IGE :: Volume #7

#609: These person of these matters

Not far away. 不远处。 The youth who wears the black vigor to install is also exercising martial arts. 一个身穿黑色劲装的少年也正在练功。 The youth heroic spirit is vigorous, has delicate features, looks like is also the 7 or 8-year-old appearance, is higher than of the contemporaries, the black hair dances in the air, aura, unexpectedly is extremely good, the shade fog circulation, listens to him to drink one under the sun lowly, at once two ink empty shades appear in his, just likes has the shadow of oneself thought and spirit wisdom is ordinary, looks like extremely strange. 少年英气勃勃,眉目清秀,看起来也就是七八岁的样子,个头比同龄人高一点,黑发飞舞,身上的气息,竟是极为不俗,影雾流转,就听他在日头下低喝一声,旋即两道水墨般的虚影出现在他的身前身后,犹如有着自己思维和灵智的影子一般,看起来极为诡异。 The youth double palm intersects in the front, and refers to for the blade. 少年双掌交叉在胸前,并指为刀。 Two the sharp knife blade that sparkles quiet cold light yuan qi to form, extends from his palm. 两道闪耀着幽寒之光的元气形成的利刃,从他的手掌中延伸出来。 Shade class...... The cross kills!” He drinks lowly, two fierce chops alternately outward, a huge black dart of cross shape cuts void, such as the ghosts and demons from the sky glitter, the place visited, void leaves behind pale black vague ink marks, for the first time looked looks like the Space-Time crack is ordinary. “影流……十字杀!”他低喝,两手猛的交叉向外劈出,一个十字形状的巨大墨色飞镖划破虚空,如鬼魅般在空中闪烁,所过之处,虚空中留下一道道淡黑色若有若无的水墨印痕,乍一看就像是时空裂缝一般诡异。 Meanwhile, the personal appearance of youth glitters between two black empty shades unexpectedly unceasingly, the genuine and fake, the genuine and fake, such as dream is imaginary, treacherously to the extreme, even if Sea of Bitterness Stage expert, only feared that for a while is unable to distinguish his true body there! 与此同时,少年的身形竟然在两道墨色的虚影之间不断地闪烁,真真假假,假假真真,如梦似幻,诡谲到了极点,就算是苦海境界的强者,只怕一时也无法分辨出他的真身在那里! His personal appearance, transformed the 101 st time time, that two water black empty shades, gradually dissipated finally. 只是他的身形,变换到了第101次的时候,那两个水墨色的虚影,终于还是渐渐地消散了开去。 Yeah, the duration less than stick of incense, according to the master said that the empty shade should be exists eternal, during the regard rotations, may the wound enemy, be my comprehension, as if...... Oh, how is almost!” “哎,持续时间不足一炷香,按照师傅说的,虚影应该是永恒存在的,心意转动之间,亦可伤敌,可是我的领悟,似乎……唉,怎么还是差一点呢!” Two black empty shades vanish suddenly, wear the youth who the black vigor installs to appear in not far away. 两道墨色的虚影突然消失,身着黑色劲装的少年出现在不远处。 Youth some unhappy sighing. 少年有些不开心的叹着气。 The young face raises gently, is delicate and stubborn, in the eye pupil is bringing contemporaries rare sharp , a pair of pupil is jet black. 年轻的面孔轻轻地扬起,清秀而又倔强,眼眸之中带着一种同龄人罕见的犀利,一双眸子漆黑明亮。 Ye Qingyu apprentice Jin Ling'er! 正是叶青羽的徒弟金灵儿 Before Jin Ling'er body quantity more than half a year, grew much, originally slightly pale skin color at this moment flood health wheat color. On his face was having a past naivete as before, in the eye are many some were the adult has wisdom intent that. 金灵儿的身量较大半年前长高了不少,原本略显苍白的肤色此刻泛着健康的的小麦色。他的脸上依旧带着一丝过去的稚气,眼中却多了些许属于成人的才有的睿意。 When master comes back, my Cultivation resembled the bottleneck, some places not clear...... Yeah, I give a try again!” Jin Ling'er looks at the vault of heaven, remembers the form that he most worshipped also most respects, on the face reveals one to think of the color, but thinks, if the master came back, oneself exercise martial arts is not progressive, that disgraced, therefore scratches the head gruffly, does not concede continues to display Flowing Shadow Kill cultivation technique. “师父什么时候才回来呢,我的修炼好像到了瓶颈,有些地方还是不明白……哎,我再试试看吧!”