IGE :: Volume #5

#466: I am his mother

This saying, Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan two people, instantaneous facial color big change. 这话一出,蔺争鱼非言两个人,瞬间面色大变。 But two people look at each other, finally again has not said anything. 但两个人相视一眼,最终却都没有再说什么。 Contemporary snow emperor male offspring are not many, has the child to be early young, afterward the Yu Xiao Xing birth, was actually the daughter body, later the snow emperor was the long time can not the descendants, finally sprouted up the fantasy, the princess of this daughter body, set up for the crown prince directly. 当代雪帝子嗣不多,有子早夭,后来鱼小杏出生,却是女儿身,之后雪帝更是久不得后嗣,最终突发奇想,将这位女儿身的公主,直接立为太子。 Enable the daughter to grasp the country to offer sacrifice to the state, this matter said that is a little careless. 让女儿掌握国祀社稷,这事儿说出去就有点儿草率。 In the past Era of Sects, in these super Sect, although has also left some female leader female Patriarch, some female Patriarch also overawes ten thousand li (0.5km). 在以往的宗门时代,那些超级宗门之中,虽然也出过一些女掌门女宗主,更有一些女宗主也是威震万里。 But lord of the country, is the daughter body, this matter, little has actually heard. 但一国之主,是女儿身,这种事情,却还是很少听说过。 Although the matter of Snow Country, snow emperor can say, but the Secret Art, at this matter, the snow emperor solicited the suggestions of official several most trusted. 虽说是雪国之事,雪帝可以一言而诀,不过在这件事情上,雪帝还是征求了几位最为信任的臣子的意见。 Finally Yu Xiao Xing after growing up is sensible, was escorted to Youyan Pass, does obeisance Painting Saint Liu Yuqing for the master, the Cultivation disposition, whets willpower, the matter of familiar border pass armed forces. 最终鱼小杏在长大一点懂事之后,就被送往幽燕关,拜【画圣刘雨卿为师,修炼心性,磨砺意志,熟悉边关军塞之事。 Joins the army to draft, this was treats as the crown prince to train thoroughly. 从军而征,这是彻底当做储君来培养了。 But in this process, Xing'er is actually dressed as a man, changes to the man, besides Liu Yuqing and Lu Zhaoge, nobody knows radically she is the daughter body. 但在这个过程之中,杏儿却是女扮男装,化作男儿身,除了刘雨卿陆朝歌之外,根本没有人知道她是女儿身。 But she has not disturbed the Youyan Pass military administration decision-making, the majority of times as an observer, the familiar public sentiment military situation, since childhood contact these things. 而她也并未干扰幽燕关的军政决策,大部分时候都是作为一个旁观者,熟悉民情军情,从小就接触这些事物。 Painting Saint Liu Yuqing, with Yu Xianjiao and Qin Lin their its, the true status, was of a day picture past years Era of Sects correct path five-character jue peaks, was the illustrious character once. 画圣刘雨卿,和俞先觉秦林两人其名,真正的身份,乃是当年宗门时代的正道五绝峰之一的天画,也是曾经赫赫有名的人物。 However Liu Yuqing struggled hard with an old enemy in the past, was seriously injured, although struck to kill that enemy, oneself actually were also the severe wound dying, was rescued by Lu Zhaoge, afterward became Lu Zhaoge Guest Official, although strength might as well in the past, but his Cultivation Heart Disciplining Technique, Actually is extremely fierce. 不过刘雨卿当年与一位宿敌苦战,受了重伤,虽说击杀了那对头,自己却也是重伤垂死,被陆朝歌救下,后来就成为了陆朝歌客卿,一身实力虽然不如往昔,但他修炼的一门【炼心术】,却是极为厉害。 