IGE :: Volume #6

#596: Builds up

The dim light of night completely sheds, daybreak near spatial. 夜色尽褪,破晓临空。 In the distant place horizon end wipes light blushing to catch the clouds gradually. 远处天边尽头之中一抹淡淡的红晕渐渐染上云端。 Sees with own eyes in the Demon Spider Race big camp, does not have what sound to transmit again, Ye Qingyu also feels relieved. 眼见魔蛛族大营之中,再没有什么动静传来,叶青羽也就放心下来。 His turns around to vanish in void. 他一个转身消失在虚空之中。 Next split second, he stood on the tower over a city gate. 一瞬间,他重新站在了城楼上。 The people have encircled, on face is having the excited look, looks like looks at the deity to be the same simply, in the vision is to worship, awe and crazy burning hot completely. 众人都围了上来,脸上带着激动的神色,简直就像是看着神仙一样,目光之中全部是崇拜、敬畏和疯狂炙热。 But has not waited for them to open the mouth, Ye Qingyu first spoke. 但还没有等他们开口,叶青羽已经抢先说话了。 „Can Brother Chen, what secluded place in the city have?” Ye Qingyu shows a faint smile toward Chen Zhengliang of body side. “陈兄弟,城中可有什么僻静的地方?”叶青羽朝着身侧的陈正良微微一笑。 This...... Does not know that Senior does have what use?” An excitement of Chen Zhengliang face, many words must say, but hears such question slightly obviously to have doubts. “这……不知前辈有何用处?”陈正良一脸的激动,本来有很多话要说,但听到这样的问话略显疑惑。 After this war, I somewhat comprehends, needs to close up......” Ye Qingyu to explain two simply. “经此一战,我有些领悟,需要闭关……”叶青羽简单解释了两句。 Chen Zhengliang looks the happy expression: „, Is this...... Congratulates Senior...... I to think, in city many buildings have destroyed...... Now most suits the place that closes up...... Right, I think that a place, Senior please come along with me.” 陈正良面露喜色:“啊,是这样……恭喜前辈……我想想,城中多处建筑已经毁灭……现在最适合闭关的地方……对了,我想到一个地方,前辈请随我来。” Ye Qingyu turned around to confess with Hu bugui simply several, advanced with Chen Zhengliang changes to Flowing Light to vanish successively on the tower over a city gate. 叶青羽转身跟胡不归简单交代了几句,就先行与陈正良先后化作流光消失在城楼上。 After dozens rests. 数十息之后。 An irregularity, dissimilar in shape and form hoodoo end. 一片参差不齐,形态各异的石林尽头。 Senior, is this.” 前辈,就是这。” During stroke of Chen Zhengliang index finger in void, is gently void just likes wave slightly, their high redwood front doors open from the void space in slowly. 陈正良食指在虚空中轻轻一划,虚空之中犹如水波微微一荡,两人高的红木大门自虚空空间中徐徐而开。 A semblance slightly is worn-out and pinnacle of vicissitudes, suddenly appears in front of Ye Qingyu. 一座外表略显破旧和沧桑的石塔,忽然出现在叶青羽面前。 This pinnacle is away from the East district county fair approximately 50 li (0.5km) far, in front that slabstone forest has mysterious labyrinth formation, if not for extremely familiar formation person eagerly anticipates, the average person will get out of trouble and change to outside Shilin, is unable to enter to this hoodoo end. 这石塔距离城东市集约50里远,前方那片石林之中有玄妙的迷宫阵法,若不是极为熟悉阵法的人引领,一般人都会兜兜转转又转到石林外,根本无法进入到这石林尽头。 Truly is a very covert place......” “确实是个很隐蔽的地方……” Ye Qingyu sizes up carefully is passing the height hundred meters at present, the pinnacle comprised of the gate towers, courtyard walls and two garrets, the corners of the mouth bring back a curve. 叶青羽仔细打量着眼前通高百米,由门楼、院墙和两层阁楼组成的石塔,嘴角勾起一丝弧度。 After Flowing Light City falls to the enemy is ruined, the pinnacle of this concealment really also has so complete rune formation protection. 流光城沦陷破败之后,这隐匿的石塔竟然还有如此完整的符文阵法防护。 