IGE :: Volume #6

#598: Phenomenon

In vortex that yuan qi Ocean forms, the sea water that more and more yuan qi form flows backwards along that water column to yuan qi giant, the sea water flood white spray gradually in the under foot congealment of giant. 元气汪洋形成的漩涡中,越来越多元气形成的海水沿着那水柱倒流到元气巨人脚下,海水泛白的浪花逐渐在巨人的脚下凝结。 The sea water that in the upper air above kilometer, yuan qi giant flows backwards was similar to coagulated generally, the spray under condensed to the yuan qi giant unceasingly fully, was frozen likely instantaneously becomes the ice crystal generally congealing reality. 千米之上的高空中,元气巨人脚下倒流的海水如同凝固了一般,浪花不断地向元气巨人足下凝聚,像是瞬间被冻成冰晶一般凝实。 When more and more much spray gather the under foot of yuan qi giant, the ice crystal general yuan qi spray extended to the both sides of yuan qi giant body at the naked eye obvious speed unceasingly, has formed a width approximately hundred meters approximately the stair embryonic form of kilometer crystal shape. 当越来越多的浪花汇聚到元气巨人的脚下,冰晶一般的元气浪花以肉眼可见的速度不断向元气巨人身体的两侧延伸,形成了一道宽约百米长约千米的结晶状的台阶雏形。 In the Ye Qingyu heart moves, transmits to step on willpower of stair to the yuan qi giant the right foot. 叶青羽心中一动,向元气巨人传递出将右脚踩上台阶的意志 The intention is the result, the yuan qi giant lifts the right foot slowly, steps on to that steadily, only then on the stair of embryonic form. 心念所致,元气巨人缓缓抬起右足,稳稳踩到那只有雏形的台阶上。 That split second. 一瞬间 In Ye Qingyu Dantian World had the split second static. 叶青羽丹田世界之内出现了一瞬间的静止。 yuan qi Ocean just liked has framed generally. The sea water no longer tumbles to surge, ocean waves static in upper air. After a rest, sea water recovery flowing, the startled day rough sea waves continued again to the upper air turn well up. 元气汪洋犹如定格了一般。海水不再翻滚涌动,海浪静止在高空中。一息之后,海水重新恢复了流动,惊天巨浪继续向高空中翻涌。 Immortal step...” “仙阶...” Ye Qingyu looks that the yuan qi giant under the stair that is formed by the yuan qi rough sea waves, in the heart emerges the inexplicable train of thought fully. 叶青羽怔怔的看着元气巨人足下由元气巨浪形成的台阶,心中涌现出莫名的思绪。 He knows, when another foot of yuan qi giant also steps above this first-level stair, he really strided in Immortal Rank Boundary, first-level Immortal Rank Boundary! 他知道,当元气巨人的另一只脚也踏上这一级台阶之上时,他就是真的跨入了仙阶境,一级仙阶境 So long as his Cultivation, above this first-level stair will then form second level and third level until the ninth level of stair! 只要他接着修炼,这一级台阶之上会形成第二级、第三级直到第九级台阶! Only when his yuan qi Cultivation Base is the certain extent, will form the next stair. 只有当他的元气修为达到一定程度,才会形成下一个台阶。 The yuan qi giant above yuan qi Ocean step by step will climb up along stair upwardly, when stepped the date of ninth level of stair to the giant, he can become nine levels of Immortal Rank Boundary expert in legend! 元气汪洋之上的元气巨人会沿着一级一级的台阶向上攀爬,待到巨人踏上第九级台阶之日,那他就能够成为传说中的九级仙阶境强者 But now, his yuan qi my Dharmakaya has begun to take shape , the first level of immortal step appears, is developing in the direction that he hopes, but he has not expected, on this day can come is so sudden. 而现在,他的元气真我法身已经初具雏形,第一级仙阶出现,所有的一切都在朝着他所希望的方向发展,只是他也没有预料到,这一日会来的这么突然。 