IGE :: Volume #5

#474: Was the martial arts foundation destroyed?

In a flash, the Demonic beast ominous beast that clashes from central Domain Portal, in a twinkling is ordinary just like the tide, the vibration air sends out is similar to the rolling thunder thunders general sound/noise. 一瞬之间,从中央界域之门中冲出来的妖兽凶兽,霎时间宛如潮水一般,震动空气发出如同滚雷轰鸣一般的声音 Brothers were careful.” “兄弟小心。” Ximen Yeshuo first kept off before the body of Ye Qingyu. 西门夜说第一时间就挡在了叶青羽的身前。 Other such as Wen Wan, Jin Ling'er, Bai Yuanxing and the others, first protected Ye Qingyu, does not dare to have slight lax neglecting. 其他如温晚金灵儿白远行等人,也都第一时间护住了叶青羽,不敢有丝毫的松懈怠慢。 Ye Qingyu does not know whether to laugh or cry. 叶青羽哭笑不得。 He recently, by True Will of the Sky dragon Mystique temperance **, the hiding energy in refining body, the harvest is unceasingly enormous, to today, his ** the intensity present to any degree, he did not know. 他这些日子,以【天龙真意】秘法锤炼**,不断地炼化身体之中的潜藏能量,收获极大,到了今日,他的**强度如今到了一个什么程度,连他自己都不知道了。 Is very fearfully is very in any case fearful. 反正就是很可怕很可怕。 However because ** the intensity is very difficult to display the strength to fluctuate, most is the courage vigor is also exuberant, few people can pass ** the intensity judges the strong and weak of match. 不过由于**强度很难表现出力量波动,最多也是血气旺盛而已,很少有人可以通过**强度来判断对手的强弱。 After all rune yuan qi is the Heaven Wasteland Domain martial arts mainstream. 毕竟符文元气天荒界的武道主流。 Common custom idea, ** intensity is fierce, is considered as a Cultivation low grade branch, ** Cultivation again strong, cannot the flying apsaras escape, cannot stimulate to movement spirit weapon, Dao Instrument wait / etc. weapons and treasure. 在世俗观念来看,**强度就算是再厉害,也被认为是一种修炼低级分支而已,**修炼的再强,不能飞天遁地,不能催动灵器道器等等武器和宝贝。 Body Cultivation when meets yuan qi martial path expert, often cannot take any advantage. 体修在遇到元气武道强者的时候,往往根本占不到任何的便宜。 Therefore nobody realizes Ye Qingyu true strength. 所以没有人察觉叶青羽的真正实力 But a more important reason, lies in Ye Qingyu passes True Will of the Sky dragon The mystique, has restrained own courage vigor. 而更重要的原因,在于叶青羽通过【天龙真意】的秘法,将自己的血气都收敛了起来。 This time Ye Qingyu, superficially, is only a 45 Spirit Spring young master, everybody thinks he by movement heavenly thunder dividing has destroyed the martial arts foundation. 此时的叶青羽,从表面上来看,只是一个45眼灵泉的小高手而已,大家都以为他被身法天雷给劈的毁了武道根基。 In the eyes of people, only feared that looks like compared with this time Ye Qingyu including Jin Ling'er, Bai Yuanxing and the others strong. 在众人的眼里,只怕是连金灵儿白远行等人都比此时的叶青羽看起来强一些。 Therefore sees the mutation to appear, people first, protect Ye Qingyu. 所以一见异变出现,众人第一时间,都是保护叶青羽 Ye Qingyu also has to coordinate not to get rid very much. 叶青羽也只好很配合地没有出手。 Opposite. 对面。 Shouted whistling! 呼呼呼! In huge Domain Portal, the scarlet black Demonic beast ominous beast thunders to howl generally just like the tide, under looks densely and numerously, makes in the person heart palpitate simply crazily, the scalp tingles with numbness. 巨大的界域之门中,赤黑色的妖兽凶兽宛如潮水一般轰鸣着呼啸出来,密密麻麻一看之下,简直让人心中狂悸,头皮都发麻。 