IGE :: Volume #5

#476: Ancestor spoiling?

The summit of ancestor peak, under Clear Sun brilliant ray, a dark colored grand temple, stands erect loftily. 祖峰之巅,昊日光辉照耀之下,一座暗黑色的宏伟神殿,巍巍屹立。 Yu Clan advocates the black, in wear to be usually symbolizing the air/Qi of king bright yellow besides Royal Family patriarchal clan Nobles, the imperial guard, is the official, clothes armor is primarily the black. 鱼族崇尚黑色,除了皇室宗族贵胄平日里的穿着以象征着帝王之气的明黄色之外,不论是禁军,还是官员,衣甲皆以黑色为主。 Therefore sacrificial offering temple, with the Ye Qingyu expectation is the same, really also by black stone material construction. 所以祭祀神殿,和叶青羽预料的一样,果然也是以黑色的石料建筑。 The Manchurian crane falls. 仙鹤落下。 Ye Qingyu he jumps to the ground. 叶青羽他跳到地面上。 Thanks, waiter.” Ye Qingyu traces the back of this big Manchurian crane with a smile, then from the Chu space, takes out some spirit fruit immortal dew, has given two Manchurian crane. “谢谢啦,伙计。”叶青羽笑着摸了摸这只大仙鹤的背,然后从储物空间里,取出一些灵果仙露,递给了两只仙鹤。 Cry......” “唳……” Manchurian crane Changming, dances cheerfully. 仙鹤长鸣,欢快起舞。 Especially carries on the back that Ye Qingyu is coming, has rubbed the arm of Ye Qingyu with the head, expressed gratitude, the stance was very affectionate, then held the immortal dew spirit fruit to fly away. 尤其是驮着叶青羽来的那只,用脑袋蹭了蹭叶青羽的胳膊,表示感谢,姿态很是亲昵,然后衔着仙露灵果飞走了。 They like you probably very much.” Yu Xiao Xing says with a smile. “它们好像是很喜欢你。”鱼小杏笑着道。 Ye Qingyu also smiled, has not said anything again, turns around to walk toward the sacrificial offering temple. 叶青羽也笑了笑,没有再说什么,转身朝着祭祀神殿走去。 The sacrificial offering temple belongs to the Yu Clan Royal Family ancestor most core region, it is said inside is consecrating the Yu Clan generation, is the patriarchal clan heavy, is regarded as patriarchal clan cohesive force and a dignified authority is. 祭祀神殿是属于鱼族皇室的祖地最为核心的区域,据说里面供奉着鱼族的列祖列宗,是宗族重地,也被看做是一个宗族凝聚力和威严权威的所在。 According to Yu Xiao Xing that besides the Yu Clan Royal Family sacrificial offering grand ceremony, the sacrificial offering temple is sealing up once a year. 按照鱼小杏所说,除了一年一度鱼族皇室祭祀大典之外,祭祀神殿是封闭着的。 Here does not have the ancestral hall temple porter and so on expert exists. 这里也没有宗祠神殿守门人之类的强者存在。 A spacious horse-riding, is divided into four, to temple. 一条宽敞的跑马道,分为四层,通往神殿。 But in the both sides of horse-riding, then more than ten meters high black warrior statues, lifelike, in the hand is holding the sword and spear sword halberd and other different weapons, lowers the head to overlook the horse-riding. 而在跑马道的两侧,则有十多米高的黑色武士雕像,栩栩如生,手中持着刀枪剑戟等不同的武器,低头俯视着跑马道。 If carefully observes, the facial expression of each warrior statue, looks angrily and fiercely, expression solemn to the extreme, as if bright glow shoots from their eyes, must momentarily jump to cut to kill to dare to intrude here bystander. 如果仔细观察的话,每一尊武士雕像的面部表情,都是横眉怒目,表情冷峻到了极点,仿佛有神芒从它们的眼睛里射出来,是要随时跳起来斩杀一切敢于闯入这里的外人。 Ye Qingyu walks in big strides on the horse-riding. 叶青羽大踏步地走在跑马道上。 Although Divine Soul is incomplete now, but he can feel as before clearly that in this ancestor prominent peak, is containing a boundless copious strength, is aiding the sacrificial offering temple, suppresses any to step the prominent peak expert internal energy. 