金灵儿看着天穹,想起了那个他最崇拜也最尊敬的身影,脸上露出了一丝想念之色,但一想到如果师父真的回来了,自己练功还未进步,那得多丢人啊,于是憨憨地挠挠头,不服输的继续施展影流杀功法 Words of careful observation, can discover that Jin Ling'er Cultivation Base soon arrived at Sea of Bitterness Stage unexpectedly! 仔细观察的话,可以发现金灵儿修为竟然已经快要到了苦海境 At his age, is actually less than this year ten years old, has such Cultivation Base, if passes on, only feared that can cause a stir in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain absolutely. 以他的年龄,今年其实还不到十岁,就有这样的修为,如果传出去,只怕绝对可以轰动整个天荒界 Even if these so-called Successor that Three Sects Three Schools these big Sect secrets train, has not been this degree, is only these year of Jin Ling'er continuously in Bright City, not exiting wanderer Jiang Hu, even the imperial guard outside Bright City does not know his existence, therefore in fact really has not brought to all parties' attention. 即便是三宗三派这些大宗门秘密培养出来的那些所谓的传人,也没有达到这种的程度,只是这些年金灵儿一直都在光明城里,并未出去闯荡江湖,甚至连光明城外的禁军都不知道他的存在,所以实际上也并未真的引起各方的注意。 Naturally, the Jin Ling'er small age can arrive at so Cultivation Base, has the rare shade except for him is the martial arts talent, the direction of Ye Qingyu really has lasting achievements, one is because Ye Qingyu gives him Flowing Shadow Kill cultivation technique, is each cultivation technique in ancient times demon god ancient book actually bronze ancient book, Golden Armour Divine King four moves Peerless brave general four moves, Cultivation arrives at the acme, can knocking on Realm of palace door, is only Ye Qingyu, has focused on Nameless Mantra, other cultivation technique as a supplement, must come cultivation technique that from the bronze ancient book, does not specialize, therefore does not reveal the might, but Jin Ling'er obtains with cultivation technique that the physique agrees with, in addition Cultivation in the Bright City hot woods, has approached the Bright God palace, Heaven and Earth spirit energy and Power of Laws unequalled full is clear, therefore Cultivation Base can be said as ten thousand li in a day. 当然,金灵儿小小年纪能够到如此修为,除了他本身就具有罕见的影系武道天赋,叶青羽的指点实在是功不可没,一则是因为叶青羽给他的【影流杀功法,乃是上古魔神典籍其实青铜古书之中的每一种功法,不论是【金甲神王四式】还是【绝世猛将四式】,修炼到极致,都可以到叩仙门的境界,只是叶青羽自己,一直都以无名心法为主,其他功法为辅,从青铜古书之中得来的功法,并非专修,所以不显威力,而金灵儿得到与自己体质契合的功法,再加上一直在光明城的火树林之中修炼,靠近光明神殿,天地灵气法则之力无与伦比的充盈清晰,所以修为可以说是一日千里。 Another side of mangrove forest. 红树林的另一边。 In the tall and strong person's shadow hand takes the broom that a bare splendid achnatherum is gripping together, not anxiously not slow sweeps is scattering in the ground hot leaf. 一道魁梧的人影手中拿着一把光秃秃的芨芨草扎成的扫把,不急不慢的扫着散落在地上的火树叶。 His face outline edges and corners are distinct, seem, only then over 20 years old, the courage vigor is prosperous, the heavy features, the nose wide mouth is extravagant, only then in both eyes reveals one not to be the vicissitudes precipitation of young people. 他的面部轮廓棱角分明,看上去只有20多岁,血气鼎盛,浓眉大眼,鼻宽口阔,只有双眼中流露出一丝不属于年轻人的沧桑沉淀。 recovery palace Divine General Gao Diping of true feature! 正是恢复了真实面目的宫神将高地平 He hears muttering of Jin Ling'er, is only the chuckle shaking the head. 他听到金灵儿的喃喃自语,只是轻笑着摇了摇头。 After all Jin Ling'er cultivation technique is Ye Qingyu teaches for personally, although Gao Diping strength is extraordinary, but are not familiar with this cultivation technique, simply does not have the means to direct Jin Ling'er. But Jin Ling'er perception very high, often comes across any issue, oneself ponder over can also very good solution, does not need extremely to be worried. 