This is all previous Flowing Light City City Lord specifically is used to close up the Cultivation pinnacle, the rune mark that uses is to successively hold City Lord pours into personally.” Front Chen Zhengliang looks crosses the hands behind the back vertical day line of Senior, the happy expression explained wear a look of: „After Demon Spider Race seizes Flowing Light City, has not discovered here, therefore preservation completeness of.” “这是历代流光城城主专门用来闭关修炼的石塔,所用的符文印记都是历任城主亲自注入的。”陈正良看着面前负手而立的天行前辈,面带笑意解释道:“魔蛛族占领流光城之后,并没有发现这里,所以保存的很完整。” Many thanks Brother Chen.” “多谢陈兄弟了。” Ye Qingyu has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, is no longer wordy, entered the pinnacle without consulting anybody. 叶青羽拱了拱手,也不再啰嗦,径自走进了石塔。 Strength that because strengthens from Blood Drinking Sword, is inflating his body in the terminal velocity at this time, in dantian Ocean the hurricane was already dreadful, the wild waves are billowing, he must this strength refining, transfer oneself to use as soon as possible truly. 因为从饮血剑之中汲取的力量,此时正在极速膨胀着他的身躯,丹田汪洋之中早已飓风滔天,骇浪滚滚,他必须尽快将这股力量炼化,真正转为己用。 When Chen Zhengliang continuously Ye Qingyu walks, this respectfully bends the waist to salute, finally after closing the pyller, revolves the pinnacle all protects formation to open, lest any accident has disturbed day line of Senior. 陈正良一直等到叶青羽走进去,这才毕恭毕敬地弯腰行礼,最终关上塔门之后,将围绕着石塔的所有防护阵法悉数开启,唯恐任何意外打扰了天行前辈 Fluorescence ripple in void. 一道道荧光荡漾在虚空之中。 After several rests, the entire pinnacle goes into hiding in the hoodoo end. 几息之后,整个石塔重新隐匿在石林尽头。 In following several days of time. 接下来几天时间里。 What in Flowing Light City is responsible for planning to assume personal command is Chen Zhengliang of temporarily substituting for City Lord duty, Hu bugui is responsible for assisting. 流光城中负责统筹坐镇的是暂代城主一职的陈正良,胡不归负责协助。 In the city that they will rescue more than hundred heroic gentleman minutes make two groups. 他们将救出的城中百余名英勇之士分作两拨。 Are responsible for maintaining in the city headed by scar of knife wound [gold/metal] few people the public securities and management in several wide ranges, other are responsible for collecting in the suburbs headed by Zheng dozens people used for the consolidated formation material and treatment wounded and sick raw material for medicine. 以刀疤金为首的一部分人负责维护城中几大区域的治安和管理,其他以郑老为首的数十人负责收集城郊之中可以用来巩固阵法的材料和医治伤病的药材。 But does not extinguish dozens people in god emperor sect, is directed to divide several blocks by the Ling dreary couple, makes the best use of the time rune formation that will protect regarding the city wall surrounding to carry on the repair and consolidated. 而不灭神皇宗中的数十人,则由泠萧然夫妇指挥划分成几个片区,抓紧时间围绕着城墙外围将防护的符文阵法进行修葺和巩固。 In Flowing Light City gradually recovery in the past order and peace. 流光城之中渐渐恢复了往昔的秩序和安宁。 Many shop stalls have also suspended, on the street is also crowded, on each face is brimming with after the disaster, happy smiling face that the skylight reappears. 许多店铺摊位也重新摆了出来,街道上也重新人来人往,每个人脸上都洋溢着灾难过后,天光重现的幸福笑容。 Sky over Flowing Light City. 流光城上空。 In the clear sky of light smoke white clouds float, is covering one as before pale such as Bo Yanban the black shadow. 轻烟白云漂浮的晴空中,依旧笼罩着一丝淡如薄烟般的黑色阴影。 This shadow goes through in the cloud layer of float lithely, partly visible, from time to time concentrates with the wind a piece, forms several near transparent black fog vaults, from time to time was sealed to blow off complicated, spider trace that as if wind to crawl. 这阴影在漂浮的云层之中轻盈穿行,若隐若现,时而随风凝成一片,形成一个几近透明的黑雾穹顶,时而又被封吹散成千丝万缕,仿佛一道道蜿蜒爬行的蜘蛛痕迹。 