IGE :: Volume #6

#593: The third sword ( 2 )

On scarlet osteotome scarlet color greatly Sheng, has formed a giant knife halo around the osteotome, is similar to the roaring flame flaming combustion, all around space twists in this bloody color roaring flame unceasingly. 血色骨刀上猩红之色大盛,在骨刀周围形成了一圈巨大的刀形光晕,如同烈焰般熊熊燃烧,四周的空间在这血腥之色的烈焰中不断扭曲。 The ear hears the lingering on faintly report, after that is the spatial warping, the yuan qi density in space changes suddenly, by small explosion that scarlet color demon flame detonation forms. 耳边传来不绝于耳的爆裂声,那是空间扭曲之后,空间中的元气密度骤然大变,被那猩红之色的魔焰引爆形成的小型的爆炸。 Next split second, the cruel crown prince black ink front flies high to divide the scarlet osteotome backhandedly horizontally, the scarlet knife halo rises suddenly, from the sky leaves behind the knife scarlet brilliance that blocks the sky together, having the sanguinary rule to howl is plunging Ye Qingyu. 一瞬间,暴戾亲王墨锋反手将血色骨刀凌空横劈而出,血色的刀形光晕暴涨,在空中留下一道遮天蔽日的刀形血色光焰,带着腥风血雨呼啸着扑向叶青羽 Scarlet knife brilliance has swept across sky. 血色的刀形光焰席卷了天空。 In the entire vault of heaven the blood light presently, turned into blood flame Ocean for the first time, blade intent and working off anger, is bringing incomparable desperate comes with the killing intent hurricane. 整个天穹中血光乍现,变成了血焰汪洋,刀意和杀气,带着无匹的绝望和杀意飓风般呼啸而来。 In a twinkling, the vault of heaven in curtain of night as if must by this scarlet brilliance ignition completely. 霎时间,夜幕中的苍穹似乎都要被这血色的光焰灼烧殆尽。 The space of brilliance place visited changes to vacuum, not the slight air and yuan qi fluctuation exists. The Space-Time distortion, space cracks were adhered to stick cohere by the scarlet brilliance, strangely just likes the jack-o '- lantern in nether world! 光焰所过之处的空间都化作真空,没有丝毫的空气和元气波动存在。时空扭曲,一道道空间裂缝都被被血色的光焰附着,诡异犹如幽冥中的鬼火! Opposite. 对面。 Ye Qingyu under such offensive, just likes a small boat in this blood flame Ocean, appears is very tiny and frail. 叶青羽在这样的攻势下,犹如这血焰汪洋中的一叶扁舟,显得无比渺小和脆弱。 The scarlet brilliance must embezzle Ye Qingyu suddenly. 血色光焰眨眼间就要吞没叶青羽 But also in this is at a crucial moment, Ye Qingyu moved. 但也就是在这千钧一发之际,叶青羽动了。 Does not calculate that formidable yuan qi, pours into to Blood Drinking Sword in suddenly. 一股并不算强大的元气,突然注入到饮血剑内。 Buzz humming sound. 嗡嗡嗡。 Strange sword whining noise. 奇异的剑鸣声。 On Blood Drinking Sword the quiet dark-red lines road suddenly becomes bright, is similar to the mobile rock magma is ordinary, on the trace along sword blade appears the dazzling scarlet-red color gradually. 饮血剑上沉寂的暗红色纹路眨眼间变得鲜活起来,如同流动的岩浆一般,沿着剑身上的纹路逐渐显现出耀眼的赤红之色。 As that scarlet-red trace has lightened the entire sword blade gradually, Blood Drinking Sword just liked ancient times Monster of deep sleep is awakened, the imposing manner increased suddenly. When the scarlet-red mark has covered entirely the sword blade, the intense attraction erupts from the sword blade on. Blood Drinking Sword all around has formed the innumerable naked eye obvious cyclones, silent revolving. 随着那赤红的纹路逐渐点亮了整个剑身,饮血剑犹如一头沉睡的远古异兽被唤醒,气势陡然攀升。赤红的印记布满了剑身之际,强烈的吸引力自剑身上爆发。饮血剑的四周形成了无数肉眼可见的气旋,无声的旋转着。 