IGE :: Volume #7

#602: Three big elder

What? Did Demon Spider Race withdraw troops?!” “什么?魔蛛族撤军了?!” Is bringing pleasantly surprised and incredible wild with joy sound/noise, from transmits to the south building. 带着惊喜和不可置信的狂喜声音,从向南楼中传来。 To the south building hall. 向南楼大厅中。 That young servant, stands nearby the people, face look excited saying: „The news that yes, the storekeeper, just obtained, the Demon Spider Race army retreated!” 那个年轻的店小二,站在众人跟前,一脸神色兴奋的说道:“是啊,掌柜的,刚刚得到的消息,魔蛛族大军已经撤退啦!” Hears this news the earliest possible time, the Ye Qingyu slight bow. 听到这个消息的第一时间,叶青羽微微点头。 Before moon-face crown prince Mo Jin has said that he ordered Tun Tian Camp to withdraw troops, it seems like that this matter was not false. 之前圆脸亲王墨金说过,他已经下令吞天营撤军,看来此事不假。 His intention moves, then emits the Divine Sense investigation, the strength of boundless Divine Soul, just likes the tide is ordinary, filled beside Flowing Light City instantaneously, under looked up, really discovered that on the originally Flowing Light City 50 inside and outside Demon Spider Race camps has been empty, half Demon Spider Race shadow did not have! 他心念一动,便放出神识探查,磅礴的神魂之力,犹如潮水一般,瞬间弥漫到了流光城之外,一查之下,果然发现原本流光城50里外的魔蛛族营地上已经空无一物,半个魔蛛族的影子都没有! Ye Qingyu nods toward the people, confirmed this news. 叶青羽朝着众人点点头,确认了这一消息。 Ling dreary, weighs with song, scar of knife wound [gold/metal] and the others the facial color is excited, long vented anger in abundance. 泠萧然、衡与歌、刀疤金等人面色激动,纷纷长出了一口气。 The haze that on people face since the date of Flowing Light City city breaking been able hardly be removed vanishes into thin air in a twinkling. 众人脸上自从流光城城破之日就已经挥之不去的阴霾霎时间烟消云散。 Weighs closely grips the Ling dreary hand with the song, said with smile on the face: Good! Tun Tian Camp withdraws troops, the danger of Flowing Light City relieved finally!” 衡与歌紧紧握住泠萧然的手,面带喜色道:“太好了!吞天营撤军,流光城之危总算解除了!” Ling dreary tight instead grips wife's hand, long sighed: Yes, can relax finally, Devil race withdraws troops, the Flowing Light City common people do not need to feel alarmed and anxious finally again.” 泠萧然紧紧反握住妻子的手,长叹道:“是啊,终于可以松一口气了,魔族撤军,流光城的百姓终于不必再担惊受怕了。” The servant eyeball transferred extension smartly, grinning saying: Storekeeper, the good news, to receive the pass on message in sect before, is led the reinforcements that by three elders, arrived at Floating Fragrance Plains, stick of incense time, can arrive in Flowing Light City probably again.” 店小二眼珠子机灵的转了转,笑嘻嘻的说道:“掌柜的,还有好消息呢,之前收到宗中的传讯,由三位长老带领的援军,也已经到了飘香平原,大概再有一炷香的时间,就能到流光城之中了。” This news made just the recovery tranquil people once more excited. 这个消息令刚刚恢复平静的众人再次激动起来。 Today arrives?” On the Ling dreary face the happy expression, has smiled, said: Ha Ha, good, is really good, unexpectedly is double happiness descend on the house...... When the reinforcements of three elders arrive, even if Tun Tian Camp comes again, the strength of our war, did not need to be worried, Ha Ha, Flowing Light City did not have the extra worries again!” “今天就到了?”泠萧然脸上喜色更甚,笑了起来,道:“哈哈,太好了,实在是太好了,竟然是双喜临门……等到三位长老的援军一到,即便是吞天营再来,我们也有一战之力,不用担心了,哈哈,流光城再无后顾之忧了!” Hu bugui laughs a sound track: Ha Ha, is really good news! Time nearly , had been inferior that greets, I also want experience, Immortal God Emperor Sect legend the elegant demeanors of three big elders!” 