毕竟金灵儿功法乃是叶青羽亲自传授给的,高地平虽说实力超绝,但自己对这功法并不熟悉,根本没有办法去指点金灵儿。而金灵儿本身的悟性十分的高,往往遇到什么问题,自己琢磨着也就能很好的解决,并不需要太过担心。 He does most is accompanies Bai Yuanxing and Jin Ling'er they compares notes, making them be promoted many comprehensions and in the fight. 他做的最多的就是陪白远行金灵儿两人切磋,让他们在战斗中得到更多的领悟和提升。 The last piece of disorderly hot leaf cleaning will be clean, his line of sight went to the open area outside hot woods. 将最后一片凌乱的火树叶清扫干净,他的视线投向了火树林外的空地上。 Just like the giant fireball combustion common branches and leaves prosperous hot tree, pair of young teenage boys and girls, grasps the long sword, is fighting in intense spelling. 一颗宛如巨大火球燃烧一般的枝叶繁盛火树下,一对年轻的少男少女,手持长剑,正在激烈的拼斗中。 Li Ying Li Qi brother and sister. 正是李英李琦兄妹。 These two brother and sister's personal appearance also raised much, on the naivete cheek has being in high spirits that does not concede. 这两兄妹的身形也拔高了不少,稚气的脸蛋上有着不服输的神采飞扬。 The skin of elder brother Li Ying was blacker than before some, the heavy features, likely are the lip angle that inborn slightly turns upwards, has been hanging the light temperate happy expression. His stature was actually sturdier than before much, likely is a sturdy calf, is simple and honest and powerful. 哥哥李英的皮肤比以前黑了些许,浓眉大眼,像是天生就微微翘起的唇角,一直挂着淡淡的温和笑意。他的身材倒是比以前壮实了不少,像是一头壮实的小牛,憨厚而有力。 But younger sister Li Qi actually be fairer and clearer than the past, on the fair cheek passes the red that the powder puff is throwing, the clear big eye is flashing the nimble and resourceful color, the handsome appearance is very lovable, in the facial expression is passing mischievous. 而妹妹李琦却是要比过去白净了许多,白皙的脸蛋上透着粉扑扑的红色,晶莹的大眼睛扑闪着灵动的色彩,唇红齿白的样子十分可爱,神情中透着一丝调皮。 Their brother and sister come poorly, in years past in Youyan Pass, their parents was the poor in floor, did not have the regular job, usually in also has some odd-jobs, the brother and sister could be said as full hungry, since childhood overflowed several days later the auspicious day, one year can have one to obstruct the clothes of body to think incomparably excitedly, was practices martial art the matter that likely this wealthy family disciple can think, they almost do not dare to expect. 他们兄妹出身贫寒,昔年在幽燕关的时候,他们的父母都是底层的贫民,没有正式工作,平日里也就是打一些零工,兄妹俩可以说是饱一顿饿一顿,自幼就没过过几天好日子,一年能有一件遮体的衣服都会觉得无比兴奋,像是习武这种只有富家弟子才敢想的事情,他们几乎都不敢奢望。 But the appearance of Ye Qingyu, changed family's destiny. 叶青羽的出现,改变了这一家人的命运。 Their mother Mother Wu, when entire Bright City, have the special status now, even if Omiya causes to see Mother Wu, will send regards to one politely, likely is Left Minister, Right Minister and other empire giants, sometimes arrives at Bright City, sees the brother and sister, will send regards to several warmly. 他们的母亲吴妈,如今在整个光明城之中,有着特殊的地位,即便是大光明使见到吴妈,也会客气地问候一句,像是左相右相等帝国巨头们,有时候来到光明城时,看到兄妹俩,也会热情地问候几句。 Naturally, those who make them unable to believe that they not only can practice martial art, but also has resources and convenience continuously, was acknowledged the direction and Ye Qingyu, obtained likely is in palace Divine General Gao Diping such Heaven Wasteland Domain the direction of peerless master, now brother and sister's strength, arrived at more than 70 Spirit Spring stage, even if in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, called master these two characters. 当然,更加让他们不敢相信的是,他们不但可以习武,而且有着源源不绝的资源和便利,得到了叶青羽的指点和承认,更得到了像是宫神将高地平这样天荒界中绝世高手的指点,如今兄妹俩的实力,都已经到了70多灵泉境界,即便是在整个天荒界之中,也称的起高手这两个字了。 They are the same with Jin Ling'er, in Bright City, never has exited, has not passed through the experience of Jiang Hu, therefore has not rushed out any fame in Heaven Wasteland Domain. 