IGE :: Volume #5

#471: Copper stove mural

The truth lets the Ye Qingyu incomparable shock. 真相让叶青羽无比震惊。 He has not thought that originally the back of war of Bright City, unexpectedly also so many inside stories. 他没有想到,原来光明城之战的背后,竟然还有这么多的内幕。 Has not thought that Right Minister these many years, have been acting in a play, this by oneself is thought is the old person of empire biggest cause of disaster, is actually the empire most bears patiently the great hero. 没有想到右相这么多年,一直都在演戏,这个被自己认为是帝国最大祸根的老人,竟然是帝国最隐忍伟大的英雄。 But ambitious Jinding crown prince who has displayed Yu Feiyan, similarly is so. 而一直表现的野心勃勃的金顶亲王鱼非言,同样是如此。 Has not thought that originally Song Xiaojun stands this side the empire unexpectedly, in the battlefield of summit of Heaven, coordinate palace Divine General, Wen Wan, Ximen Yeshuo and the others, killed thoroughly certainly has bullied the moral battle demon and poisonous ancestor. 没有想到,原来宋小君竟然是站在帝国这一边,在九重天之巅的战场之中,配合宫神将温晚西门夜说等人,彻底绝杀了欺心战魔和毒祖。 Summit of battlefield length and breadth Heaven is boundless, generally speaking, different expert enter the battlefield, perhaps will be separated by surely , if no Coordinate, was very difficult to find the opposite party, expert that met mutually, each other will be leaving behind the mark, can enter the same region instantaneously. 九重天之巅战场广袤无边,一般来说,不同的强者进入战场,也许会相隔千万里,彼此之间若是没有坐标的话,根本很难找到对方,相互约战的强者,都会在彼此留下印记,可以瞬间进入相同的区域。 But between Song Xiaojun and Gao Diping, Wen Wan and the others, should make beforehand, has left behind the mark, can therefore aid in secret, has fought an attractive war of annihilation. 宋小君高地平温晚等人之间,应该是事先有约,留下了印记,所以才能暗中接应,打了一场漂亮的歼灭战。 Fought as for that Heaven is in any frigid degree, Ye Qingyu has not needed to think, can guess correctly an outline. 至于那九重天一战到底到了什么惨烈的程度,叶青羽不用想,也能猜出个梗概。 After is murdering between Ascending Heaven Boundary expert. 毕竟是登天境强者之间的杀伐。 What Ye Qingyu is curious, what method Right Minister has used, makes Song Xiaojun be willing to assist Snow Country unexpectedly. 叶青羽好奇的是,右相到底是用了什么样的手段,竟然让宋小君愿意协助雪国 Similarly what made Ye Qingyu shocking was, after oneself the Divine Punishment [gold/metal] was struck by lightning together, on almost vanishes in puff of smoke to be frightened out of one's wits, but dull dog Little Nine this sprouted stupid, did the mouth swallow three Divine Punishment [gold/metal] unexpectedly? 同样令叶青羽震惊的是,自己被一道神罚金雷劈中之后,就差点儿灰飞烟灭魂飞魄散,而呆狗小九这萌蠢,竟然口吞了三道神罚金雷? And three Divine Punishment [gold/metal], three. 且三道神罚金雷,三道啊。 Such god thunder, divided rottenly the mouth this goods unexpectedly, including wool not burned black, like was the hibernation the lethargic sleep one month, now basically recovery already recovery. 这样的神雷,居然也只是把这货劈烂了嘴而已,连身上的毛都没有焦黑,像是冬眠一样昏睡了一个多月,现在基本上恢复都已经恢复了。 Are one inferior to a dog unexpectedly? 自己竟然不如一条狗? Ye Qingyu does not know at heart is any taste. 