IGE :: Volume #6

#595: Scared to death

Between Heaven and Earth, a silence. 天地之间,一片寂静。 All vision, fell on that silver Tianlong, in the look, was bringing the deep awe and shock. 所有的目光,都落在了那银色天龙的身上,眼神之中,都带着深深的敬畏和震撼。 At this moment 就在这时 Buzz humming sound. 嗡嗡嗡。 The after essence and blood of Bao Yinmo spider crown prince black ink front, Blood Drinking Sword had a strange response. 饱饮魔蛛亲王墨锋的精血之后,饮血剑发生了一种奇异的反应。 The above giant sword blade of shutter seems to be the blood to cover at this time, in the sword blade just likes the branch general complicate vein as if starts to agitate to walk randomly at this time. The overlapping halo stretches out from the sword blade slowly, obtained in the great sword of blood infiltration as if to have any magical things to live suddenly, above the sword blade originally gloomy Dark-red, at this time as if layer upon layer cuns (2.5cm) slow flaking and transformation, in a dense package, light brilliance reappeared by the fog faintly. 门板似的巨型剑身此时似有血液覆盖其上,剑身之中犹如树枝一般盘根错节的脉络此时仿佛纷纷开始鼓动游走。层层叠叠的光晕自剑身伸出徐徐而出,得到血液浸润的巨剑之中仿佛有什么灵物突然活了过来,剑身之上原本黯淡无光的暗红色,此时仿佛一层层一寸寸缓慢剥落和蜕变,一层氤氲包裹之中,淡淡的光华透过云雾隐隐浮现。 Such brilliance, is before presented numerous magical instruments that has not had the luster, from time to time Qing Run, was gorgeous from time to time, Flowing Light overflowing color, although only then some glimmer, are actually particularly the immortal spirit floating, seized the person mind. 这样的光彩,是之前出现的众多神器都不曾有过的色泽,时而清润,时而绚丽,流光溢彩,虽然只有些许微光,却已是分外仙灵飘然,夺人心神。 But rune mark that in the sword body an intermittent float surges, at this time also becomes extremely clear. 而剑体之中一阵阵漂浮涌动的符文印记,此时也变得极为清晰。 The vivid ancient times rune intermittent tremor, splits the combination unceasingly, changes to a stranger arrangement, but the fluorescence above rune, transformed two lusters to twine from the light purple mutually, overlapping revolving float purple red. 呼之欲出的上古符文阵阵颤动,不断地分裂组合,化作更为奇异的排列,而符文之上的荧光,也从原先淡淡的紫色转变成了两股色泽相互缠绕,层层叠叠旋转漂浮的紫红色。 Um? This is......” “嗯?这是……” In the midair changes to Dragon body the Ye Qingyu heart to be startled slightly. 半空之中化作龙身的叶青羽心中微微一惊。 Because he feels suddenly extremely clearly, Blood Drinking Sword in oneself hand after strengthening cruel crown prince black ink front that unequalled boundless source strength, is having some strange change, by extremely crazily the strength of speed refinement purification demon spider. 因为他猛然之间极为清晰感受到,自己手中的饮血剑在汲取了暴戾亲王墨锋那无与伦比的磅礴本源力量之后,正在发生着某种奇异的变化,以极为疯狂地速度提炼净化魔蛛之力。 This strength, looks like in Blood Drinking Sword contains Ocean that the rushing tide is rising, rough sea waves Ocean takes advantage of opportunity to surge, covering toward sword hilt terminal to welling up. 这种力量,就像是饮血剑中蕴含着澎湃潮涨的汪洋,巨浪汪洋顺势涌动,朝着剑柄末端的笼罩冲涌而来。 Refines the courage vigor strength of match to feed back Master, this is the Blood Drinking Sword biggest mystery. 提炼对手的血气力量反馈主人,这是饮血剑最大的奥秘。 However Ye Qingyu has not actually thought that the speed of Blood Drinking Sword depuration essence and blood is unexpectedly getting more and more fast...... 但是叶青羽却没想到,饮血剑提纯精血的速度竟然越来越快…… This is in the flash, in the huge silver Tianlong body light grasping marks, thorough recovery, has not stayed behind including the tiny bit scar. 这是在一瞬之间,巨大银色天龙身躯上一道道淡淡的抓痕,彻底恢复了过来,连一丝一毫疤痕都没有留下。 