IGE :: Volume #6

#592: The third sword ( 1 )

Who also dares again a war!” “谁还敢再一战!” In the vault of heaven, the Ye Qingyu sound/noise cloud penetration crack stone transmits. 苍穹中,叶青羽声音穿云裂石般传来。 His dripping with blood, could not distinguish clearly more than 30 clan expert that is he or just now cuts to kill. 他的身上鲜血淋漓,已经分不清是他自己还是方才斩杀的30多名族强者的。 Clang clang! 锵锵! The sword called like Dragon's Roar. 剑鸣如龙吟 On the Ye Qingyu face has revealed color of the despising. 叶青羽脸上露出了一丝轻蔑之色。 In his hand moistens Blood Drinking Sword of full blood to raise high, Sword Edge points to the cruel crown prince black ink front. 他手中沾满鲜血的饮血剑高高扬起,剑锋直指暴戾亲王墨锋。 „Is the solemn Immortal Rank Boundary crown prince, only dares to hide in the subordinate back coward? Your these subordinates, send again, brings death, wants to rub me with them livingly, that was too naive...... Looks at your Cultivation Base strength, should status not be low, but dares to fight with me!” “堂堂仙阶境的亲王,难道是个只敢躲在属下背后的懦夫吗?你这些属下,再派上来,也只是送死而已,想要用他们活生生地磨死我,那就太天真了……看你修为实力,应该地位不低,可敢与我一战!” In upper air, Ye Qingyu heroic [say / way]. 高空中,叶青羽豪迈道。 Opposite. 对面。 Cruel crown prince black ink front facial color cloudy and cold. 暴戾亲王墨锋面色阴冷。 He is pinching the sphere in hand, mocked that smiles, does not bring a [say / way] of temperature: What thing you are, matches This King to begin personally?” 他捏着手中的圆球,讥诮地一笑,不带一丝温度的道:“你算是什么东西,也配本王亲自动手?” However, spoke of here time, the corners of the mouth of cruel crown prince black ink front, pulled a curve suddenly, a thread of conversation road for grain shipment: But, you can live to walk from Heaven Domain god star, is one generation is outstanding, makes This King a little accidental actually, since you strove for wholeheartedly, I then gave you one time with the opportunity of my fair war, making you know that my Demon Spider Race strength was not your small Ascending Heaven Boundary humanity can compare.” 不过,说到这里时候,暴戾亲王墨锋的嘴角,忽然牵起一丝弧度,话锋一转道:“不过,你能从天域神星阵中活着走出来,也算是一代人杰,倒是让本王有点儿意外,既然你一心求死,我便给你一次与我公平一战的机会,让你知道,我魔蛛族实力不是你一个小小登天境的人类可以比拟的。” Then, in the cruel crown prince Mo Jin eye is surging killing intent and washes oppressively, flies high forwards gradually. 说完,暴戾亲王墨金眼中涌动着杀意和洗虐,凌空缓步向前。 On his black fine gold [gold/metal] totem armor brilliance pasts, overflowing black Demonic Qi concentrates the thick fog winding around whole body, extremely revealed completely just like poor rogue ancient times ominous beast killing intent, the internal combustion engine has locked not far away whole body blood Ye Qingyu in an extremely difficult situation. 他身上的黑色鎏金图腾铠甲上光华流转,四溢的黑色魔气凝成浓雾缭绕周身,宛如一头穷凶恶极的远古凶兽杀意毕露,气机锁定了不远处浑身鲜血狼狈不堪的叶青羽 In city wall. 城墙上。 Audiences Human Race expert sees this, is anxious and anger. 一众人族强者看到这一幕,又急又怒。 Shameless one, but also dares to be known as that is the crown prince! Unexpectedly with fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out! After day line of Senior break through that formation, the injury did not have recovery!” “无耻之徒,还敢号称是亲王!竟然用车轮战!