IGE :: Volume #7

#608: Returns to Heaven Wasteland Domain again

After one hour. 半个时辰之后。 To the south building attic. 向南楼顶楼。 Yu Xiao Xing of leisure safe sits in garret, two foot gods exit to hang in the midair, bird's eye view entire Flowing Light City, the distant place have not repaired the city wall and ruins of homing completely map the eyeground, the calamity of chaos caused by war, the calamity in Common People, in her heart unavoidably a feeling generally, the tour of this time Clear Ginger Domain, regarding Yu Xiao Xing, is an enormous impact, encountered the tribulation, saw clearly many matters, had very big comprehension. 闲暇无事的鱼小杏坐在阁楼上,两只脚神出去悬在半空,俯瞰整个流光城,远处尚未完全修葺归位的城壁和废墟映入眼底,战乱之祸,祸在苍生,她的心中不免一阵感概,这一次的清姜界之行,对于鱼小杏来说,是一次极大的冲击,遭遇了磨难,也看清楚了很多的事情,有很大的领悟。 But Nan Tieyi returns after the south building, in advance departs to meet with several elders. 南铁衣回到向南楼后,先行离去会见几位长老。 But Lao Yu Jing passing through the gate shouted is asking the small girl to sing songs, has maintained the past management appearance to the south building luckily as before, the father was playing the urheen, blind female just said joke, teases the guest joke that surrounded to be unceasing. 老鱼精一进门就嚷着找小丫头唱曲儿,幸好向南楼依旧维持了往日的经营模样,老爹正拉着二胡,盲女似是刚说了个笑话,逗得围观的客人笑语不断。 Quick, the Immortal God Emperor Sect three big elders visit once again personally. 很快,不死神皇宗的三大长老再度亲自来拜访。 Buddhist scriptures pavilion the elder in not, information jade scroll that delivers urgently from the Weishui total rudder, has given Ye Qingyu, record is the domain strength division of present infinite universe, as well as the master expert name list from all walks of life, naturally also has the brief history as well as the present composition of domain alliance, and various Xin Mi. 藏经阁的莫长老,将从渭水总舵加急送过来的信息玉简,都交给了叶青羽,其中记载的便是如今大千世界的界域力量划分,以及各界高手强者的名录,自然还有界域联盟的简史以及如今的组成,及各种辛秘。 Ye Qingyu thanked again and again. 叶青羽连连感谢。 Then he was being drawn by Wu Chi elder, enters above the vault of heaven high, in the vault of heaven battlefield, abandoned all scruples to fight, was accompanies this militant old man to satisfy a craving, Ye Qingyu also benefitted greatly. 然后他就被武痴谢长老拉着,高入天穹之上,在天穹战场之中,抛开一切顾忌大战了一场,算是陪着这个好战的老头子过了一把瘾,叶青羽自己也是受益匪浅。 Waits for Ye Qingyu to return to the inn the time, a bone like was the powder has put up. 叶青羽回到客栈的时候,一身骨头都像是散架了一样。 In the following two days of time, thanked the elder to draw Ye Qingyu to fight every day 2-3 times. 接下来的两天时间里,谢长老每天都要拉着叶青羽大战两三次。 In the Ye Qingyu heart understands that this is this old person is using his way, directs oneself martial arts. 叶青羽心中明白,这是这位老人在用他自己的方式,指点自己武道。 This friendship, he firmly at heart. 这份情谊,他牢牢地记在了心里。 Also after is two day. 又是两日之后。 „The Qingyu brother, what do you then have to plan?” Nan Tieyi knocked on a door, entered the Ye Qingyu room, this time he, changed a water blue color brocade robe, the tone scholarly like the immortal, the body was bringing the meter of faint trace dignity faintly. 青羽兄,你们接下来有什么打算?”南铁衣敲门,进入了叶青羽的房间,此时的他,换了一身水蓝色锦袍,气韵儒雅如仙,身上隐隐带着丝丝威严之仪。 Will look for you,......” Ye Qingyu says with a smile. “正要去找你呢,……”叶青羽笑着道。 „The Qingyu brother, I guess that you do certainly want to return to Heaven Wasteland Domain?” The Nan Tieyi thoughts like the water, looked at the Ye Qingyu thoughts. 青羽兄,我猜你一定是想回天荒界吧?”南铁衣心思如水,看出来了叶青羽的心思。 