IGE :: Volume #5

#479: The murderous intention surges

You......” “你……” Was too rampant!” “太嚣张了!” These imperial guard expert is about to be wild with rage. 这几名禁军强者都快气疯了。 In beforehand fighting, they have lost to this black mole young people, strength of Foreign Domain person is tyrannical, the strength style is strange, unexpected, making them suffer a loss. 在之前的交手之中,他们都败给了这个黑痣年轻人,域外人的实力强横,力量招式都古怪,猝不及防之下,让他们都吃了个大亏。 The technique is inferior to the person, pours is also speechless. 技不如人,倒也无话可说。 But the procedure of this black mole young people, actually was really too exasperating. 但这个这黑痣年轻人的做法,却实在是太气人了。 After winning, so rampantly clamored, the demeanor did not have slightly, went too far simply. 胜了以后,却又如此嚣张叫嚣,丝毫风度都没有,简直是欺人太甚。 Facing the provocation, companion robe Ze is insulted, is similar to fan their faces is the same, several warm-blooded men almost again could not bear. 面对挑衅,同伴袍泽受辱,就如同扇他们的脸一样,几个热血汉子都几乎再也忍不住了。 But they after all are the servicemen, before was to follow orders to get rid to contend in martial arts, wants to explore the details of these rampant Foreign Domain people, if did not have to make several adults' orders, they were can only the blue vein violent puff to endure suddenly. 但他们毕竟都是军人,之前是奉命出手比武,想要试探这些个嚣张的域外人的底细,要是没有在做几位大人的命令,他们是只能青筋暴突喘着粗气忍着。 Ha Ha, the third-rater is a third-rater, stirs up slightly, looked like steps on the dog of tail same to jump.” That black mole youth laughed, cancels the finger, the stance disdained extremely frivolously: Was a pity that strength is too bad, how can also......” “哈哈,下等人就是下等人,稍微一激,就像是踩了尾巴的狗一样跳了起来。”那黑痣少年哈哈大笑,勾了勾手指,姿态极其轻佻不屑:“可惜,实力太差,又能怎么样……” Saying, him was transferring turned head to look at Ye Qingyu. 说着,他转回头看了看进来的叶青羽 Realized that Ye Qingyu pitiful yuan qi Cultivation Base, the black mole youth thinks is any book child and so on role, root originally has not paid attention. 察觉到叶青羽可怜的元气修为,黑痣少年以为是什么书童之类的角色,根本就没有留意。 He is sneering turning head, looked to Lin Zheng and the others, sneered saying: Hello, Old Man, is this your this domain masters? Simply in a complete mess, words that before we spoke, you considered how, to have having made your emperors leave, offered the emperor imperial seal, did obeisance into our Great One Sect, this was the good fortune that you usually in several lifetime cannot seek......” 他冷笑着回过头来,看向了蔺争等人,冷笑道:“喂,老家伙们,这就是你们这个界域的高手?简直一塌糊涂嘛,之前我们说的话,你考虑的怎么样了,让你们的皇帝滚过来,献上皇帝印玺,拜入我们太一门,这可是你们平日里几辈子都求不来的福分啊……” Shut up, yellow mouth young child.” The palm of Li Guangbi air/Qi directly the smashing that front table pats. “闭嘴,黄口小儿。”李光弼气的一掌直接将面前的桌子拍的粉碎。 Qu Hanshan at the same time, has held on him hastily. 一边的曲寒山,连忙拉住了他。 The Lin Zheng facial color concentrates slightly, in the eye pupil, obliterates intent Flashed. 蔺争的面色微微一凝,眼眸之中,一抹煞意一闪而过。 By his style and temperament, trades to do is anybody, dares to be so dissolute, only feared that was already cut by him. 以他的行事风格和脾气,换做是其他任何人,敢如此放肆,只怕早就被他斩掉了。 