IGE :: Volume #5

#480: This boy is a little weird

The black mole young people grinned fiendishly were holding Ye Qingyu wrist, twisted suddenly. 黑痣年轻人狞笑着抓住了叶青羽手腕,猛然一拧。 In that split second, he has even been able to imagine that he quick will hear sound/noise that the Ye Qingyu wrist bone breaks off, hears Ye Qingyu howls miserably the sound of calling...... 在那一瞬间,他甚至已经可以想象到,自己很快就会听到叶青羽手腕骨头折断的声音,听到叶青羽的惨呼嚎叫之声…… However, gets down split second, the strength of counter- shaking in the palm transmits, making the black mole young people realize suddenly has not suited. 但是,下一瞬间,手掌中传来的反震之力,让黑痣年轻人猛然察觉到了不对劲。 Under his grasps twists, the palm of Ye Qingyu, has not moved unexpectedly slightly. 在他的那一握一拧之下,叶青羽的手掌,竟是丝毫未动。 Well?” On the black mole young face reappears a surprised color, at once sneers, said: Please look at you actually...... However, you dare to revolt unexpectedly, I only wanted to discard your hand, but, your this arm, I must cut now......” “咦?”黑痣年轻人脸上浮现出一丝惊讶之色,旋即冷笑,道:“倒是请看了你……不过,你竟然敢反抗,我本来只想要废掉你一只手,但是现在嘛,你这条胳膊,我都要斩了……” Then, he catches up subconsciously once again, by a bigger strength, twists Ye Qingyu wrist again. 说完,他下意识地再度发力,以更大的力量,再拧叶青羽手腕 But Ye Qingyu wrist, is still entirely still. 叶青羽手腕,依然是纹丝不动。 How possible? You......” black mole young people facial color finally changed. “怎么可能?你……”黑痣年轻人面色终于变了。 In this split second, he starts somewhat to realize that the matter did not suit. 在这一瞬间,他开始有些意识到事情不太对劲了。 The black mole youth is pinching Ye Qingyu wrist, thought one hold seems not the flesh and blood, but together the god iron is the same, how regardless of he catches up, cannot shake Ye Qingyu wrist unexpectedly slightly. 黑痣少年捏着叶青羽手腕,却觉得自己抓住的似乎不是血肉之躯,而是一块神铁一样,不论他如何发力,竟是丝毫不能撼动叶青羽手腕丝毫。 Impossible...... The small chop suey, I have abandoned you.” The black mole young people become angry out of shame suddenly. “不可能……小杂碎,我废了你。”黑痣年轻人猛然间恼羞成怒。 His facial color is fierce, drinks one lowly, stimulated to movement the strength, both hands holds Ye Qingyu wrist, in the palm the yuan qi brilliance surged crazily, erupts the strongest strength, wanted an arm of Ye Qingyu, broke to tear directly. 他面色狰狞,低喝一声,催动力量,双手抓住了叶青羽手腕,掌心之中元气光焰疯狂地涌动,爆发出了最强的力量,想要将叶青羽的一条手臂,直接震碎撕扯下来。 But also at this moment, Ye Qingyu also moved. 而也就在这时,叶青羽也动了。 Almost is follows a set pattern to be the same, wrist turns gently, the right palm of Ye Qingyu, incomparably with ease has worked loose the both hands of black mole young people. 几乎是如法炮制一样,手腕轻轻一扭,叶青羽的右掌,就无比轻松地挣脱了黑痣年轻人的双手。 The black mole young people in that split second, only thought that tyrannical to the extreme strength, explodes in the palm, making his both hands ten fingers tingle with numbness, almost passes out, is unable to grip the hand of Ye Qingyu again. 黑痣年轻人在那一瞬间,只觉得一股强横到了极点的力量,在掌心之中爆裂开来,让他的双手十指发麻,几乎失去知觉,再也无法握住叶青羽的手。 Before he has not responded, Ye Qingyu leaves the move once more. 在他还未反应过来之前,叶青羽再次出招。 Backhands a buckle simply. 简单地反手一扣。 