天行前辈攻破那个阵法之后,伤势都还没有恢复!” Snort, Venerable of when clan crown prince, while the day line of Senior strength use up receives the challenge, clearly takes advantage of somebody!” “哼,一族亲王之尊,趁着天行前辈力竭之时接下挑战,分明就是趁人之危!” Early knows Demon Spider Race to be deceitful, but has not actually thought that including the Immortal Rank Boundary crown princes is so mean!” “早知魔蛛族狡诈无比,但却没想到,连仙阶境的亲王都是如此卑鄙!” Of pleasant to hear that said that added that is the fair war, how not to make the day line first therapy!” “说的好听,还说是公平一战,怎么不让天行先疗伤!” Damn Demon Spider Race! Shameless!” “该死的魔蛛族!无耻之极!” These Devil race are really damn...... Day line of Senior, cannot meet head-on at this moment, otherwise was not the Devil race snare!” “这些魔族真是该死……天行前辈,此刻不能迎战啊,否则不是中了魔族的圈套!” No matter in the top, is in the city, almost all people, could not bear the aunt. 不管是在城头上,还是在城内,几乎所有的人,都忍不住大妈了起来。 The heart of everyone, split second mentioned the throat, to is unable to breathe anxiously simply. 每个人的心,一瞬间都提到了嗓子眼,紧张到简直无法呼吸。 In self-poise inn boss Ling on the Lianping date was most of the time dreary, at this moment was also anxious, looked at other side person of one, could not bear urgently said: Devil race is deceitful, copes with day of line of Senior with the fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, do we think so?” 就连平日里大多数时候都镇定自若的客栈老板泠萧然,此刻也焦虑起来,看了身边其他人一眼,忍不住急道:“魔族狡诈阴险,用车轮战对付天行前辈,难道我们就这么看着吗?” His side, the beautiful appearance inn proprietress weighs with the song, the delicate eyebrows are pressed, is unable to conceal worry of own innermost feelings, deeply worried of over the face. 他的身边,美貌的客栈老板娘衡与歌,秀眉蹙起,无法掩饰自己的内心的担忧,满面的焦灼。 Scar of knife wound [gold/metal] both hands grip tightly, a fist beats in the city wall, said in a low voice: This way day line of Senior strongly, the situation will be very sooner or later dangerous, we cannot sit by and do nothing, even if cannot help, but is ready for any sacrifice this life, can always win rest recovery time for him!” 刀疤金双手紧握,一拳捶到城墙上,低声道:“这样下去天行前辈早晚都会竭力,形势十分危险,我们不能坐视不理,就算是帮不上忙,但豁出去这条命,总能为他争取一点休息恢复的时间吧!” Chen Zhengliang facial color is serious, builds on the soft sword sword hilt of waist, said resolutely: At the worst and Demon Spider Race spelled! We cannot see that the day line of Senior one person alone violate the danger!” 陈正良面色沉重,一手搭在腰间的软剑剑柄上,毅然道:“大不了和魔蛛族拼了!我们绝不能眼看着天行前辈孤身犯险!” The people had impulsion of getting rid. 众人都有了出手的冲动。 First good man Zheng look, goes to Hu bugui that has been silent. 第一善人郑老的眼神,投向一直沉默不语的胡不归 In the situation of day line of going to battle, strength strongest Hu bugui, most has the right to speak. 在天行出战的情况,实力最强的胡不归,最有话语权。 At this time, on the face of this Bandit Leader was bringing a heaviness, facing people the vision, after considering the moment, finally gently shook the head. 这时,这个强盗头子的脸上带着一丝沉重,面对众人的的眼光,思虑片刻后,最终还是轻轻摇了摇头。 He understands, since Ye Qingyu had decided from the beginning the one person alone meets the enemy, definitely has his goal and plan. Is acquainted this period of time to come his understanding the Ye Qingyu style by them, knows that he often seeks, but the rear drive, the conduct is watertight, certainly will leave leeway the subsequent party. 