He depresses the heart the joy, according to mind , to continue spirit energy in refining Blood Drinking Sword. 他压下心头的欣喜,按奈心神,继续炼化饮血剑中的灵气 In yuan qi Ocean more sea water from the vortex of seabed turn into the water column, pours into to the stair in upper air above. 元气汪洋中更多的海水化从海底的漩涡中化成水柱,注入到高空中的台阶之上。 The stair gradually changes concise solid. 台阶逐渐变的凝练坚实。 The outline also gradually becomes bright, just likes the ice sculpture edges and corners is distinct. 轮廓也逐渐变得明朗,犹如冰雕般棱角分明。 On the stair has partly visible strange trace, carefully looks that seems bringing a light purple intent, a pure chill in the air sends out from the stair. 台阶上有着若隐若现的奇异纹路,仔细看去,仿佛带着一丝淡淡的紫意,一股纯净的寒意从台阶上散发出来。 The immortal step in Ye Qingyu careful observation upper air, in heart one happy: It seems like in my yuan qi fused the strength of thunder and lightning, at this time also appears above this immortal step, iced yuan qi also as if to go a step further coldly.” 叶青羽仔细的观察高空中的仙阶,心中一喜:“看来我的元气中融合了雷电之力,此时也显现在这仙阶之上,寒冰元气也似乎更进一步了。” The time passes unceasingly, another foot of yuan qi giant lifts slowly, treads toward the stair on. 时间不断地流逝,元气巨人的另一只脚缓缓地抬起,朝着台阶上踏出。 ............ ………… ............ ………… Sky over Flowing Light City. 流光城上空。 The strange great change appears suddenly. 奇异的巨变陡然出现。 The cloud layer in all around sky as if received the strange strength hauling, in the stance of beast of prey by swift and violent such as mountain toward Flowing Light City sky gathering. 四周天空之中的云层似乎受到了奇异的力量牵引,正以迅猛如山中猛兽的姿态朝着流光城上空汇聚而来。 The circumstances also had the change, the breeze that as if originally walks randomly leisurely and carefree suddenly starts to move restlessly, whistling, but is energetic one intermittently just likes whooshing of spirit beast living creature, neat surges in a direction consistently. 风势也出现了变化,似乎原本悠闲游走的微风突然开始躁动起来,呼呼而过的风发出一阵阵犹如灵兽活物的嘶吼,正整齐一致朝着一个方向涌动。 Feels this phenomenon first then sits in the discussion next to the south building step defends a city plan Hu bugui and Chen Zhengliang and Ling dreary and the others. 最先感受到这异象的便是坐在向南楼中商议下一步守城计划的胡不归、陈正良和泠萧然等人。 Several people almost felt in the city at the same time fierce surging of yuan qi tide. 几个人几乎是在同一时间感受到了城中元气潮汐的剧烈激荡。 As if trough boiling water toward Flowing Light City sky over slowly , the steam thick fog transpiration tumbles, just likes yuan qi of water quality shape turns wells up to rush. 仿佛是一盆滚水朝着流光城上空徐徐而下,热气浓雾蒸腾翻滚,犹如水质形态的元气翻涌澎湃。 A yuan qi as if huge hauling that this rushes suddenly, Between Heaven and Earth, spirit energy in myriad things toward a direction absorption gathering. 这股突然澎湃的元气仿佛一股巨大的牵引,正在将天地之间,万物之中的灵气都朝着一个方向吸收汇聚。 Several people of eyes in present flashes through the astonished color, several items of relative, understand clearly Yu Xin, toward each other nodded slightly, immediately turns around in abundance, vanishes on the spot. 在座的几人眼中闪过惊异之色,几目相对,了然于心,微微朝彼此点了点头,随即纷纷转身,消失在原地 The next quarter, they appeared to south building void. 下一刻,他们已经出现在向南楼上空的虚空之中。 But in the city disperses the Human Race masters unexpectedly the personal appearance in various places stands rigidly at this time, the facial color is panic-stricken, in the heart doubts and is startled, looked in a direction unified. 