The right palm of black mole youth, single-handed was gripped by Ye Qingyu. 黑痣少年的右掌,就被叶青羽单手握住。 The backhand turns. 反手一扭。 snap. 咔嚓 sound/noise of bone break transmits. 骨头断裂的声音传来。 After the black mole young people stay slightly, killed the pig to call out suddenly generally. 黑痣年轻人微微一呆之后,猛然之间杀猪一般嚎叫了起来。 Actually is his right palm, unexpectedly in instantaneous, like had broken off rotten wood by Ye Qingyu, the direct uneven wrist breaks off, then conveniently gently, the breaking palm of black mole youth, livingly was similar to from wrist rips the rags same to rip. 却是他的右掌,竟是在瞬间,被叶青羽像是折断了一根朽木一样,直接齐腕折断,接着随手轻轻一拉,刺啦一声,黑痣少年的断掌,就活生生地从手腕上如同撕破布一样撕了下来。 White bone piercing stubble, blood of splattering. 白森森的骨刺骨茬,还有喷溅的鲜血。 This is not considered as that cruel rare one, why does not know, lets all people at heart, simultaneously has startled suddenly. 这并不算是残暴少见的一幕,不知道为什么,让所有人的心里,突然齐齐地激灵了一下。 Mainly is on the Ye Qingyu face, that indifferent tranquil expression, lets be familiar with his person, cannot help but the heart trembled. 主要是叶青羽脸上,那淡然平静的表情,让熟悉他的人,不由得都心颤了一下。 The palm that will tear up conveniently, loses one side, Ye Qingyu lifts the hand to push gently. 随手将撕掉的手掌,丢到一边,叶青羽抬手轻轻一推。 Is calling out the black mole young people looked like the kite of line same, flew to fall involuntary, then in sound/noise of piece of holding breath cold air/Qi, Ye Qingyu bent the waist, that palm that Huang Tianxiang was cut, has picked. 嚎叫着的黑痣年轻人就像是断了线的纸鸢一样,身不由己地飞跌了出去,然后在一片倒吸冷气的声音之中,叶青羽弯下腰,将黄天祥被斩掉的那只手掌,捡了起来。 When all people have not responded, Ye Qingyu only finishes a job that hands over to give back to Huang Tianhua. 在所有人没有反应过来的时候,叶青羽将那只断手,递还给黄天化。 Sea of Bitterness Stage expert can the flesh and blood rebirth, but that consumes oneself body courage vigor and strength extremely, will lose for several years is as for dozens years of skill, such as in the war of Bright City, Lin Zheng was killed only remaining a head, the flesh and blood rebirth, in fact had consumed afterward nearly 20 years of self-torture skills, afterward by Yu Jun Han the strength of Spirit Pill, was reluctantly recovery. 苦海境强者可以血肉重生,但那极为消耗己身血气和力量,会损失数年乃至于数十年的功力,如光明城之战中,蔺争被袭杀只剩下了一个头颅,后来血肉重生,实际上是消耗了近20年的苦修功力,后来以鱼君寒灵丹之力,才算是勉强恢复 The body that but if will be cut off brings back , to continue to meet again, that can be with ease many. 但若是将断掉的肢体拿回,再续接上去的话,那就可以轻松很多了。 Many thanks Sir.” “多谢大人。” Huang Tianxiang a little gets muddled, the subconsciousness received own finishing a job. 黄天祥有点儿发蒙,下意识接过了自己的断手。 He really cannot think through, in the legend, wasn't Hall Master Ye is ruined the martial arts foundation, yuan qi discarded? 他实在是想不通,传说中,叶殿主不是已经被毁掉了武道根基,元气废掉了吗? Why may...... The black mole Great One Sect disciple, strength such, had frustrated several imperial guard expert before continuously, in an instant, looks like a young child is the same, by Hall Master Ye tearing off an arm. 可为什么……黑痣太一门弟子,实力如此之强,之前连续挫败了数位禁军强者,却只是在转眼之间,就像是一个稚童一样,被叶殿主给扯掉了一只手臂。 All a little are not quite real. 一切都有点儿不太真实。 