他心里明白,叶青羽既然一开始就决定了孤身迎敌,肯定是有他的目的和计划。凭借他们相识这段时日来他对叶青羽行事风格的了解,知道他往往谋而后动,行事滴水不漏,一定会留有后手。 Now is also not the most essential time, if they get rid at this time rashly, will be very likely to disrupt the plan of Ye Qingyu. 现在还不是最关键的时候,若此时他们贸然出手,极有可能会打乱叶青羽的计划。 However these words, are he are actually not able to say to the people. 但是这些话,却是他无法对众人说出口的。 , Hu bugui facial color tranquil tunnel: Day good brothers are not willing me and others to get rid, should have his plan, we cannot act rashly now...... Everybody thinks that the Devil race army is still stationed inside and outside 50, if we have spelled, that Flowing Light City what to do? Day good brothers' pains, completely wasted...... Let alone by everybody's strength, straightforward, rushed is also the burden that I said that only feared that could not help.” 顿了顿,胡不归面色平静地道:“天行兄弟不愿我等出手,应该是有他的打算,我们现在不能轻举妄动……大家想一想,魔族的大军还在50里外驻扎着,如果我们都拼了,那流光城怎么办?天行兄弟的一番苦心,就全部都白费了……更何况以大家的实力,我说的直白一点,冲上去也是累赘,只怕也帮不上什么忙。” In people hear Yanxin one cold. 众人闻言心中一凛。 The Devil race army eyes covetously on 50 miles away, if they were diverted by airborne these Devil race expert, if the Devil race army seizes the chance to intrude on, that the hundreds of thousands of Human Race common people in city, can face the total destruction?! 魔族的大军就在50里之外虎视眈眈,若是他们都被空中那些魔族强者牵制住,万一魔族大军趁机进犯,那着城中的数十万人族百姓,岂不是都要面临灭顶之灾?! For taking the entire situation into account, only they can do perseveres in the city wall, preventing the enemy to raid the city! 为了顾全大局,他们唯一能做的就是坚守在城墙上,防止敌人袭城! Their vision went to the upper air once more that whole body are the blood form, in the eye have been full of the high respect and solemn and stirring color. 他们的目光再次投向高空中那浑身是血身影,眼中充满了崇高的敬意与悲壮之色。 Meanwhile, in Flowing Light City is also restless moving restlessly. 与此同时,流光城中也是一阵不安的躁动。 Shortly after the war starts, the innumerable common people gather in the square. 早在大战开始后不久,无数的普通百姓聚集在广场上。 The people walk arm in arm mutually in the same place, for each other to provide dependence, by oneself no longer timidly, did not lose the dignity and strength of spirit in front of Devil race. 人们互相依偎在一起,为彼此提供依靠,让自己不再胆怯,不在魔族面前失了尊严和骨气。 They raise the head to look that in that distant place upper air dense piece of demon Yun Duimian has a whole body is the lonely form of blood, in the heart is extremely anxious. 他们仰首看着那个远方高空中黑压压一片的魔云对面只有一个浑身是血的孤单的身影,心中万分焦虑。 The people are calling out in alarm in a low voice. 人们低声的惊呼着。 In the upper air confrontation of great disparity in strength, a heart mentioned the throat. 高空中力量悬殊的对峙,一颗心提到了嗓子眼。 „Can he really by an enemy hundred?” Countless people look in the distant place sky that whole body are the form of blood, in the heart surge the similar question. “他真的能够以一敌百吗?”无数人看着远方天空中那浑身是血的身影,心中涌起同样的疑问。 They exchange the line of sight mutually, sees each other anxious look in eye. 他们互相交换视线,看到彼此眼中的忧虑神色。 „Does the day need to perish my Human Race?” A camel old man of graying at the temples leans on walking stick excited Bei Hu to lose one's voice. “难道天要亡我人族?”一位两鬓斑白的橐驼老者拄着拐杖激动的悲呼失声。 Shivering that old person's frail body does not live, creakies. 