IGE :: Volume #7

#607: Distinction time

Such remarks, the people all look to Ye Qingyu. 此言一出,众人皆看向叶青羽 Nan Tieyi and Liu Shaji feel immediately, from strength that on Ye Qingyu sends out, really leaves the moonlight immortal palace compared with before him, wanted to be vigorously more dignified. 南铁衣刘杀鸡随即感受到,自叶青羽身上散发的力量,果然是比他出月色仙宫之前,要雄浑凝重了许多。 Ye Qingyu shows a faint smile. 叶青羽微微一笑。 He also similarly felt Nan Tieyi and the others, including Hundred Spirit Sect several female priests and disciples, strength has increased these days similarly, obviously Cultivation in Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace profited is not small. 他也同样感受到了南铁衣等人,包括百灵宗几位女师徒,在这段时间实力同样是有所增益,显然是在地下月色仙宫之中修炼受益不小。 Sat down saying that sat down saying that Brother Ye worried to hurry along, the wind spreading thunder and lightning, may be exhausted me all the way.” Hu bugui sits in bulk white jade stone facing, fishes out the aging of Liu Lane restaurant several jugs just before leaving are suitable for from the bosom, loses to Liu Shaji and Nan Tieyi two person jugs, oneself also pat a wine pot the cover, swallows up to drink boldly directly. “坐下说,坐下说,叶老弟着急赶路,一路上风驰雷电,可把我累坏了。”胡不归一屁股坐在身旁一大块白玉石面上,从怀里摸出几坛子临走顺的柳巷酒楼的陈酿,丢给刘杀鸡南铁衣两个人一坛子,自己也拍开一个酒坛的盖子,直接鲸吞豪饮起来。 The rich wine, is full immediately in the air. 浓郁的酒香,顿时充溢在空气里。 Nice wine.” The Liu Shaji eye has shone. “好酒。”刘杀鸡眼睛亮了起来。 Nan Tieyi is also the person of nice wine, the look on face, bright merry. 南铁衣也是好酒之人,脸上的神色,也明亮快活了起来。 Ha Ha, today your my brother drinks to heart's content well.” Hu bugui also came the interest. “哈哈,今日你我兄弟好好痛饮一番。”胡不归也来了兴致。 Since the same day in too a mountain foot janitor disciple region has met, although also several months, but Liu Shaji, Nan Tieyi, Hu bugui and Ye Qingyu these four people, thought that the unprecedented temperament is congenial, particularly after experiencing the experience that on Tempest Sword Assembly died to fight shoulder to shoulder, four people faint such as the brothers were common, incomparably gets along well. 自从当日在太一宗山麓的杂役弟子区域相遇以来,虽说是也不过才几个月的时间,但刘杀鸡南铁衣胡不归叶青羽这四人,却觉得前所未有的脾气相投,尤其是经历了风云论剑大会上并肩死战的经历之后,四人已经隐隐如兄弟一般,无比投契。 Other person of hear that smile, sits cross-legged to sit down. 其他人闻言纷纷一笑,也就地盘膝坐下。 Cousin, how your this time will go to such a long time, big brother Liu and southern big brother are worried about you, but also goes to look for your several times separately.” Xing'er has inspected carefully, determined that Ye Qingyu any injury, had not felt relieved. “表哥,你们这次怎么会去了这么长时间,刘大哥和南大哥担心你们,还分头出去找过你们几次。”杏儿又仔细检查了一遍,确定叶青羽没有任何伤势,才放下心来。 Yes, we did not have your news, was worried that you have not gone out of Great one Mountain Range, instead by the Devil race influence tying down, but also goes to look for you...... Right......” Liu Shaji has put out a hand from search void, we had found these things...... This is Fengming Gu Guzhu the life magical instrument, the sobbing phoenix ruler, the giant stone forest found in we had treated.” “是啊,我们一直没有你们的消息,担心你们还是没走出太一山脉,反而被魔族势力给缠住了,还出去找过你们……对了……”刘杀鸡伸手自虚空一探,“我们找到了这些东西……这是凤鸣谷谷主的本命神器,泣凤尺,在我们曾经待过的巨石林找到的。” Liu Shaji spreads out the palm. 刘杀鸡摊开手掌。 Succeeds in giving up two sections, the Asian magical instrument sobbing phoenix ruler that brilliance completely loses shows in the people at present. 断成两截,光华尽失的亚神器泣凤尺展现在众人眼前。 