IGE :: Volume #6

#594: The third sword ( 3 )

Frightened! 恐惧! In his heart only then deeply frightened! 他的心中只有深深地恐惧! This is he has not experienced the fear! 这是他从来没有经历过的恐惧! In distant place city wall. 远处城墙上。 Soul-stirring that the people look, no one has thought that aspect split second actually will have such reversal, the cruel crown prince black ink front of threatening suddenly by the Ye Qingyu severe wound, this is the result that no one has thought. 众人看的惊心动魄,谁也没有想到,局面一瞬间竟然会发生这样的逆转,气势汹汹的暴戾亲王墨锋眨眼间就被叶青羽重伤,这是谁都没有想到的结果。 At once, in all person hearts infinite wild with joy. 一时之间,所有人心中无限狂喜。 Day! Day line of Senior...... were really too fierce!” “天啊!天行前辈……实在是太厉害了!” Actually can the incarnation be the dragon...... This is any cultivation technique!” “竟然能够化身为龙……这是什么功法!” Day line of Senior are the deity descends to earth simply!” “天行前辈简直就是天神下凡啊!” The innumerable cheers resound just like the rolling thunder spring tide generally. 无数欢呼声宛如滚雷春潮一般响起。 ..... ..... In upper air. 高空中。 Roar!!! 吼!!! The cruel crown prince black ink front roars, will come from the fear of innermost soul to change to the wild with rage exploding roar. 暴戾亲王墨锋怒吼,将来自灵魂深处的恐惧化作狂怒的爆吼。 His dazzling blood light erupts, the arrogance presses up to the clouds. 他身上一阵刺目的血光爆发,气焰直逼云霄。 The lower part that this split second, Ye Qingyu intuition melt Dragon Xing transmits the great strength that is unable to withstand, by the body unceasing inflation of Crown Prince Demon Spider Race Dragon's Tail locks. 一瞬间,叶青羽直觉的自己化龙形的下半身传来一阵无法承受的巨力,被龙尾锁住的魔蛛族亲王的身躯不断的膨胀。 nearly . 差不多了。 Ye Qingyu knows that cannot continue to tie up match, takes the bull by the horns, immediately draws out Blood Drinking Sword, the diving posture retrocedes. 叶青羽知道不能继续捆缚对手,当机立断,立即拔出饮血剑,飞身后退。 Next split second, the thick black demon cloud spews out from in within the body of cruel crown prince black ink front. 一瞬间,浓浓的黑色魔云从暴戾亲王墨锋的体内喷涌而出。 This treacherous gloomy black gas spray, has filled suddenly the entire horizon. 眨眼间这种诡谲阴森的黑色气雾,就弥漫了整个天际。 The Ye Qingyu personal appearance almost did not have by this demon wonton. 叶青羽的身形也几乎被这魔云吞没。 Sun-blocking unceasing proliferation of demon cloud in upper air, the vault of heaven in curtain of night completely by demon cloud camouflage, cannot pass luminous. 遮天蔽日的魔云在高空中不断的扩散,夜幕中的天穹完全被魔云遮蔽,透不出一丝的光亮。 In the demon cloud air/Qi of boundless evil spirit erupts instantaneously. 魔云之中一股磅礴的凶煞之气瞬间爆发。 The boundless demon hears the deafening whooshing sound in the clouds, as if has any fearful devil, must walk to come to be the same from the hell red, the huge pressure transmits from the demon in the clouds, the serious and depressing aura has been full of the entire space. 无边的魔云中传来震耳欲聋的嘶吼声,仿佛是有什么可怕的魔鬼,要从地狱之红走出来现身一样,巨大威压从魔云中传来,沉重而又压抑的气息充满了整个空间。 What is that? 那是什么? Ye Qingyu knits the brows slightly. 叶青羽微微皱眉。 Sees only everywhere the demon cloud to diverge gradually, greatly just likes the antique demon Shan Ban blood Red Devils spider appears in the sky, the cruel aura transmits from the body of demon spider, the space starts to twist. 只见漫天的魔云逐渐散去,一尊巨大犹如太古魔山般的血红魔蛛出现在天空中,暴戾的气息从魔蛛的身上传来,空间都开始扭曲。 I must kill you! Compels the main body me unexpectedly, you are first that this Century comes, suffers to death!” “我要杀了你!