胡不归大笑一声道:“哈哈,果然是好消息!时间差不多了,不如出去迎接一下,我也想要见识一下,不死神皇宗传说之中的三大长老的风采呢!” Ye Qingyu is smiling nod, walks toward the inn with Hu bugui shoulder to shoulder. 叶青羽微笑着点点头,与胡不归并肩向客栈外走去。 Ling dreary and the others on the seeing that face are having the color of gratitude, follows in abundance. 泠萧然等人见状脸上带着感激之色,纷纷紧随其后。 ..... ..... News of Demon Spider Race withdrawal of troops, such as the spark has set the prairie afire at this time is centered on generally to the south building to Flowing Light City transmits in all directions. 魔蛛族撤军的消息,此时已经如星火燎原一般以向南楼为中心向流光城的四面八方传递出去。 In the city the common people dance with joy, countless people hug cries on each other's shoulders, thought gratefully comes on this day finally. 城中百姓欢欣鼓舞,无数人拥抱在一起抱头痛哭,感念这一日终于来了。 Ye Qingyu and the others departed Flowing Light City, arrived at the sky dozens li (0.5km) away instantaneously. 叶青羽等人飞出流光城,瞬间就来到了数十里之外的上空。 Next split second, in the upper air outside Flowing Light City outbreak strange change. 一瞬间,流光城外的高空中突然发生了奇异的变化。 The cloud layer in sky such as the white rough sea waves turn generally well up to come, a vast boundless aura transmitted from the cloud layer, has formed the huge pressure. 天空中的云层如白色的巨浪一般翻涌而来,一股浩瀚磅礴的气息从云层中传来,形成了巨大的威压。 Ye Qingyu realizes instantaneously that in that billowing cloud layer has three aura abundant Immortal Rank Boundary expert! 叶青羽瞬间就察觉到,那滚滚云层中有着三位气息雄厚的仙阶境强者 Immortal God Emperor Sect hidden world many years, but is the inside story is good, cannot be underestimated!” In the Ye Qingyu heart is startled slightly. 不死神皇宗隐世多年,但毕竟是底蕴不俗,不容小觑!”叶青羽心中微微一惊。 It seems like that so-called three big elder, surely was existence of Immortal Rank Boundary. 看来那所谓的三大长老,必定是仙阶境的存在了。 Among however rests, Ye Qingyu and the others and white mist distance only remains more than ten meters far, all people stop the footsteps. 不过一息之间,叶青羽等人与白色的云气的距离就只剩十多米远,所有人都停下脚步。 White mist diverges gradually. 白的云气渐渐散去。 A several hundred people of team introduces Ye Qingyu one line of view. 一只数百人的队伍引入叶青羽一行人的眼帘。 What is the head is three imposing manner uncommon old men. 为首的是三位气势不凡的老者。 Left wears the storehouse blue color long robe old man bearing to be solemn, does not get angry, but prestige. The old person forehead is full, wear a look of red light, seems bursting with life. A pair of bird flies up at angle into the temple, both eyes bulge, just likes the angry glare diamond in remote mountain ancient temple generally is slightly dignified, walks to have the sound of wind and thunder to flutter to roam in clothes sleeve faintly. 左边一位身穿藏蓝色长袍的老者气度俨然,不怒而威。老人天庭饱满,面带红光,看上去神采奕奕。一对白眉斜飞入鬓,双目微微凸起,犹如深山古刹中的怒目金刚一般威严,行走间隐隐有着风雷之声在衣袂翻飞出流荡。 The middle old man is actually a benign countenance appearance, wears green long gown, the bright item of sparse eyebrow, the beard and hair is all white. full Tou the silver hair ties with a blue jade hairpin in the top of the head, on the thin face has the trace of years, several wisps of wrinkles deeply carve in his forehead and eye tail. On his face is having the light smile, aura is gentle, just likes a gentle old person of neighbor is affable. 中间的老者却是一副慈眉善目的样子,身着青色长衫,朗目疏眉,须发皆白。满头的银发用一根青玉簪束起在头顶,清癯的脸上有着岁月的痕迹,几缕皱纹深深地刻在他的额头、眼尾。他的脸上带着淡淡的微笑,身上的气息平和从容,犹如一位邻家的慈祥老人般和蔼可亲。 