只是他们和金灵儿一样,一直都在光明城中,从未出去过,没有经过江湖的历练,所以也未在天荒界之中闯出什么名气。 Bites! 叮叮叮! The dense and numerous [gold/metal] irons hand over the sound of cry to transmit. 密密麻麻的金铁交鸣之声传来。 Mars scatter. 火星四溅。 The sunlight of flying swords in brother and sister two people of hand when under is reflecting the dazzling white light, the Sword Qi docking, in the air transmits the faint fluctuation. 兄妹两人手中的飞剑在阳光下反射着耀眼的白光,剑气相接之时,空气中传来隐隐的波动。 Although they in comparing notes to suppress yuan qi Cultivation Base, but after is two high grade Spirit Spring youth expert, his, even if not use yuan qi, will bring the unusual explosive force. 尽管两人在切磋中可以压制了元气修为,但毕竟是两个高级灵泉的少年强者,他的即便是不使用元气,也会带来非同寻常的爆发力。 The sword optical scintillation, a void distortion, was almost torn. 剑光闪烁,虚空中一阵扭曲,几乎被撕裂。 Flowing of air almost stagnates. 空气的流动都几乎凝滞。 They since start Cultivation mutually to compete, engraves on mind to each other style, inextricably involved that suddenly they hit. 他们自打开始修炼就一直互相比拼,对彼此的招式都铭记在心,一时间两人打的难解难分。 Gao Diping stopped has swept clear the movement of hot leaf, looks at these two brother and sister satisfied nods. 高地平停下了清扫火树叶的动作,看着这两兄妹满意的点点头。 This brother and sister are young, Cultivation has the contemporaries making an all-out effort that is hard to compare, the perception is not bad. Their small age, half has treadonned into person of Sea of Bitterness Stage, came the date the future to be limitless. 这兄妹俩年纪虽小,修炼起来有着同龄人难以比拟的狠劲,悟性也不差。两人小小年纪,就已经半只脚踏入了人苦海境,来日的前途不可限量。 Was good, first stops.” “好了,先停一下。” Gao Diping light sound/noise reaches Li Ying and in the Li Qi two brother and sister's ears. 高地平淡淡的声音传进李英李琦两兄妹的耳中。 They receive the hand immediately, is returning to normal slightly the disorderly respite, slightly before running is arriving at the Gao Diping body. 两人立即收手,平复着略微凌乱的喘息,小跑着来到高地平身前。 One side Gao Diping places the broom in hand, turns around lightly said to two brother and sister: Just this set of star rain flying foil incurred you to grasp ten it **, what must pay attention when is the move was sure to remember that cannot be mad distressed is hot-tempered, must grasp this set of swordsmanship well the tone, uses the sword such as to pursue moon/month of potential popularly, the sword incurs such as the posture of numerous flowered blooming, do you understand?” 高地平将手中的扫把放在一边,转身淡淡的对两兄妹说道:“刚刚这套星雨飞花剑招你们已经掌握了十之**,不过要注意的是出招时切记不能心焦气躁,要好好把握这套剑法的气韵,出剑如流行追月之势,剑招如繁花绽放之姿,你们明白吗?” Yes, Sir, we remembered.” Li Ying earnest raising head, young experienced saying. “是,先生,我们记住了。”李英认真的扬起头,年少老成的说道。 Li Qi corners of the mouth high hangs, reveals the sparkling small canine tooth, said grinningly: Sir, you said that my today's performance can be better than the elder brother?” 李琦嘴角高高的悬起,露出亮晶晶的小虎牙,笑嘻嘻的说:“先生,你说我今日的表现是不是要比哥哥好呀?” Gao Diping showed a faint smile, puts out a hand the light shell on the Li Qi forehead evil ways: Cannot be mischievous, just you reflected moon/month to omit one move in the third ten four moves wild roses not to know that your elder brother is letting you, you early lost.” 高地平微微一笑,伸手在李琦的额头上轻弹了一下道:“不许调皮,刚刚你在第三十四式蔷薇映月式遗漏了一招都不知道,要不是你哥哥让着你,你早都输了。” Li Ying knows that own that small trick was looked through, a little embarrassed laughs foolishly one. 李英知道自己的那点小伎俩被看破,有点不好意思的憨笑一声。 The Li Qi small mouth casts aside, light snort|hum has turned head, feigns the vitality. 李琦小嘴一撇,轻哼一声扭过头,佯装生气。 