IGE :: Volume #7

#604: Evening banquet

The anxiety of Ling dreary face, clenched teeth being just about to stand to say anything again, at this time 泠萧然一脸的焦急,咬牙正要站出来再说什么,就在这个时候 Waits......” “等一等……” Place sound/noise that shivers slightly resounds. 微微颤抖的地声音响起。 A hair is gray, is leaning on old rickets forms of-and-a-half person of high dove walking sticks, paces with void, although walks is a little slow, but actually incomparably firmly kept off before the Ye Qingyu surface body finally. 一位头发花白,拄着一根半人高的鸠头拐杖的苍老佝偻身影,与虚空之中踱步而出,虽然走的有点儿慢,但最终却还是无比坚定地挡在了叶青羽面身前。 Actually is first good man Zheng in Flowing Light City. 却是流光城之中的第一善人郑老。 The old person in this Flowing Light City disaster, received the heavy injury, had been used the cruel punishment by Demon Spider Race, the wound and to the source, although in addition he has Cultivation, but is actually not the martial arts master, after passing through this tribulation, within the body courage vigor damages greatly, in addition these days, to defend a city to rack one's brains, has consumed the innumerable mind, all these bitter experiences, making this old person be at the extremely feeble the condition, said that words will even gasp for breath. 老人在这一次流光城劫难之中,受了不轻的伤势,被魔蛛族用了大刑,伤及到了本源,加之他虽然有修炼,但却不是武道高手,经过了这次磨难之后,体内血气大损,加之这段时间,为了守城而殚精竭虑,消耗了无数的心神,这一切遭遇,让这位老人处于极度虚弱的状态,说句话甚至都会喘气。 Before greeted the Immortal God Emperor Sect person, some people suggested that making Zheng stay in the city to wait, in order to avoid consumed yuan qi. 之前来迎接不死神皇宗的人时,就有人建议,让郑老留在城中等待,以免消耗元气 But this stubborn old person, actually must greet these for Immortal God Emperor Sect expert that to protect Flowing Light City comes personally. 但这个倔强的老人,却非要亲自来迎接这些为保护流光城而来的不死神皇宗强者 At this moment, when he stands, the body of thin and weak rickets tremblingly vibrates, as if gust momentarily can blow down to be the same him. 这一刻,当他站出来的时候,瘦弱佝偻的身躯颤巍巍地抖动,仿佛一阵风就随时都可以将他吹倒一样。 But in the Ye Qingyu eye, old person actually stable like is a steel and iron city wall, keeps off in own front, does not have the slight vacillation. 但在叶青羽的眼中,老人却稳固的像是一座钢铁城墙一样,挡在自己的面前,没有丝毫的动摇。 Three elders are the Immortal God Emperor Sect pivotal great people, is counts among Century in Clear Ginger Domain the illustrious martial arts master, becoming famous counts Century is as for the millenniums, the age is older than me, the qualifications are also richer, particularly will not extinguish the god emperor sect once to have the graciousness of salvation before 1000 in the Clear Ginger Domain Human Race common people, properly speaking, I should not contradict you......” the Zheng double fist to hug, the bow bowing, slightly revealed on the vicissitudes and thin and pale face slightly is revealing a dignified look. “三位长老都是不死神皇宗举足轻重的大人物,更是数百年清姜界中赫赫有名的武道高手,成名数百年乃至于千年,年龄比我更老,资历也更为丰富,尤其是不灭神皇宗在1000年前曾经有救世之恩于清姜界人族百姓,照理来说,我不该顶撞你们……”郑老双拳一抱,微微躬了躬身,略显沧桑和憔悴的脸上露着一丝凝重的神色。 Here, he gasped for breath, shifting to a new subject, incomparably continued to say firmly: But my this old bones, actually have to be today Little Ye speak words......” 说到这里,他喘了一口气,话锋一转,无比坚定地继续道:“但我这老骨头,今天却不得不为小叶子说句话……” Ye Qingyu hear that, a strange warm current slid from the moral nature. 叶青羽闻言,一丝奇异的暖流自心底滑了过去。 