The great sign of the dragon body walks randomly gently against the wind, feels is emerging the rushing energy of palm from the sword blade continuously, as if the turbulent current terminal velocity walks randomly together, in all bloodlines veins after the arm, the terminal velocity runs the fleeing class to arrive at all the limbs and bones again, the final ten thousand river affluxes, converge in dantian Ocean. 巨大龙躯轻轻迎风游走,感受着自剑身源源不绝涌入手掌的澎湃能量,仿佛一道激流极速游走,经过手臂中所有的血脉筋络,再极速奔走窜流到四肢百骸,最后万江汇流,汇入丹田汪洋之中。 The originally strong winds howl, rush galloping dantian Spirit Spring as if enormously to be stimulated at this time, the physical strength that one type several want to gush out moves restlessly in his body faintly. 原本狂风呼啸,澎湃奔腾的丹田灵泉此时仿佛受到了极大地刺激,一种几欲喷薄而出的气力在他的身躯中隐隐躁动。 After several rests. 几息之后。 In the Ye Qingyu eye flashes through a startled color. 叶青羽眼中闪过一丝惊色。 Sufficed...... Sufficed...... Do not absorb again.” “够了……够了……别再吸收了。” He looked down in a hand also in moving restlessly Blood Drinking Sword, the huge tremor of heart pulse as if still in the ear bank. 他低头看了一眼手中还在躁动的饮血剑,心脉跳动的巨大颤动仿佛犹在耳畔。 From Blood Drinking Sword, strength that transmits, is getting more and more boundless, has soon surpassed his load. 饮血剑之中,传来的力量,越来越磅礴,已经快要超出他的负荷了。 Even if now mortal body Cultivation Base already powerful incomparable, moreover changes to Tianlong to protect oneself, the strength that but this Blood Drinking Sword strengthens was too many, has really surpassed the limit that I the mortal body has been able to withstand at present. 哪怕现在肉身修为已经强悍无匹,而且还化作天龙来保护自身,但这饮血剑所汲取的力量实在是太多了,已经超越了我目前肉身所能承受的极限。 At this time his full condition of whole body, seemed the finger end gathered completely that just liked the Ocean rough sea waves generally boundless strength. 此时他全身的充盈状态,仿佛是手指末梢都已经聚满了那股犹如汪洋巨浪一般磅礴的力量。 This strength has been filling crazily his body, the next quarter body then wants, because was extremely full to be pushed to explode. 这力量似是一直在疯狂填充他的身体,下一刻身躯便要因为太过充盈而被挤爆了似的。 ! 咻! In midair huge Blood Drinking Sword gently in a flash, by realification empty, vanishes in the people field of vision. 半空之中巨大的饮血剑轻轻一晃,由实化虚,消失在众人视野之中。 The substantive halo that only then the partly visible halo and ripples is also barely alive in void. 只有若隐若现的光晕和荡漾的实质光晕还弥留在虚空之中。 But the silver big dragon in fog, is also changing to the human form with split second. 而云雾之中的银色巨龙,也在同一瞬间化作人形。 Which personal appearance slightly fat Human Race fatty as before is. 依旧是哪个身形略胖的人族胖子。 But after passing through this has fought, his build is actually fat a great-circle, probably was hit to be swollen to be the same, is quite strange, carefully looked that his skin has achieved a strange saturated condition, the whole body exposed skin becomes especially is full, the slight bloodlines under skin become clearly discernible, as if a little swelling as. 只不过经过了这一战之后,他的体型却是胖了一大圈,好像是被打肿了一样,极为诡异,仔细看,他的皮肤已经达到一种奇异的饱和状态,全身裸露的皮肤都变得格外充盈,皮肤下的细微血脉都变得清晰可见,仿佛有点肿胀似的。 However even if so, nobody dares to have again despises him slightly. 不过即便是如此,也没有人敢再有丝毫轻视他。 All people look that during is void form that the one person alone sets up as before. 所有人都看着虚空之中依旧孤身而立的身影。 In midair. 半空之中。 The Ye Qingyu still stands above light fog, silent speechless. 叶青羽犹自站在一层轻雾之上,静默无言。 His took a deep breath, both eyes ice-cold, took a fast look around one to stand composition formation several Demon Spider Race expert lightly as in midair, they behind that about hundred demon spider expert, the chill in the air in eye exceeded daybreak the everywhere cold snow. 