IGE :: Volume #5

#469: One month

Lu Heng in the past was side the Yu Jun Han personal maidservant. 陆衡当年乃是鱼君寒身边的贴身侍女。 Do not despise the status of this maidservant, in the past does not know that has many aristocrat young ladies and days the arrogant female, wants to give Yu Jun Han to become the niece, does not have that qualifications, because Lu Heng is the Youyan Pass war-god Lu Zhaoge daughter, the advantage of being close to somebody the moon/month, is acquainted with Yu Jun Han first, obtained this great honor. 可别小看这个侍女的身份,当年不知道有多少贵族小姐和天之骄女,想要去给鱼君寒当侄女,都没有那个资格,陆衡因为是幽燕关战神陆朝歌的女儿,近水楼台先得月,与鱼君寒相识,才得到了这份殊荣。 However on the other hand, although maidservant, but by Yu Jun Han then temper, was actually together with Lu Heng was the same just like the blood sisters, their sentiment was very good. 不过话又说回来,虽说是侍女,但以鱼君寒当时的性子,却是和陆衡相处的宛如亲姐妹一样,两人感情很好。 Because of this reason, Lu Heng in the empire, the status is also extremely high. 因为这个缘故,陆衡在帝国之中,地位也是极高。 Afterward one time, Lu Heng went to Youyan Pass for the father offered birthday congratulations, knew that young Youyan army officer, strength was not very strong, the status was not very high, but actually natural talent outstanding young military officer. 后来一次,陆衡幽燕关为父亲祝寿的时候,认识了那个年轻的幽燕军官,一个实力不是很强,地位也不是很高,但是却天资卓绝的年轻军官。 Two people are the love at first sight. 两个人算是一见倾心。 Also is considered as is a perfect match. 也算得上是郎才女貌。 This sentiment, once was favored by many people. 这段感情,也一度被很多人看好。 Who knows...... 谁知道…… Who knew afterward, actually has one to shock the matter of entire empire, completely changed the destiny of Lu Heng and that young people. 谁知道后来,却发生了一件震撼了整个帝国的事情,彻底改变了陆衡和那年轻人的命运。 But after that nightmare common matter occurred, Lu Heng returns the ancestor place, returns the Yu Jun Han side, the outside thinks that she died. 而那件噩梦一般的事情发生之后,陆衡重新回到祖地,重新回到鱼君寒的身边,外界都以为她已经死了。 Every so often, Lu Heng also thinks one died. 很多时候,陆衡也以为自己已经死了。 However the Yu Jun Han words, likely were a lightning are today ordinary, have delimited the Lu Heng heart endless dark dense fog, tore the sky, has brought light. 但是今天鱼君寒的话,却像是一道闪电一般,划过了陆衡心头无尽的黑暗迷雾,撕裂天空,带来了一道光明。 But...... But......” “可是……可是……” Lu Heng is a little hesitant. 陆衡还是有点儿犹豫。 Yu Jun Han favors to drown touches the head of Lu Heng, said with a smile: Silly younger sister, remember, no matter at any time, must strive for own happiness, the so-called general situation, so-called all living things, are used to deceive people, only then grasps own happiness, can constitute the life-long happiness, are all living things...... All living things all have oneself life, does not need other people to undertake, goes, now the situation was clear, you should see him, your misery, should end, even if the day collapses, there are elder sister to help you go against.” 鱼君寒宠溺地摸了摸陆衡的头,笑道:“傻妹妹,记住,不管任何时候,都要争取自己的幸福,所谓的大局,所谓的众生,都是用来骗人的,只有把握住自己的幸福,才能构成终生的幸福,一个个的自己,才是众生……众生皆有己命,无需他人承担,去吧,如今局势已经明朗,你该去见见他了,你们的苦难,应该结束了,就算是天塌下来,也有姐姐帮你顶着。” A Yu Jun Han face take pity on tunnel. 