But the right that old man was black long robe, body quantity nearby clothes old person has actually been higher than half head. The grayish white long hair hangs loose after the brain, the face outline such as the blade truncates the edges and corners to be distinct, both eyes eagle-eyed is sharp, although in the surface does not have any expression, the aura is similar to a ten thousand years of iceberg is common, disclosed that stranger near meaning, not making his air likely coagulate generally. 而右边的那位老者却是一身黑色长袍,身量较旁边的青衫老人高出了半个头。灰白的长发披散在脑后,面部轮廓如刀削般棱角分明,双目似鹰眼般锐利,虽然面上不带任何的表情,气息却如同一尊万年冰山一般,透露出生人勿近的意味,令他身边的空气都像是凝固了一般。 Three old people are following several hundred Ascending Heaven Boundary Cultivation Base expert. 三位老人的身后跟随着数百名登天境修为强者 Their age heights vary, wear the assorted clothing, wants to come in the past long time, is they of Immortal God Emperor Sect disciple, is playing the different roles by the different status concealment in this mortal world. 他们的年龄高低不一,身着各色服饰,想来在过去的漫长时间里,身为不死神皇宗弟子的他们,也是以不同的身份隐匿在尘世间扮演着不同的角色。 These several hundred Human Race expert aura are reserved, alone seems with the average person and infinite of wide difference streets and lanes, when they gather, an indescribable secret aura transmits from their bodies, is really a being able be underestimated strength! 这数百名人族强者气息内敛,单独看上去与街头巷尾的普通人并无多大差别,可是当他们聚集在一起的时候,一股难以言喻的隐秘气息从他们的身上传递出来,实在是一股不容小觑的力量! Pays a visit three Martial Uncle!” “拜见三位师叔!” Ling dreary, weighs with song and other Immortal God Emperor Sect the disciples, sees split second of three old men, immediately first flies, bows to salute in the directions of three old men respectfully with one voice. 泠萧然、衡与歌等不死神皇宗的门人,看到三位老者的一瞬间,立刻第一时间飞过去,恭恭敬敬地齐声朝着三位老者的方向躬身行礼。 The old person of middle that white robe sees that light puts out a hand with a smile, five lines of strength, hold the people, said: Does not need to be overly courteous, is quick.” 中间那位白袍的老人见状,淡淡的笑着一伸手,一股五行之力,将众人扶起来,道:“不必多礼,都快起来吧。” The expression such as the genial cool breeze has stroked together, just likes the spring breeze has stroked spring water in March, is gentle and indifferent to fame or gain. 语气如一道和煦的清风拂过,又犹如三月春风拂过一池春水,平和而恬淡。 The Immortal God Emperor Sect people set out, wear a look of excited, eye including respect sees three old people. 不死神皇宗的众人直起身,面带激动,眼含敬意的看着三位老人。 These three old people are Immortal God Emperor Sect three recluse expert, the status are extremely high, assume Sect to have the long age, the prestige is outstanding, always did not hear that the trivial matters dive to repair wholeheartedly, if not for the danger of this Human Race, will not become an official surely. 这三位老人乃是不死神皇宗的三位隐士强者,地位极高,坐镇宗门已经有漫长的年代,威望卓绝,向来不闻俗务一心潜修,若不是此次人族之危,必定是不会出山的。 Ling dreary returning to normal mood, looked to be sideways toward Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui they, immediately has realized anything, introduced hastily: Two Senior, these three are our Immortal God Emperor Sect three elders, this is to govern Li Elder of practicing martial arts hall, middle is to govern Buddhist scriptures pavilion the elder in not, right is to govern the thanking elder in discipline hall.” 泠萧然平复心情,看了看侧身朝着叶青羽胡不归两人,立刻意识到了什么,连忙介绍道:“两位前辈,这三位是我们不死神皇宗的三位长老,这位是掌管练武堂的李长老,中间这位是掌管藏经阁的莫长老,右边这位是掌管戒律堂的谢长老。” Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui nod, salutes slightly. 叶青羽胡不归点点头,微微行礼。 Ling said drearily that salutes to say to three old people hastily once more: Three Martial Uncle, this time melted the danger of Flowing Light City to be lucky these two Senior.” Was saying his hand aims at Ye Qingyu and Hu bugui in turn said: This is day of good leaf Senior, this is Hu bugui Hu Senior. The danger of Flowing Light City all depending on these two Senior, at crucial moments comes, strives to turn the tide, the Flowing Light City hundreds of thousands of common people can preserve.” 泠萧然说完,连忙再次向三位老人行礼道:“三位师叔,此次化解流光城之危多亏了这两位前辈。”说着他的手依次指向叶青羽胡不归道:“这位是天行叶前辈,这位是胡不归前辈流光城之危全凭这两位前辈,在关键时刻现身,力挽狂澜,流光城数十万百姓才得以保全。” Opposite. 对面。 „? Day line? In that hearsay, a sword cuts Tun Tian, to raise hand to execute profound spider double Holy Child, finally is the incarnation is the dragon, the demon spider crown prince black ink front deducting flying ash, three swords shakes the Savior day line of demon spider, is you?” Practicing martial arts hall Li Elder looks at Ye Qingyu, has not thought that the character in this legend is so young, cannot help but in the eye flashes through an astonished color. “哦?天行?那个传闻之中,一剑斩吞天、举手之间又诛玄蛛双圣子、最终更是化身为龙,将魔蛛亲王墨锋劈成飞灰,三剑震魔蛛的救世主天行,就是你?”练武堂李长老看着叶青羽,没想到这个传说之中的人物这么年轻,不由得眼中闪过一丝惊异之色。 Other two elders, vision split second also fell on the body of Ye Qingyu. 其他两个长老,目光一瞬间也落在了叶青羽的身上。 Front this appearance is delicate and pretty, magnanimity extraordinary young people, from within the body aura, although indeed is the Immortal Rank Boundary master, but also can only just arrived at Immortal Rank Boundary expert, this image with strength, can shake with their hearts in one after another draws back the demon spider, the Clear Ginger Domain hidden world master is not quite same, has come and gone out. 面前这个容貌俊美,雅量非凡的年轻人,从体内气息来看,虽说的确是个仙阶境的高手,但也只能算是刚刚到了仙阶境强者而已,这个形象和实力,与他们心中能接连震退魔蛛,名赫清姜界的隐世高手还是不太一样,有所出入的。 „Do three swords shake the demon spider?” Hu bugui at the same time is puzzled, is astonished however makes noise. “三剑震魔蛛?”一边的胡不归一脸疑惑,不禁讶然出声。 Three elders, several young Immortal God Emperor Sect disciples have smiled. 三位长老的身后,几个年轻的不死神皇宗弟子都笑了起来。 Yes, we just came from the city gate, streets and lanes all people were discussing the fact of this day good Sir......” “是啊是啊,我们刚刚一路从城门外进来,街头巷尾所有人都在谈论这位天行大人的事迹……” Right! Especially process the storytelling gentlemen in several teahouse, sing in good voice and with feeling, how to save all Human Race in the City Lord's Mansion ruins you, how also to strike to kill the demon spider crown prince by a person of strength, making the scene that Demon Spider Race flees to the wilderness describe special is splendid.” “对啊!尤其是一路经过的几个茶肆里的说书先生,一个个声情并茂,把你如何在城主府废墟救下所有人族,又如何以一人之力击杀魔蛛亲王,令魔蛛族落荒而逃的情景都描绘的特别精彩。” Also continues, outskirt that several encircled completely the shadow figures platform of Sir child with huge crowds of people, developed may be you to fighting the play of Demon Spider Race that several military officer, lifelike, reappeared just like the scene.” “还不止呢,街尾那几家里三层外三层围满了大人小孩儿的皮影台子,演的可都是你对战魔蛛族那几个将领的戏,活灵活现,宛如情景再现似的。” Also has! Plays ballad that the game sang including the child, turned into the fact of day of good Sir......” “还有还有!