Reason that the snow emperor makes Yu Xiao Xing defeat Liu Yuqing for the master, except for this Day picture The story is astonishing, is the gentleman of Era of Sects rare full reading, the vision story is astonishing, the strategy military tactics are to also be possible be called beside temporary Xiong, because of this Heart Disciplining Technique. 雪帝之所以让鱼小杏刘雨卿为师,除了这位【天画】阅历惊人,乃是宗门时代罕见的饱读之士,眼光阅历惊人,谋略兵法亦是堪称一时之雄之外,更是因为这一门【炼心术】。 The snow emperor hopes that Yu Xiao Xing of daughter body, can exercise a king's heart, makes up for her is the daughter body, flaw on Xiantian. 雪帝希望女儿身的鱼小杏,可以练就一颗帝王之心,弥补她身为女儿身,在先天上的缺陷。 This matter was quite covert. 这事儿本来就极为隐蔽。 In present empire high level, many people know that the empire has set up the crown prince, but this crown prince extremely in the mysticalness, few royal courtiers has seen the appearance of crown prince, even if some have seen, sees is also the substitute person false body. 以至于如今帝国高层之中,有很多人都知道,帝国已经立了太子,但是这位太子太过于神秘,很少有朝臣见过太子的面目,即便是有一些见过,见到的也是替身假身。 Besides a few core level loyal ministers, does not know that this His Highness Crown Prince, is the daughter body, is present princess Yu Xiao Xing. 除了少数几位核心级忠臣之外,根本不知道,这位太子殿下,乃是女儿身,就是如今的公主鱼小杏 According to original plan, in returns after Youyan Pass, Yu Xiao Xing by the man, will take over the crown prince palace as before slowly all, integrates in crown prince role, takes over the arrangement of snow emperor. 按照本来的计划,在从幽燕关归来之后,鱼小杏会依旧以男儿身,慢慢接手太子府的一切,融入到太子这个角色之中去,接手雪帝的安排。 But the instinct is difficult to change. 但天性难改。 Although Cultivation king plan, by Heart Disciplining Technique Builds up the heart, has disobeyed Xiantian, but the young girl feelings of love, actually thoroughly cannot reverse the elimination. 虽然修炼帝王心术,以【炼心术】炼心,违逆了先天,但少女春心,却也不是彻底能够扭转消灭的。 The appearance of Ye Qingyu, lets Yu Xiao Xing Heart Disciplining Technique Cultivation Base, almost disintegrates. 叶青羽的出现,让鱼小杏炼心术修为,几乎冰消瓦解。 Also does not know when from starts, in the heart of Yu Xiao Xing, deeply ironed to carve the Ye Qingyu name and shadow, drove away unable to drive away. 也不知道从什么时候开始,鱼小杏的心中,就深深地烙刻下了叶青羽的名字和影子,怎么驱赶都驱赶不掉。 So-called sees Divine King to be by mistake life-long, is so. 所谓一见神王误终生,便是如此吧。 After returning to the imperial capital, Yu Xiao Xing originally must accept the arrangement of father emperor, received the Royal Family power. 回到帝都之后,鱼小杏原本是要接受父皇的安排,接过皇室大权的。 Few days ago, Yu Xiao Xing final 1-2 times, recovery daughter body, for saw Ye Qingyu, making Ye Qingyu know that genuine she, was any appearance. 前些日子,鱼小杏最后一两次,恢复女儿身,为的是去见一见叶青羽,让叶青羽知道,真正的她,是一个什么样子。 Before this also finally ended a sentiment read thinks final commemorating. 这也算是最后结束一段感情念想之前的最后纪念吧。 Has not thought that the matter was actually to develop now this aspect. 只是没有想到,事情如今却是发展到了这个局面。 Under such situation, the Yu Xiao Xing instinct was stimulated thoroughly. 在这样的局势之下,鱼小杏的天性被彻底激发了。 Is the heart cavity tender feelings of daughter body, has destroyed instantaneously for more than ten years Heart Disciplining Technique Skill. 