老人孱弱的身躯不住的颤抖,摇摇欲坠。 Black demon Yunnei threatening imposing manner of blocking the sky, even if is in 25 beside in Flowing Light City if falls ice cave, what discussed that was seriously injured but actually also to want the short distance to face directly that terror Demon Spider Race expert form, is bearing the huge and fearful pressure. 遮天蔽日的黑色魔云那逼人的气势,哪怕是身在25之外的流光城中都让人如坠冰窟,更何谈那已经身受重伤但却还要近距离直面那恐怖魔蛛族强者的身影,到底是承受着何等巨大和可怕的压力。 That micro fat actually whole body is the wound form, looks like a wall, city wall under being scarred vicissitudes incomparably momentarily possibly collapse, what pressure no matter facing this, stands one's ground steadfastly, is resisting all, collapses to it finally loudly. 那个微胖却浑身是伤的身影,就像是一堵墙,一堵伤痕累累沧桑无比随时都可能倒塌下的城墙,不管是面对这什么样的压力,都岿然不动,抵御着一切,一直到它最终轰然倒塌。 But they can do, is Ye Qingyu prays silently. 而他们能做的,只有默默为叶青羽祝祷。 In the crowd, over a ten -year-old youth in rags, on the face of being childish brings to wipe the light faith. 人群中,一个只有十多岁的少年衣衫褴褛,稚气未脱的脸上带着一抹淡淡的信念。 He looks in the upper air the Ye Qingyu form, in the eye is having the color of thick worship, saying that muttered: Certainly will win! Senior, you will certainly win!” 他看着高空中叶青羽的身影,眼中的带着浓浓的崇拜之色,喃喃的说道:“一定会赢的!前辈,您一定会赢的!” Youth originally hangs in body side both hands, closely the junction grasps in the front, prayed devotionally. 少年原本垂在身侧的双手,紧紧地交握在胸前,虔诚地祈祷。 His first speech sound such as mosquito rui several inaudible. 他的第一句话声如蚊蚋几不可闻。 But spoke of second to be actually loud and clear like the inscription on stone tablet and bronze, is having the incomparable faith and respect. 但说到第二句却如金石般掷地有声,带着无匹的信念和崇敬。 Mood that in the crowd that worries about by the sound/noise infection of this youth, in the item had been ignited the fire of hope. 人群中那担忧的情绪似是被这少年的声音感染,目中又重新燃起了希望之火。 Certainly will win!” “一定会赢的!” Right, day line of Senior will certainly win!” “对,天行前辈一定会赢的!” Will win, certainly will win! Day line of Senior are our Human Race liberators, certainly will not have the matter!” “会赢的,一定会赢!天行前辈是我们人族的救星,一定不会有事的!” Right! Our Human Race liberator will certainly not be defeated!” “对!我们人族的救星一定不会被打败的!” The increasing number of people were infected by the strength of this faith, they with tears, kneel in the ice-cold ground prayed to Heaven that praying Ye Qingyu can defeat Devil race, saves in Human Race and danger. 越来越多的人被这信念之力感染,他们眼含热泪,长跪在冰冷的地面上向上苍祈祷,祈祷叶青羽能够战胜魔族,拯救人族与危难之中。 That leans on the walking stick, the graying at the temples old man is shivering is wiping the tears in eye, finally looked at a distant place that whole body is the form of blood, closed one's eyes silently, worshipped on bended knees slowly in the place. 那位拄着拐杖,两鬓斑白的老者颤抖着抹去眼中的热泪,最后看了一眼远方那浑身是血的身影,默默地闭上眼,缓缓跪拜在地。 ...... ...... In upper air. 高空中。 The cruel crown prince black ink front sneers saying: Humanity, I come the rite with your blood today the ghost of my clan brave warrior!” 暴戾亲王墨锋冷笑道:“人类,今日我就用你的血来祭典我族勇士的亡魂!” The voice falls. 话音落下。 The cruel crown prince black ink front pulls out the waist long blade backhandedly. 暴戾亲王墨锋反手抽出腰间长刀。 