IGE :: Volume #5

#478: Territory foreign visitor

The reason has one probably 原因大概只有一个 Ye Qingyu Divine Soul quilt Cloud top cauldron Has prohibited most parts. 叶青羽神魂被【云顶铜炉】封禁了大部。 This directly causes Ye Qingyu yuan qi Cultivation Base, has 34 Spirit Spring degrees. 这直接导致叶青羽元气修为,只有34眼灵泉的程度。 In other words, Ye Qingyu has not achieved Sea of Bitterness Stage this condition that in the father last words said. 也就是说,叶青羽并未达到父亲临终遗言中所说的苦海境这个条件。 Reason that this should be in that broken blue stone table space temple does not have the response. 这应该是那个残破青石桌空间神殿里没有反应的原因。 When perhaps Divine Soul relieves prohibits, yuan qi Cultivation Base recovery to Sea of Bitterness after later, comes to this sacrificial offering temple again, can untie all truth truly. 也许等到神魂解除封禁,元气修为恢复苦海经之后,再来这祭祀神殿,才能真正解开一切真相吧。 Sits in carrying on the back of Manchurian crane, the bright and beautiful scenery of bird's eye view under microcosm, Ye Qingyu after the huge disappointment, the mood instead gradually returned to normal. 坐在仙鹤的背上,俯瞰下方小世界的明秀山水,叶青羽在巨大的失望过后,心情反而是渐渐地平复了一些。 In his control, is holding appreciatively together the light cyan stone. 他的手心里,把玩着一块淡青色的石块。 After this is first time enters that empty sacrificial offering temple space, he before withdrawal, in the heart moves one that picks. 这是第一次进入那个空荡荡的祭祀神殿空间之后,他临退出前,心中一动捡起来的一块。 The stone texture is exquisite, light green, under the illumination of sunlight, is the same just like the emerald, a translucent pure green beautiful light arc, as if can absorb the sunlight the quantity of heat, gradually became has warmed up. 石块纹理细腻,淡淡的青色,在阳光的照射之下,宛如翡翠一样,有一种半透明的纯青色的美丽光弧,似乎是可以吸收阳光的热量,逐渐变得温热了起来。 To the microcosm exit, the yellow and black flying large ship waited for a long time. 到了小世界的出口处,玄黄飞舸已经等待多时。 Waiter, many thanks.” “伙计,多谢了。” Ye Qingyu jumps down the back of Manchurian crane, touches its head. 叶青羽跳下仙鹤的背,摸了摸它的头。 The Manchurian crane is reluctant to part, is rubbing Ye Qingyu affectionate, saw that Ye Qingyu turns around to walk, lowers the head with the mouth unexpectedly, held the Ye Qingyu sleeves, called in a low voice mournfully. 仙鹤依依不舍,亲昵地蹭着叶青羽,看到叶青羽转身要走,竟然是低头用嘴,衔住了叶青羽的衣袖,低声哀切地叫了起来。 Um?” Ye Qingyu looks to two Manchurian crane. “嗯?”叶青羽看向两只仙鹤。 Yu Xiao Xing was actually the earliest possible time understood, said: Hee hee, the cousin, looks like they likes you very much, is to follow side you.” 鱼小杏却是第一时间懂了,道:“嘻嘻,表哥,看起来它们很喜欢你,是想要追随在你身边呢。” Follows side me?” Ye Qingyu is startled slightly, said: This is the ancestor in spirit birds and beasts, can they also choose Master? Can go out of this ancestor microcosm?” “追随我身边?”叶青羽微微一怔,道:“这是祖地里面的灵禽,它们也可以选择主人?可以走出这片祖地小世界?” Naturally has been OK, now in imperial capital, some Royal Family Nobles your family places, have to raise the spirit birds and beasts, mostly from the ancestor microcosm, regarding has the minister of great merit, the Royal Family also meeting previous spirit birds and beasts,” Yu Xiao Xing knows that Ye Qingyu has moved, grinning tunnel: You are the Royal Family bloodlines, in the war of Bright City, there is a great merit in the empire, bringing 1-2 spirit birds and beasts to exit, is not a problem.” “当然可以了,如今帝都之中,一些皇室贵胄的府上,就有豢养灵禽的,大都是来自于祖地小世界之中,对于一些有大功的大臣,皇室也会上次灵禽,”鱼小杏知道叶青羽动心了,笑嘻嘻地道:“你是皇室血脉,又在光明城之战中,有大功于帝国,带一两只灵禽出去,不成问题。” Since, that were actually in this case disrespectful.” The Ye Qingyu mood is excellent. “既然这样的话,那就却之不恭了。”