Nan Tieyi micro sighed inaudible, I had also discovered that picked this in the Water Pond 20 inside and outside bamboo groves......” 南铁衣微不可闻地叹了口气,“我也有所发现,在水潭20里外的竹林里捡到了这个……” He turns the hand empty grasps. 他翻手虚握。 Handle long hook empty is the reality. 一柄长钩化虚为实。 The moon/month dental cusp hook of this long hook terminal has been short of one section, the surface is motley, dividing that able to move unhindered proliferate cuts trace in silent to relate Master before death last war frigid solemn and stirring. 只是这长钩末端的月牙尖钩已经少了一截,表面斑驳破烂,一道道纵横遍布的劈斩痕迹似是在无声得诉说着主人生前最后一战的惨烈悲壮。 This is...... Is it possible that is faintly recognizable gate Patriarch the life sub magical instrument moon/month profound hook?” Hu bugui in great surprise, recognizes in the Nan Tieyi hand the origin of gloomy long hook. “这是……莫非是飘渺门宗主的本命亚神器月玄钩?”胡不归大惊,一眼认出南铁衣手中黯淡无光的长钩的来历。 „, This thing, your boasting...... Also continues these!” Lao Yu Jing smiles, is offers valuable advice from the bosom carries -and-a-half meter high big bamboo baskets likely. “切,这点儿东西,你就咋咋呼呼的了……还不止这些呢!”老鱼精嘿嘿一笑,像是献宝似的从怀里端出一个半米高的大竹篓。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Full one basket of magical instrument pointed weapons fall. 满满一筐神器兵刃倾洒出来。 Ye Qingyu is startled. 叶青羽怔住。 Lei zuan, meteor double hammer and bronze Bi Yuedao, link first [gold/metal] hook......” Hu bugui facial color one startled, 11 identify these to lose brilliance, the weapon that the scar proliferates, most he could call the origin, was actually in Clear Ginger Domain becomes famous for a long time expert the life god soldier, past in entire Clear Ginger Domain, on being considered as was the reputation illustrious, but now, actually turned into one heap of junks, the formation mark above weapon wound is destroyed, spirit energy that its embodiment holds also passed cleanly. “雷公钻、流星双锤、青铜闭月刀、环首金钩……”胡不归面色一惊,11辨认那些失去光华,伤痕遍布的兵器,大多数他都叫得出来来历,却是清姜界之中很多成名已久的强者的本命神兵,昔日在整个清姜界之中,也算得上是声名赫赫,但是现在,却已经变成了一堆破铜烂铁,兵器之上的阵法纹络被破坏,其内蕴含着的灵气也都流逝干净了。 The weapon turned into this, then their Master, is obviously more unfortunate than fortunate. 兵器变成了这样,那它们的主人,显然是都凶多吉少了。 A shatter weapon, is a life. 一件破碎的兵器,就是一条命。 Nan Tieyi sighed slightly, had Lao Yu Jing several times to exit to nose with Liu Shaji to see the picture together to consider it. 南铁衣微微叹了口气,和刘杀鸡还有老鱼精一起将几次出去查探所见景象悉数告之。 Yeah, this is really the inexorable fate.” Hu bugui such nerve big strip person, cannot help but an intermittent feeling, and Ye Qingyu walks on the same day , the experience in Great one Mountain Range general said. “哎,这真是劫数啊。”胡不归这样神经大条的人,也不由得一阵阵的感慨,将自己和叶青羽当日走出去之后,在太一山脉之中的所见所闻都大概地说了一遍。 The people are silent to listen, sighed one after another. 众人沉默着听完,也接连感叹。 The atmosphere all of a sudden becomes silent. 气氛一下子变得沉默起来。 Hu bugui drank fiercely has hit liquor, on the face reappears the heroic color, Ha Ha said with a smile: Ok, did not say that these disheartened matters, the deceased was over cannot pursue, we must look forward...... Ha Ha, said that you do not know, my side, but now Clear Ginger Domain Human Race legendary character!” 胡不归猛地喝了打一口酒,脸上再现豪迈之色,哈哈笑道:“算了,不说这些丧气的事情了,逝者已矣不可追,我们还需向前看……哈哈,说起来,你们可是不知道,我身边这位,现在可是清姜界人族的传奇人物了!” Legendary character? What has the cousin made?” “传奇人物?表哥做了什么?” Yu Xiao Xing regarding any with the Ye Qingyu related matter, is extremely interested obviously, rushes to ask. 