竟将我逼出本体,你是这百年来的第一个,受死吧!” Changes to the main body cruel crown prince black ink front to roar. 化作本体的暴戾亲王墨锋咆哮着。 That greatly just like the mountain common demon spider, is his main body. 那巨大宛如山岳一般的魔蛛,正是他的本体。 Eight of great spider just liked holds up on the day of column common giant spider leg to cover entirely the dense and numerous Dark-red hangnails, on two giant and sharp stingers faint flood black Flowing Light, nobody is daring to suspect the toxicity in that stinger whether enough killed by poison Ascending Heaven Boundary expert. 巨蛛的八只犹如擎天之柱一般的巨大蛛腿上布满了密密麻麻的暗红色倒刺,两根巨大而又锋利的毒刺上隐隐的泛着墨色的流光,没有人敢怀疑那毒刺中的毒性是否足够毒死一位登天境强者 Huge demon spider cut-throat is brandishing eight giant spider legs, the airborne each small movement will bring the hurricane fluctuation in the air. 巨大的魔蛛凶狠的挥舞着八只巨大的蛛腿,空中的每一个微小的动作都会在空气中带来飓风般的波动。 Is sparkling the black Flowing Light giant stinger fierce thorn to Ye Qingyu. 闪耀着墨色流光的巨大毒刺猛的刺向叶青羽 The Ye Qingyu indifferent floating body retrocedes, evades the attack of stinger. 叶青羽淡然的飘身后退,躲过毒刺的攻击。 To this fearful huge demon spider, Ye Qingyu human build almost tiny micro not obvious! 相对于这可怕的巨大魔蛛,叶青羽的人类体型几乎渺小的微不可见! The situation as if appears along with the cruel crown prince black ink front the main body starts to reverse, during the people in distant place city wall fall into once again shocking and anxious. 形势似乎随着暴戾亲王墨锋现出本体开始逆转,远处城墙上的众人再度陷入令人震惊和焦虑之中。 Crown Prince Demon Spider Race appeared the main body!” “那魔蛛族亲王现出本体了!” Then what to do, the Demon Spider Race main body simply slaughters the machine!” “这下怎么办,魔蛛族的本体简直就是杀戮机器!” Within the body of Crown Prince Demon Spider Race has Demon Spider Race the strength of bloodlines, this strength very strange, day line of Senior...... won't he have the danger?” 魔蛛族亲王的体内都有着魔蛛族的血脉之力,这力量十分的诡异,天行前辈……他不会有危险吧?” The hearts of countless person, have hung again. 无数人的心,重新又悬了起来。 ...... ...... In upper air. 高空中。 The Ye Qingyu facial color is calm. 叶青羽面色冷静。 Looks appears the cruel crown prince black ink front of primary form, he was not worried, because this great spider is also only the spent force, Blood Drinking Sword has stolen it too many too many sources and strengths. 看着现出原形的暴戾亲王墨锋,他丝毫不担心,因为这只巨蛛也只是强弩之末而已,饮血剑偷取了它太多太多的本源和力量。 The long sword raises, Ye Qingyu no longer avoids the attack of match, the clear and resonant voice laughs saying: Ha Ha, you think, only then you will change! Small spider, a gnat, is wild!” 长剑微扬,叶青羽不再躲避对手的攻击,朗声大笑道:“哈哈,你以为只有你会变化吗!小小蜘蛛,一只小昆虫而已,也敢猖狂!” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Ye Qingyu erupted True Will of the Sky dragon thoroughly. 叶青羽彻底爆发了天龙真意 Eye-catching silver flash bursts out on his body, just likes the Clear Sun glory, shortly will scatter the airborne limitless black demon saying that trim vault of heaven complementing just like daytime! 一阵夺目的银色闪光在他的身上迸发,犹如昊日光辉,顷刻间就驱散了空中无边无际的黑色魔云,将整片天穹映衬宛如白昼! The strange change appears. 奇异的变化出现。 On the skin of Ye Qingyu silver-white brilliance is sparkling unceasingly, piece of contact tag silver-white color scales grow rapidly from his skin, but suddenly, neat silver-white scale already dense and numerous has covered entirely his skin. 