IGE :: Volume #6

#590: Three the swords shake second the sword clear ginger ( 1 )

In the vault of heaven, the wind and cloud rolls up and pushes along, Ye Qingyu stands erect proudly. 天穹之中,风云卷动,叶青羽傲然屹立。 Feels the pure energy in Blood Drinking Sword transmitting, on his face reveals a chuckle. 感受着饮血剑中传来的纯净的能量,他的脸上露出一丝轻笑。 Although until now, Blood Drinking Sword has not been is the thorough sacrifice builds up successfully, the thick giant sword blade seems like more like at the same time the giant shutter, but is not a handle sword, but the might has actually begun to take shape, particularly drinks the strength of blood, already with bronze ancient book Fiendgod titled chart The God and Devil era Blood Drinking Sword might that on records, is almost the same. 虽然直至今日,饮血剑还算不上是彻底祭炼成功,粗厚巨大的剑身看起来更像是一面巨大的门板而不是一柄剑,但威力却已经初具雏形,尤其是饮血之力,已经和青铜古书【神魔封号谱】上记载的神魔时代饮血剑的威力,相差无几。 So-called drinks the blood, naturally drinks enemy's blood. 所谓饮血,当然是饮敌人之血。 Although this is only view in a vivid significance, but the handle great sword in Ye Qingyu hand, as if really can drink enemy's blood to be completely same at this time, through the blood, derives all the energy in enemy body, then returns nurturing to parents Ye Qingyu. 虽然这只是一种形象意义上的说法,但此时叶青羽手中的这柄巨剑,仿佛真的可以饮尽敌人之血一样,通过血液,将敌人身躯之中的能量尽数汲取过来,然后反哺叶青羽 A sword cut to kill Luo Xie a moment ago, at this time Luo Xie everywhere stump residual limb broke the energy in arm blood rain, changed to the Ye Qingyu strength thoroughly. 刚才一剑斩杀罗邪,此时罗邪漫天残肢断臂血雨之中的能量,已经彻底化作了叶青羽的力量。 Ye Qingyu can feel clearly, a Luo Xie fine internal energy quantity, after Blood Drinking Sword deputes, there are at least over 1/2, returned nurturing to parents in own body, but the remaining parts, as if were derived to absorb by Blood Drinking Sword. 叶青羽可以清晰地感受到,罗邪一身精元力量,被饮血剑提纯之后,有至少1以上,反哺到了自己的身体之中,而剩下的一部分,似乎是被饮血剑自己汲取吸收了。 At this time, the light joyous mood, transmitted from the sword blade indistinctly. 这时,有一股淡淡的欢悦情绪,从剑身之中隐约传来。 This mood moves pleased, only then Ye Qingyu can feel, looks like a newborn baby, the intelligence inaugurates, is sizing up this world curiously, is carefully examining Ye Qingyu this Master, light dependences and affectionate. 这种情绪悦动,也只有叶青羽才能感受得到,就像是一个初生的婴儿,神智初开,在好奇地打量着这个世界,也在审视着叶青羽这个主人,有一种淡淡的依恋和亲昵。 Ye Qingyu refers to the light shell Blood Drinking Sword sword blade. 叶青羽并指轻弹饮血剑剑身。 A distant overwhelming sword called the biography to hear. 一声悠远浩然的剑鸣传入耳中。 This is the first fight of Blood Drinking Sword, the effect satisfies him. 这是饮血剑的第一战斗,效果让他非常满意。 When if the Blood Drinking Sword thorough sacrifice builds up successfully, that might can be big? 如果等到饮血剑彻底祭炼成功,那威力又会是多大? In the Ye Qingyu chest, fights intent to roast greatly. 叶青羽胸膛之中,战意大炙。 He watches opposite cruel crown prince black ink front and other Demon Spider Race expert, in the hand the long sword distant finger, on the face reveals a mock of not mincing matter to be contemptuous desirably, said with a smile lightly: So the generation of range chicken earthenware dog, dares to challenge to me? So fine powder strength, brings to give me to offer a sacrifice to the sword insufficiently...... He He, was really disappoints me, Demon Spider Race seriously nobody, but also who can bring death?” 他看着对面暴戾亲王墨锋等魔蛛族强者,手中长剑遥遥一指,脸上刻意地露出一种毫不掩饰的讥诮轻蔑,轻笑道:“如此土鸡瓦狗之辈,也敢向我挑战?这般微末的实力,拿来给我祭剑都不够……呵呵,真是太让我失望了,魔蛛族当真无人了吗,还有谁要来送死?” Opposite. 