叶青羽心情大好。 These two Manchurian crane, the build is huge, the feather such as the steel and iron is generally hard, the carriage god steed, has good strength, is the flying speed is extremely most mainly quick, very about his eye reason. 这两只仙鹤,体型巨大,羽毛如钢铁一般坚硬,体态神骏,有着不俗的实力,最主要是飞行速度极快,又很是合他的眼缘。 Walks, waiter, if you want, later with me.” Ye Qingyu beckons to two Manchurian crane. “走吧,伙计,要是你们愿意,以后就跟着我。”叶青羽向两只仙鹤招手。 The Manchurian crane waves cheerfully, exudes the sound of excited long cry. 仙鹤欢快地舞动起来,发出兴奋的长唳之声。 However has a Manchurian crane, has chosen Ye Qingyu, but another Manchurian crane, was actually the choice follows in the Yu Xiao Xing side. 不过只有一只仙鹤,选择了叶青羽,而另一只仙鹤,却是选择跟在了鱼小杏的身边。 Yu Xiao Xing laughs happily. 鱼小杏开心地大笑。 Manchurian crane is the best quality goods in ancestor earth deities birds and beasts type, entire ancestor, also has not bred to be too many, Young Master moves extremely wants to choose Master, these time comes the ancestor place, we gained.” “仙鹤乃是祖地灵禽种类之中的极品,整个祖地之中,也不曾孕育出太多,也极少主动想要选择主人,这一次来祖地,我们赚到了。” Her simply non- heaven large ship, but jumped the Manchurian crane to carry on the back. 她干脆不上玄舸,而是又跳到了仙鹤背上。 Ye Qingyu not heaven large ship. 叶青羽也未上玄舸。 Rides the crane the line, how could it not be quick? 骑鹤而行,岂不快哉? ...... …… After a double-hour. 一个时辰之后。 Ye Qingyu returned to Bright City. 叶青羽回到了光明城中。 Falls to the ground, obtained a startled huge news. 才一落地,就得到了一个惊天大消息。 Had Foreign Domain expert to arrive.” Gao Han first catches up to report to Ye Qingyu, said: „Before three double-hour, Domain's Heavenly Wall Above, the ray glitters, the central domain front door opens, dozens Foreign Domain young people with outstanding ability, through Domain Portal, arrived in Bright City.” “有域外强者降临了。”高寒第一时间赶来向叶青羽汇报,道:“三个时辰之前,【界域天壁】之上,光芒闪烁,中央界域大门开启,有数十个域外少年英才,通过域门,来到了光明城中。” What?” “什么?” Ye Qingyu is in the heart is also startled. 叶青羽也是心中一惊。 Did the Foreign Domain strength arrive finally in Heaven Wasteland Domain? 域外力量终于降临在了天荒界吗? However the first batch enter the Heaven Wasteland Domain person, is actually one group of youth? 不过怎么第一批进入天荒界的人,却是一群少年呢? Person?” Ye Qingyu asked calmly. “人呢?”叶青羽不动声色地问道。 Sir Right Minister receives personally, this group of youth, led in the imperial guard big camp,” Gao Han has inquired a clarity the news, said: „It looks like these fellows is Human Race, from the beginning presents time, as if such as the frightened person is common, but afterward on rampant is not good.” 右相大人亲自接见,将这群少年,带到了禁军大营中去了,”高寒将消息都打探了个清楚,道:“看起来这些家伙都是人族,一开始出现的时候,似乎一个个如惊弓之鸟一般,但后来就嚣张的不行。” Rampant? How rampant?” Ye Qingyu walks while asked. “嚣张?怎么嚣张了?”叶青羽边走边问。 „After they make clear the condition, requests your majesty to see them directly, says is Clear Kangye The first Sect Great One Sect disciple, is insufferably arrogant, it is said including Sir Right Minister, pointed at the nose to scold by that several young fellows.” “他们搞清楚状况之后,直接要求陛下去见他们,自称是【清江界】第一宗门太一门的弟子,一个个都不可一世,据说连右相大人,都被那几个毛头小子指着鼻子呵斥了。” Gao Han pulled down sound/noise to say. 