而城中分散在各处的人族高手此时都蓦地身形僵立,面色惊骇,心中又疑又惊,统一朝着一个方向看了过去。 From gathers the yuan qi tide that comes to revolve the cloud layer distortion in all directions, a huge incomparable mist whirlpool appears sky over Flowing Light City suddenly. 从四面八方汇聚而来的元气潮汐将云层扭曲旋转,一个巨大无比的云气旋涡陡然出现在流光城上空。 In the Flowing Light City above sky starts the phenomenon that presents blocks the sky. 流光城上空的天空之中开始出现遮天蔽日的异象。 In the wink of an eye, entire Flowing Light City as if all round was covered by a huge hanging upside down vault, but covers the sky that just likes the thick fog general yuan qi whirlpool. 瞬息之间,整个流光城仿佛被一座巨大的倒挂穹顶团团笼罩起来,而遮盖天空的正是那犹如浓雾一般的元气旋涡。 On street. 街道上。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Was Devil race intrudes on?” “是魔族进犯了吗?” „It is not, probably is the phenomenon in city.” “不是,好像是城里的异象。” Was day of line of Senior must go out?” “是不是天行前辈要出关了?” Ha Ha, day line of were Senior broke through higher Realm!” “哈哈,天行前辈是不是已经突破更高的境界了!” Surrounding Human Race that more and more hears the news to run, stands on the street looks around, while inquired mutually had anything, in look anticipations, an excitement. 越来越多闻讯跑出来的围观人族,站在街道上一边张望,一边相互询问发生了什么,眼神中都有一丝期待,一丝兴奋。 In that!” “在那!” Suddenly in the crowd some people shout that is almost at the same time, all people toward hanging upside down the whirlpool center of vault looked around the past. 突然人群之中有人大喊起来,几乎是同一时间,所有人朝着倒挂穹顶的旋涡中心张望过去。 In the whirlpool center is similar to a giant waterfall falls in torrents suddenly, but pinnacle peak that the place that the waterfall rushes, Ye Qingyu closes up. 旋涡中心之中如同一道巨大的瀑布骤然倾泻下来,而瀑布涌向的地方,正是叶青羽闭关的石塔顶端。 Void. 虚空之中。 This phenomenon......” “这异象……” The picture that in Chen Zhengliang eyes pupil frames just likes huge such as tornado general mist is emerging toward the pinnacle peak. 陈正良眼眸之中定格的画面正是犹如巨大如龙卷风一般的云气正在朝着石塔顶端涌入。 During just likes hundred Sichuan gatherings yuan qi and spirit energy looks like Ocean to be vast one continuously to hang upside down the Flowing Light waterfall, but the pinnacle is looking like the whale to attract drinks like a fish is absorbing the air/Qi of all Heaven and Earth crazily. 犹如百川汇聚的元气灵气汪洋浩瀚之中的一缕缕倒挂流光瀑布,而石塔正在像鲸吸牛饮般疯狂吸收着所有的天地之气。 As if was shocked enormously, Chen Zhengliang heart just likes by any heavy item is suppressed, only thought that the throat feels uncomfortable. 仿佛受到了极大地震撼,陈正良心头犹如被什么重物压制,只觉得喉头发紧。 In the past in Flowing Light City , many many Human Race masters obtain the breakthrough, moreover before I remember Century, there is Senior to break through Immortal Rank Boundary in Flowing Light City...... But looks like so the imposing manner to shock today, even has inspired the phenomenon of Heaven and Earth principle, I hear something never heard of before, see what one never saw before......” “往昔流光城中,也不乏有不少人族高手获得突破,而且我记得一百年前,也有过一位前辈流光城中突破仙阶境的……但像今天这般气势震撼,甚至引动了天地法则的异象,我真是闻所未闻,见所未见……” Other people are also silent nod, the vision are staring at the source of all phenomena on earth mutation as before stubbornly 其他人也都沉默着点头,目光依旧死死盯着万象异变的源头 Pinnacle. 