This is the Space-Time ominous beast...... You Cuan and demon of Space-Time crack, it seems like it is the appearance of central Domain Portal, has inspired a lair of Space-Time ominous beast accidentally!” “这是时空凶兽……一种游蹿与时空罅隙的魔物,看来是中央域门的出现,无意中引动了一个时空凶兽的巢穴!” Yu Jun Han drew the conclusion quickly. 鱼君寒很快就得出了结论。 In the Space-Time crack, does not have photo source and food water source, the ordinary life is unable to survive, is unable for a long time to save to strong Martial Artist. 时空罅隙之中,没有光源和食物水源,普通生灵无法生存,至强武者也无法久存。 But the mystery of Heaven and Earth good fortune, can actually produce maneating demon, they wander in the Space-Time mighty current, swallows to enter the Space-Time turbulent flow the biological dying thing, looks like the Space-Time street sweeper is the same, is fed up all. 天地造化之神奇,却可以产生出一种凶悍魔物,它们游荡在时空洪流之中,吞噬一切进入时空乱流的生物死物,就像是时空清道夫一样,吃尽一切。 This type of demon does not have the wisdom, remaining has only slaughtered the instinct that swallows, if without alarming, will be at the self- seal Cultivation condition, just liked generally. 这种魔物没有智慧,只剩下了杀戮吞噬的本能,若是在没有惊扰的情况下,会处于自我封印修炼状态,犹如死了一般。 Once or is the Space-Time shake awakens by the Space-Time crack, immediately crazily will go following the mark, once discovered that was involved in the object in Space-Time turbulent flow, will swallow crazily. 而一旦被时空裂缝或者是时空震荡惊醒,立刻就会疯狂循迹而去,一旦发现被卷入时空乱流中的物体,会疯狂地吞噬。 This is also one of the Space-Time turbulent flow fearful reasons. 这也是时空乱流可怕的原因之一。 To come this time, because of the Heaven Wasteland Domain central Domain Portal and Domain's Heavenly Wall The appearance, has alarmed the Space-Time Demonic beast ominous thing of some crowd of self- seals, making them rush to Domain Portal. 想来这一次,是因为天荒界的中央界域之门和【界域天壁】的出现,惊扰了某群自我封印的时空妖兽凶物,让它们闯过了界域之门 Yu Jun Han said that the people are suddenly enlighted. 鱼君寒说完,众人都恍然大悟。 If so, that arrived can feel relieved many. 如果是这样的话,那到是可以放心许多了。 At least is not other anything demon thing domain invasion. 至少不是其他什么魔物界域入侵。 All people on the scene, are expert in expert, gets rid is the internal energy brilliance shakes, shakes Space-Time demon that wells up for the powder powder instantaneously. 在场的所有人,都是强者中的强者,一出手便是元力光焰震荡,瞬间就将那涌出来的时空魔物震为齑粉。 Ye Qingyu by Jin Ling'er and Bai Yuanxing two people, unceasingly is drawing the backlash, to safety zone. 叶青羽金灵儿白远行两个人,不断地拉着后退,到了安全区域。 This fight, comes suddenly, goes is quicker. 这场战斗,来得突然,去的更快。 Less than stick of incense time, all finished. 不到一炷香的时间,一切就结束了。 In huge central Domain Portal, vanishes just like the watermark mirror surface general space element gradually, great gate again quiet, did not have the slight strength fluctuation, as if anything has not occurred has been same. 巨大的中央界域之门中,宛如水纹镜面一般的空间元素渐渐消失,巨门重新沉寂了下来,没有了丝毫的力量波动,仿佛什么都没有发生过一样。 The people relaxed. 众人都松了一口气。 These days, everybody quickly by this central Domain Portal causing mental illness. 这段时间里,大家都快被这中央界域之门给弄出神经病了。 Continues to admonish, believes that quick will have other domain lives to arrive!” “继续警戒吧,相信很快就会有其他界域的生灵降临了!” Yu Jun Han look as before dignified tunnel. 