对面。 What?” “什么?” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Too rampant......” “太嚣张了……” Cruel crown prince behind audiences Demon Spider Race expert of hears the word violent anger, in the surface gloomy Evil Qi just likes the essence. 暴戾亲王身后的一众魔蛛族强者闻言暴怒,面上阴沉的煞气犹如实质。 Their double fists closely grip, knuckle flood white, on the arm the blue vein reveals completely. 他们的双拳紧紧攥起,指节泛白,手臂上青筋毕露。 A aura of moving restlessly is flowing in Devil race expert. 一股躁动的气息在魔族强者中流动着。 killing intent in cruel crown prince Mo Jin eye concentrates the cold ice, woods cold killing intent turns wells up, his black demon Yun Zhengning tumbling, just liked ancient times ominous beast sending out the violent aura. 暴戾亲王墨金眼中的杀意凝成寒冰,森寒的杀意翻涌,他脚下的黑色魔云狰狞的翻滚,犹如远古的凶兽般散发着暴烈的气息。 Looks at opposite that overbearing Human Race, the cruel crown prince black ink front is not a fool, knows that the opposite party is enraging intentionally provokes oneself and the others, anger that but one type is hard to contain, in his erupts at heart. 看着对面那个骄横的人族,暴戾亲王墨锋不是傻子,知道对方在故意激怒挑衅自己等人,但一种难以遏制的愤怒,还是在他的心里爆发出来。 Today if cannot cut to kill this Human Race master, that own face, was loses cleanly. 今天如果不能斩杀这个人族高手,那自己的脸,也算是丢干净了。 Especially after behind big camp, always assumes personal command with moon-face crown prince Mo Jin that do not cope with, if return distressedly, that was sewn on the shame column simply. 尤其是身后的大营之中,还有向来与自己不太对付的圆脸亲王墨金坐镇,如果自己狼狈而回的话,那简直就算是被钉在耻辱柱上了。 However, he actually cannot get rid personally. 但是,他却不能亲自出手。 Before not absolute assurance, the black ink front of wily old fox, is maintaining a reason. 在没有绝对的把握之前,老奸巨猾的墨锋,还是保持着一丝理智。 Finally, he decides to choose another way, puts to death this Human Race. 最终,他决定选择另一种方式,来诛杀这个人族 Heaven Domain god star! Gives me the town to kill him!” 天域神星阵!给我镇杀他!” The voice falls to the ground, in cruel crown prince behind several hundred Devil race expert, 50 Flowing Light lasings, are the same just like the colony immediately, the passing over gently and swiftly nighttime sky, the speed will draw near the extreme, flew to the Ye Qingyu direction. 话音落地,暴戾亲王身后的数百魔族强者中,立刻有50道流光激射而出,宛如蜂群一样,掠过夜空,速度快到了极点,飞向叶青羽的方向。 Dark night. 暗夜。 Flowing Light. 流光 Instance of fast, 50 Demon Spider Race expert such as the meteor cuts generally void, suddenly from all directions surrounds Ye Qingyu. 电光石火的瞬间,50名魔蛛族强者如流星一般划破虚空,眨眼间就从四面八方将叶青羽包围起来。 These 50 forms the position in void, was quite strange, seemed like the disorderly disorder was in the different positions, was distributing in the airborne complexity, actually as if agreed without consultation some immeasurably deep Heavenly Dao principle true meaning. 这50道身影的在虚空之中的站位,极为诡异,看似凌乱无序的占据了不同的位置,在空中错杂分布着,却又似乎暗合了某种深不可测的天道法则真意。 In that split second that becomes, an ray distortion in entire curtain of night. 就在阵成的那一瞬间,整个夜幕中的光线一阵扭曲。 50 Devil race expert and Ye Qingyu in upper air aura were isolated completely, the personal appearance is similar to the breeze has stroked the inverted image in water general illusory blurred. 高空中的50名魔族强者叶青羽的气息完全被隔绝,身形如同微风拂过水中的倒影一般虚幻迷离。 A boundless vast aura transmits from the big direction. 一阵苍茫浩瀚的气息从大阵的方向传来。 The huge pressure transmits from the upper air, boundless erupts like desert working off anger unexpectedly, just likes the essence air wave curls up the big piece the black demon cloud from the sky to tumble to wreak havoc, throws down the big piece in the ground the shadow. 