Gao Diping looks at this to different brother and sister shaking the head of slightly, actually in the innermost feelings, he to this to the brother and sister who the intelligence does not go against heaven's will specially, favors actually extremely, every day looks at this to the brother and sister, when under the hot tree practices military Cultivation, why does not know, in his mind, the association likely is another pair of brother and sister, that is many years ago, once Radiant Palace Hall did not have such scale, fire woods not such luxuriant, has one to the intelligence is not very outstanding brother and sister, repairs to train hard under the fire tree industriously...... 高地平看着这对性格迥异的兄妹微微的摇了摇头,其实在内心里,他对这对资质并不是特别逆天的兄妹,倒是极为青睐,每日看着这对兄妹在火树之下练习武修炼的时候,不知道为什么,他的脑海之中,总会又像是另外一对兄妹,那是很多年之前,曾经光明殿还没有这样的规模,火树林也没有这样茂盛,也有一对资质不是很出色的兄妹,在火树之下勤修苦练…… The time passes gradually, the years pass. 时光荏苒,岁月流逝。 Gao Diping many years had not said goodbye that to the brother and sister. 高地平已经很多年没有再见过那对兄妹了。 But something, some people, actually forever could not forget that even if the Century samsara, so long as also has the one breath, he forever will remember these happy years. 但有些事情,有些人,却是永远都忘不掉的,哪怕是百年轮回,只要还有一口气,他都会永远地记得那些美好的岁月。 He stands under the hot tree, is somewhat silent. 他站在火树之下,有些沉默。 Li Ying and Li Qi two, know that the mister estimated remembered some beforehand matters, very peacefully was silent, has not disturbed. 李英李琦两个,知道先生估计是又想起一些以前的事情了,都很安静地沉默着,没有打扰。 They have been used. 他们已经习惯了。 In the past nearly one year, Gao Diping occasionally met the state of mind to leave spatially, is the present is in a daze likely like this. 过去近一年时间里,高地平偶尔会神思空离,像是现在这样发呆。 Probably after one tea time, the Gao Diping pupil light had the focal distance gradually, on the face reappears a smile, saw the brother and sister, says with a smile: Favored in side, realizes this military Dao Intent boundary carefully, to your future Cultivation Base, greatly helpful.” 大概一盏茶时间之后,高地平的眸光逐渐有了焦距,脸上浮现出一丝微笑,看了看兄妹两个人,笑着道:“在旁边看好了,仔细体会这种武道意境,对你们日后的修为,大有帮助。” Li Ying and Li Qi look one positive. 李英李琦神色一正。 Next split second, two brother and sister know immediately Gao Diping must do, is the excited look, has drawn back 12 steps toward side, serious saying: Many thanks mister!” 一瞬间,两个兄妹立刻知道高地平要干什么了,都是一脸兴奋的神色,往旁边退了12步,郑重的说道:“多谢先生!” Gao Diping nods. 高地平点点头。 Then has turned round to continue with his broom cleaning ground hot leaf, the movement is at a moderate pace. 而后回过身去继续拿着他的扫把清扫地上的火树叶,动作不紧不慢。 The Li Ying Li Qi brother and sister actually steadily see the Gao Diping form, an anticipation of face. 李英李琦兄妹俩却是目不转睛地看着高地平的身影,一脸的期待。 The breeze has blown. 微风吹过。 The everywhere fiery red hot leaf dances in the air lightly. 漫天火红的火树叶翩然飞舞。 In the forest, Gao Diping of clothes as if merges into one organic whole with this hot woods, in the slow ease movement is having one strange and rhythm that is hard to speak. 林中,一袭青衫的高地平似乎与这片火树林融为一体,缓慢悠然的动作中带着一丝奇异而又难以言说的韵律。 When Li Ying and Li Qi were swept the fallen leaf movement attraction by Gao Diping, static station on the spot. 李英李琦高地平扫走落叶时的动作吸引,静静的站在原地 That only bare broom probably turned into a flying sword in the hand of Gao Diping. 那只光秃秃的扫把在高地平的手中好像变成了一把飞剑。 Under examines carefully, the broom has not contacted the fallen leaf in ground. 细看之下,扫把根本不曾接触到地面上的落叶。 Under the Gao Diping leisurely movement, invisible Sword Qi continues to flow in the terminal of broom. 高地平轻缓的动作之下,一道无形的剑气持续流淌在扫把的末端。 The broom place visited, in the ground burns to 50% hot leaves likely by the violent chill in the air freeze. 扫把所过之处,地面上燃烧到一半的火树叶像是被极端的寒意冻结。 