IGE :: Volume #6

#599: Going out

In pinnacle. 石塔中。 Regarding laser that the pinnacle endophragm walks slowly, just likes thousands of strip thumb thick or thin spirit snake, the rune mark that the terminal velocity hovers gradually vanished under a strange direction. 围绕着石塔内壁徐徐而走的激光,犹如千万条拇指粗细的灵蛇,极速游动的符文印记在一种奇异的指引下逐渐消失了。 As if the sensation to anything, protection rune in space also went into hiding to dissipate, in pinnacle sudden Pure Brightness. 仿佛感知到了什么,空间内的防护符文也随之隐匿消散,石塔之中突然一片清明。 On the sapphire colored glaze rush cushion sits in meditation enough the form of half a month, finally has opened both eyes slowly. 青玉琉璃蒲团上入定足足半月的身影,终于缓缓睁开了双眼。 After Ye Qingyu both eyes open, feels in the pinnacle the mild ray, on the face is revealing a joyful color slightly. 叶青羽双眼睁开之后,感受着石塔内温润的光线,脸上微微露出一丝欣喜之色。 Until among after his fingerprints the last purple light halo dissipates, he slowly standing up body, long Shu one breath. 直到他指印之间最后一丝紫光光晕消散之后,他才缓缓站起身子,长舒一口气. Ha Ha, first-order Immortal Rank Boundary, I arrived finally!” “哈哈,一阶仙阶境,我终于到达了!” He stretches the body gently, from inside to outside, from top to bottom the careful feeling the brand-new change that transforms from within the body inch wisps. 他轻轻舒展身子,由内而外,自上而下仔细感受由体内寸缕之间所转化的全新改变。 This is one type after the passing promotion entirely different strange feeling......” “这是一种与过往晋升之后截然不同的奇异感受……” The Ye Qingyu corners of the mouth raise a happy expression slightly, as if this brand-new strength cognition made his deep meaning to this endless world have in -depth experience. 叶青羽嘴角微微扬起一丝笑意,仿佛这种全新的力量认知让他对这个无尽世界的奥义又有了更为深层的体会。 Now their six feeling sensation abilities, have been able far and beyond two kilometers, and to the identification of Heaven and Earth myriad things, transformed by the outline into even more clearly the essence. 如今自己的六感感知能力,已经可以远及两千米之外,并且对天地万物的辨识,已由轮廓转变为愈发清晰地实质。 Ye Qingyu Divine Sense moves as one desires, feels is being centered on pinnacle all around Heaven and Earth be continuous between all things. 叶青羽神识随心而动,感受着以石塔为中心四周天地绵延之间的万事万物。 As if all closes at hand, even is wind moves the vegetation, the cloud layer rolls up and pushes along to fluctuate, even if sound/noise that the ravine wild flower blooms, he can the extremely clear feeling. 仿佛一切近在眼前,甚至是风吹动植被,云层卷动变幻,哪怕是山间野花绽放的声音,他都能极为清晰的感受到。 Really so......” “果然如此……” The Ye Qingyu eye pupil pasts, is watching the Heaven and Earth shape in Divine Sense intent sea, seemed to be that sees the light suddenly slight bow. 叶青羽眼眸流转,观看着神识意海之中的天地形态,似有顿悟般微微点了点头。 He remembers that in Underground Moonlight Immortal Palace, listening to Lao Yu Jing to raise, Immortal Rank Boundary, is a martial arts Cultivation Realm watershed. 他记得在地下月色仙宫的时候,听老鱼精提过,仙阶境,是一个武道修炼境界的分水岭。 Before then, the sensations of all Martial Artist six feelings to this world, the mountain is the mountain, the water is the water, but after bridging over Immortal Rank Boundary, the mountain no longer is the mountain, the water also no longer is the water...... 在此之前,所有武者六感对这个世界的感知,山便是山,水便是水,而跨过仙阶境之后,山不再是山,水也不再是水…… Naturally, did not mean that real world all things had the archery target change. 