Outside the city the Demon Spider Race army on 50 li (0.5km) hill already does not intrude on, does not retreat, is maintaining the strange silentness. 城外50里山丘上的魔蛛族大军既不进犯,也不撤退,保持着古怪的静默。 If not for this wisp of light Demonic Qi, in the city Human Race almost could not feel their any aura. 若不是这一缕淡淡的魔气,城中人族几乎已经感受不到他们的任何气息。 But even if this Demonic Qi Flowing Light City sky surrounding, in Flowing Light City Chen Zhengliang, does not extinguish god emperor sect and the others, or that 100,000 common people, at this time no longer heavyhearted, has dreaded. 但即便是这股魔气流光城上空包围,流光城中无论是陈正良、不灭神皇宗等人,亦或是那100000平民,此时都不再忧心忡忡,有所畏惧。 Because now peerless expert in protecting entire Flowing Light City, as well as all Human Race in Flowing Light City. 因为如今有一位绝世强者在守护着整个流光城,以及流光城中的所有人族 This just like the deity arrives at the Human Race Savior, not only gives them the hope of these sieged hundreds of thousands of life, breaks the fog by the potential of thunderclap, forcing Devil race, making them feel the brave and fearless strength. 这位宛如天神降临般的人族救世主,不但给他们这些被围困的数十万人生的希望,更以迅雷之势破开云雾,力压魔族,让他们感受到勇敢和无畏的力量。 At this time regarding the Flowing Light City common people, the day good Sir solely has not saved their life, maintains the hero in their courtyard, during is they desperately is more dejected a sunlight, spiritual prop that is indomitable spirit together...... 此时对于流光城百姓而言,天行大人不单单是拯救了他们性命,维护他们家院的英雄,更是他们绝望颓靡之中的一道阳光,是一道顶天立地的精神支柱…… In restaurant teahouse that for several days, in the city reopens, is in the county fair stall of streets and lanes, at this time is spreading day line of Senior to drive out Devil race, saves the Flowing Light City glory fact by a person of strength. 最近几日里,城中重开的酒楼茶肆之中,还是街头巷尾的市集摊位上,此时都在流传着天行前辈驱除魔族,以一人之力拯救流光城的光辉事迹。 Liu Lane restaurant. 柳巷酒楼。 That night, I long time ago heard the sound to come out, day line of Senior change to Tianlong time, treadons Yun Dou, both eyes looks angrily at Demon Spider Race that group of demon thieves, immediately on their scared out of one's wits, Ha Ha Ha Ha......” “那天晚上,我可是早早就听到动静出来的,天行前辈化作天龙的时候,脚踏云斗,双目怒视魔蛛族那帮魔贼,立刻就把他们吓破胆了,哈哈哈哈……” Anything! I remember that day of line of Senior Dragon Claw wield, these demons very by dragon volume strong winds blowing seven meat eight elements......” “什么啊!我记得天行前辈龙爪一挥,那些魔贼就被一阵龙卷狂风给刮得七荤八素的……” Not is right! Day line of Senior grasp great sword, the backhand cuts, the evildoers of Demon Spider Race these strength fine powders, change to the ash to fly instantaneously!” “不对不对!天行前辈手握巨剑,反手一斩,魔蛛族那些实力微末的贼子,瞬间就化作灰飞啦!” Several were discussing in the extravagant city high Martial Artist, was gathering in the window on a table, respective foot crooked seven eight were putting several but actually already emptied the liquor jar. 几个正在高谈论阔的城中武者,正聚在窗边的一个桌子上,各自脚边歪七倒八放着好几个已经空了的酒罐子。 On their faces is revealing feeling of being drunk, actually as before bursting with life, is full of vigor. 他们脸上都露着醉意,却依旧神采奕奕,精神饱满。 Nearby several tables of guests similarly are greatly quick cheek, drinks to heart's content again and again, in the inn all topics revolve one to appeal to heaven the line of Human Race heroes. 旁边几桌客人同样是大快颐朵,畅饮连连,客栈里所有的话题都围绕着一个叫天行的人族英雄。 Fights Demon General Tun Tian, kills with one's own hand profound spider double Holy Child to rescue the Human Race heroic deeds and common people, or one man guards the pass, Yorozuo opens, cuts to kill Crown Prince Devil race by a person of strength, repels the demon spider, these facts, are the charming stories that everyone loves to talk about. 