鱼小杏对于任何与叶青羽有关的事情,显然都极为感兴趣,抢着问起来。 Hu bugui laughs, has drunk several in gulps, this traces liquor stain on beard stubble, is imitating in the Flowing Light City teahouse the manner manner and speech tune of storyteller, sings in good voice and with feeling, vivid said in all that in Flowing Light City had them. 胡不归哈哈一笑,又大口大口地喝了几口,这才摸了摸胡子茬上的酒渍,模仿着流光城茶肆之中说书人的神态举止和说话腔调,声情并茂,绘声绘色的将他们在流光城之中发生的一切都说了出来。 All people hear with great interest, as if to experience personally. 所有人都听得津津有味,仿佛身临其境。 From time to time the winding peaks and paths, the heartstrings tie tight from time to time, from time to time the still laughs, from time to time the heart lives sigh with emotion, from time to time happily has a smile. 时而峰回路转,时而心弦紧绷,时而犹自大笑,时而心生感慨,时而又欣慰含笑。 On the Ye Qingyu face is revealing a light happy expression actually, when Hu bugui mentioned does not extinguish the god emperor sect explained why they do not have to say the Nan Tieyi whereabouts immediately, the intention why with has not brought not to extinguish the person who god emperor sect comes, naturally, the reason of blessings left by predecessors naturally evaded. 倒是叶青羽脸上露着一丝淡淡的笑意,只是在胡不归提到不灭神皇宗的时候解释了一下为什么他们没有当下就说出南铁衣的下落,和为什么没有带不灭神皇宗的人过来的用意,当然,遗泽的这一原因自然是避过了。 In other words does your boy, by the Heaven Wasteland Domain Ye Qingyu status, swaggering fill of enjoyment outside now?” Lao Yu Jing was associated to the lots obviously, both eyes started to brave the light, shot a look at to Ye Qingyu. “也就是说你小子,现在以天荒界叶青羽的身份,在外面大摇大摆吃香喝辣了?”老鱼精显然是已经联想到了很多东西,双眼开始冒光,瞥向叶青羽 „It is not, mixes to eat to mix with the Little Ye sub- present casually to drink, now he is the Clear Ginger Domain hot enough to scald one's hands matchless hero, is in the Flowing Light City common people heart the Savior of Tianlong reincarnation!” The Hu bugui expression exaggeration, 11 said Flowing Light City these strange fables, caused that the people laugh. “可不是,跟着小叶子现在随便混吃混喝,现在他可是清姜界炙手可热的盖世英雄,是流光城百姓心中天龙转世的救世主呢!”胡不归表情夸张,把流光城那些奇异的传说也11说了出来,引得众人纷纷大笑。 Exaggeration that some where Old Hu said that you only consider hear of stories to find relief, do not take seriously.” Ye Qingyu cannot listen finally, beckons with the hand to speak the interruption. “哪有老.胡说的那么夸张,你们只当是听故事解闷,可别当真了。”叶青羽终于听不下去,摆摆手出言打断。 I was saying that in the enthusiasm you have broken to me, good I not saying that does not rely on hearsay to seeing is believing, you went to Flowing Light City, knows that I did have the exaggeration.” Hu bugui let go, shows a helpless expression. “我正说兴头上呢你给我打断了,好了好了我不说了,耳听为虚眼见为实,你们去了流光城,就知道我有没有夸张了。”胡不归摊了摊手,露出一副无奈的表情。 Was right, matter about Hundred Spirit Sect, there is a news, in the day before that we return , the disciple who does not extinguish the god emperor sect spreads the news, Hundred Spirit Sect closes off a mountain area to guard a gate, maximum limit has preserved strength, therefore, is safe for the time being.” Ye Qingyu looks to Shen Menghua and the others the directions, hurried to say this news. “对了,关于百灵宗的事情,也有了消息,就在我们返回的前一日,不灭神皇宗的弟子传来消息,百灵宗封山守门,最大限度保存了实力,所以暂时来看,是安全的。”叶青羽看向沈梦华等人的方向,赶紧将这一消息说了出来。 Good!” “太好了!” Many thanks Master Ye!” “多谢叶公子!” Right, many thanks you, Master Ye!” “对对对,多谢你,叶公子!” Shen Menghua and Liu Ruxin stand to raise slightly to salute immediately, the facial features have a smile, looks that Ye Qingyu expressed gratitude again and again. 