IGE :: Volume #6

#597: yuan qi really my Dharmakaya

He holds the Yuan to defend one, aura sinks, the facial color is calm, starts revolution Nameless Mantra, extracts in the upper air to congeal unceasingly transparent sol spirit energy, every little bit refining, this is an incomparably long and arid process. 他抱元守一,气息下沉,面色从容,开始运转无名心法,不断地抽取高空中凝结成透明胶质般的灵气,一点一滴的将之炼化,这是一个无比漫长而又枯燥的过程。 Boundless spirit energy was transferred by Nameless Mantra, operates in the meridians of Ye Qingyu, the mobile speed is quite slow, but Ye Qingyu can only move to take few wisp of viscous spirit energy each time, otherwise that huge spirit energy explodes his meridians brace in split second sufficiently. 磅礴的灵气无名心法调动,在叶青羽的经脉中运行,流动的速度极为缓慢,而叶青羽每次只能调取很少的一缕粘稠的灵气,否则那庞大的灵气足以在一瞬间将他的经脉撑爆。 The time passes. 时间流逝。 Ye Qingyu realizes, when he inspires unceasingly spirit energy transforms as his yuan qi, these pure spirit energy unceasingly will also be moistening his meridians, expands his meridians gradually, moreover becomes pliable but hard to break, can hold many spirit energy simultaneously to walk randomly in the meridians. 叶青羽察觉到,在他不断引动灵气转化为他自己的元气之时,那些精纯的灵气还会不断地滋润着他的经脉,将他的经脉逐渐拓宽,而且变得更加柔韧,能够容纳更多的灵气同时在经脉中游走。 He spirit energy that attempts to increase every time to extract unceasingly, turns into two wisps and three wisps from initial one wisp gradually, almost can simultaneously extract ten wisps of spirit energy to him finally again, in other words, his meridians have expanded ten times in Cultivation of these date and time! 他尝试着不断增加每一次抽取的灵气,从最初的一缕逐渐变成两缕、三缕,到最后他几乎可以再同时抽取十缕灵气,也就是说,他的经脉已经在这些时日的修炼之中拓宽了十倍! Speed of Nameless Mantra revolution two are quicker, does not have slight stagnation. 无名心法运转的速度越俩越快,没有丝毫的凝滞。 But in his vault of heaven thick spirit energy is each time thin gradually, from the initial sol semi-solid shape, changed to the crowded gas gradually, to finally, upper air in spirit energy changes to the light several wisps of mist to flutter flowing in the upper air, was almost absorbed completely. 而他每次苍穹中浓稠的灵气逐渐稀薄,从最初的胶质半固体形态,已经逐渐化作了密集的气体,到最后,高空中的灵气化作淡淡的几缕薄雾般在高空中飘荡流动,几乎被吸收殆尽。 This process has continued entire seven days! 这一过程持续了整整七天! Dantian World below yuan qi Ocean presents the inversely related change. 丹田世界下方的元气汪洋呈现出此消彼长的变化。 The yuan qi Ocean sea level surges upward to rush more and more, when sea level such as hurricane transit the rough sea waves that curls up are getting higher and higher, docks with the horizon. The great waves of rushing are getting more and more powerful, the color of sea water is getting deeper and deeper, the originally light purple deepens gradually, the chill in the air is more abundant. 元气汪洋的海平面越来越高涨澎湃,海面上如飓风过境时卷起的巨浪越来越高,与天际相接。澎湃的浪涛越来越强盛,海水的颜色越来越深沉,原本的淡淡的紫色逐渐加深,寒意更盛。 yuan qi Ocean in Ye Qingyu Dantian World as if experienced one to continue Mi Jiu the storm season to be ordinary, the water level rose suddenly. 叶青羽丹田世界内的元气汪洋仿佛经历了一场持续弥久的暴雨季节一般,水位暴涨。 