身为女儿身的一颗芳心一腔柔情,瞬间摧毁了十多年【炼心术】的功力。 At this moment, Yu Xiao Xing is not regarded as a princess oneself, is not regarded as the crown prince oneself, does not care about these so-called secrets and national general situations. 这一刻,鱼小杏再也不把自己当做是公主,也不把自己当做是太子,更不去在意那些所谓的秘密和国家大局。 At this moment, she is also only an ordinary girl. 这一刻,她也就只是一个普通的小女子而已。 Hopes own one's beloved to be able the recovery girl. 一个希望自己的心上人可以恢复的小女子。 In her palm, picks up the Nine Dragons link arch the [gold/metal] to inlay the jade imperial seal, in the name of crown prince, the time that strict order Lin Zheng and the others drew back, she has prepared for has undertaken any consequence. 当她的掌心之中,托起九龙环拱的金镶玉印玺,以太子的名义,严令蔺争等人退下的时候,她就已经做好了承担任何后果的准备。 Li Guangbi, Qu Hanshan and the others, see that imperial seal, is startled unable to speak. 李光弼曲寒山等人,看到那印玺,更是惊得说不出话来。 Although rare crown prince, but that imperial seal they have actually seen. 虽说罕见太子,但那印玺他们却是见过的。 The imperial seal such as the crown prince arrives, since Yu Xiao Xing is grasping the seal of this crown prince, said such words, showed too many matters. 印玺如太子亲临,既然鱼小杏掌握着这块储君之印,又说了那样一番话,就已经说明太多事情了。 Li Guangbi and Qu Hanshan story thoughts are rich, at this time, if has not realized the truth, that was really Bai Huo. 李光弼曲寒山的阅历心思是何等丰富,这个时候,如果还没有察觉到真相,那就真的是白活了。 Draws back!” “退下!” Yu Xiao Xing lifts up high the imperial seal, is every single word or phrase typical. 鱼小杏高举印玺,一字一句地道。 Lin Zheng and the others, draw back slowly. 蔺争等人,缓缓地退下。 Has to draw back. 不得不退。 Crown princes, and even Mr. of future. 储君,乃至未来之君。 No matter how, is they of official, must obey from willpower of imperial seal. 不管如何,身为臣子的他们,也得听从来自于印玺的意志 Let alone if the Ye Qingyu status, such as they guessed, that and Yu Xiao Xing , has big bloodlines relations, this is the Royal Family family work, they are again many of consideration, fully realizes fierce again, cannot participate again. 何况如果叶青羽的身份,真的如他们所猜测,那和鱼小杏,也是有着很大的血脉关系,这已经算是皇室的家事,他们就算是考虑的再多,再深知其中的厉害,也不能再参与进去了。 Song Xiaojun looked at Yu Xiao Xing. 宋小君看了一眼鱼小杏 Indistinct, she thought that one to this female, seems some impressions, where probably sees has been same, but also that is all...... 隐约之中,她觉得自己对这个女子,似乎是有些印象,好像是在哪里见过一样,但也就仅此而已…… Is nodding to Yu Xiao Xing slightly, Song Xiaojun is embracing Ye Qingyu, shoots up to the sky, changes to a stream of light...... 微微对着鱼小杏点点头,宋小君怀抱着叶青羽,冲天而起,化作一道流光…… Yu Xiao Xing looks at the place that Flowing Light vanishes crazily, the tears is unable to contain to flow again. 鱼小杏痴痴地看着流光消失的地方,泪水再一次无法遏制地流淌下来。 That a stream of light, has as if found time all strengths in her body, shook shaking slightly, she at present corona, personal appearance after face upwards gets down but actually...... 一道流光,仿佛是抽空了她身体里的所有的力量,微微地晃了晃,她眼前一晕,身形朝后仰天倒下去…… Xing'er......” 杏儿……” Lu Heng is surprised, supported hastily in the past. 陆衡大吃一惊,连忙过去扶住。 At this moment 就在这时 ! 咻! brilliance glitters. 光华闪烁。 The people a flower, actually see Song Xiaojun to come back at present again. 