IGE :: Volume #6

#589: Three the swords shake first of the sword clear ginger ( 2 )

Ye Qingyu both eyes micro whole, the facial features are calm, to front half Immortal Rank Boundary Luo Xie, resembles not cares a whoop, in the expression was disclosing several points disdain: Similar words, give to you...... Idle talk that many, want dead gets rid.” 叶青羽双眼微阖,面容沉稳,对面前这个半步仙阶境的罗邪,似是毫不在意,语气之中透露着几分不屑:“同样的话,送给你……废话那么多,想死就出手吧。” Jie Jie, good, a while you are one pile of rotten meat.” Romanian evil sinister smile. “桀桀,好,一会儿你就会是一堆烂肉。”罗邪阴笑。 The voice falls. 话音落下。 „The cangue double cuts certainly...... Comes out!” “绝枷双斩……出来吧!” His calls out, both hands grasp in void slightly, originally hangs in the long blade of waist, is automatic the sheath. 他一声暴喝,双手在虚空之中微微一握,原本悬在腰间的长刀,自动出鞘。 About him in two grasps a handle tall and slender curving long blade respectively. 他左右两手之中各握一柄细长弯曲的长刀。 On the steel knife hilt by the spider bodies of two splits transforms, the knife tall and slender strange such as the skin texture distinct tentacle is common. Knife point during, end a curved hook of section of palm size jet black, state-of-art scarlet-red, seems invades by the innumerable blood. 钢刀刀柄上由两只分体的蜘蛛躯壳幻化而成,刀身细长诡异如肌理分明的触手一般。刀锋当口,一截手掌大小的弯钩尾端漆黑,尖端赤红,仿佛是由无数鲜血侵染而成。 This pair of curving long blade, obviously is not every. 这一对弯曲长刀,显然绝非是凡品。 The long blade in the hand, Luo Xie whole body is sending out the violent anger demon flame, just like Slaughter God, no longer said anything, both hands simultaneously from top to bottom brandish a sword to go, two sharp incomparable Sword Qi toward void chop under. 长刀在手,罗邪浑身散发着暴怒的魔焰,宛如杀神,也不再说什么,双手同时自上而下挥刀而去,两道犀利无匹的剑气朝着虚空直劈而下。 The potential is all at once vast, the extremely terrifying strength will shortly cover sky over the tower over a city gate. 一股气势浩瀚,极为恐怖的力量顷刻笼罩城楼上空。 Invisible Demonic Qi galloping howls, as if during was void goes into hiding thousands ancient times demon beast simultaneously to whoosh. 无形的魔气奔腾呼啸,仿佛虚空之中隐匿了数以万计的上古魔兽齐齐嘶吼。 Gloomy void in the magical instrument by Romanian evil hand was lightened suddenly, fierce fluctuation of energy blasting open shakes, bang goes toward the Ye Qingyu top of the head. 阴暗的虚空突然被罗邪手中的神器点亮,剧烈的能量波动炸裂震荡,朝着叶青羽头顶轰隆而去。 Dares to kill demon spider senior general unexpectedly, today conquers by killing Flowing Light City, is operated by you!” In the Romanian evil eye red light bursts out, the air/Qi of slaughtering to swinging clouds, cloud fluctuation within all around kilometer turns wells up, sends out the sad and shrill tremor. “竟然敢杀死魔蛛大将,今天血洗流光城,就由你开刀!”罗邪眼中红光迸发,杀戮之气冲荡云霄,四周千米之内的云涛波动翻涌,发出凄厉颤动。 Opposite. 对面。 Ye Qingyu stands still motionless. 叶青羽静立不动。 To that evil blade light shortly must being near body, when is at a crucial moment, the both eyes of his micro whole open the eyes suddenly greatly, searches from void in backhandedly, void ripples gentle. 一直到那邪恶刀光眼看就要临体,千钧一发之际,他微阖的双眼突然大睁,反手自虚空中一探,虚空涟漪轻柔一荡。 The shutter great sword that handle giant some do not make sense, appeared in his hand. 一柄巨大的有些不太像话的门板巨剑,出现在了他的手中。 The sword body is giant, sword hilt length half meter, huge sword height approximately two meters, sword width half meter, sword blade edge edge approximately two fingers of widths, the width of ridges thickest place many five fingers. The Dark-red sword blade material quality slightly is rough, is partly visible just like the gravel common finely ground particles. 