鱼君寒一脸怜惜地道。 She said these words time, in the front expression, filled favored to drown with loving, but to last few words time, was aggressive Unparalleled, such as Sovereign female Divine King repeatedly was the same, completely was one, if dares to feel embarrassed Lu Heng again, on stance of being unable to co-exist. 她说这段话的时候,前面的语气里,充满了宠溺和疼爱,而到了最后一句话的时候,则是霸气无双,如主宰一再的女神王一样,完全是一副谁要是再敢为难陆衡,就势不两立的姿态。 Lu Heng tears, finally again but also to does not live, crash-bang has flowed. 陆衡的泪水,终于再也而至不住,哗啦啦地流淌了下来。 She closely has held Yu Jun Han, then turned around to leave the Bright God palace. 她紧紧地抱了抱鱼君寒,然后转身离开了光明神殿。 From the beginning, her footsteps are very slow. 一开始,她的脚步还很慢。 But to afterward, her mentioned own skirt front, ran directly...... 但到了后来,她已经提起自己的裙裾,直接奔跑了起来…… Mixes the yellow color light that shines from the temple front door, the Lu Heng form, draws very long is very long. 从神殿大门照射进来的混黄色的光,将陆衡的身影,拉的很长很长。 Why does not know, during light staggered that split second, is absent-minded, the back that Yu Jun Han sees this little sisters, has cannot help but thought of own destiny. 不知道为什么,在光影交错的那一瞬间,恍惚之中,鱼君寒看着这位小姐妹的背影,不由得想到了自己的命运。 The A'Heng destiny, oneself can help her rewrite. 阿衡的命运,自己可以帮她改写。 However own destiny, who can help itself rewrite? 但是自己的命运,又有谁能帮自己改写呢? Flying Elder Brother, you...... In there, fortunately?” Yu Jun Han long sighed, then the happy expression on face, was actually even more gentle. “飞哥,你……在那里,还好吗?”鱼君寒长长地叹息了一声,然后脸上的笑意,却是越发温柔了起来。 She turned around slowly, arrived around the cold jade bed. 她缓缓地转身,来到了寒玉石床跟前。 Looks just like a body of section of hard coke general Ye Qingyu, Yu Jun Han slowly in the stone bedside. 看着宛如一截焦炭一般的叶青羽的身体,鱼君寒缓缓地在石床边。 A person time, finally can show most real, does not need to maintain is the Her Excellency Princess dignity. 一个人的时候,终于可以展现最真实的自己,无需去维持身为公主冕下的威严。 The dust-laden sentiment is the flood raises likely certainly , is beyond control. 尘封的感情像是洪水绝提,再也无法控制。 Yu Jun Han lowered the head, that split second, the tears were similar to the broken line the pearl was the same, fell in the fingertip. 鱼君寒才低下头,那一瞬间,眼泪就如同断线了的明珠一样,在指尖啪嗒啪嗒地坠了下来。 At this time, in the entire main hall, had a Yu Jun Han person. 此时,整个大殿里,就只有鱼君寒一个人了。 Spacious. 空旷。 Also a little ice-cold alone. 还有点儿冰冷孤寂。 Clear such as the teardrops of jade asked the price with no intention of buying on the glazed frost of seal Ye Qingyu body. 晶莹如玉的泪珠儿打落在了封印叶青羽身体的薄冰上。 In nobody, when is facing the son, this earthshaking goddess, has put down all strengths and outer coverings finally, the tears are similar to Quan Yong. 在没有人的时候,在面对着自己儿子的时候,这位叱咤风云的女神,也终于是放下了所有的坚强和外壳,泪水如同泉涌。 Do not look that she to that words that Lu Heng spoke, categorical clank such as sword cry, but traded her body? 别看她对陆衡说的那一番话,斩钉截铁铮铮如剑鸣,但是换到她自己的身上呢? Past separation, not for so-called general situation? 当年的分离,也不是为了所谓的大局吗? Century passed, when the son close at hand, has not recognized each other with enough time, said goodbye, the son actually by the god thunder bombardment, turning is this mold. 