不论是大战吞天魔将,手刃玄蛛双圣子救出人族英烈和平民,亦或是一夫当关,万夫莫开,以一人之力斩杀魔族亲王,击退魔蛛,这些事迹,都是每一个人津津乐道的佳话。 A wear heavy blue front narrow sleeve shirt, on the shoulder builds the long turban, on the face on the side of Bo Han a servant jubilantly is also pouring tea to pour water, once for a while makes contact with several words with the guests. 一个穿着藏青色大襟窄袖短衫,肩上搭着长巾,脸上一层薄汗的店小二一边也是兴高采烈地斟茶倒水,时不时跟客人们搭上几句话。 Under an outskirt end city wall. 街尾尽头的一处城墙下。 12,345, the day line hits spider, the spider everywhere runs, quack begs for mercy......” “12345,天行打蜘蛛,蜘蛛满地跑,呱呱直求饶……” Small spider, eight feet, huh asks for the jujube, cannot ask, called, tears Woof Woof ran toward mother......” “小蜘蛛,八只脚,哼哧哼哧来讨枣,讨不着,嗷嗷叫,眼泪汪汪朝娘跑……” Several early childhood young children are gathering together kicks shuttlecock, is kicking, while your word, my was singing in the city for several days the ballad of broadest biography. 几个垂髫小儿正聚在一起踢毽子,一边踢着,一边你一言,我一句唱着城中近几日最为广传的歌谣。 Covers haze in city to be scattered by this clear delightful nursery rhymes completely, this just likes the oriole cries Qu Ban sound/noise to tease one side sits together several Mr. Huang Qu laughs. 笼罩城中的阴霾似是被这清脆悦耳的童谣驱散殆尽,这犹如黄鹂啼曲般的声音逗得一旁围坐在一起的几位黄曲老人哈哈大笑。 Distant place. 远处。 Two yellow mouth young children of a similar age, in the hand hold a finger thick or thin long branch respectively. 两个年纪相仿的黄口小儿,手中各执一根手指粗细的长树枝。 And a young boy imposing manner raises high, the branch in hand had been lifted the top of the head, on another clothes is hanging several clay, is patting the putty on knee while curled the lip. 其中一个小男孩气势高扬,手中的树枝被举过头顶,另一个衣服上挂着几道黄泥,一边拍着膝盖上的泥一边撇了撇嘴。 Should be one's turn me to play the role of day of line of Senior!” “该轮到我扮天行前辈了!” „It is not good, I have not drawn a sword!” “不行,我还没有拔剑呢!” I do not want to play the role of the demon spider crown prince......” “我不想扮魔蛛亲王了……” Elder brother...... You help me enjoy little while addiction again......” “哥哥……你让我再过会儿瘾嘛……” Good good...... That a while must make me play the role of day of line of Senior, you play the role of profound spider double Holy Child!” “好吧好吧……那一会儿得让我扮天行前辈,你扮玄蛛双圣子哦!” Good! Old demon thief! Looks to incur......” “好的!老魔贼!看招……” On tower over a city gate. 城楼上。 Hu bugui and Chen Zhengliang stand shoulder to shoulder, looks at steadily to stare at 50 inside and outside demon spider big camps. 胡不归和陈正良并肩而站,目不转睛盯着50里外的魔蛛大营。 Sky over big camp Demonic Qi Formation already did not have so to be initially reliable thickly, as if commanding in demon spider military compound does not care about this time protection, probably was too not worried that Human Race will intrude on them. 大营上空的魔气结界早已没有当初那么牢固浓厚,似乎魔蛛军营里的统领也并不是在意此时的防护,好像并不太担心人族会去进犯他们。 Old Hu, day line of Senior closed up had seven days, around these seven days of pinnacles, the sound did not have, you looked...... It is not day of line of Senior, during that fights, was injured?” 老.胡,天行前辈闭关已经有七天了,这七天石塔周围,一点儿动静都没有,你看……不会是天行前辈,在那一战之中,受了伤吧?” Does not need to be worried, that fellow, your me, but was stronger than to be too many, moreover this time, only feared that will make a bigger breakthrough...... We only needed protection good Flowing Light City that illuminated him to say on the line.” “不用担心,那个家伙,比你我可是强出太多了,而且这一次,只怕会有更大的突破……我们只需要照他说的守护好流光城就行了。” Also right, we can do now, did not give the day of line of Senior any extra worries......” “也对,我们现在能做的,就是不给天行前辈任何后顾之忧了……” ............ ………… In pinnacle. 石塔中。 recovery is really appearance Ye Qingyu such as sits in contemplation general, sits cross-legged to sit in a diameter on approximately one meter sapphire colored glaze rush cushion. 已经恢复了真是面貌的叶青羽如老僧入定一般,盘膝坐在一个直径约一米的青玉琉璃蒲团上。 On green colored glaze rush cushion light shiny smooth brilliance pasts. In the ground in pinnacle has covered entirely the light cyan trace, has formed strange formation faintly, but that sapphire colored glaze rush cushion leaves in the formation center, yuan qi in air slowly flows toward the colored glaze rush cushion. 青色的琉璃蒲团上淡淡的莹润光华流转。石塔内的地面上布满了淡青色的纹路,隐隐形成了一个奇异的阵法,而那青玉琉璃蒲团就出在阵法的中心,空气中的元气都朝着琉璃蒲团缓缓流动。 formation on this colored glaze rush cushion really has to accelerate to absorb the yuan qi effect, no wonder this Flowing Light City successively holds City Lord to choose Cultivation in this pinnacle.” Ye Qingyu light smile. “这琉璃蒲团上的阵法竟然有加速吸收元气的功效,怪不得这流光城的历任城主都选择在这石塔中修炼。”叶青羽淡淡微笑。 He sits cross-legged to sit when the colored glaze rush cushion, has discovered the special place of colored glaze rush cushion. 他盘膝坐在琉璃蒲团上时,就发现了琉璃蒲团的特异之处。 He shuts both eyes, the facial color is tranquil and calm, the makings of dust reveal from his body. 他闭起双眼,面色平静而从容,一股出尘的气质从他的身上流露出来。 Ye Qingyu calms the mind with rapt attention, is suppressing within the body strength that almost spews out, careful inner vision the condition in his within the body. 叶青羽静心凝神,压制着体内的几乎喷涌而出的力量,仔细内视他体内的状况。 His mind sinks to Dantian World. 他的心神沉入丹田世界之中。 On vast boundless yuan qi Ocean has raised giant great waves one after another, the soul-stirring pure strength transmits from this scary yuan qi rough sea waves. The rough sea waves more rise are higher, when reaching a about 67 kilometers altitude, as if inexplicably was actually suppressed. 浩瀚无边的元气汪洋上掀起了一层接一层的巨大浪涛,惊心动魄的纯净力量从这骇人的元气巨浪上传来。巨浪越涨越高,在达到将近67千米的高度时,却似乎受到了莫名的压制。 Ye Qingyu careful observation. 叶青羽仔细观察。 He discovered with amazement that in the vault of heaven of dantian yuan qi world, a mysterious strength is pasting, naked eye obvious Spiritual Power from the sky pasts, emerges the pure strength of his within the body from Blood Drinking Sword. 他惊讶地发现,在丹田元气世界的苍穹中,一股神秘的力量在流转,肉眼可见的灵力在空中流转,正是从饮血剑中涌入他体内的纯净力量。 Pure Spiritual Power flows in the upper air slowly, because this strength is extremely really boundless, the spirit energy density of originally gas shape increases suddenly, almost congeals the essence in limited Dantian World, just likes melted together pebble, is sparkling the shiny smooth just like the sol gloss. 纯净的灵力在高空中缓缓流动,由于这力量实在太过磅礴,原本气体形态的灵气密度骤增,在有限的丹田世界中几乎凝结成实质,犹如一块融化了的透明水晶,闪耀着莹润宛如胶质的光泽。 Huge spirit energy has formed the huge pressure in the vault of heaven, faint and rough sea waves in yuan qi Ocean meet as an equal, extrudes mutually is competing for more spaces. 庞大的灵气在苍穹中形成了巨大威压,隐隐的和元气汪洋中的巨浪分庭抗礼,互相挤压着争夺更多的空间。 Must a bit faster these strength refining, otherwise my Dantian World be supported to explode!” “必须快点将这些力量炼化,否则我的丹田世界会被撑爆的!” Ye Qingyu looks that in more and more concise abundant spirit energy heart has made the decision immediately. 叶青羽看着越来越凝练雄厚的灵气心中立即作出了决定。 -------- -------- First 第一更
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