深深吸了一口气,双眼冰冷,淡淡扫视了一圈依旧站在半空之中的组成阵法的十几名魔蛛族强者,还有他们身后那近百名魔蛛强者,眼中的寒意更胜过黎明时分的漫天寒雪。 This more than 60 famous demon spider expert, at this time all are thorough heart and gall entirely cold, fears intent to appear externally, shocking that in pupils reveals and frightened is their this lives not to reveal. 这60多名名魔蛛强者,此时皆是彻底心胆俱寒,惧意外露,一个个眼眸之中流露出的震骇和恐惧是他们此生都未曾表露出来的。 At that moment at present they see, as if is not only a haughty Tianlong, is more like trial of Asura hell, is can truly Sovereign their life and death, turns the hand the cloud turning over the palm rain the deity. 那一刻他们眼前所见的,仿佛不仅仅是一尊傲世天龙,更像是修罗地狱的审判者,是真正可以主宰他们生死,翻手云覆手雨的天神。 „!” “啊!” Short and sad and shrill yelling was quite towering broke this time silentness. 一声短促而凄厉的大叫极为突兀得打破了此时的静默。 The people seem such as the dream awaken to look in the pitiful yell direction. 众人好似如梦惊醒般朝惨叫的方向看去。 Actually when sees originally Ye Qingyu breaks through the enemy lines by demon spider expert that the sword potential affects to be seriously injured, welcomed the vision of Ye Qingyu glance a moment ago, coldly from balls. Blinks, he as if just likes by his body in the flood rises suddenly, the fear that shortly will tilt submerges. 却见一名原本叶青羽破阵时就被剑势波及受了重伤的魔蛛强者,刚才迎上叶青羽扫视的眼光,寒从胆起。只是眨眼之间,他就似乎是被自己身躯之中犹如洪水暴涨,顷刻倾覆的恐惧所淹没。 Under the gaze of people, sees only this Demon Spider Race expert at present one black, throat one sweet, a blood gushes out. 众人的注视之下,只见这位魔蛛族强者眼前一黑,喉头一甜,一股鲜血喷薄而出。 Fallen leaf of this in dry defeat just like the Qiu Fengshan frost is dejected, from the treetop drops common demon spider expert to fall suddenly from the midair, a big blood falls along with the body that his weightlessness crashes together...... 这个宛如秋风寒霜之中枯败的落叶颓然自树梢跌落一般的魔蛛强者突然从半空之中掉落下去,一大口鲜血随着他失重坠落的身子一同倾洒…… Has not fallen on the ground, destroy both body and soul, did not have the slight aura. 还未落在地面,就已经形神俱灭,没有丝毫的气息。 He...... Quilt...... Scared to death...... 他……被……吓死了…… Scared to death! 吓死了! Opposite. 对面。 The unequalled fear, like is the mountain torrent erupts in the hearts of other Demon Spider Race expert. 无与伦比的恐惧,在其他魔蛛族强者的心中像是山洪一样爆发。 ! 咻咻咻! Black air/Qi fluorescence delimit the spatial perpendicular incidence. 一道道黑气荧光划空直射。 They have chosen escaping. 他们选择了逃跑。 When this speed, exceeds them to attack the Flowing Light City speed by far threateningly. 这种速度,远远胜过他们来势汹汹地来攻打流光城时的速度。 In the wink of an eye, in the Flowing Light City opposite midair, the half-way remnant shade has not stayed behind...... 瞬息之间,流光城对面半空之中,半道残影也没留下…… In city wall. 城墙上。 Good!” Chen Zhengliang expresses an exclamation to shout. “好!”陈正良率先发出一声惊叹呼喊。 His look is excited, in the eye is burning the brilliant arrogance, jumped excitedly, this several degrees think that will not have to rouse in to erupt at this moment. 他神色激动,眼中燃烧着灼灼气焰,激动地跳了起来,这久违的几度以为再也不会有的振奋在此刻悉数爆发而出。 Good!” “太好了!” Ha Ha Ha! Is the deity descends to earth simply!” 哈哈哈!简直就是天神下凡!” A scar of knife wound [gold/metal] fist hits hard in city wall, can not help shout, as if constrains for a long time all mood to obtain the best eruption in this moment. 刀疤金一拳重击在城墙上,也情不自禁呼喊起来,仿佛压抑许久的所有情绪在这一刻得到最佳的爆发。 Stands dreary and weighs in his Ling with the song couple also claps the hands and shouts praise at this time, in eye an excited color. 站在他身旁的泠萧然和衡与歌夫妇此时也是拍手叫好,眼中一片激动之色。 