剑体巨大,剑柄长半米,庞大的剑身长约两米,剑宽半米,剑刃边缘处约两指宽,剑脊最厚处的宽度多过五指。暗红色的剑身材质略显粗糙,宛如砂砾一般的小颗粒若隐若现。 The purplish red pigment figure that the words that carefully looks, above the sword blade, wind to circle winds, is getting more and more clear in the sword blade texture, imitates Tianlong that if in the deep sleep urgently awaits to regain consciousness is ordinary, the luster went down to the sword blade material quality deep place, was faintly translucent. 仔细看的话,剑身之上,还有一道道蜿蜒盘旋的紫红色纹络,在剑身纹理之中越来越清晰,仿若沉睡之中亟待苏醒的天龙一般,色泽深入到了剑身材质的深处,隐隐透亮。 Blood Drinking Sword! 饮血剑 Blood Drinking Sword that has not completed. 未完成的饮血剑 Ye Qingyu used this handle he to offer a sacrifice to build up quick one year of great sword finally. 叶青羽终于动用了这柄他已经祭炼了快一年时间的巨剑。 1 million jin (0.5 kg) Blood Drinking Sword, just like shutter, almost also hit compared with the personal appearance of Ye Qingyu whole person, grasps in the Ye Qingyu hand, the visual impact strength is greatly strengthened, but weight size just right, just like Tiancheng. 1000000斤的饮血剑,宛如门板,几乎要比叶青羽整个人的身形还打,握在叶青羽手中,视觉冲击力极强,但重量大小恰到好处,宛若天成。 Today...... Let you drink the blood!” “今日……让你饮血!” The aura of Ye Qingyu whole person, comes out of the sheath just like the peerless god soldier instantaneously, becomes sharp incomparable, the great sword wields, in the hand red glow explodes, scattering in all directions lasing. 叶青羽整个人的气息,瞬间宛如绝世神兵出鞘,变得锋利无匹,巨剑挥动,手中一阵红芒爆裂,四散激射。 ! 咻! The Dark-red sword glow delimits to empty. 暗红色的剑芒划空而过。 Together the shape essence, the fine glow dazzlingly just likes the comet trailing concentrates the solid fine glow, dazzling cannot watch intently, made all people close the eye instantaneously, these strength slightly low Demon Spider Race expert, suddenly felt both eyes to be hot, seemed gripped to be the same by the needle. 一道形态实质,精芒耀眼犹如彗星拖尾的凝实精芒,刺目不可逼视,瞬间让所有人都闭上了眼睛,那些实力稍低的魔蛛族强者,顿觉双目火辣,仿佛是被针扎一样。 The sword glow from void chops to go slantingly, immediately vanishes in the horizon end. 剑芒自虚空斜劈而去,随即消失在天边尽头。 Then all silent. 然后一切寂静。 All static. 一切静止。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? As if Space-Time and space suddenly had the strange static. 仿佛时空和空间突然出现了诡异的静止。 All people who two sides confront as if with enough time have not seen clearly just Flashed, but Sword Qi white glow actually shape how. 两方对峙的所有人似乎还没来得及看清楚刚刚一闪而过的剑气白芒究竟形态如何。 Void. 虚空之中。 The margin smooth crack that such as the wearing out cloth leaves behind lingers, in crack dense air/Qi such as boiling water ebullition. 一道如穿破布匹留下的切口光滑的裂缝经久不散,裂缝之中氤氲之气如滚水沸腾。 Blade laser scalpel intent of shape cangue double cutting, cleft in two clearly certainly slantingly, by an appearance of extremely strange cloth tearing as if static in midair. 形态清晰地绝枷双斩的刀光刀意,被斜劈成两半,以一种极为古怪的仿佛布匹撕裂的模样静止在半空之中。 But the posture when Luo Xie of personal appearance delay, maintains was just leaving move soars to refuse to compromise. 而身形呆滞的罗邪,保持着刚刚出招时腾空而起的姿势僵持着。 Ka! 咔! After rest strange standing still. 一息怪异的静立之后。 The Romanian evil body from Zuo Jiazhi right cross splits suddenly slantingly, margin neat blood light blasting open bursts out, is similar to two flesh and blood drops down suddenly. 罗邪的身体突然从左颊至右跨斜斜裂开,一道切口整齐的血光炸裂迸发,如同两摊血肉骤然倒下。 Bang! 砰! His hand cangue in certainly double cuts to have a sharp severe bang. 他手中的绝枷双斩发出一阵尖厉的巨响。 