高寒压低了声音道。 Clear Kangye? 清江界? Great One Sect? 太一门 What influence is this? 这都是什么势力? Ye Qingyu is a little vacant. 叶青羽有点儿茫然。 However the good news is, the first batch enter the Heaven Wasteland Domain Foreign Domain influence, unexpectedly is Human Race, in this case, pours does not need too to be worried that can have the large-scale Alien race invasion. 不过好消息是,第一批进入天荒界域外势力,竟然是人族,这样的话,倒也不用太担心会有大规模的异族入侵。 This group of boys, although is rampant, but the influence is very strong, majority in Sea of Bitterness Stage high level, several are existences of Ascending Heaven Boundary, is highly regarded, kept on proclaiming call us to low status indigenous......” “这群小子,虽然嚣张,但是势力都很强,大部分都在苦海境高阶,还有几个是登天境的存在,不可小觑,口口声声叫咱们为低等土著……” Gao Shenghan then situation, will say. 高胜寒将当时的情况,说了一遍。 Walks, first had a look to say again.” “走吧,先去看看再说。” Ye Qingyu walks toward the imperial guard big camp. 叶青羽朝着禁军大营走去。 Imperial guard big camp that here said that naturally around Bright City the surrounding area in the Elite imperial guard temporary camp that in 300 li (0.5km) is stationed. 这里所说的禁军大营,自然就是在光明城周围方圆300里之内驻扎的精锐禁军的临时营地。 Right Minister and the others, these Great One Sect youth, lead into here, the goal is obvious, before has not made clear the status origin and goal of opposite party, first carefully treats. 右相等人,将这些个太一门的少年,带入这里,目的显而易见,就是在还没有搞清楚对方的身份来历和目的之前,先谨慎对待。 In the imperial guard big camp, in the event of the conflict, various formation masters converges, can immediately, control the situation. 在禁军大营之中,一旦发生冲突,各种阵法高手云集,也可以在第一时间,控制住局势。 The imperial guard big constructive energy is likely stern. 禁军大营气象森严。 By the Ye Qingyu status, naturally comes and goes out the freedom. 叶青羽的身份,自然是出入自由。 Quick, big Battalion Zhuzhang distantly is in sight. 很快,大营主帐就遥遥在望。 Far away sees around the main account, several thousand Elite expert back and forth go on patrol unintentionally, various formation are also at the opening condition, the atmosphere be solemnly and respectfully tighter than the ordinary day. 老远就看见在主帐周围,数千精锐强者有意无意地来回巡逻,各种阵法也处于开启状态,气氛要比平日里肃穆紧张了许多。 See Sir!” “参见大人!” Has Elite expert to see Ye Qingyu to arrive, salutes hastily. 精锐强者看到叶青羽到来,连忙行礼。 Ye Qingyu nods to return a courtesy, speaks thoughtlessly to ask one: Situation how?” 叶青羽点点头回礼,随口问了一句:“局势如何?” Several young animals, rampant very much, has made for quite a while, now is clamoring must with the empire master expert martial arts contest, wants me to look that first catches them, punches maliciously, was honest.” This imperial guard senior general panting in indignation tunnel. “几个小崽子,嚣张的很,闹了大半天了,现在正叫嚣着要和帝国高手强者比武呢,要我看,先把他们抓起来,狠狠揍一顿,也就都老实了。”这禁军大将气呼呼地道。 His strength is not low, Sea of Bitterness Stage peak, is an irritable temper, looked like had a little cannot repress. 实力不低,苦海境巅峰,也是个火爆的性子,看起来已经有有点儿按捺不住了。 Ye Qingyu smiled, will say anything, at this moment, listens to one to laugh wildly the sound, from the imperial guard main account of distant place, surged to pass on turbulently. 叶青羽笑了笑,正要说什么,就在这时,就听一阵狂笑声,从远处的禁军主帐之中,汹涌激荡着传了出来。 Low status indigenous is low status indigenous, simply is the weak pity, is this in your armed forces so-called expert? Is collapses at the first blow simply......” “低等土著就是低等土著,简直是弱的可怜,这就是你们军中所谓的强者?