IGE :: Volume #5

#467: Later did not need to practice again

But his Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan, responded that is almost exactly the same as Lin Zheng, the entire photograph petrified instantaneously is the same, on the face did not have the slight expression. 而他身边的金顶亲王鱼非言,反应几乎是和蔺争如出一辙,整个人像是瞬间石化了一样,脸上没有了丝毫的表情。 Except for already knew beside truth Lu Heng, other people's responses, are one by one splendid. 除了早就知道了真相的陆衡之外,其他人的反应,一个比一个精彩。 Knows person who Yu Jun Han status, at this time was at heart has all been raising the difficult situation. 知道鱼君寒身份的人,此时无一不是在心里掀起了惊涛骇浪。 Since this news, undoubtedly has been Century most has the resounding matter. 这个消息,无疑是百年以来最具有轰动性的事情。 Once passes on, made entire Heaven Wasteland Domain shock sufficiently. 一旦传出去,足以令整个天荒界都震撼。 But person who does not know the Yu Jun Han status, one intermittent fearful and apprehensive. 而不知道鱼君寒身份的人,也都一阵阵的心惊肉跳。 Can let King of Darkness Song Xiaojun in a blaze of passion, comes back, and hands over Ye Qingyu, this may not only be ‚I am his mother can be solved. 能够让黑暗之王宋小君在盛怒之下,重新回来,并且交出叶青羽,这可不仅仅是一句‘我是他母亲’所能解决。 Before obviously is, in sky, fighting that the people have not seen, Song Xiaojun maliciously had been shocked. 很显然是之前在天空之中,众人没有看到的交手,宋小君还是被狠狠地震撼了一把。 In addition Yu Jun Han gave an oral account Song Xiaojun to want by City of Unmoving Darkness Black lotus First Grade is reincarnated in a big way. France Treats and cures Ye Qingyu, concluded that this City of Unmoving Darkness mystique could not rescue, therefore made Song Xiaojun have to measure. 再加上鱼君寒一口说出了宋小君是想要以黑暗不动城的【黑莲一品托生大.法】来救治叶青羽,更断定这门黑暗不动城秘法救不了,所以才让宋小君不得不权衡。 Ye Qingyu is the Your Excellency son, this......” Lin Zheng at this time, understood the meaning in beforehand Lu Heng finally. 叶青羽冕下的儿子,这……”蔺争这个时候,终于明白了之前陆衡里的意思。 Before Unparalleled war-god Century is missing, Her Excellency Princess is moved extremely, therefore goes into seclusion, Snow Country founding high-ranking court official, once actually cannot leave behind the bloodlines descendants to feel regret for these two peerless companions. 无双战神百年前失踪,公主冕下伤感万分,于是隐退,雪国的许多开国重臣,也曾为这两位绝世伴侣竟然没有能够留下血脉后嗣而感到遗憾。 After all by the Unparalleled war-god and Her Excellency Princess bloodlines Heritage, his posterity surely is the generation of unparalleled Unparalleled, if can obtain Heritage of two peerless characters, then regarding Heaven Wasteland Human Race, without doubt is the huge good news. 毕竟以无双战神和公主冕下的血脉传承,其后人必定是盖世无双之辈,如果能够得到两位绝世人物的传承,那对于天荒人族来说,无疑是巨大的好消息。 However all people have a dream cannot think are, the original two deity companions, really have the descendants. 但是所有人做梦都想不到是,原来两位神仙伴侣,竟然是有后嗣的。 This descendants, impressively are Ye Qingyu. 这个后嗣,赫然就是叶青羽 But is this kind of treasure, in the body not only has the bloodlines of that Unparalleled war-god, and has the empire Royal Family bloodlines, should be regarded as by entire Snow Country the beloved daughter generally has protected training, now actually...... 