IGE :: Volume #5

#468: Sees him

Because has the above these origins, therefore faces Yu Jun Han, the bonus is present Lin Zheng, is empire Right Minister, does not dare as before slight neglecting. 正是因为有以上这些渊源,所以面对鱼君寒,饶是如今的蔺争,已经是帝国右相,依旧不敢丝毫的怠慢。 Yu Jun Han vision, falls on the body of Yu Feiyan, said: Emperor younger brother, wanted to be exhausted you.” 鱼君寒的目光,又落在鱼非言的身上,道:“皇弟,也要劳烦你了。” Yu Feiyan said hastily: I knew.” 鱼非言连忙道:“我知道了。” Jinding crown prince does not dare to have slight neglecting. 金顶亲王也不敢有丝毫的怠慢。 Nobody understands this emperor elder sister's energy compared with him. 没有谁比他更加了解这位皇姐的能量。 Senior marshal, Emperor ** the reorganization of strength, but also wanted you to take the trouble much, the Alien race military force in border, eliminated as soon as possible, these time with the aid of the tribulation of Domain Portal, Three Sects Three Schools and other Sect Jiang Hu strength, annihilated the enemy to clean up, please the senior marshal act, the matter of thorough entire Jiang Hu Sect.” Yu Jun Han also said to Li Guangbi. “老元帅,帝**力的整顿,还要您老人家多多费心了,国境之内的异族军力,尽快清除出去吧,还有,这一次借助域门之劫,三宗三派宗门江湖实力,也被犁庭扫穴清理了一遍,请老元帅出面,彻底一整江湖宗门之事吧。”鱼君寒又对李光弼道。 Li Guangbi over the face red light, clear and resonant voice tunnel: Feudal official is compliant. Jiang Hu matter Jiang Hu, such matter, later will not occur in Snow Country.” 李光弼满面红光,朗声地道:“臣遵命。江湖江湖了,这样的事情,以后不会在雪国之中发生了。” As in years past founding old minister, Li Guangbi also once a long time, followed the Unparalleled war-god and Yu Jun Han has gone on an expedition the four directions, the powerful that at this time Yu Jun Han shows, making Li Guangbi one's blood bubbles up to the brim, indistinct likely returned to the past eventful years, the whole person probably was young many years old. 作为昔年的开国老臣,李光弼也曾在很长的一段时间里,追随无双战神和鱼君寒征战过四方,此时鱼君寒展现出来的强势,让李光弼热血沸腾,隐约又像是回到了当年的峥嵘岁月,整个人都好像是年轻了好多岁。 Yu Jun Han nods, saw Qin Zhishui and the others, said with a smile: Qin Shaoxia this time upheld justice to get rid, the Unparalleled blade city worthily was the model of my Human Race Sect, many thanks your full power aided feather.” 鱼君寒点点头,又看到了秦止水等人,笑道:“秦少侠这次仗义出手,无双刀城不愧是我人族宗门之楷模,多谢你全力护佑羽儿。” Qin Zhishui facing such strong character, does not dare to pull rank, said: „The Her Excellency Princess erroneous approved, is our generation should for it matter, let alone I and Ye brother, is the good friend.” 秦止水面对这样的强势人物,不敢托大,道:“公主冕下谬赞了,都是我辈应该为之事,何况我与叶兄,也是挚友。” Yu Jun Han nods, has not spoken again. 鱼君寒点点头,没有再说话。 However Li Guangbi at the same time, was actually comprehends her a moment ago the meaning of these words, obviously during the reorganization of following Jiang Hu Sect influence, actually must regard with a special fondness some to the Unparalleled blade city. 不过一边的李光弼,却是领会到了她刚才这番话的意思,显然在接下来的江湖宗门势力的整顿之中,却是要对无双刀城另眼相待一些了。 „When here has my leisure some Medicinal Pill that refines, you invited, you sent for me, this next best war, everybody consumed heavily, I did not have other things to thank, these Medicinal Pill, was the small ritual.” “这里有我闲暇时炼制的一些丹药,君请,你替我发下去吧,这次之战,大家消耗不轻,我没有其他东西谢诸位,这些丹药,算是小礼。” Yu Jun Han was saying, a jade bottle, gave the sister of the emperor fish Monarch to invite. 鱼君寒说着,将一个玉瓶,交给了长公主鱼君请。 Also is an arrangement, people also retreat. 又是一番安排,众人也都退去。 Yu Jun Han and Lu Heng two people, turned around to enter in the Bright God palace. 鱼君寒陆衡两个人,转身进入到了光明神殿之中。 Outside main hall. 大殿之外。 Sister of the emperor Yu Jun Han Medicinal Pill in jade bottle, distributed to the people. 长公主鱼君寒将玉瓶中的丹药,给众人都分发了。 This Medicinal Pill does not know that is any material refinement, and odorlessness circulation, Medicinal Pill of dragon eyeball size, deep green like the green jade, like is the emerald jades of carving. 