连小孩儿玩游戏唱的歌谣,都变成天行大人的事迹了……” Several do not extinguish in the god emperor sect disciple eyes to have color of the admiration, obtained said this story one after another. 几个不灭神皇宗弟子眼中含着一丝敬佩之色,纷纷将这一路的见闻所得陆续说了出来。 He He, not only Flowing Light City, such as today's line of this names, but alarms the world, the name shook Clear Ginger Domain. Especially three swords shake the legendary fact of demon spider, already in noisy that in Clear Ginger Domain passed on.” In the Buddhist scriptures pavilion not long old eyes flashes through color of the appreciation, smiling [say / way]. “呵呵,岂止流光城啊,如今天行这个名字,可算是惊动天下,名震清姜界了。尤其是三剑震魔蛛的传奇事迹,早已在清姜界中传的沸沸扬扬。”藏经阁莫长老眼中闪过一丝欣赏之色,笑盈盈道。 Good, the news already passed on, the matter that in Flowing Light City has, many influences discussed can hear, now Human Race and Alien race in entire Clear Ginger Domain, know that in Flowing Light City three swords have shaken the Devil race legendary character.” Discipline hall Xie Elder slight bow. “不错,消息早就传出去了,流光城中发生的事情,已经有很多势力谈听得到,如今整个清姜界中的人族异族,都已经知道流光城中出了一个三剑震魔族的传奇人物。”戒律堂谢长老微微点了点头。 Can cause the Clear Ginger Domain huge stir in such short time, I also think that this day line, should be the old monster of some hidden world, cannot bear be born to strive to turn the tide, has not thought that......” practicing martial arts hall Li Elder spoke of here, again had not said that simply put, has not certainly thought that the name moved the day line of Clear Ginger Domain, unexpectedly was this kind of young people. “能在这么短的时间造成清姜界巨大的轰动,我还以为,这个天行,应该是某个隐世的老怪物,忍不住出世力挽狂澜,没有想到……”练武堂李长老说到这里,顿了顿,没有再说,言下之意,当然是没有想到,名动清姜界的天行,竟然是这样一个年轻人。 To be honest, about this day good origin, many influences is starts to guess that various rumors have, have wide divided opinions, all sorts of strange and unusual, anything comes out from the stone, any space white glow presently, the day line appears together for the first time, said that the day line is actually the Divine Dragon again world...... Wants the multi- legends in any case, some multi- legends.” Buddhist scriptures pavilion elder behind tall Tiao is not handsome, puts on the ice blue silk, embroiders the handsome youth of refined bamboo leaves dark mark to smile, resembling was recalls this to make various strange rumors that one laughed loudly. “说实话,关于这位天行的来历,许多势力已经是开始猜测,各种传言都有,众说纷纭,千奇百怪,什么从石头里出来的,什么天上一道白芒乍现,天行横空出世,还有说天行其实是神龙再世……反正要多传奇,就有多传奇。”藏经阁莫长老身后一位高挑秀雅,穿着冰蓝丝绸,绣着雅致竹叶暗纹的俊朗少年莞尔一笑,似是回忆起了这一路令人不禁捧腹大笑的各种离奇传言。 Yes, counts Century to come, the legendary character in Clear Ginger Domain are many, but never has actually heard, has day of line character, this kind of peerless master braves suddenly, had a scare the major influences, all Human Race and Demon Alien race naturally is really curious, only feared that now many people, in secret are inquiring about the day good news.” The Don't elders also show a faint smile. “是啊,数百年来,清姜界中的传奇人物不少,但却从未听说过,有天行这样一号人物,这样一个绝世高手突然冒出来,把各大势力都吓了一跳,所有的人族妖魔异族自然是甚为好奇,只怕现在很多人,都在暗中打探关于天行的消息呢。”莫长老也微微一笑。 Actually they in receiving the news that spreads after the south building, through does not extinguish the channel of god emperor sect to investigate, but harvests small. 其实他们在收到向南楼传来的消息之后,也通过不灭神皇宗的渠道调查过,只不过收获甚微。 --------------- --------------- Third. 第三更。
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