IGE :: Volume #5

#463: Two building sovereign

Safest?” “最保险的一路?” Li Guangbi listened to one dull. 李光弼听了一呆。 He cannot find out, is actually, can let Yu Feiyan and Lin Zheng is so confident, must know that Snow Ground Demon Court is in four big Alien race Demon Court, strength most formidable, has been able to meet as an equal with Human Race, master expert pours forth, is a Demon Race branch that Human Race most has a headache about. 他想不出,究竟是谁,能够让鱼非言蔺争如此有信心,要知道雪地妖庭乃是四大异族妖庭之中,实力最为强大的一个,一直都可以与人族分庭抗礼,高手强者辈出,乃是人族最为头疼的一个妖族分支。 More than hundred years ago, Snow Ground Demon Court can be said as the entire Heaven Wasteland Domain strongest influence, such status has maintained for several thousand years, rises to Snow Country, this slowly was driven away north the storm icefield, has been dormant. 在百多年之前,雪地妖庭可以说是整个天荒界最强的势力,这样的地位维持了数千年,一直到雪国崛起,这才慢慢地被驱赶到了暴雪冰原以北,蛰伏了下来。 Such influence, the foundation is solid, even if Hu Yu and in sister of the emperor these two empire Divine Dragon lists ranks first second expert, collaborates to go into action to attack personally, only feared that does not dare to say is 100% successes. 这样的势力,底蕴深厚,即便是胡钰和长公主这两个帝国神龙榜上排名第一第二的强者,亲自联手出马突袭,只怕也不敢说是100成功。 Except for two snow emperors, Mr. Qin and Mr. Yu and sister of the emperor, Wu Chi Hu Yu, but also does anyone, really have such strength? 除了两位雪帝陛下,秦先生、俞先生和长公主、【武痴】胡钰,还有谁,竟然有如此实力 Li Guangbi has revealed the color of thinking deeply. 李光弼露出了深思之色。 Actually Du Gu Quan at the same time looking pensive, suddenly in the eye pupil has shown the inconceivable look, said: Besides Radiant Palace Hall five big Martial Artist in Divine General and beside shadow, in the past in Radiant Palace Hall, Your Excellency, might be considered as peerless invincible, the number of times of although getting rid was few, but every time got rid, was the Heaven and Earth color deterioration, the defeat enemy never uses the second move.” 倒是一边的独孤全若有所思,突然眼眸中露出了不可思议的神色,道:“除了光明殿的五大神将和影子中的武者之外,当年光明殿中,还有一位冕下,堪称是绝世无敌,虽然出手的次数很少,但每一次出手,都是天地变色,败敌从来不用第二招。” You were said that......” the body of Li Guangbi senior marshal, shook suddenly, stares in a big way the eye, inconceivable tunnel: Your meaning, is it possible that is...... Two building sovereigns?” “你是说……”李光弼老元帅的身体,猛然一震,瞪大了眼睛,不可思议地道:“你的意思,莫非是……【二楼帝君】?” Du Gu Quan is also a rude look, slightly excited place request. 独孤全也是一副失态的神色,略显激动地点了点托。 Two building sovereigns?” At this time was Left Minister Qu Hanshan interposed finally, staring dumbfounded tunnel: This Your Excellency, unexpectedly also in Snow Country? Did not say...... In the past...... Already......” “二楼帝君?”这时却是左相曲寒山终于插上话了,瞠目结舌地道:“这位冕下,竟然还在雪国吗?不是说……当年……已经……” Lin Zheng nodded, said: Is two building sovereign Your Excellency.” 蔺争点了点头,道:“正是二楼帝君冕下。” This was gives the final word. 这算是一锤定音了。 The bonus is Li Guangbi, Qu Hanshan, Du Gu Quan and Ouyang not equal old person, does not know Dao Scripture has undergone many wind and rain vicissitudes, but at this time, actually cannot sink, sent out one to cheer unrestrainedly. 饶是李光弼曲寒山独孤全欧阳不平等老人,不知道经历过了多少的风雨沧桑,但在这个时候,却也都沉不住,情不自禁地发出了一阵欢呼。 As if this Two building sovereigns The appearance, making these old people be full of the hope to be the same with the confidence instantaneously. 仿佛这位【二楼帝君】的出现,让这些老人瞬间就充满了希望和信心一样。 Qin Zhishui was somewhat curious, cannot bear hold while fatty king Li Jin, said: Hello, Two building sovereigns Is which older generation?” 