叶青羽的皮肤上银白色的光华不断的闪耀着,一片接片银白色鳞甲从他的皮肤中飞速生长出来,不过眨眼间,整齐的银白色鳞片就已经密密麻麻的布满了他的皮肤。 Then in the skeleton of his within the body unceasingly transmits sound/noise, the personal appearance of whole person is elongated, unceasing enlargement...... His four limbs change to Dragon Claw, is the head of humanity also suddenly to change to Dragon Shou. 接着他体内的骨骼中不断传来噼里啪啦声音,整个人的身形都被拉长,不断的放大……他的四肢化作龙爪,属于人类的头颅也眨眼间化作龙首。 Raises!” “昂!” Genuine sky the sound of roaring long recitation, appears in Between Heaven and Earth finally. 真正天空的怒吼长吟之声,终于出现在天地之间 Ye Qingyu changed to a huge silver Tianlong, powerful roams through in the upper air. 叶青羽化作了一条巨大的银色天龙,威风凛凛的在高空中遨游。 This silver Tianlong just likes the antique supernatural object is huge, Dragon body tall just likes the mountain range that winds is ordinary, fully 56 kilometers, from the sky is circling, seems lingers the antique demon mountain mountain range in void to be the same, the body silver scales are sparkling the chilly silver light in the curtain of night splendid. 这银色天龙犹如太古神物般庞大无比,龙身颀长犹如蜿蜒的山脉一般,足有56千米长,在空中盘旋着,仿佛是一道道盘桓在虚空之中的太古魔山山峦一样,身上银色的鳞甲闪耀着清冷的银光在夜幕中熠熠生辉。 In great claw of Tianlong a handle length approximately kilometer great sword. 天龙的巨爪中一柄长约千米的巨剑。 On the sword blade of this great sword mysterious trace flood red brilliance, is surging the strange strength. 这巨剑的剑身上玄奥的纹路泛着红色的光华,涌动着诡异力量。 Enlarged Blood Drinking Sword of non- several fold impressively! 赫然正是放大了无数倍的饮血剑 Blood Drinking Sword is in itself accordance treasure, naturally can increase along with Ye Qingyu willpower. 饮血剑本身就是如意宝贝,自然可以随着叶青羽意志变大。 Resounds through Heaven and Earth Dragon's Roar sound shaking Heaven and Earth! 一阵响彻天地龙吟声震动天地 Human Race, will never submit to Devil race! Small spider, compared with ants, in addition was inferior that matches in the head of Human Race abuses power! With dog's lives, holds a memorial service for the hero's soul of my Human Race!” 人族,永不向魔族屈服!小小蜘蛛,比蝼蚁尚且不如,怎配在人族的头上作威作福!用尔等狗命,祭奠我人族烈士的英魂!” Ye Qingyu forceful sound/noise spreads from the mouth of silver big dragon, resounds through Yunbiao! 叶青羽铿锵有力的声音从银色巨龙的口中传出,响彻云表! This just likes Fiendgod tries same sound/noise, making Heaven and Earth change colors instantaneously. 这犹如神魔审判一样的声音,令天地在瞬间失色。 That just likes the mountain huge demon spider, saw that Ye Qingyu changes to the big dragon, the whole body cruel arrogance vanishes instantaneously, the intense pressure from big dragon made his trembling cannot help but. 那犹如山岳般的巨大魔蛛,眼看叶青羽化作巨龙,浑身暴戾的气焰瞬间消失殆尽,来自巨龙的强烈威压令他不由自主的瑟瑟发抖。 This is the Xiantian suppression in species rank. 这是物种等级上的先天压制。 Dragon, Sovereign of ten thousand beast. 龙,万兽之主宰 Tianlong, Between Heaven and Earth king of beasts. 天龙,天地之间的兽王。 At this time in the cruel crown prince black ink front heart has a thought 此时暴戾亲王墨锋心中只有一个念头 Run away! 逃! He almost lost with the courage of silver big dragon resistance. 他几乎已经丧失了与银色巨龙对抗的勇气。 Then trembling from innermost soul, making him unable to bear want to kneel to bend down prostrates oneself in the big dragon under foot. 那来自灵魂深处的战栗,让他忍不住想要跪俯在巨龙脚下膜拜。 But he thinks Immortal Rank Boundary expert after all, the reason of only saving told him, must restrain that to come from the thought that in bloodlines wanted to submit, put together completely full power to escape! 