IGE :: Volume #5

#470: Consciousness

In long ago, because of the powerful in empire, some ordinary Sect basically could not raise any big storm, but Three Sects Three Schools in the forest of Human Race martial arts, has not the small energy. 在早些年,因为帝国的强势,一些普通宗门基本上掀不起什么大风浪,但三宗三派人族武道之林中,却还是有着不小的能量。 In the past in Youyan Pass, Crepe Myrtle sect, Violet Seven Stars Sect in as well as Dragon Tiger School these Sect Three Sects Three Schools, the disciple of hanger-on, dared such rampancy, with the big background, could not withdraw the relations like this. 当年在幽燕关之中,三宗三派之中的紫薇宗紫魅七星宗以及龙虎派这些宗门,门下的弟子,胆敢那样的嚣张,和这样的大背景,是脱不开关系的。 But this Bright City war, the Three Sects Three Schools strength even is entire empire area the strength in Sect, was planned, moreover kills one another, it may be said that the Century foundation, was eradicated. 但这次光明城一战,三宗三派的力量甚至是整个帝国疆域之内的宗门的力量,都被算计了进去,而且还是自相残杀,可谓百年根基,被连根拔起。 Finally except for minority is loyal to Left Minister and senior marshal Li Guangbi Sect expert, endured the enticement of so-called Bright God palace treasure house, has not entered fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, had evaded beside below Killing Array, other Sect, the loss was serious, on some Sect the supreme hanger-on's to the disciple of most last years, did not remain. 最终除了少数忠于左相和老元帅李光弼宗门强者,忍受住了所谓的光明神殿宝库的诱惑,没有进入地火幽泉剑坑,避过了下方的杀阵之外,其他宗门,损失惨重,一些宗门上至上门下至最末代的弟子,一个都不剩。 Because of rising of Snow Country experienced Sect of great misfortune before Century, passes through this to plan again, is thorough yuan qi damages severely. 百年之前因为雪国的崛起而经历了一次大劫的宗门,再经过这一茬算计,算是彻底元气大伤。 Hence, Sect did not have the strength that and Snow Country contended with again. 至此,宗门再也没有了和雪国抗衡的力量。 The month of past , the snow emperor could not close up as before, senior marshal Li Guangbi under inciting of Yu Jun Han, brought to lead Elite, annihilated the enemy major Sect clearly has cleaned up. 过去的这一个月时间里,雪帝依旧是闭关不出,老元帅李光弼鱼君寒的授意之下,带领军中的精锐,将各大宗门清楚都犁庭扫穴地清理了一遍。 Sect that refuses to accept to control regarding these, breaks through the entrance directly, completely eradicates. 对于那些不服管束的宗门,直接攻破山门,彻底铲除。 This aspect, Li Guangbi has not kept slight lenient. 这方面,李光弼没有留丝毫的手软。 Because of his very clear Yu Jun Han willpower. 因为他很清楚鱼君寒意志 Central Domain Portal opens greatly nears, does not know that is the luck is the calamity, before the Foreign Domain influence emerges truly, must first thoroughly eliminate in the Snow Country unstabilizing factor, in order to avoid when the time comes these are not willing to give up former days Sect of honor, colludes with the Foreign Domain influence, is bigger for the calamity. 中央界域之门大开在即,也不知道是福是祸,在域外势力真正涌入进来之前,先要将雪国境内的不稳定因素彻底清除,以免到时候这些不愿意放弃旧日荣光的宗门,与域外势力相勾结,为祸更大。 This process, regarding Sect, is frigid. 这个过程,对于宗门来说,也是惨烈的。 Violet Seven Stars Sect exterminated an entire family directly, after the Sect arsenal was broken, moved spatial, four remote antiquity elders were cut to kill directly, the leader is captured, the disciple in gate, Spirit Spring stage above Cultivation Base, scatters directly enrolls in the armed forces, below Spirit Spring stage, complete disbanding...... 紫魅七星宗直接被灭门,宗门武库被破之后搬了个空,四位太上长老直接被斩杀,掌门人被擒,门中的弟子,灵泉境以上修为者,直接打散编入军中,灵泉境以下者,全部遣散…… Heritage has counted Century Violet Seven Stars Sect, this completely cut off Heritage. 传承了数百年紫魅七星宗,就这样彻底断绝了传承 The Crepe Myrtle sect situation is slightly good. 紫薇宗情况稍微好一点。 Because surrenders promptly, Crepe Myrtle sect had not been disillusioned, but main master expert in sect, was called up for service, some past real power trusted subordinate elders, were replaced, Patriarch was detained temporarily. 因为及时投诚,紫薇宗没有被破灭,但宗中的主要高手强者,也被征召入伍,一些昔日的实权亲信长老,都被更换,宗主暂被扣押。 