当然,并不是说真实世界的万事万物有了质的改变。 This change only exists in the Immortal Rank Boundary expert Divine Sense six feelings. 这种变化只存在于仙阶境强者神识六感之中。 Ye Qingyu sizes up a mountain range that Divine Sense is arriving at carefully. 叶青羽仔细打量着神识所到的一处山脉。 The shape of this mountain ridge, no longer is the forest and soil layer that the past saw, the coat that as if opened wrapping at present, he sees, was the vein of mountain ridge deep place. 这山岭的形态,不再是过去所见的林木和土层,仿佛是揭开了包裹的外衣,他眼前所见的,是山岭深处的脉络。 Wind the winding brown vein is similar to the human body connects the bloodlines of all the limbs and bones, essential essence that also haunches the entire mountain likely. 一道道蜿蜒曲折的褐色脉络如同人体之中接连四肢百骸的血脉,也像是将整个山岳撑起的本质精髓。 I saw probably the spirit of mountain......” Ye Qingyu is sizing up the network densely covered vein carefully, is feeling from Power of Laws that in the vein surges faintly. “我好像看到了山岳的精魂……”叶青羽仔细打量着网络密布的脉络,感受着自脉络之中隐隐涌动的法则之力 Distant place. 远处。 „Is this?” “这是?” Also no longer was the long class river of water quality shape attracted Ye Qingyu Divine Sense together. 一道也不再是水质形态的长流河川吸引了叶青羽神识 In his present water Sichuan rivers, one continuously likely is the gloss that hair surges generally, as if have the spirit fish of self-awareness, takes advantage of opportunity to flutter along water stream, probably is the shape of water quality source, the genuine river water is gathers by these myriad wisps of filaments. 他眼前的水川河流之中,一缕缕像是发丝一般涌动的光泽,仿佛一尾尾有自我意识的灵鱼,沿着水流顺势飘动,又好像是水质本源的形态,真正的河水是由这万千缕细丝汇聚而成。 Not is only the scenery, wind, cloud and leaf, and even Between Heaven and Earth all myriad things shapes...... 不仅是山水,还有风、云、树叶,乃至天地之间一切的万物形态…… At this time in his at present no longer is the appearance that the naked eye sees, but is the vein, is energy that complicated Power of Laws gathers, seems the Heaven and Earth myriad things, comprised of the veins of these myriad changes. 此时在他的眼前都不再是肉眼所见的模样,而是脉络,是千丝万缕的法则之力所汇聚的能量,好似天地万物,正是由这些万千变化的脉络所组成。 The Heaven and Earth Power of Laws rule and deep meaning, as if in this time Ye Qingyu at present only oiled papers of remaining Bo Ru cicada wing, gently touch, completely will be exposed in his front. 天地法则之力的规则和奥义,仿佛在此时的叶青羽眼前只剩下一层薄如蝉翼的油纸,轻轻一触,就会被完全揭露在他的面前。 Looks at the mountain is not the mountain. 看山不是山。 Looks at the water is not the water. 看水不是水。 This is the Immortal Rank Boundary strength. 这便是仙阶境的力量。 Ye Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief slowly, takes back Divine Sense. 叶青羽缓缓舒了一口气,收回神识 To such sensation, he was very at present satisfied and joyful. 对目前这样的感知,他已经十分满意和欣喜了。 The aura sinks, the intention moves, he starts inner vision. 气息微沉,心念一动,他开始内视 Ye Qingyu feels within the body to accomplish a task with ease, the yuan qi as if River great waves that moves as one desires surge toward each withy end, an extremely carefree and strange smooth feeling proliferates the whole body, as if the skin of fingertip terminal has felt the sense of joy including hair and on. 叶青羽感受着体内游刃自如,随心而动的元气仿佛江河浪涛般朝着每一处细枝末梢涌动,一阵极为畅快和奇异的流畅感遍布全身,仿佛连发丝和指尖末端的皮肤上都充满了愉悦感。 