But today these people, after all are central Domain Portal opens, arrives at the Heaven Wasteland Domain first group of people, before has not made clear their origins and details, actually must endure the one breath. 可是今天这些人,毕竟是中央域门开启之后,来到天荒界的第一批人,在还未搞清楚他们的来历和底细之前,却还是要忍一口气的。 Lin Zheng is always the stratagem decides, but rear drive, this endured time, naturally is bears. 蔺争向来都是谋定而后动,该忍的时候,自然是忍得下去。 However when he sees Ye Qingyu, on the face could not bear reveal the startled color, at once realizes anything, revealed one but color. 不过当他看到走进来的叶青羽的时候,脸上忍不住露出了惊色,旋即意识到什么,又露出一丝无奈之色。 By the Ye Qingyu status, if flies not to be possible, the imperial guard military officer naturally cannot block him. 叶青羽的身份,要是飞进来不可的话,禁军将领自然拦不住他。 Moreover such choice, indeed conforms to the Ye Qingyu temperament. 而且这样的选择,也的确是更加符合叶青羽的脾气。 Lin Zheng just about to again says anything. 蔺争刚要再说什么。 Ye Qingyu beckoned with the hand, has arrived around that several imperial guard expert, has patted their shoulders gently, has not said anything, grips Huang Tianxiang that arm, carefully looks at has wounded flood grey brilliance, smelled a decayed mud flavor...... 叶青羽摆了摆手,走到了那几个禁军强者跟前,轻轻地拍了拍他们的肩膀,也没有说什么,握住黄天祥那支手臂,仔细看了看创口出泛动着的灰色光华,嗅到了一股腐臭烂泥的味道…… This Great One Sect disciple, what Cultivation is demon cultivation technique, it seems like Great One Sect is not the good goods. 太一门的弟子,修炼的是邪魔功法,看来太一门也不是什么好货色。 In the Ye Qingyu heart understands clearly. 叶青羽心中了然。 That three Spirit Spring in his full power stimulation of movement dantian Desert World, transferred a faint trace Supreme ice flame, Covered in Huang Tianxiang's breaking arm wound place...... 全力催动丹田荒漠世界之中的那三眼灵泉,调动了一丝丝的【无上冰炎】,覆盖在了黄天祥的断臂伤口处…… Faint trace ice crystal, silver white like moonlight. 丝丝冰晶,银白如月华。 Black mole young people after at the same time slightly one, at once has laughed: You...... Are you doing? Is wanting to treat his injury...... Ha Ha Ha, depends on you, Ha Ha, this was I have seen biggest laughing, less than three hole Spirit Spring sediments, actually wanted to cure Breeds air/Qi spoiled Toxin......” 一边的黑痣年轻人微微一愣之后,旋即哈哈大笑了起来:“你……你在干什么?在想要治疗他的伤势……哈哈哈,就凭你,哈哈,这是我见过的最大的笑话了,一个不足三窍灵泉的渣滓,竟然想要治愈【腐殖气】的毒……” Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈……” These Foreign Domain young people at the same time, has smiled. 一边的那些域外年轻人,也都笑了起来。 Indigenous of these small places, an experience might as well our Clear Ginger Domain dog, oh, was laughs at me...... a Great One Sect disciple to hold the belly really directly, the tears that smiled quickly flowed. “这些小地方的土著,见识还不如我们清姜界的一条狗,啊哟,真的是笑死了我……”一个太一门弟子更是直接抱着肚子,笑的眼泪都快流出来了。 „A four hole Spirit Spring boy...... Aha, is really pitiful, I should say that he is arrogant, should say his stupid pig.” “一个四窍灵泉的小子……啊哈哈,真是可怜啊,我是该说他自大呢,还是该说他蠢猪。” Hey, everybody do not smile again, calm down a bit, carefully looks that if others cured.” Another Great One Sect disciple, is suppressing the mock and disdaining, said seriously, but spoke of finally, he could not bear Ha Ha Ha laugh wildly. “嘿嘿,大家不要再笑了嘛,都静一静,仔细看着嘛,万一人家真的治好了呢。”另一个太一门的弟子,强忍着讥诮和不屑,一本正经地说,但是说到最后,他也忍不住哈哈哈狂笑了起来。 