IGE :: Volume #5

#475: Snow emperor priest temple

She should be only understands the Ye Qingyu true strength person. 她应该是唯一一个了解叶青羽真正实力的人了。 Passed these many days, has not seen central Domain Portal to have anything to change, Ye Qingyu, has idled at heart gradually. 过了这么多天,还未见中央界域之门有什么变化,叶青羽的心里,渐渐地也懈怠了一些。 Now his main thoughts, returned own life experience. 现在他的主要心思,又重新回到了自己的身世方面。 Since Yu Jun Han did not say that Ye Qingyu is also embarrassed asked on own initiative, his attention, started to return Royal Family ancestral temple priest temple. 既然鱼君寒不说,叶青羽又不好意思主动去问,他的注意力,开始重新回到了皇室祖庙祭司神殿方面。 In the memory, the father before the end, once entrusted himself, if other strength, has achieved Sea of Bitterness Stage, goes to the Royal Family priest temple, when the time comes can open all riddle topics. 记忆之中,父亲在临终之前,曾经嘱托自己,如果等自己的实力,达到了苦海境的话,就去皇室祭司神殿,到时候可以揭开一切谜题。 Now the opportunity should nearly . 如今时机应该差不多了。 Now the Ye Qingyu status is special, because by Yu Jun Han was recognized is own son, therefore was also a Royal Family member, properly speaking, was qualified for the ancestral temple priest temple. 现在叶青羽身份特殊,因为被鱼君寒认定是自己的儿子,所以也算是皇室的一份子了,按理来说,是有资格进入祖庙祭司神殿了。 Ye Qingyu decides to move. 叶青羽决定行动。 On this day, he accompanied by Wen Wan, left Bright City. 这一日,他在温晚的陪同下,离开了光明城 Ye Qingyu must look for Yu Xiao Xing. 叶青羽要去找鱼小杏 ...... …… „Do you want to go to Royal Family priest temple?” “你要去皇室祭司神殿?” Yu Xiao Xing a little surprised tunnel. 鱼小杏有点儿惊讶地道。 Had Yu Jun Han a few words, recently, Yu Xiao Xing started to show by the daughter body, gradually some emperors ** political high level, knew the Yu Xiao Xing true status. 有了鱼君寒一句话,这些日子,鱼小杏已经开始以女儿身示人,渐渐地一些帝**政高层,也知道了鱼小杏的真正身份。 This is Ye Qingyu first time looks for Yu Xiao Xing on own initiative. 这还是叶青羽第一次主动来找鱼小杏 Therefore Yu Xiao Xing appears very excited. 所以鱼小杏显得很兴奋。 Since that day, Yu Xiao Xing no longer conceals itself regarding the Ye Qingyu sentiment. 自从那日之后,鱼小杏就不再掩饰自己对于叶青羽的感情。 Although had the ties of relationship, but in the empire regulation and custom, do not forbid being related trhough marriage between cousins, moreover in some respected families, this marriage affinity was encouraged, can increase the cohesive force of family. 虽然彼此之间有了亲属关系,但帝国律法和风俗中,并不禁止表兄妹之间的通婚,而且在一些大家族之中,这种姻缘还是被鼓励,可以增加家族的凝聚力。 Yu Xiao Xing is a very broad and level female man. 鱼小杏是一个很坦荡的女汉子。 She was usually natural candidly, since that day revealed was so obvious, that present covers up does not have what meaning, therefore might as well directly face. 她素来大方磊落,既然在那天已经表露的那么明显了,那现在遮遮掩掩也没有什么意思,所以不如直接面对。 Naturally does not have the issue, cousin your present status, is qualified for the priest temple actually...... However, this matter, I must ask for instructions to the father emperor, after all now has not arrived at the date of annual priest temple greatly opening.” “当然没有问题啊,表哥你如今的身份,倒是有资格进入祭司神殿的……不过,这件事情嘛,我还是要向父皇请示一下的,毕竟现在还未到一年一度的祭司神殿大开之日。” Yu Xiao Xing has thought carefully, has given the answer. 鱼小杏仔细想了一下,给出了答案。 Ye Qingyu nods with a smile, said: That was exhausted His Highness Crown Prince, the quicker the better.” 