IGE :: Volume #5

#477: Two temple spaces

Ye Qingyu looks to break to pieces a table leg of place, does not know simply should say anything is good. 叶青羽看着碎了一地的桌子腿,简直不知道该说什么才好。 All that here has, completely with own phenomenon is different. 这里发生的一切,完全和自己现象的不一样啊。 So-called truth, where? 所谓的真相,到底在哪里啊? Before the father just before the end the words, absolutely will not deceive himself. 父亲临终前的话,绝对不会骗自己。 Why may in the most deep place of this sacrificial offering temple, stand enough quick one hour, what matter hasn't actually occurred? 可为什么自己在这祭祀神殿的最深处,站了足足快半个时辰了,却什么事情都没有发生? Was has neglected what? 难道是自己忽略了什么? Ye Qingyu lowers the head pondered carefully that recalls the father just before the end the beforehand words, but does not have the slight clue, thinks the father again before death, as if has not left behind any similar clue. 叶青羽低头仔细地思考,回想父亲临终之前的话,但却没有丝毫的线索,再想想父亲生前,也似乎没有留下什么类似的线索。 Where did that make a mistake? 那到底是哪里错了呢? Ye Qingyu is puzzling. 叶青羽百思不得其解。 Under he represses irritable in heart forcefully, took a deep breath, simply before this broken blue stone tabletop, sits cross-legged to sit, revolution Nameless Mantra, started Cultivation. 他强行按捺下心中的急躁,深深地吸了一口气,干脆在这张残破的青石桌面前,盘膝而坐,运转无名心法,开始修炼了起来。 Since entered the sacrificial offering temple, Ye Qingyu is not absolutely willingly such flies back without any results, he needs calm, waits, to have a look to have other any changes well to appear. 既然进入了祭祀神殿,叶青羽绝对不甘心就这么无功而返,他需要冷静一下,好好地等一等,看看有没有什么其他变化会出现。 Time one minute one second of place passes. 时间一分一秒地过去。 Probably after one hour, Ye Qingyu has opened the eye once again. 大概半个时辰之后,叶青羽再度睁开了眼睛。 In the main hall, all have not changed. 大殿之中,一切都没有变化。 Ye Qingyu careful observation stone table, the palm in knowing the stone table surface stroked gently, wants to find some profound and abstruse principles, but failed, the stone table was the ordinary blue stone table, among has not contained any formation, is not considered as that hard...... 叶青羽仔细观察石桌,手掌在识石桌表面摩挲,想要找到一些玄机,但都失败,石桌是普通的青石桌,其内并未蕴含什么阵法,也不算是坚硬…… Ye Qingyu does not doubt, so long as make an effort slightly, can the smashing that this stone table pinches. 叶青羽毫不怀疑,自己只要稍稍用力,就可以将这石桌捏的粉碎。 Then he starts to observe this Stone Dian wall. 然后他开始观察这石殿的墙壁。 After entire stick of incense time, he gave up.. 整整一炷香时间之后,他放弃了。。 Because on the wall does not have any mystery. 因为墙壁上也没有任何的奥秘。 But during that float is void in the top of the head Heroic Brass Badge, gradually above glory, started to restrain, finally changed to the appearance in ordinary day, fell, falls in the palm of Ye Qingyu. 而那漂浮在头顶虚空之中的黄铜军功章,渐渐地其上的光辉,也开始收敛了起来,最终化作了平日里的样子,掉下来,落在了叶青羽的掌心里。 The starting sense of touch warms up slightly, no longer beforehand burning hot feeling. 入手触觉微微温热,不复之前的炙热感觉。 What matter is this? 这到底是什么回事? Ye Qingyu could not bear and becomes was a little irritable. 叶青羽忍不住又变得有点儿急躁了起来。 He is is usually very calm, not the easy impulsive person, works to like the stratagem deciding, but rear drive, but this time...... 