IGE :: Volume #6

#600: Above has the human

Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin has had a yawn languidly, looks Ye Qingyu that walks slowly from the front door, leans on a tree, that facial expression, like had found finally the old friend, said with a smile lightly: Yo, finally went out.” 圆脸亲王墨金懒洋洋的打了个哈欠,看着从大门中缓缓地走出来的叶青羽,斜倚在身边的一棵树上,那种神情,像是终于找到了老朋友一样,淡淡地微笑道:“哟,终于出关了啊。” In the Ye Qingyu eye pupil flashes through surprised: You in I?” 叶青羽眼眸里闪过一丝惊讶:“你在等我?” Yes, you exercise martial arts to close up, the Heaven and Earth phenomenon appears repeatedly, makes such big noise inside and outside Flowing Light City, the clarity that the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) look, has created a piece of stir...... Ha Ha, I, the curiosity is very heavy, naturally must come to have a look.” “是啊,你练功闭关,天地异象频频出现,在流光城内外闹出这么大的动静,方圆数百里都看的清清楚楚,引起了一片震动……哈哈,我这个人,好奇心很重,当然要过来看看喽。” On the face of moon-face crown prince Mo Jin is having the light smile, naturally said. 圆脸亲王墨金的脸上带着淡淡的微笑,理所当然地说道。 Comes to see merely?” The Ye Qingyu facial color is indifferent, for a while does not make clear the opposite party is any purpose in coming. “仅仅是来看看?”叶青羽面色淡然,一时搞不清楚对方到底是什么来意。 His Divine Sense fills the air, discovers in entire Flowing Light City, does not have what big turmoil, the Demon Spider Race army not to counter-attack, it seems like it was only a Mo Jin person arrived at the pinnacle, this slightly has felt relieved. 神识弥漫出去,发现整个流光城之中,并没有什么大的动乱,魔蛛族大军并未反攻进来,看来只是墨金一个人来到了石塔,这才略微放心了一些。 By moon-face crown prince Mo Jin strength, in present Flowing Light City, beside abatement Hu bugui, indeed also nobody can block him, if he must be quietly to submerge, only feared that was links Hu bugui not to discover. 以圆脸亲王墨金实力,如今的流光城之中,除却胡不归之外,的确也没有什么人能够拦得住他,而如果他要悄无声息地潜入进来,只怕是连胡不归也发现不了。 Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin is felt obviously Ye Qingyu Divine Soul, had smiled, said: Relax, this city, I was motionless.” 圆脸亲王墨金显然是感觉到了叶青羽神魂,笑了笑,道:“放心,这座城,我不动了。” Although is the hostile relationship, but Ye Qingyu to this moon-face Crown Prince Demon Spider Race, but some little small understanding, listening to him saying that knows, he does not want to counter-attack Flowing Light City really again. 虽然是敌对关系,但叶青羽对这位圆脸魔蛛族亲王,但还是有一点点小了解,听他这么说,就知道,他是真的没有想再反攻流光城 „Do you ask me to do?” Ye Qingyu visits him, asked puzzled. “那你来找我干什么呢?”叶青羽看着他,不解地问道。 The moon-face crown prince smiled, touches the nose, the [gold/metal] pigment figure on scarlet black clothed robe embroiders is reflecting light brilliance faintly, proceeded and walked several steps, in stopped from the Ye Qingyu several steps positions. 圆脸亲王笑了笑,摸了摸鼻子,赤黑衣袍上的金色纹绣隐隐的反射着淡淡的光华,往前又走了几步,在距离叶青羽十几步的位置停了下来。 He has pulled down sound/noise, with one type is very the mysterious self-satisfied tone, collects saying: I said that comes to see you, hey, Deer City, White Deer Academy, Youyan Pass and Snow Capital...... war-god Ye Qingyu, Ha Ha, the resounding name title, had a look at the noise that you recently made, poured also worthily is praises the Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race first talent, the Cultivation speed was surprising, although walked from small domain, but in these so-called talents compared with it Clear Ginger Domain, had no time to let slightly.” 他压低了声音,用一种很是神秘得意的口吻,凑过来道:“我说了呀,是来看看你啊,嘿嘿,鹿鸣郡城白鹿学院幽燕关雪京……战神叶青羽,哈哈,响亮的名字称号啊,看看你这些日子闹出来的动静,倒也不愧是扬名天荒界人族第一天才,修炼的速度令人惊讶,虽说是从小界域中走出来的,但比之清姜界中的那些所谓天才,丝毫不遑多让呢。” Ye Qingyu hear that pupil contraction. 叶青羽闻言瞳孔紧缩。 The aura of his whole body, is swift and fierce in split second. 他周身的气息,在一瞬间凌厉起来。 „Did you know?” Ye Qingyu observes closely Mo Jin stubbornly, said: You...... How to know these many? Have you gone to Heaven Wasteland Domain?” “你知道了?”叶青羽死死地盯住墨金,道:“你……怎么会知道这么多?你去过天荒界了?” He can determine that Mo Jin is not probing absolutely is lying he. 他可以确定,墨金绝对不是在试探着诳他。 If not knows clearly about Heaven Wasteland Domain, will be will not say Deer City, White Deer Academy and Youyan Pass this grade of noun absolutely, does not know, when Ye Qingyu in the Snow Capital military headquarters will train, the code number that will obtain will be War-god These two characters. 因为如果不是对天荒界了解清楚,是绝对不会说出来鹿鸣郡城白鹿学院幽燕关这等名词,更不会知道,叶青羽雪京军部训练时,得到的代号就是【战神】这两个字。 Will this fellow, how know these many information? 这个家伙,怎么会知道这么多的信息? Is it possible that has Demon Spider Race attacked and occupied Heaven Wasteland Domain? 莫非魔蛛族已经攻占了天荒界 Said...... 还是说…… In the heart of Ye Qingyu, is a little instantaneously chaotic. 叶青羽的心中,瞬间就有点儿乱。 A swift and fierce aura, fills the air from his body. 一股凌厉的气息,从他身体之中弥漫出来。 Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin beckons with the hand with a smile, said: Calm, calm, I do not come to fight with you.” 圆脸亲王墨金笑着摆摆手,道:“冷静,冷静,我可不是来和你打架的。” Saying, him will have been drawing back in the future 12 steps, let go, indicated one show harmless, then on the face reveals wipes the mysterious happy expression, a hand is holding the chin, grinning tunnel: I have not gone to Heaven Wasteland Domain, Demon Spider Race had not found the Heaven Wasteland Domain Coordinate, you felt relieved that small domain until now, fortunately well...... Hey, but, can say without the slightest exaggeration that I may compared with probably understand you who you think, only feared that is you life-and-death friendship Hu bugui in Clear Ginger Domain and Liu Shaji they, only feared that does not have me such to understand you.” 说着,他往后退了12步,摊了摊手,表示自己表无恶意,然后脸上露出一抹神秘的笑意,一只手托着下巴,笑嘻嘻地道:“我没有去过天荒界,魔蛛族也还没有找到天荒界的坐标,你放心吧,那个小界域到现在为止,都还好好地……嘿嘿,不过,可以毫不夸张地说,我可要比你以为的要更加了解你哦,只怕就算是你在清姜界中的生死之交胡不归刘杀鸡他们,只怕也没有我这么了解你。” Ye Qingyu hear that is startled. 叶青羽闻言一怔。 At this time, moon-face crown prince Mo Jin does not need to deceive itself again, since he said was so assured, that Heaven Wasteland Domain was obviously safe temporarily. 这个时候,圆脸亲王墨金没有必要再来骗自己,他既然说的这么笃定,那显然天荒界暂时是安全的。 Shu left the one breath slowly calmly, Ye Qingyu quickly, was staring at the opposite party, the look was sharp, like must see through this Crown Prince Demon Spider Race, every single word or phrase asked: Said that are you do do?” 缓缓地舒出一口气,叶青羽很快就冷静了下来,盯着对方,眼神犀利,像是要将这个魔蛛族亲王看穿一样,一字一句地问道:“说吧,你到底是来干什么的?” Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin shrugs, grinning tunnel: I said that you made such big noise, I came to see you, hey, I, the curiosity very heavy was very heavy, actually initially you just arrived at Clear Ginger Domain time. I should recognize your.” 圆脸亲王墨金耸耸肩,笑嘻嘻地道:“我说了啊,你闹出这么大的动静,我来看看你啊,嘿嘿,我这个人,好奇心真的很重很重的,其实当初你刚刚来到清姜界的时候。我就应该认出你的。” Recognizes me?” Ye Qingyu caught the information in opposite party words, said: Then, I have not come Clear Ginger Domain time, have you heard me?” “认出我?”叶青羽捕捉到了对方话语之中的信息,道:“这么说来,我还没有来清姜界的时候,你就听说过我?” The moon-face crown prince nods naturally, said: Perhaps you do not know, but in fact, your fame, very is very really big, at least until now, even if I know that you are in the Great One Sect mouth so-called Tian Huang (Heaven Wasteland) remnant, is in my Demon Spider Race some careerists the important personage who wants to hold, in this Clear Ginger Domain, has the innumerable big influences to grasp you, but...... Even if so, I actually do not dare to move your.” 