Of palace Divine General Gao Diping Radiant Palace Hall five big Divine General assume personal command personally, Crepe Myrtle sect Sect important matter, by emperor ** the side decides, including new leader candidate wait / etc.. 光明殿五大神将之一的宫神将高地平亲自坐镇,紫薇宗宗门的大事,都由帝**方说了算,包括新掌门的人选等等。 Except for these two big Sect, several other big Sect, has not escaped. 除了这两大宗门,其他几大宗门,也都没有逃过。 Dragon Huzong dragon sect Fenzhi has chosen the surrender, but the tiger sect , then has chosen becoming a fugitive, main expert and master of tiger sect branch, ran away overnight, only then the small number of people remained, accepted the emperor ** the control of side...... 龙虎宗的龙宗分支选择了投诚,而虎宗则选择了逃亡,虎宗分支的主要强者和高手,一夜之间都逃了,只有少数人留了下来,接受了帝**方的接管…… Person but who tiger sect branch runs away, has not evaded chasing down of military , after ten day, tiger sect Headmaster Zhao Jin was cut to kill in the snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race center, was announcing the tiger sect branch thorough destruction. 但虎宗分支逃走的人,也并没有真的躲过军方的追杀,十日之后,虎宗掌教赵瑾被斩杀于白山黑水蛮族腹地,宣告着虎宗分支彻底覆灭。 In Three Sects Three Schools, only had the Unparalleled blade city to obtain the emperor ** the respect of side, Li Guangbi went in person the magic knife palace in Unparalleled blade city, with just became City Lord Qin Zhishui gathered, subsequently the Unparalleled blade city directly announced to the outside that pledged allegiance to the empire, became in the empire a special military affairs department. 三宗三派之中,唯有无双刀城得到了帝**方的尊重,李光弼亲赴无双刀城的神刀殿,与刚刚成为城主秦止水一聚,随后无双刀城直接对外界宣布,归顺帝国,成为了帝国之中一个特殊的军务部。 Li Guangbi nonstop, is reorganizing in empire Jiang Hu Sect, in chaos near Century martial arts world pattern, thorough rewriting...... 李光弼马不停蹄,整顿着帝国境内的江湖宗门,将乱七八糟了近百年的武林格局,彻底改写…… But hides ancient Sect and influence after Three Sects Three Schools, was affected. 而一些隐藏在三宗三派之后的古老宗门和势力,也受到了波及。 Meanwhile, Right Minister is actually and Yu Feiyan, Left Minister and the others collaborated, has started a big clean in the imperial capital. 与此同时,右相却是和鱼非言左相等人联手,在帝都之中掀起了一场大清洗。 Is centered on Radiant Palace Hall, the surrounding area all Empire Subjects within hundred li (0.5km) were withdrawn outmigrate, the aristocrats or the common people, treat impartially, does not permit any dragging. 光明殿为中心,方圆百里之内的所有帝国子民都被撤出迁走,不论是贵族还是平民,都一视同仁,不允许有任何的拖延。 Has status not low aristocrat everybody, depended past and some Right Minister origins, was comfortable of Du Wangfu Little Du king, swollen with arrogance was not good, injures several to come to urge the empire official of relocation, but also threatened that did not move, whom looks at to be able he how is it...... 有个地位不低的贵族大家,仗着昔日和右相有些渊源,又是杜王府小杜王的舒服,气焰嚣张的不行,打伤了几个前来催促搬迁的帝国官员,还扬言就是不搬,看谁能把他怎么样…… After a result double-hour, his head, direct suspension on the announcement punishment column of moving area. 结果一个时辰之后,他的头颅,就直接悬挂在了搬迁区的宣告刑柱上面了。 Other every large or small aristocrats looked that immediately knows, this empire is real thing, in the Lianping date regarding own subordinates Right Minister of subordinates relative asylum, started is also impolite. 其他一些大大小小的贵族一看,立刻就知道,这一次帝国是动了真格的了,连平日里对于自己麾下的从属们相对庇护的右相,下手也是丝毫不客气。 After this incident, the aristocrats do not dare to have revolt slightly. 经此一事,贵族们再也不敢有丝毫的反抗了。 However this relocation, is not the barbaric force, the empire finance has established the register of names and amount, no matter the aristocrats or the common people, obtained the relatively good compensation, particularly in common people, the person after relocation, obtained the residence, has given compared with a former better compensation and treatment. 不过这一次的搬迁,也并非是野蛮强迫,帝国财政编制了名册和数额,不管是贵族还是平民,都得到了相对不错的赔偿,尤其是在平民方面,搬迁之后的人,都得到了居所,给予了比之前更好的补偿和待遇。 Such matter, once were disseminated, lets these person actually outside moving region, was jealous. 这样的事情,一经传播开来,倒是让那些在搬迁区域之外的人,都眼红了起来。 