一边的秦止水有些好奇,忍不住捅了捅一边的胖子王郦金,道:“喂,【二楼帝君】是哪一位先辈?” The fat people grinning, said: I have not seen this Your Excellency Spiritual Master, but has listened to some facts, this Your Excellency, the hearsay was the past Unparalleled war-god Your Excellency wife, was beginning Snow Country the generation of snow emperor daughters, natural talent Unparalleled, the talent was shocking, high of strength, was next to that Unparalleled war-god, in years past was also strong column Liang who west the empire eastern expedition asked for one, it is said in the past the Snow Country imperial throne, established must pass to this Your Excellency, therefore some people called the sovereign it, because of this Your Excellency residence, has liked in two buildings, takeoffed six meters, on never three buildings., Therefore was called by some people Two building sovereigns.” 胖子咧了咧嘴,道:“我也没有见过这位冕下真人,不过听过一些事迹,这位冕下,传闻乃是当年无双战神冕下的妻子,也是雪国初代雪帝陛下的女儿,天资无双,才情惊艳,实力之高,仅次于那位无双战神,昔年也是帝国东征西讨的强势柱梁之一,据说当年雪国帝位,本来已经既定是要传给这位冕下的,因此有人将其称之为帝君,又因为这位冕下的居所,一直都喜欢在二楼,离地六米,又从不上三楼。,所以又被一些人称之为【二楼帝君】。” Really also has this kind of character?” Qin Zhishui is surprised, he has never heard such matter. “竟然还有这样一位人物?”秦止水惊讶无比,他从未听说过这样的事情。 Yes, is only this Your Excellency, the number of times of getting rid is few, moreover happy static is unhappy moves, not the good fame and fortune, therefore in the reputation obviously before the person, not to know that her person is few, including my such Radiant Palace Hall great person, heard that your this bystander, naturally is not clear.” “是,只是这位冕下,出手的次数很少,而且喜静不喜动,不好名利,所以在名声并不显于人前,知道她的人很少,连我这样光明殿的大人物,都也只是听说而已,你这个外人,自然是不清楚啦。” Fatty complacent tunnel. 胖子得意洋洋地道。 Qin Zhishui shot a look at his one eyes, is catching the opportunity to this on the fatty of Chinese zither, feels very speechless. 秦止水瞥了他一眼,对这个逮着机会就得瑟的胖子,感到很无语。 But the fatty such easily will not let obviously off shows off oneself story the opportunity, collects complacently, said: Although two building sovereign Your Excellency reputations do not reveal, but she occasionally several times gets rid, vibration that creates, were you certainly clear, know in the past too the matter of monotheism destruction?” 但胖子显然不会这么轻易就放过卖弄自己阅历的机会,洋洋得意地凑过来,道:“虽然二楼帝君冕下的名声不显,但她偶尔几次出手,造成的震动,你一定清楚,知道当年太一神教覆灭之事吗?” Qin Zhishui hear that, in the heart shakes suddenly greatly, loses the sound track: Too monotheism? 130 years ago, that did occupy Heaven Wasteland Domain nearly one-fourth areas unsurpassed Sect? In the legend, Snow Country initially rose in the past, was unable to overawe the four directions, object who the first choice subjugates, is too the monotheism, initially defeats it, fights again also wins, but after plundering ten thousand li (0.5km), in too the monotheism entrance place, encounters the setback, has attacked continuously for more than 100 days, cannot capture its entrance, Snow Country is in a dilemma, must by reinforcements surrounding of monotheism organization, the situation be been too in imminent danger shortly, has big Divine Ability, from the Snow Country ancestor place, is away from 100,000 li (0.5km), sends out a palm distantly, too the monotheism entrance, the bang will be the powder powder, including too monotheism town. Teaches Dao Instrument Too a calligraphy stroke Was rumbled to break to pieces......” 秦止水闻言,心中陡然巨震,失声道:“太一神教?130年之前,那个占据了天荒界近乎1疆域的无上宗门?传说之中,当年雪国初崛起,还未能威震四方,第一个选择征讨的对象,就是太一神教,初战胜之,再战亦胜,可是掠地万里之后,在太一神教山门处,遭遇挫折,连续攻打了100多天,都不能攻下其山门,雪国进退两难,眼看要被太一神教组织的援军包围,局势岌岌可危,却是有大神通者,自雪国祖地方向,隔着100000里,遥遥发出一掌,将太一神教的山门,轰为齑粉,连太一神教的镇。教道器【太一啄】都被轰碎了……” The fat people nod complacently: That war.” 胖子得意洋洋地点头:“正是那一战。” But that war, it is said is the Human Race Unparalleled war-god gets rid......” the Qin Zhishui inconceivable tunnel. “可那一战,据说乃是人族无双战神出手……”秦止水不可思议地道。 About chronicle that Snow Country rises, is actually many objects of Sect research, especially likely is Three Sects Three Schools like this big Sect, will allow the hanger-on disciple to understand that these dust-laden past events, to understand the great strength of Snow Country. 