鱼君寒神色依旧凝重地道。 ...... …… Over the next few days in the time, all are tranquil. 接下来的几天时间里,一切都平静。 But the atmosphere was tighter than before. 但气氛却比以前更加紧张了。 The nerves of all people stretch closely, nobody dares the slight general idea, outside Elite imperial guard officers, is in a high state of combat alertness, the bedroom does not surrender, rune formation of various places do not hesitate to consume the Origin crystal energy, frequently stimulates to movement the revolution. 所有人的神经都绷得紧紧地,没有人敢丝毫的大意,外面的精锐禁军将士,也都是枕戈待旦,寝不解甲,各处的符文阵法也不惜消耗源晶能量,时时刻刻都催动运转。 Right Minister Lin Zheng suggested that Ye Qingyu and the others withdraw from Bright City temporarily, to the place of relative security. 右相蔺争建议叶青羽等人暂时退出光明城,到相对安全的地方去。 This naturally is out of security concerns. 这当然是出于安全考虑。 Ye Qingyu thinks that lets Jin Ling'er, Bai Yuanxing and the others, with the Mother Wu same place, withdrew Bright City beyond hundred li (0.5km), he was insisted that remained. 叶青羽想了想,让金灵儿白远行等人,和吴妈一起,撤出到了光明城百里之外,他自己则很是坚持地留了下来。 Yu Jun Han agreed with such procedure. 鱼君寒同意了这样的做法。 Lin Zheng is a little helpless. 蔺争对此有点儿无奈。 He proposed that original intention of suggestion, naturally mainly for the Ye Qingyu security, in the eye of Lin Zheng this fierce and ambitious, Jin Ling'er, Bai Yuanxing and Mother Wu and the others, the importance and Ye Qingyu compares, missed the long distance. 他提出建议的初衷,当然主要是为了叶青羽的安全,在蔺争这种枭雄的眼里,金灵儿白远行吴妈等人,重要性和叶青羽比起来,差了十万八千里。 But facing insistence of Ye Qingyu, Lin Zheng does not have what means. 但面对叶青羽的坚持,蔺争却也没有什么办法。 Then, passed for one month. 接下来,又过去了一个月时间。 Central Domain Portal does not have what sound as before. 中央界域之门依旧没有什么动静。 Some people proposed that might as well on own initiative attacks, enters by the God level Origin crystal crustification Domain's Heavenly Wall, Turns on a channel casually, enters other domain, finds out, compared with waited for like this passively is much better. 有人提议,不妨主动出击,以神级源晶镶嵌进入【界域天壁】,随便开启一条通道,进入其他界域,一探究竟,比这样被动地等待要好很多。 But this proposition was denied. 但这个提议却被否定了。 But Ye Qingyu these days, stimulates to movement as before unceasingly True Will of the Sky dragon Cultivation mortal body, ** the intensity by the speed that an average man is unable to imagine, is promoting crazily. 叶青羽在这段时间里,依旧是不断地催动【天龙真意修炼肉身,**强度以一种常人无法想象的速度,疯狂地提升着。 In addition, after undergoing some time attempt, he enters finally once again successfully Cloud top cauldron In. 除此之外,经过了一段时间的尝试之后,他终于再度成功地进入【云顶铜炉】之中。 Not can only go, but can also come out at will. 不但可以进去,还可以随意出来。 Some Divine Soul that naturally also gotten out of trouble can achieve these. 当然也只是已经脱困的这部分神魂能够做到这些。 He attempts to communicate itself to be prohibited mildly in this's one point of some Divine Soul strengths, does not spend a lot of time, actually observing and emulating Cloud top cauldron Internal that vast broad ancient bronzes mural...... 他尝试温润沟通自己被封禁在此的一分部分神魂的力量,并不花费了不少的时间,却观摩【云顶铜炉】内部那浩大恢弘的古铜壁画…… In that mural, is containing one extremely strange mysterious strength. 