虽然如今神魂残缺,但他依旧可以清晰地感觉到,在这祖地主峰之中,蕴含着一股磅礴沛然的力量,护佑着祭祀神殿,也压制着任何一个踏上主峰的强者元力 Even if Ascending Heaven Boundary expert arrived here, only feared that will be is also suppressed to the Ordinary Martial Stage strength.” The Ye Qingyu secret heart is startled. “即便是登天境强者到这里,只怕是也会被压制到凡武境的力量吧。”叶青羽暗暗心惊。 He was feeling the change in within the body strength, final three Spirit Spring, in such environment, started quietly. 他感觉着自己体内力量的变化,最后的三眼灵泉,在这样的环境之中,都开始沉寂了。 However ** the strength, had not been suppressed slightly. 不过**力量,丝毫没有受到压制。 Passes through the horse-riding, then arrived at the sacrificial offering temple nearby. 走过跑马道,便到了祭祀神殿的跟前。 The Yu Clan sacrificial offering temple, Fangzheng of construction is solemn and respectful, place that anything has not proposed something new and different specially, four directions four positive, black rocks to person a calm feeling, the circular counterfort is the brown wall, the above also slight radical or has not been carves the mark, the natural rock texture, passed through the years of Century windblown and sunburnt to be clear, was as before smooth. 鱼族的祭祀神殿,修建的方正肃穆,并没有什么特别标新立异的地方,四方四正,黑色的岩石给人一种沉稳的感觉,不论是圆形的拱柱还是褐色的墙壁,上面也都没有丝毫的笔画或者是雕纹,天然的岩石纹理,经过了百年风吹日晒的岁月清晰,依旧光滑。 Ye Qingyu looked up one. 叶青羽抬头看了一眼。 Why does not know, he thought faintly that the modeling of this sacrificial offering temple, unexpectedly is the Bright God palace, somewhat is similar. 不知道为什么,他隐隐觉得,这祭祀神殿的造型,竟然是和光明神殿,有几分相似。 Moreover made Ye Qingyu feel what was strange, the main entrance of sacrificial offering temple left, only then an entrance hall was opening wide, did not have the door leaf, such as broad huge corridor was the same, goes nonstop to the main hall. 而且令叶青羽感到奇怪的是,祭祀神殿的正门出,只有一个门厅敞开着,没有门扇,如一条恢弘的巨大甬道一样,直通大殿里面。 The rumor howls. 风声呼啸。 The astral wind has rinsed in the temple. 罡风灌进了神殿之中。 In the entire ancestor microcosm, does not send the guard, has not defended the palace person, for these years, only then Aunt Han and Aunt Heng, in having the qualifications in open the residence in the ancestor, it is said in the past, the emperor grandfather had said that the ancestor is the Yu Clan destiny center, cannot the mortal invade here uncouth, must nourish by the air/Qi and the Sun and Moon essence and spirit rhyme of crane spirit beast nature, can add holds the Yu Clan destiny......” “整个祖地小世界里面,不派驻护卫,也没有守殿人,这么多年以来,也只有寒姑姑衡姑姑,在有资格在祖地之中开辟住所,据说当年,皇爷爷曾经说过,祖地乃是鱼族气运的中心,不许凡人俗气侵扰这里,需以自然之气、日月精华、仙禽灵兽的灵韵滋养,才能加持鱼族气运……” Yu Xiao Xing was saying at the same time. 鱼小杏在一边道。 Ye Qingyu slight bow. 叶青羽微微点了点头。 Regarding destiny and so on view, he did not understand very much. 对于气运之类的说法,他并不是很了解。 But saw that in this Royal Family microcosm, spirit energy is so abundant, during mountain clear Shui Xiu, is faint, is containing fairyism, wants to come such to do, is some truth. 但眼看这皇室小世界之中,灵气如此充裕,山清水秀,隐隐之中,蕴含着一股仙气,想来这么做,也是有些道理的。 However Ye Qingyu simply does not have the thoughts to think these now. 不过叶青羽现在根本没有心思去想这些。 He arrived at the sacrificial offering temple entrance gradually. 