可他毕竟是以为仙阶境强者,仅存的理智告诉他,必须要克制住那来自血脉中的那种想要臣服的念头,拼尽全力逃脱! However Ye Qingyu will not give him this opportunity. 然而叶青羽不会给他这个机会。 The sharp claws of big dragon fly high to wield, the broken rumor transmits, only leaves behind the Space-Time crack that five sharp claws leave behind in void, the strength of faint wind and thunder tears in the crack, the empty shade of great sign of the dragon claw from the sky flashes through, the demon spider of colossus was stepped on by the dragon claw in the ground, imitates, if a small sandbag. 巨龙的利爪凌空挥出,破风声传来,在虚空中只留下五道利爪留下的时空裂缝,隐隐的风雷之力在裂缝中撕扯,巨大龙爪的虚影在空中闪过,庞然大物的魔蛛已经被龙爪踩在地面上,仿若一只小小的沙包。 Squeek psst......” “吱吱吱……” Demon spider crazy is whooshing, is wielding eight giant spider legs, goes all out to attack to struggle, but actually Ren Ran no helps, his sharp stinger several puncture, actually leaves behind several on the giant dragon claw Bai Hen! 魔蛛疯狂的嘶吼着,挥动着八只巨型蛛腿,拼命地攻击挣扎,但却任然于事无补,他那锋利的毒刺几番刺出,却只是在巨大的龙爪上留下几道浅浅的白痕! Does not need the demon spider to continue to revolt, silver big dragon another one grips tightly the dragon claw of huge Blood Drinking Sword to wield suddenly to the demon spider under foot. 不待魔蛛继续反抗,银色巨龙的另一紧握巨大饮血剑的龙爪猛然向足下的魔蛛挥出。 Drinks the strength of eruption blood. 饮血之力爆发。 Sparkles red gloss Blood Drinking Sword to erupt eye-catching red light, complements the trim nighttime sky just likes is daybreak ordinary. Sword Qi place visited, void shatter, people can clear sees in the gully Space-Time crack the deathly stillness picture and float in unknown object. 闪耀着赤色光泽的饮血剑爆发出夺目的红光,将整片夜空都映衬的犹如黎明一般。剑气所过之处,虚空破碎,人们可以清晰的看到沟壑般的时空裂缝中死寂的景象和漂浮在其中的未知的物体。 Scoffs!!! 嗤!!! Blood Drinking Sword pierced the body of demon spider once again! 饮血剑再度刺穿了魔蛛的身体! The Demon Spider Race indestructible outer covering just likes under Blood Drinking Sword the brittle bean curd is common, does not have the slight resistivity. 魔蛛族坚不可摧的外壳在饮血剑之下犹如易碎的豆腐一般,没有丝毫的抵抗力。 On Blood Drinking Sword brilliance pasts. 饮血剑上光华流转。 On the sword blade that strange trace erupts dazzling red light, Crown Prince Demon Spider Race who the huge suction production, is insufferably arrogant huge the flesh and blood and yuan qi of Within the body crazy falls in torrents to Blood Drinking Sword! 剑身上那奇异的纹路爆发出刺目的红光,巨大的吸力产生,庞大不可一世的魔蛛族亲王体内的血肉和元气疯狂的向饮血剑内倾泻! „......” The cruel crown prince black ink front does not give out desperate roaring. “不……”暴戾亲王墨锋发出绝望的怒吼。 As his within the body the boundless vitality of courage vigor drains, then starts to wither like the mountain demon spider personal appearance, the unceasing earth-shaking transformation is small, becomes cannot withstand witheredly. 随着他体内的血气的磅礴的生命力流失,那如山岳般的魔蛛身形开始萎缩,不断地变小,变得干瘪不堪。 However several rest time, that huge such as mountain common demon spider main body body, then changed did not have the vitality skull, the great eye flood the dying embers, were emptily difficult to cover that final frightened color. 不过几息时间,那巨大如山岳一般的魔蛛本尊身躯,便化作了毫无生命力的空壳,空洞地巨眼泛着死灰,难掩那最终的恐惧之色。 Blood Drinking Sword happy buzz whining noise. 饮血剑一阵欢愉的嗡鸣声。 Dazzling red light on sword blade is gradually pale, after just liking the liquor full food is full , the need rests one to fall into quietly. 