巨大的威压从高空中传来,一股磅礴如瀚海般的杀气蓦地爆发,犹如实质的气浪卷起大片的黑色魔云在空中翻滚肆虐,在地面上投下大片的阴影。 Em? Battlefield? A little meaning.” “恩?战阵?有点儿意思。” Ye Qingyu understood. 叶青羽明白了过来。 The large-scale influence, must have the battlefield, this is the well-known matter. 大型势力,必有战阵,这是众所周知的事情。 Wants initially, even if in Snow Country, the Right Minister palace also has crown prince palace and other influences, has own battlefield, the strength of set people, displays to surmount the population overlay the strength, this is the might of battlefield. 想当初,即便是雪国之中,右相府还有太子府等势力,都有自己的战阵,集合众人之力,发挥出超越人数叠加的力量,这就是战阵的威力。 That battlefield, might or deep meaning degree, are unable obviously compared with the battlefield of Demon Spider Race such domain big influence. 只是那种战阵,不论是威力还是奥义程度,显然无法和魔蛛族这样界域大势力的战阵相比。 Blood Drinking Sword in the hand of Ye Qingyu, slightly tremor. 饮血剑叶青羽的手中,微微颤动。 It is the breath is glittering in the Ye Qingyu hand likely generally brilliance, beast of prey that is similar to being dormant. 它像是呼吸一般在叶青羽手中闪烁着光华,如同一只蛰伏的猛兽。 The Ye Qingyu facial color is calm, formation that the calm observation 50 people compose bit by bit, in the heart is considering. 叶青羽面色从容,冷静的观察着着50人组成的阵法,心中思量着。 He knows that this war cannot be dilatory, if were diverted by this strange formation, then Demon Spider Race surplus expert will certainly seize the chance to divide forces to attack Flowing Light City! 他知道,此战不能拖沓,若是自己被这诡异的阵法牵制住,那么魔蛛族剩余的强者一定会趁机分兵去攻打流光城 Human Race expert in Flowing Light City besides Hu bugui, Chen Zhengliang and other martial arts expert mostly carries the severe wound, does not have the strength of again war, although Hu bugui strength is also very strong, but double fist difficult enemy four, the opposite also to have Crown Prince Demon Spider Race and his behind several hundred Demon Spider Race expert! 流光城中的人族强者除了胡不归之外,陈正良等武道强者大多都身负重伤,没有再战之力,虽然胡不归实力也很强,但是双拳难敌四手,对面还有一个魔蛛族亲王和他身后的数百名魔蛛族强者 This war, must fight a battle to force a quick decision! 这一战,必须速战速决! In he ponders over, the surrounding picture, had the strange change suddenly. 就在他思忖之间,周围的景象,骤然发生了奇异的变化。 The undercurrent surges, nebula ups and downs. 暗潮涌动,星云沉浮。 In the battle formation that this rest becomes concentrates suddenly the solid illusion unusual conditions, the beforehand vault of heaven dark night, the far mountain, the surrounding Demon Spider Race expert personal appearance, vanished extravagantly suddenly completely, a displacing piece of boundless dark universe is void, resembling is some mysterious strength, suddenly has inspired the strength of stars, during the dark night revolves just like the galaxy, is self-made, making one not have to hide. 这息而成的阵势之中陡然凝实的幻象浑然天成,之前的天穹暗夜,阔地远山,还有周围的魔蛛族强者的身形,突然全部都消失了,取而代之的一片无垠的黑暗宇宙虚空,似是某种神秘的力量,突然引动了星辰之力,暗夜之中宛如星河运转,自成体系,令人无所遁形。 Is this? 这是? Ye Qingyu is startled. 叶青羽一怔。 He felt that during he resembled falls into the infinite universe to the utmost to be void suddenly, in the dark night boundless vast vault of heaven floated to glitter big stars, among the big stars, the nebula surged, the meteorology was lovely, was simply inconceivable. 他感觉自己似是突然跌入了无穷极尽的宇宙虚空之中,暗夜无边的浩瀚苍穹里漂浮闪烁着一颗颗大星,大星之间,星云涌动,气象奇丽,简直不可思议。 What is more terrifying, the strength of strange suppression in the space of dark night stars seamless into, as if continuously toward Ye Qingyu regarding surging. 