可就是这样一个宝贝疙瘩,身体里既有那位无双战神的血脉,又有帝国皇室血脉,本该被整个雪国都当做是掌上明珠一般保护培养,现在却…… Quickly was actually divided by the Divine Punishment heavenly thunder! 却被神罚天雷快劈死了! Lin Zheng was understood now, why Lu Heng said that this responsibility, no one could take on. 蔺争现在算是明白了,为什么陆衡说,这个责任,谁都担不起。 Trades to do is Lin Zheng, if knows the truth, only feared, when that consecutively several Divine Punishment [gold/metal] lower, he already rushed hardly anti-. 换做是蔺争自己,如果知道真相,只怕在那连续几道神罚金雷降下的时候,他早就冲上去硬抗了。 The only good news is, listened to the dialog of Her Excellency Princess and in Song Xiaojun a moment ago, as if said that Ye Qingyu can also be saved. 唯一的好消息是,刚才听公主冕下宋小君的对话里,似乎是说,叶青羽还有救。 But no matter how, Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan two people, the back cold sweat rubs to brave, thought that this plan, almost played to escape. 但不管如何,蔺争鱼非言两个人,背后冷汗蹭蹭蹭直冒,都觉得这一次的计划,差一点儿就玩脱了。 If lets Ye Qingyu really during this fights falls from the sky, only fears them, even if has completed the bureau of this Century, will become the Snow Country criminal. 如果让叶青羽真的在这一战之中陨落,只怕他们两个,就算是完成了这个百年之局,都会成为雪国的罪人。 Thinks of here, two people both are gingerly. 想到这里,两个人都是战战兢兢。 Similarly feels one intermittent afraid, His Highness Crown Prince. 同样感到一阵阵心虚的,还有‘太子殿下’。 Aunt Han......” Yu Xiao Xing was calling one at the same time timidly. 寒姑姑……”鱼小杏在一边怯生生地叫了一声。 Yu Jun Han smiles is touching the young girl princess's head, said: Your this girl, building up heart self-torture of ten years of Youyan Pass, was a dynasty has lost entirely, if Liu Yuqing knew his Heart Disciplining Technique Such easily was broken unexpectedly, only feared spitting that must be mad three liters blood.” 鱼君寒微笑着摸了摸少女公主的头,道:“你这丫头,十年幽燕关的炼心苦修,算是一朝丧尽了,刘雨卿要是知道他的【炼心术】竟然被这么轻易就破掉,只怕要气的吐掉三升血。” Yu Xiao Xing lowers the head does not dare to speak. 鱼小杏低着头不敢说话。 Regarding this Aunt Han, she loved and feared. 对于这位寒姑姑,她是又爱又怕。 Although meets from infancy to maturity not many, but actually also probably respect her compared with the respect father emperor. 虽然从小到大见面不多,但却要比尊敬父皇还要尊敬她。 Not is only because in the legend Aunt Han these just like the miracle general fact, are because the Aunt Han deity has one formidable makings aura. 不仅仅是因为传说之中寒姑姑的那些宛如神迹一般的事迹,更是因为寒姑姑天神就带有一种令人敬畏的气质气息。 Naturally, today Yu Xiao Xing such timid appearance, biggest reason, because she also knows at this time that Aunt Han unexpectedly is the Ye Qingyu mother. 当然,今天鱼小杏这么怯生生的样子,最大的原因,还是因为她也是在这个时候才知道,寒姑姑竟然是叶青羽的母亲。 Thinks that Aunt Han Divine Ability, thinks again one displayed a moment ago, Yu Xiao Xing does not know that at this time should say anything, one type has never experienced mood, like was the tide submerged him. 想一想寒姑姑神通,再想一想自己刚才的表现,鱼小杏此时也不知道该说什么,一种从未体验过的心情,像是潮水一样淹没了他。 