IGE :: Volume #6

#591: Three the swords shake second the sword clear ginger ( 2 )

This methodicalness is chaotic, does not have rule to be approximate in the fighting method of putting up a last-ditch struggle, just like the spent force, making in Flowing Light City in the anxious attention midair tactical situation Human Race in abundance fearful and apprehensive, even does not dare to blink the breath. 这种章法混乱,毫无规律近似于垂死挣扎的打法,宛如强弩之末,让流光城中急切关注半空之中战况的人族纷纷胆战心惊,甚至不敢眨眼呼吸。 Clang! 锵! In the dark clouds the empty shade stretches out the half long spear essence together suddenly, the spear head has half meter fully, the knife point cold brightness is sharp, pushes directly into to insert the Ye Qingyu shoulder. 黑云之中一道虚影突然伸出半截长枪实质,枪头足有半米,刀尖寒光锋利,长驱直入插进叶青羽肩头。 A blood-stained mouth Dadong of fist size appears above the Ye Qingyu left shoulder. 一个拳头大小的血口大洞出现在叶青羽左肩之上。 In this! 就在这! ! 咻! Ye Qingyu brandishes a sword cuts, Sword Qi submerges in the dark clouds, does not have the sound as before, but in the dark clouds, surges faintly ripples. 叶青羽挥刀一斩,剑气没入黑云之中,依旧没有动静,但黑云之中,隐隐激荡起一阵涟漪。 Really so! 果然如此! Ye Qingyu eye pupil Flashed. 叶青羽眼眸一闪 Among the electric light flint, the dark clouds shadow to the war takes turn with his Demon Spider Race expert long spear actual situation again, the unceasing long jab comes, the Ye Qingyu whole body blood column spout, has blood hole blasting open unceasingly. 电光火石之间,黑云暗影之重与他对战的魔蛛族强者长枪虚实交替,不断直击而来,将叶青羽浑身血柱喷涌,不断有血洞炸裂而出。 . 咻咻咻。 Ye Qingyu was curled enters nirvana the numb machine that in the world sea eye does not know the grief. 叶青羽似一座被卷入灭世海眼之中不知伤痛的麻木机器。 He looks for the accurate opportunity unceasingly, in the long spear essence of wild long jab passes through the body in a sword toward the void shadow cuts instantaneously. 他不断找准时机,在狂暴直击的长枪实质贯穿身体的瞬间朝着虚空黑影之中一剑斩出。 Said innumerably Sword Qi violent overflowing crossflow, the surrounding dark clouds surge to arouse just like the tide mighty waves general tumbling. 无数道剑气暴溢横流,周围的黑云涌动激起犹如浪潮波涛一般的翻滚。 As if Space-Time in light of this static, as if the galaxy in universe starry sky revolved several thousand. 仿佛时空就此静止,又仿佛宇宙星空之中的星河已经运转了数千回。 After dozens rests. 数十息之后。 Is only a dark cloud that the ripples surge after suffering several thousands cut Sword Qi, finally starts to congeal a piece just likes the glazed frost common essence, but the crack in essence just likes the spider web spreads. 原先只是涟漪激荡的一处暗云在遭受数千斩剑气之后,终于开始凝结成一片犹如薄冰一般的实质,而实质之中的裂纹犹如蛛网蔓延。 In dark clouds stars. 黑云星辰之中。 A hand grasps the long spear Demon Spider Race expert facial color to be panic-stricken, the aura disorder, the corners of the mouth overflow a blood. 一个手握长枪魔蛛族强者面色惊恐,气息紊乱,嘴角溢出一丝鲜血。 This just likes extinguishes Sword Qi that the world sweeps generally unceasingly, for him, but received some creates lightly. 这犹如灭世一般不断扫荡的剑气,对他来说,只不过受到了些许轻创。 And next quarter he immediately recovery the steady aura, the shake in within the body also gradually has stabilized. 且下一刻他就立刻恢复了平稳的气息,体内的震荡也逐渐安定。 Opposite. 对面。 The Ye Qingyu aura is emaciated, the whole body is bathed in blood, the whole body as if has soaked from the blood pond. 叶青羽气息羸弱,浑身浴血,浑身仿佛从血池之中浸泡过似的。 Alarmed scars able to move unhindered proliferate, winding twists and turns, many instead shake the wound deep obvious bone that later explodes, the blood column crossflow. 一道道触目惊心的伤痕纵横遍布,蜿蜒曲折,许多反震之后爆裂的伤口都深可见骨,血柱横流。 