Breaks the innumerable fragment residuals, immediately scattered in all directions by the Sword Qi impact, disappears. 断裂成无数碎片残渣,随即被剑气冲击四散,不见踪影。 The body breaks two sections of bodies to rupture in void suddenly, rustle, but the below myriad blood putty just likes in March in the zephyr towering, but to the shower flutters about. 身断两截的躯体突然在虚空之中爆裂,簌簌而下的万千血泥犹如三月徐风之中突兀而至的阵雨纷飞。 Half Immortal Rank Boundary Luo Xie was cut it by an ordinary Human Race sword, the skeleton does not save. 半步仙阶境的罗邪被一个貌不惊人的人族一剑斩之,尸骨不存。 Silent. 沉默。 Extremely strange silence. 极为诡异的沉默。 After Sword Qi sweeping, two sides that in Flowing Light City tower over a city gate sky confronts, appeared have shocked the later silentness extremely. 剑气扫荡之后,流光城城楼上空之中对峙的两方,都出现了极度震惊之后的静默。 As if Space-Time stops in light of this, the time also no longer passes. 仿佛时空就此停止,时间也不再流逝。 On tower over a city gate. 城楼上。 Just but glaring cut...... 刚刚晃眼而过的一斩…… Stands in forefront Chen Zhengliang and Hu bugui at this time lip micro, the facial color is stunned. 站在最前面的陈正良和胡不归此时都嘴唇微张,面色愕然。 In their two achievement Clear Ginger Domain experienced, the qualifications rich Human Race master, extremely shocks to at present this at this time, the mind surges, the strength that surges inexplicably roared to continue from the dantian. 他们两位作为清姜界中见多识广,资历丰富的人族高手,此时也对眼前这一幕极度震撼,心神激荡,一股莫名涌动的力量自丹田之中咆哮不止。 Their behind inn couple and Zheng have the scar of knife wound [gold/metal] also to be frightened the facial color delay by that spoken parts light. 他们身后的客栈夫妇和郑老还有刀疤金也被那道白光震慑得面色呆滞。 This confronts, they have possibly expected many. 这一对峙,他们预想过许多可能。 Even if believes that day good strength, believes he will defeat this Demon Spider Race expert, but has not actually thought that the way of defeating, is so simple, is so crude, is so direct. 即便是相信天行的实力,相信他会战胜这个魔蛛族强者,但是却万万没有想到,战胜的方式,这么简单,这么粗暴,这么直接。 Moreover is a blade cuts it...... 而且还是一刀斩之…… Strength that in the wink of an eye erupts, at is not they presents all people able to withstand. 瞬息之间爆发的力量,根本不是他们在场所有人所能承受的。 Ling drearily with weighing looks at each other one with the song, in the look as if glitters to pass the sparkling stone light of hope. 泠萧然与衡与歌对视一眼,眼神之中似乎都闪烁着一丝透着希望的莹光。 Perhaps this day line of Senior, but also unexploded sends out true strength? 也许这位天行前辈,还未爆发出真正的实力 Perhaps can he save Flowing Light City Human Race Saint really? 或许他真的是能挽救流光城人族圣人 ...... …… Distant place. 远处。 In Demon Spider Race expert. 魔蛛族强者中。 That white light...... 那一道白光…… The black ink front opened mouth Palestine, the five senses are dignified, during the mind is in shocks extremely, in his eyes seemed congealed by the picture, but formerly Flashed white light empty shade continuously teleportation in eye pupil. 墨锋张了张嘴巴,五官凝重,心神处于极度震骇之中,他眼中仿佛被画面凝结,先前一闪而过的白光虚影一直在眼眸之中闪现 He stands in the demon spider expert forefront, bears the brunt to feel that just like antique Divine Mountain generally tyrannical Sword Qi. 他站在魔蛛强者的最前面,首当其冲感受到那股宛如太古神山一般强横剑气的。 Divine Soul and yuan qi of whole body suddenly eruption also survive to surge, formerly to resist that Sword Qi, his as if Martial Artist instinct generally transported fully completely Cultivation Base and energy unexpectedly resists. 全身骤然爆发的神魂元气还残存涌动着,先前为了抵御那股剑气,他竟然仿佛武者本能一般运足全部修为和能量来抗击。 What strength is this? 这是什么力量? The opposite that person, doesn't he have Ascending Heaven Boundary? 对面那个人,他不是只有登天境吗? In his hand is the weapon of shutter, what? 