IGE :: Volume #5

#465: With the name of crown prince

Is she!” “是她!” Lu Heng responded that immediately knows, from arrived in City of Unmoving Darkness new king Song Xiaojun. 陆衡反应过来,立刻就知道,是来自于黑暗不动城的新王宋小君降临了。 Dark flame. 黑暗火焰。 Black hot bear. 黑炎炎熊。 This is the symbol of King of Darkness this will rise in the next one or two years. 这是这位最近一两年崛起的黑暗之王的标志。 From a Youyan Pass war, this just like young girl general King of Darkness, her great strength, the incisiveness that shows, becomes in Heaven Wasteland Domain, existence that any side influence, cannot be underestimated. 幽燕关一战开始,这位宛如少女一般的黑暗之王,就将她的强大,展现的淋漓尽致,成为天荒界之中,任何一方势力,都不容小觑的存在。 But some small relations between Ye Qingyu and this King of Darkness, is not any secret. 叶青羽和这位黑暗之王之间的一些小关系,也并非是什么秘密。 Regarding Lu Heng, Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan these people with high aspirations, so long as spends a time slightly, can look up. 对于陆衡蔺争鱼非言这些有心人来说,只要稍微花点儿功夫,就可以查出来。 Therefore after recognizing the status of person, they on the contrary likely are not from the beginning like that anxious. 因此认出来人的身份之后,他们反倒是不像是一开始那般紧张。 Moreover came from among Giant Flame Bear in darkness, the strength that erupts, making several people unable to enter in the Bright God palace for a while. 而且来自于黑暗之间的火焰巨熊,爆发出的力量,令几人一时也根本无法进入光明神殿之中。 Quick, from the temple, passed on one to roar. 很快,从神殿里面,传出来了一声怒吼。 That is one is containing the roaring of endless anger and interrogation meaning. 那是一声蕴含着无尽的愤怒和质问之意的咆哮。 Then wild like the turbulent flow same dark strength, the circulation transmits, Dark-red Flame spout from the Bright God palace, as if must be the same entire temple refining. 接着狂暴如乱流一样的黑暗之力,流转传来,暗红色的火焰光明神殿之中喷涌出来,仿佛是要将整个神殿都炼化一样。 All people in abundance retrocede. 所有人都纷纷后退。 The Darkness Lotus Fire lethality, is extremely fearful. 黑暗莲火的杀伤力,太过可怕。 Then looks at the whole body combustion in Dark-red Lotus Fire Song Xiaojun, in the bosom is holding the frozen Ye Qingyu hard coke common body, walked from the Bright God palace front door step by step. 然后就看浑身燃烧在暗红色莲火宋小君,怀中抱着冰封的叶青羽焦炭一般的身体,一步步地从光明神殿大门之中走了出来。 Small Silver Dragon lies on the ice piece. 小银龙趴在冰块上。 In small white rabbit three valve cocks is nipping the tail of dull dog Little Nine, bit by bit is dragging it, closely followed in Song Xiaojun. 小白兔三瓣嘴里咬着呆狗小九的尾巴,一点一点地拖着它,紧紧地跟在了宋小君的身后。 Turbulently is similar to the hurricane wave same lotus fire, winds around around the Song Xiaojun tender body, seems being in full bloom Darkness Fire Lotus is the same, flutters about to linger, the body already has opened Song Xiaojun, serves as contrast seems one king of dark anger walks from the purgatory is the same. 汹涌如同飓浪一样的莲火,在宋小君的娇躯周围缭绕,仿佛是怒放的黑暗火莲一样,纷飞萦绕,将身子已经张开了的宋小君,衬托的仿佛是一尊从炼狱之中走出来的黑暗愤怒之王一样。 Awakens from the Darkness Bloodline memory, is about three years. 黑暗血脉记忆觉醒,也不过是三年左右的时间。 Initially that blurry little loli, now the neighbor had the female initially to grow into, leapt up high much, the figure also started to appear, the waist was slender, ** slender, the snow-white skin, was bringing as before also a baby fat face, fine making one admired the dizziness. 