一样在风中微荡,一股谪仙般的出尘气息萦绕。 Ye Qingyu. 正是叶青羽 Li Ying and Li Qi facial color great happiness. 李英李琦面色大喜。 Master! You come back!” “师父!您回来啦!” They with one voice, the quick steps walk to pay respect to salute. 两人异口同声,疾步走过去参拜行礼。 Sir......” Bai Yuanxing also first arrived at the near, because in his sound/noise has a tremor slightly excitedly, although his look is as before empty, because actually Heavenly Blind Way cultivation has, was covered under by the eye-shade the eye socket spot, bright brilliance that is actually at variance with the average man glitters slightly. “大人……”白远行也第一时间来到了近前,他声音之中因为激动有一丝微微的颤动,他眼神虽然依旧空洞,却因为天盲道修行有成,被眼罩覆盖之下的眼眶部位之中,却有一丝异于常人的明亮光华微微闪烁。 Master!” Jin Ling'er receives a telegram to shoot, knelt has preserved the thigh of Ye Qingyu on the ground, because was wild with joy, in the eye is the tears is billowing. “师父!”金灵儿直接电射过来,跪在地上保住了叶青羽的大腿,因为狂喜,眼睛里已经是热泪滚滚。 Ye Qingyu leaves beforehand yuan qi Divine Soul to resemble is struck by lightning by the day, martial arts Cultivation Base completely destroys, but he Clear Ginger Domain as mature domain, major influences the masters of extremely emerges one after another incessantly, therefore the people remain in the day that the Bright God palace waits, Foreign Domain does not have the message, unavoidably worry. 叶青羽离开之前元气神魂都似是被天雷劈中,武道修为尽毁,而他所去的清姜界作为一个成熟的界域,各大势力的绝顶高手层出不穷,所以众人留守在光明神殿等候的日子,界域外毫无音讯,难免担心不已。 Good, is quick.” “好了好了,都快起来吧。” Sees these kids suddenly, in the Ye Qingyu heart somewhat is also excited, lifts the hand, will be kneeling Li Ying Li Qi holds. 骤然看到这些小家伙,叶青羽心中也有些激动,一抬手,将跪着的李英李琦扶起来。 Only then Jin Ling'er cries with a smile, while grasps the thigh of Ye Qingyu stubbornly, is not willing to let go. 只有金灵儿一边笑着哭,一边死死地抱住叶青羽的大腿,死活不肯松手。 Ye Qingyu is also an intermittent helplessness. 叶青羽也是一阵阵的无奈。 Gao Diping is looking at the same time, shakes the head to smile, walks, salutes to Ye Qingyu, said: See palace Military leader.” 高地平在一边看着,也不禁摇头笑了笑,走过来,向叶青羽行礼,道:“参见殿主大人。” Ye Qingyu nods: Uncle Gao, was laborious.” 叶青羽点点头:“高叔叔,辛苦了。” Recently, Gao Diping assumes the Bright City top strength obviously, moreover could look, he spent many thoughts to direct these juniors. 这些日子,高地平显然是坐镇光明城的顶级力量,而且也看得出来,他花费了很多心思去指点这些小辈。 Feeds, the kid, holds a while, you are how endless, this was Wang's Master......” dull dog Little Nine lifts takes a snapshot has patted the head of Jin Ling'er, resentful tunnel. “喂喂喂,小家伙,抱一会儿就的了啊,你咋还没完没了呢,这可是汪的主人……”呆狗小九抬抓拍了拍金灵儿的头,悻悻地道。 This under Ye Qingyu for rescuing, ate several heavenly thunders in the past became one group of hard cokes battle companion Little Nine, at this time also recovery round furry contour, as if compared with departures during also fat, boasts the rampant appearance to tease the people to laugh as before. 这个当年为了救下叶青羽,吃了几道天雷成为一团焦炭的战宠小九,此时也恢复了圆滚滚毛绒绒的外形,似乎比离开之间还胖了一圈,依旧咋呼嚣张的模样逗得众人都开怀大笑。 Jin Ling'er hear that, this embarrassed has wiped tears, jumped. 金灵儿闻言,这才不好意思地擦了擦眼泪,跳了起来。 