他手里门板似的兵器,到底是什么? black ink front behind several hundred demon spider expert, all are the facial color is at this time panic-stricken. 墨锋身后的数百名魔蛛强者,此时也无一不是面色惊恐。 Sword Qi that is unable to resist, if not for their all expert gather in together just like at the same time with joint forces outbreak the wall of yuan qi, only depending on the single strength, only feared that is unable to resist. 那股根本无法抵挡的剑气,若不是他们所有的强者汇聚在一起宛如一面合力发作的元气之墙,只凭自己独身之力,只怕根本无法抵挡。 The night wind howls. 夜风呼啸。 Heaven and Earth Xiao Su. 天地萧肃。 One strange atmosphere, fills the air in Between Heaven and Earth. 一种诡异的气氛,在天地之间弥漫。 Opposite. 对面。 Ye Qingyu flies high to stand, clothes robe flap flap like wind. 叶青羽凌空而立,衣袍猎猎如风。 In his hand, on Blood Drinking Sword threatening killing intent surges, the beast of prey that the imposing manner just likes awakening, shivering, will soon be howling. 他手中,饮血剑上逼人的杀意涌动,气势犹如一只觉醒的猛兽,颤动着,即将呼啸而出。 The springing sword blade, on the face of Ye Qingyu, has shown the satisfactory look gently. 轻轻弹动剑身,叶青羽的脸上,露出了满意的神色。 This is his first time uses Blood Drinking Sword. 这是他第一次使用饮血剑 The might of sword, is above his imagination. 剑的威力,超乎他的想象。 A moment ago that sword light, no doubt is because one of the three big Sword Technique Person king Sword Technique Was urged to send to the acme, because of tople days, own strength promoted greatly, but with the Blood Drinking Sword amplification and might, has very big relations. 刚才那剑光,固然是因为三大剑典之一的【人王剑典】被催发到了极致,更是因为这些日子,自己的实力提升巨大,但和饮血剑的增幅和威力,也有着很大的关系。 This handle the great sword that is refined personally by him, grasps in the hand, is the same just like part of own body, such as the arm pulls strings, at will satisfactory to the extreme. 这柄由他亲自炼制出来的巨剑,握在手中,宛如自己身体的一部分一样,如臂指使,随意顺心到了极点。 Ye Qingyu looks that after Luo Xie dies everywhere blood rain, suddenly in the heart moves, revolution yuan qi, stimulates to movement in Blood Drinking Sword to be most covert mysterious that blood liana source rune, the long sword wields, Sword Qi on Blood Drinking Sword just likes the living creature is ordinary, a boundless strange strength automatic spews out from the sword blade. 叶青羽看着罗邪死后的漫天血雨,突然心中一动,运转元气,催动饮血剑之中最为隐蔽神秘的那血藤本源符文,长剑挥出,饮血剑上的剑气犹如活物一般,一股磅礴的奇异力量自动从剑身上喷涌而出。 Next split second, the strange matter occurred. 一瞬间,诡异的事情发生了。 In the sky such as Fan Huafei the rain Devil race essence and blood young swallow turns over to Chao Ban, changes to red Flowing Light to gather to Blood Drinking Sword. This red Flowing Light blooms beautiful bright red Man bead Sand Hua in the upper air, the faint trace red flower petal continuously is sparkling the beauty of moving heart and soul. 天空中如繁花飞雨般的魔族精血乳燕归巢般,化作红色的流光饮血剑汇聚。这红色的流光在高空中绽放出一朵妖艳朱红的曼珠沙华,丝丝缕缕的红色花瓣闪耀着动人心魄的美艳。 Plain Blood Drinking Sword looks like the receptacle of this beautiful beautiful red flowers is ordinary, the entire flowers adsorption above. Was similar to the time flowed backwards generally, the monster different beautiful Man bead Sand Hua flower petal curled up is gathering toward Blood Drinking Sword. 古朴的饮血剑就像是这妖艳美丽红色花朵的花托一般,将整个花朵吸附其上。如同时光倒流了一般,妖异美艳的曼珠沙华的花瓣蜷曲着向着饮血剑聚拢。 However suddenly, that beautiful flowers vanished do not see, changes to the Ye Qingyu hand all the light red halo on long sword. 不过眨眼间,那美丽的花朵就已经消失不见,尽数化作叶青羽手中长剑上的淡淡的红色光晕。 Everywhere blood rain by the Blood Drinking Sword absorption completely! 