IGE :: Volume #5

#472: Territory gate opening

When opens that split second of eye, Ye Qingyu realized immediately that he came out from Cloud top cauldron that limitless boundless space finally. 当睁开眼睛的那一瞬间,叶青羽立刻就意识到,自己总算是从云顶铜炉那无边无际的磅礴空间之中出来了。 All that at this time the eye sees, is the true world. 此时眼睛看到的一切,才是真正的世界。 But under split second, he felt that his body is at an unprecedented strange condition, no matter the four limbs or the torso, are the neck fingers, even including the eyelid, has a almost beyond control weakness feeling...... 但下一瞬间,他就感觉到自己的身体处于一种前所未有的奇怪状态,不管是四肢还是躯干,还是头颈手指,甚至是连眼皮,都有一种自己几乎无法控制的乏力感…… As if this body, is not oneself to be the same. 仿佛这具身体,不是属于自己自己一样。 He lies in cold jade bed one hour, was some adapted to the body, slowly did. 他足足躺在寒玉石床之中半个时辰,才算是些许适应了身体,慢慢地做起来。 Then in Jin Ling'er of temple entrance, first has discovered consciousness of Ye Qingyu. 然后一直都在神殿门口的金灵儿,第一个就发现了叶青羽的苏醒。 Then the people in entire Bright City have burst with joy. 接着整个光明城中的人都沸腾了起来。 Yu Jun Han catches up in a hurry. 鱼君寒匆匆赶来。 Lin Zheng, Yu Feiyan, Yu Xiao Xing and the others, comes in a hurry. 蔺争鱼非言鱼小杏等人,也是匆匆而来。 During the people are encouraged cheer delightedly, Ye Qingyu has been familiar with own body gradually. 在众人振奋欢喜欢呼之中,叶青羽渐渐地熟悉了自己的身体。 He also discovers some new changes in his body. 他也发现在自己身体中的一些新的变化。 More than two days the time flash, Ye Qingyu knew finally after oneself were struck by lightning, had all. 两天多时间一晃而过,叶青羽终于是知道了自己被雷劈之后发生了的一切。 Stands under the hot tree, warms-up slightly, what to do Ye Qingyu is thinking following should. 站在火树之下,微微活动着身体,叶青羽在心想着接下来自己到底该怎么办。 Especially when Yu Jun Han does not open the mouth, he does not know completely how to open the topic, the matter of life experience, ascertains thoroughly. 尤其是当鱼君寒不开口的时候,他完全不知道开如何开启话题,将自己身世的事情,彻底问清楚。 This is really a very strange feeling, wants to know the truth, too does not want to know, compared with unrequited loving girl vindicating also made Ye Qingyu intertwine. 这真的是一种很奇怪的感觉,想要知道真相,又不太想知道,比向暗恋着的女孩子表白还令叶青羽纠结。 Thinks it over, Ye Qingyu thought that this matter, it seems like first put. 思来想去,叶青羽觉得,这件事情,看来还是得先放一放了。 He timid feelings. 他心里有一种怯怯的感觉。 In addition, Song Xiaojun and Yu Xiao Xing...... 除此之外,还有宋小君鱼小杏…… Ye Qingyu is not a fool, before Wen Wan one day, said winkingly matter between the same day Song Xiaojun and Yu Xiao Xing, he understood anything. 叶青羽不是傻子,自从温晚一日前挤眉弄眼地说了当日宋小君鱼小杏之间的事情,他就明白了一些什么。 As a man...... 作为一个男人…… Um, Demon King Ye thought own present should be considered as is a man, simultaneously was adored by two outstanding remarkable girls, naturally the vanity of heart of hearts, will obtain small satisfaction. 嗯,叶魔王觉得自己现在应该算得上是一个男人了,同时被两个出色卓越的女孩子倾心,当然内心深处的虚荣,会得到小小的满足。 However speaks the truth, Ye Qingyu cared that was Song Xiaojun memory recovery. 但是说实话,叶青羽更关心的,还是到底宋小君的记忆恢复了没有。 But regarding Yu Xiao Xing...... 而对于鱼小杏…… Girl who is it possible that I and in the name have a small character, is very easy to have the feelings?” “莫非我和名字里含着一个小字的女孩子,都很容易产生情愫吗?” Ye Qingyu at heart unstated criticism oneself. 