丹药也不知道是什么材料炼制,并无气味流转,龙眼珠大小的丹药,碧绿如翠,像是一颗颗精雕细琢的翡翠玉石一样。 The words that but carefully looks, will discover that among has the Flowing Light twinkle, the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality wall is walking randomly just like the Wandering Dragon social climbing is the same, the spirit intent embodiment, is really unusual. 但仔细看的话,就会发现,其内有流光闪烁,宛如游龙攀附着内丹壁游走一样,灵意内蕴,煞是奇特。 Snow Country pill god Du Gu Quan looked that the heart jumped. 雪国丹神独孤全一看,心都跳了起来。 His eyes see, this is Spirit Pill in legend, is not ordinary Medicine Pill. 他一眼就看出,这乃是传说之中的灵丹,绝非是普通的药丹 Your Excellency gets rid, is really out of the ordinary. 冕下出手,果然是非同凡响啊。 The people have led Medicinal Pill overjoyed, then diverges successively. 众人欢天喜地地领了丹药,然后先后散去。 The fat people command king Li Jin to lead the subordinates armed soldier, starts to reorganize Bright City each region. 胖子统领王郦金带着麾下的甲士,开始整理光明城各个区域。 This war, is centered on Bright City, affect that suffers is also biggest, the repair reorganizes, needs a very long period of time to repair. 这一次大战,以光明城为中心,遭受的波及也是最大,修葺整理起来,需要很长的一段时日来修葺。 Qin Zhishui led the people in Unparalleled blade city also to leave. 秦止水带领着无双刀城的人也离开了。 This time accident, not only affects the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain influence pattern, in Sect regarding empire, not less than ruinous shuffle. 这一次的变故,不仅是影响到了整个天荒界的势力格局,对于帝国之内的宗门,不啻于一次毁灭性的洗牌。 Without a doubt, Right Minister and the others bureaus, are the plan from the beginning, must plan Sect. 毫无疑问,右相等人的局,是打算从一开始,就要算计宗门的。 Now the Sect expert master loses seriously. 如今宗门强者高手损失惨重。 But in comparison, Emperor ** the team almost does not have anything to have a fracture, in the war of entire Bright City, except for that less than 10,000 imperial guards that most starts, main root originally of empire army has not moved. 而相比之下,帝**队却是几乎没有什么伤筋动骨,在整个光明城之战中,除了最开始的那不到10000的禁军,帝国大军的主力根本就没有动。 Now the Li Guangbi senior marshal returns position, under the powerful counter-attack, draws back hurricane wave Demon Court and two big Barbarian Race anxiously is also only the time issue. 如今李光弼老元帅重新回到帅位,强势反击之下,急退飓浪妖庭、两大蛮族也只是时间问题而已。 Thinks of here, Qin Zhishui and the others think some fear. 想到这里,秦止水等人就觉得有些后怕。 In this Heaven Wasteland Domain, Sect in a state of disunity has not really been able to dispute with the empire, after this fought, being on the decline of Sect influence became the foregone conclusion. 在这天荒界之中,一盘散沙的宗门果然是已经无法和帝国较量了,这一战之后,宗门势力的衰微已经成为定局。 Qin Zhishui can think that now, how can only maintain the present situation in Unparalleled blade city diligently, closed up to the Snow Country royal government as far as possible, this is not acts servilely, but is another mentality of Sect development. 秦止水现在所能想的,就只能是如何努力维持无双刀城的现状,尽量向雪国朝廷靠拢了,这并不是什么卑躬屈膝,而是宗门发展的另外一种思路而已。 Other every large or small Sect expert masters, because does not have the greed to enter fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, therefore was hot, this time status , was very awkward, but followed Right Minister and the others to leave finally. 其他一些大大小小的宗门强者高手,因为没有贪心进入地火幽泉剑坑,所以火了下来,此时的地位,也都很尴尬,不过最后还是都跟随右相等人离开。 originally clamored Bright City of focus, gradually recovery past lonely. 原本喧哗聚焦的光明城,逐渐恢复了往日的冷清。 But in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, that silver light beam was even more clear conspicuously, originally flood was moving the space fluctuated, became has stabilized gradually. 但地火幽泉剑坑之中,那银色光柱越发清晰显眼了起来,原本泛动着的空间波动,也逐渐变得稳定了起来。 From this light beam, one strange strengths flood move faintly, like is the purl, is centered on Bright City, toward started to proliferate to spread in all directions. 