石塔。 You look! mist central......” in the Ling dreary eyes flashes through the extremely shocking color. “你们看!云气中央……”泠萧然眼中闪过极为震惊之色。 The people look immediately in direction that he directs. 众人立即朝着他指引的方向看去。 Above pinnacle. 石塔之上。 Just likes in the mist whirlpool of tornado extreme twist, starts ice crystal that transforms the countless float to walk randomly, winds around in all around of mist funnel, are getting more and more, is getting more and more crowded. The countless ice crystal seems the school of fish that in Ocean walks randomly crazily, the post turns round giant mist funnel terminal velocity revolving to hover. 犹如龙卷风般急速旋转的云气旋涡中,开始幻化出不计其数漂浮游走的冰晶,缭绕在云气漏斗的四周,越来越多,越来越密集。不计其数的冰晶好似汪洋之中疯狂游走的鱼群,贴覆着巨型云气漏斗极速旋转游动。 But in stack-up that mist winds around, bring from the summit of highest heaven, the partly visible purple light electric current just likes the essence, goes toward the pinnacle peak lasing just like the purple electro-optical dragons of nimble and resourceful dance. 而在云气缭绕的层叠之中,一道道似是从九霄之巅引来,若隐若现的紫光电流犹如实质,宛如一条条灵动狂舞的紫光电龙朝着石塔顶端激射而去。 The ice crystals of originally translucent non- light after the refraction of purple light thunder and lightning, start become glittering and translucent carving, flood light all colors Flowing Light. originally just likes thick fog mist starts becomes the brilliance is eye-catching, is even more radiant, the entire whirlpool reflects colorful clear gloss toward the Flowing Light City surrounding. 一颗颗原本透亮无光的冰晶经过紫光雷电的折射,开始变得晶莹剔透,泛着淡淡的五彩流光原本犹如浓雾般的云气开始变得光耀夺目,愈发璀璨,整个旋涡朝着流光城外围反射出一道道五彩斑斓的晶莹光泽。 In city on street. 城中街道上。 „! The mother mother, you looks quickly! In the cloud has the gem!” “哇!娘亲娘亲,你快看!云里面有宝石呢!” Ties the double hair bun moon-face little girl to hold mother's hand, points at the whirlpool of distant place rapid revolving to yell excitedly. 一个束着双髻的圆脸小女孩拉着娘亲的手,兴奋地指着远处飞速旋转的旋涡叫喊。 Is a day of good Sir must go out!” The middle-aged man of their side, should be Martial Artist, is startled slightly, at once pleasantly surprised tunnel, has stroked the black beard, while looks in side smilingly the flood light little girl. “是天行大人要出关啦!”他们身边的一个中年男子,应该是个武者,微微一怔,旋即惊喜地道,一边捋了捋黑色胡须,一边笑盈盈看着身旁眼中泛光的小女孩。 „After day good Sir goes out, became fiercer?” “天行大人出关之后是不是变得更厉害了?” Yes, did not have Devil race to dare to bully us again!” “是啊,再也没有魔族敢欺负我们了!” Day good Sir will help us tidy up their!” “天行大人会帮我们收拾他们的!” I must ask a day of good Sir to teach me the swordsmanship!” “我要找天行大人教我剑术!” I also want!” “我也要!” I also want!” “我也要!” Several-year-old young boys stand forefront the crowd, brandishes the fist, the imposing manner is rousing, in the eye glitters the clear gloss, on the face is brimming with the happy expression that the interest is surging upward. 几个十几岁的小男孩站在人群最前面,一个个挥舞着拳头,气势振奋,眼中都闪烁着晶莹光泽,脸上洋溢着兴致高涨的笑意。 ...... …… Outside Flowing Light City 50 li (0.5km). 流光城外50里。 Demon Spider Race greatly Battalion Nei. 魔蛛族大营内。 Sergeant Tun Tian Camp of several thousand same place recuperation at this time all are the look great changes, that copious not imperial imposing manner just likes the living creature toward in all directions the elongated tentacle. 