叶青羽笑着点点头,道:“那就劳烦太子殿下了,越快越好。” Yu Xiao Xing stared at Ye Qingyu to look grinningly, suddenly in the heart moved, said: Since the cousin you such worries, that is inferior to this, you see the father emperor along with me now, proposed face to face.” 鱼小杏笑嘻嘻地盯着叶青羽看了看,突然心中一动,道:“既然表哥你这么着急,那不如这样吧,你现在就随我去见父皇,当面提请吧。” Sees the snow emperor? 去见雪帝? Ye Qingyu is startled slightly, has not thought that Yu Xiao Xing will say. 叶青羽微微一怔,没想到鱼小杏会这么说。 However his at heart, floated off curiously. 不过他的心里,还是浮起了一丝好奇的。 After all that is the snow emperor. 毕竟那是雪帝啊。 Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race imperator. 天荒界人族的最高统治者。 When once, in the concept of Ye Qingyu, the snow emperor was the unattainable peerless great person, is similar to the Spiritual God that kept aloof same is unattainable, but currently, oneself really had the doubtful same bloodlines with this world king...... 曾经何时,在叶青羽的概念之中,雪帝是高不可攀的绝世大人物,如同高高在上的神灵一样遥不可及,但是现在,自己竟然和这位人间帝王有了疑似相同的血脉…… Recently, snow emperor had not come. 这些日子,雪帝一直都没有现身。 The entire general situation, is grasped by Yu Jun Han. 整个大局,都由鱼君寒来掌握。 If can see this Snow Country imperator...... Em, why can not say? 如果能够见一见这位雪国最高统治者的话……恩,为什么要说不呢? The Ye Qingyu nod complies. 叶青羽点头答应。 Yu Xiao Xing covers mouth to smile. 鱼小杏捂着嘴笑了起来。 ...... …… After a stick of incense double-hour. 炷香时辰之后。 Imperial palace. 帝国皇宫。 Back garden. 后花园。 Ye Qingyu first time saw in legend great person, empire supreme Sovereign, a dragon amongst human, Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race most prominent existence 叶青羽第一次见到了‘传说之中’的大人物,帝国至高无上的主宰者,人中之龙,天荒界人族最为显赫的存在 Snow emperor. 雪帝。 „Are you Monarch's cold son?” “你就是君寒的儿子?” In the botanical garden of vegetation verdant class bend war casualty a hundred flowers in full bloom, on the personal appearance tall and strong snow emperor face has the light smile, the vision to fall on the body of Ye Qingyu, appears gentle and peaceful. 在草木青翠流水曲殇百花盛开的园林里,身形魁梧的雪帝脸上带着淡淡的微笑,目光落在叶青羽的身上,显得平和且安静。 Pays a visit your majesty!” “拜见陛下!” Ye Qingyu salutes. 叶青羽行礼。 To be honest, during snow emperor imagines with him is not quite same. 说实话,雪帝和他想象之中的不太一样。 Once thinks that emperor of the country, god armor in the body, the overwhelming power like the dragon, the god light circled the body, just liked the deity is ordinary, opened the mouth to be able the mouth to split the golden lotus, did not eat the world smoke and fire. 曾经以为一国之帝,神甲在身,威猛如龙,神光绕体,犹如神仙一般,一开口都会口绽金莲,不食人间烟火。 But the present middle-aged person, the facial features are solemn and respectful, the bronze skin like once experienced hardship to the full, the hair was grayish white, in the temples has silver hair, the air/Qi of overwhelming power are extremely few, just likes the average man is common. 但眼前的中年人,面容肃穆,古铜色的皮肤像是曾经饱经风霜一样,头发已经灰白,鬓间有一根根的银发,威猛之气极少,犹如常人一般。 However can also look, snow emperor young time, certainly is a rare handsome man, present he, a white cotton robe, the casual attire, has one vicissitudes natural makings. 不过也看得出来,雪帝年轻的时候,一定是个罕见的美男子,如今的他,一袭白色布袍,随便的装束,却有一种沧桑潇洒的气质。 Snow Country Royal Family this generation, all has the good-looking man beautiful woman. 雪国皇室这一辈,皆出俊男美女。 Yu Jun Han and fish Monarch please is the rare beautiful woman, but Yu Feiyan this crown prince, is a famous handsome man. 