Ye Qingyu has patted his shoulder, has not said anything again. 叶青羽拍了拍他的肩膀,没有再说什么。 Also at this time, other Great One Sect disciples, was responded. 也就是在这个时候,其他太一门的弟子们,也才算是反应了过来。 Junior Brother, are you all right?” 师弟,你没事吧?” Broke the hand? Takes carry back to join that hand quickly......” “断了手?快把那只手拿回来接上……” Some Great One Sect disciples hurry to encircle, supported fell in the ground struggling pain shouts the black mole young people, half of the day cannot crawl, some people only finished a job to snatch his, gave him first to join. 一些太一门弟子赶紧围过去,扶住了跌在地上挣扎痛呼、半天爬不起来的黑痣年轻人,有人将他的那只断手抢了过来,给他第一时间接上。 At this time, some talented people discovered that the front of black mole young people, the clear being in charge shape was unexpectedly hollow, wants to come is pushed a moment ago by Ye Qingyu conveniently, broke his guard yuan qi and mortal body intensity unexpectedly, printed one to be in charge. 这个时候,有人才发现黑痣年轻人的胸前,竟是有一个清晰的掌印形凹陷,想来是刚才被叶青羽随手一推,竟是破了他的护身元气和肉身强度,印下了一个掌印。 That...... What strength is? 那……到底是什么力量? Several Great One Sect disciples look at each other with amazement. 几个太一门弟子相顾骇然。 But another Great One Sect disciples, are actually the earliest possible time overran, has encircled with imperial guard expert Ye Qingyu, is the angry expressions, looks at the Ye Qingyu vision, looks like looks that dares to revolt against the Master slave to be the same rashly. 而另一些太一门的弟子,却是第一时间呼啦啦冲了过去,将叶青羽和禁军强者围了起来,一个个都是愤怒至极的表情,看着叶青羽的目光,就像是看着一个胆大妄为竟敢反抗主人的奴隶一样。 Small mixed up, do you dare to offend somebody?” “小杂碎,你竟敢伤人?” Rubbish that many to do with him, first has seized him, has abandoned his Yuan Art, then well concocts him. „ “和他废话那么多干什么,先擒了他,废了他的元功,再好好炮制他。“ Hey, the boy, you are leave to be without a fight, must make Young Master this get rid, clutches you.” “嘿嘿,小子,你是自己滚出来束手就擒,还是要让本公子出手,把你揪出来。” A Great One Sect disciple was saying, begins directly, five fingers, five yuan qi just like the air column is rolling same, forms the trap to be ordinary, has covered toward the body of Ye Qingyu. 一位太一门弟子说着,直接动手,五指一张,五道元气滚滚犹如气柱一样,形成罗网一般,朝着叶青羽的身体笼罩了过来。 Sea of Bitterness Stage peak strength, in this split second, eruption without doubt. 苦海境巅峰的实力,在这一瞬间,爆发无疑。 Protects the Sir.” “保护大人。” Dissolute!” “放肆!” Several imperial guard expert, shouted angrily to make noise. 几个禁军强者,也都怒喝出声。 Ye Qingyu smiled, proceeds to tread one step. 叶青羽笑了笑,往前踏出一步。 The instance that the footsteps fall to the ground, catches up suddenly, an invisible pure bracing cold eruption, will keep off in front imperial guard expert shakes, keeps off after behind, lifts a hand conveniently claw, does not bring slight yuan qi to fluctuate, the five fingers illness opens, in a stroke toward void, that billowing yuan qi trap is similar to together the rags is the same, gave tears to pieces conveniently. 脚步落地的瞬间,猛然发力,一股无形的纯气劲爆发,将挡在前面的禁军强者震开,挡在身后,抬手随手一爪,不带丝毫元气波动,五指疾张,往虚空之中一划,那滚滚元气罗网就如同一块破布一样,就给随手扯碎了。 What?” “什么?” Suddenly the eyes of all people stared round. 一时间所有人的眼睛都瞪圆了。 