从这光柱之中,隐隐有一种奇异的力量泛动出来,像是潺潺流水一样,以光明城为中心,朝着四面八方开始扩散蔓延了起来。 Only then genuine martial arts expert, can feel this strange change. 只有真正的武道强者,才能感受到这种奇异的变化。 Chaos storm in sky. The turbulent flow vortex, is fast of revolving, in the sky the light and dark unceasingly is actually taking turn, difficult minute of day and night. 天空之中的混沌风暴.乱流漩涡,却是旋转的更加快速,天空之中光明和黑暗不断地交替着,难分昼夜。 After a period of time, when chaos storm. After the turbulent flow thorough is stable, new Domain Portal here will appear. 再过一段时间,当混沌风暴.乱流彻底稳定之后,一座新的域门就会在这里出现。 When the time comes, the gate of Space-Time will thoroughly open, can lead to each domain, but the lives in other domain, can through this Domain Portal, enter Heaven Wasteland Domain. 到时候,时空之门就会彻底打开,可以通往各个界域,而其他界域之中的生灵,也可以通过这个域门,进入天荒界 At that time, can be a new time arrives. 那时候,会是一个新的时代到来。 But during this new time, without a doubt, Bright City becomes in entire Heaven Wasteland Domain the most noise lively place. 而在这个新的时代之中,毫无疑问,光明城又将会成为整个天荒界之中最为喧嚣繁华之地。 Perhaps already Century before selected location time, that Unparalleled war-god has calculated this point. 也许早就一百年之前选址的时候,那位无双战神就已经算到了这一点吧。 ...... …… In Bright God palace. 光明神殿中。 The Ye Qingyu body, was placed on the high integrity bed. 叶青羽的身躯,被放在了寒玉床上。 The Yu Jun Han palm caresses above the cold ice, the strength by the cold ice, observed the condition in Ye Qingyu within the body, from time to time the eyebrow wrinkled slightly, resembling was thinking deeply about anything. 鱼君寒手掌抚在寒冰之上,力量透过寒冰,观察到了叶青羽体内的状况,时而眉毛微微皱起,似是在思索着什么。 From the beginning the situation imagines with her not completely is the same. 情况和她一开始想象的并不完全一样。 Young lady, how is it?” “小姐,怎么样?” The Lu Heng person cannot bear open the mouth to ask. 陆衡人忍不住开口问道。 The color of Yu Jun Han surface present wisp of thinking, said: Is a little strange, before the day punishes god thunder Dao Injury me, once had seen, but the Little Yu situation, is a little special......” 鱼君寒面现一缕思索之色,道:“有点儿奇怪,天罚神雷道伤我以前也曾见过,但小羽的情况,却有点儿特殊……” „?” On the Lu Heng face reveals immediately worried about the color, said: That what to do?” “啊?”陆衡脸上立刻露出了担忧之色,道:“那怎么办啊?” Yu Jun Han smiled, said: Might as well, although is a little strange, but can cure, the Bright God palace is the most precious object that he leaves behind, the might not measured that will not have the matter.” 鱼君寒笑了笑,道:“无妨,虽然有点儿古怪,但还是能治好,光明神殿是他留下的至宝,威力莫测,不会有事的。” That is good, that the appearance that is good......” Lu Heng to have a lingering fear, has patted own chest gently. “那就好,那就好……”陆衡一副心有余悸的样子,轻轻地拍了拍自己的胸口。 Yu Jun Han looks at Lu Heng with a smile, suddenly has thought of anything, said: A'Heng, your Divine Sense floats, where usually in that calm free did A'Heng go to? Is it possible that has what concern to be inadequate?” 鱼君寒笑着看着陆衡,突然想到了什么,又道:“阿衡,你神念浮游啊,平日里那个镇定自如的阿衡去哪里了?莫非是有什么心事不成?” Lu Heng complexion instantaneous one red, at once shakes the head: Young lady chatted.” 陆衡脸色瞬间一红,旋即摇摇头:“小姐说笑了。” Your I in name am master and servant, in fact kisses like the sisters, haven't I known you?” Look that on the Yu Jun Han face reveals love. “你我名义上是主仆,实际上亲如姐妹,我还不知道你吗?”鱼君寒脸上露出一丝疼爱的神色。 She shakes the head, walks, is touching Lu Heng one such as the demon Yun Yiban black hair, said: Beautiful springtime is ephemerus, young person Yi, in the past Lin Zheng and your father they made the bureau together time, I do not know, when the matter has become, was not good to change again...... Oh, young student surnamed Yan, the temper but actually is also intense.” 她摇摇头,走过去,抚摸着陆衡一头如魔云一般的青丝,道:“韶华易逝,红颜易老,当年蔺争和你父他们一起做局的时候,我并不知道,等到事情已成,却也是不好再改……唉,姓燕的这个小书生,性子倒也是激烈。” Lu Heng hear that, on the face reveals the low-spirited color. 陆衡闻言,脸上露出黯然之色。 