Good...... Good...... Good......” Has closed right up against the wall rest Zheng also to be finally hard to practice moderation again, excited, in chest cavity rapid, in eye flood graceful tears. “太好了……好……太好……了”一直靠着墙休息的郑老终于再也难以自持,激动不已,胸腔之中一阵急促,眼中泛着盈盈泪光。 Such reverse, such confrontation result, is all stands in the city wall the person of anxious waiting never dares to imagine. 这样的反转,这样的对峙结果,是所有站在城墙上焦急等待的人从来不敢想象的。 As if after experience long 39 cold winters, several nearly are disappointed the poverty-stricken crucial moment, finally embraced the person of charcoal stove to walk toward them from the whirling snow...... 仿佛经历漫长的39寒冬之后几近潦倒困苦的生死关头,终于有一个怀抱炭炉的人从漫天大雪之中朝着他们走了过来…… No, he has not only brought one handful of charcoal fires...... 不,他不仅仅只是带来了一捧炭火…… He brings, he behind sufficiently the ablation snow and ice, making the earth recover, the rising sun that the myriad things awakened was warm. 他带来的,还有他身后足以消融冰雪,令大地复苏,万物觉醒的旭日暖阳。 Stands in Hu bugui of city wall front line is the only relatively calm person. 站在城墙最前方的胡不归是唯一一个相对冷静的人。 He is also only one witnesses youth all the people of change this Heaven Wasteland Domain entered to come randomly. 他也是唯一一个一路见证了这个天荒界乱入而来的少年所有变化的人。 At this time his in the eye also has shocking. 此时他的眼中中也有震惊。 He looks in the midair physique form floating, all pictures that in the mind teleportation this several months is constantly together unceasingly. 他看着半空之中身姿飘然的身影,脑海之中不断闪现这数月朝夕相处的所有画面。 This is quite at present familiar, actually resembles the person who has not been acquainted, overthrows itself repeatedly to his cognition and judgment. 眼前这个极为熟悉,却又似是不曾相识的人,一再推翻自己对他的认知和判断。 When present Brother Ye compares on the tea garden and Tempest Platform, already had transformed enormously, such transformation, possibly is many talents consumes Century to be also hard to overtake. 眼前的叶老弟相比茶园和风云台上时,早已有了极大地蜕变,这样的蜕变,可能是许多天才耗费百年也难以追上的。 If said when Tempest Sword Assembly Brother Ye is the eminent in Clear Ginger Domain promising youth, that now, his Cultivation Base already was not and Nan Tieyi and the others the same rank...... 若说风云论剑大会时的叶老弟清姜界后起之秀中的翘楚,那现在,他的修为早已不是自己和南铁衣等人同一等级的了…… However...... He is a good person...... 不过……他是个好人…… Luckily...... He is a good person...... 幸好……他是个好人…… The Hu bugui corners of the mouth bring back a curve of not easy detection. 胡不归嘴角勾起一丝不易察觉的弧度。 By Ye Qingyu present Cultivation Base and strength, as well as under his numerous opportunities breaks through the horizon the winding speed, actually will take time in Clear Ginger Domain to have the great achievement unable to estimate, so long as he will be a good person, regarding Clear Ginger Domain Human Race, was hopeful...... 叶青羽如今的修为和力量,以及他重重机遇之下突破天际的提升速度,在清姜界中假以时日究竟会有多大的成就根本无法估量,但只要他是个好人,对于清姜界人族,就有希望了…… In Flowing Light City. 流光城中。 Intermittent spring tide rolling thunder common cheers continuously. 一阵阵春潮滚雷一般的欢呼声此起彼伏。 No matter everybody, the common people aristocrat, hold in each other to cheer at this time, rouses the beat, shouted loudly the day line. 不管是男女老少,平民贵族,此时都抱作一团欢呼雀跃,振奋跳动,高呼天行。 Day line! Day line! Day line......” “天行!天行!天行……” Day line of Senior have saved us!” “天行前辈挽救了我们!” He has rescued entire Flowing Light City!” “他救了整个流光城!” He is the true Human Race Savior!” “他是真正的人族救世主!” He illuminates the Flowing Light City Sun!” “他是照亮流光城的太阳!” Rouses just like the spring thunder trundle common slogan vigorously prolonged unceasingly. 