IGE :: Volume #5

#464: Who Ye Qingyu is

Having god-given wisdom rare talent.” Qu Hanshan also sighed: „The disposition, is martial arts talent and Cultivation Base, since has might be considered as Century, my Heaven Wasteland Human Race, what a pity, under the Century general situation, eventually was saddest a tribulation, is good to retain a vitality, when the matter, we again try to find the solution, could find the life-saving the means.” “天纵奇才啊。”曲寒山也感叹道:“不论是心性,还是武道天赋、修为,都堪称是百年以来,我天荒人族之最,可惜了,百年大局之下,终究还是难过一劫,好在保留了一丝生机,等到此间事了,我们再想想办法,或许可以找到救人的办法。” The people are also sob. 众人也都是唏嘘不已。 The performance of Ye Qingyu, everyone watches. 叶青羽的表现,每个人都看在眼里。 Anyone, regarding this young Radiant Palace Hall lord, holds the enormous respect and admiration. 不论是谁,对于这位年轻的光明殿主,都抱有极大的尊敬和钦佩。 A 17 -year-old youth, actually achieves the matter that innumerable older generation expert could not achieve. 一个17岁多的少年而已,却做到了无数老一辈强者都做不到的事情。 Not is only individual strength, on Ye Qingyu that intense individual charm and power, makes all people vacillate for it mind. 不仅仅是个人实力,叶青羽身上那种强烈的个人魅力和感染力,也让所有人都为之心神动摇。 This kind of later generation, is really the pearl uncut jade, is worth carving vigorously. 这样一个后辈,真的是明珠璞玉,值得大力雕琢。 What a pity. 可惜了。 If Ye Qingyu knows that perhaps the bureau of this Century, like this won't spell? 如果叶青羽知道这个百年之局,也许并不会这样拼吧? But does not have, if. 但没有如果。 Because Qu Hanshan and Li Guangbi and many such as Ye Qingyu so does not know that the person who truth, puts together at risk of life solemnly and stirringly and courageously, has deceived all enemies, lets this plan, is more perfect. 正是因为曲寒山李光弼和许许多多如叶青羽这般不知道真相的人,拼死拼出来的那种悲壮和奋勇,才骗过了所有的敌人,让这个计划,更加完美。 For the bureau of today, sacrificed were too many, what a pity Ye Qingyu......, but, this does not have the matter of means.” Right Minister Lin Zheng sighed: For Heaven Wasteland Human Race, the big sacrifice, was worth.” “为了今日之局,牺牲了太多啊,可惜了叶青羽……不过,这也是没有办法的事情。”右相蔺争叹息道:“为了天荒人族,再大的牺牲,都是值得的。” Marshal Li Guangbi regretted that nods. 李光弼元帅惋惜地点点头。 Qu Hanshan is also only silent speechless. 曲寒山也只是沉默无语。 Du Gu Quan and Ouyang do not put down in two individual hearts, although is the grief and indignation, but could not say anything, after all such as Lin Zheng said that the person who for the bureau of today, dying were too many are too many, the martial arts grandmaster, Royal Family Nobles, has paid the huge price. 独孤全欧阳不平两个人心中虽然是悲愤,但却也说不出来什么,毕竟如蔺争所说,为了今日之局,死的人太多太多,武道宗师,皇室贵胄,都付出了巨大的代价。 These people, and were not only today sacrificed. 这些人,并不仅仅是今日牺牲的。 Many, to complete the bureau of today, in the past long near Century time, or solemn and stirring sacrifice, either the putting pride in pocket offer, some people to dying cannot say their secret. 还有很多,是为了完成今日之局,在过去漫长的近百年时间里,或者悲壮牺牲,或者忍辱奉献,有些人到死都不能说出自己的秘密。 Human Race elite, takes place of the fallen from generation to generation, in had today's harvest. 一代一代人族菁英,前仆后继,在算是有了今日的收获。 From this perspective, the sacrifice of Ye Qingyu, as if especially did not arrange in order. 