That, is really a little strange. 那一幕,委实是有点儿诡异啊。 A claw broke the spirit power quantity conveniently, but the issue is, a moment ago Ye Qingyu that grasps, root originally does not have no yuan qi to fluctuate, what's the matter? 随手一爪就破掉了元气力量,可问题是,刚才叶青羽的那一抓,根本就没有什么元气波动啊,到底是怎么回事? Then does not wait for other people to respond that Ye Qingyu proceeds to tread again one step, the five fingers opens, has patted conveniently. 接下来不等其他人有所反应,叶青羽再往前踏出一步,五指张开,随手拍了出去。 Does not pay a return visit discourteously, you also meet my one move.” “来而不往非礼也,你也接我一招。” The palm is bringing the breeze, does not have the slight yuan qi fluctuation, does not have the slight yuan qi fluctuation. 手掌带着微风,没有丝毫的元气波动,也没有丝毫的元气波动。 The Great One Sect disciple who that begins, looks to disdain to sneer the color: Boy, a moment ago what you caused is any sorcery...... Let me meet your one move, he he, you also match to me get rid......” 那动手的太一门弟子,面露不屑冷笑之色:“小子,你刚才使的是什么妖法……让我接你一招,呵呵,你也配向我出手……” The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 ! 啪! A light sound. 一声轻响。 The palm of the hand of Ye Qingyu, fell on the face of that Great One Sect disciple. 叶青羽的巴掌,落在了那太一门弟子的脸上。 That Great One Sect disciple looked like the blockhead that a velamen iron hammer hit same, flew intently. 太一门弟子就像是一根被铁锤击中的木头一样,直愣愣地飞了出去。 Guard yuan qi that he is proud, cannot prevent the palm of Ye Qingyu unexpectedly slightly. 他引以为傲的护身元气,竟是没有能丝毫阻挡叶青羽的手掌。 Sea of Bitterness Stage peak Cultivation Base ** intensity, is unable to withstand that looks like a light palm of the hand, looked like suffers the average person of ear and area around it to be the same, in the instance of landing, is thoroughly ripe is stepped on peach of foot half face swelled likely, several white teeth flew from the mouth, a face distorted instantaneously...... 苦海境巅峰修为的**强度,也无法承受那看起来轻飘飘的一巴掌,就像是一个挨了耳光的普通人一样,在落地的瞬间,半张脸肿的像是熟透了又被踩了一脚的桃子,几颗白色牙齿从口里飞了出来,一张脸瞬间变形了…… Young fellow, you bold......” “好小子,你大胆……” Daring injures my Junior Brother, you court death.” “竟敢伤我师弟,你找死。” Has killed him.” “杀了他。” Such, lets these Great One Sect disciples, wild with rage. 这样的一幕,让那些太一门的弟子,都狂怒了起来。 Ye Qingyu did not speak, did not draw back instead enters, walked directly, lifted the hand is the palm of the hand, at a moderate pace palm palm has pulled out. 叶青羽也不说话,不退反进,直接走过去,抬手又是巴掌,不紧不慢一掌一掌地抽了过去。 ! 啪! The ear and area around it is resounding. 耳光响亮。 Also there are Great One Sect disciple to pull out flies. 又有太一门弟子被抽飞了。 You......” “你……” Has the Great One Sect disciple to glare angrily. 太一门弟子怒目圆睁。 He like is snail in the swamp, looks at the Ye Qingyu palm of the hand front surface fan helplessly, is actually not able to avoid, whatever he has put forth all strengths, yuan qi crazy stimulation of movement of-and-a-half Ascending Heaven Boundary Cultivation Base, cannot prevent that palm unexpectedly. 他像是陷入沼泽中的蜗牛一样,眼睁睁地看着叶青羽的巴掌迎面扇来,却无法躲避,任凭他使出了所有的力量,一身半步登天境修为元气疯狂催动,竟是丝毫不能阻挡那手掌。 