叶青羽心里也不知道是个什么滋味。 However on the other hand, what background this white small stupid dog is, has not made clear Ye Qingyu to the present, can withstand the bombardment of movement heavenly thunder, if in the future can grow, what extraordinary battle companion can be? 不过话又说回来,这白色小蠢狗到底在是什么来头,叶青羽到现在也没有搞清楚,能够经得起身法天雷的轰击,日后要是能够发育起来,一定会是什么了不得战宠吧? Ye Qingyu at heart, but also a little slightly anticipates. 叶青羽的心里,还真的有点儿小期待呢。 Moreover he also indistinctly discovered that after experiencing this mouth swallowed Divine Punishment [gold/metal], in the body of dull dog Little Nine, should have some change, the originally white down, if carefully observes, will discover that above is changing light golden color. 而且他也隐约发现,在经历了这次口吞神罚金雷之后,呆狗小九的身体里,应该是发生了某种变化,原本白色的绒毛,如果仔细观察的话,就会发现,上面翻动着一层淡淡的金色。 This luster, with Divine Punishment heavenly thunder color, exactly the same. 这种色泽,与神罚天雷的颜色,一模一样。 Considered that dull dog Little Nine now still in the lethargic sleep, disturbing it perhaps to create some negative effects, Ye Qingyu forcefully has pinched out the impulsion that it draws to ascertain. 考虑到呆狗小九现在还在昏睡,打扰它也许会造成一些负面效果,叶青羽才强行掐灭了将它拉起来问个清楚的冲动。 Indifferent, in all matters, most made Ye Qingyu shock one of the shock is, Yu Jun Han...... this was Aunt Han, unexpectedly own mother? 淡然,所有的事情之中,最最最令叶青羽震撼震惊的一件是,鱼君寒……这位寒姑姑,竟然是自己的母亲? This...... Calculates? 这……到底是怎么算的? Ye Qingyu is unable to believe all these. 叶青羽无法相信这一切。 About the childhood memory, the father and mother's appearance, he can recall to mind now clearly, in the memory, what person her mother is, he is clear, can Yu Jun Han be own mother? 关于小时候的记忆,父亲和母亲的样子,他现在都能清晰地记起,记忆之中,自己的母亲是一个什么人,他再清楚不过了,鱼君寒怎么会是自己的母亲呢? To today, Ye Qingyu not well and Yu Jun Han chats. 一直到今天,叶青羽都没有好好和鱼君寒聊一下。 But Yu Jun Han as if also intended to avoid this topic. 鱼君寒似乎也有意地回避了这个话题。 She in inquired after the well being to Ye Qingyu every day looks after incomparably, has not made Ye Qingyu open the mouth to call her mother, has not revealed slightly the meaning in this aspect. 她每日里对叶青羽嘘寒问暖关照无比,却也没有让叶青羽真的开口去叫她娘亲,更没有表露出丝毫这方面的意思。 This matter makes Ye Qingyu select is worried. 这事儿让叶青羽又点儿苦恼。 But more worried is actually his body condition. 但更苦恼的却是他自己的身体状态。 Because he knows, oneself why such weak reason. 因为他知道,自己为什么会这么虚弱的原因。 „The teacher today's facial expression, looked like.” Jin Ling'er grinning tunnel. “师尊今天的气色,看起来好了许多。”金灵儿笑嘻嘻地道。 Recently, this boy also by the Ye Qingyu condition scaring, day of Heaven and Earth food has not thought, defends in the entrance of Bright God palace, after Ye Qingyu regained consciousness, he was must defend in the Ye Qingyu side, caught up cannot expel. 这些日子,这小子也被叶青羽的状况给吓坏了,一天天地茶饭不思,守在光明神殿的大门口,在叶青羽苏醒之后,他更是死活都要守在叶青羽的身边,赶也赶不走。 Therefore over the two days, was serves Ye Qingyu by Jin Ling'er. 所以这两天,也就是由金灵儿伺候叶青羽了。 Several young maidservants who Lin Zheng sends for sending, was sent back. 