But the true meaning of star rain fly swordsmanship when his ease slow movement, is full of the Li Ying Li Qi two brother and sister have compared notes to use before this unexpectedly! 而他那悠然缓慢的动作中,竟然饱含了李英李琦两兄妹此前切磋时用的星雨飞花剑法的真意! The Li Ying Li Qi two brother and sister look at each other one, saw each other in the eye the color of shock. 李英李琦两兄妹对视一眼,看到了彼此眼中震惊之色。 Looks again to Gao Diping that strange rhythm actually suddenly vanishes. 再向高地平看去,那种奇异的韵律却突然消失。 A form of that clothes, is sweeping clear the fallen leaf of ground as before slowly, does not have the slight change. 那个一袭青衫的身影,依旧缓缓地清扫着地上的落叶,没有丝毫的改变。 Brother and sister toward the Gao Diping back respectfully good a ritual, has fallen back on one side, Bi Mu sits cross-legged with rapt attention, entered the sitting in meditation condition, was realizing carefully that rhythm that senses. 兄妹二人朝着高地平的背影恭敬地行了一礼,退到了一边,闭目盘膝凝神,进入了入定状态,细细体会着感悟到的那一丝韵律。 Not far away. 不远处。 Jin Ling'er Cultivation is still continuing. 金灵儿修炼还在继续。 Void swings transparent ripples, fell one bottle of dark ink to be ordinary in the water likely, a black form exaggerated from void, Jin Ling'er that a black vigor installed. 虚空中荡出一圈透明的涟漪,像是在水中倾洒了一瓶浓墨一般,一个墨色的身影从虚空中渲染而出,正是一身黑色劲装的金灵儿 He looks down his both hands, has a look at the back empty shade, on the face to have the color of regret again as before, somewhat annoying flexure scratching the head, thought aloud: Always thought that what has lacked, only then can catch in the fight?” 他低头看着自己的双手,再看看背后的虚影,脸上依旧带着遗憾之色,有些懊恼的挠了挠头,自言自语道:“总是觉得缺了点什么,难道只有在战斗中才能捕捉到?” Then, he has thought of anything likely, a smart big eye revolution, on the face reveals wipes the cunning look. 说完,他像是想到了什么,机灵的大眼睛一转,脸上露出一抹狡黠的神色。 Next split second, his form changes to one group of dark ink, dissipation on the spot. 一瞬间,他的身影化作一团浓墨,消散在原地 About hundred meters place. 百米开外的地方。 Bai Yi (white-clothed) Bai Yuanxing lightly just took back the double palm, suddenly turns the head to listen attentively. 一袭白衣翩然的白远行刚刚收回双掌,突然侧首凝听。 His interlabial brings back wipes the light happy expression. 他的唇间勾起一抹淡淡的笑意。 Big brother Bai! Looks to incur!” “白大哥!看招!” Saying, the Jin Ling'er personal appearance was changing to together the black Flowing Light long jab to Bai Yuanxing. 说着,金灵儿的身形化作一道黑色流光直击向白远行 The potential like the lightning, the trail is difficult to seek. 势如闪电,形迹难寻。 In the air only stays behind just likes the ink and wash painting empty shade, gradually melts in the air. 空气中只留下犹如水墨画般的虚影,逐渐在空气中消融。 The Bai Yuanxing corners of the mouth show a smile, but his body actually in instantaneously reacts. 白远行嘴角露出一丝微笑,但他的身体却在瞬间就做出反应。 His double fist delimits slowly, swings light ripples in the air, an invisible strength had the mountain boundless power and influence to attack to the Jin Ling'er direction. 他的双拳缓缓划出,在空气中荡起一圈圈淡淡的涟漪,一道无形的劲气带着山岳般磅礴的威势攻向了金灵儿的方向。 Jin Ling'er appears in the direction of fist. 金灵儿出现在拳头的方向。 But his slightly Flashed, leaves behind together the empty shade on on the spot, evades the attack of Bai Yuanxing. 但他只是微微一闪,就在原地留下一道虚影,避过白远行的攻击。 The Bai Yuanxing fist intent fails, although has restrained yuan qi Cultivation Base, but the strength on that fist shakes in void, shook fell the innumerable hot leaves. 白远行的拳意落空,尽管收敛了元气修为,但是那一拳上的劲气在虚空中震荡,震落了无数火树叶。 Suddenly, his palm fierce striking to ground. 突然,他一掌猛的击向地面。 Just like the sound of rolling thunder thundering, the low lowland spreads, but the ground does not have the slight crack and trace, is actually one eats delicacies to shake the air in ground for the micro inaudible sound just likes the wave ripples. 