众人眼前一花,却见宋小君重新又回来了。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” The people were shocked. 众人都愣住了。 Actually saw this young King of Darkness, on the face writes all over was angry and shocking, is looking up to the sky, resembling was staring at anything, whole body Darkness Lotus Fire was surging crazily, as if must send out earth-shakingly struck...... 却见这位年轻的黑暗之王,脸上写满了愤怒和震惊,仰望着天空,似是在凝视着什么,浑身的黑暗莲火疯狂地涌动着,仿佛要发出石破天惊的一击…… The people look up. 众人抬头看去。 Actually sees does not know anything, a Bai Yi (white-clothed) female, the peerless appearance, the white hair like the jade, seems flies high to idly spend to be the same, when does not know appears, does not have the slight strength fluctuation and aura unexpectedly, walks gradually slowly. 却见不知道什么,一个白衣女子,绝世容颜,白发如玉,仿佛是凌空虚度一样,不知道何时出现,竟是没有丝毫的力量波动和气息,一步一步缓缓地走下来。 Does not know how should describe the makings of this female. 不知道该怎么形容这位女子的气质。 All people in this split second, the thought in mind having, is is it possible that this person the fairy maiden that walks from the fairyland spirit table to be inadequate? 所有人在这一瞬间,脑海里产生的念头,都是‘这人莫非是从仙境神台之中走下来的仙子不成’? Who are you? Why blocks me?” “你是谁?为什么拦我?” Song Xiaojun drinks to ask panting in indignation. 宋小君气呼呼地喝问道。 This time she, reveals a spunk stance of young female student unexpectedly indistinctly, was more symmetric with her age. 这个时候的她,竟是隐约流露出一丝小女生的怒意姿态,才更和她的年龄相称一些。 Keeps Radiant Palace Hall Little Yu, you could rest assured that he can recovery.” The Bai Yi (white-clothed) white hair female, in that fine Unparalleled peerless appearance, is fluctuating a warm feeling smiling face, is very the kind tunnel: Your City of Unmoving Darkness Black lotus First Grade is reincarnated in a big way. France Although fierce, but actually cannot cure the Little Yu injury completely, the Divine Punishment heavenly thunder is Dao Injury, is not you imagines likely is so simple.” “将小羽留在光明殿,你放心,他会恢复的。”白衣白发女子,那精致无双的绝世容颜上,浮动着一丝暖意的笑容,很是亲切地道:“你黑暗不动城的【黑莲一品托生大.法】虽然厉害,但却也不能完全治愈小羽的伤势,神罚天雷乃是道伤,不像是你想象中的那么简单。” You......” the Song Xiaojun look changes, is slightly silent, panting in indignation tunnel: Who are you? How you know Black lotus First Grade is reincarnated in a big way. France Can't treat the Brother Qingyu wound? I...... Why can listen your?” “你……”宋小君神色一变,略微沉默,又气呼呼地道:“你是谁?你怎么知道【黑莲一品托生大.法】不能治疗青羽哥哥的伤?我……为什么要听你的?” Song Xiaojun are not clear, why when facing this Bai Yi (white-clothed) white hair female, a little imposing manner cannot raise, always thought where probably was short one. 宋小君自己也不清楚,为什么自己在面对这个白衣白发女子的时候,就有点儿气势提不起来,总觉得好像是在哪里矮了一层。 Perhaps this is because of her strength too strong reason. 也许这是因为她实力太强的缘故吧。 Young King of Darkness in such comforts itself at heart. 年轻的黑暗之王在心里这么安慰自己。 After all in the upper air, they had fought a moment ago one time, Bai Yi (white-clothed) white hair female that immeasurably deep terror strength, is only in an instant, makes Song Xiaojun have to draw back, does not have the slight struggling leeway. 