In Dantian World. 丹田世界之中。 The strength of yuan qi surges to rush as before, in the rough sea waves several near essences, send out the Ying Ying purple light yuan qi my Dharmakaya to stand and wait for a long time in first-level immortal step that really steadily, in the turbulent waves water column gathers. 元气之力依旧激荡澎湃,巨浪之中几近实质,散发着莹莹紫光的元气真我法身正稳稳伫立在激浪水柱所聚的一级仙阶上。 That is...... The yuan qi my Dharmakaya also had the change.” “那是……元气真我法身也发生了变化。” Ye Qingyu looks that concentrates is glittering for the essence giant body in faintly a glazed frost general gloss, in heart slightly one startled, was at once excited. 叶青羽看着凝为实质的巨人身躯上隐隐闪烁着一层薄冰一般的光泽,心中微微一惊,旋即又兴奋了起来。 Cold ice armor?!” “寒冰铠甲?!” The under yuan qi giant of that giant water congealing shape the Cultivation cold ice source affects in him, the body has covered a cold ice armor gradually. The armor appears incomparably dazzling under clear pure great waves complementing, destroys the hardest defenses, and on each piece of scales has light Cold Qi halo lingering, such as immortal is imaginary. 那个巨大的水凝形态的元气巨人在他所修炼的寒冰本源作用下,身上逐渐覆盖了一层寒冰铠甲。铠甲在晶莹纯粹的浪涛映衬下显得无比璀璨夺目,无坚不摧,且每一片鳞甲上都有淡淡寒气光晕萦绕其中,如仙似幻。 The yuan qi giant imposing manner is broad. 元气巨人气势恢宏。 His each slight movement, can make trim Ocean surge crazily, turns the hand will shortly raise the dreadful rough sea waves, one meets a day of place the hurricane water column to shoot up to the sky intermittently continually. 他的每一个细微动作,都能让整片汪洋为之疯狂涌动,翻手之间顷刻掀起滔天巨浪,一阵阵接天连地的飓风水柱冲天而起。 He seems entire vast Ocean the unsurpassed King in Dantian World. 他仿佛是整个浩瀚汪洋丹田世界之中的无上王者。 Then, the strength of my yuan qi can smoother moved...... Ye Qingyu intention sensation along with the intention consciousness, the yuan qi giant has turned the hand to join the palms in greeting, five fingers slightly light buckle, together clear translucent, the mighty waves turbulent wild waves sent out the deafening sound with overpowering momentum, turned round to go toward the vast boundless Ocean racket. “如此一来,我的元气之力可以更为流畅的随着心念意识而动了……”叶青羽心念感知,元气巨人翻手合掌,五指微微轻扣,一道晶莹透亮,波涛汹涌的骇浪发出气势磅礴的震响,朝着辽阔无边的汪洋拍覆而去。 In the Ye Qingyu eye flashes through a startled color. 叶青羽眼中闪过一丝惊色。 His palm launches slightly upwardly, the eye pupil concentrates, concentrates for essence white glow together gushes out instantaneously, just like hundred Sichuan gathering palms, together shooting up to the sky of yuan qi great column from palm. 他手掌微微向上展开,眼眸一凝,一道凝为实质的白芒瞬间涌出,宛如百川汇聚掌心,一道元气巨柱自手掌之中的冲天而起。 Has not thought that after surmounting Immortal Rank Boundary, under the control of yuan qi really my Dharmakaya, the Dantian World strength of yuan qi, the speed of intensity or yuan qi revolution, obtained has promoted...... his palm to gather together doubled and re-doubled, during the vigorous light lightning flashes, the yuan qi great column will shortly dissipate, nothing left, as if has never appeared in void. “没想到,跨越仙阶境之后,在元气真我法身的操控下,丹田世界里的元气之力,无论是强度还是元气运转的速度,都得到了成倍地提升……”他手掌微拢,疾光电闪间,元气巨柱顷刻消散,荡然无存,仿佛从来不曾在虚空之中出现过。 The Ye Qingyu intention moves, Divine Sense surges, toward all the limbs and bones physique vein sending out. 