蓬勃振奋宛如春雷滚动一般的呐喊声经久不绝。 Covered for a long time Flowing Light City common people by the dark clouds of fear and death, at this time in abundance has ignited the courage that in the fresh hope and innermost feelings awakened. It seems they suffers the frightened stiff for a long time body to be infiltrated by the hot spring suddenly, each nerve of whole body, starts to obtain the brand-new new student from the withy end. 被恐惧和死亡的阴云笼罩许久的流光城百姓,此时都纷纷重新燃起了生的希望和内心之中觉醒的勇气。好似他们遭受恐惧僵硬已久的身子突然被温泉浸润,全身的每一根神经,从细枝末梢开始得到崭新的新生。 Never has the strange strength spreads to walk randomly in 100,000 crowds, as if has formed the faint trace if continuously has the halo that resembles not to lift off slowly, becomes instantaneously moistens the warm formidable energy Flowing Light City each corner. 从未有过的奇异力量在100000人群之中蔓延游走,仿佛形成了丝丝缕缕若有似无的光晕冉冉升空,成为将流光城每一个角落都瞬间滋润温暖的强大能量。 This seedling source from heart of hearts the ray of hope , is not only the Flowing Light City redeemed ray, but is the light of direction entire Clear Ginger Domain Human Race has been redeemed to rise. 这种源自于内心深处的希望之光,不仅仅是流光城得到救赎的光芒,而是整个清姜界人族得到救赎而崛起的指引之光。 ...... …… Demon Spider Race greatly Battalion Nei. 魔蛛族大营内。 Quiet, 沉寂, The demon spider big business office in extreme shock in a piece dies in the common quiet and strange atmosphere. 极度震惊之中的魔蛛大营处在一片死一般的沉寂和诡异气氛中。 In the Elite black armor corps of tent distant place, all goes to the distant place sky the vision to turn round on the panic-stricken color. 营帐远处的精锐黑甲战队中,所有投向远处天空的目光都覆上惊恐之色。 They witnessed one to subvert them in the past slaughtering of all cognition. 他们亲眼目睹了一场颠覆他们以往所有认知的杀戮。 Is feared lives by the heart, is hard to hide. 惧由心生,难以掩藏。 The young military officer passes the both hands double fist in article long sleeve to grip tightly, since he witnessed changes in sky, in the heart continuous shock and has been hard to describe with the language with amazement. 年轻的军官通文长袖之中的双手双拳紧握,自从他目睹了天空之中的一幕幕变化,心中接连不断的震撼和骇然已经难以用语言去形容。 In his eye presents a strange cavity, resembled looks by the cloud layer to a farther place...... 他的眼中出现一种怪异的空洞,似是透过云层看向了更远的地方…… Since has passed Wen to brag that thoroughly understands the will of the people and stratagem technique, always likes to deploy the strategy by the strategy, all as if can solve with the scheme method...... But at this moment...... 一直以来,通文自诩通晓人心和谋术,向来喜好以谋略来部署战略,所有的一切似乎都能用计谋手段去解决……可是这一刻…… ! 也罢! The manpower is sometimes poor, let alone is the technique of strategy. 人力有时而穷,更何况是谋略之术。 Since he has looked out into the distance lost, then on own initiative dissipated regarding the light Demonic Qi halo of his whole body, at this time his whole body disclosed that is the unprecedented confusion and confusedness, is hard self-made fearing intent...... 自他出神远眺以来,围绕着他周身的淡淡魔气光晕便自觉消散了,此时他全身透露的,是前所未有的困惑和迷茫,还有难以自制的惧意…… Facing such Human Race match, only fears the scheme method, could not solve. 面对这样的人族对手,只怕计谋手段,已经解决不了了。 Passes the article...... What thinks?” “通文……想什么呢?” In main business account. 主营帐中。 Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin paces slowly. 圆脸亲王墨金缓缓踱步而出。 Although on his face is also hanging the light surprised color, but is actually different from other Demon Spider Race big camp expert accommodations of extreme shock. 他脸上虽然也挂着淡淡的惊讶之色,但却有别于魔蛛族大营其他所有强者的极度震惊之容。 