IGE :: Volume #5

#473: domain day wall

Central Domain Portal, is huge incomparable stone gate. 中央界域之门,是一座巨大无比的石门 stone gate this view, is perhaps inaccurate, because many people are unable to distinguish clearly, that is any material quality, the pale white, resembles Stone Feishi, resembles the iron non- iron, the texture is rough, the surface layer has the light pellet. 石门这个说法,也许并不准确,因为很多人都无法辨明,那到底是什么材质,淡白色,似石非石,似铁非铁,纹理粗糙,表层有淡淡的颗粒。 Ye Qingyu still remembered the clear, then picture, was the chaos storm. The turbulent flow collects from the sky, just like heavy drinker absorbing water, resembled is compressed by any strength was the same, finally the compression became the solid is the same. 叶青羽还记得清楚,当时的画面,是混沌风暴.乱流从天空之中收聚下来,宛如长鲸吸水,似是被一股什么力量压缩了一样,最后压缩成为了固体一样。 Part, changed to pale white Domain Portal. 其中一部分,化作了淡白色的界域之门 This Domain Portal tall Yuebai, the wide hundred meters, at first sight, the reversed image is a giant doorframe is also same, not existence of door leaf. 界域之门高约百米,宽亦有百米,乍看起来,倒像是一具巨大的门框一样,并无门扇的存在。 But chaos storm remaining another part, then by Domain Portal, changed to one to connect Domain Portal huge stone wall. 而混沌风暴残余的另一部分,则是在界域之门旁边,化作了一面连接着界域之门的巨大石壁 stone wall compared stone gate to want slightly, high was less than ten meters, the width about four meters appearance, assumed the cuboid, just like a wall screening house from street. 石壁相比石门要小了很多,高不到十米,宽四米左右的样子,呈长方体,宛如一面影壁。 Above has light chaos gas spray circulation, just like fine gauze, and surface undulation, just like micro the mountains and rivers rivers universe stars are the same, hollow of every large or small several hundred fist sizes, go in toward Nei'ao approximately the five fingers depth, the endophragm is smooth, assumes spherical. 其上有淡淡的混沌气雾流转,宛如轻纱,且表面起伏,宛如微缩了的山川河流宇宙星辰一样,还有大大小小数百个拳头大小的凹陷,朝内凹进去大约五指深,内壁光滑,呈球状。 These distribute hollowly unevenly, looks like does not have what rule, does not know that is used to do, is really unusual. 这些凹陷分布不均,看起来也没有什么规律,也不知道是用来干什么的,煞是奇特。 This stone wall one side, right the great column with stone gate is connected, just like a body, does not have the slight slit. 石壁的一侧,与石门右侧的巨柱相连,宛如一体,没有丝毫的缝隙。 The entire chaos mist accumulation compression forms stone gate and stone wall process, but completes in split second. 整个混沌云气聚集压缩形成石门石壁的过程,只是在一瞬间完成。 Before heard super craftsmanship opened thing and ghost axe finger of God and so on word, Ye Qingyu did not have any too big feelings. 以前听说‘天工开物’、‘鬼斧神工’之类的词,叶青羽还没有什么太大的感触。 However this time, looks with own eyes everywhere chaos mist changed to leaf of stone gate at the same time stone wall, as if there is hand of invisible Spiritual God to create all these is the same, making Ye Qingyu broaden the outlook. 但是这一次,亲眼看着漫天的混沌云气化作了一扇石门一面石壁,仿佛是有无形的神灵之手在创造这一切一样,让叶青羽大开眼界。 He is first saw person who this stone gate stone wall presents. 他是第一个看到这石门石壁出现的人。 Then the news spreads. 然后消息传出。 Yu Jun Han and the others, hears the news to catch up immediately. 鱼君寒等人,也在第一时间闻讯赶来。 Beyond the surroundings kilometer, all parties admonished to promote the maximum degree, during was void is glittering rune formation, isolated all of outside to peep, hundreds of thousands of Elite imperial guard arrangement strongest Killing Array, the sword came out of the sheath, prepared to slaughter at any time. 周围千米之外,各方警戒提升到了最高程度,虚空之中闪烁着符文阵法,隔绝了外界的一切窥视,数十万的精锐禁军布置下了最强杀阵,刀剑出鞘,随时准备厮杀。 Besides the Bright City person, only then Yu Jun Han, Left Minister, Right Minister and crown prince Yu Xiao Xing and other small numbers of people, are entitled, enters the core region, stood nearby stone gate stone gate. 除了光明城的人之外,只有鱼君寒左相右相、太子鱼小杏等少数人,才有资格,进入核心区域,站在了石门石门跟前。 