叶青羽心念一动,神识涌动,朝着四肢百骸筋骨脉络散发。 Strange purple blood flows in the bloodlines, before comparing, must be deeper when Great One Sect and Underground Moon Palace. 奇异的紫色血液在血脉之中流淌,相比之前在太一门地下月宫时都要更为深厚。 The clearance for expansion between muscles faintly is also leaping the purple electric current, keeps fluctuating in the height just like nimble and resourceful Elf, among the strong skin textures dances. 肌肉之间的膨胀间隙也隐隐跃动着紫色电流,宛如灵动的精灵不停地在高低起伏,健硕强劲的肌理之间起舞。 Well?” “咦?” Ye Qingyu looks to attach the mark on skeleton, before the present mark compares, is more profound clearly, moreover is getting more and more crowded, proliferates more and more broad trend. 叶青羽看着附着在骨骼上的印记,现在的印记相比之前都更为深刻清晰,而且还有越来越密集,遍布越来越广阔的趋势。 He puts out a hand, five fingers empty. 他伸出手,五指虚张。 The body strength rushes to surge, drives each inch skeleton veins to new Realm, all strengths gather the fingertip, the five fingers gather suddenly grasp, the powerful incomparable mortal body intensity also had a bigger promotion. 身体力量澎湃涌动,将每一寸骨骼筋脉都带动到一个新的境界,所有的力量汇聚到指尖,骤然五指合握,强悍无匹的肉身强度又有了更大的提升。 This is...... 7 million jin (0.5 kg) strength......” “这是……7000000斤力量……” Ye Qingyu feels the five fingers is just liking five giant ancient times mountains suppresses toward the palm generally, had the judgment to own physique promotion instantaneously. 叶青羽感受着五指犹如五座巨型上古山岳一般朝着掌心压制,瞬间对自己的体质提升有了判断。 Divine Sense walks randomly, Ye Qingyu true is calm. 神识游走完毕,叶青羽才真正的凝神静气下来。 Formerly as if instantaneously can rip open the Heaven and Earth joint to surge the continuous strength in the body finally gradually tends to be tranquil. 先前仿佛瞬间可以撕开天地接缝般在身体之中涌动不休的力量终于逐渐趋于平静。 Through this feeling, he feels very much obviously, own Divine Soul and ** conjunction is getting higher and higher. 通过这一番感受,他很明显感受到,自己的神魂与**的契合度越来越高。 Because the strength of Divine Soul through the Cloud top cauldron mural, already marched into the 9 steps immortal step Realm, but own mortal body also stays in the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak, then, was placed on a junk small boat just like an antique Divine Mountain. 因为神魂之力通过云顶铜炉的壁画,早已步入九步仙阶的境界,而自己的肉身还停留在登天境巅峰,如此一来,宛如一座太古神山被放在一只舢板小舟上。 Now stride in Immortal Rank Boundary thoroughly, the strength of mortal body is promoted and quenchinged enormously, regarding the control of strength of Divine Soul, even more is flexible freely, complements each other. 如今自己彻底跨入仙阶境,肉身之力得到极大提升和淬炼,对于神魂之力的掌控,也就愈发灵活自如,相得益彰。 Divine Soul and mortal body conjunction, concerns Martial Artist whether can truly display to complement one another, twice the result with half the effort biggest strength, Ye Qingyu to this point, has regarded as important extremely. 神魂与肉身的契合,关乎到武者是否能真正发挥出相辅相成,事半功倍的最大实力,叶青羽对这一点,一直极为看重。 By my present strength, if there is an opportunity once more to fighting Crown Prince Demon Spider Race, does not need to set out Blood Drinking Sword completely, can fight with it.” In his eyes self-confident star light Flashed. “以我现在的力量,如果有机会再次对战魔蛛族亲王,完全不需要出动饮血剑,就可以与之一战了。”他眼中一丝自信的星芒一闪而过。 The intention moves. 心念一动。 