The empire machine revolves strictly orderly, the might and efficiency expose without doubt. 帝国机器严密有序地运转,威力和效率展露无疑。 The entire moving process, has used probably also less than 20 days. 整个搬迁过程,大概也用了不到20天的时间。 The military even set out the airship, the going on patrol sky, but also helps the subjects move. 军方甚至都出动了飞艇,巡游天空,还帮助子民搬迁。 Meanwhile, the region that evacuates, thoroughly has established became a forbidden area, is not allowed anybody to enter the reconnaissance inquiry. 与此同时,搬空的区域,都已经彻底设定成为了禁区,不准任何人进入勘察打探。 The massive imperial guards enter. 大量的禁军进驻其中。 The innumerable military engineering have constructed at the maximum speed, surges rune formation of boundless terrifying energy also immediately to be arranged, all kinds of resources, almost shipped toward this region in continuously. 无数军事工程以最快的速度建造了出来,涌动着磅礴恐怖能量的符文阵法也在第一时间被布置下来,各种各样的资源,几乎是源源不绝地朝着这个区域之内运送了进去。 This is only the picture that some rubbernecks see on the surface. 这只是一些好奇者在表面上看到的景象。 The picture that they cannot see is, innumerable military Elite master expert, in secret continuously the major main action regiments was reassigned from the border and, is quietly enters a Bright City surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) region. 他们所看不到的画面是,无数的军方精锐高手强者,暗中源源不绝地从边境和各大主战军团之中被抽调了出来,悄无声息地进驻光明城方圆百里的区域。 Time day of Heaven and Earth passes. 时间一天天地流逝。 Sky over imperial capital chaos turbulent flow storm vortex, gradually and became slow, that everywhere gloomy mist, gradually was also dissipating. 帝都上空的混沌乱流风暴漩涡,逐渐地又变得缓慢了下来,那漫天阴沉的云气,也在逐渐消散着。 The people are also finally indistinct can see the deep blue sky. 人们终于又隐约可以看到蔚蓝的天空。 Time when the sunlight by that light cloud layer, sprinkles, the warm ray shone the bodies of all people again time, after many people since the war of Bright City started, has been hanging the heart, returned to the chest cavity finally. 当阳光透过那淡淡的云层,洒落下来的时候,暖洋洋的光线再一次照射到了所有人的身上的时候,许多人自从光明城之战开始以后,一直悬着的心,终于回到了胸腔里。 If the long dream, making many people sob. 如漫长一梦,让许多人都唏嘘。 All as if recovery original appearance. 一切仿佛都恢复了原来的样子。 Besides the Bright City surrounding area hundred li (0.5km), the other regions of imperial capital, on the street became the stream of people, if weaves, heavy traffic, closes door one month of shop impatiently to open the door does business...... 除了光明城方圆百里之外,帝都的其他区域,街道上已经重新变得人流如织,车水马龙,闭门了一个多月时间的店铺都迫不及待地开门重新做生意…… Only then Right Minister Lin Zheng , etc. know person who truth, is clear, the disaster may not pass very much, perhaps just the opposite, just started. 只有右相蔺争等知道真相的人,才明白,灾难很有可能没有过去,恰恰相反,也许才刚刚开始。 Around the region within hundred li (0.5km) Bright City empties, constructs various fortification, sends the army, arrange rune formation, dispatches empire majority of elite expert, these after to guard against the central domain front door opens, may the invasion influence of arrival. 光明城周围百里之内的区域清空,构筑各种防御工事,派驻军队,布下符文阵法,调遣帝国大部分的菁英强者,这些都是为了防备中央界域大门打开之后,有可能到来的入侵势力。 Reason that only arranges the defense in hundred li (0.5km) range, but has not emptied the entire imperial capital, on the one hand is because such makes the resilience to be too big, on the other hand because of these 100 li (0.5km) scopes, was considered as on has concentrated empire most formidable Battle Strength, if was unable to resist the Foreign Domain influence, that entire Heaven Wasteland Domain must fall into the long-time struggle disaster, even if has evacuated the imperial capital, does not have what significance. 而之所以只在百里范围之内布置防御,而没有将整个帝都都清空,一方面是因为那样做工程量太大,另一方面是因为这100里范围,已经算得上是集中了帝国最强大的战力了,如果还无法抵御域外势力的话,那整个天荒界都得陷入长久的苦战灾难之中,就算是搬空了帝都,也没有什么意义。 The entire empire official, the characters of true core level, these days, the night and day, the busy head muddleheadedly rise. 整个帝国官方,真正核心层级的人物们,在这段时间里,都连轴转,忙的头昏脑涨。 