In the past that also incomparably passed over gently and swiftly in her mind clearly. 当年那一幕幕,又无比清晰地在她脑海之中掠过。 These originally think already thorough dust-laden memory, just likes the disasters is the same, reappears once again, is unable to contain. 那些原本以为已经彻底尘封了的记忆,犹如洪水猛兽一样,再度浮现,无法遏制。 Yu Jun Han looked that knows Lu Heng is thinking anything. 鱼君寒一看,就知道陆衡在想什么。 She smiled, said: Good, do not feel dejected again, since this young student arrived at the imperial capital, you saw him, dozens years, I thought that he cannot forget kindnesses, was an unreasoning passion seed, being worth your date thinking of the night to think these many years.” 她笑了笑,又道:“好啦,不要再黯然神伤了,既然这小书生又来到帝都了,那你就去见见他吧,数十年的时间,我看他也未能忘情,也算是一个痴情种子,值得你日思夜想这么多年。” On the Lu Heng face passed over gently and swiftly a happy expression. 陆衡脸上掠过一丝喜色。 But this happy expression, has at once quickly transform to low-spirited. 但这种喜色,旋即有迅速地转化为黯然。 Lu Heng shakes the head saying: Does not return to him...... Now is plants monster bone, what within the body is flowing is Snow Ground Demon Race the bloodlines, this sentiment may wait to recall, I, I...... I and he, are eventually impossible, meets to be inferior not to see, making him think that I died well.” 陆衡摇头道:“不回他……如今已经是身种妖骨,体内流淌着的是雪地妖族的的血脉,此情可待成追忆,我,我……我和他,终究还是不可能的,相见不如不见,让他以为我死了也好。” „Does silly thing, you also think that many?” Yu Jun Han cannot help laughing, said: You think that my these years, have not made you see this young student, are because he does revolt into the Demon Race reason? Is because his within the body has implanted the reason of monster bone? It is not. In the past the general situation cast, I am also incapable of meeting the day, but also happen to while this opportunity, the elder sister again helps you check, has a look at the disposition and with the sentiment of this young student, now he has passed, you go, these many years, you have been accompanying me, I also this well compensated your this silly younger sister.” “傻丫头,你还想那么多?”鱼君寒哑然失笑,道:“你以为我这些年,没有让你去见这个小书生,是因为他叛入妖族的原因?是因为他体内植入了妖骨的原因?都不是。只是当年大局铸成,我也无力会天,不过也正好趁此机会,姐姐再帮你把把关,看看这个小书生的心性和用情而已,现在他过关了,你去吧,这么多年了,你一直都陪着我,我也该好好补偿一下你这个傻妹妹了。” Lu Heng hear that, in eye pupil, cannot suppress to flash through a happy expression. 陆衡闻言,眼眸之中,还是不可遏止地闪过一丝喜色。 Did not say happily, that is false. 说不高兴,那是假的。 After all in the past, once pledge of eternal love, once spent month before last, also once had yearned that hopes a will of the people, the elderly does not separate the happiness. 毕竟当年,也曾山盟海誓,也曾花前月下,也曾向往过那‘愿得一人心,白首不分离’的幸福。 What a pity in the past that sudden disaster, had destroyed all these. 可惜当年那一场突如其来的灾难,就毁灭了这一切。 Also to afterward, knew all these, some people planned unexpectedly desirably, moreover planned past that matter the person, own father also, Lu Heng at heart, had much has not never crossed, has not gotten angry. 又到后来,知道这一切,竟然是有人刻意策划,而且策划了当年那事的人,自己的父亲也在其中,陆衡的心里,有何尝没有很过,没有怒过。 But hates, the anger, to the end, side is own one's beloved, side is own father, her race, she after is a woman, finally can be what kind of? 可是恨也罢,怒也罢,到了尽头,一边是自己的心上人,一边是自己的父亲,自己的种族,她毕竟是一个弱女子,最终又能怎么样呢? Cannot burst into tears to accept such result. 还不是得流泪接受这样的结局。 Afterward all developed in desperate direction. 后来一切都朝着绝望的方向发展。 Lu Heng also gradually lost heart. 陆衡也就渐渐死心了。 Lets most deep place in her moral nature only, what final reposing is, that person on heart, continuously to the present, but also is living. 唯一让她心底里的最深处,有一丝最后的寄托的是,心上的那个人,一直到现在,还活着。 So long as he is living, was OK. 只要他活着,就可以了。 This is the Lu Heng at heart lowest request. 这是陆衡心里最低的要求。 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Second, one 第二更,还有一更呢
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