Master, you came back finally, I want dead you...... Many times, I had a dream dream of you to come back, finally in the morning got up...... Ha Ha, I was really too happy, was right, looked that I too have forgotten happily, I must hurry to tell everybody the news that you came back, recently, everybody was worried to miss the master very much you.” Ling'er excited a little speaks incoherently. “师父,您终于回来了,我都想死你了……好多次,我做梦都梦见您老人家回来了,结果早晨起来……哈哈,我实在是太高兴了,哦,对了,看我太高兴都忘了,我要赶紧把你回来的消息告诉大家,这些日子,大家都很担心挂念师父您呢。”灵儿激动的有点儿语无伦次。 Good, these Sirs in empire, in day and night checkerboard palace Military leader your return.” Gao Diping also said. “不错,帝国的那些大人们,都在日夜棋盘殿主大人您的归来。”高地平也道。 Temporarily does not use.” Ye Qingyu has thought of anything, shakes the head slightly, beckoned with the hand, „the news that I come back, temporarily too many to know that only need inform seven Omiya to cause then.” “暂时不用。”叶青羽想到了什么,微微摇头,摆了摆手,“我回来的消息,暂时不要让太多的人知道,只需通知七大光明使即可。” Yes!” The Jin Ling'er turning around diving posture goes. “是!”金灵儿转身飞身而去。 ...... …… After stick of incense time. 炷香时间之后。 Bright God palace. 光明神殿。 Ye Qingyu and Yu Xiao Xing and the others, before arriving at the palace. 叶青羽鱼小杏等人,来到了殿前。 He stands in the temple stone steps, bird's eye view entire Bright City. 他站在神殿石阶上,俯瞰整个光明城 After experiencing initially that terrifying war, received the affect Bright God palace, recovery some time yuan qi, floated to takeoff in several hundred meters void, in place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng of god Your Highness side, although did not have to just like the ancient times Demonic beast general roaring sound, but flooded the flame and scalding hot strength that rushed as before. 在经历了当初那场恐怖的大战之后,收到了波及的光明神殿,恢复了一段时间的元气,重新漂浮到了离地数百米的虚空之中,神殿下方的地火幽泉剑坑之中,虽然已经没有了犹如上古妖兽一般的咆哮声,但依旧充斥澎湃的火焰和灼热之力。 Under. 下方。 The hot woods regarding Bright God palace recovery the past luxuriance, hot trees became the branches and leaves are also prosperous, in the wind just likes the giant fireballs of combustion is the same, falls gently the hot leaf stance of flying upwards to be nimble and resourceful piece by piece, just like flame Elf. 围绕光明神殿的火树林也已经恢复了昔日的茂盛,一颗颗的火树变得枝叶繁盛,风中犹如一朵朵燃烧的巨大火球一样,片片飘落飞扬的火树叶姿态灵动,宛如一朵朵火焰精灵 In the past after that earthshaking war, the Bright City majority of constructions were destroyed, it can be said that the loss was serious. 当年那场惊天动地的大战之后,光明城大部分建筑都被毁,可以说是损失惨重。 But after Ye Qingyu leaves, the Snow Country high level had to start the restoration recovery work of Bright City, now the Bright City ruins repair, city wall reconstruction, already thorough recovery past appearance. 叶青羽离开之后,雪国高层有启动了光明城的修缮复原工作,如今光明城的废墟重修,城壁再建,已然彻底恢复了昔日样貌。 But 30 li (0.5km) a range outside Bright City, is stationed in the empire Elite imperial guard as before. 而在光明城外30里的范围,依旧驻扎着帝国精锐的禁军。 Because central Domain Portal and relations of domain stone wall, Bright City including its periphery 30 li (0.5km) range, was changed to the forbidden area now, cannot the common person enter, takes a broad view to look that the military compound is stern, are glittering the different luster and halo rune formation full power does, hundreds of thousands of sergeants revolve around the surroundings as before all round are ready in full battle array. 因为中央界域之门界域石壁的关系,如今光明城包括其周围30里范围,都被化作了禁区,不许寻常人进入,放眼看去,军营森严,一道道闪烁着不同色泽和光晕的符文阵法全力而作,数十万军士依旧团团围绕在周围严阵以待。 