Yes, comes out to be so long, was worried that the safety of family member and friend......” Ye Qingyu also naturally acknowledged: Does not know that Immortal God Emperor Sect may have the domain channel, helping me return to Heaven Wasteland Domain?” “是啊,出来这么久,担心家人和朋友的安危了……”叶青羽也大大方方承认:“不知道不死神皇宗可有界域通道,帮助我回到天荒界之中?” Said that I pour truly can help.” The Nan Tieyi corners of the mouth raise. “说起来,我倒确实可以帮上忙。”南铁衣嘴角微扬。 Really?” In the Xing'er eye flashes through an excitement. “真的?”杏儿眼中闪过一丝兴奋。 Nan Tieyi smiles lightly, nodded. 南铁衣淡淡一笑,点了点头。 Ye Qingyu hear that also felt relieved. 叶青羽闻言也放下心来。 Dreary, transmitted orders, I must lead Master Ye and the others to exit, all people remain to the south building, did not use with.” Nan Tieyi told one lightly, although has not set out, but the sound such as the be continuous fine lace, transmitted the distant place Ling's dreary ear side directly. “萧然,传令下去,我要带叶公子等人出去一趟,所有人留守向南楼,不用跟来了。”南铁衣淡淡吩咐了一句,虽未起身,但声如绵延细线,径直传送到了远处泠萧然的耳侧。 After the half day. 半日后。 Weishui mountain range deep place. 渭水山脉深处。 The mountain depends on the water, bird song quan quan. 青山依水,鸟语绻绻。 Compares in Great one Mountain Range Evil Qi everywhere, the blood red picture, Weishui mountain range as before blue posture a ten thousand li (0.5km) away, the wooden forest is green at this time, mountain stream murmur. 相比于太一山脉煞气漫天,血红一片的景象,此时万里之外的渭水山脉却依旧一片青姿,木林葱郁,溪水潺潺。 Immortal God Emperor Sect retired in the past, the present Sect site, is the Weishui mountain range. 不死神皇宗当年退隐,如今的宗门所在地,正是渭水山脉。 Past Undead/Immortal god toward what kind powerful, even if steps down the Weishui mountain range, several thousand years of management, made this piece of mountain range turn into a dwelling place of Buddhist immortals paradise, spirit energy sufficient Heaven and Earth, compared with demon beforehand Great one Mountain Range, is not inferior, but was actually another style, did not have too a that dignity stern meteorology, everywhere was a leisurely and tranquil natural aura. 当年的不死神朝何等强势,即便是退居渭水山脉,数千年的经营,也让这片山脉变成了一处洞天福地,一处灵气充足的天地,与还未魔化之前的太一山脉相比,丝毫不逊色,不过却是另外一种风格,没有太一宗那种威严森严的气象,到处都是一种悠闲自得、恬静潇洒的气息。 Was this.” Nan Tieyi stands in the mountain range to the Dongsi ten li (0.5km), cave entrance in the mountain valley gap. “就是这了。”南铁衣站在山脉向东四十里,一个山谷间隙之中的山洞门口。 The cave was covert, has covered entirely tyrannical formation, looked is Sect heavy. 山洞隐蔽,布满了强横的阵法,一看就是宗门重地。 Ye Qingyu, Xing'er and Lao Yu Jing follow behind to enter the cave in him. 叶青羽杏儿老鱼精跟在他身后进入山洞。 Cave corridor accommodates one person to pass merely, in the hole covers entirely the green perfectly clear jade, does not need the candlelight, can see clearly all things. 山洞甬道仅仅容纳一人通过,洞内布满青色清透玉石,毋须烛火,便可看清一切事物。 In the hole winding path bend, extends in all directions, if not Nan Tieyi eagerly anticipates, anybody comes, only feared that must lose in this hole lost the direction. 洞内曲径弯折,四通八达,若非南铁衣一路引领,任何人进来,只怕要迷失在这洞里失去了方向。 After a little while. 少顷。 The stone hole end, high approximately ten meters, width four meters stone wall appears before the people at the same time. 石穴尽头,一面高约十米,宽四米的石壁出现在众人面前。 stone wall shines jet black, is sending out one intermittently light such as the chaos halo of thin smoke, on the wall the texture is rough, the surface layer has the uneven pellet, the pellet densely covered, is several hundred fist sizes spherical hollow. 石壁漆黑发亮,散发着一阵阵轻如薄烟的混沌光晕,壁上纹理粗糙,表层有凹凸不平的颗粒,颗粒密布之间,正是数百个拳头大小的球状凹陷。 Domain Portal!” Xing'er calls out in alarm makes noise. 