IGE :: Volume #7

#606: Returns to the moonlight immortal palace

Following, in Flowing Light City had a hundred things to do on the several th, the recovering was bustling. 接下来的几日,流光城中百废待兴,修复工作热火朝天。 In the flames of war destroys and defends formation in path and building that in restoration aggressively. 在战火中毁去的道路、建筑和防御阵法都在紧锣密鼓的修缮当中。 The people have as if forgotten tired, on the face of everyone is having the hope and smiling face, constructs oneself homeland. 人们似乎都忘记了劳累,每个人的脸上都带着希望和笑容,重新建设自己家园。 In city the stores on some main roads, after these days restoration, makes a fresh start to do business in abundance, has experienced people again recovery of flames of war the rhythm of life, the streets and lanes are the happy talks and laughters of people, is very lively. 城中一些主干道上的商铺,经过这些日子的修缮,也纷纷重新开始营业,经历过战火的人们又重新恢复了生活节奏,街头巷尾都是人们的欢声笑语,好不热闹。 A East district five li (0.5km) place, constructs an area broad martyrs'cemetery. 城东五里的地方,修建起一片面积广阔的烈士陵园。 Properly is buried in the martyrs who defending the war of Flowing Light City died in battle heroically here. 在保卫流光城之战中英勇战死的烈士们都被妥善安葬在此处。 Every day, some people the hero's soul that comes to here to be grieved to elapse silently. 每天,都会有人来这里默默凭吊逝去的英魂。 Because Demon Spider Race draws back the armed forces, several big Devil race start to contract, the originally seized many regions recover, to Flowing Light City also made a connection from the path of outside, therefore for several days, has massive refugees, caravans and other streams of people to emerge Flowing Light City, in the city the quantity of population, is growing fast. 由于魔蛛族退军,几大魔族都开始收缩,原先被占领的很多区域都光复,从外界通往流光城的道路也都被打通,所以一连数日,就有大量的难民、商队等人流涌入流光城,城中人口的数量,在快速地增长着。 Meanwhile, Immortal God Emperor Sect also to entire Clear Ginger Domain martial arts Sect and expert, has issued the summons, hoping Human Race can unite, copes at present the difficult aspect, rides out the storm. 同时,不死神皇宗也向整个清姜界的武道宗门强者们,发出了号召,希望人族可以团结起来,应付眼前困难的局面,共度难关。 Has to acknowledge that Immortal God Emperor Sect in present Clear Ginger Domain, has the enormous rallying point as before, short less than the 1st time had several thousand Jiang Hu masters to arrive at Flowing Light City, shouldered to protect the heavy responsibility of Flowing Light City with the Immortal God Emperor Sect several hundred disciples together, the defense of Flowing Light City was impregnable. 不得不承认,不死神皇宗在如今的清姜界之中,依旧具有极大的号召力,短短不到一日的时间就有数千江湖高手来到流光城,与不死神皇宗的数百弟子一同担负起保护流光城的重任,流光城的防御固若金汤。 All matters in toward a good direction develop. 所有的事情都在朝着好的方向发展。 In the common people heart in Flowing Light City is also getting more and more stable, has been full of the hope to the new life. 流光城中的百姓心中也越来越安定,对新生活充满了希望。 Along with retreating of Devil race army, the news of outside also more and more spreads to Flowing Light City through various types of channels. 随着魔族大军的撤退,外界的消息也越来越多地通过各种渠道传入流光城中。 Demon Spider Race after experiencing the rout of Flowing Light City war, sphere of influence large scale contraction, like having scruples anything, gave up the control to the cities, temporary dormancy, had not continued to invade the Human Race sphere of influence temporarily the trend. 魔蛛族在经历了流光城大战的溃败之后,势力范围大幅度收缩,像是在顾忌什么一样,放弃了对许多城镇的控制,暂时蛰伏了起来,暂时没有继续侵占人族势力范围的动向。 