The inconceivable matter occurred 不可思议的事情发生了 Before this was struck more than 30 Demon Spider Race expert corpses that kills by Ye Qingyu, originally scatters scattered about in the ground. On Blood Drinking Sword when the innumerable cyclones form, on these Demon Spider Race expert corpses, the dense and numerous strange red blood bead seeps the corpse surface, then flies to shoot to go to airborne Blood Drinking Sword. 此前被叶青羽击杀的30多名魔蛛族强者的尸体,原本七零八落地散落在地面上。饮血剑上的的无数气旋形成之时,这些魔蛛族强者的尸体上,密密麻麻的诡异的红色血珠沁出尸体表面,而后向空中的饮血剑飞射而去。 The essence and blood of Demon Spider Race expert lifetime these red blood beads are these been killed violently! 那些红色的血珠是这些已经毙命的魔蛛族强者毕生的精血所化! Pure courage vigor strength changes to blood bead, is similar to the rain water flows in backward, likely is such as Yan Guichao, gathers to Blood Drinking Sword. 纯粹的血气力量化作血珠,如同雨水倒灌,又像是如燕归巢,向饮血剑汇聚。 Suddenly, the red blood bead was similar to blood rain has covered entirely the entire sky. 只是眨眼间,红色血珠如同一场血雨布满了整个天空。 Just, this blood rain takes Blood Drinking Sword in Ye Qingyu hand for the end point, flows backwards to the horizon. 只不过,这血雨是以叶青羽手中的饮血剑为终点,倒流向天际。 This scene both beautiful and strange. 这场面既妖艳又诡异。 All occur in fast, but twinkling, everywhere blood rain by the Blood Drinking Sword absorption completely! 一切都发生在电光石火之间,不过瞬息,漫天的血雨都被饮血剑吸收殆尽! Blood Drinking Sword just likes the demon, after Bao Yin blood, the red trace above sword blade is dazzling. 饮血剑犹如邪魔,饱饮鲜血之后,剑身之上的赤色纹路越加耀眼。 Under examines carefully, these traces become seem to be more profound and clear, on sword blade some originally blanks places faint and reappears some new marks! 细看之下,那些纹路似乎变得更加的深刻和清晰,剑身上一些原本空白的地方隐隐的又浮现出一些新的印记! Ye Qingyu face upwards the long and loud cry, the deep breath. 叶青羽仰天长啸,深呼吸。 He can feel the courage vigor strength that in Blood Drinking Sword rushes clearly, satisfactory stimulation of movement Blood Drinking Sword, strengthens the purest life strength. 他能够清晰地感受到饮血剑中澎湃的血气力量,满意的催动饮血剑,从中汲取最精纯的生命力量。 The boundless and pure life strength gives Ye Qingyu from the Blood Drinking Sword upload. 磅礴而又纯净的生命力量从饮血剑上传递给叶青羽 On him the wound creeping motion of innumerable depth obvious bone, the pink granulation grows at the naked eye obvious speed suddenly, the light shiny smooth luster is sparkling in these wounds, but suddenly, the wound of Ye Qingyu whole body healed, trace that cannot see injury. 他身上的无数深可见骨的伤口一阵蠕动,粉红色的肉芽以肉眼可见的速度在眨眼间长出,淡淡的莹润色泽在那些伤口上闪耀着,不过眨眼间,叶青羽全身的创伤都已经愈合,看不出一丝受过伤的痕迹。 The skeleton of his within the body disruption also under the irrigation of this pure life strength, split second like mushrooms after a spring rainfall grows, and becomes is firmer and sturdy. 他体内碎裂的骨骼也在这纯净的生命力量的灌溉之下,一瞬间如雨后春笋般重新生长出来,并且变得更加的坚固和粗壮。 In an instant, instantaneously to peak condition. 一念之间,瞬间到了巅峰状态。 The pure life strength that derives from Blood Drinking Sword unceasingly is still washing out all the limbs and bones of Ye Qingyu within the body, just likes to Ye Qingyu the prolonged drought timely rain is moistening his meridians, a sense of joy of not being able to say transmits from the innermost soul. 饮血剑中汲取的纯净生命力量还在不断地冲刷着叶青羽体内的四肢百骸,对叶青羽来说犹如久旱甘霖般滋润着他的经脉,一种说不出的愉悦感从灵魂深处传来。 At this moment, on the clothing moistened completely bloodstain Ye Qingyu if suddenly the immortal, renounced society and lived alone self-satisfied. 