Listens to Zheng to continue forceful tunnel: My old man has understood, Ye Qingyu is Human Race of Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) foreign country, astrays in our Clear Ginger Domain, old bones I actually, although not very clear to have anything in Great One Sect, but these are only the rumors that everybody directly from master to disciple incorrectly relayed an erroneous message.” Said here, Zheng was because anxious, in the heart a vitality turned wells up, sound/noise shivered gently, but his complexion even more dignifiedly looks at front several elders, „, but I personally saw, Ye Qingyu that the intention felt, at all was not being hidden monstruous talent, but was the entire Human Race hero. In Flowing Light City, he defeats Tun Tian promptly, has cut double Holy Child, changes in all our city the Human Race new student. But I personally sees him in the city wall to resist the demon spider crown prince, the whole body is bathed in blood, tattered and torn, the aura frail almost life hangs one, these are I as well as in Flowing Light City several thousand common people personally see, feels by oneself, he is really a good person, is hope that Human Race rises......” 就听郑老继续铿锵有声地道:“我老头子已经了解过了,叶青羽本是天荒外域的人族,误入咱们的清姜界中,老骨头我虽然不十分清楚在太一门中究竟发生了什么,但这些都只是大家口耳相传以讹传讹的传言罢了。”说道这里,郑老更是因为急切,心中一阵气血翻涌,声音轻轻颤抖了起来,但他他脸色愈发凝重地看着面前的几位长老,“而我亲眼所见,用心感受到的叶青羽,根本不是什么隐没妖孽,而是整个人族的英雄。在流光城中,他及时击败吞天,斩了双圣子,才换来我们所有城中人族的新生。而在城墙上我亲眼看见他为了抵挡魔蛛亲王,浑身浴血,千疮百孔,气息孱弱几乎命悬一线,这些才是我以及流光城中数万百姓亲眼所见,亲身所感的,他真的是个好人,是人族崛起的希望啊……” Said that excited place, Zheng and has coughed again and again. 说道激动之处,郑老又是连连咳嗽了起来。 Chen Zhengliang and Ling dreary and the others hear that, nods in abundance, seizes the chance to speak to explain anxiously. 陈正良和泠萧然等人闻言,也是纷纷点头,趁机急切地出言解释起来。 All from Flowing Light City person, somewhat is suddenly excited. 所有从流光城之中来的人,一时间都有些激动。 If, they hope that with the language and behavior that all can use, the whereabouts to the person who Ye Qingyu has misunderstood showed that he is not the evil person who in the rumor stops at no evil, instead he is one courageous martial-looking, wisdom is excellent, natural talent outstanding Human Race brave warrior and martial arts talent. 若是可以,他们希望用一切可以用的语言和行为,去向对叶青羽有所误解的人证明,他并非传言之中无恶不作的恶人,反而他是一个果敢英武、睿智过人、天资卓绝的人族勇士和武道天才。 A Ye Qingyu eye pupil revolution, looks at the form and vision of surrounding person, in the heart is surging one different kind mood. 叶青羽眼眸一转,看着周围人的身影和目光,心中涌动着一种别样的情绪。 Actually as him, he believes throughout Qing purified oneself muddy from muddy, therefore he did not worry to argue anything, the time naturally can prove all, if Immortal God Emperor Sect these three big elders, if must send a punitive expedition, he has to get rid to self-defense. 其实作为他自己,他始终坚信清者自清浊者自浊,所以他并不着急去辩解什么,时间自然会证明一切,如果不死神皇宗的这三大长老,如果非要兴师问罪的话,那他就不得不出手自卫了。 But these are constantly together in Flowing Light City, person who fights shoulder to shoulder, at this time actually stands side him, is trustful to him, even for he goes to not to extinguish the god emperor sect elder to speak the explanation, such friendship, just like the genial cool breeze, has stroked the Ye Qingyu heart gently. 但这些在流光城中朝夕相处,并肩而战的人,此时却站在他身边,对他充满信任,甚至为了他去向不灭神皇宗长老出言解释,这样的情谊,宛如和煦清风,轻轻拂过叶青羽的心田。 Opposite. 对面。 Thanked the elder look to be stunned, has not gotten rid again. 谢长老神色愕然,并没有再出手。 Three elders look at each other one mutually. 三位长老相互对视一眼。 