叶青羽在心里腹诽着自己。 Um, although consciousness latter several times facing Yu Xiao Xing time, indifference that very Ye Qingyu displays, but he always thought that the atmosphere has place to be strange. 嗯,虽然苏醒后几次面对鱼小杏的时候,叶青羽都表现的很淡然,但他总觉得气氛还是有地儿怪异。 Is good because of being Yu Xiao Xing of crown prince, recently was also very busy, has less than half Incense time on a talent probably, coming to the Bright God palace to have a look at Ye Qingyu. 好在身为太子的鱼小杏,这些日子也很忙,大概也就一天才有不到半柱香的时间,来光明神殿看看叶青羽 Naturally, if also wants the means that recovery own strength. 当然,还要想办法,恢复自己的实力 Reason that Divine Sense Divine Soul was inferior past 1% , because part of souls of read, seemed also imprisoned in Cloud top cauldron In, because of consciousness to present, I can also enter Cloud top cauldron Interior!” 神识神魂之所以不如昔日的1,是因为一部分的魂念,似乎还被囚禁在【云顶铜炉】之中,因为从苏醒到现在,我还可以进入【云顶铜炉】的内部!” Ye Qingyu is very clear the Divine Soul weak reason. 叶青羽很清楚自己神魂虚弱的原因。 After he Divine Punishment is struck by lightning, for some reasons, Divine Soul quilt Cloud top cauldron Protects, therefore afterward Small Silver Dragon can leave behind an own wisp of vitality, afterward should be the Yu Jun Han Yuan Essence courage vigor, helped oneself recovery the body, and in the Radiant Palace Hall mystique, awakened own Divine Soul consciousness...... 他遭受神罚雷劈之后,因为某些原因,神魂被【云顶铜炉】所保护,所以后来小银龙才能留下自己的一缕生机,再后来应该是鱼君寒精元血气,帮助自己恢复了身体,且以光明殿的秘法,将自己的神魂意识唤醒…… But only Ye Qingyu knows that own branch Divine Soul, is also stranded in now Cloud top cauldron In, is unable to get out of trouble temporarily. 但只有叶青羽知道,自己的一分部神魂,如今还困在了【云顶铜炉】之中,暂时并无法脱困而出。 In the past two days of time, Ye Qingyu has tried many times, is unable to draw out some Divine Soul completely Cloud top cauldron. 在过去的两天时间里,叶青羽已经尝试了很多次,都无法将这部分神魂完全引出【云顶铜炉】。 Divine Soul not entire, naturally causes inner yuan such as the underground volcano to be the same, cannot erupt, can only save the strength unceasingly, constantly grows. 神魂不全,自然导致内元如地下火山一样,不能爆发,只能不断地积蓄力量,不断地成长。 Ye Qingyu cannot transfer complete yuan qi Cultivation Base now, the reason lies in this. 叶青羽如今不能调用全部的元气修为,原因就在于此。 Now he in the yuan qi Cultivation Base aspect, strength might as well peak five Spirit Spring Martial Artist. 如今他在元气修为方面,实力还不如一个巅峰五眼灵泉武者 However, what is opposite with it is...... 但是,与之相反的是…… I now ** strength, actually does not fall instead increases, although has not adapted thoroughly, but can actually affirm that endured expert that Ascending Heaven Boundary was preliminarier than!” “我如今的**之力,却不降反增,虽然还未彻底适应,但却可以肯定,堪比登天境初阶的强者了!” The Ye Qingyu handshake palm, only thinks in the muscle skeletons, has continuously the inexhaustible strength. 叶青羽握了握手掌,只觉得肌肉骨骼之间,有着源源不绝无穷无尽的力量。 This perhaps because of Yu Jun Han by own essence and blood, is Ye Qingyu therapy, finally the strength of its essence and blood, a faint trace buckle integrated Ye Qingyu the reason in body completely. 这也许是因为鱼君寒以自身的精血,为叶青羽疗伤,结果其精血的力量,一丝丝一扣扣全部都融入到了叶青羽的身体之中的原因。 Yu Jun Han Cultivation Base high, Ye Qingyu was unable to guess. 