从这方面来说,叶青羽的牺牲,似乎也并不是特列。 But at this time, Lu Heng once more opened the mouth. 但就在这个时候,陆衡再次开口。 Her sinking sound tunnel: You have made a mistake, the sacrifice of Ye Qingyu, we could not withstand, today was all our people died, he should not have an accident...... originally I should control good all these, but has not actually thought that the situation was in this degree unexpectedly, I...... This is the present biggest problem, this responsibility, our nobody can undertake.” 她沉声地道:“你们错了,叶青羽的牺牲,我们谁都承受不起,今天就算是我们这里所有人都死了,他也不应该出事……原本我该掌控好这一切的,但却没有想到,局势竟然到了这种程度,我……这才是现在最大的问题,这个责任,我们没有谁能够承担的起。” Em?” Right Minister Lin Zheng stares. “恩?”右相蔺争一愣。 Other people also puzzled look to Lu Heng, does not know why she must say like this. 其他人也都是不解地看向陆衡,不知道她为什么要这样说。 Lu Heng long sighed: You know that who Ye Qingyu is?” 陆衡长长地叹息了一声:“你们知道叶青羽是谁吗?” All people are startled. 所有人都怔住。 Brother Ye, he...... It is not Deer City that...... Ye Mansion young master?” Some Du Gu Quan bewildered tunnels. 叶兄弟,他……难道不是鹿鸣郡城那……叶府的少爷吗?”独孤全有些莫名其妙地道。 Who is Ye Qingyu? 叶青羽是谁? This issue was really too simple. 这个问题实在是太简单了。 Now these people on the scene, which was not excessively were innumerable the status investigation of Ye Qingyu, the understanding clear. 如今在场的这些人,哪一个不是曾经将叶青羽的身份调查过无数遍,了解的清清楚楚的。 The empire promotes this young military officer, His Highness Crown Prince entrusts with heavy responsibility him, investigated inevitably innumerable, looking from any angle, Ye Qingyu family background, simple to the extreme, does not have the slight questionable point. 帝国提拔这位年轻军官,太子殿下重用他,必然也是调查了无数遍,从任何一个角度看,叶青羽的出身,都简单到了极点,没有丝毫的疑点。 Right Minister Lin Zheng uses own intelligence network, midwives Zha Guo when including Ye Qingyu birth, conclusive unmistakable. 右相蔺争更是利用自己的情报网,连叶青羽出生时的接生婆都查过,确凿无误。 Even if Du Gu Quan and Ouyang Ping and the others, before becoming friends with Ye Qingyu, has investigated his details. 就算是独孤全欧阳平等人,在结交叶青羽之前,也都调查过他的底细。 From all evidence, Ye Qingyu origin, not slight dubious place. 从一切证据来看,叶青羽的来历,都没有丝毫的值得怀疑的地方。 If this issue asked from others' mouth that only feared was all people on the scene, will snort contemptuously. 若是这个问题从别人的口中问出来,只怕是在场的所有人,都会嗤之以鼻。 But the issue is, these words, asked from the Lu Heng mouth. 但问题是,这句话,是从陆衡的口中问出。 If Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan two people, anybody are clearer , the Lu Heng status is anything, what status has. 蔺争鱼非言两个人,比其他任何人都清楚,陆衡的身份是什么,有着什么样的地位。 Lu Heng asked such words, naturally to not crack a joke. 陆衡问出这样的话,当然不是为了开玩笑。 Then in other words...... 那么也就是说…… Unexpectedly the Ye Qingyu status origin, is it possible that understands with the people are different? 叶青羽的身份来历,莫非竟然和众人了解的并不一样? Lu Heng was also long sighed one. 陆衡又是长长地叹息了一声。 Her for a lifetime, even if in once that most difficult days, likely has not been the today's so so frequent sigh, did not have is tople days like this has been likely heavyhearted. 她这一辈子,即便是在曾经那段最艰难的日子里,都没有像是今日这般如此频繁的叹息,也没有像是这些日子这样忧心忡忡过。 