Void, is filling the rich space internal energy aura. 虚空之中,弥漫着浓郁的空间元力气息。 Central Domain Portal! Finally appeared.” On the face of Yu Jun Han, very complex sentiments, put out a hand to stroke pale white stone gate gently, resembling is cherishing the memory of anything. “中央界域之门!终于还是出现了啊。”鱼君寒的脸上,有一种很复杂的感情,伸手轻轻地抚摸淡白色石门,似是在缅怀着什么。 „After this stone gate, was leads to other domain channels?” Right Minister Lin Zheng is also sizing up with a curious vision. “这石门之后,就是通往其他界域的通道了吗?”右相蔺争也用一种好奇的目光打量着。 Was the empire power and influence man of the hour, Lin Zheng once had also seen some past narrow and small unstable Domain Portal. 身为帝国权势风云人物,蔺争也曾见过昔日一些狭小不稳定的界域之门 But these are Domain Portal, rather is the wall bonds the crack, because of because of the crack that the Space-Time shake produces, among the crisis on top of crisis, looks like in the void wall bonds at first sight, tore a slit to be the same. 但那些与其说是界域之门,倒不如说是壁障裂缝,因为都是因为时空震荡而产生的裂缝,其内危机重重,乍看起来就像是在虚空壁障上,撕裂出来了一道缝隙一样。 Such Domain Portal, inside has been full of various unstabilizing factors, the crisis on top of crisis, can sometimes completely escorts to other domain the person or the thing, but sometimes may also enter thing, strangles to death into the powder powder. 这样的界域之门,里面充满了各种不稳定因素,危机重重,有时可以完好将人或者物送往其他界域,而有的时候也有可能将进入其中的东西,绞杀成为齑粉。 Is so is likely vivid at present concrete Domain Portal, he never has also seen. 像是眼前如此形象具体的界域之门,他还从未见过。 „But how this should Domain Portal use?” The color of Left Minister wear a look of doubts. “可这这界域之门到底该如何使用呢?”左相面带疑惑之色。 This plain stone gate, seems like a giant stone column doorframe, walks following nine steps, walks into stone gate, arrived at another side. 这古朴的石门,看起来像是一座巨大的石柱门框,顺着九层阶梯走上去,走入石门,就到了另外一侧。 Superficially does not come out to be able slightly through this great Dayan stone gate frame, enters another domain possibility. 表面上看不出来丝毫可以通过这巨大岩石门框,进入另外一个界域的可能。 This is stone wall used to do? Is it possible that is...... Map?” “这石壁是用来干什么的?莫非是……地图吗?” Yu Xiao Xing is observing stone wall curiously. 鱼小杏好奇地观察着石壁 Yu Jun Han turned head, smiled, said: Good that Xing'er you said that this side stone wall, is called Domain's Heavenly Wall, Indeed can be said as the map, sees above these spherical hollow? Each hollow, represents domain, packing God level Origin crystal, can start this central Domain Portal, enters that domain that represents hollowly.” 鱼君寒回过头来,笑了笑,道:“杏儿你说的不错,这一面石壁,叫做【界域天壁】,的确可以说是地图,看到上面的那些球状凹陷了吗?每一个凹陷,都代表一个界域,将其中填充神级源晶,就可以启动这中央界域之门,进入凹陷所代表的那个界域。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Ye Qingyu is suddenly enlighted. 叶青羽恍然大悟。 stone gate can turn on the Space-Time channel, but that so-called Domain's Heavenly Wall Then should be the Space-Time Coordinate determines formation and so on thing. 石门可以开启时空通道,而那所谓的【界域天壁】则应该是时空坐标确定阵法之类的东西。 It is difficult to believe that this fine Unparalleled thing, unexpectedly is the natural production. 很难相信,这种精致无双的东西,竟然是天然生成。 The good fortune divine creative force, was really mysterious to the extreme. 造化造物,真的是神奇到了极点。 Lin Zheng and the others, are first time hears this view obviously, is very surprised. 蔺争等人,显然也是第一次听到这种说法,很是惊讶。 Counts carefully, that Domain's Heavenly Wall On, altogether 199 every large or small spherical hollow, is it possible that has represented 199 domain? 仔细数数,那面【界域天壁】上,一共有199个大大小小的球状凹陷,莫非代表了199个界域 If one is Heaven Wasteland Domain, that said that 198 domain, do exist in this world? 如果其中一个是天荒界的话,那岂不是说,还有198个界域,存在于这个世界之中? Ye Qingyu and the others have held breath cold air. 叶青羽等人都倒吸了一口凉气。 These many? 