关于雪国崛起的大事记,其实都是许多宗门研究的对象,尤其像是三宗三派这样的大宗门,都会让门下弟子了解那些尘封往事,以了解雪国的强大。 But too a monotheism war, by all parties is thought is the most fearful campaign, is Human Race that Unparalleled war-god comes to a war, a that earthshaking palm, was frightens to break the gallbladders of innumerable Sect simply. 而太一神教一战,也被各方都认为是最为可怕的一次战役,是人族那位无双战神现身一战,那惊天动地的一掌,简直是吓破了无数宗门的胆。 But the original that palm, is another person sends out unexpectedly? 可原来那一掌,竟然是另外一个人发出的吗? If before , hears Two building sovereigns This name, Qin Zhishui is also curious, such vibration that even if other people display, he does not have to care, but remembers this name reluctantly, that now, he thoroughly is shocked. 如果说之前听到【二楼帝君】这个名字,秦止水也只是好奇,即便其他人表现的如此震动,他也没有太放在心上,只是勉强记住这个名字的话,那现在,他是彻底被震撼到了。 Snow Country inside story really fearful. 雪国底蕴真的可怕。 To today, really also had such character to assume personal command. 到了今日,竟然还有这样的人物坐镇。 The fat people at the same time as before are the complacent performance. 胖子在一边依旧是得意洋洋的表现。 Another side. 另一边。 That...... Cold Her Excellency Princess, at this time where?” Li Guangbi asked excitedly. “那……寒公主冕下,此时在何处?”李光弼兴奋地问道。 The cold princess, is in that legend Two building sovereigns Legendary character who the Your Excellency true status, empire sister of the emperor Yu Jun Han in the true sense, a a small number of talented person knows. 寒公主,正是那位传说之中的【二楼帝君】冕下的真正身份,帝国真正意义上的长公主鱼君寒,一个只有少数人才知道的传奇人物。 Sister of the emperor fish Monarch who now the bystander knows invited, was actually two princesses. 如今外人知道的长公主鱼君请,其实是二公主。 Long ago, that cold princess humans affair, did not pay no attention to the bustling place, few people know her existence, and in the past after the Unparalleled war-god was missing, hearsay cold princess has also been missing, afterward person had forgotten gradually existence of cold princess, then please call the sister of the emperor fish Mr. 只是早年间,那位寒公主不涉世事,不理红尘,很少有人知道她的存在,且当年无双战神失踪之后,传闻这位寒公主也失踪了,后来之人渐渐忘记了寒公主的存在,转而将鱼君请称之为长公主。 Cold princess these years, continuously in Royal Family's Ancestral Land, today's bureau, was lucky that has the cold princess to assume personal command, can therefore distinguish various evil spirits, has the confidence to win victories.” Lin Zheng said. “寒公主这些年,一直都在皇室祖地,今日的局,也多亏有寒公主坐镇,所以才能辨别各种魑魅魍魉,有必胜的信心。”蔺争道。 Also some people were shouting excitedly lowly. 又有人在兴奋地低呼。 Nobody notes, when they cheer because of existence of cold princess inspired, only then Aunt Heng Lu Heng, look continuously tranquil extraordinary, in foreheads, but also is bringing worry of faint trace, had not started talking. 只是没有人注意到,在他们因为寒公主的存在而振奋欢呼的时候,只有衡姑姑陆衡,神色一直都平静的出奇,眉宇之间,还带着一丝丝的担忧,一直没有开口说话。 Today a war, to here, although the general situation has decided that but this central Domain Portal opens greatly, is Heaven and Earth willpower, is unable to reverse.” “今日一战,到了这里,虽说是大局已定,但这中央域门大开,乃是天地意志,无法逆转。” Lin Zheng looks that spurts the silver light beam that comes out thinly from place fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, has a look in the sky again that velocity of whirl quicker and quicker chaos storm vortex, in the foreheads, many worried look. 蔺争看着从地火幽泉剑坑之中喷薄出来的银色光柱,再看看天空之中那旋转速度越来越快的混沌风暴漩涡,眉宇之间,又多了一丝忧色。 He long sighed, said: In that narrow and small fixed Domain Portal with four big royal courts is different, the position of fire quiet spring, is Heaven Wasteland Domain growth production central Yumen, domain grows to the certain extent voluntarily, central Domain Portal will appear, in other domain thorough connections with infinite universe, this was the past Unparalleled war-god calculates, will not have the mistake.” 