百年过去了,儿子近在眼前,还未来得及相认,再见时,儿子却已经被神雷轰击,变成是这幅模。 Thought back on the past years, first time saw that person time, fellow also by being struck by lightning like was section of charred wood, if not for rescued, only feared that already died. 遥想当年,第一次见到那个人的时候,那家伙也是被雷劈的像是一截焦木一样,若不是自己施救,只怕早就死了吧。 But who knows that this rescues, has actually rescued an unparalleled Unparalleled war-god , in saved to assign the hard to solve enemy. 可是谁知道这一救,却是救了一个盖世无双的战神,也救了一个自己命里纠缠不清的冤家。 How long also has not known. 也不知道过了多久。 Yu Jun Han wiped the tears, in the eye pupil, revealed gentle smiling, looks at the body of Ye Qingyu, slender such as the finger of jade, stroked the mistake, that seal glazed frost desalinated little vanishes. 鱼君寒拭去了泪水,眼眸中,又流露出温柔的笑,看着叶青羽的身体,纤纤如玉的手指,抚摸过处,那封印薄冰一点点地淡化消失。 Puff! 噗! Steaming and comes. 一股热气蒸腾而来起来。 Even if by seal, in cold ice refers to these many days, in body of Ye Qingyu, this billowing painfully hot sun. 即便是被封印在寒冰指中这么多天,叶青羽的身体里,还有这滚滚的热毒。 The Divine Punishment heavenly thunder, that is the wound of Great Dao, even/including Yishen Ouyang does not put down is at a loss, obviously terrifying. 神罚天雷,那是大道之伤,连医神欧阳不平都束手无策,可见有多恐怖。 Yu Jun Han has broken by biting own finger. 鱼君寒咬破了自己的手指。 Tick-tock. 滴答。 A drop of blood drop in the Ye Qingyu charred wood body. 一滴鲜血滴在了叶青羽焦木般的身躯上。 Looks at the place that the blood drops, that burned black luster diverges gradually, indistinct, but saw that bright red flesh and blood dew comes out...... 就看鲜血滴落的地方,那焦黑的色泽逐渐散去,隐约之间,可是看到一层鲜红的血肉露出来…… Tick-tock tick-tock. 滴答滴答。 Has unceasingly clear is similar to the scarlet Yuzhu's common blood, from the fingertip of Yu Jun Han, falls in the Ye Qingyu body. 不断地有晶莹如同血色玉珠一般的鲜血,从鱼君寒的指尖,掉落在叶青羽的身躯上。 But Ye Qingyu hard coke, under the washout of this blood, bit by bit was also ripped. 叶青羽身上的焦炭,也在这鲜血的冲刷之下,一点一点地被剥去。 Layer upon layer blood thread shredded meat, can see. 一层层血丝肉丝,可以看见了。 The blood drips into among the flesh and blood, rapidly seeped, as if originally is a body is the same. 鲜血滴入血肉之间,快速地就渗透了进去,仿佛原本就是一体一样。 In this body, originally gloomy vitality aura, as if because of strengthening the strength in that a little bit blood, but became has seethed with excitement instantaneously gracefully. 这幅躯体之中,原本暗淡的生机气息,似乎是因为汲取了那一滴滴鲜血中的力量,而瞬间变得盈盈沸腾了起来。 This process, was really mysterious to the extreme. 这个过程,实在是神奇到了极点。 At once, in the entire Bright God palace, is the courage vigor vitality surges, is ordinary just like Ocean. 一时之间,整个光明神殿之内,都是血气生机涌动,宛如汪洋一般。 Time one minute one second of place passes. 时间一分一秒地流逝。 Also does not know that has many drop of blood, was low from the fingertip of Yu Jun Han, converges to fuse in the body of Ye Qingyu. 也不知道有多少滴鲜血,从鱼君寒的指尖低落,汇入融合到了叶青羽的身体之中。 In that ebullition just like the function of Ocean general courage vigor vitality , the body of Ye Qingyu, like lived, started to repair automatically. 在那沸腾宛如汪洋一般的血气生机的作用之下,叶青羽的身体,像是活了一样,开始自动地修复了起来。 