But past had hired oneself Demon Spider Race Heavenly Desire Demon Sect, after Demon Spider Race draws back the armed forces, entire Sect was more peaceful. 而昔日投靠了魔蛛族天欲魔宗,在魔蛛族退军之后,整个宗门都安静了许多。 Meanwhile, the Hundred Spirit Sect news also spreads to the ear of Ye Qingyu. 与此同时,百灵宗的消息也传入叶青羽的耳中。 On the same day after Heavenly Desire Demon Sect hires oneself Demon Spider Race, this desire invades Hundred Spirit Sect taking advantage of the Devil race influence, once crazily had attacked the Hundred Spirit Sect entrance, however in the critical juncture, Hundred Spirit Sect Patriarch started the Sect final protection strength, using Hushan big formation that the older generation leaves behind, has supported, escapes by luck in the extinguished sect. 当日天欲魔宗投靠魔蛛族之后,本欲借魔族的势力侵占百灵宗,一度疯狂地攻打了百灵宗的山门,但是在危急关头,百灵宗宗主启动了宗门的最终守护力量,利用先辈留下的护山大阵阵法,撑了下来,幸免于被灭宗。 Until before several days dates, Demon Spider Race withdraws troops, Heavenly Desire Demon Sect then gave up sieging Hundred Spirit Sect. 直至数日前魔蛛族撤军,天欲魔宗这才放弃了围困百灵宗 When the Hundred Spirit Sect news comes, Ye Qingyu really relaxed. 百灵宗的消息传来之时,叶青羽才真的松了口气。 This was also can confess to the Shen Menghua three people. 这也算是能够对沈梦华三人有个交代了。 2nd day evening. 第二日晚。 To the south building Tianzihao guest room. 向南楼天字号客房之中。 Drinks by before the window that slantingly return Hu bugui is bored to death, looks that the lights in dim light of night are in a daze. 喝酒归来的胡不归百无聊赖的斜靠在窗前,看着夜色中的灯火发呆。 Before window table, Ye Qingyu has drunk in the one breath cup the tea, outside looks at day after day the noise lively Flowing Light City street, looking pensive, said: Now in Flowing Light City the popular sentiment is stable, hundred industry treat is popular, there is Immortal God Emperor Sect expert to sit, the defense of Flowing Light City will not have the issue again, we stay here again, did not have the too big necessity.” 临窗的桌子前,叶青羽喝了一口气杯中茶,看着外面日渐喧嚣热闹的流光城街道,若有所思,道:“如今流光城中民心安定,百业待兴,又有不死神皇宗强者坐阵,流光城的防卫是不会再有问题了,我们再留在这里,也没有了太大的必要。” Hu bugui changes to the line of sight Ye Qingyu, the look of being bored to death sweeps away, immediately came the interest, said: Ha Ha, your meaning is, do we go back?” 胡不归将视线转到叶青羽身上,百无聊赖的神色一扫而空,顿时来了兴致,道:“哈哈,你的意思是,咱们回去?” Um. Comes out already the moon/month, wants to come big brother Liu they, in Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace, waited somewhat worried, now the crest of wave diverged, we should also return, leading them to come out.” Ye Qingyu nods. “嗯。出来已经月余,想来刘大哥他们,在地下月色仙宫之中,已经等的有些着急了,如今风头都已经散去,我们也该返回,带他们出来了。”叶青羽点点头。 Hu bugui hear that laughs saying: Ha Ha, you said right, Liu Shaji also has Lao Yu Jing these fellows, certainly must harbor evil thoughts. I in do not have the meaning in this city staying, early wants to walk!” 胡不归闻言大笑道:“哈哈,你说的没错,刘杀鸡还有老鱼精这几个家伙,肯定都要憋坏了。我也在这城里呆的没意思了,早都想走了!” Ye Qingyu said with a smile lightly: So, we tomorrow then, will return to Great one Mountain Range.” 叶青羽淡淡一笑道:“如此,那我们明日便出发,回太一山脉。” ...... …… Next morning. 次日清晨。 Venus also in the horizon star light twinkle, Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui went out to the south building. 启明星还在天边星芒闪烁,叶青羽胡不归就已经走出向南楼了。 