Oh, thanked Junior Brother, these many years, your rash problem, how had not changed.” Buddhist scriptures pavilion the elder first start to talk of not, somewhat reluctantly looked at one to thank the elder, did not know whether to laugh or cry. “唉,谢师弟,这么多年了,你毛毛躁躁的毛病,怎么还没有改。”藏经阁的莫长老第一个开口,有些无奈地看了一眼谢长老,哭笑不得。 This......” thanked on the shamelessness of elder, has revealed an awkward color rarely: Was impatient, impatient......” “这个……”谢长老的老脸上,也难得地露出了一丝尴尬之色:“心急了,心急了……” Practicing martial arts hall Li Elder is in three big elders status highest one, shakes the head again and again, observes the situation vision that people have doubts, finally falls the vision on standing on forefront Zheng, shows a faint smile, where words that old person spoke, is I thanks Junior Brother to be extremely rash, has not talked clearly, this temper hurriedly, counts Century to come, has not changed...... Where person no matter the day line is, is any status, matter that he does, is my Immortal God Emperor Sect adores absolutely admiringly, because how these message broken languages, but lives the gap regarding this kind of Human Race brave great ambition...... Is this, my this thanked Junior Brother, because heard the Brother Ye three swords shook Devil race just like exiling the immortal general success, was talking over all the way, after seeing a day of line, must compare notes well, a moment ago was also because wanted to exercise skill for a while, could not bear get rid to try...... Make everybody frightened, thanked Junior Brother, has not come well to day line of apologies.” 练武堂李长老是三大长老之中地位最高的一个,也是连连摇头,环视一圈众人疑惑的目光,最后将目光落在站在最前面的郑老身上,微微一笑,“老人家说的哪里的话,是我谢师弟太过莽撞,没有说清楚,他这个风风火火的性子啊,数百年来,从来就没有改过来过……不管天行是哪里人,是什么身份,他做的事,绝对是我不死神皇宗所倾慕钦佩的,岂会因为那些留言碎语而对于这样一位人族英雄心生间隙……是这样,我这个谢师弟啊,正是因为听说了叶兄弟三剑震魔族宛如谪仙一般的战绩,一路上都在念叨,见了天行之后,一定要好好切磋一下,刚才也是因为一时技痒,才忍不住出手试一试罢了……让大家受惊了,谢师弟,还不过来好好向天行道歉。” People hear that, relaxed immediately. 众人闻言,顿时松了一口气。 In Zheng surface the look relaxes, a heart returned in the belly, sighed, said with a smile: „, Actually my this old man extremely in irritable, has not clarified the good and bad unable to bear.” 郑老面上神色缓和下来,一颗心放回到了肚子里面,叹了口气,笑着说道:“原来如此,倒是我这个老头子太过于急躁了,没有弄清楚青红皂白就忍不住了。” The people have smiled. 众人都笑了起来。 The facial color a little awkwardly thanked the elder, the blade eyebrow raises, walks to cup one hand in the other across the chest to salute to Ye Qingyu, said: Day good brothers, have not done right by, is I am too impatient, young time, is Wu Chi, once stirred some mighty waves in this Jiang Hu, although these years live in seclusion do not ask the Jiang Hu matter, but hear the little brother you to fight the technique like this, startled are the beauties, therefore had not borne a moment ago.” 面色有点儿尴尬的谢长老,刀眉一掀,走过来向叶青羽拱手行礼,道:“天行兄弟,对不住了,是我太心急,年轻的时候,就是一个武痴,也曾在这江湖之中搅起过一些波澜,这些年虽说隐居不问江湖事,但听到小兄弟你这样的战技,还是惊为天人,所以刚才没有忍住。” Ye Qingyu smiled lightly, saying that does not mind: Might as well, the road of Martial Artist often alone Cultivation, arid tasteless incomparable, can have the opportunity and Xie Elder such Senior person of high skill compares notes mutually, for me is also a chance.” 叶青羽淡淡笑了笑,丝毫不介意的说道:“无妨,武者之路往往独自修炼,枯燥乏味无比,能有机会与谢长老这样的前辈高人互相切磋,对我来说也是一份机缘。” Xie Elder hear that, immediately in heart one happy, said: Ha Ha, the day good little brother you can think, that it would be the best, actually a moment ago, a little does not satisfy a craving, might as well turn head to find an opportunity, we compare notes again well.” 