The girl who also good, spirit energy in good condition four to shoot, actually goes to Cultivation anything Heart Disciplining Technique. Must build up another person oneself, this originally disobeys the instinct matter, your teacher Liu Yuqing, does not have Cultivation this for a long time Heart Disciplining Technique.” “也好,好端端一个灵气四射的丫头,却去修炼什么【炼心术】。偏生生要将自己炼成另外一个人,这本就是违逆天性的事情,你师尊刘雨卿自己,也很长时间没有修炼这门【炼心术】了。” Yu Jun Han smiled. 鱼君寒笑了笑。 Since this Cultivation Base has destroyed, after that did not need to go to Cultivation again, turned head I to be able with your father emperor to say...... Makes the genuine daughter body to be better, the woman may also be an emperor, will therefore be an eternity Unparalleled female crown prince, why not?” “既然这门修为毁了,那以后也不用再去修炼了,回头我会和你父皇说说的……做回真正的女儿身更好,女人亦可为皇,所以当一个千古无双的女太子,又有何不可?” In this case, was the decision decides the sound. 这样的话,算是拍板定音了。 Yu Xiao Xing one hear, immediately great happiness. 鱼小杏一听,顿时大喜。 Status of own this Aunt Han in Snow Country, is exceptionally special, the words that said that only feared compared with the snow emperor must the unretractable statement, since she said that that thoroughly has set the tune. 自己这位寒姑姑雪国之中的身份地位,异常特殊,说出来的话,只怕是比雪帝还要更加金口玉言,既然她这么说了,那就算是彻底定了调子了。 Thinks, does not need to play the role of the man again, like is the steamed rice dumpling wraps, can show with the true colors, Yu Xiao Xing thought immediately at present is bright a piece, the whole person like bathed in the light. 一想想以后不用再去扮男子,将自己像是粽子一样包起来,可以用真面目示人,鱼小杏顿时觉得眼前光明一片,整个人都像是沐浴在了光明之中一样。 In all people, only has Lu Heng and sister of the emperor fish Monarch please two people, the look is also normal. 所有人之中,唯有陆衡和长公主鱼君请两个人,神色一直都还算是正常。 At this time, in the sky, Flowing Light glittered. 这时,天空之中,流光闪烁。 Several Flowing Light glitter, fell in the ground. 几道流光闪烁下来,落在了地面上。 Wen Wan, Ximen Yeshuo, palace Divine General, shadow Martial Artist and the others. 正是温晚,西门夜说,宫神将,还有影子中的武者等人。 The fight of summit of Heaven, ended evidently. 九重天之巅的战斗,看样子是结束了。 Wen Wan and the others, although the aura is not steady, inner yuan consumes much, but does not have what injury, obviously the final outcome in summit of battlefield Heaven, regarding Radiant Palace Hall and entire empire, is advantageous. 温晚等人虽然气息不稳,内元消耗不少,但却没有什么伤势,显然九重天之巅战场中的最终结果,对于光明殿和整个帝国来说,都是有利的。 Has seen the mistress!” “见过主母!” Wen Wan and palace Divine General Gao Diping and shadow Martial Artist and the others , the manner salutes to Yu Jun Han respectfully. 温晚、宫神将高地平、影子中的武者等人,神态恭敬地向鱼君寒行礼。 They were past Unparalleled war-god one train, but Yu Jun Han was the wife of Unparalleled war-god, quite therefore their mistresses, naturally do not dare to have slight neglecting. 他们是当年无双战神一手培养出来,而鱼君寒无双战神的妻子,相当于是他们的主母,自然是不敢有丝毫的怠慢。 Yu Jun Han nodded, then asked: „Was the above matter, solved?” 鱼君寒点了点头,然后问道:“上面的事情,都解决了吗?” Wen Wan said: Has City of Unmoving Darkness main coordination, these besides Yan Buhui, bullied the moral battle demon to be cut, that poisonous ancestor, outside the body the incarnation, was escaped by him actually wisp of Divine Soul. Asked the mistress to punish.” 