In the sea level has curled up wild hurricane, the turbulent ocean waves tendency is striking against the sea level fierce. The ocean waves of blocking the sky link up into a single stretch, just likes ten thousand meters high sheer precipice goes to another end surging forward of yuan qi Ocean, in place visited Ye Qingyu Dantian World has as if produced the Space-Time crack, but this is the phenomenon that Ye Qingyu hears something never heard of before! 海面上卷起了狂暴的飓风,汹涌的海浪势头更加凶猛地拍击着海面。遮天蔽日的海浪连成一片,犹如万米高的悬崖峭壁般向元气汪洋的另一端汹涌澎湃而去,所过之处叶青羽丹田世界中似乎都产生了时空裂缝,而这是叶青羽闻所未闻的现象! He understands that his strength, is linking he panic-stricken speed by one type, is promoting crazily. 他明白,自己的实力,正在以一种连他自己都惊恐的速度,疯狂地提升着。 In entire yuan qi Ocean occurred is not only a type and quantity change, the entire yuan qi Ocean density becomes greatly, the sea water in yuan qi Ocean pure, at this time a promotion of idioplasm. 整个元气汪洋中正在发生的不仅仅是一种量的变化,整个元气汪洋的密度都变得更大,元气汪洋中的海水更加的精纯,这时一种质的提升。 Ye Qing refining these spirit energy, came from one Cultivation millenniums Crown Prince Demon Spider Race now. 叶青现在炼化的那些灵气,来自于一个修炼千年的魔蛛族亲王。 These strength originally were passed through Crown Prince's Demon Spider Race refining, but after Blood Drinking Sword and Ye Qingyu refining once more, the pure degree of spirit power quantity was far from past Ye Qingyu yuan qi that bought to come from Heaven and Earth wants concise pure many! 那些力量原本就是已经经过了魔蛛族亲王本身的炼化,而经过饮血剑叶青羽的再次炼化,元气力量的精纯程度远非昔日叶青羽自己从天地间吸纳而来的元气要凝练精纯的多! The time passes slowly. 时间缓慢地流逝。 When Ye Qingyu refining last wisp of spirit energy in vault of heaven, in the yuan qi Ocean sea level, that the rough sea waves of surging forward have shot up to the sky to reach a about ten thousand meters altitude! 叶青羽炼化了天穹中的最后一缕灵气之时,元气汪洋的海面上,那一道道汹涌澎湃的巨浪已经冲天而起达到近万米的高度! Ye Qingyu long spits the one breath, stops revolution Nameless Mantra, change of close look yuan qi Ocean. 叶青羽长吐一口气,停止运转无名心法,仔细的审视元气汪洋的变化。 Shouted...... nearly , is only spirit energy refining in absorber, the altitude of yuan qi rough sea waves approached ten thousand meters high! It seems like can break through the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak quickly!” “呼……差不多了,只是将已经吸收体内的灵气炼化,元气巨浪的高度就已经接近万米之高!看来很快就可以突破登天境巅峰了!” Ye Qingyu looks on yuan qi Ocean that about ten thousand meters startled day rough sea waves, satisfied nod. 叶青羽看着元气汪洋上那近万米的惊天巨浪,满意的点点头。 But now as before is the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak, wants to break through Immortal Rank Boundary, must also need many strengths suffice!” “但现在依旧是登天境巅峰,想要突破到仙阶境,要还需要更多的力量才够!” The intention moves, his palm brilliance Flashed, covered entirely Blood Drinking Sword of scarlet-red pigment figure road to appear in his hands. 心念一动,他的掌心光华一闪,布满了赤红色纹路的饮血剑出现在他的手中。 „A Flowing Light City war, my turning point arrived, might as well in one vigorous effort, attack Immortal Rank Boundary in light of this!” 流光城一战,我的契机已经来到,不如就此一鼓作气,冲击仙阶境!” Ye Qingyu had the plan. 叶青羽有了打算。 His two fingers wipe the sword blade lightly, a clear distant sword cry transmits. 他两指轻拭剑身,一声清脆悠远的剑鸣传来。 The Blood Drinking Sword slight tremor, as if is enjoying Ye Qingyu moving. Blood Drinking Sword is similar to intelligential is ordinary, will preserve spirit energy in sword blade to transport to Ye Qingyu within the body automatically. 饮血剑轻微的颤动着,似乎是很享受叶青羽的的触碰。饮血剑如同有灵性一般,自动将储藏在剑身内的灵气输送到叶青羽的体内。 