更加恐怖的是,黑夜星辰的空间中无缝不入的诡异镇压之力,仿佛源源不绝朝着叶青羽围绕涌动。 „Is this Demon Spider Race battlefield?” “这就是魔蛛族的战阵吗?” Ye Qingyu looking pensive. 叶青羽若有所思。 ! 咻! He wields a sword. 他挥剑。 During white glow is together dim toward the dark night delimits the arc. 一道白芒朝着暗夜朦胧之中划弧而过。 Sharp Sword Qi is actually similar to the clay ox entering the sea generally sinks to the dark night at this time, has not aroused including mighty waves. 犀利的剑气此时却如同泥牛入海一般沉入暗夜之中,连一丝波澜都没激起。 At this moment 就在这时 ! 咻! The nebula surges, just like the big star that fireball bright red light wraps generally, toward the Ye Qingyu hit. 星云涌动之间,一颗宛如火球一般明亮红光包裹的大星,朝着叶青羽撞击而来。 Threatening giant stars complete coverage covers in the Ye Qingyu form front, as if this time he is only in the vast boundless starry sky an extremely small and weak ant. 来势汹汹的巨大的星辰完全覆盖笼罩在叶青羽身影前方,仿佛此时的他只是浩瀚无边的星空之中一只极其弱小的蚂蚁。 Ye Qingyu grasps Blood Drinking Sword to wield a sword to divide, the supernatural power revolves, does not fear, a sword cuts. 叶青羽手握饮血剑挥剑直劈,神力运转,丝毫不惧,一剑斩出。 Bang! 砰! Big star strong collision that Blood Drinking Sword and a pocket in crush his hand comes. 他手中的饮血剑与兜头碾压而来的大星强硬碰撞。 Bai Yihong two laser complementary waves essence that just likes the adverse current leads the way attacks toward two extremes. 一白一红两道犹如逆流前行的激光余波实质朝着两个极端冲击。 The bang bang makes noise, sends out just like the sound wave shake of essence, entire vast nebula inspiring. 巨响轰隆作响,发出宛如实质的音波震荡,将整个浩瀚星云引动。 The star sudden intense tremor of originally high and low ups and downs, the dark clouds turn well up, the mighty waves rise from all directions, will be void covers unceasingly swallows. 原本上下沉浮的星球突然一阵激烈颤动,黑云翻涌,波涛四起,将虚空不断笼罩吞噬。 After counting breaths. 数息之后。 Bang! 轰! Blood Drinking Sword weak purple glow in Ye Qingyu hand presently, cuts to fly the giant stars spheroid of semblance lossless mark to draw back for the first time violently. 叶青羽手中的饮血剑一阵微弱的紫芒乍现,将外表毫无损痕的巨大星辰球体斩飞激退。 Stars sudden whereabouts ghosts and demons of terminal velocity backlash, vanish in all round the dark clouds, went into hiding completely the gloss. 极速后退的星辰突然行踪鬼魅,消失在团团黑云之中,完全隐匿了光泽。 But Ye Qingyu was also hit by the strength of huge recoil again and again retrocedes, the arm tingles with numbness, the tigers mouth has the blood thread, the corners of the mouth also a little blood thread overflows. 叶青羽也被巨大的反冲之力撞得连连后退,手臂发麻,虎口有血丝,嘴角也有一点血丝溢出。 It is not right! 不对! This strength...... 这力量…… In the Ye Qingyu heart shocks. 叶青羽心中震惊。 Strength that in the stars contains, greatly is together incomparable, by Ye Qingyu ** the feeling that the intensity and supernatural power, some are unable to be a worthy opponent unexpectedly faintly, shakes during the instantaneous hit draws back Blood Drinking Sword, not the imperial physical strength first feeds back to the body of Ye Qingyu copiously. 星辰之中蕴含的力量,齐大无比,以叶青羽的**强度和神力,竟然隐隐有无法匹敌的感觉,在瞬间撞击之中震退饮血剑,其中沛然莫御的气力第一时间反馈到叶青羽的身上。 And in this strange mysterious formation, includes the strength of Heaven and Earth principle faintly. 并且这诡异玄妙的阵法之中,隐隐含有天地法则的力量。 This strength, endures compared with the Immortal Rank Boundary expert strength, moreover fourth-order top Immortal Rank Boundary expert strength. 这种力量,堪比仙阶境强者的力量,而且还是四阶顶级仙阶境强者的力量。 The battlefield, is really mysterious. 战阵,果然是神奇。 