All Great One Sect disciples, look at the Ye Qingyu expression, looks like looks that does not know the so-called comedian clown. 所有太一门的弟子,看着叶青羽的表情,就像是看着一个不知所谓的小丑。 Qu Hanshan at the same time holds on senior marshal Li Guangbi hastily, for fear that this old lion violent anger gets up, has screwed up the present scene. 一边的曲寒山连忙拉住老元帅李光弼,生怕这头老雄狮暴怒起来,搞砸了眼前的场面。 Lin Zheng deeply inspires, just about to says anything, but, he has realized anything suddenly suddenly, is narrowing the eye slightly, a few words had not said that but calmly looks at Ye Qingyu. 蔺争深吸一口气,刚要说什么,但猛然之间,他突然意识到了什么,微微眯着眼睛,一句话也没有说,而是静静地看着叶青羽 Looks at Huang Tianxiang's breaking arm place, above a faint trace Cold Qi silver thread, is common just like the silk, winds around the combustion to cover. 就看黄天祥的断臂处,一丝丝寒气银丝,宛如蚕丝一般,缭绕着燃烧覆盖其上。 From the beginning had not had any unusual form. 一开始还未有什么异状。 But after passing 34 rest time, Huang Tianxiang suddenly thinks the arm place, in that Breeds air/Qi spoiled Under the corrosion, that just likes the poisonous insect pest bone general severe pain, vanished suddenly, what replaces it is a cool feeling slightly, is quite comfortable. 但过了34息时间之后,黄天祥突然觉得断臂处,在那【腐殖气】的侵蚀之下,那犹如毒虫蚀骨一般的剧痛,突然之间消失了,取而代之的是一股微微的凉意,极为舒服。 But in the eyes of other people, what actually sees is another picture. 而其他人的眼中,却是看到的是另一番景象。 The light gray fog decayed aura, by the silk common silver glow, bit by bit the glass came out, like is the silver flame incinerator ash-gray slip of paper, in an instant, all ash-gray mist were burnt down completely cleanly, including that light decayed aura, vanished thoroughly. 淡灰色的云雾腐臭气息,被蚕丝一般的银芒,一点一点地玻璃出来,像是银色火焰焚烧灰色纸片一样,转眼之间,所有的灰色雾气全部都被焚烧干净,连那一股淡淡的腐臭气息,也彻底消失了。 Huang Tianxiang's wound place, has revealed the bright red flesh and blood and bones of the dead. 黄天祥的伤口处,露出了鲜红的血肉和白骨。 Without the corrosion of different strength, by Huang Tianxiang's strength, naturally will unable to bear this pain, the complexion instantaneously became ruddy, the aura is also steady immediately. 没有了异力的侵蚀,以黄天祥的实力,自然是不会忍受不了这种痛苦,脸色瞬间就变得红润了起来,气息也立刻平稳。 That several imperial guard expert are overjoyed. 那几位禁军强者都大喜过望。 Lin Zheng three people, relaxed. 蔺争三人,也都松了一口气。 Many thanks palace Military leader......” Huang Tianxiang also hastily salutes the expression of gratitude. “多谢殿主大人……”黄天祥也是连忙行礼道谢。 He knows that oneself this was transfers from Gate of Death. 他知道,自己这算是从鬼门关上又转回来了。 By his Sea of Bitterness Stage Cultivation Base, flesh and blood body regeneration, is not the difficult matter. 以他苦海境修为,血肉肢体再生,也不是什么难事。 Opposite. 对面。 That several Great One Sect disciple, was is a little scared. 那十几个太一门的弟子,却是一个个都有点儿傻眼了。 Said a moment ago words that now seemed changed to invisible palms of the hand, maliciously the fan, the fan on their faces, having made them unable to say any words to come instantaneously again, that mocked, taunts and disdains and smiling face of provocation, congealed to coagulate on their faces, lets their expressions, looked like has the awkwardness and satire of not being able to say. 