Boundless spirit energy such as turbulent tide floods into Ye Qingyu within the body. 磅礴的灵气如汹涌的潮水涌入叶青羽体内。 However counts breaths the time, Ye Qingyu felt that own Dantian World several near full, he immediately stopped continue strengthen the strength, took back Blood Drinking Sword to Yun Dingtong the furnace in Wen Yang. 不过数息时间,叶青羽就感觉到自己的丹田世界又几近爆满,他立即停止了继续汲取力量,将饮血剑收回到云鼎铜炉中温养。 He is feeling within the body full spirit energy, shows a faint smile, shuts both eyes. 他感受着体内爆满的灵气,微微一笑,闭起双眼。 Nameless Mantra revolves once more. 无名心法再次运转。 Ye Qingyu starts boundless spirit energy of refining once again from Blood Drinking Sword. 叶青羽再度开始炼化饮血剑中磅礴的灵气 Continuous spirit energy transmits from Blood Drinking Sword, after front 7 th refining, had Ye Qingyu of experience, now the refining spirit energy speed has compared wants quickly ten times at first! 源源不断的灵气饮血剑中传来,经过前面七日的炼化,有了经验的叶青羽,现在炼化灵气的速度已经比最初要快了十倍有余! What Blood Drinking Sword absorption is a Crown Prince Demon Spider Race nearly millennium self-tortures, after absorbing refining, purest strength that comes, this strength is the what kind terror, even if Ye Qingyu the refining spirit energy speed must not have the several fold compared with the average man now quickly, still used entire ten days of refining to fall in Blood Drinking Sword about two-thirds energies. 饮血剑吸收的是一尊魔蛛族亲王近千年苦修,吸收炼化后而来的最纯净的力量,这力量是何等的恐怖,即便是叶青羽现在炼化灵气的速度已经比常人要快无数倍,也依然用了整整十天的时间才炼化饮血剑中2左右的能量。 These in ten day, Ye Qingyu strengthens the strength from Blood Drinking Sword repeatedly, then continues revolution Nameless Mantra to go to refining, has circulated ten in the entire process several times! 这十日之中,叶青羽反复从饮血剑中汲取力量,然后继续运转无名心法炼化,在整个过程中循环了十数次! After experiencing long refining, Ye Qingyu strength, was in an inconceivable degree. 经历了漫长的炼化之后,叶青羽实力,已经到了一个不可思议的程度。 His once more inner vision Dantian World. 他再次内视丹田世界 Well?” “咦?” First, Ye Qingyu realized suddenly within the body had the new change. 第一时间,叶青羽突然察觉到体内又发生了新的变化。 In his Dantian World, mammoth yuan qi Ocean as if had the change of some idioplasm. 他的丹田世界中,波澜壮阔的元气汪洋似乎发生了某种质的变化。 In dreadful rough sea waves, indistinct appearance a vraisemblance imaginary huge yuan qi empty shade. 滔天的巨浪中,隐约的出现了一个似真似幻的巨大元气虚影。 The empty shade has kilometer high fully, only indistinct can look is the human form. In the empty shade is passing the light purple, as pure as the chill in the air of acme from empty shade densely, the contour and Ye Qingyu are somewhat similar, but the five senses are very fuzzy, just likes breeding in the parent substance, the giant embryo static ground submergence that has not taken shape completely falls asleep. 虚影足有千米高,只隐约的能看出来是人形。虚影上透着淡淡的紫色,一股纯净到极致的寒意从虚影上氤氲而出,外形与叶青羽有些相似,但是五官十分模糊,犹如一个孕育在母体之中,还未完全成型的巨型胎儿静静地沉睡着。 Human form empty shade physique is tall and straight, static from the sky is standing, the both arms naturally hang in the body side, although together several near transparent empty shades, actually the frightening oppression aura spreads. 人形虚影身姿挺拔,静静的在空中站立着,双臂自然地垂在身侧,虽然只是一道几近透明的虚影,却有一股令人心惊的压迫气息传出。 In the human form empty shade from the sky appears, in the Ye Qingyu mind transmits together the weak fuzzy thought. 