宛如滚雷般的轰鸣之声,低低地传出,但地面却是没有丝毫的裂纹和痕迹,却是一阵为微不可闻的音啸将地面上的空气震荡出犹如水波般的涟漪。 The sound wave suddenly spreads to all around. 音波瞬息间向四周扩散出去。 Bai Yuanxing had found then the Jin Ling'er true body position. 然后白远行就找到了金灵儿真身的位置。 Immediately a foot kicks like lightning, has a broken rumor. 随即一脚如闪电般踢出,带起一阵破风声。 Oh, was found by you!” Jin Ling'er calls out in alarm. “哎呀,被你找到了!”金灵儿惊呼。 Next split second, his personal appearance turns, two empty shades one after the other appear in his side, his true body in these two imitates, if the ink and wash painting becomes, momentarily will transform in the empty shade that in the air will melt erratically. 一瞬间,他的身形一扭,两道虚影一前一后出现在他的身边,他的真身在这两道仿若水墨画成,随时就会在空气中消融的虚影中变换不定。 A Bai Yuanxing foot strikes spatially, corners of the mouth pull a light curve. 白远行一脚击空,嘴角牵起一丝淡淡的弧度。 In the wink of an eye, his fist has such as Ben Thunder, having the howling rumor to attack to one in Jin Ling'er two empty shade. 瞬息之间,他的拳出如奔雷,带着呼啸的风声攻向金灵儿两道虚影中的一个。 Not far away. 不远处。 Gao Diping also by the fight attraction of these two, having a relish looks that the corners of the mouth are having the light smile. 高地平也被这两人的战斗吸引,饶有兴致的看着,嘴角带着淡淡的微笑。 At this moment 就在这时 Gao Diping realized that suddenly anything, the facial color suddenly changes. 高地平似是猛然之间察觉到了什么,面色突然一变。 His look such as the advantage arrow went to the Bright God palace generally the fire quiet Quan Jiankeng direction. 他眼神如利箭一般投向了光明神殿中地火幽泉剑坑的方向。 Situated in place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng one side hundred meters high, but white Domain Portal, silent nearly one year later, finally had the change once again, stone gate of ancient vicissitudes, suddenly starts to shiver slightly, the strange silver brilliance ripples start to fill in stone gate of nihility. 位于地火幽泉剑坑一侧百米高的但白色的界域之门,在沉默了近一年之后,终于再度发生了变化,古老沧桑的石门,突然开始微微颤动,奇异的银色光焰涟漪开始填充在虚无的石门之中。 A strange space force, starts to fill the air in the surroundings. 一股奇异的空间力量,开始在周围弥漫。 Gao Diping look, instantaneous swift and fierce. 高地平的眼神,瞬间凌厉了起来。 Bai Yuanxing, Jin Ling'er and Li Ying Li Qi brother and sister at the same time were also attracted. 一边的白远行金灵儿李英李琦兄妹也被吸引了。 Does stone gate restart? 石门重启? This...... Who can be arrives? 这……会是什么人到来了? However is inferior to think that below split second, in the stone gate ripples the ripple ripples, a white form, such as the lightning is flowing on air/Qi of chaos stone wall from that equally the lasing, presses up to Bai Yuanxing! 然而不及多想,就在下一瞬间,石门涟漪之中波纹荡漾,一道白色的身影,如闪电一样从那流淌着混沌之气的石壁上激射而出,直逼白远行 The white form such as Flowing Light is ordinary, transfers the rest already. 白色身影如流光一般,转息既至。 Bai Yuanxing was agile, personal appearance Flashed, evaded the white Flowing Light fist intent by an average man incomprehensible strange posture. 白远行反应敏捷,身形一闪,以一种常人不能理解的诡异姿势躲过白色流光的拳意。 Next split second, his right leg such as the shell fierce ball, leaves behind a white empty shade in void generally, having the howling rumor to kick to the white form. 一瞬间,他的右腿如炮弹一般猛的弹起,在虚空中留下一道白色虚影,带着呼啸的风声踢向白色身影。 Bang! 砰! The white person's shadow by the double palm resistance, the air shakes a fist invisible fluctuation. 白色人影以双掌对抗,空气震荡出一拳无形的波动。 Bai Yuanxing body, on face reappeared slightly the shocking look. 白远行身体微微一荡,脸上浮现出了震惊的神色。 But at the same time, that white person's shadow is actually suddenly a booklet, just like Flowing Light, changed the goal, bullies to the Jin Ling'er near. 而与此同时,那白色人影却是猛然一折,宛如流光,改变了目标,欺向金灵儿近前。 