他一步一步地来到了祭祀神殿门口。 His heart, suddenly becomes unprecedented tight. 他的心,突然变得前所未有的紧张。 Before father just before the end, last words that leaves behind, can all truth, untie finally thoroughly? 父亲临终之前,留下的遗言,一切的真相,终于要彻底解开了吗? Ye Qingyu can feel clearly that Heroic Brass Badge is sending out to roast fierce hot intent, is the same just like one group of rock magma, spreads the impatient feelings repeatedly faintly. 叶青羽能够清晰地感觉到,那一枚黄铜军功章在发出炙烈的热意,宛如一团岩浆一样,隐隐传出迫不及待的屡屡情愫。 Hesitant, Ye Qingyu looked at Yu Xiao Xing slightly, said: I think that a person goes, Ok?” 略微犹豫了一下,叶青羽看了看身边的鱼小杏,道:“我想一个人进去,可以吗?” Yu Xiao Xing wants not to think, nodded, said: Naturally, I outside and other cousins you.” 鱼小杏想都没有想,点了点头,道:“当然可以,那我在外面等表哥你。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Ye Qingyu said one very much earnestly. 叶青羽很认真地说了一句。 In many aspects, Yu Xiao Xing is intelligent. 在很多方面,鱼小杏非常聪明。 His Highness Crown Prince shows a faint smile, the dimple like the flower, cui however burns brightly, beautiful clear to the extreme. 太子殿下微微一笑,笑靥如花,璀然璨燃,美丽清纯到了极点。 Ye Qingyu said that gradually, is bringing faint trace timid intent, finally entered in the sacrificial offering temple. 叶青羽说完,一步一步,带着丝丝怯意,最终还是进入了祭祀神殿之中。 ...... …… This is the sacrificial offering temple.” “这就是祭祀神殿内部啊。” Ye Qingyu is very surprised. 叶青羽很是惊讶。 originally thinks that is so important regarding Yu Clan, guards the so stern microcosm, in the sacrificial offering temple should be broad, and has filled various rune Restriction, has space formation, or is layer on layer imaginary and so on thing...... 原本以为,对于鱼族这么重要,守卫如此森严的小世界,祭祀神殿里面应该是恢弘,且充满了各种符文禁制,有空间阵法,或者是重重幻阵之类的东西…… But all stem from him to expect completely. 但一切完全出乎他预料。 Because enters following corridor, what inside is only simple stone wall, the luster is ancient, not any unnecessary decoration, even even/including Xianglu, altar and sacrifice cauldron anything does not have. 因为顺着甬道进入,里面的只是简朴的石壁,色泽古老,并无什么多余的装饰,甚至连香炉、祭坛、祭鼎什么的都没有。 In main hall ray is somewhat dim. 大殿里面的光线有些昏暗。 But Ye Qingyu can see clearly inside all as before. 叶青羽依旧可以看清楚里面的一切。 Inside crude like was one has left uncultivated the innumerable year of old temples of simply, all things were evacuated, four walls were empty one piece, in the ground also had thick dust. 里面简陋的简直像是一座已经荒废了无数年的老庙一样,一切东西都被搬空,四壁都是空荡荡的一片,地面上还有一层厚厚的灰土。 Ye Qingyu walks, is one string of clear footprints. 叶青羽走过去,身后是一串清晰的脚印。 He took out that Heroic Brass Badge. 他将那枚黄铜军功章取出了出来。 Just like the day fire combustion burning hot, passes from Heroic Brass Badge, has the light brass color glory, flood moves from above, an aperture layer upon layer, such as the ripples are common, the fluctuation, scattered slightly. 一股宛如天火燃烧般的炙热,从黄铜军功章之中传出来,有淡淡的黄铜色的光辉,从其上泛动,一层层的光圈,如涟漪一般,微微浮动,飘散了出去。 Under Ye Qingyu stunned vision gaze, this Heroic Brass Badge, since floated automatically, just likes refers to the yellow light of road being same, walks toward the deep place of main hall. 叶青羽愕然的目光注视下,这黄铜军功章既然自动地漂浮了起来,犹如一盏指路的黄灯一样,朝着大殿的深处走去。 Ye Qingyu follows. 叶青羽紧随其后。 His heart, is jumping crazily. 他的心,在狂跳。 