Passes the article not to set otherwise slightly sighs, is planning to answer...... 通文不可置否微微叹了口气,正打算回话…… At this moment 就在这时 ! 咻咻咻! Already in loose dark clouds Formation black glow repeatedly put on. 早已松动的黑云结界之中一道道黑芒频频穿出。 These follow the cruel crown prince black ink front to crusade against Flowing Light City survivors in several hundred expert, is absentminded, the facial color ran away panic-stricken. 那些追随暴戾亲王墨锋去讨伐流光城的数百名强者中的幸存者,一个个失魂落魄,面色惊恐地逃了回来。 Splash! 扑通! These still shaken, the mind not steady demon spider military officer just fell the ground, stands on seeing in front of the tent the look is dignified, slightly has moon-face crown prince Mo Jin of worried thoughts intent, immediately has knelt neatly a piece, is waiting for punishing in reverential awe. 这些惊魂未定,心神不稳的魔蛛将领刚刚落到地面,就看见站在营帐前面神色威严,略有愠意的圆脸亲王墨金,顿时齐刷刷跪了一片,诚惶诚恐等待着发落。 As does not give a thought to the military order to leave camp to crusade against arbitrarily to the war, after defeating, flees unexpectedly, violates in the armed forces one after another military officers of big death anniversary, arrogance that formerly as if friendly ebullition surged upward, was already nothing left. 作为不顾军令擅自出营讨伐对战,战败之后竟然还潜逃回来,接连犯下军中大忌的众将领,先前仿佛热火沸腾般高涨的气焰,早已荡然无存。 At this time the peaks the head has been kneeling a military officer, flees pell-mell, the badly battered distressed appearance, like the stray cur that only defeats. 此时一个个拉耸着脑袋跪了一圈的众将领,丢盔卸甲,焦头烂额的狼狈模样,就像一只只斗败的丧家之犬。 Sir, how should handle them......” to pass the article to bow to cup one hand in the other across the chest, the split vision shot a look at a war the lofty military officers, in the heart a helplessness. “大人,该如何处置他们……”通文躬身拱手,余光瞥了一眼战战巍巍的众将领,心中一片无奈。 „......” Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin the recovery lazily stance, both hands supported the day to have a big yawn, immediately the looks like wielded catches up with the fly to beckon with the hand, these time first does not haggle over.” “呵啊……”圆脸亲王墨金恢复懒洋洋的姿态,双手撑天打了个大大的哈欠,随即像挥赶苍蝇般摆了摆手,“这一次就先不计较了。” Military officers who does not dare to gain ground a heart loosen, micro inaudible relaxed at this time gently. 一直不敢抬头的众将领此时纷纷心头一松,纷纷微不可闻轻轻松了一口气。 This time is the mistake of black ink front, you also take orders, therefore all person capital crime may exempt, punishes by reduction in pay in March, admonishes.” Mo Jin as before is the advertisement -type lazily stance, takes a fast look around one has been kneeling as before more than 60 military officers, spoke of here, thread of conversation sudden revolution, expression severe, said: But, only this one time, next time, if some people dare not to obey the military order, cuts to kill, certainly heavy bonus!” “这一次是墨锋之错,你们也只是听命为之,所以所有人死罪可免,罚俸三月,以示警戒。”墨金依旧是招牌式的懒洋洋姿态,扫视了一圈依旧跪着的60多个将领,说到这里,话锋突然一转,语气严厉了起来,道:“不过,仅此一次,下一次,若是有人胆敢不遵军令,就地斩杀,绝不轻饶!” Last caution, the sound such as the sinking iron, the character character is sonorous. 最后一句警示,声如沉铁,字字铿锵。 Every single word or phrase as if mighty bells shake the cry to knock in the hearts of all military officers. 一字一句仿佛一道道洪钟震鸣敲在所有将领的心头。 Crown Prince Xie forgives the subordinate!” “谢亲王饶过属下!” „The crown prince Your Highness kindness, the subordinate and others engraved on one's memory settledly.” “亲王殿下恩德,属下等定当铭记于心。” „After Tun Tian Camp audiences, follows the lead for the crown prince surely.” 