His personal appearance slightly in a flash. 他身形微微一晃。 In Flowing Light City transmits the intermittence of people to lose one's voice to call out in alarm, is moved to tears. 流光城中传来众人的阵阵失声惊呼,热泪盈眶。 After being cut to pieces put to death by dismemberment Ye Qingyu, this lonely weak form, at this time appears incomparably big in all Human Race eyes, is very solemn and stirring. 宛如被千刀万剐之后惨遭凌迟的叶青羽,这个孤单微弱的身影,此时在所有人族眼中显得无比高大,无比悲壮。 But trades confrontation of wound through these several thousand moves by wound, Ye Qingyu incomparably feels the mystery of this formation clearly. 而通过这数千招以伤换伤的对峙,叶青羽无比清晰地感受到这阵法的玄妙。 50 seize a side respectively expert seems like is not connected, the regulations physical strength gathering, any expert contains, is strength of their 50 expert common Cultivation Base and yuan qi. 50名各据一方的强者看似毫无关联,实则气力汇聚,任何一个强者所蕴含的,都是他们50个强者共同的修为元气之力。 If were attacked, even if under the heavy losses, they will also share this wound to 50 people on. 而若是受到攻击,即便是重创之下,他们也会将这创伤分摊到50个人身上。 Then, heavy wound, to the 50 people in hidden place , is similar to the slightest body wound is ordinary. 如此一来,再重的伤,对暗处的50个人而言,也不过是如同最轻微的皮肉伤一般。 Even if I by to bind a big funnel, had been only feared also can only injure and superficial knowledge, cannot move this formation source...... 所以哪怕我被扎成了个大漏斗,只怕也只能伤及皮毛,动不了这个阵法的本源…… In formation rapid and slight is panting for breath Ye Qingyu, in the look was disclosing exhausted. 阵法之中急促而轻微的喘息着的叶青羽,眼神之中透露着一丝疲惫。 This aspect, making the universe stars void in transforms 50 Demon Spider Race expert of personal appearance to relax unceasingly. 这一局面,让宇宙星辰虚空之中不断变换身形的50个魔蛛族强者纷纷松了口气。 ...... …… The time passes. 时间流逝。 Ye Qingyu changed to the blood person. 叶青羽化作了血人。 He from top to bottom, covered with blood, the heaviness of injury, like put to death by dismemberment simply, as if under split second, his body must be split up to be the same. 他浑身上下,血肉模糊,伤势之重,简直像是被凌迟了一样,仿佛下一瞬间,他的身躯都要四分五裂一样。 The Demon Spider Race cruel crown prince who the distant place observes, relaxed slightly. 远处观战的魔蛛族暴戾亲王,微微松了一口气。 Demon Spider Race expert of lineup, in heart slightly relaxed. 布阵的魔蛛族强者,心中稍微轻松。 During the northeast stars are separated. 东北星辰间隔之中。 Jie Jie Jie...... You died......” a treacherous sinister laughter to pass on. “桀桀桀……你死定了……”一声诡谲阴险的笑声传出来。 In big, formerly had interrogated passes the article the demon spider military officer Palestine chela to look at present the situation has decided that the picture that has victory in the hand, at this time already difficultly covered wild with joy in heart, sends out slight and strange strange from the numerous shadows in smiles. 大阵之中,先前质问过通文的魔蛛将领巴螯看着眼前局势已定,胜券在握的景象,此时早已难掩心中的狂喜,自重重暗影之中发出一阵轻微而诡异的怪笑。 Is now! 就是现在! In Ye Qingyu eye fine glow Flashed. 叶青羽眼中精芒一闪 He sticks out suddenly suddenly, among the electric light flint, the tyrannical incomparable rhinocero sharp sword light delimits together suddenly. 他骤然暴起,电光火石之间,一道强横无匹的犀利剑光骤然划出。 white glow for the first time presently! 白芒乍现! This sword, is the opinion of his true full power stimulation of movement. 这一剑,是他真正全力催动的意见。 The sword light just likes the moon/month splendor, before comparing , the congealing reality, imposing manner more turbulent Sword Qi sweeps away to go toward the dark clouds that in sound/noise spreads. 剑光犹如月辉,相比之前更为凝实,气势更为汹涌的剑气朝着声音传出的黑云之中横扫而去。 