就在人形虚影在空中出现之时,叶青羽的脑海中传来一道微弱模糊的意念。 As if that yuan qi empty shade looks like his Clone is common. 仿佛那元气虚影就像是他自己的分身一般。 This... Is the yuan qi really my Dharmakaya?!” Ye Qingyu stares slightly, at once has realized anything, is fixing the eyes on the human form empty shade in yuan qi world, in the heart wild with joy. “这...难道就是元气真我法身?!”叶青羽微微一愣,旋即意识到了什么,紧盯着元气世界中的人形虚影,心中狂喜。 The yuan qi really my Dharmakaya, is giant milestone -type existence on road of yuan qi martial path Cultivation. 元气真我法身,是元气武道修炼之路上的一个巨大里程碑式的存在。 By own Dantian World the strength of yuan qi, the concise principle, senses the strength of Heaven and Earth, finally in the fabrication, as if again molds oneself body to be the same, an achievement yuan qi life, by the martial arts worthy people of former times, was called really me. 以自身丹田世界元气之力,凝练法则,感悟天地之力,最终于无中生有,仿佛是再塑造己身一样,成就一个元气生灵,被武道先贤,称之为真我。 Once Cultivation leaves really my Dharmakaya, means that Martial Artist starts to break through the mortal body the shackles, starts to realize that this world the principle and source, from every to the uncommonness, are an archery target promote. 一旦修炼出真我法身,意味着武者开始突破肉身的桎梏,开始体会到这个世界的法则和本源,从凡到不凡,是一个质的提升。 Ye Qingyu sees instance of that yuan qi giant, has realized immediately this point. 叶青羽看到那元气巨人的瞬间,立刻就意识到了这一点。 The yuan qi my Dharmakaya is born, means that he had the qualifications to attack true Immortal Rank Boundary. 元气真我法身诞生,意味着他已经有资格冲击真正的仙阶境了。 The intention moves, the Ye Qingyu attempt read to transmit own willpower to that Dao Intent. 心念一动,叶青羽尝试向那道意念传递出自己的意志 Next split second, the empty shade in upper air has lifted the arm slowly! 一瞬间,高空中的虚影缓缓地抬起了手臂! In Ye Qingyu heart one happy. 叶青羽心中一喜。 willpower that just now he transmits makes the yuan qi Dharmakaya lift the arm! 方才他传递出的意志正是让元气法身抬起手臂! Then he attempts to make the yuan qi Dharmakaya to blink, nod and other simple movements, when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, the yuan qi Dharmakaya in upper air 11 defer to his willpower performer his order. 接着他又尝试着让元气法身进行眨眼、点头等简单的动作,福至心灵般,高空中的元气法身11按照他的意志执行者他的命令。 Is always calm, on the wind Qing Yun Dan Ye Qingyu face shows already the startled and happy look. 一向处变不惊,风清云淡的叶青羽脸上露出既惊且喜的神色。 Cultivation leaves the yuan qi my Dharmakaya to mean really he has treadonned into Immortal Rank Boundary. Although this Dharmakaya although begins to take shape, but this without doubt is a transformation of idioplasm. His thought can the straight transmission to the yuan qi Dharmakaya, although can only make some simple movements, begins to take shape the Dharmakaya regarding this, is displays perfectly! 修炼元气真我法身就意味着他已经一脚踏入仙阶境。尽管这法身虽然只是初具雏形,但是这无疑是一种质的转变。他自己的意念可以直接传达给元气法身,虽然只能做一些简单的动作,对于这个初具雏形的法身来说,已经是非常完美的表现了! The wild with joy deep color on his face goes quickly pale, among several rests then recovery calm and composed condition. 他脸上的狂喜深色很快淡去,几息之间便又恢复古井无波的状态。 The huge empty shade stands one's ground steadfastly in the dreadful rough sea waves, the rough sea waves in yuan qi Ocean are striking against the sea level, the huge impulse becomes the light mist the sea pressure surge that yuan qi forms, condenses to go to the huge yuan qi empty shade in upper air, from the sky leaves behind the twinkle star Flowing Light. 