他平日里是个很冷静、不易冲动的人,做事喜欢谋定而后动,但是这一次…… Related to the truth of own life experience, this is on him the biggest riddle, after experiencing the war of Bright City, a matter that Ye Qingyu most wants to know, originally comes confidently, thinks that will get the answer. 涉及到自己身世的真相,这是他身上最大的谜团,也是在经历了光明城之战之后,叶青羽最想知道的一个事情,原本信心满满而来,以为会得到答案。 Who knows...... 谁知道…… Ye Qingyu took back that drop of blood, stands on the spot to think carefully a moment later, turned around to leave the main hall. 叶青羽将那一滴鲜血收回,站在原地仔细想了片刻之后,转身离开大殿。 When he goes out of the main hall time, Yu Xiao Xing the Manchurian crane that carries on the back them to come the prominent peak is playing with that two. 当他走出大殿时候,鱼小杏正在和那两只驮着两人来主峰的仙鹤玩耍。 Cousin, you came out,” Yu Xiao Xing with a smile and Ye Qingyu greeted, but quick realized that the Ye Qingyu look was not quite right, the expression changed, said: How? The cousin are you all right?” “表哥,你出来了,”鱼小杏笑着和叶青羽打招呼,但很快就意识到叶青羽的神色不太对,语气一变,道:“怎么了?表哥你没事吧?” All right.” Ye Qingyu smiled, took a deep breath, said: Xing'er, had you gone before this sacrificial offering temple?” “没事。”叶青羽笑了笑,深深吸了一口气,道:“杏儿,你以前进去过这祭祀神殿吗?” Has gone.” Yu Xiao Xing nods naturally, said: „Before is innocent, is the queen mother hugs me to go to participate in the Royal Family sacrificial offering grand ceremony, afterward after the record, every year patriarchal clan sacrificial offering, will hurry back to participate...... How? Why did the cousin you ask this?” “进去过啊。”鱼小杏理所当然地点点头,道:“不懂事以前,都是母后抱着我进去参与皇室祭祀大典,后来记事以后,每年的宗族祭祀,都会赶回来参加……怎么了?表哥你干嘛问这个?” Ye Qingyu continues to ask: That...... You know in the sacrificial offering temple, is what appearance?” 叶青羽继续问道:“那……你知道祭祀神殿里面,是什么样子的吗?” „? The cousin didn't you go in a moment ago?” Yu Xiao Xing is startled, but in sacrificial offering temple the ornaments and pattern, said approximately. “啊?表哥你刚才不是进去了吗?”鱼小杏一怔,但还是将祭祀神殿里面的摆设和格局,大致地说了一遍。 Ye Qingyu hear, such as by Thunder Shi. 叶青羽听完,如遭雷嗜。 What? You said...... In the sacrificial offering temple, nine altars, the ancestor memorial tablet and idol, the patriarchal clan older generations have used god cauldron that the weapon, as well as suppresses the major province destiny?” The Ye Qingyu hear, cannot help but stares dumbfounded, has called out in alarm unbelievable. “什么?你说……祭祀神殿里面,有九层祭坛,祖宗牌位和神像,还有宗族先辈用过的兵器,以及镇压各大行省气运的神鼎?”叶青羽听完,不由得瞠目结舌,难以置信地惊呼了出来。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? Ye Qingyu simply like was in the daytime damn. 叶青羽简直像是白日里见鬼了一样。 Why in the Yu Xiao Xing mouth was describing sacrificial offering temple, basic and saw all entirely different? 为什么鱼小杏口中描述着的祭祀神殿,根本和自己看到的一切截然不同? Has gone astray the road? 难道自己走错了路? Is impossible. 不可能。 In the sacrificial offering temple, not any crossing, oneself arrive at the bottom, absolutely impossible going astray road. 祭祀神殿之中,并无任何的岔道,自己一路走到底,绝对不可能走错路。 Why can be able like this? 可为什么会这样呢? Ye Qingyu thought own today hears all that sees, is really somewhat unthinkable. 叶青羽觉得自己今日听到见到的一切,委实是有些匪夷所思。 , He has thought means that said: Xing'er, can you accompany me to go in again a sacrificial offering temple? My some issues...... Possibly needs to enter with you together, can clarify.” 顿了顿,他想到了一个办法,道:“杏儿,你能不能陪我再进去一次祭祀神殿?我有一些问题……可能需要和你一起进入,才能弄清楚了。” On Yu Xiao Xing pretty fine fair small face slightly one red, as if has thought other matters, nod hastily, jump clip clop to jump, said: Naturally.” 鱼小杏娇俏精致的白皙小脸上微微一红,似乎是想到了其他事情,连忙点点头,蹦蹦哒哒地跳过来,道:“当然可以啊。” They side-by-side, step by step walk toward the sacrificial offering temple. 两人肩并肩,一步步地朝着祭祀神殿中走去。 Enters the temple once more, the heart of Ye Qingyu, did not make every effort to succeed to jump. 再次进入神殿,叶青羽的心,又不争气地跳了起来。 If makes Yu Xiao Xing see in the sacrificial offering temple, the empty piece remaining a broken blue stone table, she also certainly surprisedly crazily will only jump? 如果让鱼小杏看到祭祀神殿之中,空荡荡一片只剩下了一张残破的青石桌,她也一定会惊讶地狂跳起来吧? Ye Qingyu is thinking. 叶青羽这么想着。 But he quickly on again delay. 但他很快就再一次呆滞了。 Why...... Can like this?” “为什么……会这样?” He is about unable to walk. 他快走不动路了。 Because of the present all, before oneself saw that is clearly different, armor just like the statues, stands in great numbers in the both sides of temple, looks is the extremely precious sale prices, in each armor hand is grasping the weapon, is the antiques of treasure rank, does not compare Youyan Pass White Horse Tower White horse armor Difference. 因为眼前的一切,和自己之前看到的,分明不一样,一尊尊铠甲犹如雕像,林立在神殿的两侧,一看都是极为珍贵的身价,每一尊铠甲手中都握着武器,也是宝器级别的古物,都不比幽燕关白马塔的【白马铠甲】差。 Besides human form armor that just liking the guard lines up in formation generally, in the ground of under foot, is spreading a bright red rug, by the gold thread gold metallurgy material establishment, some energy light waves is pasting, just likes steps on is the same in the clouds. 除了犹如护卫一般列队的人形铠甲之外,脚下的地面上,也铺着一条鲜红绒毯,以金丝炼金材料编制,有能量光波在流转,犹如踩在云端一样。 Walks toward in again, can see yellow color god cauldron that suppress the major province destiny, the size varies, is three feet stands, during the coiled dragon fine gold [gold/metal] taotie design, each is plain is bringing elegantly, during is exquisite is bringing honored, tall and pleasing to the eye. 再往里走,就可以看到一尊尊镇压各大行省气运的黄色神鼎,大小不一,都是三足而立,蟠龙鎏金饕餮纹,每一尊都古朴之中带着典雅,精巧之中带着尊贵,美轮美奂。 Has the strange wonderful energy, breeds to past in the god cauldron. 有诡异神妙的能量,在神鼎之中孕育流转着。 Again toward, is cella. 再往里,就是内殿。 Has the idol of Yu Clan generation to stand erect, each by the clay mold, the pigment is bright, just like the Spiritual Master general size, has the incense and candle to consecrate, the smoke and fire curls...... 鱼族列祖列宗的神像屹立,每一尊都以黄泥塑造,颜料鲜明,宛如真人一般大小,有香火供奉,烟火袅袅…… Again toward in...... 再往里…… Ye Qingyu definitely is unable to believe all that one see. 叶青羽完全无法相信自己看到的一切。 This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? When one first time enters in this temple, the picture that sees, with sees at this moment, root originally different...... Where made a mistake? 自己第一次进入这神殿之中时,看到的画面,和此刻看到的,根本就不一样……到底是哪里错了呢? Ye Qingyu fell into the strange silence and delay. 