数万名原地休整的吞天营军士此时皆是神色巨变,那股沛然莫御的气势犹如活物朝着四面八方伸长触手。 The tentacle institute and place, is just likes the constriction of mountain suppression. 触手所及之处,皆是犹如山岳镇压的压迫感。 Stands Demon Spider Race military officers outside tent is the facial color with amazement, the heart lives to dread toward distant place Flowing Light City goes against the spatial phenomenon to look around. 站在营帐外的魔蛛族将领们一个个都是面色骇然,心生畏惧朝着远处流光城顶空的异象张望。 Distant place that piece blocks the sky, the imposing manner dreadful mist funnel, just like opens the Heaven and Earth mist great column together, docks connected the day and place, includes entire Flowing Light City, protects in...... 远处那片遮天蔽日,气势滔天的云气漏斗,宛如一道撑开天地云气巨柱,将天与地相接相连,把整个流光城囊括起来,保护在其中…… At this time at present this inspires Heaven and Earth wind and cloud great change the phenomenon, is they have never seen. 此时眼前这引动天地风云巨变的异象,是他们从来不曾见过的。 Does not have any threat and dangerous aura obviously, actually in that tyrannical incomparable imposing manner complementary waves, all sergeants in Demon Spider Race big camp felt the unprecedented suppression. 明明没有任何威胁和危险的气息,却在那强横无匹的气势余波之中,魔蛛族大营的所有军士都感受到了前所未有的压制。 As if this implication strange strength pressure, not from somebody, but came from in the Heaven and Earth natures...... 似乎这蕴含奇异力量的压力,不是自某个人,而是来自于天地自然之间…… Crown prince Your Highness......” passes outside in Wen stands in tent open area, he looked in sky to cover in the Flowing Light City above hurricane funnel, on the face is also hanging the look of shock. “亲王殿下……”通文站在营帐外的空地上,他看了一眼天空之中笼罩在流光城上空的飓风漏斗,脸上也挂着震撼的神色。 The color of shock in this time moon-face crown prince Mo Jin eye is also hard to hide. 此时的圆脸亲王墨金眼中也有一丝难以掩藏的震惊之色。 He stands in front of passing the article, the crossbow that looking pensive, in the hand sways gently formerly one fashionably was appointing to pick the branch that makes conveniently. 他站在通文前面,若有所思,手里轻轻摇晃着先前一时兴起用随手捡来的树枝所做的弹弓。 Crown prince Your Highness, only feared that the phenomenon in Flowing Light City, related...... passes the article to swallow the saliva with that Human Race fatty, alleviates in the throat dry that because surprisedly and presents intensely. “亲王殿下,只怕流光城中的这异象,与那个人族胖子有关……”通文咽了咽口水,缓解喉头中因为惊讶和紧张而出现的干涩。 Yes...... Perhaps, he he, a little meaning, I think that I have been able to determine, who that fellow was.” Mo Jin looking pensive, as before has not turned around, on the expression indifferent face is hanging a faint smile of not easy detection, in continues to manipulate begins the crossbow. “是啊……也许吧,呵呵,有点儿意思,我想,我已经可以确定,那个家伙到底是谁了。”墨金若有所思,依旧没有转身,表情淡然的脸上挂着一丝不易察觉的浅笑,继续地摆弄着手里的弹弓。 But if Wen Tong the position leans slightly, will discover, in this wants to come on lazily crown prince that chubby face, is having a strange expression, in his look, there is an unprecedented earnestness, seems also having envying and doubts of faint trace. 但如果文通的位置稍微侧一点的话,就会发现,在这位想来懒洋洋的亲王那胖乎乎的脸上,带着一丝奇怪的表情,他的眼神里,有前所未有的认真,似乎还带着一丝丝的羡慕和疑惑。 ----------- ----------- Third. 第三更。
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