谢长老闻言,顿时心中一喜,道:“哈哈,天行小兄弟你能这么想,那最好不过了,其实刚才呢,还是有点儿不过瘾,不如回头找个机会,我们再好好切磋切磋。” Ye Qingyu: „......” 叶青羽:“……” This thanked the elder, but also was really Wu Chi. 这个谢长老,还真的是一个武痴。 During the speeches, the atmosphere was more harmonious. 说话之间,气氛融洽了许多。 Ling salutes drearily slightly, said respectfully: Three Martial Uncle, catch up travel-worn, might as well first returns to Flowing Light City.” 泠萧然微微行礼,恭敬地说道:“三位师叔,一路赶来风尘仆仆,不妨先回流光城吧。” Buddhist scriptures pavilion not elder nods, exchanges the line of sight after side another two elders smiles was saying: Also good, that then goes to Flowing Light City, here is not the speech place.” 藏经阁莫长老点点头,与身边另外两位长老交换视线后微笑着说道:“也好,那便去流光城吧,这里也不是说话的地方。” ...... ...... Almost is at the same time, the news that the Demon Spider Race withdrawal of troops and Immortal God Emperor Sect reinforcements arrive at has spread over the main street and small alley. 几乎是在同一时间,魔蛛族撤军和不死神皇宗援兵到来的消息已经传遍了大街小巷。 Concourse in city, from assembles in all directions, but joyful crowd, is ordinary just like the sea of people, the square everywhere is the bustling crowd. The people gather, the cheers such as thunderous, entire Flowing Light City was similar to has seethed with excitement generally. 城中的中央广场处,从四面八方围聚而来欢庆的人群,宛如人山人海一般,广场到处都是熙熙攘攘的人群。人们聚集在一起,欢呼声如雷鸣,整个流光城都如同沸腾了一般。 Ye Qingyu one line of returned to the south building. 叶青羽一行人已经回到向南楼。 Because the Immortal God Emperor Sect person, is travel-worn night and day the terminal velocity hurries along to come, to reduce the time yuan qi consumption is not small, therefore after a people short conversation, temporarily returns to the respective room training to control one's breathing. 由于不死神皇宗的人,都是风尘仆仆日以继夜地极速赶路而来,为了缩短时间元气消耗不小,所以众人一番短暂的交谈后,暂时都回到各自的房间修养调息。 Under the Ling dreary arrangement, the Immortal God Emperor Sect three elders and several other hundred disciples also temporarily settle to the south building. 在泠萧然的安排之下,不死神皇宗的三位长老和其他的数百名弟子也都暂时安顿在向南楼中。 Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui they, change appearance, strolled to the city. 叶青羽胡不归两人,改变外貌,又到城中逛了一圈。 The withdrawal of troops of Demon Spider Race, regarding Human Race in entire Flowing Light City, obviously is the huge good news, until this time, all Human Race truly lit up with pleasure, covered the Flowing Light City innumerable day shadows to diverge, all the way, saw on the face of everyone, was having the happy expression, entire Flowing Light City, in this moment, suddenly also the rebirth seemed to be same. 魔蛛族的撤军,对于整个流光城中的人族来说,显然是天大的好消息,直到这个时候,所有的人族才真正喜笑颜开,笼罩了流光城无数日的阴影散去,一路上,看到每一个人的脸上,都带着笑意,整个流光城,也仿佛是在这一刻,突然又重生了一样。 In the afternoon, returns to Ye Qingyu in inn they, received the invitation from Chen Zhengliang. 午后,回到客栈之中的叶青羽两人,接到了来自陈正良的邀请函。 Originally Chen Zhengliang has arranged one evening banquet that celebrates Flowing Light City to recover. 原来陈正良已经安排了一个庆祝流光城光复的晚宴。 Devil race withdraws troops, the reinforcements arrival of Immortal God Emperor Sect, the good matter, naturally to be worth celebrating like this, Chen Zhengliang also hopes to remember the opportunity of this banquet, suffering the misery Human Race compatriot is stimulant to all cities, after all following true recovery Flowing Light City past scale and liveliness, requires very long time to be short, Chen Zhengliang hopes that can reunite the will of the people here, together diligently. 