当初那个迷迷糊糊的小萝莉,如今已经邻家有女初长成,个头蹿高了不少,身段也开始显现出来,腰肢纤细,**修长,冰肌玉骨,依旧还带着一点婴儿肥的脸,精致的令人艳羡眩晕。 Perhaps because of the reason of King of Darkness bloodlines, on the body of young girl, is having a King common noble aura, made people unconscious between believe. 也许是因为黑暗之王血脉的原因,在少女的身上,带着一股王者一般的高贵气息,更令人不自觉之间心折。 When she is angry, such as tide of eruption darkness. 当她愤怒,如黑暗之潮爆发。 In the bosom is suspending Ye Qingyu, she walks step by step. 怀中摆着叶青羽,她一步步地走出来。 In a pair of ordinary day contains is looking at the pale humans affair common ice-cold faint limpid pupil, at this time changed to Dark-red, has makes the ray twinkle that one dreads treacherously. 一双平日里蕴含着看淡世事一般冰冷淡漠的清澈眸子,此时已经化作了暗红色,有诡谲令人畏惧的光芒闪烁。 That is the angry color. 那是愤怒的色彩。 Lin Zheng!” Song Xiaojun sound/noise just like the roll-call of god of death, making one be afraid, Dark-red Eyes has observed closely Right Minister, got angry: You have promised me, he will not have an accident!” 蔺争!”宋小君声音宛如死神的点名,令人不寒而栗,暗红色的眸子盯住了右相,怒道:“你答应过我,他不会出事!” Lin Zheng took a deep breath, looks the ashamed look, said: Had some accidents......” 蔺争深深吸了一口气,面露愧色,道:“出了一些意外……” Shut up!” Song Xiaojun sound/noise ice-cold rushes, keeps aloof the angry King just like one, said: I do not want to listen to your excuse, you must remember, if he had the accident, you must pay the price!” “闭嘴!”宋小君声音冰冷地澎湃,宛如一位高高在上愤怒的王者,道:“我不想听你的借口,你要记住,如果他出现了意外,你要付出代价!” Right Minister is silent. 右相沉默不语。 Not only you.” The Song Xiaojun Dark-red vision like the blade, passed over gently and swiftly Right Minister, then falls on the bodies of other people, has swept one after another, said: If Brother Qingyu has the accident, I want each of you, wants your entire Snow Country, is buried along with the dead!” “不只是你。”宋小君暗红色的目光如刀,掠过右相,然后落在其他人的身上,一个接着一个扫过,道:“如果青羽哥出现意外,我要你们每一个人,要你们整个雪国,都陪葬!” In her expression, is bringing undeniably angry, just likes the Spiritual God is the same in the promulgation law aim. 她的语气之中,带着不容置疑愤怒,犹如神灵在颁布法旨一样。 This split second, nobody dares with this angry King of Darkness looking at each other. 一瞬间,没有人敢与这位愤怒的黑暗之王对视。 That dreadful flame with angry aura, just likes Ocean rushes to be the same, almost submerges this piece of Heaven and Earth. 那滔天的火焰和愤怒气息,犹如汪洋澎湃一样,几乎将这一片天地淹没。 Qin Zhishui has seen Song Xiaojun. 秦止水见过宋小君 During Youyan Pass that fights, Song Xiaojun wounds the Lu Zhaoge prime culprit, a long time after this, Song Xiaojun the object who issued a warrant for arrest by the empire. 幽燕关那一战之中,宋小君是击伤陆朝歌的元凶,在此之后的很长一段时间里,宋小君都是被帝国通缉的对象。 He has not heard actually, King of Darkness of this new promote, unexpectedly and between Ye Qingyu, some marvelous relations, the Ye Qingyu severe wound, will actually make Song Xiaojun so crazy. 他倒是没有听说过,这个新晋的黑暗之王,竟然和叶青羽之间,有一些奇妙的关系,叶青羽的重伤,竟然会令宋小君如此疯狂。 But fatty king Li Jin at the same time, then lowers the head, is pounding the mouth, was admiring at heart secretly full of admiration. 而一边的胖子王郦金,则是低着头,砸着嘴,在心里暗暗地钦佩到了五体投地。 