However is the one hour time, the new body and skeleton, grew, even even/including Xin the internal organs blood marrow, starts to appear. 不过是半个时辰时间,新的皮肉和骨骼,重新生长了出来,甚至连新的内脏血髓,都开始出现。 Yu Jun Han strength, is profound. 鱼君寒实力,何等高深。 In her drop of blood, is containing yuan qi energy, endures the ratio is many Ascending Heaven Boundary expert self-torture intensities. 她的一滴血中,蕴含着的元气能量,都堪比是许多登天境强者苦修一声的强度。 These many essence and blood drip into the body of Ye Qingyu, reconstructs a body, root originally is not the difficult matter. 这么多的精血滴入叶青羽的身体,重新再造一副躯体,根本就不是什么难事。 Finally, the body of Ye Qingyu was repaired thoroughly. 最终,叶青羽的身体被彻底修复。 This body, with Ye Qingyu past body any difference, the flesh and blood has not remoulded, inspired the strength of Ye Qingyu body automatic therapy growth by the vitality, the entire process looks like on recovery is the same. 这一具身体,与叶青羽昔日的身躯没有任何的区别,血肉重塑,本来就是以生机引动叶青羽身躯自动的疗伤生长之力,整个过程就像是中上恢复一样。 Because in body, were many Yu Jun Han the energy of blood of Yuan Essence, this body, must contain a more formidable potential. 而且由于身体之中,多了鱼君寒精元之血的能量,这一具身体,要蕴含更强大的潜能。 Yu Jun Han is the Ye Qingyu mother. 鱼君寒叶青羽的母亲。 Her blood, just likes mother's womb amniotic fluid is the same, making Ye Qingyu experience a peerless rare chance, advantage was mysterious, the language was hard completely to state. 她的血,犹如母胎羊水一样,让叶青羽经历了一次绝世罕见的机缘,这其中的好处奥妙,语言难以尽述。 But even if so, there is a difficult problem. 但即便是如此,还是有难题。 What is difficult has repaired the body, was very difficult to repair the Divine Soul consciousness and vigor. 难的是修复了身体,却很难修复神魂意识和精气神。 Regarding expert, the mortal body is not most important. 对于强者来说,肉身并不是最重要的。 What is most important is Divine Soul, is own the reply of consciousness. 最重要的是神魂,是自身的意识的回复。 A person, the one's wits self- main body realizes, is most important, if the soul is disillusioned, that again could not look. 一个人,三魂七魄自我本体意识,才是最重要的,如果魂魄破灭,那就再也找不回来了。 After Yu Jun Han recovery Ye Qingyu body, because eventually loses too many essence and blood, on the face presented a paleness. 鱼君寒恢复叶青羽的身躯之后,终究因为失去太多精血,脸上出现了一丝苍白。 Son, do not fear that sleeps well, soon, you will sober, this time, mother will not leave you again, has been accompanying you.” “儿子,不要怕,好好睡一觉,用不了多久,你就会清醒过来的,这一次,妈妈不会再离开你,会一直都陪着你的。” Yu Jun Han is the body of Ye Qingyu, covers on a thin quilt. 鱼君寒叶青羽的身上吗,覆盖上一层薄被。 formation of Bright God palace, was the past Unparalleled war-god remains, the deep meaning was infinite, most suitable training Divine Soul, so long as the time were enough, Ye Qingyu thorough soberly will come. 光明神殿的阵法,乃是当年无双战神所留,奥义无穷,最为适合修养神魂,只要时间足够,叶青羽就会彻底清醒过来。 Regarding this point, Yu Jun Han did not suspect. 对于这一点,鱼君寒并不怀疑。 Completes all these, she has felt relieved. 做完这一切,她放心了许多。 Stands up slowly, saw one side is lying languidly Small Silver Dragon, she shook the head, said: Has been a pity, Bright God palace spirits, by your this kid swallowing, otherwise, should be able to cure Little Yu quickly, but your this fellow, is conscientious, at crucial moment by the strength of source, the seal the body of Little Yu, has left behind the vitality for him, this is also the divine intervention.” 