毕竟刚才在高空之中,两人已经交手了一次,白衣白发女子那深不可测的恐怖实力,只是一念之间,就让宋小君不得不退回来,没有丝毫的挣扎余地。 She since has fused Darkness Bloodline , but also has never run into such formidable enemy. 她自从融合黑暗血脉以来,还从未遇到过这么强大的敌人。 Simply strong is not ordinary in the world. 简直强的不似是在人间一般。 However, then a few words of Bai Yi (white-clothed) white hair female, are make this young and great anger King of Darkness, after short stunned, could not say thoroughly incoming call. 但是,接下来白衣白发女子的一句话,却是让这位年轻而又盛怒的黑暗之王,在短暂的错愕之后,彻底说不出来话了。 She said: Child, you must believe me, because...... I am the Little Yu mother.” 她说:“孩子,你要相信我,因为……我是小羽的母亲。” Song Xiaojun tarries. 宋小君呆住。 Since continuously, no matter comes across any matter, her ice-cold such as profound frost complexion, in this split second, changed changed, but was quick, in less than 56 rests time , the feeling in her pair of beautiful pupil ** the color, became ice-cold. 一直以来不管遇到什么事情,她那都冰冷如玄霜般的脸色,在这一瞬间,变了又变,但是很快,在不足56息的时间里,她那双美丽眸子里的感**彩,重新变得冰冷了起来。 As if any matter has not occurred. 仿佛是什么事情都没有发生。 „.” “哦。” She whispered vague. 她若有若无地低语一声。 Then a palm request, Darkness Lotus Fire the body of Ye Qingyu, has delivered slowly, before having delivered to the female body of that Bai Yi (white-clothed) white hair. 然后掌心一托,一股黑暗莲火叶青羽的身体,缓缓地送了过去,送到了那白衣白发的女子身前。 The Bai Yi (white-clothed) white hair female received Ye Qingyu, vision is sizing up on the body of Song Xiaojun for a long time, in the smiling face on the face lightly having, is having a strange look, nodded. 白衣白发女子接过叶青羽,目光已久在宋小君的身上打量着,脸上淡淡出现的笑容里,带着一丝奇异的神色,点了点头。 I called Yu Jun Han.” She to the Song Xiaojun smile. “我叫鱼君寒。”她对着宋小君微笑。 „.” Song Xiaojun nodded. “哦。”宋小君点了点头。 Then her vision looked at the moment on the body of Ye Qingyu, again not hesitant, turns around to hug the small white rabbit, changes to a stream of light, shot up to the sky, vanishes in the vault of heaven of distant place! 然后她的目光在叶青羽的身体上看了片刻,再没有犹豫,转身抱着小白兔,化作一道流光,冲天而起,消失在了远处的天穹之中! She does not have to look at Yu Xiao Xing again. 她没有再看一眼鱼小杏 Also has not looked at Lin Zheng and the others again. 也没有再看蔺争等人。 Lin Zheng originally also has the words to ask Song Xiaojun, but actually cannot attend to now. 蔺争原本还有话要问宋小君的,但是现在却根本顾不上了。 When Yu Jun Han said those words personally, the Lin Zheng brain bang all of a sudden, like exploded, in the instantaneous mind starch, he does not know that he was thinking anything...... 鱼君寒亲口说出那句话的时候,蔺争的脑子轰地一下子,像是爆炸了一样,瞬间脑海里一片浆糊,连他自己都不知道,自己在想什么…… Unexpectedly...... Really is this......” “竟然……真的是这样……” Ye Qingyu unexpectedly is this Your Excellency son...... It is not but right, before Unparalleled war-god Century vanishes, this Your Excellency also returned to native place in the past years, if were their sons, Ye Qingyu should be enters hundred years old, why can......” 叶青羽竟然是这位冕下的儿子……可是不对啊,无双战神百年前消失,这位冕下也是在当年归隐,如果是他们两人的儿子的话,叶青羽应该已经是进百岁了吧,为什么会……” The Lin Zheng whole person was ignorant. 蔺争整个人都懵了。 ---------- ---------- Second. 第二更。
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