IGE :: Volume #7

#601: True colors

His look has a look at Ye Qingyu with ease grinningly, I I have seen through the expression of your heart and liver spleen lung kidney, complacent tunnel: Hey, I know that you want to ask anything, wants to wrap my words, Ha Ha Ha......, I have brought to light and you said that you could rest assured that Demon Spider Race will not come Flowing Light City again, is not only Flowing Light City, these Human Race territories that before ate, only feared that felt nauseated mostly, Great One Sect held one in the domain alliance is also the thick thigh, soon came back, we must make some countermeasures...... Therefore, the war in Clear Ginger Domain should end.” 他神色轻松笑嘻嘻地看看叶青羽,一副我已经我看穿了你的心肝脾肺肾的表情,洋洋得意地道:“嘿嘿,我知道你想要问什么,想要套我的话,哈哈哈……也罢,我就挑明了和你说吧,你放心,魔蛛族不会再来流光城了,不仅仅是流光城,之前吃掉的那些人族领地,只怕多半都要吐回去,太一门界域联盟中抱到了一根还算是粗的大腿,快要回来了,我们也必须做一些对策……所以,清姜界中的战争应该是结束了。” Ye Qingyu hears here, is somewhat surprised, is somewhat joyful. 叶青羽听到这里,有些惊讶,也有些欣喜。 What is surprised, the insect of Great One Sect really centipede dies, but is not stiff, the method of having found dealing. 惊讶的是,太一门果然还是百足之虫死而不僵,找到了应对的手段。 What is joyful, such one, in Clear Ginger Domain returned to the short peace, at least Human Race some time, can not need all day to be worried about the flames of war chaos caused by war, being destitute and homeless people in the flames of war, can relax rests and builds up strength slightly some time. 欣喜的是,这么一来,清姜界中算是回到了短暂的和平状态,至少人族在一段时间里,可以不用整日担心战火战乱,许多在战火之中流离失所人们,可以松一口气稍微休养生息一段时间了。 We hope that length that such peace time, can maintain. 希望这样的和平时间,能够维持的长一点吧。 Shouted, today unknowingly said were really too many, cannot say again, said again I had troublesome.” The moon-face crown prince looks at Ye Qingyu, in eye pupil flashes through a strange look suddenly, as if envies, as if somewhat refuses to accept, finally shook the head, said: Actually you have been able not to need to walk by the incarnation now again Clear Ginger Domain, you perform such big merit in Flowing Light City, the reputation have spread, and in the domain alliance, the life insurance you, Great One Sect have not dared on to move you now again outwardly, the major influences in Clear Ginger Domain, only feared that also received the message one after another, what is main, Heaven Wasteland Domain entered the view of domain alliance, although said that this alliance and one flock of wolves do not have what difference, but is more tasteful eventually well-mannered, you now are the Heaven Wasteland Domain first person, needs to walk to come out frankly and uprightly, and domain alliance socializes., Wish makes Heaven Wasteland Domain hide again, that is impossible, after all central Domain Portal appeared, sooner or later will have other domain people, enters Heaven Wasteland Domain, this is the Heaven and Earth situation, inevitable...... Finally, Ha Ha, you now this appearance was really too ugly, you changed, Ha Ha Ha......” “呼,今天真的是不知不觉说了太多,不能再说下去了,再说我就有麻烦了。”圆脸亲王看着叶青羽,眼眸之中突然闪过一丝奇怪的神色,似乎是羡慕,又似乎是有些不服,最后还是摇了摇头,道:“其实你现在已经可以不用再以化身行走清姜界了,你在流光城立下这么大的功劳,名声已经传开,且界域联盟之中,还有人保你,现在太一门已经不敢再明面上动你,清姜界中的各大势力,只怕陆续也都收到了消息,最主要的是,天荒界已经进入了界域联盟的视野,虽然说这个联盟和一群狼没有什么区别,但终究还是要讲究一些规矩的,你如今已经是天荒界第一人,需要光明正大地走出来,和界域联盟周旋。