The giant flowers of Ye Qingyu arrangement Formation such as in pinnacle courtyard blooms, the flower petal splits open toward all around, immediately dissipates in the void breeze. 叶青羽布置在石塔院落之中的结界如巨型花朵绽放,花瓣朝着四周绽开,随即消散在虚空微风之中。 „The time of this closing up was a little long, does not know that Flowing Light City now situation how......” he heart has thought that while walks toward the pinnacle outside. “这次闭关的时间有点长了,也不知道流光城现下形势如何……”他一边心有所思,一边朝着石塔外走出去。 The pinnacle front door opens. 石塔大门打开。 He takes a step. 他迈步而出。 But treadons the pinnacle on Ye Qingyu split second, suddenly a space between eyebrows wrinkle. 但就叶青羽脚踏出石塔的一瞬间,突然眉间一皱。 Almost in electric light flint instant, he feels all around the strangeness of environment. 几乎是在电光火石的刹那,他感受到四周环境的古怪。 Peaceful. 安静。 Extremely strange peace. 极为诡异的安静。 Although at present the picture as before is outside the pinnacle the slightly ruined courtyard, but during is void has a strange wave to ripple, the wave twists from time to time slightly, from time to time such as with the wind slightly the water curtain of swinging, has wrapped the entire pinnacle around. 虽然眼前景象依旧是石塔外略显破败的院落,但虚空之中有一种奇异的水波荡漾,水波时而微微扭曲,时而又如随风微微摆动的水幕,将整个石塔四周包裹了起来。 The group bird outside courtyard cried, the picture that the vegetation stretched was quite clear, seemed near at hand, but all sound/noise, the wind and cloud surged, the cicada insect sounded, strange disappearance. 院落之外的群鸟啼鸣,草木舒展的画面还极为清晰,仿佛近在咫尺,但所有的声音,不论是风云涌动,还是蝉虫鸣叫,都奇异的消失了。 He just liked stepped into one suddenly in extremely silent different space that in the real world divided. 他犹如突然踏进了一个在现实世界之中分割出来的极为沉默的异度空间。 In the silent courtyard, does not have the slight sound. 静默的院落中,没有丝毫的声响。 Suddenly. 突然。 The space distortion of courtyard entrance. 院落门口的空间一阵扭曲。 A person's shadow the air that ripples from the wave generally reappears. 一个人影从水波一般荡漾的空气中浮现出来。 Ye Qingyu saw that wears the scarlet black long robe build micro fat youth, on a fair moon-face is having inexplicable meaning smiles pale, is looking at itself with a strange look. 叶青羽看到一个身穿赤黑色长袍体型微胖的青年,一张白皙的圆脸上带着莫名意味的淡笑,正在正在用一种奇异的眼神看着自己。 Crown Prince Demon Spider Race Mo Jin!” 魔蛛族亲王墨金!” In the Ye Qingyu heart is startled slightly. 叶青羽心中微微一惊。 His eyes have recognized this moon-face youth, when initially enters Clear Ginger Domain practices that young Crown Prince Demon Spider Race who the restricted area bumps into day Guan Shi. 他一眼就认出了这个圆脸的青年,正是初入清姜界时在天关试练禁地碰到的那个年轻的魔蛛族亲王。 Will he come to here? 他怎么会来这里? When Human Race and Demon Spider Race confront, the appearance that a Demon Spider Race crown prince is actually quietly beside the pinnacle that oneself close up, the Ye Qingyu heart reappears question marks. 正值人族魔蛛族对峙之时,魔蛛族的一位亲王却悄无声息的出现在自己闭关的石塔之外,叶青羽的心头浮现出一个个问号。 Suddenly, Ye Qingyu is calm on recovery. 只是眨眼间,叶青羽恢复冷静。 By this time strength, has not needed to fear Mo Jin again. 以他今时今日的实力,已经不需要再惧怕墨金 Ye Qingyu light looks at moon-face crown prince Mo Jin, has not started talking on own initiative. 叶青羽淡淡的看着圆脸亲王墨金,并未主动开口说话。 ---------- ---------- Today this, tomorrow's three 今天就这一更了,明天三更
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