沈梦华柳如心随即站起来欠身行礼,眉眼含笑,看着叶青羽连连道谢。 Hundred Spirit Sect that middle age beautiful woman Martial Uncle also long breathed a sigh of relief, looks that the Ye Qingyu acknowledgment nods. 百灵宗那位中年美妇师叔也长舒了一口气,看着叶青羽致谢点头。 Illuminates the situation that you say now, although Clear Ginger Domain did not have the recovery complete stability, but retreats in the demon spider well, beginning Human Race also alliance reveals, the general situation tended steady, we naturally did not need to continue to keep in the moon to seek asylum again.” Nan Tieyi has pondered a while slightly, opens the mouth saying: Since three Martial Uncle elders arrived at Flowing Light City, I must this morning exit to converge with them, is Human Race rebuilds an own strength.” “照你们现在所说的情形来看,清姜界虽然还没有恢复完全的稳定,但好在魔蛛撤退,人族也联盟初显,大局已经趋于平稳了,我们自然不用再继续留在月宫中避难了。”南铁衣略微沉思了一会儿,开口道:“既然三位师叔长老都到了流光城,那我必须今早出去和他们汇合,为人族重建出一份自己的力。” He is a little even impatient. 他甚至有点儿迫不及待。 Since Sect set out three big elders, that was an obvious signal, Immortal God Emperor Sect has trod the first step of WTO entry, started at a positive stance display energy, this has contained Nan Tieyi of aspiration regarding the chest, without doubt was a huge good news. 既然宗门出动了三大长老,那就是一个明显的信号,不死神皇宗已经重新踏出了入世的第一步,开始以一种积极的姿态发挥能量,这对于一直胸含抱负的南铁衣来说,无疑是一个巨大的好消息。 Other people also in abundance nod, meaning that a little impatiently wants to leave. 其他人也都纷纷点头,有点儿迫不及待地想要离开的意思。 Since this, that early tomorrow morning, we can leave here together, but after exiting, what can plan?” Ye Qingyu affirmed immediately, observed the situation people. “既然这样,那明天一早,我们就可以一起离开这里,只是出去之后,诸位可有什么打算?”叶青羽随即肯定,又环视了一圈众人。 We naturally at the maximum speed return to Hundred Spirit Sect.” Hundred Spirit Sect Martial Uncle spoke. “我们自然是以最快的速度返回百灵宗了。”百灵宗师叔率先说到。 Three female disciple also in abundance nod, news Hundred Spirit Sect that although Ye Qingyu brings is safe temporarily, but how in Sect the present situation, as before makes them incomparably worry, wants to hurry to hurry back, finds out, regarding these women, Hundred Spirit Sect is their families. 三个女弟子也纷纷点头,虽然叶青羽带来的消息百灵宗暂时是安全的,但宗门之内现在形势到底如何,依旧令她们无比牵挂,想要赶紧赶回去,一探究竟,对于这些女人来说,百灵宗就是他们的家。 „Some other of my also matters, need to spend a time to process, after Flowing Light City, must leave in advance.” Liu Shaji said lightly. “我还另有一些事情,需要花点儿时间去处理,到流光城之后,就得先行离开了。”刘杀鸡淡淡地说道。 Is Successor that White Lotus Sword sends, he handles affairs surreptitiously, since said that some that certainly matters need to process alone, others were not good to ask anything again. 身为白莲剑派的传人,他行事诡秘,既然这么说,那就一定是有一些事情需要单独处理,别人也不好再问什么了。 Ha Ha, the brat, now you are the Clear Ginger Domain scarlet person, has the meat to eat the liquor to drink with you, no matter I, you must lead my old person to drink the class fragrant aging that the small beard said that was right, remembers previous time goes to Flowing Light City time, these juicy singing girls, Ha Ha, I also want to listen to sing songs to the south building young girl again, Ha Ha Ha Ha......” the Lao Yu Jing sudden racket the buttocks stand from the stone block, toward Ye Qingyu ejects several inexpensively look. “哈哈,臭小子,现在你可是清姜界大红人,跟着你有肉吃有酒喝,我不管,你得带我老人家去喝小胡子说的流香陈酿,哦对了,记得上次去流光城的时候,那些水灵灵的歌姬,哈哈,我还想再听向南楼小妞唱曲儿呢,哈哈哈哈……”老鱼精突然拍拍屁股从石墩上站起来,朝着叶青羽抛出几个贱兮兮的眼神。 