As in the line of sight the texture in that palm is getting more and more clear, then he thought that the ear like was pounded by the iron hammer, bang, whole person at present one black, Venus braves randomly, the consciousness fuzzily flew. 随着视线之中那掌心里的纹理都越来越清晰,然后他就觉得耳朵像是被铁锤砸中一样,轰地一声,整个人眼前一黑,金星乱冒,就意识模糊地飞了出去。 ! 啪啪啪! The Great One Sect disciples, like are sections of rotten woods, almost does not have the leeway that anything struggles, definitely is unable to resist, pulled out to fly by Ye Qingyu intently completely. 一个个太一门弟子,像是一截截的烂木头一样,几乎没有什么挣扎的余地,完全无法招架,直愣愣地全部被叶青羽抽飞了出去。 This moment Ye Qingyu, is similar to war-god takes possession to be the same simply, the prestige is irreversible. 这一刻的叶青羽,简直如同战神附体一样,威不可挡。 He from top to bottom, does not have the slight yuan qi fluctuation, just likes an average person is the same, but among the styles, is containing the terror strength, does not carry the wind and thunder, does not contain the smoke and fire, made these Great One Sect disciples unable to resist, can only look at that palm of the hand helplessly be relentless on own face. 他浑身上下,没有丝毫的元气波动,犹如一个普通人一样,但招式之间,却蕴含着恐怖的力量,不携风雷,不含烟火,却偏偏令那些太一门弟子们无法抵挡,只能眼睁睁地看着那巴掌毫不留情地乎在自己的脸上。 Suddenly, in the big account roars with the roaring sound completely. 一时间,大帐里满是怒吼和咆哮声。 A Great One Sect disciple was struck to fly. 一个太一门弟子被击飞。 Two Great One Sect disciples threw. 两个太一门弟子扑上去了。 Three Great One Sect disciples pulled out fly. 三个太一门弟子被抽飞。 Four Great One Sect disciples threw...... 四个太一门弟子扑上去了…… In the big account, the ear and area around it is resounding. 大帐之中,耳光响亮。 Finally, in sound/noise of holding breath cold air, did not have the Great One Sect disciple to pass toward the Ye Qingyu rush again. 终于,在一片倒吸凉气的声音之中,再也没有太一门的弟子朝着叶青羽冲杀过去了。 Half Great One Sect disciple lies down on the ground, is covering own face barely alive, is whinning confused, looks for own tooth on the ground, obviously is heavy of wound, but the Great One Sect disciple of other half, by far hides in one side, looks to the Ye Qingyu vision, looked like looks at the monster to be the same, has been full of the shock angry and inconceivable...... 一半太一门的弟子躺在地上,半死不活地捂着自己的脸,迷迷瞪瞪地哀嚎着,在地上找自己的牙,显然是伤的不轻,而另一半的太一门弟子,一个个都远远地躲在一边,看向叶青羽的目光,就像是看着怪物一样,充满了震惊愤怒和不可思议…… To the present, even if a fool, looks that the matter is not right. 到了现在,就算是一个傻子,也看出来,事情不对了。 This looks like, only then 34 Spirit Spring subordinate thing, cannot measure with the common sense. 这个看起来只有34眼灵泉小人物,不能用常理来度量了。 From the beginning the Great One Sect disciple has not paid attention to Ye Qingyu, rushes, but worked as afterward, when the person who these rushed to compare a after quicker speed the fan flew, is frantically wild with rage, even if were the angry Great One Sect disciple, responded. 一开始太一门弟子还没有怎么把叶青羽放在眼里,一个个地冲上去,但当后来,那些冲上去的人以比去时更快的速度被扇飞掉回来的时候,狂热狂怒过后,即便是再愤怒的太一门弟子,也都反应过来了。 Cannot rush again. 不能再冲上去了。 The boy, is somewhat weird, was too strong. 那小子,有些邪门,太强了。 ------------ ------------ Second. 第二更。 Thank you 谢谢大家
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