She turns around, walks in the direction of Bright God palace. 她转身,朝着光明神殿的方向走去。 Young lady and Xing'er, should be about to come back...... But, I do not know really how should confess with the young lady......” “小姐和杏儿,应该快回来了吧……可是,我真的不知道,该怎么和小姐交代啊……” Lu Heng entered the Bright God palace. 陆衡进入了光明神殿。 On the face of Lin Zheng originally a little bewildered expression, is startled suddenly. 蔺争原本有点儿莫名其妙表情的脸上,陡然怔住。 From Lu Heng these words, he caught to make his shocking information indistinctly, then the body of his whole person one stiff, immediately on delay in same place. 陆衡这句话里,他隐约捕捉到了一些令他震惊的信息,然后他整个人的身体一僵,立刻就呆滞在了原地。 That split second, Lin Zheng at heart, has raised the difficult situation. 一瞬间,蔺争的心里,掀起了惊涛骇浪。 His for a lifetime, what awkward frightened time no matter experiences, likely has not been this split second like this shocks alarmed and afraid, that split second miraculous glow flashes through, Lin Zheng thought that own leg was soft. 他这一辈子,不管是经历什么样为难惊悚的时刻,都没有像是这一瞬间这样震骇惊惧过,那一瞬间的灵光闪过,蔺争觉得自己的腿都软了。 The cold sweat, is the same like slurry immediately, has braved from the Lin Zheng forehead. 冷汗,立刻如浆液一样,从蔺争的额头冒了出来。 Yu Feiyan at the same time, sees the Lin Zheng so expression, has realized anything, has pondered over Lu Heng last few words carefully, suddenly in the eye, exploded projects such as the daytime damn the general expression. 一边的鱼非言,看到蔺争这般表情,也意识到了什么,仔细琢磨了一番陆衡最后一句话,突然眼睛里,爆射出如白日见鬼了一般的表情。 This...... Impossible...... Can't?” “这……不可能……不会吧?” He calls out in alarm makes noise. 他惊呼出声。 split second, Yu Feiyan thinks own back, must soak. 一瞬间,鱼非言觉得自己的后背,也要湿透了。 Other people see that is even more bewildered. 其他人见状,越发莫名其妙起来。 Yu Feiyan and Lin Zheng two people, each other battle dozens years, even if has been acting in a play , the deception the entire world, has been universally recognized as in the entire empire high level, the plans are faint, city palace deepest two people, is two that in the ordinary day the happiest anger does not show exists fearfully. 鱼非言蔺争两个人,彼此争斗了数十年,就算是一直在演戏,也瞒骗了整个天下,被公认为是整个帝国高层之中,心机幽微、城府最深的两个人,也是平日里最喜怒不形于色的两个可怕存在。 However this split second, two people were the ghastly pale look that startled, the body slightly were shivering unexpectedly. 但是这一瞬间,两个人竟然都是骇的面无人色,身体都在微微地颤抖了起来。 Sees this, Du Gu Quan and the others realized immediately that had any serious matter to occur. 看到这一幕,独孤全等人立刻意识到,有什么不得了的事情发生了。 What matter but is? 但到底是什么事情呢? With Ye Qing and related? 与叶青与有关? What matter can be, makes these two so shocking unexpectedly? 能是什么样的事情,竟然让这两位如此震惊? In light of the beforehand words, isn't the Ye Qingyu status origin, likely superficially so is simple? Even but if was the imperial prince died in battle, was passed away as for the snow emperor, did being insufficient make these two giants so rude shock? 结合之前的话,难道叶青羽的身份来历,并不像是表面上看起来那么简单?可即便是皇子战死,乃至于雪帝驾崩,都不至于让这两个巨头如此失态震骇吧? In scene strange atmosphere time, in sky, is a stream of light glitters. 正在场面一片怪异气氛的时候,天空之中,又是一道流光闪烁下来。 