IGE :: Volume #7

#605: Again by the domain alliance

As the entire Flowing Light City Savior, in front of 100,000 people have fought at risk of life peerless expert, prestige of Ye Qingyu with Hu bugui in this city, is simply same like the gods now, particularly Ye Qingyu, became the idol in innumerable young male and female mind, two people come, inside and outside the restaurant people are immediately long the body, various types cheer and applaud, the atmosphere was detonated instantaneously. 作为整个流光城的救世主,在100000人面前拼死战斗过的绝世强者,叶青羽胡不归如今在这座城之中的威望,简直就如神明一样,尤其是叶青羽,成为了无数年轻男女心目中的偶像,两个人一现身,立刻酒楼内外的人都长身而起,各种欢呼和鼓掌,气氛瞬间就被引爆。 Chen Zhengliang is a person with high aspirations, the working efficiency is extremely high, starting from noon, he has publicized through various types of channels the Ye Qingyu true status, particularly the Ye Qingyu true colors, were a picture have issued, therefore Ye Qingyu just came at this time, with Hu bugui walked shoulder to shoulder, many people recognize him. 陈正良是一个有心人,做事效率极高,早在中午开始,他就将叶青羽的真正身份通过各种渠道宣扬了出去,尤其是叶青羽的真面目,更是张画发布了出去,因此此时叶青羽刚刚现身,和胡不归并肩走进来的时候,很多人都认出来了他。 Has saying that the beautiful thing at any time, is more popular. 不得不说,美的事物在任何时候,都是更受欢迎的。 The day before yesterday line of that chubby appearances of undistinguished appearance, no doubt will not be ill-flavored, but his Bai Yi (white-clothed) such as the jade and handsome handsome image, make these originally worship his person at this time without doubt crazily, the burning hot, such just like exiling the immortal near the dust general image, conforms to countless person minds the perfect image of peerless big hero, conforms to their expectation and anticipations. 之前天行那种胖乎乎其貌不扬的外貌,固然不会让人反感,但此时他白衣如玉、唇红齿白的英俊形象,无疑更加让那些本就疯狂崇拜他的人,更加炙热,这样一个宛如谪仙临尘一般的形象,更符合无数人心目之中绝世大英雄的完美形象,符合他们的憧憬和期待。 At once, the squeal and cheers just like the spring tide ebullition. 一时之间,尖叫声和欢呼声犹如春潮沸腾。 Hu bugui first had a scare, after responding, a face envy looks at Ye Qingyu, low tunnel: Mother, why the handsome boy such receives the illusory image, is full of man spirit like me the type, shouldn't conform to the aesthetic mainstream in this tumultuous times?” 胡不归第一时间被吓了一跳,反应过来之后,一脸妒忌地看着叶青羽,低低地道:“妈的,为什么小白脸这么受幻影,像我这样充满男人气概的类型,不应该在这个乱世之中更加符合审美主流吗?” Ye Qingyu cannot bear say with a smile: That is because of my not only handsome boy, but also strength is strong.” 叶青羽忍不住笑道:“那是因为我不仅小白脸,还实力强啊。” Is really immodest, you inflated, Hu bugui reminded really very much seriously: I just knew your time, you are not this.” “真是一点儿都不谦虚,你膨胀了,真的,”胡不归很是严肃地提醒道:“我刚认识你的时候,你不是这样的。” Ye Qingyu smiles does not speak. 叶青羽只是笑不说话。 At this time, Chen Zhengliang had some great people earliest possible time in city to warmly welcome. 这个时候,陈正良带着城中的一些大人物们第一时间热情地迎了上来。 Leaf Senior and Hu Senior, two invited the seat of honor quickly!” “叶前辈、胡前辈,两位快请上座!” Two Senior arrive, is really you honor my humble home!” “两位前辈驾临,真的是蓬荜生辉!” Good, good, can see the elegant demeanors of two Sirs, vertical dies not regrets.” “太好了,太好了,能够一睹两位大人的风采,纵死无憾啊。” Beside abatement Chen Zhengliang, many people are the first time such near distance see Hu Ye, appears extremely excited. 除却陈正良之外,很多人都是第一次这么近距离地看到胡叶两人,显得万分兴奋。 The Ye Qingyu 11 smiles return a courtesy. 叶青羽11微笑回礼。 