简直是不堪一击……” You......” some people roar low and deep. “你……”有人低沉怒吼。 What's wrong? Isn't convinced? I thought you also more than 50, Cultivation Base of Sea of Bitterness River boundary, in our clear Kangye, even if were the mediocre waste, over 50 years old can also achieve your this Realm, were too weak, Ha Ha, were simply same like the ants, could not catch including my one move conveniently, your such waste, might as well die considering as finished, but also was living doing?” “怎么?不服气?我看你也有50多了吧,也不过才苦海江河境的修为,在我们清江界,就算是平庸废物,50多岁也可以达到你这种境界,太弱了,哈哈,简直如蝼蚁一样,连我随手一招就接不住,你这样的废物,不如死了算了,还活着干嘛?” This sound/noise has the rampancy of not mincing matter. 声音有着毫不掩饰的嚣张。 Ye Qingyu slight bow, lifts the foot to walk toward greatly Battalion Zhuzhang. 叶青羽微微点了点头,抬脚就往大营主帐中走去。 That imperial guard senior general actually hastily puts out a hand to block, said: Hall Master Ye, Sir Right Minister once had said before, if you came back, first do not worry to see these Foreign Domain people, when......” 那禁军大将却连忙伸手一拦,道:“叶殿主,之前右相大人曾说过,若是您回来了,先不要着急去见这些域外人,等到……” Ye Qingyu smiled, said: Might as well, the worry of Sir Lin, I know that I went to say with him, you did not use awkwardly.” 叶青羽笑了笑,道:“无妨,蔺大人的担心,我知道的,我自己去和他说,你不用为难。” This......” imperial guard senior general is a little awkward. “这……”禁军大将有点儿为难。 Ye Qingyu has patted his shoulder, shows a faint smile, then walks toward the main account directly. 叶青羽拍了拍他的肩膀,微微一笑,然后直接朝着主帐走去。 The Lin Zheng thoughts, Ye Qingyu is certainly clear. 蔺争的心思,叶青羽当然明白。 Is was worried that Ye Qingyu strength reduces now greatly, with these Foreign Domain person short distance contacts, once both sides have the insect conflict, he protects not good Ye Qingyu. 就是担心叶青羽如今实力大减,与这些域外人近距离接触,一旦双方发生虫冲突,他保护不好叶青羽 Said that is also laughable. 说起来也是可笑。 Beforehand Lin Zheng, wishes one could to be cut to pieces Ye Qingyu, now actually almost regards him is the biological son same thousand protections, for fear that Ye Qingyu falls a fine hair. 以前的蔺争,恨不得将叶青羽千刀万剐,现在却几乎将他当成是亲儿子一样千般保护,生怕叶青羽掉一根汗毛。 Looks at Ye Qingyu to enter the big account, the imperial guard senior general puts out a hand the midair, finally shakes the head, has not said anything again. 看着叶青羽进入大帐,禁军大将伸手到半空,最后还是摇摇头,没有再说什么。 After passing through beforehand Bright City has fought, others do not know the Ye Qingyu merit, but these imperial guards actually heard, regarding this kind of youth Palace Master, the imperial guard high and low very much admires. 经过了之前光明城一战之后,别人不知道叶青羽的功绩,但这些禁军却是都听说了,对于这样一位少年殿主,禁军上下都还是很佩服的。 ...... …… Ye Qingyu enters the armed forces advocate the account the time, inside has an irritating the nose bloody flavor to fill the air. 叶青羽走进中军主帐的时候,里面有一股刺鼻的血腥味道弥漫着。 Several wear the youth of black tight-fitting battle dress, or sits or stands or relies on, is the manner of being supercilious, is laughing laughing, the manner is frivolous, and has filled despising, seems is seeing a play to be the same. 十几个身穿玄色紧身战袍的少年,或坐或站或倚,一个个都是目中无人的态度,嘻嘻哈哈地大笑着,神态轻佻且充满了蔑视,仿佛是在看戏一样。 On these youth each, is surging the greatly strengthened aura, has the extremely obvious difference with Heaven Wasteland Domain martial arts Cultivation Base, appears is very treacherous. 