鱼君寒、鱼君请是少见的美女,而鱼非言这位亲王,也是一位有名的美男子。 The appearance, the snow emperor is not inferior. 在外貌上来看,雪帝也丝毫不逊色。 His condition, is is not quite as if good, the time of smiling, the corners of the mouth eye has the wrinkle slightly, seems like more like practiced martial arts the Cultivation Base sloppy retired veteran to be the same long ago now. 只是他的状态,似乎是并不太好,笑起来的时候,嘴角眼稍有皱纹,看起来更像是一位早年练武如今已经修为稀松的退伍老兵一样。 Um, already wanted to see you.” The snow emperor lifts the hand to hint Ye Qingyu to get up, said: Remembers in the past you were born, I once had also hugged you, in an instant, these many years passed by.” “嗯,早就想要见一见你了。”雪帝抬手示意叶青羽起来,道:“记得当年你出生的时候,朕还曾抱过你呢,一转眼,这么多年过去了。” Ye Qingyu one hear, in the heart is one trembles. 叶青羽一听,心中就是一个哆嗦。 The matter now is getting more and more confusing. 事情现在越来越扑朔迷离了。 Does the snow emperor have, when were just born, has hugged itself, Ye Qingyu is not a child prodigy, therefore could not record. 雪帝有没有在自己刚刚出生的时候,抱过自己,叶青羽并非是神童,所以根本记不起来了。 But the issue is, oneself since record starts, clearly continuously in Deer City, but during oneself remember the parents...... 但问题是,自己自打记事开始,分明一直都是在鹿鸣郡城的,而自己记忆之中的父母…… At once, Ye Qingyu does not know that should say anything. 一时之间,叶青羽也不知道该说什么。 Now carefully looks, your appearance, that person past charm of......” the aura of snow emperor has not been considered as that too steady, in voice, but also is bringing light sobbing. “现在仔细看,你的模样,还有那个人当年的神韵……”雪帝的气息并不算是太稳,话音之中,还带着淡淡的唏嘘。 Ye Qingyu guessed that perhaps is the same day to seal up Domain Portal in Alien race, has paid not the small price, injury also not completely recovery. 叶青羽猜测,也许是当日为了封闭异族中的界域之门,付出了不小的代价,伤势还未完全恢复 Perhaps is because sees Ye Qingyu, has remembered anything, the snow emperor vision, falls in pavilion pavilion woods, the vision became distant elusive, did not have the focal distance, obviously fell into during the long recollection. 也许是因为看到叶青羽,又想起了什么,雪帝目光,落在亭阁外面的一片树林上,目光变得悠远空灵了起来,没有了焦距,显然是陷入了漫长的回忆之中。 Ye Qingyu is not good to disturb. 叶青羽也不好打扰。 Yu Xiao Xing is standing at the same time peacefully. 鱼小杏更是在一边安安静静地站着。 Also has not known how long, the snow emperor as if finally woke from the long recollection, looked gently to Ye Qingyu, in the pupil light has flashed through a strange color, resembled has thought of anything. 也不知道过了多长时间,雪帝似乎终于从漫长的回忆之中醒了过来,轻轻地哦了一声,重新看向了叶青羽,眸光里闪过一丝奇异之色,似是想到了什么。 Xing'er said a moment ago what is coming, do you want to go to the Royal Family priest temple?” He asked Ye Qingyu. 杏儿刚才说什么来着,你想去皇室祭司神殿?”他问叶青羽 Ye Qingyu nodded: Also asked your majesty to approve.” 叶青羽点了点头:“还请陛下恩准。” The snow emperor palm turns, a dragon squamose imperial seal reappears, floats to Ye Qingyu nearby in the golden light twinkle, said: Goes, in the past this priest temple, originally for...... He He, calculates the time, you should also have a look.” 雪帝掌心一翻,一枚龙鳞状的印玺在金光闪烁中浮现,漂浮到叶青羽的跟前,道:“去吧,当年这祭司神殿,本就是为了……呵呵,算算时间,你也该去看看了。” Ye Qingyu a little at a loss received the dragon scale imperial seal. 叶青羽有点儿茫然地接过了龙鳞印玺。 In the snow emperor words has the words. 雪帝话中有话。 But Ye Qingyu actually does not understand that he is any meaning. 叶青羽却不明白他到底是什么意思。 