此时此刻,衣衫上沾满了血迹的叶青羽恍然若仙,飘飘然遗世独立。 Sees only him to lift the hand gently, the movement seems like slow, is having one in invisible the dust flavor. 只见他轻轻地抬手,动作看似缓慢,却在无形间带着一股出尘的味道。 Blood Drinking Sword along with his hand signal high uphold, the sword points to the vault of heaven sharp. 饮血剑随着他的手势高高的抬起,剑尖直指苍穹。 Invisible Sword Qi silently spreads from sword blade, leaves behind the transparent wave trace in the air. 无形的剑气悄然无声的从剑身上扩散开去,在空气中留下透明水波般的纹路。 On Blood Drinking Sword that mysterious trace and mark glitter the lava bright radiant gloss, brilliance are pasting, swift and fierce killing intent erupts from void. 饮血剑上那玄奥的纹路和印记闪烁着熔岩般鲜亮璀璨的光泽,光华流转之间,凌厉的杀意从虚空中爆发。 The brilliance of scarlet osteotome approaches suddenly at present, Ye Qingyu grasps Blood Drinking Sword to cut fiercely to the direction of cruel crown prince black ink front toward the dreadful brilliance of coming. 血色骨刀的光焰眨眼间逼近眼前,叶青羽手持饮血剑向着迎面而来的滔天光焰猛地向暴戾亲王墨锋的方向斩下。 A sword cuts, the Ye Qingyu Blood Drinking Sword in personal appearance and hand combines, changes to together the red Flowing Light lasing. 一剑斩出,叶青羽的身形与手中的饮血剑合二为一,化作一道赤色的流光激射而出。 This Flowing Light just likes does not have the omen in the vault of heaven chops a huge red lightning, bringing dazzling red light suddenly to cut the horizon. 流光犹如在苍穹中毫无预兆的劈出一道巨大的赤色闪电,带着刺目的红光瞬息间划破了天际。 Bang!!! 轰!!! The flash that the brilliance of red lightning and scarlet osteotome bumps into, shakes the day to move the place the explosion sound sound tearing vault of heaven. 赤色的闪电与血色骨刀的光焰相撞的一刹那,撼天动地的轰响声撕裂苍穹。 The scarlet brilliance that everywhere comes just likes the frail fine gauze in front of the red lightning, with hands down was cut a huge opening by the sharp knife blade. 漫天汹涌而来的血色光焰在赤色的闪电面前犹如单薄的轻纱,被利刃不费吹灰之力的划破一道巨大的口子。 All occurred in the calcium carbide flames. 所有的一切都发生在电石火光之间。 Ye Qingyu has not left the time of cruel crown prince black ink front any counter-attack and defense. 叶青羽没有留给暴戾亲王墨锋任何反击和防御的时间。 The red lightning after tearing the fine gauze scarlet brilliance did not have to hesitate and stagnate slightly, cuts by the potential of thunder to the body of cruel crown prince black ink front! 赤色的闪电在撕裂了轻纱般的血色光焰之后没有丝毫犹疑与停滞,以雷霆之势斩向暴戾亲王墨锋的身体! The fierce still scarlet gully is almost divided into two halves the cruel crown prince black ink front together. 一道狰狞犹的血色沟壑几乎将暴戾亲王墨锋分成两半。 The cruel crown prince black ink front facial color crazily changes, eyeful is the unbelievable look, looked down to cut huge Blood Drinking Sword of oneself body, cannot believe as before that among a move, oneself was cut to break the body unexpectedly. 暴戾亲王墨锋面色狂变,满眼皆是难以置信的神色,低头看了看斩中了自己身体的巨大饮血剑,依旧不敢相信,一招之间,自己竟然就被斩破了身体。 Did that severely wounded dying humanity, injure itself unexpectedly? 那个重伤垂死的人类,竟然伤了自己? Pain! 痛! Piercing pain! 刺骨的痛! The cruel crown prince black ink front only felt that made his desperate pain sweep across his complete consciousness. 暴戾亲王墨锋只感觉到令他绝望的痛席卷了他的全部意识。 Trembling from innermost soul turns in the cruel crown prince black ink front heart wells up to wreak havoc. 一种来自灵魂深处的颤栗在暴戾亲王墨锋心中翻涌肆虐。 