鱼君寒修为到底有多高,叶青羽已经无法猜测。 What we definitely know is that her drop of essence and blood, is containing the energy, endures Ascending Heaven Boundary is preliminarier than expert full power attack, but the body of Ye Qingyu, does not know that withstood her many drop of essence and blood, the energy of obtaining, is boundless Ocean is simply ordinary. 但可以肯定的是,她的一滴精血,其中蕴含着的能量,堪比登天境初阶强者全力一击,而叶青羽的身体,不知道承受了她多少滴精血,得到的能量,简直是磅礴汪洋一般。 If Yu Jun Han is really own mother, Mu Xuezao the body, was equal to that the Ye Qingyu body, experienced a regeneration to rebuild. 如果鱼君寒真的是自己的母亲的话,那母血造体,等于是叶青羽的身躯,经历了一次再生重造。 In the martial arts domain, this chance is really extremely rare. 在武道领域之中,这种机缘实在是太过罕见。 Is equal to by the strength of Houtian, goes against heaven's will changes to assign, remoulds Xiantian. 等于是以后天之力,逆天改命,重塑先天 If in beforehand Ye Qingyu mortal body, but also there is any flaw, in that this time rebirth process, is coordinating Yu Jun Han the strength and the Bright God palace unsurpassed essence and blood not measures the prestige energy, the Ye Qingyu mortal body, is almost turns, for a having no time complete body. 如果说以前叶青羽的肉身之中,还有什么缺陷的话,那这一次的重生过程之中,配合着鱼君寒的无上精血之力和光明神殿的莫测威能,叶青羽的肉身,几乎是变成为了一个无暇完全体。 This is an unequalled physique. 这是一种无与伦比的体质。 Naturally, these are also only the guesses of Ye Qingyu, but also needs to confirm unceasingly. 当然,这些也只是叶青羽的猜测,还需要不断地验证。 Hints Jin Ling'er toward a side station, the Ye Qingyu body moves slightly slowly, preheating, then the imposing manner changes, every gesture and motions pull open, has displayed slowly. 示意金灵儿略微往旁边一站,叶青羽身躯缓缓地活动,预热了一下,然后气势一变,一招一式拉开,缓缓地施展了起来。 What he displays was initially in White Deer Academy, Wen Wan in the first class, teaches to give the technique of own building up body Eight Divine Form It Serpentine Form. 他施展的是当初在白鹿学院的时候,温晚在第一堂课上,传授给自己的炼体之术【八部神诀】之【蛇形诀】。 By the Ye Qingyu present martial arts attainments, displays such foundation to build up body cultivation technique once again, every gesture and motions unusual conditions, just like exile under the immortal moon/month to dance general. 叶青羽如今的武道造诣,再度施展这样的基础炼体功法,一招一式浑然天成,犹如谪仙月下起舞一般。 Golden snake has the land!” “金蛇起陆!” Ye Qingyu shouts out. 叶青羽大喝 His body coordinated to the extreme, even whole body each muscle, is similar to the golden snake walks randomly is the same, hovers slowly the circulation, from top to bottom, flooded one type saying that did not make a debut an unclear aesthetic sense rhyme. 他的身体协调到了极点,甚至全身每一块肌肉,都如同金蛇游走一样,缓缓地游动流转,浑身上下,都充斥着一种说不出道不明的美感道韵。 ! 啪啪啪! The slight sound, spreads from various skeletons of Ye Qingyu whole body unceasingly. 轻微的响声,不断地从叶青羽全身的各处骨骼之中传出。 It looks like rusted machine, in initial of revolution, will have again such sound/noise to send out. 就像是一台生锈了的机器,在重新运转的初始,都会有这样的声音发出。 Tea time. 一盏茶时间。 Ye Qingyu Serpentine Form Displayed. 叶青羽将【蛇形诀】施展完了一遍。 Warm warm feeling, in within the body all the limbs and bones tumbling You Cuan, can feel clearly that oneself regarding the control strength of body, came back gradually. 