Many government orders stem from about two palace. 许多政令都出自于左右两个相府。 Some do not know the person who situation, discovered with amazement, government order that these days, the Left Minister palace and Right Minister palace issue, unexpectedly is the extraordinary consistency and coordinated, aspect that this may the past dozens years , the Left Minister palace and Right Minister palace competes for mutually, is completely different. 一些不知道情况的人,惊讶地发现,在这一段时间里,左相府和右相府发出的政令,竟然是出奇的一致和协调,这可过去数十年时间里,左相府和右相府相互争夺的局面,完全不同。 Along with passing of time, more and more characters, gradually felt, after the sunlight earth, filled the atmosphere sky over empire again, as if became anxiously is very strange. 随着时间的流逝,越来越多的人物,都渐渐地感觉到了,在阳光重新大地之后,弥漫在帝国上空的气氛,似乎变得无比紧张陌生了。 ...... …… Post-war second months Bright City. 光明城之战后两个月。 In the morning. 清晨。 This is the winter coldest time. 这是冬天最为寒冷的时候。 The hot woods in Bright City fourth region, were planted again, originally nearly in the hot tree of withering, obtained in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng moistening of flame energy yuan qi, became full of vitality. 光明城第四区域的火树林,重新被栽种了起来,一颗颗原本近乎于枯萎的火树,得到了地火幽泉剑坑之中火焰能量元气的滋润,重新变得生机勃勃了起来。 This hot woods after all sparse many, is unable with that leaf of past fiery red like the sea same grand occasion compared with. 只是这片火树林毕竟还是稀疏了不少,无法和昔日的那种树叶火红如海一样的盛况相比。 Under supporting by the arm of Jin Ling'er, Ye Qingyu walks slowly in the hot woods, is stretching the body, breathes the fresh air. 金灵儿的搀扶之下,叶青羽缓缓地行走在火树林之中,舒展着身体,呼吸新鲜空气。 Ye Qingyu regained consciousness before 2nd. 叶青羽是在两日之前苏醒的。 This news is keeping temporarily still secret, only then Yu Jun Han and other small numbers of people know. 这个消息暂时还在保密之中,只有鱼君寒等少数人知道。 Since Ye Qingyu regains consciousness, the smiling face on Yu Jun Han face, were many. 自从叶青羽苏醒之后,鱼君寒脸上的笑容,就多了起来。 Twice every day observed the condition in Ye Qingyu within the body, Yu Jun Han has felt relieved gradually. 每日两次观察叶青羽体内的状况,鱼君寒渐渐地放心了下来。 Ye Qingyu recovery situation, from the beginning expectation must be better , the memory is complete, the soul is complete, is only the Divine Soul Divine Sense strength, resembled is weakened did not have the several fold, with ordinary 12 Spirit Spring Martial Artist nearly . 叶青羽恢复情况,比一开始预想的要更好一些,记忆完整,魂魄齐全,只是神魂神识的力量,似是被削弱了无数倍,和普通的12眼灵泉武者差不多 Moreover yuan qi of his within the body, not thorough recovery, less than past 1% of normal state time. 而且他体内的元气,也还未彻底恢复,不到昔日正常状态时候的1。 Should say Ye Qingyu that just revived, is in a strange weak condition, his Battle Strength and ordinary Spirit Spring stage Martial Artist, do not have much difference. 应该说是刚刚苏醒过来的叶青羽,处于一种奇异的虚弱状态之中,他的战力和普通灵泉境武者,没有多大的区别。 Even as a result of this body by Yu Jun Han the reason of essence and blood yuan qi regeneration, Ye Qingyu a little too was unable to control the body completely, from the beginning walks continually thought that is not quite smooth. 甚至由于这幅身体是以鱼君寒的精血元气再生的原因,叶青羽还有点儿不太能完全操控身体,一开始连走路都觉得不太顺畅。 Yu Jun Han except for looking after Ye Qingyu, but also needs to branch out some thoughts, assists Right Minister and the others. 鱼君寒除了照顾叶青羽,还需要分出一些心思,协助右相等人。 Although is mother and child has a reunion, every day time is insufficient, but under the compound nest does not have the egg after all, present situation extremely in urgent, only then passed this pass, can be better to protect Ye Qingyu. 虽然是母子重逢,每日时光都不够,但毕竟覆巢之下无完卵,如今的局势太过于急迫,只有度过了这一关,才能更好保护叶青羽 But Ye Qingyu, after consciousness, from Jin Ling'er, Bai Yuanxing, Wen Wan and the others in the mouths, had known after oneself severe wound faints , the general outlines of all matters has. 叶青羽自己,在苏醒之后,也从金灵儿白远行温晚等人的口中,得知了自己重伤昏死之后发生的所有事情的大概轮廓。 ------- ------- First 第一更
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