Has paid the whole body injury, he and others is Demon Spider Race expert slightly has lax, in formation exposes weaknesses the flickers. 付出了浑身的伤势,他等的就是魔蛛族强者略有松懈,阵法之中露出破绽的这一瞬。 Words, formation flaw, appears. 话语一出,阵法的破绽,也就出现。 That idiot! 那个蠢货! Dies to me!” “都给我死!” Ye Qingyu shouted, just liked immortal descends to earth. 叶青羽一声断喝,犹如仙人下凡。 This sword condenses is not only person of king Sword Technique the strength of peak, during his look twinkles eruption Limitless divine way five ban instantaneously! 这一剑凝聚的不仅仅是人王剑典的巅峰之力,还有他眼神闪烁之间瞬间爆发的无极神道五禁! Distant place. 远处。 Just likes the bunch of cotton common dark clouds, was delimited the arc has swept Sword Qi to break by the laser stiffly crosses several hundred meters Sword Qi crack together. 犹如一团团棉花一般的黑云,被激光划弧扫过的剑气硬生生破开一道横穿数百米的剑气裂缝。 The dazzling dazzling white point lightens the universe desert in a twinkling, the black fog will shortly abate. 刺目耀眼的白色锋芒霎时间点亮宇宙瀚海,黑色云雾顷刻消退。 The sword potential , the imposing manner just likes easily accomplished, disturbs the wind and cloud, the dark night starts to change color, entire formation was deducted two sections. 剑势所至,气势犹如摧枯拉朽,翻搅风云,暗夜开始变色,整个阵法被从中劈成两截。 What?” “什么?” This strength......” “这种力量……” „Not good......” “不好……” Day......” “天……” Demon Spider Race expert of lineup, at once, calls out in alarm in abundance, an unprecedented danger felt that arrives instantaneously on their bodies, looks like stares to be the same by any ancient times demon beast, absolutely terrified, is nervous and uneasy. 布阵的魔蛛族强者,一时之间,纷纷惊呼,一种前所未有的危险感觉,瞬间降临在他们的身上,就像是被什么上古魔兽盯上一样,毛骨悚然,如芒在背。 However responded without enough time. 但是已经来不及反应。 The sword light stops loudly. 剑光轰然而止。 Bang! 轰! Annihilation. 湮灭。 The death arrived. 死亡降临。 Sword Qi institute and place, all close annihilations. 剑气所及之处,一切接近湮灭。 Impregnable big, in this split second, looks like Sha Pa under mountain flooding was the same, was destroyed instantaneously. 原先固若金汤的大阵,在这一瞬间,就像是山洪暴发之下的沙坝一样,瞬间被摧毁。 Flesh and blood splash. 血肉飞溅。 Bones of the dead everywhere. 白骨漫天。 More than 30 Demon Spider Race expert, imitate, if the fire seed ashes are the same, in that flickers is cut to decide by a sword. 30多位魔蛛族强者,仿若火种灰烬一样,在那一瞬内被一剑斩决。 Only leaves behind dozens Demonic Qi to scatter in Yun Lang the gap such as the light smoke floats. 只留下数十道魔气飘散在云浪间隙如轻烟漂浮。 The sky, was torn the crack that has not healed together for a very long time by the sword light, like is the day scar. 天空,都被剑光撕扯出一道久久不曾愈合的裂缝,像是天的伤痕一样。 Four wild silent. 四野寂静。 Heaven and Earth silent. 天地无声。 The Between Heaven and Earth life, all completely stares. 天地之间的生灵,皆尽瞠目。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? What meets to be able like this? 会什么会这样? Is that sword, what strength? 那一剑,到底是什么力量? This goes against heaven's will the reverse to make all the person mind of surrounding shake, with amazement. 这逆天反转让所有围观的人都心神震荡,骇然不已。 All people return to the vision Ye Qingyu. 所有人将目光回到叶青羽身上。 Void in Ye Qingyu leans on the sword to stand. 虚空之中叶青羽拄剑而立。 A sword that because this erupts suddenly, the wound of his whole body cracks suddenly. 因为这猛然爆发的一剑,他浑身的伤口骤然崩裂。 On him in the countless wound blood splatters to gush out unceasingly, in the blood holes of some deep obvious bones the bones of the dead break, a flesh and blood fuzziness, like the person of dying in a blood lake was fished. 