Ye Qingyu, cannot help but also somewhat is at once sigh with emotion. 叶青羽一时之间,不由得也有些感慨。 These time leaves Heaven Wasteland Domain, calculates carefully, less than one year, but because the experience in Clear Ginger Domain is really too many, making Ye Qingyu absent-minded, worlds for the feeling of person, as if are away from again previous time in Heaven Wasteland Domain, passed by the long century to be the same. 这一次离开天荒界,仔细算来,也还不到一年的时间,但由于在清姜界之中经历实在是太多,让叶青羽恍惚之间,有一种再世为人的感觉,仿佛距离上次在天荒界的时候,已经过去了漫长的世纪一样。 Periphery looks at familiar and strange all, Ye Qingyu is somewhat silent. 看着周围熟悉而又陌生的一切,叶青羽有些沉默。 At this moment 就在这时 a stream of light delimits to empty from the North district direction. 一道流光城北方向划空而来。 Sir, you came back!” Flowing Light falls, the person who first catches up with, is not as expected Ye Qingyu, he most trusts and efficient subordinate Gao Han, the thumb in this past east Nanwu Lindau, the facial color was pleasantly surprised, saluted to Ye Qingyu, but in his hand was also grasping the bamboo slip and writing brush of Bright City revenue and expenditure teller, obviously he was almost received the message in the wink of an eye has been mounting the Bright God palace. “大人,您回来了!”流光落下,第一个赶来的人,不出叶青羽的预料,正是他最信任和得力的属下高寒,这位昔日东南武林道上的巨擘,面色惊喜,向叶青羽行礼,而他的手里还握着光明城收支出纳的竹简和墨笔,显然他几乎是在收到消息的瞬息之间就已经登上光明神殿。 Since Ye Qingyu leaves Heaven Wasteland Domain, in Radiant Palace Hall nobody, several other Omiya enable the disposition to vary, does not like indulging at the big or medium vulgar event, therefore every large or small thing fell on Gao Han one person, but passed through him to handle and check devotedly, made the entire Bright City order strict actually, systematic that all maintained. 自从叶青羽离开天荒界,光明殿中位无人,其他几个大光明使又脾性各异,不喜欢沉溺于大小俗事,所以大大小小的事物都落在了高寒一人身上,但经过他悉心打理和把关,倒是让整个光明城秩序严明,一切都维持的井然有序。 Gao Han, was laborious.” The Ye Qingyu split vision glimpses the ink marks that on the bamboo slip has not done completely thoroughly, shows a faint smile, feels in one's heart gratified. Although these many numerous and diverse things press on the body, but Gao Han has not stagnated negligent martial arts Cultivation Base as before, now has to touch the Ascending Heaven Boundary tendency unexpectedly faintly. 高寒,辛苦了。”叶青羽余光瞥见竹简上尚未完全干透的墨迹,微微一笑,心感欣慰。虽然这么多繁杂的事物压在身上,但高寒依旧没有滞怠武道修为,如今竟隐隐有触摸到登天境的势头。 Flowing Light twinkle. 流光闪烁。 Also some people catch up. 又有人赶来。 Light makes Dai Youmeng see palace Military leader.” “光明使戴有梦见过殿主大人。” Light makes Liu Jinyan see palace Military leader.” “光明使刘尽言见过殿主大人。” Dai Youmeng and Liu Jinyan bow to bend the waist, the facial expression awe, the stance is courteous. 戴有梦刘尽言躬身弯腰,神情敬畏,姿态谦恭。 From receiving the message, they first rush toward toward the Bright God palace. But in the past fought, two will of the people dread, has not put together completely full power, rewards according to merit, they even might as well guard outer city regimental commander fatty king Li Jin of bright driving group, therefore now they in Bright City, although as before is the bright messenger, is cautious, not any real power and status. 