剑身上的耀眼的红光逐渐淡去,犹如酒足饭饱之后需要小憩一番般陷入了沉寂。 The next quarter, under the dragon claw transmitted a several inaudible light sound, the personal appearance of demon spider changed to everywhere flying ash in a twinkling, dissipated in Between Heaven and Earth. 下一刻,龙爪下传来一声几不可闻的轻响,魔蛛的身形霎时间化作了漫天飞灰,消散在天地之间 Under the cold seventh lunar month color, that huge demon spider vanishes in puff of smoke. 寒霜月色下,那巨大的魔蛛灰飞烟灭。 A continuously flying ash, ups and downs in the sky in strength imprisonment sways. 一缕缕飞灰,在力量禁锢在天空之中沉浮飘摇。 In everywhere flying ash this and is barely alive above remaining Demonic Qi in midair, elders and superiors approximately 56 kilometers giant silver Tianlong is partly visible. 而在漫天飞灰这和弥留在半空之中的残余魔气之上,一尊长约56千米的巨型银色天龙若隐若现。 That, lets present sufficiently all Human Race and Alien race lifetime unforgettable picture. 那一幕,是足以让在场所有人族异族都毕生难忘的景象。 Above the silver Tianlong body tour blade edge clouds, Dragon Lin is sending out Ying Ying piece by piece such as the Yu Run's general gloss. 银色天龙身躯游刃云霄之上,片片龙鳞散发着莹莹如玉润一般的光泽。 The giant dragon is among the clouds to coil to hover, the personal appearance, the stance is lightly nimble and resourceful, among three waves of 10% discount, has the earthshaking grand appearance. Tianlong Longxu moves against the wind, float waves one layer upon layer just likes the essence wind and cloud ripples along with it rippling, has the immortal rhyme makings of not being able to say. 巨大的龙身在云间盘曲游动,身形翩然,姿态灵动,三波九折之间,自有叱咤风云的雄姿。天龙龙须迎风而动,漂浮舞动之间一层层犹如实质的风云涟漪随之荡漾,自有说不出的仙韵气质。 As if in that moment, the moonlight above highest heaven also changes colors. 仿佛在那一刻,九霄之上的月华也为之失色。 As one intermittently just likes separates spatial ancient times to arrive at the world Dragon's Roar, the fog changes to substantive mighty waves galloping to disturb, dragon claw of Tianlong glides to walk randomly in the great waves that the fog winds around. 随着一阵阵犹如隔空上古降临人间的龙吟,云雾化作实质波涛奔腾翻搅,天龙的龙爪似是在云雾缭绕的浪涛之中滑翔游走。 Tianlong breathes several expiration and inspirations, Between Heaven and Earth black Demonic Qi will shortly vanish into thin air, the star light moonlight projects on the body of silver dragon, the dragon body is clearer dazzlingly, such imposing manner tone, makes the temporals prostrate oneself to profess allegiance sufficiently. 天龙鼻息之间几番吐纳,天地之间的黑色魔气顷刻烟消云散,星光月色投射在银龙的身上,龙身更为清晰耀眼,那样的气势气韵,足以让世间万物为之膜拜称臣。 Compared the beforehand total darkness, Flowing Light City the past in the moon/month could again have clear that in that split second recovery day and night. 相比之前的暗无天日,流光城在那一瞬间重新恢复了昔日夜月里才会有的清亮。 Silver white brilliance shines upon the earth, as if soft light beacon lights 11 lighten all Human Race innermost feelings. 银白光华映照大地,仿佛一盏盏柔光明灯将所有人族的内心11点亮。 But powerful resolute just like carving common dragon claw, huge Blood Drinking Sword is glittering shiny smooth brilliance in the still. 而雄劲刚毅宛如雕刻一般的龙爪之中,巨大的饮血剑正在犹自闪烁着莹润光华。 ------------- ------------- Three are completed. 三更完成。 The following plot, will have the big span, Song Xiaojun must appear once again, what status will she turn into? 接下来的情节,会有较大的跨度了,宋小君也要再度出现了,她会变成什么样的身份呢?
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