,想要让天荒界再隐藏下去,那是不可能的,毕竟中央界域之门已经出现,迟早会有其他界域的人,进入天荒界,这是天地大势,不可避免……最后,哈哈,你现在这幅样子实在是太丑了,你还是变回来吧,啊哈哈哈……” Then, does not wait for Ye Qingyu to ask anything again, he beckoned with the hand, has covered his mouth, heard the big laughter as before, turned around to walk. 说完,不等叶青羽再问什么,他摆摆手,捂住了自己的嘴巴,依旧传来大笑声,转身就走。 This appearance, is for fear that again cannot bear say anything obviously. 这幅模样,显然是生怕自己再忍不住说出什么来。 Ye Qingyu cannot help smiling. 叶青羽忍俊不禁。 This fatty, some meanings. 这个胖子,有些意思。 However, he waits for today specially outside the pinnacle, when come out, said these many words, reveals these many information, only feared that is also intentionally, is not on his mouth keeps on proclaiming with curiously two characters likely explained that is so simple. 不过,他今天专程等待在石塔外,等自己出来,说了这么多的话,流露出来这么多的信息,只怕也是故意的,并不像是他嘴上口口声声用‘好奇’两个字解释这么简单。 Breeze has blown. 一阵微风吹过。 The Mo Jin personal appearance changes to sparkles the black flower petal to be blown off by the wind surely, vanishes on the spot. 墨金的身形化作千万闪耀着墨色的花瓣被风吹散,消失在原地 When the pinnacle courtyard recovery Ye Qingyu initially saw that tranquil appearance. 石塔院落中又恢复叶青羽初见时那平静的模样。 In instance that this Crown Prince Demon Spider Race vanishes, surrounding world no longer quiet silent, Ye Qingyu can feel in the courtyard and life aura and yuan qi flowing from pinnacle Formation of plant, all recovery were normal. 在这个魔蛛族亲王消失的瞬间,周围的世界不再沉寂无声,叶青羽能感觉到院落中与的植物的生命气息和来自石塔结界之外的元气流动,所有的一切都恢复了正常。 Ye Qingyu stands on the spot, calmly has stood for a long time for a long time. 叶青羽在原地,静静地站了许久许久。 Strength of enough one stick of incense time, on his face reveals suddenly wipes the light happy expression. 足足一炷香时间之力,他的脸上突然露出一抹淡淡的笑意。 „, Does not think...... Closes up is so long, how outside had a look. “罢了,不想了……闭关这么久,还是去看看外面怎么样了。 Saying, Ye Qingyu lifts the footsteps, walks toward the pinnacle courtyard outside. 说着,叶青羽抬起脚步,向着石塔院落外走去。 One step takes, his muscle skeleton, had a naked eye obvious strange change gradually, the originally chubby stature instantaneously became tall and straight straight, when his third falling, the whole person transformed the appearance thoroughly. 一步迈出,他的肌肉骨骼,逐渐发生了一种肉眼可见的奇异变化,原本胖乎乎的身材瞬间变得挺拔笔直了起来,当他第三步落下的时候,整个人已经彻底变换了面目。 ..... ..... Outside pinnacle courtyard. 石塔院落之外。 Hu bugui and Ling are dreary, Chen Zhengliang and his party were many people already awaited calmly here, induced Between Heaven and Earth that phenomenon sound gradually to vanish, they know that Ye Qingyu should soon go out, therefore before one hour, early waited for here. 胡不归、泠萧然、陈正良一行是多人早已静候在此,感应到了天地之间那种异象动静逐渐消失,他们知道叶青羽应该是快要出关了,所以半个时辰之前,就已经早早地等待在这里了。 ! 吱呀! Red front door opening of pinnacle courtyard gently. 石塔院落的红色大门轻轻的打开。 The Ye Qingyu personal appearance maps the people view. 叶青羽的身形映入众人眼帘。 After looking , the form after red front door, the people all stare. 看着门后红色大门后的身影,众人皆是一愣。 In the lines of sight of all people, what sees is together the dashing physique against the wind the vertical form, the stature is not slenderly frail. One and black long hair of waist uses a green hairlace bunch after the brain, along with breeze dancing in the air gently. Pure white long robe dyes the light sunlight, the breeze is moving his clothes sleeve, if suddenly the immortal, the face such as the beautiful jade is delicate and pretty, the five senses just like the blade carve the edges and corners to be distinct, tall Tiao the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards fly up at angle into the temple, if the item the bright star is pitch-black, bridge of the nose tall Ting is handsome, on the light bilabial is having the superficial happy expression. 