他身上不计其数的伤口中鲜血不断喷溅涌出,一些深可见骨的血洞之中白骨断裂,血肉一片模糊,就像一个血湖之中被捞出来的将死之人。 Even his personal appearance, started to sway, as if under split second, must from the sky fall down to fall. 甚至他的身形,都开始摇晃了起来,仿佛下一瞬间,就要从天空之中一头栽倒掉落下来。 On Flowing Light City tower over a city gate. 流光城城楼上。 During Chen Zhengliang first from extreme is shocked to respond. 陈正良首先从极度震惊之中反应过来。 He excited under loses control directly, whole body yuan qi rises suddenly, when resists Tun Tian did not have the wound of restoration to split the oozing of blood with enough time completely, on the front piece several bloodstains dyes one piece gradually. 他激动之下直接失控,浑身元气暴涨,一些对抗吞天时还没来得及完全复原的伤口又裂开渗血,衣襟上几道血痕逐渐染成一片。 In his eyes is difficult to cover wild with joy, the moral nature grows incomparably to be moved unceasingly with the complex emotion of guilty interweaving. 他眼中难掩狂喜,心底不断衍生出无比感动与愧疚交织的复杂情感。 I as the father's younger brother Qin Dian Flowing Light City protector, so am incompetent at this time, can only stand in the city wall looks helplessly the day line exhausts bloodlines Cultivation Base to fight a bloody battle.” Chen Zhengliang almost has bitten tooth, the moral nature just likes is suppressed the mountain that made him be hard to pant for breath. “我作为叔父钦点的流光城守护者,此时却如此无能,只能站在城墙上眼睁睁看着天行耗尽血脉修为浴血奋战。”陈正良差点儿咬碎了牙齿,心底犹如被压住了一座令他难以喘息的山岳。 Ling dreary stern-faced solemn and respectful, the weasel-hair writing brush pen in hand is sending out the strange blood red smoke cloud at this time, he grasps the right hand phalanx that sets pen to paper to be distinct, blue vein suddenly Xian, as if vigorously is repressing indignant in heart. 泠萧然一脸严峻肃穆,手中的狼毫笔此时散发着诡异的血红烟云,他握着笔的右手指骨分明,青筋暴现,似乎在极力按捺着心中的激愤。 He self-examined that to protect the common people in Flowing Light City has spared no effort, may this spare no sacrifice at present, the Human Race compatriot of tenacious resistance, making in his heart shock, the admiration, was grumbles was inferior. 他自问为守护流光城中的平民已是不遗余力,可眼前这个不惜牺牲自我,顽强抗争的人族同胞,令他心中震撼,敬佩,更是自叹不如。 In nearby graduated arm with the song eye in flood the graceful tears, closely is pinching to begin to break makes two sections of silver hairpins. 一旁的衡与歌眼中泛着盈盈泪光,紧紧捏着手里断作两截的银钗。 Leftmost scar of knife wound [gold/metal] as before silent speechless, his both hands build in the tower over a city gate railing, the railing under palm was already shaken by the giant palm strength suppression fully is the fissure, likely ground bean waste. 最左边的刀疤金依旧静默无言,他双手搭在城楼围栏上,手掌下的围栏早已被巨大的掌力压制震得满是裂痕,像是被碾碎的豆腐渣。 But Zheng after scar of knife wound golden body was already weak, leans on the top to sit, his right hand closely grabs the front piece of oneself chest, in the eye was disclosing same shock and admiration, in the heart harbors regret with the guilty sentiment is vivid. 而刀疤金身后的郑老早已体力不支,倚靠墙头坐着,他右手紧紧抓着自己胸口的衣襟,眼中透露着同样的震撼和钦佩,心中抱憾和愧疚之情呼之欲出。 Has Hu bugui, the look is relatively tranquil. 只有胡不归,神色相对平静。 Although he facial color is very dignified, is in he anxious and stern look, was disclosing a trust faintly. 他虽然面色无比凝重,可是在他急切而严峻的眼神之中,隐隐透露着一种信任。 That is to this risking one's life, has a friendly chat over a cup of wine, pleased love and hate, congenialing trust of good brothers'. 那是对这个出生入死,把酒言欢,快意恩仇,意气相投的好兄弟的信任。 That is crosses the tea garden in the experience to the war, Tempest Platform chaotic suddenly Zhan, during as well as becomes a fugitive countless to war, in Underground Moon Palace Cultivation strange picture, to at present this Heaven Wasteland Human Race affirmation of ability and Cultivation Base. 