After simple introduction, Chen Zhengliang is guiding Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui warmly they walks toward the reserved seats. 简单的介绍之后,陈正良热情的引导着叶青羽胡不归两人向贵宾席走去。 Hu bugui sized up was looking, resembled has remembered anything, has pulled down sound/noise, has gathered near Chen Zhengliang ear, said on the quiet: Little Chen, this Liu Lane restaurant keeps the fragrant aging, you may result in many are preparing some to me, my Old Hu may good this!” 胡不归四下打量着看了一圈,似是想起了什么,压低了声音,凑到了陈正良的耳边,悄悄道:“小陈啊,这柳巷酒楼的留香陈酿,你可得多给我预备着些啊,我老.胡可就好这口!” Chen Zhengliang hear that, without hesitation said: Ha Ha, happen to the Century wine cellar, before had not been destroyed by Demon Spider Race, tonight was opened, if Hu Senior likes, the younger generation turns head then to send for delivering alone tastes to Senior several altars|jars!” 陈正良闻言,不假思索的笑着说:“哈哈,正好有一个百年酒窖,之前未曾被魔蛛族破坏,今夜被开启了出来,胡前辈若是喜欢,晚辈回头便派人单独多送些给前辈几坛品尝!” Hu bugui satisfied patted Chen Zhengliang shoulder to say with a smile: I may not be impolite, Ha Ha!” Then, he has turned head to say to Ye Qingyu: Brother Ye, waits to meet you to probably taste this to keep the fragrant aging well, absolutely is the world-wide rare good taste!” 胡不归满意的拍了拍陈正良的肩膀笑着说道:“那我可就不客气了,哈哈!”说完,他又回过头对着叶青羽说道:“叶老弟,等会你可要好好尝尝这留香陈酿,绝对是举世难得的好滋味啊!” ...... ...... After Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui they take a seat, is a lively banquet scene. 叶青羽胡不归两人入座之后,便是一阵觥筹交错。 To be honest, Ye Qingyu is not familiar with such lively situation very much, the road of his Cultivation has walked, most of the time is acting alone, even if there is friend, does not have such willfully to live it up. 说实话,叶青羽并不是很习惯这样热闹的场合,他的修炼之路一直走来,大多数时候都是在独行,即便是有朋友,却也没有这么恣意热闹过。 Actually Hu bugui in such situation, like a fish in water, quick integrated. 倒是胡不归在这样的场合之中,如鱼得水,很快就融入了进去。 Moment, the Immortal God Emperor Sect three elders arrived. 须臾,不死神皇宗的三位长老到了。 Also is one saluted upon meeting and sent regards. 又是一阵见礼和问候。 Evening banquet to this time, was to **. 晚宴到了这个时候,也算是到了**。 However is very obvious, three elders do not like this noise very much the situation, has treated time of tea slightly, sets out to leave. 但是很显然,三位长老也不是很喜欢这样过于喧嚣的场合,稍微待了一盏茶的时间,就起身离开。 That Buddhist scriptures pavilion the elder in not in departure, looked at one toward Ye Qingyu, smiled slightly. 那位藏经阁的莫长老在离开的时候,朝着叶青羽看了一眼,微微笑了笑。 In the Ye Qingyu heart moved, catches the meaning in opposite party look, had said a hello with Chen Zhengliang and the others, set out to leave. 叶青羽心中一动,捕捉到了对方眼神之中的意思,和陈正良等人打了一声招呼,也起身离开了。 ...... ...... Beginning decorated lantern on. 华灯初上。 To the south building. 向南楼。 Bright moonlight like mist lithe is flowing, the breeze has blown to the south building highest garret, this has above hundred meters high garret the line of sight to be extremely good fully, gets a panoramic view Flowing Light City under dim light of night. 皎洁的月光如薄雾般轻盈的流淌着,微风吹过向南楼最高一层的阁楼,这个足有百米高的阁楼之上视线极佳,将夜色下的流光城尽收眼底。 The light moonlight penetrates the window, falls in the garret. 淡淡的月光透过窗,倾洒在阁楼中。 In the garret, four forms calmly gather round side red sandalwood wood alcohol to carve short several sit cross-legged to sit. 阁楼里,四道身影静静围着一方紫檀木精雕的矮几盘膝而坐。 Ahead of time the Ye Qingyu Immortal God Emperor Sect three elders who leaves from the banquet of Liu Lane restaurant. 