刚才说出去的话,现在好似是化作了一个个无形的巴掌,狠狠地扇了回来,扇在了他们的脸上,让他们一个个瞬间再也说不出任何话来,那讥诮、嘲讽、不屑和挑衅的笑容,在他们的脸上凝结凝固,让他们的表情,看起来有着说不出的尴尬和讽刺。 You......” the black mole Great One Sect disciple at this time, is willing with looking straight at to look at Ye Qingyu finally, clenches teeth, said: „Who you are...... You how...... Can melt unexpectedly Breeds air/Qi spoiled Might?” “你……”黑痣太一门弟子这时,终于肯用正眼看一看叶青羽了,咬着牙,道:“你是什么人……你怎么……竟然可以化解【腐殖气】的威力?” Ye Qingyu has not spoken. 叶青羽没有说话。 Although his present yuan qi Cultivation Base, because Cloud top cauldron Some reason, causes the Divine Soul majority by the seal, therefore has 34 Spirit Spring intensities, Supreme ice flame Also was prohibited part, but now Ye Qingyu regarding Supreme ice flame The control, actually already was in the reach a high degree of proficiency situation, compared with it past was Youyan army god Lu Zhaoge therapy, does not know that many times, have treated skillfully so-called Breeds air/Qi spoiled But is instant. 虽然他如今的元气修为,因为【云顶铜炉】的某种原因,导致神魂大部分被封印,所以只有34眼灵泉的强度,【无上冰炎】也随之被封禁了一部分,但如今叶青羽对于【无上冰炎】的操控,却早就到了炉火纯青的地步,比之昔日为【幽燕军神】陆朝歌疗伤的时候,不知道纯熟了多少倍,治疗所谓的【腐殖气】只不过是一念之间而已。 His vision, falls on is stepped on by the black mole young people in that arm of under foot, has extended putting out a hand, said: Brings.” 他的目光,落在被黑痣年轻人踩在脚下的那只手臂,伸了伸手,道:“拿来。” The black mole young people are startled, at once is understanding. 黑痣年轻人一怔,旋即会意过来。 He by the Ye Qingyu this calm and indifferent own expression, violent instantaneous anger from heart. 他被叶青羽这种从容且漠视自己的表情,激的瞬间怒从心头起。 Coldly smiles, black mole young people to Ye Qingyu, have been cancelling the finger, said: Boy, are you a deaf person? Hasn't heard my words? Wants that waste the arm, depends on skill to take.” 冷冷地一笑,黑痣年轻人对着叶青羽,勾了勾手指,道:“小子,你是聋子?没听到我刚才的话?想要那废物的手臂,就凭本事自己来取。” Ye Qingyu walks gradually. 叶青羽一步一步走过去。 Lin Zheng and the others immediately facial color big change. 蔺争等人顿时面色大变。 Several imperial guard military officers also hastily stop Ye Qingyu. 几位禁军将领也都连忙阻拦叶青羽 Since Bright City fights, the Ye Qingyu hard anti- Divine Punishment heavenly thunder, causing the yuan qi martial path foundation to be destroyed, matter that Cultivation Base plummets, although was forbidden to discuss, but imperial guard high and low, most people knew. 自从光明城一战之后,叶青羽硬抗神罚天雷,导致元气武道根基被毁,修为骤降的事情,虽然被禁止议论,但禁军上下,大部分人还是都知道了。 Sir...... Three think.” “大人……三思。” Sir, this matter, why must you get rid personally.” “大人,这种事情,何须您亲自出手。” The imperial guard military officer suddenly does not know that should say anything. 禁军将领一时间不知道该说什么。 Lin Zheng smiles bitterly, personal appearance Flashed, first kept off in Ye Qingyu front, said: Hall Master Ye, why sets at the air/Qi with these kids, waited for your strength recovery......” 蔺争苦笑一下,身形一闪,第一时间挡在了叶青羽的前面,道:“叶殿主,何必与这些小家伙置气,等你的实力恢复了……” His words have not said that Ye Qingyu has turned head, looked at his one eyes, said: Sir Lin, you thought that I can be the person who that type impulses to disregard all consequences? Relax, I have the means.” 他话还没有说完,叶青羽扭过头,看了他一眼,道:“蔺大人,你觉得我会是那种冲动起来不计后果的人吗?放心,我自有办法。” Lin Zheng has gawked staring. 