叶青羽陷入了奇异的沉默和呆滞中。 Cousin, cousin...... Are you all right?” “表哥,表哥……你没事吧?” Yu Xiao Xing was shouting at the same time loudly. 鱼小杏在一边大声地喊着。 Extremely bright such as she, naturally already had discovered scared witless of Ye Qingyu, a little worried visits him. 冰雪聪明如她,自然是早就发现了叶青羽的魂不守舍,有点儿担忧地看着他。 „?......” Ye Qingyu made an effort to fling own head, smiled reluctantly, said: Might as well, I am all right.” “啊?哦……”叶青羽使劲地甩了甩自己的脑袋,勉强笑了笑,道:“无妨,我没事。” Is where isn't right? 到底是哪里不对呢? Why can like this? 为什么会这样? Ye Qingyu thinks with hardship. 叶青羽苦苦思索。 Suddenly the miraculous glow flashes through his mind together. 突然一道灵光闪过他的脑海。 Was, yes! 是了,是了! First time enters the sacrificial offering temple time, oneself are with directing street light same army medal, walks, but this time, army medal fell into the strange silence, no longer the float illumination, is Yu Xiao Xing leads to come. 第一次进入祭祀神殿的时候,自己是跟着引路灯一样的军功章,一路走进来的,而这一次,军功章陷入了奇异的沉默之中,不再漂浮发光,却是鱼小杏带着自己进来的。 This successively twice enters the difference of sacrificial offering temple. 这就是先后两次进入祭祀神殿的差别。 Ye Qingyu resounds suddenly, at that time led the way by the army medal ray, oneself see indistinctly, on the wall of sacrificial offering temple, there is a texture glory twinkle that micro cannot be looked up...... 叶青羽更是猛然之间响起,当时由军功章光芒引路,自己隐约看到,祭祀神殿的墙壁上,有微不可查的纹理光辉闪烁…… Is it possible that...... Is this reason? 莫非……这就是原因? Is this sacrificial offering temple actually containing two entirely different spaces? 难道这祭祀神殿竟然蕴含着两个截然不同的空间? Are two different spaces, what secret hiding? 两个不同的空间,到底隐藏着什么样的秘密? But in father last words, said can find the truth the sacrificial offering temple, which space actually should be? 但父亲临终遗言中,说的可以找到真相的祭祀神殿,却应该是哪一个空间呢? Ye Qingyu seeks to induce in this sacrificial offering temple carefully at present. 叶青羽仔细地在眼前这个祭祀神殿之中寻找感应了起来。 His present Divine Soul is what a pity incomplete, induces the ability not to be strong. 可惜他如今神魂残缺,感应能力不强。 Carefully observed small one hour, did not discover as before. 仔细观察了小半个时辰,依旧毫无发现。 army medal has been at completely the silent condition at this time, did not have the slight temperature again, calmly situated in the storage space, just likes the dying thing is ordinary. 军功章此时已经处于完全的沉默状态,再也没有了丝毫的温度,静静地位于储存空间里面,犹如死物一般。 It is unable to give Ye Qingyu to provide the slight clue again. 它无法再给叶青羽提供丝毫的线索。 Is unwilling in sacrificial offering temple stayed a double-hour, Ye Qingyu basically can determine that in this kind of sacrificial offering temple, oneself could not obtain any information as before. 心有不甘在祭祀神殿之中停留了一个时辰之后,叶青羽基本上可以确定,在这样一个祭祀神殿之中,自己依旧是得不到什么信息了。 The intuition told Ye Qingyu, the truth hides in another empty space sacrificial offering temple. 直觉告诉叶青羽,真相隐藏在另一个空荡荡空间的祭祀神殿里。 Under the gaze of Yu Xiao Xing strange vision, Ye Qingyu and she together, went out of the sacrificial offering temple once more. 鱼小杏奇怪目光的注视下,叶青羽和她一起,再次走出了祭祀神殿。 Two beautiful Manchurian crane outside main hall, see Ye Qingyu to come out, far away greeted, vividly jumped, was rubbing Ye Qingyu affectionate. 