魔族撤军,不死神皇宗的援军到来,这样的好事情,当然值得庆祝,陈正良也希望记住这个宴会的机会,向所有城中饱经苦难的人族同胞注入一针强心剂,毕竟接下来真正恢复流光城昔日的规模和繁华,还是需要一个很漫长的时间短,陈正良希望可以借此机会团聚人心,一起努力。 But Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui as the biggest hero who Flowing Light City recovers, has the great influence significance, naturally must in heavy invitation. 叶青羽胡不归作为流光城光复的最大功臣,具有重大的影响意义,自然必须是在重邀之列。 After they ponder over slightly, accepted this invitation. 两人略微思忖之后,接受了这次邀请。 ...... …… Is the night. 是夜。 In Flowing Light City the biggest restaurant Liu Lane restaurant, in makes a fresh start to do business after the restoration. 流光城中最大的酒楼柳巷酒楼,在经过修缮之后又重新开始营业。 Although was unable recovery to past prosperous time that lively broad condition, but in the brilliantly illuminated Liu Lane restaurant is also the wine overflows, inside and outside the hall, has arranged the dinner serveds to guests as they arrive of several hundred big round tables, on the table has chocked up various types food that fluttered completely the fragrance, although was not the rare delicacy delicacies, but regarding present commodity relatively deficient Flowing Light City, actually was also the gluttony feast. 虽然还没有能够恢复到昔日鼎盛时期那种繁华恢弘的状态,但灯火通明的柳巷酒楼中也已经是酒香四溢,大厅内外,已经布置了数百张大圆桌的流水席,桌上摆满了各种飘满了香味的食物,虽然不是什么罕见的美味佳肴,但对于如今物资相对匮乏的流光城来说,却也是饕餮大餐了。 Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui they arrive, the banquet started. 叶青羽胡不归两人到场的时候,宴会已经开始了。 Inside and outside the restaurant is almost full house. 酒楼内外几乎座无虚席。 Chen Zhengliang these time invited the people in entire city to attend the banquet, the dinner served to guests as they arrive tube suffices. 陈正良这一次邀请了全城的人来参加宴会,流水席管够。 Naturally, general publics mostly on the dinner served to guests as they arrive outside building, but in Flowing Light City has the status slightly, during defending a city to fight made the great merit, has heroic death the family member of martyr in the war of defense, the Immortal God Emperor Sect several hundred disciples, were arranged in the restaurant on seat. 当然,普通民众大多都在楼外的流水席上,而流光城中稍微有地位、在守城战之中立下大功的、还有在守城之战中壮烈牺牲的烈士的家属,不死神皇宗的数百名弟子,都被安排在了酒楼之中的上席。 Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui their appearances, have immediately caused inside and outside the restaurant stir. 叶青羽胡不归两人的现身,立刻引起了酒楼内外的轰动。 ----------- ----------- Today estimated that three, went home to eat meal at noon, after taking an afternoon nap gets up, the belly was a little uncomfortable, in the afternoon started to have diarrhea directly, but also a little low fever, the dizziness, first went home to rest, if tomorrow body condition good, but, four. 今天估计三更不了了,中午回家吃饭,睡完午觉后起来,肚子就有点儿不舒服,下午直接就开始拉肚子了,还有点儿低烧,头晕乎乎的,先回家休息去了,明天如果身体状态好点而的话,就四更。 This was the excessive plot, several chapters, Little Ye must return to Heaven Wasteland Domain probably again. 这段算是过度情节了,大概再有几章,小叶子要回天荒界了。 Thanks everybody to support 谢谢大家支持啊 Some people said that the content on knife public micro letter too dirty, I thought......, Does not believe everybody to have a look fortunately, the micro letter search public number tumultuous times crazy blade, can find. ^ _ ^ 有人说刀子公众微信上的内容太污了,我觉得……还好吧,不信大家可以去看看,微信搜索公众号乱世狂刀,就可以找到了。^_^
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