漫天血雨都被饮血剑吸收殆尽! On the originally Dark-red sword blade is filling the light red light fog, one strange strength surges on Blood Drinking Sword. 原本暗红色剑身上弥漫着淡淡的红色光雾,一种奇异的力量在饮血剑上涌动。 The purple-red trace that on the sword blade originally sinks darkly is clear and bright gradually. On the broad sword blade, just liked has poured into fiery red rock magma, on that strange trace along the sword blade flowed, the mysterious rune marks were lit by this fiery red class thick liquid, are sparkling scarlet splendid light. 剑身上原本暗沉的紫红色纹路逐渐清晰、明亮起来。宽阔的剑身上,犹如注入了一道火红的岩浆,沿着剑身上那奇异的纹路流淌,一个又一个玄奥的符文印记被这火红的流浆点燃,闪耀着血色的华光。 As on Blood Drinking Sword roaring flame blood red fills the air gradually, the energy in Devil race expert essence and blood was absorbed by Blood Drinking Sword. 随着饮血剑上烈焰般的血红逐渐弥漫,魔族强者精血中的能量被饮血剑吸收。 Sword blade that has not taken shape completely after absorbing the Demon Spider Race expert essence and blood, the trace on sword blade seemed to be concise, these mysterious rune marks also as if smooth full. 还未完全成型的剑身在吸收了魔蛛族强者的精血之后,剑身上的纹路似乎凝练了许多,那些玄奥的符文印记也似乎更加的顺畅饱满。 A pure energy transmits to hold the Ye Qingyu within the body of sword from the sword hilt gathering of Blood Drinking Sword. 一股纯净的能量从饮血剑的剑柄汇聚传递到持剑的叶青羽体内。 His all the limbs and bones just like wind through limpid Spirit Spring to be together comfortable. 他的四肢百骸犹如流过一道清澈灵泉般舒爽。 Just now Ye Qingyu struck to kill the Demon Spider Race expert consumption yuan qi split second to obtain the supplement, this carefree dripping feeling only then he knows. 方才叶青羽击杀魔蛛族强者耗费的元气一瞬间就得到了补充,这种畅快淋漓的感觉只有他自己知道。 Opposite. 对面。 The cruel crown prince black ink front looks in the Ye Qingyu hand to sparkle the long sword of scarlet halo, the facial color changes. 暴戾亲王墨锋看着叶青羽手中闪耀着血色光晕的长剑,面色微变。 This fatty only had used a moment ago a sword, then struck to kill Ascending Heaven Boundary peak Devil race expert in the calcium carbide flames, was nothing less, but this was not his shocking reason. 刚才这个胖子只用了一剑,便在电石火光之间击杀了一名登天境巅峰的魔族强者,不可谓不强,但这并不是他震惊的原因。 Reason that he shock, because of as a Immortal Rank Boundary crown prince, in the entire process, unexpectedly as before slightly actually he has not looked at this person of Cultivation Base how! 他之所以震惊,是因为作为一个仙阶境的亲王,在整个过程之中,他竟然依旧丝毫没有看出来这人的修为究竟如何! Romania evilly died in vain. 罗邪算是白死了。 Has not played the slight probe role, dying not slight value. 没有起到丝毫的试探作用,死的没有丝毫的价值。 Stranger is in his hand that the great sword, can actually absorb the Devil race essence and blood! 更为怪异的就是他手中那把巨剑,竟然能够吸收掉魔族的精血! The Devil race essence and blood has the formidable corrosion strength and violent poisonousness inborn, Human Race and Devil race battles, their weapons, even if some high level magical instruments, to often will be corroded finally by the Devil race essence and blood, loses the intelligence, changes to the scrap iron. 魔族的精血天生带有强大的腐蚀力和剧毒,人族魔族交战,他们的兵器,哪怕是一些高阶的神器,到最后往往都会被魔族精血腐蚀,失去灵性,化作废铁。 But this strange great sword, not only had not been corroded, instead has absorbed the Devil race essence and blood, changes into oneself to use! 而这把诡异的巨剑,不仅没有被腐蚀,反而吸收了魔族的精血,化为己用! Is this fatty, actually who? 这个胖子,究竟是什么人? In cruel crown prince heart startled and anger. 暴戾亲王心中又惊又怒。 ------------- ------------- Fourth. 第四更了。 Everybody gives the point to encourage, thanks 大家给点鼓励吧,谢谢啦
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