What made his desperate was, he shocked discovered that in body that fierce gully the blood light surged, did not have a drop of blood to flow out, all blood toward the sword blade edge gathering of Blood Drinking Sword. 更加令他绝望的是,他震骇地发现,身上那狰狞的沟壑中血光涌动,却没有一滴鲜血流出,所有的血液都朝着饮血剑的剑刃汇聚。 In this split second, the cruel crown prince black ink front, can the obvious feeling the courage vigor and vitality of own within the body crazily is draining at a fearful speed. 在这一瞬间,暴戾亲王墨锋,能明显的感觉到自己体内的血气和生命力都在以一种可怕的速度疯狂地流失。 This is......” “这是……” A lightning flashes through the mind. 一道闪电闪过脑海。 The cruel crown prince black ink front remembered beforehand Blood Drinking Sword to drink completely Luo Xie blood suddenly, as well as a moment ago that split second, more than 30 were the blood of this clan expert, by this giant strange big sword absorption clean picture. 暴戾亲王墨锋突然想起了之前饮血剑饮尽了罗邪的鲜血,以及刚才那一瞬间,30多为本族强者的血,都被这巨大怪异的大剑吸收干净的画面。 This great sword, has the strangeness, impressively is a handle demon soldier. 这巨剑,有古怪,赫然是一柄魔兵。 Buzz humming sound. 嗡嗡嗡。 As if was feels to belong to the Immortal Rank Boundary expert vigorous strength from cruel crown prince black ink front Within the body that Blood Drinking Sword shook automatically, such as the wild animal saw a lush lamb to be common fierce, then impatient automatic was strengthening the flesh and blood and strength of cruel crown prince black ink front Within the body. 似乎是感受到来自暴戾亲王墨锋体内那属于仙阶境强者的雄浑力量,饮血剑自动震荡了起来,如凶猛地野兽看见一只肥美的羔羊一般,便迫不及待的自动汲取着暴戾亲王墨锋体内的血肉和力量。 „...... Boils to me!” “啊……给我滚开!” The cruel crown prince occurred simultaneously alarmed and afraid, in both eyes erupts boundless frightened and crazy. 暴戾亲王惊惧交加,双目中爆发出无边的恐惧和疯狂。 Next quarter he starts crazy struggling. 下一刻他开始疯狂的挣扎。 Discards the scarlet osteotome, Mo Jin shouted angrily, the left hand palm was the fist, the demon flame is turbulent, wraps the fist, all strengths of whole body condensed on this fist, when bang, the destruction strength, attacked fiercely to the front maintains is cutting into his body posture Ye Qingyu the long sword. 将血色骨刀丢弃,墨金怒喝一声,左手化掌为拳,魔焰汹涌,包裹了拳头,全身的所有力量都凝聚在这一拳上,轰地一声,毁灭般的力量,猛地攻向面前保持着将长剑斩入他身躯时的姿势的叶青羽 This fist, does not have any gaudy stance and style. 这一拳,不带任何花哨的姿态和招式。 But it actually congealed Immortal Rank Boundary Crown Prince Demon Spider Race the strength of lifetime, by most directly most primitive way bang to Ye Qingyu surface gate. 但它却凝结了一个仙阶境魔蛛族亲王的毕生之力,以最直接最原始的方式轰向叶青羽面门。 Ye Qingyu sneers. 叶青羽冷笑一声。 Ha Ha, must draw back, has felt the Blood Drinking Sword strength without enough time.” “哈哈,现在要退,来不及了,感受一下饮血剑的力量吧。” At this time, he any will not spread out to this crown prince demon spider absolutely the opportunity. 这个时候,他绝对不会给这头亲王魔蛛任何拉开距离的机会。 Ye Qingyu holds the right hand of sword to be entirely still, simultaneously revolution True Will of the Sky dragon in the heart, on the left arm silver brilliance glittered changed to the giant dragon claw, when the dragon scale covered in that flash of his left arm, gripped tightly the cruel crown prince black ink front gigantic fist completely in the dragon claw. 叶青羽持剑的右手纹丝不动,同时在心中运转天龙真意,左臂上银色光华闪烁间化作了巨大的龙爪,当龙鳞覆盖在他左臂的那一刹那,将暴戾亲王墨锋硕大的拳头完全紧握在龙爪中。 On the great fist the boundless strength made Ye Qingyu change to Dragon Claw the left arm to have the slight vibration, has not given cruel crown prince black ink front any opportunity of escaping. 