蔺争派人送来的几个小侍女,又都被遣送了回去。 Ye Qingyu has inhaled cold air, ridicules saying: Your this boy, follows daily side me, was loaf does not want to exercise martial arts.” 叶青羽吸了一口寒冷的空气,笑骂道:“你这小子,天天跟在我身边,偷懒不想练功了吧。” Jin Ling'er is grinning, but said anything, does not walk. 金灵儿笑嘻嘻,但说什么,就是不走。 Ye Qingyu also by him. 叶青羽也就由得他了。 Periphery looks up fiery red such as the flame hot leaf, only then the cold winter sunlight of light warm feeling sprinkles on his body, the Ye Qingyu train of thought that cannot help but returned to meet that instance after a Divine Punishment golden color heavenly thunder by the mortal body on the same day hardly. 抬头看着周围火红如炎的火树叶,只有淡淡暖意的寒冬阳光洒落在他的身上,叶青羽的思绪,不由得回到了当日以肉身硬接了一道神罚金色天雷之后的那个瞬间。 At that time, was struck by lightning the instance by the [gold/metal], that split second, Ye Qingyu thought suddenly that the entire world, as if suddenly framed. 当时,在被金雷劈中的瞬间,那一瞬间,叶青羽骤然觉得,整个世界,似乎突然定格了。 He in that fast instant, lost the sense of hearing, the sense of touch, the vision, the sense of taste...... 他在那电光石火的刹那,丧失了听觉,触觉,视觉,味觉…… Five feelings vanish instantaneously. 五感瞬间消失。 That feeling, was the death suddenly arrives at the clearest experience of oneself body absolutely. 那种感觉,绝对就是死亡突然降临己身的最清晰的体验。 Ye Qingyu felt one looked like crashes into the endless dark abyss to be the same, has been tenesmusing, will never fall to the ground. 叶青羽感觉自己就像是坠入了无尽的黑暗深渊之中一样,一直在下坠下坠下坠,永远都不会落地。 At that time, Ye Qingyu thought one died. 那个时候,叶青羽觉得自己死定了。 However quick, in the mind, has suddenly resounded a ding. 但是很快,脑海之中,突然响起了一道钟声。 When! 当! Resonant and grand. 嘹亮而又宏伟。 This ding seems in the soul that directly in Ye Qingyu has not scattered resounds, is containing one mysterious broad strength. 这钟声似乎是直接在叶青羽还未飘散的灵魂中响起,蕴含着一种神秘恢弘的力量。 Under the shake, strength fluctuation passing over gently and swiftly body, before letting Ye Qingyu had found gradually, that type the feeling of living the time. 震荡之下,力量波动掠过身体,让叶青羽渐渐地找到了以前那种活着时候的感觉。 When! 当! When ding-dong! 当当当! This mysterious ding, does not abhor Xu, has made a sound one after another. 这神秘的钟声,不疾不徐,一声接着一声响了起来。 The clock sound/noise wave is the same just like the Saint light, the baptism is clearing away Ye Qingyu unceasingly, lets his originally already the five senses five feelings of completely cutting off, again recovery. 声音波宛如圣光一样,不断地洗礼涤荡着叶青羽,让他原本已经彻底断绝的五官五感,重新又恢复了过来。 He sees finally, originally the so-called ding, unexpectedly is since Cloud top cauldron In transmits. 他终于看到,原来所谓的钟声,竟然是从【云顶铜炉】之中传来。 Where Ye Qingyu had not made clear itself at that time, he can see, discovered that everywhere chaos storm, likely is when the world first took shape Between Heaven and Earth. 叶青羽当时也没有搞清楚自己到底在哪里,他能看到的时候,发现漫天的混沌风暴,像是混沌初开的天地之间 Clear and light, muddy and clumsy, pesters in all around does not divide. 清而轻者,浊而拙者,在四周纠缠不分。 