一股暖洋洋的暖意,在体内四肢百骸翻滚游蹿,能够清晰地感觉到,自己对于身体的掌控力,又渐渐地回来了。 The style changes. 招式一变。 Ye Qingyu starts Cultivation Tiger Bone Form. 叶青羽又开始修炼虎骨诀】。 The sound of intermittent tiger's roar, thunders to erupt unceasingly from the body of Ye Qingyu. 阵阵虎啸之声,不断地从叶青羽的身体之中轰鸣爆发出来。 When Cultivation to luxury, the skeletons of Ye Qingyu within the body, have haunched the muscle, seems another brave fighter, is the same in his within the body extension tuck dive, is tempering his physique muscle. 修炼到酣时,叶青羽体内的一块块骨骼,都撑起了肌肉,仿佛是又一头猛虎,在他体内伸展翻腾一样,在锤炼着他的筋骨肌肉。 In following double-hour time, Ye Qingyu Eight Divine Form Body technique, completely Cultivation. 接下来的一个时辰时间里,叶青羽将【八部神诀】的体术,全部都修炼了一遍。 When the later type receives to incur, the Ye Qingyu long body stands, the aura is steady. 等到之后一式收招,叶青羽长身而立,气息平稳。 He grasped this body thoroughly. 他已经彻底掌握了这具身体。 This time he, stands erect like deep pool, the personal appearance is motionless, lofty such as antique Divine Mountain is common, to misconception that the person one type cannot look up, even if seems the calamity, cannot shake Ye Qingyu slightly. 此时的他,屹立如渊,身形不动,巍巍如太古神山一般,给人一种不可仰视的错觉,仿佛即便是天塌地陷,都不能撼动叶青羽丝毫。 Teacher, you...... strength recovery?” “师尊,您……实力恢复了?” Jin Ling'er at the same time pleasantly surprised ten thousand surface-to-surface loudly shouted. 一边的金灵儿惊喜万地地大呼。 In his opinion, Ye Qingyu has displayed Eight Divine Form Later, past that heavy swift and fierce imposing manner, reappeared on the body, even have the oppression strength compared with before, the kid stood on one side, thought that has not gasped quickly a little for breath. 在他看来,叶青羽施展了一遍【八部神诀】之后,昔日那种厚重凌厉的气势,重新出现在了身上,甚至要比以前更具压迫力,小家伙站在一边,都觉得快有点儿喘不过气来了。 The Ye Qingyu corners of the mouth show a smile, shakes the head, said: Slightly has the harvest, yuan qi also not thorough recovery......” 叶青羽嘴角露出一丝微笑,摇摇头,道:“只是小有收获而已,元气还未彻底恢复……” Oh......” Jin Ling'er hear that, a little disappointedly worried, but pretends an excited appearance extremely at once immediately, said: Teacher you are so fierce, certainly quickly recovery, do not worry.” “噢……”金灵儿闻言,有点儿失望担忧,但旋即立刻装作一副兴奋万分的样子,道:“师尊您这么厉害,一定很快就会恢复的,您别着急啊。” Ye Qingyu laughs. 叶青羽哈哈大笑。 Your this kid, but also knows that comforted me? Relax, your teacher I makes a debut from Deer City, arrives at the present, has experienced the life and death, how because of this temporary exhausted, but is irritable dispirited?” “你这个小家伙,还知道来安慰我了?放心吧,你师尊我从鹿鸣郡城中出道,走到现在,也算是经历过生生死死的,岂会因为这一时的困顿,而急躁颓废?” Jin Ling'er spits the tongue grinningly. 金灵儿笑嘻嘻地吐了吐舌头。 You exercise martial arts, do not accompany me again.” Ye Qingyu beckoned with the hand, said: So-called tune does not leave the mouth, the fist does not leave the hand, martial arts Cultivation like the boat sailing against the current, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, you these were accompanying me on , has wasted a lot of time.” “你去练功吧,不要再陪着我了。”叶青羽摆了摆手,道:“所谓曲不离口,拳不离手,武道修炼如逆水行舟,不进则退,你这几日陪着我,浪费了不少时间。” Jin Ling'er saw Ye Qingyu strength recovery to be many, the condition was few , has felt relieved, obediently complied with one, then left. 