正是提前从柳巷酒楼的宴会上离开的叶青羽不死神皇宗的三位长老。 In front of them short on several, five cups of scented tea are sending out the delicate fragrance leisurely. 他们面前的矮几上,五杯香茗悠悠的散发着清香。 It seems like Brother Ye does not like the lively situation very much.” The Don't elders carry white enamel ink and wash painting grinningly the teacup, sip, looks at Ye Qingyu gently, smiles like is an old fox. “看来叶兄弟也不是很喜欢热闹的场合啊。”莫长老笑嘻嘻地端起白瓷水墨画的茶杯,轻轻地抿了一口,看着叶青羽,笑的像是一只老狐狸一样。 Ye Qingyu is smiling nod of: Was too noisy, is not familiar with.” 叶青羽微笑着点了点头:“太闹了,不习惯。” So young, has such Cultivation Base and mental state, what domain Heaven Wasteland Domain is, I am very curious.” Li Elder of practicing martial arts hall not minces matter regarding the curiosity of Ye Qingyu, if such as Great One Sect said really that Heaven Wasteland Domain is immature domain, in that such domain, can actually breed Ye Qingyu this kind of peerless talent, making people a little unbelievable. “如此年轻,却有如此修为心境,天荒界到底是一个什么样的界域,我很好奇。”练武堂的李长老丝毫不掩饰对于叶青羽的好奇,如果真的如太一门所说,天荒界是一个未成熟界域的话,那这样的界域之中,竟然能够孕育出叶青羽这样一个绝世天才,让人有点儿难以相信。 Li Elder , if interested, can go to Heaven Wasteland Domain to have a look.” Ye Qingyu said with a smile: Although is small domain, but Heaven Wasteland Domain very much welcome these to hug the person who the good intentions are coming to be a guest of truly.” “李长老若是感兴趣,可以去天荒界看看。”叶青羽笑道:“虽然是小界域,但天荒界还是很欢迎那些真正抱着善意前来做客的人。” Good, has the opportunity certainly to go.” Li Elder sip tea, said with a smile gently: Young time, once had gone to some newborn domain, has experienced too many inconceivable matters, this world is really too mysterious, good fortune Zhong Shenxiu, every so often, in many small domain, actually walks unparalleled Unparalleled expert, in years past in Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, more than 50%, came from the small place, it is said past Formation Emperor Luosu, came from an extremely unusual mysterious small place.” “好,有机会一定会去的。”李长老轻轻地抿了一口茶,笑着道:“年轻的时候,也曾去过一些新生界域,见识过太多不可思议的事情,这个世界实在是太神奇,造化钟神秀,很多时候,许多小界域里面,却走出来过盖世无双强者,昔年三皇五帝之中,有一半以上,都是出身于小地方,据说当年的符文皇帝罗素,就是来自于一个极为奇特的神秘小地方。” Does not know that Brother Ye you following, has what plan?” A Don't elder topic revolution, asked. “不知道叶兄弟你接下来,有何打算?”莫长老话题一转,问道。 Ye Qingyu sighed, said: Is open about the facts three elders, this is my first time goes out of Heaven Wasteland Domain, the experience, is not the happy matter, above Tempest Sword Assembly, the Great One Sect ambition plot revealed that just integrated new domain of infinite universe regarding Heaven Wasteland Domain this, the environment is not obviously friendly, but such as Great One Sect has been full of the aggressiveness like this and slaughters seizes ** Sect, obviously and not only exists in Clear Ginger Domain, now I think that returns to Heaven Wasteland Domain as soon as possible, reminded my clansman and country, to arrive at prepares for the domain invasion and domain that war.” 叶青羽叹了一口气,道:“不瞒三位长老,今次是我第一次走出天荒界,所见所闻,并不都是美好之事,风云论剑大会之上,太一门的野心阴谋显露,对于天荒界这样刚刚融入大千世界的新界域来说,环境显然是并不怎么友好,而如太一门这样充满了侵略性和杀戮占领**的宗门,显然并不仅仅存在于清姜界之中,如今我所想的,是尽快返回天荒界中,提醒我的族人和国家,为有可能降临的界域入侵和界域大战做准备。” The topic suddenly became somewhat heavy. 话题突然就变得有些沉重了。 Three big elders, at once, is a little silent. 三大长老,一时之间,也有点儿沉默。 „More than 5000 years ago, Clear Ginger Domain is the same with present Heaven Wasteland Domain, such as just ignorant looked the child who world was the same, fills was curious and well-meaning, when Domain Portal and domain stone wall appeared, start can with the outside communication, we think at that time that this will be the beginning that Clear Ginger Domain soared, who knows, welcomed was actually invades and slaughters, fought, but mountains and rivers disintegration, Undead/Immortal god toward disintegrating, although afterward had the strength involvement of domain alliance, but has resisted the intruder truly my Clear Ginger Domain children, do not know how many had warm-blooded expert, to protect own homeland, but died in battle, that fought the influence. Profound, Clear Ginger Domain until today, thoroughly has not gasped for breath,” Li Elder was sighing, said: Undead/Immortal god toward Immortal God Emperor Sect, to avoid a bigger war disaster, therefore retires, in the Clear Ginger Domain surface has maintained the independence, but in fact actually became the dependencies of other domain big influences, such as Demon Spider Race and Great One Sect, can rise, has the reason......” “5000多年之前,清姜界就和现在的天荒界一样,也如刚刚懵懂看世界的小孩子一样,充满了好奇和善意,当界域之门界域石壁出现,开始能够和外界沟通,我们当时原以为,这将会是清姜界腾飞的起点,谁知道,迎来的却是入侵和杀戮,一战而山河崩碎,不死神朝瓦解,虽说后来有界域联盟的力量介入,但真正抵御了入侵者的还是我清姜界的子女,不知道有多少的热血强者,为了守护自己的家园而战死,那一战影响。深远,清姜界直到今日,都还未彻底地喘过气来,”李长老叹息着,道:“不死神朝成了不死神皇宗,为了避免更大的战祸,于是退隐,清姜界表面上维持了独立,但实际上却成为了其他界域大势力的附庸,如魔蛛族太一门,能够崛起,也不是没有原因的……” Ye Qingyu has drunk tea, has not spoken. 叶青羽喝了一口茶,没有说话。 About this phase of history, he stopped more than one, but said from Immortal God Emperor Sect the mouth of power and influence elder obviously, more several points soul-stirring and had no alternative, making him unable to bear the heart have the intimacy. 关于这段历史,他已经停了不止一遍,但显然从不死神皇宗的权势长老的口中说出来,更多了几分惊心动魄和无可奈何,让他忍不住心有戚戚。 , Ye Qingyu said: Now should the strength of domain alliance, have the function compared with before?” 顿了顿,叶青羽道:“如今界域联盟的力量,应该比以前更有作用了吧?” Thanked an elder pair of grayish white blade eyebrow to twist, has remembered anything, in the eye pupil had the spunk twinkle, cold snort|hum the [say / way]: Not hoping to pin on these parasites, after domain alliance which time is not , after knowing thinks, after these newborn domain were looted plunders, will act to clean up the mess, but in fact, with these butchers is the jackals from the same lair, sang red painted-face one to sing the white face, if proposed at the beginning of initially Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors was established, the domain alliance is really the place of justice, that present...... He He, was soon rotten thoroughly.” 谢长老一双灰白的刀眉拧起来,想起了什么,眼眸之中有怒意闪烁,冷哼着道:“不要将希望寄托在这些寄生虫上,界域联盟哪一次不是后知后觉,等到那些新生界域被洗劫抢掠一番之后,才会出面去收拾烂摊子,但实际上,和那些屠夫是一丘之貉,一个唱红脸一个唱白脸而已,如果说在当初三皇五帝倡议成立之初,界域联盟真的是正义之地的话,那现在……呵呵,已经快要烂透了。” Ye Qingyu micro cannot look up nods. 叶青羽微不可查地点点头。 About are not many, but from the mouths of these elders the domain alliance he understands, is not truly the reliable strength. 关于界域联盟他了解的不多,但从这几位长老的口中来看,并非是真正可靠的力量。 Thinks that beforehand moon-face crown prince Mo Jin has said that in the domain alliance has life insurance, but actually does not know that is who? 