To going out of the imperial palace, is taking the Yu Xiao Xing yellow and black flying large ship, goes to Royal Family's Ancestral Land time, Ye Qingyu is still thinking this issue, the snow emperor also knows anything obviously, but has not said. 一直到走出皇宫,乘坐着鱼小杏的玄黄飞舸,前往皇室祖地的时候,叶青羽还在想着这个问题,显然雪帝也知道一些什么,不过却没有说出来。 About after one double-hour, the yellow and black flying large ship through the ancestral temple temple region of surrounding, entered the genuine microcosm ancestor place. 大约一个时辰之后,玄黄飞舸通过外围的祖庙寺院区域,进入了真正小世界祖地。 According to the convention, yellow and black flying large ship and ship guard and the others on, cannot continue thoroughly. 按照惯例,玄黄飞舸和船上的护卫等人,是不能在继续深入的。 Yu Xiao Xing and Ye Qingyu two people, disembarked, after passing through several times inspected, toward the ancestor microcosm central area that the ancestor guarded walks. 鱼小杏叶青羽两个人,下了船,经过了祖地守卫的数次检查之后,才一路朝着祖地小世界中心区域走去。 Before came one time, Ye Qingyu to have a vivid memory to here all. 之前已经来过一次,叶青羽对这里的一切都记忆犹新。 Mountain clear Shui Xiu, spirit energy is abundant. 山清水秀,灵气充裕。 Hillside line. 依山而行。 Two people this time enter the ancestor place, the status from previous time was also different, one was current dynasty crown prince the status has made clear, another was also within the body doubtful has the Royal Family bloodlines, naturally with the previous difference, relaxed, the speed was also faster. 两个人此次进入祖地,身份与上一次又都不同了,一个是当朝太子身份昭示了,另一个也算是体内疑似有皇室血脉,自然是与上一次不同,放松了很多,速度也快了很多。 A tea time, passed by previous time had gone to the Yu Jun Han residence. 茶盏功夫,就路过了上一次去过的鱼君寒的居所。 However this is the Ye Qingyu thoughts in the Royal Family priest temple, is hoping wholeheartedly hurries to solve the riddle in heart, therefore did not have the thoughts former home grounds revisit. 不过这是叶青羽心思都在皇室祭司神殿上,一心盼着赶紧解开心中的谜团,所以也没有心思故地重游了。 Also one hour. 又过半个时辰 Finally to the Royal Family's Ancestral Land central region. 终于到了皇室祖地的中央区域。 The mountain range folds wrong, Jianfeng like forest. 山峦叠错,剑峰如林。 Jade belt common waterfall crashes from the mountain peaks loudly, the moisture fills the air, just likes the fairyland white fog is the same, twines in the wooded mountains, the peaks and ridges everywhere have the rainbow, the assorted crane auspicious beast, the fluttering clouds, hover with the white clouds, is the same just like a paradise. 玉带一般的瀑布从山峰之间轰然坠落,水气弥漫,犹如仙境白雾一样,缠绕在山林之间,峰峦处处有彩虹,还有各色仙禽瑞兽,振翅云端,与白云之间翱翔,宛如一个世外桃源一样。 Yu Xiao Xing sounds a jade flute. 鱼小杏吹响一支玉笛。 Two giant beautiful Manchurian crane dropped from the clouds, fall nearby two people. 两只巨大的美丽仙鹤从天而降,落在了两个人跟前。 Prominent peak had in the past Unparalleled war-god Your Excellency arrangement formation, prohibited all, the common means are unable to enter, must therefore go to the priest temple, must ride the white crane.” “主峰有当年无双战神冕下布置的阵法,封禁一切,寻常办法无法进入,所以要去祭司神殿,必须乘坐白鹤。” Yu Xiao Xing jumped up excitedly a back of Manchurian crane, slender such as new exhausted shallot generally white and tender exquisite small hands, touches the head of Manchurian crane, that Manchurian crane just like clever common, long cry one, shoots up to the sky. 鱼小杏兴奋地跳上了一只仙鹤的背,纤细如新剥小葱一般白嫩细腻的小手,摸了摸仙鹤的头,那仙鹤宛如通灵一般,长唳一声,冲天而起。 