brilliance Flashed, changes to a slender beautiful figure. 光华一闪,化作一个窈窕倩影。 Actually is little princess Yu Xiao Xing. 却是小公主鱼小杏 Well, you here. Aunt Heng?” Yu Xiao Xing looks at the people, has swept, does not have the Ye Qingyu form, has a look at the surrounding battle scene to be ordinary again, in the heart is thinking is actually that person. “咦,你们都在这里啊。衡姑姑呢?”鱼小杏一看众人,扫了一遍,没有叶青羽的身影,再看看周围尸山血海一般,心中想着的却已经是那个人。 Lin Zheng looked ashen to refer to the Bright God palace. 蔺争面如土色地指了指光明神殿。 Well? How is this damn expression?” Yu Xiao Xing noted Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan and the others the looks, thoughts intelligent she, had had a premonition that little anything, turned head to look has not put down two people to Du Gu Quan Ouyang, said: Ye Qingyu? Hasn't this Radiant Palace Hall lord, how appeared?” “咦?怎么都是这一幅见了鬼的表情?”鱼小杏注意到了蔺争鱼非言等人的神色,心思聪慧的她,已经预感到了一点点什么,扭头看向了独孤全欧阳不平两个人,道:“叶青羽呢?他这个光明殿主,怎么还没有出现?” Two old men know the little princess and Ye Qingyu friendship, does not know that should say anything. 两个老头子知道小公主和叶青羽的交情,也不知道该说什么。 Yu Xiao Xing has realized anything immediately. 鱼小杏顿时意识到了什么。 She walks toward the Bright God palace in immediately not silently. 她立刻一言不发地朝着光明神殿内部走去。 Just got to the entrance, Lu Heng comes out from inside, saw her, has been startled being startled, shook the head, said: First do not go in......” 刚走到门口,陆衡从里面出来,看到她,怔了怔,摇摇头,道:“先不要进去……” Yu Xiao Xing looked at Lu Heng. 鱼小杏怔怔地看了看陆衡 In the young girl princess heart that unclear feeling, was clearer. 少女公主心中那种不详的感觉,更加清晰了。 She has guessed correctly anything indistinctly, in eye flashes through the color of unprecedented fear, suddenly, in the eye had the tears to glitter, she such as a lightning is common, insane same has disregarded flushes away toward inside...... 她隐约猜到了什么,眼睛里闪过前所未有的害怕之色,突然就啊了一声,眼睛里已经有泪光在闪烁,她如一道闪电一般,疯了一样不管不顾地朝着里面冲去…… Lu Heng has held on her hastily. 陆衡连忙一把拉住了她。 He was seriously injured, formation of temple, is repairing his injury, Xing'er, if you care about him, do not go to disturb.” Lu Heng said. “他受了重伤,神殿的阵法,正在修复他的伤势,杏儿,如果你真的在乎他,不要进去打扰。”陆衡道。 Yu Xiao Xing has made several, discovered that the Aunt Heng palm pliers oneself, cannot be working loose firmly, she decides looks at Lu Heng, with one type nearly in the hope expression of weeping voice, said: Aunt Heng, do not deceive me, you told me, he...... Is he all right really? Is injured?” 鱼小杏挣了几下,发现衡姑姑的手掌牢牢地钳着自己,挣不脱,她定定地看着陆衡,用一种近乎于哭腔的祈求语气,道:“衡姑姑,你不要骗我,你告诉我,他……他真的没事?只是受伤?” Lu Heng slightly had hesitant the moment. 陆衡略有犹豫了片刻。 Is this hesitation, making this young girl princess's heart be about to break to pieces. 就是这种犹豫,让这位少女公主的心都快碎了。 She goes all out to struggle. 她拼命地挣扎起来。 But Lu Heng element is the same, presses in the necks of Yu Xiao Xing like lightning, the young girl princess fainted. 陆衡素手一样,闪电般地在鱼小杏的颈间一按,少女公主就昏了过去。 First is calm.” “先冷静一下吧。” Lu Heng sighed once again. 陆衡再度叹息。 