But in this chaos, he saw Cloud top cauldron revolves in the upper air, the copper light flashes on and off, the profound yellow mist, are similar to the ribbon ribbon weeping willow are the same, hangs from Cloud top cauldron, own body, protects in...... 而在这一片混沌之中,他看到了云顶铜炉在高空旋转,铜光明灭,有一条条玄黄色的雾气,如同绦绦垂柳一样,从云顶铜炉之中垂下来,将自己的身体,保护在其中…… The chaos are then distinct, that faint yellow mist silk ribbon, the Ye Qingyu body cling, has sent in Cloud top cauldron. 接着混沌分明,那淡黄色的雾气丝绦,将叶青羽的身体卷住,送入了云顶铜炉之中。 In copper furnace, bright writings. 铜炉里面,光明大作。 Ye Qingyu has spent long time, adapted to that dazzling golden light, can therefore see the surrounding picture indistinctly. 叶青羽花费了很长时间,才适应了那种刺目金光,于是隐约可以看到周围的景象。 Cloud top cauldron, the space is vast. 云顶铜炉内部,空间浩大。 Resembles unexpectedly is a broad Unparalleled golden palace is the same. 竟似是一座恢弘无双的黄金宫殿一样。 On the wall of this golden palace, there are various form vulture mark radicals, somewhat is covering chaos, slurred, some can see that only the scale grasps, resembling was the ancient times ancients prayed at the sacrificial offering that offered sacrifice to heaven by the game, some can look unusual was clear, what above drew was Fiendgod goes on an inspection tour, inspects Heaven and Earth...... 在这黄金宫殿的墙壁上,有格式各种的雕纹笔画,有些笼罩着混沌,模糊不清,有些可以看到只鳞片抓,似是远古先民在祭祀祈祷,以猎物祭天,有些可以看的非常清晰,上面画的是神魔出巡,视察天地…… These radicals, lifelike. 这一幅幅的笔画,栩栩如生。 Ye Qingyu looks that thinks blurs at present, has a dizzy spell, resembles unexpectedly is the Divine Soul intensity, is unable to withstand profound mystery in that picture, when looks forcefully, will become the tearful eyes will dance instantaneously, then a visual fuzziness. 叶青羽看着看着,就觉得眼前模糊,一阵头晕目眩,竟似是神魂强度,无法承受那画面之中的玄奥,强行看时,瞬间就会变得泪眼婆娑,然后视觉一片模糊。 Besides radical, various huge handwriting, rune mark. 除了笔画之外,还有各种巨大的字迹,还有符文符号。 Ye Qingyu just likes ants is the same, stands, in great incomparable, does not know that has the how broad temple, 叶青羽犹如一只蝼蚁一样,站在一座宏大无比、不知道到底有多么宽阔的神殿内部, The casual wall, is on does not see the top, gets down does not see the bottom, the casual radical on wall, is as for a handwriting, be huger than the Ye Qingyu body! 随便一面墙壁,都是上不见顶,下不见底,墙壁上的随便一副笔画,乃至于一个字迹,都要比叶青羽的身躯庞大许多! He has not thought that originally the Cloud top cauldron interior, unexpectedly is this kind of strange treacherous different space. 他从来没有想过,原来云顶铜炉的内部,竟然是这样一个奇异诡谲的异度空间。 Before he was held by Liu Yuanchang, forces in this Cloud top cauldron the boil sacrifice to build up, once had seen the copper furnace inner space. 以前他被刘元昌抓住,塞进这云顶铜炉之中熬煮祭炼,也曾见到过铜炉内部空间。 But at that time, Liu Yuanchang root originally was the pearl treasure did not know in the hand, therefore Cloud top cauldron was at the silent condition, its prestige can link extremely one has not displayed, Ye Qingyu in inside, saw some small pictures, as well as these Ancient symbol...... 