I force to go, my family small palace Military leader, is really fierce, before that little princess's performance, is the sentiment root deeply has planted, has not thought that now this just like Slaughter God same dark young girl, unexpectedly is also heart dark allow, for small Palace Master does not hesitate to scold Right Minister unexpectedly, with the entire empire is the enemy...... Is the man, achieves in this share, was the value.” “我勒个去,我家这位小殿主大人,真的是厉害啊,之前那位小公主的表现,已经是情根深种了,没想到现在这个宛如杀神一样的黑暗小妞儿,竟然也是芳心暗许,为了小殿主竟然不惜呵斥右相,与整个帝国为敌……做男人,做到这个份上,也算是值了。” Other people have not discovered the aspiration of this dreadful fatty. 其他人则都没有发现这个猥琐的胖子的心声。 Lu Heng cannot bear proceed one step, blocks Song Xiaojun, the sinking sound track: City Lord Song, where can you bring Little Yu to go to?” 陆衡忍不住往前一步,拦住宋小君,沉声道:“宋城主,你要带小羽去哪里?” Since you could not save him, I led him to go to City of Unmoving Darkness.” Song Xiaojun says with a smile coldly: At least in City of Unmoving Darkness, nobody dares to injure him.” “既然你们救不了他,那我带他去黑暗不动城。”宋小君冷笑着道:“至少在黑暗不动城中,没有人敢伤害他。” You cannot bring Little Yu to walk.” Lu Heng said immediately: „The Bright God palace can maintain his vitality, recovery his Divine Soul, if you bring Little Yu to walk, instead has harmed Little Yu.” “你不能带小羽走。”陆衡立刻道:“光明神殿可以维持他的生机,恢复他的神魂,你若是带小羽走,反而是害了小羽。” „The Bright God palace can achieve, my City of Unmoving Darkness can also achieve.” Song Xiaojun was saying, must leave. 光明神殿能够做到的,我黑暗不动城也能做到。”宋小君说着,就要离开。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Right Minister Lin Zheng is shouts angrily to make noise finally. 右相蔺争终于是怒喝出声。 He proceeds several, said: demonic girl, you think where this is, this is accommodating you to appear, has shown mercy especially, you burn unexpectedly also want to bring Hall Master Ye to walk, were you my empire Radiant Palace Hall, where regarding?” 他往前几步,道:“妖女,你以为这是什么地方,本相容你出现,已经是格外开恩了,你竟燃还想要带叶殿主走,你把我帝国光明殿,当成是什么地方了?” Good, the Hall Master Ye status is special, cannot go to City of Unmoving Darkness absolutely.” At the same time Qu Hanshan also knits the brows to say. “不错,叶殿主身份特殊,绝对不能去黑暗不动城。”一边曲寒山也皱眉道。 „A Hall Master Ye clear name, if entered City of Unmoving Darkness, to be tarnished? If you are Hall Master Ye considered really that do not act unreasonably.” Also some people of shouts out said. 叶殿主一身清名,要是进入了黑暗不动城,岂不是被玷污了?你若是真的为叶殿主考虑,就不要乱来。”也有人大喝道。 Encircles!” “围起来!” expert that the surroundings are survivor of disaster, have encircled. 周围劫后余生的强者们,呼啦啦都围了过来。 Fatty king Li Jin does not know this inside Guan Qiao, but is leading the subordinates soldier, proceeded to collect pretentiously 12 steps. 胖子王郦金不知道这里面的关窍,只是带着麾下的士兵,装模作样地往前凑了12步。 One group of shameless ones.” The Song Xiaojun anger instead smiles extremely, said: What nonsense general situation you, what nonsense Human Race great undertaking, can sacrifice others casually, the appearance that also affectedly virtuously has a clear conscience, Brother Qingyu has done that many for you, you are not only ungrateful, instead worry what nonsense reputation, is this what? Even if City of Unmoving Darkness can rescue Brother Qingyu, does not make him go, right?” “一群无耻之徒。”宋小君怒极反笑,道:“你们为了什么狗屁大局,什么狗屁人族大业,就可以随便牺牲别人,偏偏还一个个道貌岸然问心无愧的样子,青羽哥已经为你们做了那么多,你们非但不感激,反而担心什么狗屁名誉,这算什么?