那壁画之中,蕴含着一种极为奇异的神秘力量。 Ye Qingyu in Divine Soul ends under the overall condition , can only a day look at a complete mural reluctantly, the brains will be then murky, enter an energy consumption excessive condition. 叶青羽神魂完整体状态之下,也只能一天勉强看完一副完整壁画,然后就会头脑昏昏沉沉,进入一种精力消耗过度的状态。 However after again recovery, Ye Qingyu discovered that own Divine Soul intensity and thickness, will have the obvious promotion. 不过当重新恢复之后,叶青羽发现,自己的神魂强度和厚度,都会有着明显的提升。 As if looks here draws, can actually temper strengthens the Divine Soul strength?” “似乎看这壁画,竟然能够锤炼增强神魂力量吗?” This discovery, making Ye Qingyu pleasantly surprised. 这个发现,让叶青羽大为惊喜。 If this is really the case, so long as observe and emulate the mural to temper Divine Soul unceasingly here, can constantly strengthen expands the strength of Divine Soul, sooner or later, can break through this on the 1st Cloud top cauldron Prohibiting? 如果真的是这样的话,那自己只要不断地在这里观摩壁画锤炼神魂,是不是就可以不断地增强壮大神魂之力,早晚有一日,可以突破这【云顶铜炉】的封禁呢? Besides these, Ye Qingyu has also discovered some clue of oneself present body condition. 除了这些,叶青羽还发现了自己如今身体状态的一些端倪。 At this time his in dantian Desert World, originally rushes is howling yuan qi River, now is at an uneventful condition, on the river course water surface the mighty waves are outmoded, just like brilliance is tranquilly same, the yuan qi river water turned into the stagnant water, without any vigor. 此时他的丹田荒漠世界之中,原本澎湃呼啸着的元气江河,如今都处于一种风平浪静的状态,河道水面上波澜不兴,宛如光华的平静一样,元气河水变成了死水,没有任何的活力。 This does not have urging of enough Divine Soul Divine Sense reason. 这是没有足够神魂神念之力催动的原因。 But that originally is seething with excitement turbulently 100 Spirit Spring, has three Spirit Spring in outward to overflow yuan qi spring. 而那原本汹涌沸腾着的100眼灵泉,也只有三眼灵泉在汩汩地朝外溢出元气清泉 Other 97 Spirit Spring, similarly are in a seal condition, is very quiet. 其他97眼灵泉,都同样处于一种封印状态之中,无比沉寂。 But Ye Qingyu can look, these Spirit Spring mouths did not die withered, but was at a temporary static condition. 叶青羽看得出来,这些灵泉泉眼并不是死了枯萎了,而是处于一种暂时的静止状态。 But that three are also regaining consciousness Spirit Spring, is nourishing Cloud top cauldron mildly, is nourishing mildly Fiendgod titled chart, In another, is actually some junks, such as the Little Shang Sword remnant body, cuts some parts of wind sword. 而那三眼还苏醒着的灵泉,一眼之中,温润滋养着云顶铜炉,一眼之中温润滋养着【神魔封号谱】,另一眼之中,却是一些杂物,如少商剑的残躯,还有斩风剑的一些部分。 Before Cloud top cauldron With Fiendgod titled chart Resides in the dantian Desert World upper air, sends out the glory, such as on the 1st in January was ordinary, is unable to integrate in Spirit Spring, now actually on own initiative goes. 以前【云顶铜炉】和【神魔封号谱】居于丹田荒漠世界的高空,散发光辉,如一日一月一般,无法纳入灵泉之中,如今却是主动进去了。 Ye Qingyu pondered over that had some clear(ly) to become aware indistinctly. 叶青羽思忖,隐约有了一些明悟。 Before should be, own Cultivation Base and ** the intensity, is not enough, therefore under Spirit Spring is unable to hold these two big wonderful treasures, now the mortal body restoration rebirth, can receive to accept finally. 