Can the truth, open? 真相,就要揭开了吗? The army medal orange ray, is shining the spacious dim main hall. 军功章橘黄色的光芒,照耀着空旷昏暗的大殿。 Walks toward inside. 一路往里面走。 Ye Qingyu approximately walks is surprised. 叶青羽约走越是惊讶。 In the sacrificial offering temple, does not have the goods that any sacrificial offering uses unexpectedly, does not have the idol, does not have the memorial tablet, does not have the incense burner, has not offered a sacrifice to the cauldron, even even/including Putuan, furniture and so on thing does not have. 祭祀神殿之中,竟是没有任何祭祀用的物品,没有神像,没有牌位,没有香炉,没有祭鼎,甚至连蒲团、桌椅之类的东西都没有。 If not know that this sacrificial offering temple guards sternly, the bystander is impossible to enter, Ye Qingyu thinks certainly that here had been taken by force, moved an emptiness all things. 如果不是知道这祭祀神殿守卫森严,外人不可能进入,叶青羽一定会以为这里被人打劫了,把所有的东西都搬了个空荡荡。 The main hall is extremely deep. 大殿极深。 army medal is floating proceeding leisurely. 军功章慢悠悠地漂浮着往前。 Ye Qingyu at this time, was sank finally the air/Qi, followed gradually slowly behind. 叶青羽这个时候,终于是沉住了气,一步一步缓缓地跟在身后。 Also does not know is the misconception, the Ye Qingyu split vision notes, when the army medal yellow color ray has swept the endophragm of sacrificial offering temple, the originally dark colored wall, resembles has the mysterious light mark circulation...... 也不知道是不是错觉,叶青羽的余光注意到,当军功章的黄色光芒扫过祭祀神殿的内壁时,原本暗黑色的墙壁,似是有神秘的光纹流转…… But carefully looks, actually discovered that anything does not have. 但仔细去看的时候,却发现什么都没有。 Also probably less than half Incense time passes by. 又大概小半柱香的时间过去。 Float army medal, in the most deep place of sacrificial offering temple, stopped finally slowly. 悬浮着的军功章,终于在祭祀神殿的最深处,缓缓地停了下来。 An ancient incomplete stone table, appeared in the Ye Qingyu line of sight. 一张古老残缺的石桌,出现在了叶青羽视线之中。 The light cyan stone table, has lacked an corner/horn, in the surface bumpy, had been corroded by any thing likely, in four table feet, two have covered entirely the crack, as if will momentarily disrupt, was cut one section smoothly, the margin incomparable...... 淡青色的石桌,缺了一角,表面上坑坑洼洼,像是被什么东西腐蚀过,四支桌脚中,有两支布满了裂纹,仿佛随时都会碎裂,一只被斩掉了一截,切口光滑无比…… This is......” “这是……” Ye Qingyu cannot think through, why in Snow Country heavy place the end of sacrificial offering temple, is not the memorial tablet of Snow Country generation appears, was not the portrait after-image of past ancestors, was not the sacrificial offering treasure, but unexpectedly was this kind of tattered blue stone table. 叶青羽想不通,为什么在雪国重地的祭祀神殿的尽头,出现的不是雪国列祖列宗的牌位,不是昔日先人的遗像,也不是祭祀重器,而竟然是这样一张破烂的青石桌。 Loses to slum, broken stone table that also some people will not pick absolutely. 一张就算是丢到贫民窟里面,也绝对不会有人去捡的破石桌。 Is this stone table, what treasure is inadequate? 难道这石桌,是什么宝贝不成? Ye Qingyu is having the vision of doubts, sizes up. 叶青羽带着疑惑的目光,四下打量。 He finally can determine now that in the big sacrificial offering temple, besides this incomplete shatter blue stone table, does not have any other things unexpectedly really again. 他现在终于可以确定,偌大的祭祀神殿之中,除了这个残缺破碎的青石桌之外,竟是真的再没有其他任何东西。 This was really too unusual. 这实在是太反常了。 