In Flowing Light City under dim dawn is also maintaining the peaceful gentle silentness, the distant place occasionally 1-2 stall keepers, start to take care to arrange their stall taking advantage of the rune light candle that daybreak has not gone into hiding completely. 朦胧晨光下的流光城中还保持着安宁平和的静默,远处偶有一两个摊贩,借着黎明时分还未完全隐匿的符文光烛开始张罗布置自己的摊位。 Before embarking, Ye Qingyu is Chen Zhengliang as well as three big elders greeted, but retreats the meaning that with stern words the people saw off. 出发之前,叶青羽是和陈正良以及三大长老都打了招呼的,但严词退却了众人相送的意思。 Ye Qingyu also considers the Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace particularity. 叶青羽也是考虑到地下月色仙宫的特殊性。 In this Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace had the thunder and lightning emperor Qin clear(ly) blessings left by predecessors, although inside thing, was taken up by him, but after all Martial Dao Emperor trail, if made the person of having a mind trace the discovery, in Clear Ginger Domain Human Race or the Alien race major influences will not let up this opportunity inevitably, only feared that will start a great unrest, inspired the tumultuous times battle to be also very likely once more. 地下月色仙宫之中有雷电皇帝秦明的遗泽,虽说里面的东西,都被他已经取光了,但毕竟有一位武道皇帝的踪迹,若是让有心之人追踪发现,清姜界人族异族的各大势力必然不会放过这个机会,只怕又会掀起一阵轩然大波,再次引动乱世争斗也极有可能。 Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui look at each other one, body Flowing Light, vanished in the vault of heaven. 叶青羽胡不归对视一眼,身化流光,消失在了天穹之中。 After a double-hour. 一个时辰之后。 In Great one Mountain Range. 太一山脉中。 The demon cloud is billowing, the blood ghost fills the air. 魔云滚滚,血煞弥漫。 Takes a broad view at the institute, as before is a silence, does not have the vitality, is good starts because of the climate tends to be stable. 放眼所及,依旧是一片寂静,毫无生机,好在气候开始趋于稳定。 Above the gloomy backdrop is filling great waves billowing Evil Qi as before. 晦暗的天幕之上依旧弥漫着浪涛滚滚的煞气 Just like the seabed vortex remains yuan qi to well up under the dense fog ups and downs darkly fluctuates. 一道道犹如海底漩涡般的残留元气在暗涌森森的云雾之下沉浮波动。 Ye Qingyu with the Hu bugui two people, is ordinary just like two sharp swords, the same passing over gently and swiftly courage vigor billowing vault of heaven, the place visited, everywhere Demonic Qi looked like with the blood ghost by the scissors is cut a giant crack to be the same with lightning speed, for a very long time has not healed. 叶青羽胡不归两个人,宛如两道利剑一般,风驰电掣一样掠过血气滚滚的天穹,所过之处,漫天的魔气和血煞就像是被剪刀剪开了一道巨大的裂缝一样,久久不曾愈合。 Now has not needed to be worried to be chased down again, and Ye Qingyu strength had the archery target promotion, does not need to hide the whereabouts again, did not need to be worried to inspire in the Great One Sect mountain range that dense and numerous just like mine field general chaotic. 如今已经不用再担心被追杀,且叶青羽实力有了质的提升,根本不用再隐藏行迹,也不用担心引动了太一门山脉之中那密密麻麻宛如雷区一般的乱阵。 Moment. 须臾。 They have discovered anything, the personal appearance fell to the ground. 两人发现了什么,身形落向了地面。 In mountain valley. 山谷中。 Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui stand before a earth grave worship. 叶青羽胡不归站在一座土坟前祭拜。 Here is burying Hidden Sword Sect Patriarch and the others who on the same day Ye Qingyu and the others buried, is one crowd for the heroic deed that Human Race died in battle. 这里埋藏着的正是当日叶青羽等人埋掉的藏剑宗宗主等人,是一群为了人族而战死的英烈。 