界域之门!”杏儿惊呼出声。 In the Ye Qingyu eye also flashes through an astonishment. 叶青羽眼中也闪过一丝惊异。 Has not thought that does not extinguish in the Weishui mountain range that the god emperor sect race starts, actually has Domain Portal! 没想到不灭神皇宗种族兴起的渭水山脉之中,竟然藏有一座界域之门 „The Qingyu brother, this time leaves, what day does not know to say goodbye, the Clear Ginger Domain Coordinate you saw, if needed , in the future, may enter...... Nan Tieyi among this gate greatly takes off the volumes slowly slightly the blooming purple rhyme fluorescence amethyst, while looks at the Domain Portal still sigh. 青羽兄,此次一别,不知再见何日,清姜界的坐标你已经看到了,日后若有需要,大可通过此门进入……”南铁衣一边缓缓摘下额间微微绽放紫韵荧光的紫玉,一边看着界域之门犹自感叹。 How could in the Ye Qingyu heart not to know that Nan Tieyi sends away all people, leads to come personally, to prevent anybody discovers the Heaven Wasteland Domain Coordinate the possibility. 叶青羽心中何曾不知,南铁衣屏退所有人,亲自带着自己过来,就是为了防止任何人发现天荒界坐标的可能。 Cherishes the principle of righteousness, the side all day long under. 心怀大义,方成天下。 Makes a mess in entire Clear Ginger Domain, is the Heaven Wasteland Domain Coordinate massacres mutually, the quarrel becomes enemies, Nan Tieyi truly had demonstrated was the morality and justice and welldoing of dynasty posterity. 在整个清姜界乱作一团,为天荒界坐标相互残杀,反目成仇的时候,南铁衣才真正展示了身为皇朝后人的道义和德行。 The obligation did not say thanks. 大恩不言谢。 The Ye Qingyu look is serious, slight bow. 叶青羽眼神郑重,微微点了点头。 Bite! 叮! Nan Tieyi ejects in the hand gently the ray writings amethyst, jade jue touches Domain Portal lightly, the purple glow bursts out, the light of chaos instantaneously entire Stone Xuezhao just likes the daytime. 南铁衣轻轻抛出手中光芒大作的紫玉,玉玦轻触界域之门,紫芒迸发,混沌之光瞬间将整个石穴照的犹如白昼。 Three people after the Nan Tieyi 11 farewells, turns around to enter in the chaos halo...... 三人与南铁衣11告别之后,转身走进混沌光晕之中…… ...... …… Heaven Wasteland Domain. 天荒界 Snow Country, Snow Capital. 雪国,雪京 High noon, scorching sun. 正午时分,骄阳似火。 In the deep blue sky is fluttering several cotton clouds. 湛蓝的天空中飘着几朵棉花般的云朵。 The breeze strokes has appeared the solemn silence Bright God palace under the scorching sun, this just likes small kingdom a center of architectural complex, a piece is linked to each other in some main hall in palace actually suddenly spreads a sound of pots and pans. 微风拂过在骄阳下更显得庄严肃穆的光明神殿,这个犹如一个小型王国的建筑群的中心,一片连在一起的殿宇中的某一个大殿中却突然传出一阵锅碗瓢盆的声响。 A carriage micro fat middle-aged woman, the waist is the apron, is standing in the palace the entrance, was telling anything with a side small girl. 一个体态微胖的中年妇女,腰间系着围裙,正站在殿宇的的门口,和身边的一个小丫头吩咐着什么。 This middle-aged woman follows from Youyan Pass impressively in Ye Qingyu side attendance daily life Mother Wu. 这位中年妇女赫然就是从幽燕关是就跟随在叶青羽身边照顾起居的吴妈 Left Heaven Wasteland Domain to have the time of more than half a year from Ye Qingyu, the skin on Mother Wu face seemed to be more exquisite than the former shiny smooth, the body wore the simple cotton garment as before. 距离叶青羽离开天荒界已经有了大半年的时间,吴妈脸上的皮肤似乎比以前更加莹润细腻了一些,身上依旧穿着简朴的布衣。 Her facial expression was actually compares with the past, in brow tip corner of the eye faint disclosed a dignity of not easy detection. 她的气色却是较过去好了很多,眉梢眼角中隐隐的透露出一丝不易察觉的威严。 Mother Wu enters the main hall, walks more than ten women who while is directing in the palace bustled about. 吴妈走进大殿,一边走一边指点着殿内正在忙碌的十多名妇女。 The people divide the work to be clear, some people are cutting the dish, some people light a fire, some people in preparation flour dim sum...... 