巨大的虚影在滔天的巨浪中岿然不动,元气汪洋中的巨浪拍击着海面,巨大的冲击力将元气形成的海水击成淡淡的薄雾,向高空中的巨大元气虚影凝聚而去,在空中留下星星点点的流光 In spirit energy along with Ye Qingyu refining Blood Drinking Sword, many mist yuan qi gather to the empty shade unceasingly, the empty shade outline gradually becomes clear, in Dantian World, that empty shade yuan qi Dharmakaya the congealing reality, almost saw clearly the physique gradually the outline, aura also more and more close Ye Qingyu! 随着叶青羽不断地炼化饮血剑中的灵气,更多薄雾般的元气向虚影中汇聚,虚影的轮廓逐渐变得清晰起来,丹田世界中,那虚影般的元气法身逐渐凝实,几乎已经看清形体的轮廓,气息也越来越接近叶青羽 Links him not to discover that he revolves the Nameless Mantra speed, as if also had large scale speeding up. The energy in his refining Blood Drinking Sword, pours into to yuan qi Ocean in unceasingly, no longer desirably pays attention to the yuan qi giant in sea level. 只是连他自己也没有发现,他运转无名心法的速度,似乎又有了大幅度的加快。他不断地炼化饮血剑中的能量,注入到元气汪洋内,不再刻意去关注海面上的元气巨人。 On yuan qi Ocean of his within the body rough sea waves tumble, block the sky. In the dreadful rough sea waves, the huge yuan qi my Dharmakaya also constantly is changing. 他体内的元气汪洋上巨浪翻滚,遮天蔽日。在滔天的巨浪之中,巨大的元气真我法身也在不断地变化着。 The aura of yuan qi giant concise, although cannot see clearly the five senses appearance, however his body and spirit becomes the congealing reality, no longer is only the illusory empty shade, has been able the obvious resolution the four limbs and torso. 元气巨人的气息越加的凝练,虽然还是看不清五官面貌,但是他的体魄变得更加凝实,不再只是虚无缥缈的虚影,已经可以明显的分辨出四肢和躯干。 The huge yuan qi my Dharmakaya treads the wave on yuan qi Ocean really the line. 巨大的元气真我法身在元气汪洋上踏浪而行。 His every step is serious and slow, as if he is this piece of yuan qi Ocean Sovereign, each slight movement makes this vast yuan qi Ocean have the earth-shaking fluctuation. 他的每一步都还沉重而缓慢,仿佛他就是这片元气汪洋主宰,每一个轻微的动作都让这浩瀚的元气汪洋发生翻天覆地般的波动。 The foot of yuan qi giant lifts slowly, in his sea level has produced a giant vortex unexpectedly, the vortex speedily is revolving. yuan qi Ocean is centered on the vortex from gathers to come in all directions, trim yuan qi Ocean in crazy by this vortex agitation, the giant vortex almost went directly to the yuan qi Ocean base. 元气巨人的一脚缓缓抬起,他脚下的海面上蓦地产生了一个巨大的漩涡,漩涡疾速的旋转着。元气汪洋以漩涡为中心从四面八方汇聚而来,整片元气汪洋都在疯狂的被这漩涡搅动,巨大的漩涡几乎直达元气汪洋的底部。 The giant vortex deeply does not see the bottom, in formidable tearing transmits from the vortex, the sea water continuously approaches the seabed class to go along the vortex path. 巨大漩涡深不见底,一股强大的撕扯里从漩涡底部传来,海水沿着漩涡的轨迹不断向海底流去。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Bottom of the vortex transmits a startled day bang suddenly. 漩涡底部突然传来一声惊天巨响。 The sea water of vortex bottom dead center flows backwards toward the sea level suddenly, has formed a huge white water column in the giant vortex, just likes, in deeply did not see the bottom in the vortex to haunch a stage, but that water column spout to yuan qi giant that moment of under foot unexpectedly static. 漩涡底部正中心的海水突然朝着海面倒流,在巨大的漩涡中形成了一道巨大的白色水柱,犹如在深不见底的漩涡中撑起了一个高台,而那水柱在喷涌到元气巨人的脚下的那一刻蓦地静止。 --------- --------- Second 第二更
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