After worshipping , to continue to hurry along. 祭拜之后,继续赶路。 After two double-hour. 两个时辰之后。 Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui treadon void, stopped. 叶青羽胡不归脚踏虚空,又停了下来。 Below is a giant blood lake, seems a huge scarlet emerald is the same, mounts in the mountain ranges. 下面是一片巨大的血湖,仿佛是一块巨大的血色翡翠一样,镶嵌在山脉之间。 On the same day Ye Qingyu they, here had once met that variation great tree, saw various innumerable clan expert skeletons here ups and downs, that is an end picture, when the bloody and decayed aura that but now, in the air irritates the nose compares went pale some, but penetrated the scarlet mist bird's eye view in the past, can see just like Asura hell blood lake sky over, was flooding cruel Blood Fiendish Qi. 当日叶青羽两人,曾在这里遇到了那变异的巨树,看到了无数各族强者的尸骸在这里沉浮,那是一片末日般的景象,但如今,空气之中刺鼻的血腥和腐臭气息相比来时已经淡去了些许,只是透过血色薄雾俯瞰过去,还是能看见宛如修罗地狱般的血湖上空,充斥着暴戾血煞之气 These Yin Fiendish Qi and blood fog, yuan qi of these surviving, only feared that must pass through to count the Century sea change, can alleviate to melt...... Hu bugui to look slowly not to look at the Red Sea courage vigor of boundary at present, sighed slightly. “这些阴煞之气和血雾,还有那些残存的元气,只怕还得经过数百年沧海变迁,才能慢慢缓解消融……”胡不归看着眼前望不到边际的红海血气,微微叹了口气。 Although sky over Demonic Qi in mountain range just likes the dark clouds covers as before, the rune trap and Formation that deploys also just like the close nets that coils crisscrossedly, which side influence but they have not needed to have scruples to destroy the trap at this time to be able again to alarm. 虽然山脉中的魔气依旧犹如黑云笼罩上空,所部署的符文陷阱和结界也犹如错综盘曲的密网,但此时两人已经无须再顾忌破坏陷阱会惊动哪方势力。 Walks.” “走吧。” Ye Qingyu looks at beyond dozens li (0.5km) the Water Pond direction, the personal appearance moves, changes to together the thunder and lightning photosphere, goes toward the overlapping Formation close net dive. 叶青羽看着几十里外水潭的方向,身形一动,化作一道雷电光球,朝着层层叠叠的结界密网俯冲而去。 ...... …… Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace. 地下月色仙宫 Dim and peaceful. 昏暗且安静。 Turbulent underground river after here time, the water surface is the same just like the bright mirror. 汹涌的地下河经过这里的时候,水面宛如明镜一样。 The corridor later crag bamboo shoots stone chamber is relatively small, but corridor outside region is very big, Liu Shaji and the others have settled down here days, every day basically in sitting in meditation Cultivation, here spirit energy is sufficient, Cultivation is twice the result with half the effort, regarding any Realm Martial Artist, is very rare chance. 甬道之后的岩笋石室相对较小,但甬道外面的区域却很大,刘杀鸡等人在这里已经驻足了一段日子,每日基本上都是在入定修炼,这里灵气充足,修炼事半功倍,对于任何一个境界武者来说,都是很难得的机缘。 Naturally, except for Lao Yu Jing. 当然,除了老鱼精 Well? Ha Ha, it seems like two small fish must come ashore......” to sit cross-legged to rest one's chin in one's hands sit in Lao Yu Jing that near the underground underground river fishes, suddenly eye pupil Flashed, resembling is realized that anything, the eye stared at the level of the lake to grin to say with a smile. “咦?哈哈,看来两条小鱼要上岸了……”盘膝托腮坐在地下暗河边钓鱼的老鱼精,突然眼眸一闪,似是察觉到了什么,眼睛盯着湖面咧嘴笑道。 By him, is throwing the small stone unceasingly, disturbs Yu Xiao Xing hear that who Lao Yu Jing fishes intentionally, the eye one brightly. 在他旁边,不断地扔着小石头,故意打扰老鱼精钓鱼的鱼小杏闻言,眼睛一亮。 Is...... Did the cousin they come back?” She excited. “难道是……表哥他们回来了?”