这些个少年每一个身上,都涌动着极强的气息,与天荒界武道修为有着极为明显的不同,显得很是诡谲。 However when they chatted, the words that spoke, had extremely few differences with the Heaven Wasteland Domain Snow Country Mandarin, poured can also understand, said was not the word of praise. 不过他们谈笑之时,说的话,却与天荒界雪国官话有极少的差别,倒也是能听懂,说的都不是什么好话。 Right Minister, Left Minister and senior marshal and the others, the facial color is a little embarrassed. 右相左相和老元帅等人,面色都有点儿难堪。 Especially senior marshal Li Guangbi, is the crabby that became famous, has pounded on the table to stand, face the color of violent anger. 尤其是老元帅李光弼,是出了名的暴脾气,已经拍着桌子站了起来,一脸的暴怒之色。 But in the middle of big account, stands on facial color fair and clear and cheeks to have the young people of three black moles. 而在大帐的中间,站着一个面色白净、脸颊上有三颗黑痣的年轻人。 This black mole young people, is the Foreign Domain person dresses up, the black tight-fitting battle dress, the arm protector, protects the heart mirror, protects the crotch and war boots, the imposing manner good, stands there negligently, both hands hug in the front, teasing of face washes the oppressive color. 这个黑痣年轻人,也是域外人打扮,玄色紧身战袍,护臂,护心镜,护裆和战靴,气势不俗,大咧咧地站在那里,双手抱在胸前,一脸的调侃洗虐之色。 But in his opposite, is 35 wears imperial guard expert of armor. 而在他的对面,是35个身披铠甲的禁军强者 These imperial guard generals, the body is having the heavy injury, in torches, is holding central the middle-aged general of injury. 这几个禁军将军,都身上带着不轻的伤势,一个个目中喷火,扶着中央一个受了重伤的中年将军。 Ye Qingyu knew that this by the people are holding the general. 叶青羽认识这位被众人扶着的将军。 He is called Huang Tianxiang. 他叫做黄天祥。 In the several months ago war of Bright City, Ye Qingyu had seen, but also once together shoulder to shoulder had fought. 在数月前的光明城之战中,叶青羽曾经见过,还曾一起并肩战斗过。 This is a man of firm, long ago came from Sect, afterward had joined the imperial guard, performs many merit, this year 55 years old, because martial arts Cultivation Base is profound, therefore looks like the 30-year-old appearance. 这是一位铁铮铮的汉子,早年间出身于宗门,后来加入了禁军,立下不少的功劳,今年55岁,不过因为武道修为精深,所以看起来只有30多岁的样子。 Huang Tianxiang belongs to the imperial guard extremely strong nucleus. 黄天祥属于禁军之中极为强硬的中坚力量。 He at this time, an arm, actually fell by Qi Zhouzhan. 只是他此时,一只手臂,却是被齐肘斩掉。 Breaks the arm place bones of the dead to be dense, blood spraying, the bloody air/Qi fills the air in the entire big account, wound place, like with slough common dark ash-gray aura circulation, obviously by a different strength corrosion of extremely vicious. 断臂处白骨森森,鲜血喷射,血腥之气弥漫在整个大帐之中,创口还的地方,有如同腐肉一般的暗灰色气息流转,显然是被一种极为恶毒的异力侵蚀了。 But the hand that was only cut, was actually stepped on by the youth foot of three black moles in the under foot. 而那只被斩掉的手,却是被三颗黑痣的少年一只脚踩在脚下。 The black mole Foreign Domain youth, the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, having one to play tricks on to wash the oppressive curve, despises says with a smile: What's wrong? Was angry? He He, this, you on together, if can compel me, this hand, gives back to him, how? Ha Ha Ha!” 黑痣域外少年,嘴角微微勾起,带着一丝戏弄洗虐的弧度,鄙夷地笑道:“怎么?生气了?呵呵,这样吧,你们一起上,若是能够将我逼开,这只手,就还给他,如何?哈哈哈!” --------- --------- The tomorrow's renewal, should at this time point. 明天的更新,应该还是在这个时间点。
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