Jin Ling'er is quite vigilant, first made the response, personal appearance Flashed, the true body vanished, only left behind ink and wash painting empty shade on the spot to dissipate in invisible gradually. 金灵儿极为警觉,第一时间做出了反应,身形一闪,真身消失,只留下水墨画般的虚影在原地逐渐消散于无形。 The air hundred meters away twists suddenly, black mist from the sky pasts, his true body arrived at beyond hundred meters. 百米之外的空气突然扭曲,一阵墨色的薄雾在空中流转,他的真身已经到了百米之外。 Jin Ling'er revolution Flowing Shadow Kill cultivation technique, the twinkle transformation of personal appearance in two dense black empty shades, prepares to counter-attack. 金灵儿运转影流杀功法,身形在两道氤氲的墨色虚影中闪烁变换,准备反击。 In this time. 就在此时。 That person of personal appearance also vanishes on the spot, light black empty shade on the spot dissipates. 那人的身形也消失在原地,淡淡的墨色虚影在原地消散。 The true body also closely associated arrives at side Jin Ling'er. 真身也如影随形般来到金灵儿身边。 Jin Ling'er shocks slightly, without hesitation ejects a palm. 金灵儿微微震惊,不假思索的击出一掌。 The person's shadow is similar to the mirror the inverted image is ordinary, takes control of Jin Ling'er, the style that takes control of continually is exactly the same. 人影如同镜中倒影一般,与金灵儿同时出掌,连出掌的招式都一模一样。 They to the palm, hold strength dissipation in invisible. 两人对掌,掌力消散于无形。 Airborne only leaves behind one group to be dense black being in charge to dissipate with the wind. 空中只留下一团氤氲着墨色的掌印随风消散。 Does not wait for Jin Ling'er to attack once more, person's shadow actually changes to the white light, moves sideways to Li Ying and Li Qi that two brother and sister just responded instantaneously. 不等金灵儿再次出击,人影却又化作白光,瞬间闪身至刚刚反应过来的李英李琦两兄妹。 Li Ying and on the Li Qi two faces is having a shock similarly, was immediately has actually been making the response. 李英李琦两人脸上同样带着一丝震惊,却是在立即作出了反应。 Two brother and sister hearts have the cleverness the move, the Li Ying flying sword attack to the white shade chest and belly, Li Qi attack the plate to the white shade. 两兄妹心有灵犀般出招,李英的飞剑攻向白影的胸腹,李琦攻向白影下盘。 The cloth of sword light before their bodies has the silver light net that piece of Flowing Light has overflowed. 剑光在他们的身前布起了一片流光四溢的银色光网。 The sword potential is swift and fierce, goes forward or retreats depending upon circumstances, does not give white shade one to dodge and leeway of breakthrough. 剑势凌厉,进可攻,退可守,不给白影一丝闪躲和突破的余地。 The white shade uses the double palm as sword, a palm to attack a palm to defend, is suddenly, incurs to dismantle unexpectedly with ease two brother and sister most favorite swords. 白影以双掌为剑,一掌为攻一掌为守,竟是在眨眼间,就将两兄妹两人最得意的剑招轻轻松松地拆解开。 All these almost occur in the calcium carbide flames, the speed of that white form quick just likes the ghosts and demons. 这一切几乎发生在电石火光之间,那白色身影的速度之快犹如鬼魅。 Gao Diping this desire gets rid, but below split second, he has realized anything suddenly, guessed correctly sudden person's shadow of this indistinctly from central Domain Portal is the meeting, on his face reappeared a pleasantly surprised color, rarely was very rude. 高地平本欲出手,但在下一瞬间,他猛然之间意识到了什么,已经隐约猜出了这个从中央界域之门中突然出现的人影是会,他的脸上浮现出了一丝惊喜之色,很罕见地失态了。 Meanwhile 与此同时 Ha Ha Ha, good, good!” 哈哈哈,不错,不错!” That white form laughs, familiar sound/noise resounds in the ear of everyone, after dismantling Li Ying Li Qi their sword has incurred, his personal appearance Flashed, returns just like the swan goose, falls to the ground natural lightly. 那道白色身影哈哈大笑,熟悉的声音在每个人的耳中响起,在拆解了李英李琦两人的剑招之后,他身形一闪,宛如鸿雁归来,潇洒翩然落地。 ----------- ----------- First, is a little bigger, one 第一更,有点大,还有一更
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