缓缓站起身,看到一边懒洋洋地趴着的小银龙,她摇了摇头,道:“可惜了,光明神殿的器灵,被你这个小家伙给吞掉了,不然的话,应该可以更快治好小羽,不过你这家伙,也算是有良心,关键时候以本源之力,封印了小羽的身体,为他留下了生机,这也算是天意吧。” Small Silver Dragon understood obviously. 小银龙显然是听懂了。 It is extremely weary, but slightly swung has wagged the tail Palestine, in the eyeball glittered is flattering. 它极度疲倦,但还是微微地摇了摇尾巴,眼珠子里闪烁着谄媚的。 Yu Jun Han does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately. 鱼君寒顿时哭笑不得。 Sacred silver dragon, does not learn well, goes to study that small mangy dog.” “好好一条神圣银龙,不学好,偏偏去学那条小癞皮狗。” At the same time the lethargic sleep is going to sleep dull dog Little Nine gently ahem, moves the body. 一边昏睡入眠着的呆狗小九轻轻地哼唧了一声,动了动身子。 Yu Jun Han stared at this small dull dog to look at a while, finally in the eye flashed through a strange look, has held breath cold air...... However, finally she again has not said anything. 鱼君寒盯着这只小呆狗看了一会儿,最终眼里闪过一丝奇异的神色,倒吸了一口凉气……不过,最终她还是没有再说什么。 ...... …… The time fast passes. 时间飞快地流逝。 In an instant is one month passes. 转眼就是一个月过去。 This month, in Heaven Wasteland Domain, had some sufficiently with the momentous change that the earth-shaking this word described. 这一个月时间里,天荒界之中,发生了一些足以用天翻地覆这个词来形容的巨大变化。 Bearing the brunt is snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race and hurricane wave Demon Court and desert Barbarian Race again anxiously is drawn back, the contraction returned to the respective original area. 首当其冲的就是白山黑水蛮族、飓浪妖庭和大漠蛮族重新被急退,收缩回到了各自原先的疆域之中。 One month ago, these big Alien race still pushed directly into Snow Country, occupies completely the winning side, was angry to swallow the oppressor, to rout the Snow Country Human Race boundless situation at one fell swoop. 一个月之前,这几大异族还在雪国境内长驱直入,占尽了上风,有气吞虎狼、一举击溃雪国人族的磅礴大势。 But one month later, when the Human Race main action regiment displays true Battle Strength, the Alien race army surprisedly shocks discovered that the when great strength of Human Race, surpasses they start the worst estimate. 但一个月后,当人族的主战军团发挥出真正的战力的时候,异族大军才惊讶震骇地发现,人族的强大,远超他们开始时最坏的估计。 If not the Human Race army after they hurry back to the original area, on the garrison border line, has further not counter-attacked, perhaps three big Alien race including their royal court, must move to retrocede. 如果不是人族大军在将他们赶回原来疆域之后,就驻军边境线上,并未进一步反攻的话,说不定三大异族连自己的王庭,都要迁徙后退了。 In area that Snow Country recovers, has a hundred things to do. 雪国光复的疆域之中,百废待兴。 But Snow Country domestic Sect, is facing a gust of wind sudden downpour general shuffle attack. 雪国境内的宗门,也正在面临着一次疾风骤雨一般的洗牌打击。 --------------------- --------------------- Tired is not good. 累的不行。 Is pushes really motionless...... Then was the quick rhythm. 真的是推不动……接下来就是快节奏了。 With the New Year approaching, everybody also had a vacation...... 快过年了,大家也都放假了吧……
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