所有人的视线之中,看到的是一道英俊潇洒的身姿迎风而立的身影,身材修长却并不单薄。一头及腰的黑色长发用一根青色的发带束在脑后,随着微风轻轻的飞舞。一身素白的长袍染着淡淡的日光,微风吹动他的衣袂,恍然若仙,面庞如美玉般俊美,五官犹如刀刻般棱角分明,高挑的剑眉斜飞入鬓,目若朗星般乌黑深邃,鼻梁高挺英俊,薄薄的双唇上带着浅淡的笑意。 , is elegant dust the aura to head on. 举手投足间,一股飘逸出尘的气息扑面而来。 The sunlight shines on his body, just likes wears myriad Jinhui, this world people, do not have the valiance of not being able saying that making the person not dare to watch intently. 阳光照射在他的身上,犹如身披万千金辉,不似凡尘众人,有着说不出的英姿飒爽,令人不敢逼视。 Chen Zhengliang and the others look that this from is the form that in his courtyard walks, dumbfounded instantaneously. 陈正良等人看着这个从是他院落中走出来的身影,瞬间都呆住了。 Who this person who walks from the pinnacle is? 这个从石塔中走出来的人是谁? Day line of Senior? 天行前辈呢? Hu bugui looked that said Ye Qingyu appears the real appearance, stares slightly. 胡不归看道叶青羽现出真实的面貌,也是微微一愣。 However he after is the Great Thief chief, at once understood the intention of Ye Qingyu will look like later Ye Qingyu by the real appearance conduct, no longer will hide own real status, Ye Qingyu this time closes up Cultivation to break through Immortal Rank Boundary, on strength compared with definitely is not the 1-star least bit that before will promote, naturally will not need scruples other again. 不过他毕竟是大盗头子,旋即就明白了叶青羽的用意看来以后叶青羽都会以真实面貌行事,不再掩藏自己的真实身份,叶青羽此次闭关修炼突破到仙阶境,实力上比之前提升的肯定不是一星半点,自然是不用再顾忌其他的。 Thinks of here, Hu bugui laughs a sound track „, Brother, you may go out finally!” 想到此处,胡不归大笑一声道“哈哈,老弟,你可终于出关了!” He stepped onto to pat the shoulder of Ye Qingyu, stood with it shoulder to shoulder. 他走上拍了拍叶青羽的肩膀,与之并肩而立。 Ye Qingyu smiles is nodding saying: Um, went out.” 叶青羽微笑着点点头道:“嗯,出关了。” Ling is dreary, Chen Zhengliang and the others saw the performance of Hu bugui immediately suddenly, under the heart understands this day line the Senior previous appearance is the appearance after disguise. 泠萧然、陈正良等人看到胡不归的表现立即恍然,心下明了这位“天行”前辈此前的样貌是易容后的样子。 On the face of Hu bugui reveals one to smile strangely, is thinking simply has pointed out the topic, happen to talks clearly taking this opportunity, therefore turns around, looks at Chen Zhengliang and the others, grinning tunnel: You guess that his real status, guessed Old Hu to ask you to drink!” 胡不归的脸上露出一丝怪笑,想着干脆把话题点明了,正好借这个机会说清楚,于是一转身,看着陈正良等人,笑嘻嘻地道:“你们猜猜,他的真实身份,猜中了老.胡请你们喝酒!” In the Ling dreary eyes reveals color of the doubts, thinks, very earnest tunnel: What originally this is Senior is really the look, the graceful bearing is uncommon, just like beauty general...... Um, Senior you are in hearsay the Clear Ginger Domain most wrapped in a shroud of obscurity peerless talent, Sima Yue who is called the jade surface immortal?” 泠萧然眼中露出一丝疑惑之色,想了想,很认真地道:“原来这才是前辈的真是相貌,风姿不凡,宛如天人一般……嗯,难道前辈您是传闻中清姜界最神秘莫测的绝世天才,人称玉面仙人的司马越?” Hu bugui hear that curls the lip, disdains saying: Any Sima Yue, has not heard.” 胡不归闻言撇撇嘴,不屑道:“什么司马越,没听说过。” Other person of hear that, has guessed. 其他人闻言,也都猜了起来。 Does not wait for the people to continue to guess again that Hu bugui actually neatly beckoned with the hand saying: Good was good, I estimated that you could not guess correctly, I told you, actually he was Ye Qingyu...... Ha Ha Ha Ha, what kind, has thought!” 不等众人继续再猜下去,胡不归却是干脆利落地摆了摆手说:“行了行了,我估计你们也猜不到,还是我告诉你们吧,其实他就是叶青羽……哈哈哈哈,怎么样,想没想到吧!” Such remarks, the people are all startled. 