就算是黑暗不动城能够救青羽哥,也不让他去,是吗?” Some people lowered the head ashamed. 有些人惭愧地低下了头。 Some people do not dare with vision looking at each other of this King of Darkness. 有些人不敢与这位黑暗之王的目光对视。 Right Minister Lin Zheng has actually filled strongly, said: Good, is you can make you carry off, you take away him, harmed Hall Master Ye...... your wish to make Hall Master Ye with you same, fell into the permanent darkness inadequate?” 右相蔺争却是充满了强硬,道:“不错,就是你能让你带走,你带走他,是害了叶殿主……难道你想要让叶殿主和你一样,堕入永久的黑暗之中不成?” Song Xiaojun proceeds one step, whole body murderous intention rises suddenly: Old dog, what darkness is bright, can it be that can your this shortsighted person define? Today the person I was the belt have decided that who dares to stop, to try the strength of dark Lian magnificent again.” 宋小君往前一步,浑身杀机暴涨:“老狗,什么黑暗光明,岂是你这井底之蛙所能定义?今天人我是带定了,谁再敢阻拦,试试黑暗莲华的力量。” Saying, the young girl whole body black lotus flame was rising suddenly, proceeded in big strides. 说着,少女浑身黑莲火焰暴涨,大踏步往前走。 Blocks her!” “拦住她!” Lin Zheng shouted angrily. 蔺争怒喝。 Yu Feiyan and the others also stimulate to movement Yuan Art, moved forward to meet somebody. 鱼非言等人也催动元功,迎了上去。 The situation is ready to be set off. 局势一触即发。 Why no matter, absolutely cannot make Song Xiaojun carry off Ye Qingyu, particularly after Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan had guessed correctly faintly that relations, cannot make Ye Qingyu carry off at risk of life in these circumstances. 不管是出于什么原因,都绝对不能让宋小君带走叶青羽,尤其是在蔺争鱼非言隐隐猜到了那一层关系之后,更是拼死也不能让叶青羽在这样的情况下被带走。 Song Xiaojun sees that in the eye pupil, the murderous intention flamings greatly. 宋小君见状,眼眸之中,杀机大炽。 At this time, originally stupor past little princess Yu Xiao Xing, actually the spooky extension awoke, her strength originally greatly strengthened, sober time compared with the Lu Heng expectation must early. 就在这个时候,原本昏迷过去的小公主鱼小杏,却是幽幽转醒,她的实力本来就极强,清醒的时间比陆衡预料的要早。 Snow and ice intelligent such as she, sees such aspect, has realized immediately anything. 冰雪聪慧如她,看到这样的局面,立刻就意识到了什么。 About the relations of Ye Qingyu and Song Xiaojun, depended upon the intuition of woman, Yu Xiao Xing had discovered actually already the clue. 关于叶青羽宋小君的关系,依靠女人的直觉,鱼小杏其实早就发现了端倪。 Stop, do not begin.” Yu Xiao Xing struggled to jump, rushed to Song Xiaojun and people, shouts out said: Draws back, draws back to me......” “住手,都不要动手。”鱼小杏挣扎着跳了起来,冲到了宋小君和众人之间,大喝道:“都退下,给我退下……” Princess......” the Right Minister Lin Zheng facial color changes, but must say anything again. “公主……”右相蔺争面色一变,还要再说什么。 Shut up, do not say.” Yu Xiao Xing fierce shouts out, in her eye, full is terrified and sorrowful, shakes the head said loudly: Draws back, you draw back, do not stop, making her bring Brother Qingyu to walk, no one must block!” “住口,不要说了。”鱼小杏厉声大喝,她的眼睛里,满是惶恐和悲恸,摇着头大声道:“退下,你们都退下,不要阻拦,让她带青羽哥哥走,谁都不许拦!” But, Princess, this demonic girl, was dark......” Lin Zheng knits the brows, wants to say anything again. “可是,公主,这个妖女,是黑暗……”蔺争皱眉,想要再说什么。 