自收到消息,两人第一时间朝着光明神殿奔赴而来。但当年一战中,两人心有畏忌,并未拼尽全力,论功行赏下来,两人甚至还不如看守外城的光明驾驶团的团长胖子王郦金,所以如今两人在光明城中虽然依旧是光明使者,却如履薄冰,并无任何实权和地位。 Dispense with ceremony, I not in these days two were laborious.” Ye Qingyu looks at manner base and low two people, was not good to say anything again. “免礼,我不在的这段时间两位辛苦了。”叶青羽看着态度卑微的二人,也不好再多说什么。 See palace Military leader!” Air/Qi of withering accompanied such as the sinking iron sonorous vigorous voice to put on generally. “参见殿主大人!”一股肃杀之气伴着如沉铁一般铿锵浑厚的嗓音穿了过来。 In the midair just likes the meteor falls down together suddenly, a form knees down toward Ye Qingyu, respectful good ginseng gift given to a visitor. 半空之中犹如一道流星陡然坠地,一个身影朝着叶青羽单膝跪地,恭恭敬敬行了个参拜礼。 Comes the person to carry elegantly beautiful saw long blade, obvious just exercised martial arts Yang Henshui of appearance. 来人正是背着冷艳锯长刀,显然一幅刚刚练功完毕模样的杨恨水 His facial expression, is somewhat excited. 他的神情,也有些激动。 Comes regarding the sergeant, Yang Henshui that first half of life elegantly is actually not successful, front rallies Bright City, makes continually vibrates Snow Country and even palace Military leader of Heaven Wasteland Domain magnificent feat, not only changed his destiny, making him the important personage in empire power and influence pattern, is became he urges on own beacon faintly. 对于军士出身,却前半生郁郁不得志的杨恨水而言,面前这个重振光明城,连番做出许多震动雪国乃至天荒界壮举的殿主大人,不但改变了他的命运,让他重新成为了帝国权势格局之中的重要人物,更是已经隐隐成为他鞭策自己的指向标。 Does not need to be overly courteous.” Ye Qingyu one step, shows a faint smile forward, enabled to hold Yang Guangming. “不必多礼。”叶青羽向前一步,微微一笑,将杨光明使扶了起来。 From Yang Henshui presents time, before Ye Qingyu felt his Cultivation Base left, was more formidable, arrived at the Sea of Bitterness Stage peak. 杨恨水出现的时候,叶青羽就感受到他的修为比自己离开之前强大了许多,已经到了苦海境的巅峰。 Obviously in the half year time, he has not left uncultivated the time and Bright God palace advantageous Cultivation convenience slightly, the strength rapid promotion. 显然在这半年多的时间里,他丝毫没有荒废时间和光明神殿得天独厚的修炼便利,实力急骤提升。 Yo, palace Military leader, you may calculate.” Bai Dihong mark fine gold [gold/metal] Miaobian brocade robe Chinese dress form Not slow, Not fast toward Bright God palace diving posture. “哟,殿主大人,您可算回来了。”一袭白底红纹鎏金描边的锦袍华服身影不徐不疾朝着光明神殿飞身而来。 The human form not presently, rich rouge air/Qi and wine have filled the entire Bright God palace entrance, the Li Changkong look is slightly drunk, seemed to be on the neck neck that a feeling of being drunk, the front piece opens also the red lip hickeys of several without enough time cleaning, obviously just received the message, just crawled from the money dissolver. 人形未现,一股浓郁的胭脂气和酒香就已经弥漫整个光明神殿门口,李长空眼神微醺,似有一丝醉意,衣襟微敞的颈脖上还有几个来不及擦拭的红唇唇印,显然是刚收到消息,从销金窟里刚爬出来。 Li Changkong, palace Military leader here, your how dare so appearance sees right in front of one hurriedly!” The Dai Youmeng anger word refers. 李长空,殿主大人在此,你怎敢如此模样面见造次!”戴有梦怒言所指。 Yes, did not do to comb the hair and wash the face the reorganization to come unexpectedly, a dejected dispirited appearance, highly improper?” Liu Jinyan looks the resentful face, resembling is to Li Changkong the liquor air/Qi and rouge air/Qi loathes. “是啊,竟然不作梳洗整理就来了,一幅颓靡不振的样子,成何体统?”