圆脸亲王理所当然地点点头,道:“也许你自己不知道,但实际上,你的名气,真的很大很大,起码到现在为止,哪怕我知道你就是太一门口中所谓的天荒余孽,也是我魔蛛族中一些野心家想要抓住的重要人物,这清姜界之中,更是有无数的大势力想要拿住你,但是……即便如此,我却是丝毫不敢动你的。” Looks at this kind of mysterious appearance, the riddle in Ye Qingyu mind was richer. 看他这样一幅神秘兮兮的样子,叶青羽脑海之中的谜团更加浓郁了。 Now Ye Qingyu strength suddenly to increase, has visited Immortal Rank Boundary, but the strength of Divine Soul already arrived at the Immortal Rank Boundary peak, not only had the new understanding regarding this world myriad things, the sixth sense and intuition, therefore increased a keen incomparable degree, to person to matter in darkness, extremely assured judgments. 如今叶青羽实力暴增,已经踏足到了仙阶境,而神魂之力更是早就到了仙阶境的巅峰,不仅仅对于这个世界万物有了新的认识,第六感和直觉,也因此而攀升到了一个敏锐无比的程度,对人对事都会在冥冥之中,有一种极为笃定的判断。 But now, this intuition tells Ye Qingyu, at present this moon-face fatty of undistinguished appearance is not making up wild stories talks nonsense. 而现在,这种直觉告诉叶青羽,眼前这个其貌不扬的圆脸胖子并不是在胡诌瞎说。 Since did not talk nonsense, information that he disclosed that but was worth pondering. 既然不是瞎说,那他所透露出来的信息,可就值得玩味了。 Why?” Ye Qingyu visits him, not minced matter the color of own surprise, the look suddenly also confidently, was vigilant that one side the heart places for the time being, proceeded one step, says with a smile: Why don't you dare to move me?” “为什么?”叶青羽看着他,丝毫不掩饰自己的诧异之色,神色突然也坦然了下来,警惕之心暂且放在一边,往前走了一步,笑着道:“你为什么不敢动我?” The complexion of moon-face crown prince, suddenly becomes a little strange, lowers the head to think, sighed, said: Fault, is really the fault, my this time, is wanted to have a look at your condition, then turns around to walk, actually eventually could not bear said several......” spoke of here, his face extended the index finger worriedly, has referred to toward on, said: I can only tell you, some above people cannot I move you.” 圆脸亲王的脸色,突然变得有点儿古怪,低头想了想,叹了一口气,道:“失误啊,真是失误,我这一次来,本来是想要看看你的状态,然后转身就走,却终究忍不住多说了几句……”说到这里,他一脸苦恼地伸出食指,朝上指了指,道:“我只能告诉你,上面有人不许我动你。” Does above have the person? 上面有人? Ye Qingyu is startled slightly, said: You were say in Demon Spider Race, there is a life insurance I?” 叶青羽微微一怔,道:“你是说魔蛛族中,有人保我?” The moon-face crown prince shakes the head, a face disdains the tunnel: In clan these old stick-in-the-mud, shortsighted, is not knowing that......” the bloodlines crown prince of this keeping aloof has exploded a thick mouth, obviously in the great people regarding clan does not have what favorable impression, resentful tunnel: I will not care about the idea of this crowd of Old Man, good that but, you said that indeed is above some people must guarantee you . Moreover the status of this person, may be a little scary.” 圆脸亲王摇摇头,一脸不屑地道:“族中那些老顽固们,一个个目光短浅,知道个屁……”这位高高在上的血脉亲王爆了个粗口,显然对于族中的大人物们并没有什么好感,悻悻地道:“我才不会在乎这群老家伙的想法,不过,你说的不错,的确是上面有人要保你,而且这个人的地位,可有点儿吓人。” The doubts in Ye Qingyu heart were deeper, said: Who is that?” 叶青羽心中的疑惑更深了,道:“那到底是谁?” A moon-face crown prince face shakes the head worriedly, in the future will have drawn back several steps, said: I do not dare saying that do not ask.” 圆脸亲王一脸苦恼地摇摇头,往后退了好几步,道:“我不敢说,你别问了。” Doesn't dare to say? 不敢说? Ye Qingyu was therefore more surprised. 叶青羽于是更加惊讶了。 At present this moon-face Crown Prince Demon Spider Race, is not the friendly stubble, the Demon Spider Race Patriarch old people do not pay attention, every time calls Old Man, obviously is also a devil of fearless, but personally acknowledged now one do not dare saying that why doesn't dare? Whom is he fearing? What person is, made this young devil awe this degree unexpectedly? 眼前这个圆脸魔蛛族亲王,可不是什么善茬,连魔蛛族族长耆老都不放在眼里,开口闭口称之为老家伙,可见也是一个天不怕地不怕的魔头,但现在却亲口承认自己不敢说,为什么不敢?他到底在怕谁?