吞天营众将以后必定为亲王马首是瞻。” Crown prince Your Highness deals with leniently, I and others pledged to fight to the death to follow settledly!” “亲王殿下从轻发落,我等定当誓死追随!” The military officers are in reverential awe, immediately rushes to be first to take a stand, formerly pressed in the heart just liked the death wild range mountain vanishes suddenly. 众将领诚惶诚恐,立刻争先恐后表态起来,先前压在心头的犹如死亡荒岭般的山岳陡然消失了。 After this war, only feared that military officers on the scene, nobody has the courage to dare to defy the military order again, did not obey the military system of moon-face crown prince. 经此一战,只怕在场的将领们,没有人再有胆子敢违抗军令,不服从圆脸亲王的军制了。 Your Highness, then, how should the army apply the brake?” Passes the article as before bow the body, in his heart is clear, at present this crown prince Mo Jin that seems like looks down on the world, regulations most thoughts are meticulous, have the stratagem bravely. 殿下,接下来,大军该如何制动?”通文依旧躬着身子,他心中非常清楚,眼前这个看似玩世不恭的亲王墨金,实则最为心思缜密,有勇有谋。 The present situation, Yu Mozhu the army, fell into embarrassed bureau the passive situation in a dilemma completely. 只是如今的形势,于魔蛛大军而言,完全是陷入了进退两难窘局的被动处境。 If there is not withdrawn troops, only feared that at present remains behind the demon spider military officer and Tun Tian Camp several thousand armies in camp, is hard to resist that being as deep as a well Human Race. 若是还不撤军,只怕目前留守在阵营内的魔蛛将领和吞天营数万大军,都难以抵挡那个高深莫测的人族 If he leads in the city other masters to initiate suddenly fiercely attacks, only fears them under the moon-face crown prince's leadership, does not have ten tenths assurance with it to resist, if defeats unfortunately, they likely have the danger of being annihilated. 若是他突然带领城中其他高手发起猛攻,只怕他们在圆脸亲王的带领下,也没有十成把握可以与之对抗,若是不幸战败,他们很可能有全军覆没的危险。 But after all passes through this war, the Demon Spider Race black ink front crown prince, General Tun Tian and profound spider double Holy Child two heavy as well as dozens expert falls from the sky one after another, such serious loss regarding Demon Spider Race, is not can slightly cross easily. 但毕竟经此一战,魔蛛族墨锋亲王、吞天大将和玄蛛双圣子两位重将以及数十名强者接连陨落,这样惨重的损失对于魔蛛族来说,也不是轻易就能略过的。 If passed on, only feared that Demon Spider Race in Clear Ginger Domain, will degenerate into the laughingstock. 若是传了出去,只怕魔蛛族清姜界中,将会沦为笑柄。 What is more important, such big loss, if not crusade against, only feared that in demon spider elder assembly and clan the leader, easily will not forgive them. 更重要的是,这么大的损失,若是不加以讨伐,只怕魔蛛长老会和族中首领,都不会轻易饶过他们。 Also, morale of troops, if defeats at this time runs away, the morale of troops failure, only feared that is a more serious loss, is really the marching big death anniversary...... 还有,于军心而言,若是此时败逃,军心衰竭,只怕是更为严重的损失,实在是行军大忌…… First waited for several days to say again...... Here scenery is good.” Moon-face crown prince Mo Jin recovery lazily look, expression light as if not care to the present situation, „, was right, reports to elder assembly the victory and cause and effect.” “先待几天再说吧……这儿风景还不错。”圆脸亲王墨金恢复了懒洋洋的神色,语气淡淡的似乎对目前形势并不十分在意,“哦,对了,把战果和前因后果都向长老会汇报上去。” Afterward his does not return to turn around to return to the main business account, stays behind more than 60 famous military officers who behind as before earnestly kneels is not daring to set out. 随后他头也不回转身返回主营帐,留下身后依旧埋头跪着不敢起身的60多名名将领。 --------- --------- Today on these 4600 characters, a little matter delayed, tomorrow strives for three 今儿就这4600字更了,有点事耽误了,明天争取三更
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