蔺争愣了愣。 He at the rave, the heart said at heart the fellow who works to disregard all consequences, initially the hard anti- heavenly thunder, will not make that action. 他在心里狂吼,心说你要不是一个做事不计后果的家伙,当初也不会硬抗天雷,做出那种举动了。 But why does not know, during is indistinct, Lin Zheng also hesitant. 但不知道为什么,隐隐约约之中,蔺争也犹豫了一下。 Fights armor to summon white tiger, changes to a white small light tiger to squat in own shoulder, Lin Zheng has not continued to stop Ye Qingyu again, his heart has hung, once Ye Qingyu presents any danger, he can get rid to support immediately. 将白虎战甲召唤出来,化作一只白色小光虎蹲在自己的肩头,蔺争没有再继续阻拦叶青羽,不过他的心已经悬了起来,一旦叶青羽出现任何危险,他都可以在第一时间出手支援。 These so-called Great One Sect disciples, although came from Foreign Domain, is important, but if endangered the Ye Qingyu life, Lin Zheng actually could not give a thought to that many. 这些所谓太一门的弟子,虽然来自于域外,事关重大,但若是真的危及到了叶青羽的生命,蔺争却也是顾不了那么多了。 He toward behind Qu Hanshan and Li Guangbi two people, signaled with the eyes. 他朝着身后的曲寒山李光弼两个人,使了个眼色。 Once the matter is not right, immediately under the pain the killer, these Great One Sect disciples, cuts to kill a cleanness, destroys the corpse and leave no trace directly, destroys all evidence, making them vanish in into thin air, in order to avoid leaves behind the future trouble. 一旦事情不对,就立刻痛下杀手,将这些太一门的弟子,斩杀个干干净净,直接毁尸灭迹,销毁一切证据,让他们在人间蒸发消失,以免留下后患。 The atmosphere in big account, suddenly anxious. 大帐之中的气氛,骤然紧张了起来。 But at this time, Ye Qingyu arrived at beyond that black mole young people three, puts out a hand, has grasped toward the arm of that black mole young people directly. 而此时,叶青羽已经到了那黑痣年轻人三步之外,一伸手,直接朝着那黑痣年轻人的手臂抓了过去。 This puts out a hand, does not have the slight yuan qi fluctuation. 这一伸手,不带丝毫的元气波动。 On that black mole young face, is bringing light sneering, maintains composure, but wipes murderous intention severe glow, actually from his eye pupil deep place crazy twinkle. 那黑痣年轻人脸上,带着淡淡的冷笑,不动声色,但一抹杀机厉芒,却从他的眼眸深处疯狂的闪烁。 Before Ye Qingyu, explained his corruption to breed the technique of air/Qi, has made the homicide heart hit. 叶青羽之前破解了他的腐殖气之术,已经让他杀心打起。 At this time Ye Qingyu so pulls rank gets rid, is makes his murderous intention surge. 此时叶青羽又如此托大地出手,更是让他杀机涌动。 Boy, this is you courts death.” “小子,这是你自己找死。” The black mole young people were exploding at heart have drunk one, when the five fingers of Ye Qingyu will caught among their wrist, stuck out suddenly suddenly, a wrist revolution, held Ye Qingyu wrist on the contrary, grinned fiendishly, caught up suddenly, must Ye Qingyu wrist, the direct crumb become the blood putty...... 黑痣年轻人在心里爆喝了一声,在叶青羽的五指堪堪抓到自己的手腕之间的时候,猛然暴起,手腕一转,反倒是抓住了叶青羽手腕,狞笑一声,猛然发力,就要将叶青羽手腕,直接捏碎成为血泥…… Ye Qingyu has not responded, no matter what he held wrist. 叶青羽似是没有反应过来,任他抓住了手腕 „Not good......” Huang Tianxiang to call out in alarm makes noise. “不好……”黄天祥惊呼出声。 However wants to get rid to save, actually already without enough time. 但是想要出手挽救,却已经来不及了。 ----------- ----------- Today first. 今天第一更。 , Thanks everybody's containing 还有更的,谢谢大家的包容
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