这么多? Heaven Wasteland Domain is called newborn domain, has not grown completely, the length and breadth was boundless, seemed is inexhaustibly same, has bred the innumerable lives, already enough huge. 天荒界被称作是新生界域,还未成长完全,就已经广袤磅礴,似乎是无穷无尽一样,孕育了无数生灵,已经足够庞大。 That these so-called mature domain, grew into the domain world of complete body, is huge, what life will have, what expert will breed? 那那些所谓的成熟界域,已经成长成为完全体的界域世界,到底有多么庞大,其中还会有什么样的生灵,会孕育什么样的强者 Thinks that enough makes all people think the dizziness. 想一想,都足够让所有人都觉得眩晕。 Listens to Yu Jun Han to continue saying: In an old book had said that Heaven Wasteland Domain that the infinite universe, domain myriad, we are, is only small domain in infinite universe, in a water drop just like Ocean, a sand in Desert, not worthy of mentioning, this Domain's Heavenly Wall Coordinate that on presents, is only some in innumerable domain, stars of domain on such as sky is ordinary, since birth extinguished, this Domain's Heavenly Wall Cannot hold it completely, the domain destruction that if above indicates vanishes, that corresponds spherical hollow will also induce the secret, corresponds vanishes, if there is newborn domain to appear, or Domain's Heavenly Wall Before inducing some, domain that has not induced, above that has the new spherical hollow appearance...... This, the prompt secret principle and good fortune were wonderful.” 就听鱼君寒继续道:“曾经一本古籍上说过,大千世界,界域万千,我们所在的天荒界,只是大千世界之中的一个小界域而已,宛如大海中的一滴水,荒漠中的一粒沙,微不足道,这面【界域天壁】上所出现的坐标,也只是无数界域之中的一些而已,界域就如天空之中的星辰一般,有生有灭,这面【界域天壁】并不能将其完全容纳,如果其上所标示的界域毁灭消失,那相对应的球状凹陷也会感应天机,相对应地消失,如果有新生界域出现,或者【界域天壁】感应到了一些以前未曾感应到的界域,那其上就有会新的球状凹陷出现……这,及时天机法则和造化之妙了。” These words, hearing the people to shock. 这一番话,听得众人都是大为震惊。 Collects face curious Jin Ling'er and Li Ying Li Qi several little rascal, that stealthy fatty king Li Jin, stared dumbfounded, just like is listening to the fairy story to be the same. 凑过来一脸好奇的金灵儿李英李琦几个小鬼,还有那个鬼鬼祟祟的胖子王郦金,都已经是瞠目结舌,宛如在听神话故事一样。 But Lin Zheng and the others, the mind was repeatedly tempered, is used to the happy anger not to show, but eye pupil deep place, was glittering the color of shock. 蔺争等人,心神千锤百炼,习惯了喜怒不形于色,但眼眸深处,也闪烁着震惊之色。 These words, regarding the impact and shock of people, it goes without saying. 这段话,对于众人的冲击和震撼,不言而喻。 Moreover said from the mouth of Yu Jun Han this existence, the people did not have the little suspicion, entirely believed. 而且从鱼君寒这种存在的口中说出来,众人也是没有一点点的怀疑,完全相信了。 Even Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan and the others, were also guessing that these Xin Mi, should that Unparalleled war-god told Yu Jun Han in the past, but disclosed regarding that Unparalleled war-god thing that they absolutely will certainly believe. 甚至蔺争鱼非言等人,也在猜测,这一些辛秘,应该是当年那位无双战神告诉鱼君寒的,而对于那位无双战神透露出来的东西,他们当然是会绝对相信的。 Only then experienced, has felt in years past the person of that towering legendary years, knows that person some mysteriously greatly inconceivable, knows that had many talent fierce and ambitiouses, willingly prostrated oneself in the under foot of that person, was ordinary just like the loyal follower, pledges to fight to the death to follow. 只有经历过、感受过昔年那段峥嵘传奇岁月的人,才会知道那个人到底有多神奇多伟大多不可思议,才会知道有多少天才枭雄,都心甘情愿地拜倒在那个人的脚下,宛如忠诚的信徒一般,誓死追随。 This Domain's Heavenly Wall Above each spherical hollow is representing any domain, needed us to explore,” the Yu Jun Han vision, the majority of time looks at Ye Qingyu, she continued saying: Heaven Wasteland Domain the appearance of central Domain Portal, means in other domain Domain's Heavenly Wall On, appears has been representing Heaven Wasteland Domain spherical hollow, this explained anything, you should understand.” “这【界域天壁】上面的每一个球状凹陷到底代表着什么界域,需要我们自己去探索了,”鱼君寒的目光,大部分时间都看着叶青羽,她继续道:“天荒界的中央域门的出现,意味着在一些其他界域的【界域天壁】上,也出现了代表着天荒界的球状凹陷,这说明了什么,你们应该明白的。” The facial color of people, dignified. 