但那个时候,刘元昌本就是明珠宝物在手而不自知,所以云顶铜炉处于沉默状态,其威能连万分之一都没有发挥,叶青羽在里面的时候,也只是看到了一些小画面,以及那些古字…… Present Cloud top cauldron, besides the sacrifice in Ye Qingyu dantian Spirit Spring builds up, but also as if received that day to punish the stimulation of god thunder golden color lightning, its inner space, has launched thoroughly, was containing thus and such and such broad picture unexpectedly. 如今的云顶铜炉,除了在叶青羽的丹田灵泉之中祭炼之外,还似乎是收到了那天罚神雷金色闪电的刺激,其内部空间,彻底展开了来,竟是蕴含着如此这般恢弘的景象。 This is true Cloud top cauldron Deep meaning? 这算是真正【云顶铜炉】的奥义吗? The Ye Qingyu mind, on the radical by this golden fire walls was attracted, places looked at the past, clear that somewhat looked, somewhat did not see clearly, every time has looked at a picture, thought that the heart was an excellent likeness underwent the wash of any invisible strength same...... 叶青羽的心神,都被这金色炉壁上的笔画吸引了,一幅幅地看过去,有些看的清晰,有些看不清楚,每看过一幅画,就觉得心神似是经过了什么无形力量的洗涤一样…… The time is long, forever does not have end. 时间漫长,永远都没有尽头。 Ye Qingyu after initial shock, realized recovery gradually, the fight that has remembered outside Bright City carried on, the heart has raised, immediately worries to want. 叶青羽在最初的震撼之后,渐渐地意识恢复了一下,想起了外面光明城之中正在进行的战斗,心又提了起来,立刻就着急想要出去。 But this copper furnace vast broad, is ordinary just like a universe, limitless, Ye Qingyu seeks, if the headless remnant shade is common, could not find the exit / to speak. 可这铜炉的浩大恢弘,宛如一个宇宙一般,无边无际,叶青羽四下寻找,如无头残影一般,都找不到出口。 Ye Qingyu does not know how long one sought for in inside, but cannot exit. 叶青羽不知道自己在里面寻找了多长时间,可是根本出不去。 He is not even able to determine that what condition oneself present is, lives, dies? 他甚至都无法确定,自己现在处于一种什么状态,是生,还是死? Because in the memory, oneself were clearly killed by the Divine Punishment day thunder stroke. 因为记忆之中,自己分明是被神罚天雷击杀了。 The time is long, to afterward, how long Ye Qingyu had not known. 时间漫长,到了后来,叶青羽也不知道过了多久。 Since cannot exit, his attention, returned on the Cloud top cauldron mural. 既然出不去,他的注意力,重新回到了云顶铜炉壁画上。 He such as the solitary person wild ghost is common, in this huge Cloud top cauldron space, fluttered did not know many dates, looked did not know many murals...... 他如孤魂野鬼一般,在这巨大的云顶铜炉空间里,飘荡了也不知道多少日,看了不知道多少副壁画…… Long probably was passes several lifetime to be the same. 漫长的好像是已经过了好几辈子一样。 Ye Qingyu determined that he should be stranded in inside. 叶青羽确定,自己应该是被困在里面了。 Long era. 漫长如数个纪元。 When he already gives up any reading thinks, suddenly the Cloud top cauldron ding, once again has made a sound, in this time ding, is containing the strength of faint trace hauling unexpectedly, has towed toward the place above him unceasingly...... 就在他已经放弃了任何念想的时候,突然云顶铜炉的钟声,再度响了起来,这一次的钟声之中,竟是蕴含着丝丝牵引之力,将他一直朝着上方不断地牵引…… Then, Ye Qingyu woke. 然后,叶青羽就醒了过来。 Exactly said that lies down cold jade bed Ye Qingyu on Bright God palace, woke. 确切的说,是躺在光明神殿中的寒玉石床上的叶青羽,就醒了过来。 ------------- ------------- Second 第二更
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