刘尽言面露愠色,似是对李长空的酒气和胭脂气非常厌恶。 Might as well.” Ye Qingyu spoke to stop, eye pupil Flashed, revealed not a easy detection the happy expression. “无妨。”叶青羽出言制止,眼眸一闪,露出一丝不易察觉的笑意。 Because he looked, this Li Changkong in the lingering powder Chinese pear-leaf crabapple account, seems like willpower is dispirited all day long, but his half year strength advance speed, is not weaker than Yang Henshui, now is also the Sea of Bitterness Stage peak, moreover this Li Changkong, although disposition bracelet, but at crucial moments, is quite reasonable. 因为他已经看出来,这李长空终日流连粉花红帐中,看似意志颓废,但他这半年多的实力进速,却是丝毫不比杨恨水弱,如今也已是苦海境巅峰了,而且这个李长空虽说是性格跳脱,但在关键时刻,却极为靠谱。 But is almost at the same time 而几乎是在同一时间 Oh, expansive sky big brothers you said that you do not wait for me, recited the miss saying that pleased makes you certainly want her name tonight...... Yo, who this is, Ha Ha Ha Ha, Brother Ye? Brother, you may be come back!” This verbose gua chirp sound/noise transmits from the midair clouds. “唉唉唉,长空大兄弟你说你也不等等我,悦吟姑娘说让你今晚一定要点她的名……哟,这是谁,哇哈哈哈哈,叶兄弟?兄弟,你可算是回来啦!”这絮叨呱噪的声音自半空云端传来。 In Ye Qingyu heart a cold wind whistling. 叶青羽心中一阵冷风呼呼而过。 almost mixed world Demon King forgetting this. 差点儿把这个混世魔王给忘了。 Then looks at Flowing Light to fall, mixes world Demon King Ximen Yeshuo to appear at present, this goods wore the Li Changkong same funds heavy blue brocade robe unexpectedly, the waist jade color tie a belt worry to string together carelessly several, but also somewhat lax was drooping, a wine and women excessive appearance, as before was the accent. 然后就看流光落下,混世魔王西门夜说出现在眼前,这货竟然穿着李长空同款藏青色锦袍,腰间玉色束带似是着急胡乱串了几下,还有些松垮垮耷拉着,一副酒色过度的样子,依旧是很不着调。 In the half year he is delicious in Snow Capital, day vertical happy ramble, skin color unexpectedly compared with before more than half a year must moisten white and tender. 这半年多他在雪京好吃好喝,日子纵欢逍遥,肤色竟然比大半年之前要滋润白嫩了一些。 The relations of Ximen Yeshuo and Ye Qingyu are closer, initially a war, he offered the big strength, does not have that many customs, comes up to hug on a bear. 西门夜说叶青羽的关系更加密切,当初一战,他是出了大力气的,也没有那么多的规矩,一上来就一个熊抱。 My treasure brothers, you may calculate.” Other Ximen Yeshuo person of appearances, did not rush a bear to hold Ye Qingyu but actually respectfully grinningly hold to fill with, your this walked, in Snow Capital newly-opened several have spent the building, tonight I must lead you to feel.” Ximen Yeshuo has pulled up the long hair, inexpensive blinked. “我的宝贝兄弟,你可算回来了。”西门夜说倒不似其他人恭敬地模样,笑嘻嘻冲上去一个熊抱将叶青羽抱了个满怀,“你这一走,雪京里新开了好几家花楼,今晚我必须带你去感受一下。”西门夜说撩了一下长发,贱兮兮眨了眨眼。 Ye Qingyu is direct. 叶青羽直接无语。 At this time, on his shoulder was standing that was only plump the parrot, kicked to fly, flew to Yu Xiao Xing. 这时,他肩膀上站着的那只肥硕鹦鹉,扑腾扑腾地飞了起来,飞向了鱼小杏 Yo, daughter, this Bai Sha very lining you! Has the time we to enjoy looking at the moon to read poems together...... Quack!” This plump parrot goes all out kicked the wing to fly Yu Xiao Xing, opened the mouth to spit the criticism, the mystifying tunnel, the expression looked like the appearance of Ximen Yeshuo speech time. “哟,小娘子,这身白纱很衬你哦!有没有时间咱们一起去赏月吟诗啊……嘎嘎!”这肥硕的鹦鹉拼命扑腾着翅膀飞到了鱼小杏的跟前,开口吐人言,阴阳怪气地道,语气像极了西门夜说说话时候的样子。 