众人分工明确,有人在切菜,有人烧火,有人在准备面点...... This main hall just like is a scale huge kitchen! 这座大殿俨然就是一个规模庞大的厨房! Mother Wu passes through one row to be linked to each other top. 吴妈走过一排连在一起的灶台。 On the top, several big earthenware cooking pot in gurgle gurgle the braving bubble, a thick fragrance are scattering. 灶台上,几只大砂锅正在咕嘟咕嘟的冒着泡,一阵浓浓的香味飘散出来。 Yeah, does not know when Sir he will come back with the soup that I make.” Mother Wu looks at that ebullition the earthenware cooking pot, sighed gently. “哎,也不知道大人他什么时候才会回来和我煲的汤。”吴妈看着那沸腾的砂锅,轻轻地叹息。 She has remembered Ye Qingyu, this changed her latter half of one's life young people. 她又想起了叶青羽,这个改变了她后半生的年轻人。 If not Ye Qingyu, she definitely still in Youyan Pass, is defending the whole family at this moment, under crossed is eating on did not have poor life. 如果不是叶青羽,那她此刻肯定还在幽燕关,守着一家人,过着吃了上顿没下顿的贫苦生活。 Is Ye Qingyu gives her life to bring about the tremendous changes. 叶青羽给她的生活带来翻天覆地的变化。 Like her besides a good meal that can make no other ordinary peasant woman of strong point, not only does not have the family background background, and does not have martial arts Cultivation Base, will throw some people will not look straight at to look at her one eyes in the crowd. 像她这样一个除了能做的一手好菜之外别无长处的普通农妇,既没有家世背景,又没有武道修为,扔在人群中都不会有人正眼瞧她一眼。 But since she follows Ye Qingyu to arrive at the Bright God palace, natural became the chief chef in Bright God palace, under more than ten people await her mixing, she does not even need to begin to prepare food personally. 可是自从她跟随叶青羽来到光明神殿,理所应当的成为了光明神殿的首席厨师,手下有十多人听候她的调配,她甚至都不需要自己亲手动手做饭。 But a she young female cook, in this Bright God palace, the people respects to him. Goes out of the Bright God palace, does not have one person to dare to she has any not to respect, including Snow Country audiences high-rankingly because of her has not been only a young female cook despises in her. 而她一个小小的厨娘,在这光明神殿中,众人对他都尊敬有加。走出光明神殿,也无一人敢对她有任何的不尊重,连雪国的一众显贵都不曾因她只是一个小小厨娘而轻视于她。 In this middle reason her heart naturally understands, her status, her present all because of Ye Qingyu! 这中间的缘故她心中自然明白,她的地位,她如今的一切都是因为叶青羽 She has remembered that Ye Qingyu starts from Youyan Pass, very likes drinking her personally hot pot the soup. 她一直都记得,叶青羽幽燕关开始,就十分喜欢喝她亲手煲的汤。 But Ye Qingyu left Heaven Wasteland Domain more than half a year, she likely was for fear that will be in the course of time not the preparing food technique unfamiliar general, always personally arrives in this kitchen to manage the eat three meals a day for the people. Was anticipating Ye Qingyu will appear suddenly, she can first make one bowl of she most adept thick soup for him. 可是叶青羽已经离开天荒界大半年,她像是生怕自己是日久了不做饭技艺会生疏一般,总是亲自来到这厨房中为众人操持一日三餐。期待着叶青羽会突然间出现,她能第一时间为他煲一碗她最拿手的浓汤。 In the Mother Wu heart is thinking, on face reveals the anticipation the look. 吴妈心中想着,脸上露出期待的神色。 Cool breeze has blown. 一阵清风吹过。 Transmits xi xi su su sound/noise, immerses Mother Wu in recollection is attracted by this sound/noise, goes following the prestige. 传来一阵窸窸窣窣的声音,沉浸在回忆中的吴妈被这声音吸引,循声望去。 Outside the main hall not far away, the bright hot leaf swings in the wind rustle is shivering. Occasionally several leaves drop branch, from the sky circles falls. 大殿外不远处,鲜艳的火树叶在风中摇摆着簌簌颤抖。偶尔有几片树叶落下枝头,在空中打着旋落下。 In hot woods. 火树林中。 Wears the white long robe young man to practice martial arts on the glade. 一个身穿白色长袍的年轻男子正在林间空地上练武。 