A heavy line of Ye Qingyu forehead, no longer leaves fire fish old heart not old fellow, hurries to look at the look to elsewhere. 叶青羽一额头的黑线,不再离火这个鱼老心不老的家伙,赶紧将眼神看向别处。 Naturally was needless to say as for Yu Xiao Xing, certainly must with Ye Qingyu. 至于鱼小杏自然不用多说,肯定是要跟着叶青羽的。 But Ye Qingyu, already had own plan. 叶青羽自己,也早已有了自己的打算。 After returning to Flowing Light City, he must hurry to look for the clue, finding the way to bring Xing'er to return to Heaven Wasteland Domain. 回到流光城后,他得赶紧找寻线索,想办法带着杏儿回到天荒界 Ye Qingyu looked at one to start to tidy up own scattered family belongings delightedly Lao Yu Jing, the corners of the mouth brings back one, if had the happy expression that resembled not to have. On this Old Man the secret are too many, the old monster that too ancient age lives, originally does not belong to any domain, in Clear Ginger Domain various clan influence differentiation extremes, the variable are too in addition many, leading him to go to Heaven Wasteland Domain to stroll, might as well. 叶青羽看了一眼欢欢喜喜开始收拾自己的零零散散的家当的老鱼精,嘴角勾起一丝若有似无的笑意。这个老家伙身上秘密太多,太古年间活下来的老怪物,本就不属于任何一个界域,加之清姜界中各族势力分化极端,变数太多,带他去天荒界逛逛,也无妨。 ...... …… After two day. 两日后。 In Flowing Light City. 流光城中。 The full of vitality lively picture reappears in Flowing Light City. 生机勃勃的热闹景象又重新出现在流光城中。 Although when the entire city is inferior to Ye Qingyu initially the knowledge prosperous lively appearance, but also sweeps the depression that formerly the chaos caused by war brought to decline. In street county fair, exhibits the stall that scattered fragmentarily, the stall keeper smiling face hawks to call gracefully, in the city several famous restaurant teahouses also reopen the front door, welcomed escorts. 整个城中虽不及叶青羽初识时鼎盛繁华的模样,但也一扫先前战乱带来的萧条破落。街道市集上,也重新摆出了零星散落的摊位,摊贩笑脸盈盈地叫卖吆喝,城中几家颇负盛名的酒楼茶肆也都重开大门,迎来送往。 City gate. 城门口。 Young Master!” 少主!” Young Master you came back!” 少主您回来了!” Immortal God Emperor Sect disciple in Ling dreary couple and inn, since receives the signal that Nan Tieyi sends out, arrives at city gate to greet the people long time ago. 泠萧然夫妇和客栈中的不死神皇宗弟子,自从收到南铁衣发出的信号,早早就来到城门口迎接众人。 Nan Tieyi slight bow, invited the people whereabouts south building to make the recuperation immediately slightly. 南铁衣微微点了点头,随即邀请众人去向南楼稍作休整。 Since everybody successfully returned to Flowing Light City, my this said goodbye.” Liu Shaji has not entered in the city, resembling is the heart has thought. “既然大家已经顺利返回流光城,我这就告辞了。”刘杀鸡并没有进入城中,似是心有所思。 This...... Also good, since the matter has urgency, I was not many do to detain.” Nan Tieyi shows a faint smile, said: „After finishes, Brother Li momentarily comes to look for me to the south building, even if I am not, also will have the disciple to inform promptly my, if there are to need to help, can pass on message at any time gives me.” Saying, he has given Liu Shaji a Immortal God Emperor Sect pass on message symbol sign. “这……也好,既然事有紧急,我也不多作挽留了。”南铁衣微微一笑,道:“不过忙完之后,刘兄随时来向南楼找我,即便我不在,也会有弟子及时通知我的,若是有需要帮助的话,可以随时传讯给我。”说着,他把一枚不死神皇宗的传讯符牌递给了刘杀鸡 Liu Shaji not polite, accepted. 刘杀鸡也没有客气,收下了。 Mountain does not change, the green water long class, everybody, has another chance to meet.” “青山不改,绿水长流,各位,后会有期。” Liu Shaji 11 take a fast look around people afterward, walked to pat Ye Hu shoulder, nodded to make farewell speech with the people. 刘杀鸡随后11扫视一圈众人,走过来拍了拍叶胡两人的肩膀,和众人点头作别。 