金灵儿叶青羽实力恢复了不少,状况很少,也算是放心了,乖乖地答应了一声,然后离开了。 Ye Qingyu smiled. 叶青羽笑了笑。 This young apprentice, although said that is the temper is amusing, but actually also knows the changes in temperature, after is the child family background of poor family, has pure feelings, do not cultivate his in vain desirably. 这个小徒弟,虽然说是性子好玩,但却也知冷暖,毕竟是穷人家的孩子出身,有着一颗赤子之心,也不枉自己刻意栽培他一番。 Slowly at the same time felt the change in within the body, Ye Qingyu was returning to the Bright God palace. 一边慢慢地感受着自己体内的变化,叶青羽回到了光明神殿之中。 Aunt Han keeps the essence and blood ability of oneself within the body, has consumed half when my mortal body recovery, a moment ago slightly refining a point, but also had the majority to store up in the muscle skeletons, if can their refining, the strength of my mortal body, only fear completely will be earthshaking!” 寒姑姑留在自己体内的精血能力,在我肉身恢复时消耗了一半,刚才略微炼化了一点,但还有大部分都储存在了肌肉骨骼之间,如果能够将他们全部都炼化,那我的肉身之力,只怕是会惊天动地!” Sits cross-legged to sit on the cold jade chair, Ye Qingyu regarding own condition, had the clearest understanding. 盘膝坐在寒玉石椅上,叶青羽对于自己的状况,已经有了最清晰的了解。 Eight Divine Form After is only the building up body technique of basic level, therefore after having displayed, Ye Qingyu knows that regarding own present refining within the body is hiding energy, not too big help. 八部神诀】毕竟只是入门级的炼体术,所以施展了一遍之后,叶青羽就知道,对于自己如今炼化体内潜藏着的能量,并没有太大的帮助。 His thoughts revolution, starts to revolve True Will of the Sky dragon. 他心思一转,开始运转【天龙真意】。 True Will of the Sky dragon Is martial arts true meaning one, is uninterested with the Divine Soul strong and weak, but is Martial Artist individual spirit willpower is related, therefore the Ye Qingyu present condition, can display smoothly. 天龙真意】属于武道真意的一种,和神魂强弱并无关系,而是和武者个人的精神意志相关,所以叶青羽如今的状态,可以顺利地施展。 But this martial arts true meaning, actually builds up the excellent mystique of body. 而这一种武道真意,却是炼体的绝佳秘法。 Ye Qingyu decides by True Will of the Sky dragon The mystique builds up the body, refining within the body is hiding the strength, since the inner yuan issue is unable to be solved for a while, first ** the intensity advances an acme, is a good matter. 叶青羽决定以【天龙真意】秘法炼体,炼化体内潜藏着的力量,既然内元的问题一时无法解决,先将**强度推到一个极致,也是一件不错的事情。 In the following several days of time, Ye Qingyu has been grasping the hiding energy of time refining within the body. 接下来的十几天时间里,叶青羽一直都在抓紧时间炼化体内的潜藏能量。 Naturally, every day will also pull out time and people meets. 当然,每天也会抽时间与众人见面。 Also will instruct Bai Yuanxing and the others to practice martial arts. 还会指导白远行等人练武。 To half a month later, fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, had the mutation, the chaos storm vortex in sky vanishes thoroughly, ancient stone gate stone wall, transformed gradually from void, presently in society. 一直到半个月之后,地火幽泉剑坑之中,发生异变,天空中的混沌风暴漩涡彻底消失,一座古老的石门石壁,从虚空之中渐渐地幻化出来,现于世间。 Central Domain Portal, opened finally thoroughly. 中央界域之门,终于彻底打开了。 -------------- -------------- First 第一更
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