众人的面色,也都凝重了起来。 This indicated that if other domain influences, in Domain's Heavenly Wall Mounts the God level Origin crystal words, can enter in Heaven Wasteland Domain at all times. 这说明了如果其他界域的势力,在【界域天壁】中镶嵌神级源晶的话,就可以随时进入天荒界之中。 In other words, the friend possibly momentarily arrives. 也就是说,朋友可能随时到来。 The invasion also likely momentarily arrives. 入侵也很可能随时到来。 Heaven Wasteland Domain starting today, arrives at has faced directly many other formidable mature domain the time, if the luck is not good, only feared that in less than long time, will become the bloody battlefield. 天荒界从今日开始,就到了直面其他诸多强大成熟界域的时候了,要是运气不好,只怕是用不了多长的时间,就会成为血腥战场。 This may in the wars between various clans Heaven Wasteland Domain be more fearful. 这可要比天荒界之内诸族之间的战争可怕多了。 Once defeats, entire Heaven Wasteland Domain very much may degenerate into slave domain. 一旦战败,整个天荒界都很有可能沦为奴隶界域 All lives in domain, become the different domain slaves. 界域之内的一切生灵,都会成为异界域的奴隶。 All these, do not have groundless fears absolutely. 这一切,绝对不是杞人忧天。 In Ye Qingyu heart, raised a thick sense of crisis. 叶青羽心中,也升起了一股浓浓的危机感。 At this moment, suddenly during surrounding was void the space internal energy aura suddenly becomes rich, originally was similar to doorframe same huge Domain Portal starts flood to move the glory, the light mirror surfaces, were similar to the watermark water surface are the same, appeared in Domain Portal. 就在这时,突然周围虚空之中的空间元力气息骤然变得浓郁了起来,原本如同门框一样的巨大界域之门开始泛动光辉,有一层薄薄的镜面,如同水纹水面一样,在界域之门中出现。 A treacherous different domain aura, gushes out from Domain Portal. 一股诡谲的异界域气息,从界域之门中涌出。 Connected! 连通了! Domain Portal such quickly opened unexpectedly. 界域之门竟然这么快就开启了。 All people at heart, jumps instantaneously. 所有人的心里,瞬间一跳。 Attention!” “注意!” Lin Zheng shouts out. 蔺争大喝了一声。 Qu Hanshan has sent a signal toward outside directly, the imperial guard offensive preparation. 曲寒山直接朝着外面发了一个讯号,禁军攻势准备。 Indistinct, that watermark mirror surface general Flashed. 隐约之中,那水纹镜面一般的一闪 The black lightning common thing, flew to flee from inside together. 一道黑色闪电一般的东西,从里面飞窜了出来。 The Yu Jun Han backhand grasps. 鱼君寒反手一抓。 The invisible strength gushes out, imprisons that black thing. 无形之力涌出,将那黑色东西禁锢住。 Actually is one resembles Dragon Non- dragon, resembles the flood dragon non- flood dragon the python shape monster, like the throwing knife, the swarth like black ink, looked like fierce rogue to the extreme. 却是一条似龙非龙,似蛟非蛟的蟒蛇状怪物,头如飞刀,赤黑如墨,看起来狰狞凶恶到了极点。 This monster half body in Domain Portal, has not come out thoroughly, looks like has dozens meters appearance unexpectedly, exudes the fearful keenly blowing sound, opens mouth, an advantage tooth bites toward Yu Jun Han wrist. 这怪物半截身子还在界域之门里,没有彻底出来,看起来竟是有数十米长的样子,发出可怕的尖啸声,张嘴,一口利齿朝着鱼君寒手腕咬去。 The Yu Jun Han strength is how terrifying, cannot imprison it unexpectedly immediately thoroughly. 鱼君寒的力量何其恐怖,竟是没有能够在第一时间将它彻底禁锢。 However second instantaneous, this monster was shaken by Yu Jun Han for the powder powder. 不过第二瞬间,这怪物还是被鱼君寒震为了齑粉。 Then, the Domain Portal watermark Space-Time mirror surface twinkle pleasure gets up crazily. 然后,界域之门的水纹时空镜面疯狂地闪烁乐趣起来。 And has the keenly blowing unceasingly monster clashes. 其中不断有尖啸着的怪物冲出来。 The Ye Qingyu look changes. 叶青羽神色一变。 This clashes unexpectedly is the ominous beast? 这冲出来的竟然是凶兽? That type had besieged Deer City, has killed own parents, is similar to everywhere tide has presented generally the ominous beast beside Deer City? 那种曾经围攻过鹿鸣郡城,杀死过自己的父母,在鹿鸣郡城之外如同漫天潮水一般出现过的凶兽? What's wrong...... Was Domain Portal clashes to unexpectedly? 怎么……竟然是界域之门冲冲出来了?
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