Risking one's life between this several months still came clearly into view, now leaves, said goodbye does not know is, the Jiang Hu person Jiang Hu matter, is always variable, all as if drinking to heart's content from Great One Sect foot bonfire started, all as if stayed in that good wine, a drop mellow between. 这数月之间的出生入死仍旧历历在目,如今一别,再见也不知道是什么时候,江湖江湖事,总是无常,一切似乎从太一门山脚篝火旁的畅饮开始,一切又似乎就停留在那一口美酒,一滴香醇之间。 Liu Shaji turns around to walk toward the city gate outside, the back is solitary, only then the zephyr flutters, hair along with the it light dance...... 刘杀鸡转身朝着城门外走去,背影孑然,只有徐风轻扬,发丝随之轻舞…… Ye Qingyu at once, but also is a little really low-spirited. 叶青羽一时之间,还真的有点儿黯然。 Oh, since this fellow slid, I must walk!” Hu bugui has patted own forehead, resembled has remembered anything suddenly. “哎呀,既然这家伙溜了,那我也得走了!”胡不归拍了拍自己的脑门,似是猛然想起了什么。 Big brother Hu, you such worries......” in the Ye Qingyu eye to reveal doubts. “胡大哥,你怎么也这么着急……”叶青羽眼中露出一丝疑惑。 Hey...... The father came out to be so long, has fought these many, the might as well could not find the way, now should also return to own den to have a look, the good and evil I was also ten eight Great Thief leaders, now the way of the world is so chaotic, I must care that my group of brothers present situations......” Hu bugui is rubbing the nose, did not have the heart not to have the appearance of liver. “嘿嘿……老子出来这么久,打了这么多架,爽得找不着北了,如今也该返回自己的老巢看看,好歹我也是十八大盗的头头,如今世道这么乱,我也总得关心关心我那帮兄弟们现在的情况……”胡不归揉着鼻子,一幅没心没肝的样子。 The people see this appearance, cannot help smiling, is not good to detain again. 众人见他这模样,忍俊不禁,却也不好再挽留。 Said goodbye several, Hu bugui changes to a stream of light, vanished above the distant place vault of heaven. 道别几句,胡不归化作一道流光,消失在了远处天穹之上。 Such being the case, we should also say goodbye......” Hundred Spirit Sect Martial Uncle to get three disciples to raise slightly toward Ye Qingyu and the others slightly. “既然如此,那我们也该告辞了……”百灵宗师叔领着三个弟子朝着叶青羽等人微微欠了欠身。 Master Ye, leaves today, if will have free time in the future...... Also requests you to go to Hundred Spirit Sect...... to sit......” Shen Menghua beautiful pupil circulation, the vision brilliant. 叶公子,今日一别,若是日后有空……还烦请您前往百灵宗……坐坐……”沈梦华美眸流转,眼光灼灼。 Yes, Master Ye, this traveling schedule is hurried, we did not have the life-saving obligation thank you...... in the Liu Ruxin eye to seem to be the meaning of regret with enough time well. “是啊,叶公子,这次行程匆忙,我们还没有来得及好好谢谢你的救命大恩……”柳如心眼中似有遗憾之意。 Slight effort, is not worth mentioning, in the future will have free time, I will go to Hundred Spirit Sect visiting surely.” Ye Qingyu takes a fast look around, the spoken language is serious. “举手之劳,不足挂齿,日后有空,我必定会去百灵宗拜访的。”叶青羽扫视一圈,言语郑重。 Hundred Spirit Sect Martial Uncle hear that, in the heart such as settles down, immediately gets several disciples to turn around to depart. 百灵宗师叔闻言,心中如尘埃落定,随即领着几个弟子转身离去。 The remaining people are being directed by the Ling dreary couple, faces south walks toward the building. 剩下的人由泠萧然夫妇引着,朝南向楼走去。 --------- --------- This chapter of quick 4000 characters, mainly confessed the plot. 这一章快4000字了,主要是把情节交代完。 Quite uncomfortable. 好难受啊。 But no matter how, said four, must put together, where I want to take a look at my potential. 但不管如何,说了四更,还是一定要拼一拼的,我想看看自己的潜力在哪里。 Recently was some excessive plots, therefore I also wanted to hurry to push 最近都是一些过度情节,所以我也想要赶紧都推完 One. 还有一更。
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