此言一出,众人皆惊。 Ye Qingyu?” Ling dreary light well makes noise, look is strange. 叶青羽?”泠萧然轻咦出声,神色古怪。 He first, thought that this name is a little familiar-sounding, but has not responded. 他第一时间,觉得这个名字有点儿耳熟,但却还没有反应过来。 Is that in hearsay ** Ye Qingyu?” Actually graduated arm at the same time has realized anything with the song suddenly, understood the meaning of this name, is on the rise to decide suddenly looks at the surface such as jade pendant adorning a hat Ye Qingyu, on the face shows the incredible look. “难道就是传闻中的那个**叶青羽?”倒是一边的衡与歌猛然间意识到了什么,明白了这个名字的含义,猛然抬头定定地看着面如冠玉的叶青羽,脸上露出不可置信的神色。 At this time, other people also successively responded. 这个时候,其他人也都先后反应了过来。 Really is these days, the frequency that Ye Qingyu this name, presents extremely in the frequency, in almost entire Clear Ginger Domain is known to everybody, the people have not gone to the association toward that aspect from the beginning. 委实是这一段时间,叶青羽这个名字,出现的频率太过于频繁,几乎整个清姜界之中无人不知,众人一开始没有往那个方面去联想。 On Zheng Laolian of over the face vicissitudes flashes through vibration slightly. 满面沧桑的郑老脸上闪过微微的震动。 He looked at Ye Qingyu, gasping wanted to say anything, but shut up finally, was calm in instantaneous recovery, looks at the Ye Qingyu look, was having the trust and affirmation as before. 他看了看叶青羽,张口想要说什么,但最终还是闭嘴,又在瞬间恢复了镇静,看着叶青羽的眼神,依旧带着信任和肯定。 At the same time, the look on Chen Zhengliang face is complex, during the shock is bringing inexplicable dreading. 一边,陈正良脸上的神色复杂,震惊之中带着一丝莫名的忌惮。 He indeed had heard the matter about Ye Qingyu, can say today leading of chaos of Clear Ginger Domain. Fire. to demand/search. is this Ye Qingyu from Heaven Wasteland Domain, but the outside unnecessary Ye Qingyu rumor is unceasingly is discrediting him basically, said that this person is one extinguishes the world hormicidal mania, is one **, a devil of stopping at no evil...... 他的确听说过关于叶青羽的事情,可以说今日清姜界之大乱的导.火.索就是这个来自天荒界叶青羽,而外界多余叶青羽的传言基本又都是在不断地抹黑他,说此人是一个灭世杀人狂,是一个**,一个无恶不作的魔鬼…… He has not thought that originally the day line of Senior true status, unexpectedly is this. 他万万没有想到,原来天行前辈的真正身份,竟然是这样。 But in his side, Ling dreary, weighs with song, scar of knife wound [gold/metal] and the others, in this split second, strangely silent. 而在他的身边,泠萧然、衡与歌、刀疤金等人,也都在这一瞬间,都诡异地沉默了下来。 An inexplicable undercurrent flows among people. 一股莫名的暗流在众人之间流淌。 Atmosphere unexpectedly anxious strange. 气氛蓦地紧张诡异了起来。 Hu bugui sees that the happy expression on face dissipates gradually, Coldly snort|hum. 胡不归见状,脸上的笑意逐渐消散,冷冷地哼了一声。 I said that what meaning your this expressions are? Brother Ye are whose you recently couldn't have looked? About the Brother Ye rumor, is Great One Sect that group of bastards intentionally spreads, the goal is to discredit him, demon Heaven Wasteland Domain, is good to unite the strength of people to cope with him together. These any deceitful. Obscene Great One Sect female disciple what radically is nonsensical talks, dashing the appearance like my Brother Ye, the Great One Sect worthless people he can look on? If he has the scheme to Clear Ginger Domain, that the same day why went all out to save the danger of Flowing Light City?” “我说,你们这表情是什么意思?叶老弟是什么人你们这些日子还看不出来吗?关于叶老弟的传言,都是太一门那帮龟孙故意散布出来的,目的就是为了抹黑他,魔化天荒界,好联合众人之力一起对付他。那些个什么奸.淫太一门女弟子什么的根本都是无稽之谈,像我叶老弟这样英俊潇洒的模样,太一门的歪瓜裂枣他能看的上?他要是真的对清姜界有图谋,那当日何必拼了命去挽救流光城之危?” The Great Thief chief is discontented with the tunnel. 