His meaningful glance one cold, calmly takes a fast look around in a vision to surge the stars of fluctuating. 他眼色一冷,静静扫视一圈眼界之内涌动起伏的星辰。 Cannot with the eye look merely......” Ye Qingyu is not flustered, closes both eyes slightly. “不能仅仅用眼睛去看……”叶青羽并不慌张,微微阖上双眼。 The strength of Divine Soul revolves. 神魂之力运转。 All at once the potential just likes vast Ocean the strength of Divine Soul from Ye Qingyu within the body slowly, covers in formation. 一股气势犹如浩瀚汪洋神魂之力自叶青羽体内缓缓而出,笼罩在阵法之中。 By Ye Qingyu now the strength of tyrannical Divine Soul, might be considered as nine step immortal steps, tyrannical incomparable, concentrates turns for the essence Divine Soul mighty waves fiercely wells up the trundle, air wave that this layer upon layer surges must spread toward the horizon, disturbs the dark clouds contradiction unceasingly. 叶青羽如今强横的神魂之力,堪称是九阶仙阶,强横无匹,凝为实质的神魂波涛剧烈翻涌滚动,这层层涌动的气浪似是要朝着天际蔓延,不断将黑云抵触翻搅。 World, instantaneously in strength of this Divine Soul clear of under of stamped pass. 世界,瞬间在这神魂之力的印照之下边的清晰。 Sees with own eyes clearly. 眼见真切。 All illusions vanish suddenly. 所有的幻象骤然消失。 In the nighttime sky regarding his 50 expert position becomes incomparably clear. 夜空之中围绕着他的50位强者的位置变得无比清晰。 But these so-called stars, are not truth, in fact in Demon Spider Race expert illusion by formation. 而那些所谓的星辰,并非真相,实际上正是由阵法之中的魔蛛族强者幻象所化。 Ye Qingyu gathering air/Qi, peeps at the singularly varied mystery in formation with rapt attention earnestly, resembling catches some deep meanings indistinctly. 叶青羽凝神聚气,认真窥视阵法之中的奇幻奥妙,似是隐约捕捉到了一些奥义。 Good profound formation! 好高深的阵法 Ye Qingyu spreads around the view void, this formation revolution path, saw in the eye. 叶青羽遍观周围虚空,将这阵法的运转轨迹,看到了眼中。 A little meaning...... If before me Cultivation Base, only feared that several months today must be stranded in this formation by while still alive in dire straits, but by my present ability, must break this exquisite incomparable formation completely, absolutely does not have the opportunity......” “有点儿意思……若是以我数月之前的修为,只怕今日是要困在这个阵法之中被活活困死了,不过以我如今的能力,要完全破开这个精妙无比的阵法,也不是完全没有机会……” In Ye Qingyu heart careful weight. 叶青羽心中仔细衡量。 But, must discover the flaw, relies on the convention, possibly 2-3 the time of double-hour, but I cannot be stranded for a long time, cannot wait again...... Otherwise...... If while his been stranded these 2-3 double-hour, but the demon spider army up-and-coming generation on initiates massacres city, only feared that all were too late......” “但是,要找出破绽,依循常规,可能得两三个时辰的时间,可是我不能被困阵中那么长时间,不能再等……否则……若是趁他被困的这两三个时辰,魔蛛大军后起而上发起屠城,只怕一切就太迟了……” Ye Qingyu deals with the impact of formation, while is making the judgment. 叶青羽一边应对阵法的冲击,一边在做出判断。 Then, my only energy...... 如此一来,我只能…… In the Ye Qingyu eye together the firm and resolute and bone-chilling cold cold brightness twinkle, has made the resolution instantaneously. 叶青羽眼中一道坚毅而凛冽的寒光闪烁,瞬间做了决断。 He looked down Blood Drinking Sword in hand, and referred to caresses the sword blade edge lightly, resembled makes anything to decide. 他低头看了一眼手中的饮血剑,并指轻抚剑刃,似是做了什么决定。 !!! 咻咻咻!!! Several white glow lasers cut void arc to shoot to go. 数道白芒激光划破虚空弧射而去。 Ye Qingyu jumps to leap, in a position toward dark clouds stars gaps sweeps away by the extremely tyrannical style chops to go. 叶青羽纵身一跃,朝着黑云星辰间隙之间的一个方位以极为强横的招式横扫直劈而去。 -------- -------- First 第一更
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