On his both eyes is hoodwinking a green satin ribbon, the expression on face is light, is Bai Yuanxing! 他的双眼上蒙着一根青色缎带,脸上的表情淡淡的,正是白远行 After more than half a year, the makings big change of Bai Yuanxing whole person, just like new student. 时隔大半年,白远行整个人的气质大变,宛若新生。 His body and spirit be strong than the past, full Tou the black hair high bunch after the brain, is the green satin ribbon on both eyes in airborne waves with him with the wind. 他的体魄要比过去强健许多,满头的黑发高高的束在脑后,与他系在双眼上的青色缎带在空中随风舞动。 Clothes sleeve flutters, his not anxiously not Xu the fist, void leaves behind transparent fist seal, in the air hears the slight report. 衣袂翻飞间,他不急不徐的出拳,虚空中留下一个个透明的拳印,空气中传来轻微的爆裂声。 His one treads fully gradually, the invisible air wave eruption, ground in centered on him, the bright hot leaf such as the wave turns to all around generally wells up dispersing. 他的一足缓步踏出,无形的气浪爆发,以他为中心的地面上,鲜艳的火树叶如水波一般向四周翻涌散开。 In fist feet of Bai Yuanxing, already faint had style of one generation of masters of great learning and integrity. 白远行的一拳一脚之间,已经隐隐的有了一代宗师的风范。 ignorant the green satin ribbon of both eyes, was giving in his tranquil facial features to increase one mysterious and dust meant that could not see again he was the white horse sword slave who in the past that felt inferior timidly. 蒙着双眼的青色缎带,给他平静的面容上更增加了一丝神秘和出尘意味,再也看不出他就是过去那个胆小自卑的白马剑奴。 His Cultivation Base has achieved the Sea of Bitterness Creek boundary unexpectedly! 他的修为竟然已经达到了苦海成溪境! The Bai Yuanxing inborn intelligence is unsatisfactory, originally not suitable Cultivation martial arts. But initially by the void cloudy thunder fragment of dragon tiger sect was hit both eyes when Youyan Pass, almost lost the life. Ye Qingyu to therapy for him, teaches Heavenly Blind Way to him, and tender guidance his Cultivation. 白远行天生资质不佳,原本并不适合修炼武道。可是当初在幽燕关时被龙虎宗的虚空阴雷碎片击中双目,几乎丢掉了性命。叶青羽为了替他疗伤,将天盲道传授给他,并悉心指导他修炼 Who once thinks that this Heavenly Blind Way Cultivation cultivation technique and Bai Yuanxing agreed with unexpectedly, lose eyesight Bai Yuanxing Cultivation to have Heavenly Blind Way like a fish in water to be handy. Although his intelligence is unsatisfactory, the start also compared with others late, however his willpower strength non- average man be possible to compare, there is a perseverance. 谁曾想,这天盲道修炼功法白远行竟是非常契合,失去了目力的白远行修炼天盲道如鱼得水般得心应手。虽然他资质不佳,起步也要比别人晚很多,但是他的意志力非常人可比,又有一股恒心。 When to the present, Bai Yuanxing had Cultivation Base of Sea of Bitterness Creek boundary, the sweat that he pays for this reason can be imagined, although before progressing by leaps and bounds and Ye Qingyu of his Cultivation Base leave Heaven Wasteland Domain , some methods of leaving behind have much to do with, but can have the present achievement to be very extraordinary. 时至如今,白远行已经有了苦海成溪境的修为,他为此付出的汗水可想而知,虽然他修为的突飞猛进与叶青羽离开天荒界前留下的一些手段有很大关系,但是能够有现在的成就已经很了不得了。 Played one set of Fist Arts, Bai Yuanxing received the fist slowly, calmly stood on the spot. 打完了一套拳法,白远行缓缓收拳,静静地站在原地 His ear shivered gently, resembles heard anything, the lip angle brought back a light curve, such as exiled the immortal general indifferent elegant. 他的耳朵轻轻地颤动,似是听到了什么,唇角勾起一丝淡淡的弧度,如谪仙一般淡然飘逸。 -------------- -------------- Fourth. 第四更。 For me, this is a small miracle, is drinking the salt syrup while the symbol, has written four chapters unexpectedly...... 对我来说,这算是一个小奇迹吧,一边喝着盐糖水一边码字,居然写了四章……
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