温晚道:“有黑暗不动城之主的配合,将那些除了燕不回之外,欺心战魔被斩掉了,倒是那个毒祖,身外化身,被他逃掉了一缕神魂。请主母责罚。” No matter Wen Wan usually has put how. Swings uninhibited, however in the Yu Jun Han front, actually respectful of performance, does not dare to have slight disrespecting. 不管温晚平日了如何放。荡不羁,但是在鱼君寒的面前,却表现的恭恭敬敬,不敢有丝毫的不敬。 Several other people, except for bystander of Ximen Yeshuo this fearless, such as Martial Artist in palace Divine General Gao Diping and shadow they, such as Wen Wan general solemn silence. 其他几人,除了西门夜说这个天不怕地不怕的外人,如宫神将高地平、影子中的武者两人,也如温晚一般庄严肃穆。 They look in the Yu Jun Han manner, one type proceeds from the innermost feelings truly, the frantic believer is loyal to the own bishop general zeal of likely. 他们看着鱼君寒的神态里,有一种真正发自于内心,像是狂热教徒忠于自己的主教一般的热忱。 The Yu Jun Han hear Wen Wan said that nodded, said: Poisonous ancestor's ten thousand poisonous incarnations indeed have some wonderful, but passes through this war, he was only one is also broken the wild dog of back, to ponder insufficient,...... has not needed to manage him as for Yan Buhui.” 鱼君寒听完温晚所说,点了点头,道:“毒祖的万毒化身的确是有一些神妙,不过经此一战,他也只是一只被打断了脊梁的野狗而已,不足为虑了,至于燕不回……不用去管他了。” Compliant.” “遵命。” Several people respectfully obey an order. 几人都恭敬应命。 Actually is nobody realizes that Lu Heng at the same time, the look was slightly more relaxed. 却是没有人察觉到,一边的陆衡,神色微微地轻松了许多。 At this time, the Ximen Yeshuo vision put aside from the body of Yu Jun Han finally slightly. 这个时候,西门夜说的目光终于略略从鱼君寒的身上移开。 Before was attracted by Yu Jun Han this kind of peerless character, he has not realized other. 之前被鱼君寒这样一尊绝世人物吸引,他未察觉到其他。 At this time, the vision moved, falls on the body of Ye Qingyu, the item of belt doubts looked, immediately jumped, said: My day, how my also brothers turned into charred wood...... Who this is *** dry?” 这个时候,目光移动,落在叶青羽的身体上,目带疑惑地看了看,顿时跳了起来,道:“我的个天,我也兄弟怎么变成一根焦木了……这是谁***干的?” Was saying a little worried. 说着有点儿着急了。 Ximen Yeshuo strength, is profound, naturally is one looks, the Ye Qingyu injury, is injured by the Heaven Wasteland Domain Great Dao heavenly thunder, seriously to the extreme. 西门夜说实力,何等精深,自然是一眼就看出来,叶青羽的伤势,乃是被天荒界大道天雷所伤,严重到了极点。 Yu Jun Han smiled, a palm gentle strength gushes out, Ye Qingyu by the frozen body, sent in the Bright God palace slowly, looks at Ximen Yeshuo, said: 80 years ago does one leave, making Master Ke good?” 鱼君寒笑了笑,掌心一股柔和之力涌出,将叶青羽被冰封的身体,缓缓地送入光明神殿之中,看着西门夜说,道:“80年之前一别,令师可好?” Ximen Yeshuo had a scare: „Do you know that dead old man?” 西门夜说吓了一跳:“你认识那个死老头?” 80 years ago, Play wave master Once threatened before me that must train unique Successor, carried forward own Legacy, it seems like said right, he poured also really trains a character.” Yu Jun Han slight bow. “80年前,【戏浪师】曾经在我面前扬言,要培养出一个独一无二的传人,将自己的衣钵发扬光大,看来说的没错,他倒还真的是培养出来一个人物。”鱼君寒微微点了点头。 The color of Ximen Yeshuo item of dew shock. 西门夜说目露震惊之色。 Since making a debut, the first time was recognized own transiting the discipling from origin. 自从出道以来,还是第一次被人认出自己的师承来历。 