Ye Qingyu was a little also curious, jumped up carrying on the back of another Manchurian crane. 叶青羽也有点儿好奇,跳上了另一支仙鹤的背上。 In the imagination of Ye Qingyu, although this Manchurian crane the speed is extremely fast, goes through in void just like the electricity arrow equally, but unexpectedly extraordinarily steady, moreover during its both wings vibrations, will form a light cyan wind condition light arc around the body, prevented in the sky swift and fierce cold Gang to be mad! 处于叶青羽的想象,这仙鹤虽然速度极快,宛如电箭一样在虚空之中穿行,但竟是出奇地平稳,而且它双翅震动之间,会在身体周围形成一层淡青色的风色光弧,阻挡了天空中凌厉寒冷的罡气! Rides the feeling of Manchurian crane, is marvelous, graceful. 乘坐仙鹤的感觉,非常奇妙,令人飘飘欲仙。 Heaven Wasteland Domain has ancient legend, once had free in the Between Heaven and Earth immortal, harnesses the crane in Between Heaven and Earth, is aloof all, carefree, is object who the common people envy. 天荒界有许多古老的神话传说,曾经有逍遥于天地之间的仙人,驾鹤于天地之间,超脱一切,无忧无虑,是世人羡慕的对象。 Ye Qingyu has not thought that oneself today really had such experience. 叶青羽没有想到,自己今天竟然有了这样的体验。 The white clouds howl in the side. 白云在身边呼啸而过。 Yu Xiao Xing occurred to laugh in side excitedly: Hee hee, I before small time, attended the priest grand ceremony each time, most likes was rides the crane to hover......” 鱼小杏在旁边兴奋地发生大笑:“嘻嘻,我以前小的时候,每次参加祭司大典,最喜欢的就是骑鹤翱翔了……” Ye Qingyu has not spoken. 叶青羽没说话。 The back of this Manchurian crane is quite broad, can sit 35 people fully, moreover why does not know, Ye Qingyu always thought one as if have the feeling that a mind thinks through with this Manchurian crane. 这仙鹤的背部极为宽阔,足可以坐35人,而且不知道为什么,叶青羽总觉得自己似乎和这仙鹤有一种心灵想通的感觉。 Just flood a thought that the Manchurian crane can understand at heart, will make the flight trajectory and speed that Ye Qingyu anticipates. 心里刚刚泛起一个念头,仙鹤就似是能懂,会做出叶青羽所期待的飞行轨迹和速度。 If there is this kind of Manchurian crane, has followed to be good because of the side.” Ye Qingyu had the thoughts. “要是有这样一只仙鹤,一直跟在身边就好了。”叶青羽动了心思。 Own present yuan qi Cultivation Base was prohibited temporarily, although can also the imperial spatial flight, but three Spirit Spring yuan qi, enough do not support the long-range flight, and speed or the altitude, do not have the expert comparisons of means and these Sea of Bitterness Stage. 自己如今元气修为暂时被封禁,虽说也可以御空飞行,但三眼灵泉元气,不足够支撑长途飞行,且不论是速度还是高度,都没有办法和那些苦海境强者比拟。 If the Manchurian crane rides instead of walking, absolutely is a matter of old-style fan device. 如果有一只仙鹤代步,也绝对是一件拉风的事情。 Ponders over, the prominent peak is near at hand. 思忖之间,主峰近在咫尺。 The Manchurian crane descends downward. 仙鹤向下降落。 Ye Qingyu saw has been situated in the summit of prominent peak priest temple. 叶青羽一眼就看到了坐落在主峰之巅的祭司神殿。 --------------- --------------- Today was 30 th, quick celebrates the new year. 今儿是30号,很快就过年了。 When it was new year's time, will be very tired is very busy, probably 15 days , the daily guaranteeing a minimum renewal temporary adjustment is one. 过年的时候,会很累很忙,大概有15天的时间,每天的保底更新暂时调整为一更。 If pushy, many. 如果有精力的话,会多更。 Gasps for breath to celebrate the new year, 2015 beset by disasters, the body had not felt better, hopes that in the new year can sweep the haze. 喘口气过个年吧,2015多灾多难,身体一直都没有好过,希望新年可以一扫阴霾。 Wish everybody Happy New Year.. 祝大家新年快乐。。
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