想到之前圆脸亲王墨金说过,界域联盟之中有人保自己,但却不知道是谁呢? Thinks, Ye Qingyu while this opportunity, has consulted the matter about domain alliance. 想了想,叶青羽趁着这个机会,又请教了一些关于界域联盟的事情。 Mo Elder of storehouse scripture hall said that end [say / way]: In the domain alliance, dragon and snake is promiscuous now, the good and evil intermingled, compared with it initially is under the River date, not too small Brother Ye you , if interested, turns head I to assign the person to take some jade scroll to come from the sect, the major influences of domain alliance present, main matter person wait / etc., introduced.” 藏经堂的莫长老说了一些,末了道:“界域联盟之中,如今龙蛇混杂,良莠不齐,比之当初已经是江河日下,不过小叶兄弟你如果感兴趣,回头我命人从宗中取一些玉简来,将界域联盟如今的各大势力、主要的话事人等等,都介绍一遍。” Ye Qingyu hears the word great happiness: That is good, many thanks not elder.” 叶青羽闻言大喜:“那再好不过了,多谢莫长老。” The Don't elders show a faint smile, said: Polite anything, you at the matter that Flowing Light City handles, everybody is admiring, is my family Patriarch, when receives the news report that Ling feeds in drearily, appreciates greatly, Ha Ha Ha, does not know that Brother Ye you also want to know anything, I let the disciple in Buddhist scriptures pavilion, has gotten ready to you one time, delivers together.” 莫长老微微一笑,道:“客气什么,你在流光城所做的事情,人人钦佩,便是我家宗主,在收到泠萧然所传回的讯报的时候,也大为赞赏,哈哈哈,不知道叶兄弟你还想要知道什么,我让藏经阁中的弟子,一次性给你备齐了,一起送过来。” Ye Qingyu listened, the long body, was bowing to three elders earnestly, said: Immortal God Emperor Sect the sentiment, keeps firmly in mind below...... I initially leave Heaven Wasteland Domain, has not known about Clear Ginger Domain fully, does not know now in this infinite universe, other anything power and influence domain, as well as relational standpoints among the major domain, now in infinite universe most expert and strongest race and so on, these information, if can have one, that it would be the best.” 叶青羽听了,长身而起,对着三位长老认认真真地鞠了一躬,道:“不死神皇宗的这份情,在下牢记……我初出天荒界,对清姜界都不曾了解完全,更不知道如今在这大千世界之中,还有其他什么权势界域,以及各大界域之间的关系立场,还有如今大千世界中最强者和最强种族之类的,这些信息,如果能够有一份,那就最好不过了。” Little brother does not need polite...... Most on the 3rd, I can assign the person to deliver to Flowing Light City jade scroll.” Don't elder smiling tunnel. “小兄弟不必客气……最多三日,我会命人将玉简送到流光城之中。”莫长老笑眯眯地道。 Good, these are the slight efforts, we do not hope that in the past the Clear Ginger Domain tragedy, performed in Heaven Wasteland Domain again.” Li Elder is also the stern [say / way]. “不错,这些都是举手之劳而已,我们也不希望当年清姜界的惨剧,再在天荒界上演。”李长老也是正色道。 Xie Elder has laughed, said: Was right, little brother you , to thank us, might as well another day finds an opportunity, accompanies my old person to hit well, was best to thank.” 谢长老哈哈大笑了起来,道:“对了,小兄弟你若是真的想要谢我们,不妨改日找个机会,好好陪我老人家打一场,就是最好的感谢了。” ------------ ------------ The acute gastoenteritis, an evening had diarrhea last night, is ill with vomiting and diarrhea, eats anything to spit anything, the whole person has dehydrated, early the above symbol drinks the sugar salt water...... 急性肠胃炎,昨晚一晚上就拉肚子了,上吐下泻,吃什么吐什么,整个人已经脱水了,早上边码字边喝糖盐水…… Today, should better diligently yesterday one makes up. 今天努力一把,最好把昨天的一更补上吧。 Actually recently these two months, the renewal of knife had stabilized, basically is two guarantees a minimum three to erupt, everybody forgives much. 其实最近这两个多月,刀子的更新稳定了许多,基本上是两更保底三更爆发,大家多多谅解吧。
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