This goods obviously Ximen Yeshuo soaks little girl sharp weapon Pink clouds. 这货显然正是西门夜说的“泡妞利器”【彩云】。 Cannot think after more than half a year feeds devotedly, at this time Pink clouds Already fat several, is towering to rouse two groups of ugly and ferocious-looking including two cheeks on, is kicking the appearance of wing, where has the slight parrot adorable with god steed, is a plump old mother hen is clearly same, is only the speech is quite clear, does not know how Ximen Yeshuo feeds it, opened some spirit wisdom unexpectedly, had own wisdom. 想不到经过这大半年的“悉心”喂养,此时的【彩云】已经肥了好几圈,连两颊上都突兀得鼓出来两团横肉,扑腾着翅膀的样子,哪里有丝毫鹦鹉的可爱和神骏,分明就是一只肥硕的老母鸡一样,只是说话却极为清晰,也不知道西门夜说是怎么喂养它的,竟然是开启了一些灵智,有了属于自己的智慧。 Damn, your this stupid bird, courts death...... That is crown prince Your Excellency, my brother's woman, do you also dare to sexually harass?” Ximen Yeshuo flew into a rage, awkward scolded: Goes, otherwise a while butchered you have made the soup to drink.” “该死,你这笨鸟,找死啊……那是太子冕下,我兄弟的女人,你也敢调戏?”西门夜说急眼了,一脸尴尬地骂道:“快滚,不然一会儿把你宰了煮汤喝。” Yu Xiao Xing shows a faint smile, does not pay attention. 鱼小杏微微一笑,并不理会。 Hello, manages well your bird, Brother.” Ye Qingyu smiled, in a palm revolution from the long flowing silk inner sleeves, the plump parrot then cannot help but as if carried off by a contrary wind package slightly, returning to the shoulder of Ximen Yeshuo to squat to sit. “喂,管好你的鸟啊,兄弟。”叶青羽笑了笑,自水袖之中手掌微微一转,肥硕鹦鹉便不由自主仿佛被一阵逆风包裹带走,回到了西门夜说的肩膀上蹲坐着。 Has seen His Highness Crown Prince.” “见过太子殿下。” Other people also come to salute. 其他人也都过来行礼。 After all Yu Xiao Xing status is extremely high, before for a while was excited, at this time responded that actually cannot go bad the courtesy. 毕竟鱼小杏身份地位极高,之前一时激动,此时反应过来,却不能坏了礼节。 Dispense with ceremony!” Yu Xiao Xing lifts the hand to say with a smile slightly. “免礼!”鱼小杏微微抬手笑道。 Lao Yu Jing is cracking into a smile at the same time quietly, although he feels the air/Qi of Yu Xiao Xing Royal Family, but in Clear Ginger Domain, like is that this girl displays entirely white sweet, all day knows the cousin cousin encircles side Ye Qingyu acts like a spoiled brat, has not thought that returns to own domain, on the color deterioration complexion, becomes has the meter instantaneously all of a sudden dignifiedly, but also really likely is that a matter. 老鱼精在一边悄悄地咧嘴一笑,他虽然感受到鱼小杏身上的皇室之气,但在清姜界的时候,这个丫头表现的像是一个傻白甜一样,整天就知道表哥表哥地围在叶青羽身边撒娇,没想到回到自己的地盘,瞬间就变色脸色,一下子变得威严有仪,还真的像是那么回事。 Cousin, I goes back to inform the paternal aunts first and Right Minister and the others, is good to ask them to feel relieved.” Xing'er turns the head to smile toward Ye Qingyu lightly. “表哥,我先回去通知姑姑们和右相等人,也好叫他们放心。”杏儿转头朝叶青羽淡淡一笑。 Um, after you go back, well rest.” Ye Qingyu slight bow. “嗯,你回去之后,好好休息。”叶青羽微微点头。 --------------- --------------- Second, adds actually today, more than 9000 characters, was three. 第二更,其实今天加起来,9000多字,也算是三更了。 Cannot eat perquisite consecutively for several days, can only the rice gruel, be quite miserable, a little feels weak. 连续几天不能吃油水,只能米粥,好惨,有点儿乏力。 Tonight earlier has rested, does not write. 今晚早点休息了,不写了。 Thanks everybody to support. 谢谢大家支持。
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