大殿外的两只美丽仙鹤,看到叶青羽出来,老远地就打招呼,轻快地跳了过来,亲昵地蹭着叶青羽 Ye Qingyu traces two spirit birds and beasts with a smile, in the heart suddenly on good a point. 叶青羽笑着摸了摸两个灵禽,心中突然就好了一点。 Stood stick of incense time outside the sacrificial offering temple, Ye Qingyu had decided that a person entered once more, can look return to that empty broken blue stone table space again. 在祭祀神殿外面站了一炷香时间,叶青羽决定再次一个人进入,看看能不能再回到那个空荡荡的残破青石桌空间里。 Regarding Ye Qingyu such decision, Yu Xiao Xing even more felt strange. 对于叶青羽这样的决定,鱼小杏愈发奇怪了。 But she has not prevented. 但她并没有阻止。 Properly speaking, in Ye Qingyu body, even if flowing the bloodlines of Yu Clan Royal Family, is only outside, is not the pure Royal Family bloodlines, like this comes and goes out the sacrificial offering temple frequently strangely, appears is not very grave, is the regulation does not accommodate. 按理来说,叶青羽身体之中,就算是流淌着鱼族皇室的血脉,也只是外支而已,并非是纯正皇室血脉,这样频繁奇怪地出入祭祀神殿,显得很不庄重,也是律法不容。 But Yu Xiao Xing was actually a heart all on the one's beloved, has not thought impediment. 鱼小杏却是一颗心全在心上人身上了,根本没想过阻止。 After that day and Song Xiaojun confronts, the heart of young girl, like the flood that raises instantaneously certainly, the sentiment rushes, once started , it can hardly stop. 在那日与宋小君对峙之后,少女的心,像是瞬间绝提的洪水一样,感情澎湃,一发不可收拾。 Moreover she does not want to conceal. 而且她也丝毫不想隐瞒。 Gazes after Ye Qingyu third time to enter the sacrificial offering temple, Yu Xiao Xing does not go to the depth to think that the one's beloved is making anything, has kidded around with two Manchurian crane. 目送叶青羽第三次进入祭祀神殿,鱼小杏也不去深想心上人到底在做什么,和两只仙鹤嬉闹了起来。 Such long time busy, only then at this time, she looked like by oneself is really only a naive young girl will be the same, the natural disposition revealed. 这么多日的忙碌,也只有在这个时候,她会让自己看起来真的只是一个天真的少女一样,本性流露。 Approximately after one hour. 大约半个时辰之后。 The Ye Qingyu complexion a little embarrassedly walked. 叶青羽脸色有点儿难堪地走了出来。 We walk.” Ye Qingyu facial color disappointed tunnel. “我们走吧。”叶青羽面色失望地道。 Third time since later, army medal is in the deep sleep as before, seems previous time roasts the fierce combustion, has consumed cleanly its all energies thoroughly. 第三次进入之后,军功章依旧处于沉睡之中,似乎是上一次的炙烈燃烧,已经彻底消耗干净了它所有的能量。 Ye Qingyu determined that oneself this time must fly back without any results. 叶青羽确定,自己这一次要无功而返了。 Leaps in carrying on the back of Manchurian crane, in the crane cry, left the prominent peak. 跃在仙鹤的背上,在声声鹤唳之中,离开了主峰。 Ye Qingyu turns head to look to that spirit rhyme full Jianfeng, in said to oneself at heart, no matter has anything, oneself also will certainly come back, the next time, must solve all riddles. 叶青羽回头看向那座灵韵十足的剑峰,在心里对自己说,不管发生什么,自己一定还会回来的,下一次来,一定要解开所有的谜团。 On the road of return, Ye Qingyu turns an idea over and over in one's mind, finally knew indistinctly oneself these reason that time does not have the harvest. 在返回的路上,叶青羽千思万想,终于隐约知道了自己这一次没有收获的原因。 ------------------------ ------------------------
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