Do not say again, I know that Yu Xiao Xing exclaimed loudly: I, no matter, I no matter that many, dark bright, has nothing to do with me, so long as I Brother Qingyu am living, so long as I he am living, other anything does not manage, if Song Xiaojun can rescue Brother Qingyu, that makes her bring Brother Qingyu to walk...... Makes way, makes way to me!” “不要再说了,我知道,”鱼小杏大声地吼道:“我不管,我不管那么多,黑暗还是光明,与我无关,我只要青羽哥哥活着,我只要他活着,其他什么都不管,如果宋小君能够救青羽哥哥,那就让她带青羽哥哥走……都让开,都给我让开!” The young girl clear tears of flow following pure white such as the beautiful cheeks of jade. 少女晶莹的泪水顺着洁白如玉的美丽脸颊流淌下来。 She slightly thin body, in the whirling snow, under crowding around surrounding of people, appears so lonely, making one love dearly. 她略显削瘦的身躯,在漫天大雪之中,在众人的簇拥包围之下,显得如此的孤单,令人心疼。 This moment she, did not have in the ordinary day again proud self-confident, not having Elf in ordinary day to be strange, did not have in Youyan Pass is that type calm calm, in the past few years in the time, studied under Painting Saint mental state that Liu Yuqing building up heart Cultivation must come, in this split second, unravelled. 这一刻的她,再也没有了平日里的骄傲自信,没有了平日里的精灵古怪,没有了在幽燕关是那种镇定从容,过去数年时间里,师从【画圣刘雨卿的炼心修炼得来的心境,在这一瞬间,灰飞烟灭了。 This moment Yu Xiao Xing, looks like a gambler of staking everything on a single throw of the dice is the same, the eye looks crazily the Song Xiaojun bosom was being iced the body of Ye Qingyu, has forgotten all. 这一刻的鱼小杏,就像是一个孤注一掷的赌徒一样,眼睛痴痴地看着宋小君怀里被冰着的叶青羽的身体,忘记了一切。 Princess, this matter, is extremely serious, princess you...... Wants three to think of......” Lin Zheng to express discretely, tries to convince Yu Xiao Xing. “公主,这件事情,太过重大,公主你还是……要三思啊……”蔺争谨慎地措辞,试图说服鱼小杏 If trades to be other people, by the Lin Zheng status, where like this will be benign, only feared that is directly strikes to fly immediately, or is commanded that drew back. 如果是换做其他人,以蔺争的身份地位,哪里会这样和颜悦色,只怕是立刻就直接击飞,或者是喝令退下了。 But Yu Xiao Xing is Royal Family, Lin Zheng in the Yu Xiao Xing front, is an official. 但偏偏鱼小杏乃是皇族,蔺争鱼小杏的面前,还是一名臣子。 Naturally, what is more important, the Yu Xiao Xing status, is not only the princess so is simple, what is more important, she or...... 当然,更加重要的是,鱼小杏的身份,却不仅仅是公主这么简单,更加重要的是,她还是…… Yes, Xing'er, this matter, cannot be willful, do not manage.” Yu Feiyan also opens the mouth to say. “是啊,杏儿,这件事情,不能任性,你还是不要管了吧。”鱼非言也开口道。 He and Lin Zheng so detains, really is also the difficulties that has unable to speak. 他和蔺争如此强留,委实也是有着无法言说的苦衷。 Do not say again, my intent has decided.” Yu Xiao Xing has dried the tears on face, has straightened up the body suddenly, the look becomes incomparably firm, every single word or phrase, categorical tunnel: „Haven't I as princess, the speech worked for? Good, I trade a status......” “不要再说了,我意已决。”鱼小杏擦干了脸上的泪水,猛然间挺直了身躯,神色变得无比地坚定,一字一句,斩钉截铁地道:“我以公主的身份,说话没有效力是吧?那好,我就换一个身份……” Saying, in her palm, rays of light Flashed, was presenting a golden imperial seal, Nine Dragons has arched the jade, Sovereign Qi tumbles, unquestionable tunnel: I now with the name of current dynasty crown prince, making you draw back, cannot stop, understood?” 说着,她掌心之中,毫光一闪,出现了一个金色的印玺,九龙拱玉,皇气翻滚,不容置疑地道:“我现在以当朝太子的名字,令你们退下,不许阻拦,明白了吗?” ----------- ----------- First 第一更
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