Yu Xiao Xing is Princess Royal Family, the body has the enormous imperial destiny, this time is the and Two building sovereigns Yu Jun Han goes to Snow Ground Demon Court to prohibit to destroy last together to belong to Alien race Domain Portal, since she came back, that Yu Jun Han also came certainly back. 鱼小杏身为皇室公主,身上负有极大的皇家气运,这一次是和【二楼帝君】鱼君寒一起前往雪地妖庭封禁摧毁最后一个属于异族界域之门的,既然她回来了,那鱼君寒一定也回来了。 It seems like last Alien race Domain Portal, had been prohibited. 看来最后一个异族界域之门,已经被封禁了。 But the heart of Lu Heng, slightly has not actually relaxed. 陆衡的心,却丝毫没有放松。 No matter how, must look for the young lady, perhaps she has the means that treats Ye Qingyu.” Lu Heng clenched teeth, decided that must tell Yu Jun Han this matter. “不管如何,都要去找小姐了,也许她有办法,来治疗叶青羽。”陆衡咬了咬牙,决定还是要将这件事情告诉鱼君寒 She is holding Yu Xiao Xing, walks from stone steps, told to Lin Zheng and the others several, will go to Royal Family's Ancestral Land, at this time, suddenly 她抱着鱼小杏,从石阶上走下来,对蔺争等人吩咐了几句,正要前往皇室祖地,就在这个时候,突然之间 ! 咻! Dark Flowing Light, cuts sky together suddenly, beyond the meteor just like a day is the same, explodes to shoot toward the ground earth-shakingly generally. 一道暗色流光,猛然划破天空,宛如一颗天外陨星一样,石破天惊一般地朝着地面爆射而来。 Rich Power of darkness surges. 浓郁的黑暗力量涌动。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Lin Zheng and the others gain ground instantaneously. 蔺争等人瞬间抬头。 In Lu Heng eye, fine glow twinkle. 陆衡的眼中,也精芒闪烁。 ! 咻! The dark flame twinkling, has not stayed in the ground, fast overran toward the Bright God palace front door equally directly. 暗色火焰瞬息即至,并未在地面上停留,电光石火一样直接朝着光明神殿大门冲了过去。 „Not good...... Blocks it!” “不好……拦住它!” „Who is?” “是什么人?” Lu Heng shouts out, first getting rid. 陆衡大喝,第一个出手。 The response of Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan is not slow, immediately the personal appearance twinkle, such as cursory stops to go toward the temple front door generally. 蔺争鱼非言的反应也不慢,立刻身形闪烁,如浮光掠影一般朝着神殿大门阻拦而去。 Go away!” “滚开!” sound/noise that a young girl drinks callously tenderly transmits. 一个少女冷酷娇喝的声音传来。 Bang! 轰! Fearful Giant Flame Bear instantaneous tearing was roaring void coming out. 一头可怕的火焰巨熊瞬间撕裂虚空咆哮着出来。 Terrorist Darkness Flame Power erupts suddenly, just likes the day gets angry. 恐怖的黑暗火焰之力骤然爆发,犹如天怒。 The bonus is Lu Heng, Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan three people, is great unparalleled expert, is actually not able to contend with this strength, split second was shaken to fly. 饶是陆衡蔺争鱼非言三个人,都是一等一的盖世强者,却也无法与这股力量抗衡,一瞬间都被震得飞了出去。 But also in this split second, that Dark-red Flame is wrapping the form of young girl, broke through the strength of Bright God palace unexpectedly or not strength the obstruction of Bright God palace, crosses the front door unexpectedly, directly entered. 而也就是在这一瞬间,那暗红色火焰包裹着的少女的身影,竟是突破了光明神殿的力量或者说是并未受光明神殿之力的阻挠,竟是越过大门,直接进入了其中。 Squeek psst......” “吱吱吱……” The small white rabbit in main hall cheers to call immediately incisively. 大殿里的小白兔立刻尖锐地欢呼叫了起来。 ----------- ----------- Second. 第二更。 Everybody rests earlier, well rest 大家早点睡吧,好好休息
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