Play wave master Arteries, little appear in mainland, the majority of time, in the hidden Yu Mihai chaos, has not thought that this Snow Country Her Excellency Princess, actually also knows own teacher. 【戏浪师】一脉,很少出现在大陆上,大部分时间,都隐于迷海混沌之中,没想到这个雪国公主冕下,竟然还认识自己的师尊。 The Yu Jun Han that whole world Unparalleled beautiful simple and beautiful appearance, shows a smiling face: Your strength, almost can pursue your teacher in the past, the temperament, does not have two with your teacher phase difference, the only difference, is Play wave master The face, may be blacker than you......” 鱼君寒那举世无双的绝美清丽容颜,露出一丝笑容:“你一身实力,几乎可以直追你师尊当年了,就连脾气,都和你师尊相差无二,唯一的区别,就是【戏浪师】的脸,可比你黑多了……” Ximen Yeshuo hears here, does not have the slight suspicion again. 西门夜说听到这里,再无丝毫的怀疑。 Play wave master Arteries, because year to year is in chaos to confuse in the sea, was swayed by the chaos sea breeze, because Cultivation cultivation technique is special, therefore a fellow apprentices face has not been a pendulum, the face of own teacher, is really indeed blacker. 【戏浪师】一脉,因为常年处于混沌迷海之中,被混沌海风吹拂,又因修炼功法特殊,所以师兄弟们没有一个的脸是摆的,自己的师尊的脸,的确是真的比自己黑多了。 This woman in the past, had seen the teacher surely. 这女人当年,必定是见过师尊。 Has seen Senior.” Ximen Yeshuo was also honest, good ritual of the later generation, is probing the [say / way]: My that Brother Ye, he......” “见过前辈。”西门夜说也老实了,行了个后辈之礼,然后又试探着道:“我那叶兄弟,他……” I will cure his.” Yu Jun Han said. “我会治好他的。”鱼君寒道。 Ximen Yeshuo then relaxed. 西门夜说这才松了一口气。 Yu Jun Han looked at other people, said to Lin Zheng: Central Domain Portal opens greatly, for sometime, Domain Portal stabilizes again, the person of foreign country, must come, you prepare.” 鱼君寒看了看其他人,对蔺争道:“中央界域之门大开,再有一段时间,域门稳定下来,外域之人,就要进来了,你去准备一下吧。” Compliant.” Right Minister Lin Zheng respectful tunnel. “遵命。”右相蔺争恭敬地道。 Lin Zheng came from Aristocratic Family, but is actually the born, originally does not have the status, afterward suddenly rose, irresistible, finally by the base and low body, became the empire power and influence center most prominent figure, his own talent and diligently, naturally is one of the important reasons. 蔺争出身于贵族世家,但却是庶出,原本没有地位,后来突然崛起,势不可挡,最终以卑微之身,成为了帝国权势中心最显赫的人物,他自身的天赋和努力,自然是重要原因之一。 But a more important reason, is actually because past Lin Zheng also in being disappointed, once because of the accidental chance, had seen one side Yu Jun Han. 但更重要的原因,却是因为当年蔺争还在潦倒的时候,曾因为偶然的机缘,见过鱼君寒一面。 That time Lin Zheng, has not gained fame and fortune, but was actually recognized by Yu Jun Han is the talented person, has directed in secret several times, once in Lin Zheng competed for the power and influence in the process, at crucial moments, has supported Lin Zheng, therefore has Lin Zheng today. 那时的蔺争,还未发迹,但却被鱼君寒认定是人才,暗中指点过几次,又曾在蔺争争夺权势的过程中,在关键时刻,支持过蔺争,所以才有蔺争的今日。 ------------ ------------ First. 第一更。 Today three. 今天三更。 Couple of days ago was a little tired, writes motionless. 前两天有点累,写不动。 Everybody is patient 大家稍安勿躁吧
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