应该是以前自己的修为和**强度,还不足够,所以灵泉无法容纳下这两大奇宝,如今肉身再造重生,终于可以承纳了。 Moreover Ye Qingyu also discovered that oneself can the Cloud top cauldron summon in the hand, the optional change size. 而且叶青羽还发现,自己可以将云顶铜炉召唤在手,随意变化大小了。 Naturally, that is all. 当然,也就仅此而已。 Should be then Divine Punishment heavenly thunder bombardment, activated some formation in this ancient times copper furnace, therefore the copper furnace had the change. 应该是当时的神罚天雷轰击,激活了这上古铜炉之内的某种阵法,所以铜炉发生了变化。 Before Ye Qingyu can also open him, now actually cannot open. 以前叶青羽还可以将他打开,如今却是打不开了。 Can summon, increases changes is small, is this useful? Cannot the refine the pill of immortality, unable to store......” Ye Qingyu not to know whether to laugh or cry, is regarded as the weapon it, is used to pound the person?” “只是可以召唤出来,变大变小,这有什么用呢?不能炼丹,不能储物……”叶青羽哭笑不得,“难道将它当做是武器,用来砸人吗?” The copper furnace unceasing earth-shaking transformation big change is small. 铜炉不断地变大变小。 Ye Qingyu grips a copper foot, carried has wielded wielding in the hand. 叶青羽握住一只铜脚,拎在手里挥了挥。 Gust of wind shake. 疾风震荡。 The might is good. 威力不俗。 Well, you let alone, the component of this copper furnace was just moderately good, when used to pound the person, as but if is actually not!” “咦,你别说,这铜炉的分量不轻不重刚刚好,要是真的用来砸人,似乎倒也不是不可以!” Ye Qingyu eye one bright, but also moved. 叶青羽眼睛一亮,还真的动了心。 The Heaven and Earth copper furnace is heavy and hard, day after day punishes the god thunder unable to chop into pieces it, wants to come other any god soldier sharp weapons and so on, cannot fight broken it. 天地铜炉又重又硬,连天罚神雷都不能劈碎它,想来其他的什么神兵利器之类的,也不能将它战破。 This fellow is regarded as a weapon, a little shocks everybody. 只是这家伙当做是武器,有点儿太惊世骇俗。 Ye Qingyu thinks that received it. 叶青羽想了想,将它重新收了起来。 The day passes by day-by-day. 日子一天一天过去。 In the eyes of other people, Ye Qingyu strength, did not have recovery, is about 45 Spirit Spring yuan qi Cultivation Base, the courage vigor declines as before, even before might as well. 在其他人的眼里,叶青羽实力,一直都没有恢复,依旧是45眼灵泉左右的元气修为,血气衰落,甚至还不如以前了。 Is because the martial arts foundation has destroyed, isn't able to recover? 难道是因为武道根基毁了,无法复原? Many people secretly, visit him with the vision of sympathy. 很多人暗地里,用同情的目光看着他。 Ximen Yeshuo whispered daily gathers round Ye Qingyu, said that must teach a Ye Qingyu recovery strength mystique, did not want to solicit permission of teacher beforehand. 西门夜说天天嘀嘀咕咕地围着叶青羽,说是要传授叶青羽一种恢复实力的秘法,不要要事先征得师尊的允许。 Therefore this goods are trying to contact with own master, making Ye Qingyu do not worry to get angry...... 于是这货正在试图联系自己的师傅,让叶青羽千万不要着急上火…… The Yu Jun Han convention one time gets the physical exam of Ye Qingyu actually every day is also only the finger builds on Ye Qingyu wrist, yuan qi revolves, to the situation of Ye Qingyu body, can know from A to Z. 鱼君寒倒是惯例每日一次检查叶青羽的身体也只是手指搭在叶青羽手腕上,元气运转一圈,对叶青羽身体的情况,就能了如指掌。 ----------- ----------- Today situation specially, if before 11 : 00 pm , has not renewed, that had one. 今儿情况特殊一点,如果晚上11点前还没有更新,那就只有一更了。
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