她兴奋了起来。 The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 Whish! 哗! Two forms drilled from smooth such as the water surface of mirror unexpectedly. 两个身影蓦地从光滑如镜的水面下钻了出来。 Comes person Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui. 来人正是叶青羽胡不归 Cousin!” Under Xing'er looks, immediately great happiness, first jumps, the whole person threw toward Ye Qingyu. “表哥!”杏儿一看之下,顿时大喜,第一时间跳起来,整个人都朝着叶青羽扑了过去。 Ye Qingyu split second is unable to shunt, the warm fragrant nephrite hugs to fill with. 叶青羽一瞬间无法躲开,温香软玉抱满怀。 Almost is at the same time, sits in meditation Cultivation other people in the stone chamber and bund, felt that the sound, had ended sitting in meditation, has encircled. 几乎是在同一时间,在石室和湖边静坐修炼的其他人,也都感觉到了动静,纷纷结束了入定,围了过来。 „Is everybody good?” Ye Qingyu looked, discovered that the condition of people, good, finally feels relieved. “大家都还好吧?”叶青羽看了一圈,发现众人的状态,都还不错,终于放心下来。 He He, your fellows, give up finally!” Liu Shaji looks at the perfect two people smilingly, the heart relaxed slightly, first has patted the shoulder of Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui. “呵呵,你们两个家伙,终于舍得回来啦!”刘杀鸡笑盈盈看着完好无损的两个人,心头微微松了一口气,第一时间拍了拍叶青羽胡不归的肩膀。 Nan Tieyi also shows a gratified smiling face, sees them to return safely, is felt relieved. 南铁衣也露出一丝欣慰的笑容,见他们平安归来,也算是放下心来。 Can look, they these days, is hanging the one breath for Hu and Ye. 看得出来,他们两个这段时间里,也是为胡叶二人悬着一口气的。 Priests and disciples three people of Hundred Spirit Sect person, in crowd. 百灵宗人的师徒三人,也在人群中。 Master Ye, Young Master Hu, sees you to come back safely, was really good......” 叶公子,胡公子,见你们平安回来,真是太好了……” Yes, your this walks for one month, does not have the slight news, may be worried about to go bad us.” “是啊是啊,你们这一走一个月时间,没有丝毫的消息,可把我们担心坏了。” Shen Menghua and Liu Ruxin one after the other arrive at front, in the beautiful eye are pasting mild brilliance. 沈梦华柳如心一前一后走到前面,美目之中流转着温润的光华。 Yo, has not thought that I have the share, Ha Ha, was missed by the Hundred Spirit Sect fairy maiden, Ha Ha, profits at someone's expense, profits at someone's expense!” Hu bugui teasing looked at Ye Qingyu, the corners of the mouth the strange happy expression. “哟,没想到我也有份啊,哈哈,被百灵宗的仙子挂念,哈哈,沾光,沾光啊!”胡不归戏虐地看了一眼叶青羽,嘴角咧着古怪的笑意。 Shen Menghua is graceful, responds with smiles. 沈梦华落落大方,报以一笑。 Liu Ruxin was said likely young girl concern, lowers the head smiles shyly. 柳如心像是被说中了少女心事般,低头羞涩莞尔。 Yo, the brat, exits for one month, has not thought that you have the progress, em...... The progress is not small, it seems like you have the fortuitous encounter!” Lao Yu Jing received own hoisting mechanisms leisurely, shook from another side of lake, pair of cross-eyed sized up Ye Qingyu from head to foot, in the old eyes also cannot help but reappeared surprised. “哟,臭小子,出去一个月时间,没想到你又有长进啊,恩……还长进不小,看来你又有奇遇啊!”老鱼精慢慢悠悠地收起了自己的吊具,从湖的另一侧晃了过来,一双斗鸡眼叶青羽从头到脚打量了一遍,老眼之中也不由得浮现出一丝惊讶。 --------- --------- Second. 第二更。 The collapse, having diarrhea draws the present, drew was not corpulent, but was the clear water. 崩溃啊,拉肚子拉到了现在,拉出来的都不是便便而是白水了。 Nearly prostration. 近乎虚脱。 Continues to try hard, dispels uncomfortably with the symbol. 继续努力去,用码字来祛除难受。 Under everybody generous support I 大家多多支持下我
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