到底是什么样的人,竟然让这个小魔头都敬畏到了这种程度? Do not guess that you definitely could not guess correctly.” The moon-face crown prince looks at the Ye Qingyu look, knows that he is thinking anything, mysterious tunnel: I not to your any prompt, about your information that I know, obtains from there, you can feel relieved very much that I will not handle any disadvantageous matter to you, will not attack Flowing Light City again, if I want to kill you, actually on the same day coordinates black ink front that old thing, they collaborate to kill you...... You should be able to feel my sincerity.” “你别猜了,你肯定猜不到的。”圆脸亲王看着叶青羽的神色,知道他在想什么,神秘兮兮地道:“我也不会给你任何的提示,我知道的关于你的信息,都是从那里得到的,你可以很放心,我不会对你做任何不利的事情,也不会再攻击流光城,如果我真想杀你,其实当日配合墨锋那个老东西,两人联手就可以干掉你……你应该可以感受到我的诚意。” Sincerity?” Ye Qingyu smiled suddenly, said: Although you have not disclosed too many news, but I can guess, the person who you said that he definitely understands me, right? Otherwise you from his there, will not obtain such cross about my matter, but understood that I understood such clear person, at least also once had lived with me, or has given special attention to me, in my side, such person are not many, if my 11 analyses......” “诚意吗?”叶青羽突然笑了笑,道:“虽然你没有透露太多的消息,但我还是可以猜出来,你说的这个人,他肯定非常非常了解我,对吗?否则你不会从他那里,得到这么过关于我的事情,而了解我了解到这么清楚的人,至少也曾和我一起生活过,或者说特别关注过我,在我的身边,这样的人并不多,如果我11分析的话……” Shut up.” Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin like was stepped on the rabbit of tail, jumped suddenly, said: Let alone, is not I tells you in any case, do not harm me, even if were you have guessed correctly, let alone came out, my anything does not know.” “闭嘴。”圆脸亲王墨金像是被踩到了尾巴的兔子一样,猛然跳了起来,道:“别说了,反正不是我告诉你的,你可别害我,哪怕是你猜到了,也别说出来,我什么都不知道。” Ye Qingyu stayed. 叶青羽呆了呆。 He has not thought that he spoke thoughtlessly several, this moon-face fatty unexpectedly became such excited. 他没想想到,自己随口说了几句,这圆脸胖子竟然变得这么激动。 Suddenly, Ye Qingyu thought that this fatty is a little even lovable, imagines Crown Prince Demon Spider Race during with many people the appearance of that crazed devils, is completely different. 突然之间,叶青羽觉得这胖子甚至还有点儿可爱,和很多人想象之中魔蛛族亲王那种丧心病狂凶神恶煞的样子,完全不同。 Good, you, since does not want to kill me, does not want to attack Flowing Light City, the army outside why city, but also doesn't draw back?” Ye Qingyu visits him with a smile, said: „Can't your solemn Crown Prince Devil race, transfer a Demon Spider Race army to be inadequate unexpectedly?” “好吧,你既然不想杀我,又不想攻击流光城,那为何城外的大军,还迟迟不退?”叶青羽笑着看着他,道:“难道你堂堂魔族亲王,竟然不能调动一支魔蛛族军队不成?” The moon-face crown prince smiled, said: That, I somewhat am actually curious to you, what person therefore wants to find an opportunity to come to see you are, therefore has not left, making the Tun Tian Camp person accompany me to treat for several days, but today my time, has let pass the article to lead the army to leave.” 圆脸亲王笑了笑,道:“那倒不是,我只是对你有些好奇,所以想要找个机会来看看你到底是一个什么样的人,所以才没有离开,让吞天营的人陪我多待几天而已,不过今天我的时候,已经让通文带大军离开了。” Ye Qingyu immediately a heavy line of forehead. 叶青羽顿时一额头的黑线。 Is because curious, therefore made the army be stationed here these many days, how much grain and fodder military supplies can that waste? For serveral days Tun Tian Camp did not draw back, made Human Race in Flowing Light City not dare to relax, but also thinks that Demon Spider Race counter-attacked in the plan, who knows...... 仅仅是因为好奇,所以让大军在这里驻扎了这么多天,那得浪费多少的粮草军需?这些天吞天营一直不退,也让流光城中的人族不敢松一口气,还以为魔蛛族在策划反攻,谁知道…… Is authorized, willful. 有权,任性。 Too willful. 太任性了。 , Ye Qingyu has thought of anything, asked: Tun Tian Camp removed, was Demon Spider Race gives up Flowing Light City?” 顿了顿,叶青羽想到了什么,又问道:“吞天营撤了,魔蛛族算是放弃流光城了吗?” The moon-face crown prince heard these words, suddenly has smiled. 圆脸亲王听到了这句话,突然笑了起来。 -------- -------- First. 第一更。 Two. 还有二更。
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