那是在见识过茶园对战,风云台混乱暴战,以及逃亡之中不计其数的对战,还有地下月宫之中修炼的奇异景象之后对眼前这个天荒人族能力和修为的肯定。 Distant place. 远处。 In the open area under tower over a city gate. 城楼下的空地上。 Several thousand Human Race that the spontaneous gathering comes all the look dignifiedly looks at this time to the sky. 自发汇聚而来的数万人族此时皆神色凝重看向天空之中。 Mom, was he is dying?” A young woman cherishes binds with the thin and weak young child of body incompatible coat, sound/noise shiver was asking toward her mother weakly. “妈妈,他是不是要死了?”一个年轻女子怀中裹着与身型不符的大衣的瘦弱稚童,声音微弱颤抖地朝着她的母亲问。 Young woman whole face tear stains, in the heart do not endure. 年轻女子满脸泪痕,心中不忍。 He the head of young child in the bosom holds the shoulder gently, rocks gently, is really leans slightly excessively, does not dare to see the form that blood column to the midair unceasingly spout again. 他轻轻将怀中稚子的头扶到肩头,轻轻晃动,确是微微侧过头,不敢再看向半空之中那个血柱不断喷涌的身影。 Her side is standing densely and numerously everybody, at this time in abundance with tears, the vision is also solemn and respectful, as if throws the incomparable respect to this form at present. 她身旁密密麻麻站着的男女老少,此时也纷纷眼含热泪,目光肃穆,仿佛对眼前这个身影投去无比的敬意。 At this moment 就在这时 On tower over a city gate. 城楼上。 Day good brothers! I help you!” “天行兄弟!我来帮你!” I!” “还有我!” Ling is dreary and Chen Zhengliang cannot repress the excitement that in the heart gallops to turn wells up finally, makes noise successively, the physical strength rises suddenly, the next quarter must rush void. 泠萧然和陈正良终于按捺不住心中奔腾翻涌的激动,先后出声,气力暴涨,下一刻就要冲上虚空。 But their scar of knife wound [gold/metal] also put out a hand to search from void, grips two handle long blades...... 而他们身旁的刀疤金也从虚空之中伸手一探,握住两柄长刀…… At this moment 就在这时 Draws back!” “退回去!” In the sky transmits Ye Qingyu unquestionable shouts out. 天空之中传来叶青羽一声不容置疑的大喝 The sound swings the clouds, the air/Qi startles the earth. 声荡云霄,气骇大地。 Ye Qingyu sound/noise. 正是叶青羽声音 The form that Hu bugui first, one on the left and other on the right several will want to jump immediately forces to hold back. 胡不归立刻将第一时间,一左一右几欲跃起的身影强制按压。 In sky. 天空之中。 Ye Qingyu form gently in a flash. 叶青羽身影又轻轻一晃。 Just that called out, seems the unquestionable general such as mountain military order , seems expert of dead end finally divulges roared...... 刚刚那一声暴喝,仿佛是不容置疑的将军的如山军令,又仿佛是穷途末路的强者最终宣泄的吼叫…… By his present aura judgment, as if the cold wind under star moon/month, can blow down him easily. 以他现在的气息判断,似乎星月之下的寒风,都能轻易将他吹倒。 After the formation breakage disappears falls, the dim moonlight the cloud penetration, toward Flowing Light City sky over throws down small clear sparkling stone light. 阵法破裂消陨之后,朦胧月光又穿云而出,朝着流光城上空投下小小一片清亮莹光。 But Ye Qingyu come all alone, the whole body cruentation leans on the sword to stand, the form appears solemn and stirring, pitiful...... 叶青羽形单影只,浑身染血拄剑而立,身影更显得悲壮,凄惨…… During all around is void. 四周虚空之中。 Even if Ye Qingyu as if momentarily will drop down, but composes Heaven Domain god star surplus several Demon Spider Race expert, at this time is in full Han the panic-stricken color, seemed scared by just that sword potential, does not dare to go forward at once unexpectedly...... 即便是叶青羽仿佛随时都会倒下,但组成天域神星阵的剩余十几个魔蛛族强者,此时更是眼中满含惊恐之色,仿佛被刚刚那一刀剑势吓破了胆,一时之间竟然不敢上前……
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