巨拳上磅礴的力量只是让叶青羽化作龙爪的左臂有了轻微的震动,没有给暴戾亲王墨锋任何逃脱的机会。 Condensed the fist of oneself lifetime most skill shortly by easy melting, felt the cruel crown prince black ink front of death threat, in the heart has occurred simultaneously alarmed and afraid, almost lost the reason. 眼看凝聚了自己毕生大半功力的一拳被轻而易举的化解,感受到了死亡威胁的暴戾亲王墨锋,心中惊惧交加,几乎丧失了理智。 Ahhhhh, I have killed you!” 啊啊啊,我杀了你!” He puts together strength of revolt yuan qi and final bloodlines of whole body. 他拼上全身的元气和最后的血脉之力反抗。 His four limbs crazy brandishes is wanting to work loose, the huge strength in airborne restless fleeing in all directions, leaves behind the innumerable space cracks in void, in a surrounding area several hundred meters range, yuan qi fluctuation unusual disorder, black demon cloud from the sky tumbling turnovers, in upper air in a twinkling sound of one cold wind call letters. 他的四肢疯狂的挥舞着想要挣脱,庞大的力量在空中不安的流窜,在虚空中留下无数的空间裂缝,方圆数百米的范围内,元气波动异常紊乱,一道道黑色的魔云在空中翻滚吞吐,高空中霎时间一片阴风呼号之声。 Looks the cruel crown prince black ink front that more and more intensely struggles, Ye Qingyu Coldly smiles. 看着越来越强烈地挣扎的暴戾亲王墨锋,叶青羽冷冷一笑。 Bastard, said today must cut you, you appoint.” In the shouts out sound, Ye Qingyu crazy stimulation of movement revolution True Will of the Sky dragon, boundless noble spirit erupts in the upper air. “畜生,说了今日要斩你,你就任命吧。”大喝声之中,叶青羽疯狂催动运转天龙真意,一股磅礴浩然之气在高空中爆发。 Next split second, the scary picture appears. 一瞬间,骇人的画面出现。 Ye Qingyu second half, unexpectedly during the silver rays of light glitter, the body changes to Dragon Xing. 叶青羽的下半,竟然是在银色毫光闪烁之中,身化作龙形。 Giant Dragon's Tail has covered entirely silver scale, has been full of the endless visual impact strength, seemed the huge silver rope is the same, covers entirely giant Dragon's Tail of silver scales to entangle gently, the body of cruel crown prince black ink front already by the Dragon's Tail cling. 巨大的龙尾布满了银色鳞片,充满了无尽的视觉冲击力,仿佛是巨大的银色绳索一样,布满了银色鳞甲的巨大龙尾轻轻一缠,就暴戾亲王墨锋的身躯就已经被龙尾卷住。 The strength of Tianlong, what kind terror. 天龙之力,何等的恐怖。 This split second, cruel crown prince Mo Jin thought that the fish that oneself probably are struggling desperately, was surrounded by the fishing net stubbornly, cannot struggle. 一瞬间,暴戾亲王墨金就觉得,自己好像是一只拼死挣扎的鱼,被渔网死死困住,根本挣扎不开。 By the strength of mortal body, Ye Qingyu then can the struggling continuous body of cruel crown prince black ink front tighten merely easily, in Dragon's Tail circles in the shackles that becomes. 仅仅凭借肉身之力,叶青羽便能轻而易举将暴戾亲王墨锋的挣扎不休的身体紧锁在龙尾盘旋而成的枷锁之中。 Blood Drinking Sword, inserts in his body as before. 饮血剑,依旧插在他的身体之中。 Along with passing of time, the cruel crown prince black ink front panic-stricken desire discovered certainly that the strength of his within the body had been swallowed up about half by that strange great sword! 随着时间的流逝,暴戾亲王墨锋惊恐欲绝地发现,他体内的力量已经被那诡异的巨剑鲸吞近半! -------- -------- Second, this plot, will finish today. 第二更,今天这段情节,会写完了。 The words that everybody has free time, can under attention the public micro letter of knife, numerous welfare charts, not fault-tolerant, Ha Ha. 大家有空的话,可以关注下刀子的公众微信,众多福利图,不容错过,哈哈。
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