Object who since Snow Country Royal Family Century, the sacrificial offering, has prostrated oneself year after year at times, is this blue stone table? 难道雪国皇室百年以来,年年祭祀,时时膜拜的对象,都是这青石桌吗? The Ye Qingyu brain was not quite a little sufficient. 叶青羽脑子有点儿不太够用了。 Before father just before the end, leaves behind the last words, had said that so long as enter the Royal Family sacrificial offering temple, can untie some suspenses, obtains the case. 父亲临终之前,留下遗言,曾经说过,只要自己进入皇室祭祀神殿,就可以解开一些悬疑,得到大案。 Now came, how should untie this answer? 现在自己来了,该如何解开这答案呢? The Ye Qingyu vision, fell on the float on that Heroic Brass Badge in midair. 叶青羽的目光,重新落在了漂浮在半空之中的那黄铜军功章上。 army medal sends out the yellow dense glory, flood the light wave ripples, no longer walk randomly unceasingly, decided floats on that broken blue stone table. 军功章散发出黄色氤氲光辉,不断地泛动光波涟漪,不再游走,就是定定地漂浮在了那张残破的青石桌上。 Time one minute one second of place passes. 时间一分一秒地过去。 Any matter has not occurred. 什么事情都没有发生。 Ye Qingyu starts becomes a little anxious and worries. 叶青羽开始变得有一点儿焦躁和着急。 The phenomenon in anticipation, or is any marvelous thing, has not appeared. 期待之中的异象,或者是什么奇妙的东西,并没有出现。 Under the army medal glory ripples flood move, that green broken stone table any response, has not just liked the deep sleep is the same. 军功章的光辉涟漪泛动之下,那青色残破石桌没有任何的反应,犹如沉睡一样。 Is it possible that can be inadequate with the acrobatics that drop blood acknowledges as relatives and so on?” “莫非是要用滴血认亲之类的把戏不成?” Ye Qingyu is a little scared, therefore simply punctures the fingertip, a drop of blood dropped on the broken blue stone table. 叶青羽等的有点儿傻眼,于是干脆刺破指尖,一滴血滴到了残破青石桌上。 Tick-tock! 滴答! Just like water drop. 宛如滴水。 The blood bead concentrates not to be loose, falls on the blue stone tabletop. 血珠凝而不散,落在青石桌面上。 But has not permeated the rock texture. 但并没有渗入岩石纹理。 But falls following the tabletop. 而是顺着桌面滑落。 Blue stone table not slight response. 青石桌没有丝毫的反应。 Bang! 嘭! When that drop of blood, dropped in the ground time, sent out a serious dull thumping sound, like was a giant stone falls the ground, the black rock ground, presented small hollow immediately. 当那一滴血,滴到了地面上的时候,发出一阵沉重的闷响,像是一块巨石掉落在了地面一样,黑色的岩石地面,立刻出现了一个小小的凹陷。 Takes Ye Qingyu present building up Body Cultivation as, does not know that what Zhong powerful degree, a drop of blood will be also heavy such as the mountain to be common, will present such phenomenon, will pour also nothing to wonder. 叶青羽如今的炼体修为,不知道到了何种强悍的程度,一滴血也会重如山岳一般,出现这样的异象,倒也不足为怪。 But after the key is the drop blood, is any matter has not occurred as before. 但关键是滴血之后,依旧是什么事情都没有发生。 Along with that vibration, originally on the leg of broken blue stone table, was vibrated actually affects, crash-bang thoroughly broke to pieces, the green stone fell in the ground, rolled scattered...... 倒是随着那一下的震动,原本就残破的青石桌的一条腿,被震动波及,哗啦啦就彻底碎掉了,青色的石头掉落在地面,零零散散地滚了开来…… The Ye Qingyu complexion, immediately became very strange. 叶青羽的脸色,顿时就变得很古怪了。 I...... This is...... Yu Clan Royal Family ancestor spoiling?” “我……这是……把鱼族皇室的祖器给弄坏了?” ----------- ----------- Everybody Happy New Year, hurries to prepare new year's goods 大家新年快乐,赶紧准备年货吧
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