Five meters scarlet osteotome clank sends out just likes sound/noise that the metal junction called, together the bloody color of treacherous ominous cry, unexpectedly eruption. 五米长的血色骨刀铮铮发出犹如金属交鸣的声音,一道诡谲凶唳的血腥之色,蓦地爆发。 Scarlet light just like blood moon/month suddenly present world of cracking. 猩红之光宛如崩裂的血月骤然现世。 The void shake, the piercing ice-cold and woods cold killing intent tears like the hurricane is compelling void to opposite Ye Qingyu. 虚空震荡,刺骨的冰冷和森寒的杀意如飓风般撕扯着虚空逼向对面的叶青羽 Cruel crown prince black ink front brandishing a sword quick march, personal appearance such as twinkling Flowing Light. 暴戾亲王墨锋挥刀疾进,身形如瞬息流光 Sneering on his face appears under the blood light fierce fearsome. 他脸上的冷笑在血光之下更显得狰狞可怖。 Ye Qingyu as if the strength has used up, does not have first to make the counter-attack, but transformed the position, the whole body is the blood wind shoots, this indistinctly has avoided the cruel crown prince this exploratory strikes. 叶青羽仿佛已经力竭,并没有第一时间做出反击,只是变换了一下位置,浑身又是鲜血飙射,这才隐约避开了暴戾亲王这试探性的一击。 His gasping blowout blood arrow, personal appearance creakies together, light looks on that long blade blood moon/month brilliance, exhales the one breath, said: „To hold a memorial service for Demon Spider Race these waste with my life, only feared that you do not have that skill!” 张口喷出一道血箭,身形摇摇欲坠,淡淡的看着那长刀上血月般的光华,呼出一口气,道:“想要用我的命来祭奠魔蛛族的那些废物,只怕你没那个本事!” Acts recklessly, today makes you know that with fate that my clan opposes!” Cruel crown prince black ink front hear that sneers, the scarlet osteotome points to Ye Qingyu. “不知死活,今日就让你知道与我族作对的下场!”暴戾亲王墨锋闻言冷笑,血色骨刀直指叶青羽 A strange demonity strength, erupts from his body, ancient times Monster that such as is dormant was awakened. 一股诡异的魔性力量,从他的身体里爆发出来,如蛰伏的远古异兽被唤醒。 On he exposed skin outside reappears gradually some strange marks and traces, the color deepens by the hermosa pink gradually gradually, finally changes is mixing with golden blood red. 他裸露在外的皮肤上逐渐浮现出一些奇异的印记和纹路,颜色渐渐由浅粉色逐渐加深,最终化作夹杂着金色的血红。 His armor, erupts the spooky cold brightness suddenly. 就连他身上的铠甲,也骤然爆发出幽幽的寒光。 These marks and traces on his skin are similar to the living creatures, winds to curl up is spreading to his whole body, even on the ice-cold armor also gradually has covered continually entirely the bright red strange trace. 他皮肤上的那些印记和纹路如同活物,蜿蜒蜷曲着向他的全身蔓延,甚至连冰冷的铠甲上也逐渐布满了鲜红的奇异纹路。 Looks from afar, the cruel crown prince black ink front just likes the ancient times ominous beast that a whole body covers entirely the scarlet trace, the imposing manner is threatening. The invisible air wave from his side outward diffusion, he behind the black demon cloud was attacked by the air wave, tumbles to wreak havoc unceasingly. 远远望去,暴戾亲王墨锋犹如一头浑身布满血色纹路的上古凶兽,气势逼人。无形的气浪从他的身边向外扩散开去,他身后黑色魔云被气浪冲击,不断地翻滚肆虐。 Blood flame cuts boundlessly...... Humanity, death!” “血焰无涯斩……人类,死!” The cruel crown prince explodes drinks one, the strength that within the body rushes vigorously wells up to start the scarlet osteotome. 暴戾亲王爆喝一声,体内雄浑澎湃的力量涌入手中的血色骨刀。 -------- -------- Today three. 今天三更。 This is first, thanks everybody's support. 这是第一更,谢谢大家的支持。
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