大盗头子不满地道。 Chen Zhengliang and the others hear that, in heart one cold. 陈正良等人闻言,心中一凛。 Yes. 是啊。 One and the others, was this? 自己等人,这是怎么了? Will really have such performance? 竟然会有这样的表现? Is this is suspecting the Flowing Light City Savior? 这是在怀疑流光城的救世主吗? Thought few days ago, is at present this person, the one person alone meets the enemy, resisted over a hundred Devil race expert by a person of strength, wore the Unparalleled scar, almost sprinkled completely the blood, places saved form of Flowing Light City among dangers, particularly last war, was the what kind solemnness and stirring and frigidity, but they, because of some rumors, had forgotten unexpectedly these have experienced together all, because of some rumors and slander, then had the suspicion to this Savior, was this person? 想到前些日子,就是眼前这个人,孤身迎敌,以一人之力对抗上百名魔族强者,身披无双伤痕,几乎洒尽了鲜血,一次次地拯救流光城于危难之间的身影,尤其是最后一战,是何等的悲壮和惨烈,而他们,竟然因为一些传言,忘记了那些共同经历过的一切,因为一些流言蜚语,便对这位救世主产生怀疑,这还是人吗? Chen Zhengliang, Ling dreary and the others look the ashamed color immediately. 陈正良、泠萧然等人顿时面露羞愧之色。 Ye Qingyu looks at people's look change in the eye, such change already as he expected, thought little, said with a smile lightly: On the same day also has no other choice, hid the real appearance, but also looks should not be offended.” 叶青羽将众人的神色变化看在眼中,这样的变化早就在他的预料之中,也不以为意,淡淡一笑道:“当日也是不得已,才隐藏了真实面貌,还望诸位不要见怪。” Chen Zhengliang facial color is excited, a face is guilty, cups one hand in the other across the chest to say hurriedly: Leaf Senior what this word! Is I and others was stodgy, almost blind both eyes, suspects Senior unexpectedly you...... Can know with leaf Senior fortunately is most honored!” 陈正良面色激动,一脸愧疚,急忙拱手道:“叶前辈何出此言!是我等迂腐,差点儿瞎了双眼,竟然怀疑前辈您……能有幸与叶前辈结识乃是三生有幸啊!” Ling dreary and the others along with it saluting [say / way] good before this by schemes and tricks misleading of Great One Sect, has the misunderstanding to leaf Senior, in our hearts really feels sorry, but you could rest assured that what price from now on no matter will pay, we will wash clean these rumors and slander for you surely, no longer will make you be puzzled by these rumors!” 泠萧然等人随之行礼道“不错此前被太一门的阴谋诡计误导,对叶前辈多有误解,我们心中实在过意不去,不过您放心,今后不管是付出什么样的代价,我们定会为您洗清那些流言蜚语,不再让您被那些流言困扰!” Hu bugui laughs saying: Ha Ha, Brother Ye, has Immortal God Emperor Sect to get rid, it seems like your infamy must wash clean quickly.” 胡不归大笑道:“哈哈,叶老弟,有不死神皇宗出手,看来你的污名很快就要洗清啦。” Ye Qingyu helpless shaking the head, said with a smile: That many thanks several.” 叶青羽无奈的摇摇头,笑道:“那就多谢几位了。” The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 ! 咻! Has ignited radiant fireworks to the direction of south building suddenly, suddenly has cut the horizon. 向南楼的方向突然燃起了一道璀璨的焰火,瞬息间划破了天际。 Ye Qingyu and the others the attention were attracted instantaneously. 叶青羽等人的注意力被瞬间吸引。 The Ling dreary facial color changes, said: That is our Immortal God Emperor Sect urgent signal...... Certainly had the important news to transmit!” 泠萧然面色一变,道:“那是我们不死神皇宗的加急信号……一定是有重要的消息传来了!” Then, he will realize to go to Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui. 说完,他将实现投向叶青羽胡不归 A Hu bugui facial color correct path: That also waits for anything, walks, goes to the city to have a look to have any news quickly.” 胡不归面色一正道:“那还等什么,走走走,快去城里看看有什么消息。” ------- ------- Second 第二更
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