他长长地叹息了一声,道:“和四大王庭之中那狭小的固定域门不同,地火幽泉的位置,乃是天荒界自行生长生成的中心玉门,界域成长到一定程度,中央域门就会出现,与大千世界中的其他界域彻底连接,这是当年无双战神推算出来的,不会有错。” Lin Zheng then said: What is main, once central Domain Portal opens, is unable to close to destroy, will exist eternal, Heaven Wasteland Domain will be facing the impacts of other domain strengths surely, most again three months, this central Domain Portal will thoroughly stabilize, does not know that which several domain the connection, at that time, perhaps is a friend, perhaps is the enemy, will appear through this Domain Portal, therefore no matter how, we must prepare well, welcomes a coming of new time.” 蔺争接着道:“更主要的是,中央域门一旦打开,无法关闭摧毁,会永恒存在,天荒界必定会面临着其他界域力量的冲击,最多再有三个月的时间,这中央域门就会彻底稳定下来,也不知道连接向了哪几个界域,到那个时候,也许是朋友,也许是敌人,就会通过这域门出现,所以不管如何,我们还是要好好准备一下,迎接一个新的时代的到来。” People hear that, the complexion heavy became solemn and respectful. 众人闻言,脸色重又变得肃穆了起来。 Indeed. 的确。 In the past long time, because Heaven Wasteland Domain is newborn domain, therefore and other domain of infinite universe, the relation is not close. 在过去的一个漫长的时间里,因为天荒界是新生界域,所以与大千世界的其他界域,联系并不紧密。 Before true important domain appears, contacts of Heaven Wasteland Domain among with other domain, is only through some narrow and small slit Domain Portal, or by unsurpassed Divine Ability or is the Space-Time slit that the magical instrument opens. 在真正的重要界域出现之前,天荒界与其他界域之间的联系,只是通过一些狭小的缝隙界域之门,或者是以无上神通或者是神器打开的时空缝隙。 Heaven Wasteland Domain regarding the understanding of outside, through these accidental channels, obtains the information of some scale fingernails. 天荒界对于外界的了解,都是通过这些偶然渠道,得到一些只鳞片爪的信息。 More than hundred years ago that large-scale invasion, is existences of other domain Quasi-Emperor levels, opens except for a god of journeys gate, lets other domain strengths, such as the flood fell in torrents generally, entered Heaven Wasteland Domain, regarding Heaven Wasteland Domain indigenous, that was a fearful disaster. 百多年之前的那场大规模入侵,就是其他界域一位准帝级的存在,开辟除了一道神门,让其他界域的力量,如洪水一般倾泻,进入了天荒界,对于天荒界的土著来说,那是一场可怕的灾难。 Recently in the Century time, for example Lin Zheng, Yu Feiyan and the others, Venerable to teach with the demon to seek the skin with Black Demon Abyss and Saint, has understood the information about other infinite universe domain. 最近百年时间里,比如蔺争鱼非言等人,和黑魔渊、圣尊教与魔谋皮,了解了许多关于大千世界其他界域的信息。 Information where obtains, regarding Heaven Wasteland Domain, is not quite happy. 无论是从哪里得到的信息,对于天荒界来说,并不太美好。 Various information showed that in other mature domain, Sect are innumerable, the dynasty existed side by side, the martial arts developed degree, be more prosperous than Heaven Wasteland Domain. 各种信息都显示,其他一些成熟界域之中,宗门无数,皇朝并立,武道发达程度,要比天荒界更加昌盛了许多。 In Heaven Wasteland Domain, other Human Race Alien race, the Ascending Heaven Boundary peak, can be true expert extremely. 天荒界之中,不论是人族还是其他异族,登天境的巅峰,可以算是真正的绝顶强者了。 However in other domain, Immortal Rank Boundary, makes the stage of perfection even is higher Realm, exists. 但是在其他界域,仙阶境、造化境甚至是更高境界,都是存在的。 More than hundred years ago that invasion, has cast the too big shadow to the Heaven Wasteland Domain life. 百多年之前的那一次入侵,已经给天荒界生灵留下了太大的阴影。 If that Unparalleled war-god had not appeared in the past, only feared that present Heaven Wasteland Domain, is in the past that Quasi-Emperor level expert Heritage attached puppet. 若是当年没有那位无双战神横空出世,只怕如今的天荒界,已经是当年那位准帝强者传承的附属傀儡了。 Therefore opening of central Domain Portal, regarding Heaven Wasteland Domain Human Race, is not considered as absolutely any specially good news. 因此中央域门的开启,对于天荒界人族来说,绝对不算是什么特别好的消息。 Is good to listen to the Lin Zheng tone, obviously is that Unparalleled fought the uncanny prediction to opening of today's central Domain Portal in the past, and also kept some arrangement, this made the people slightly more relaxed. 好在听蔺争的口气,显然是当年那位无双战神算到了今日中央域门的开启,并且还留下来了的一些布置,这就让众人都略微轻松了一些。 Such being the case, we defer to the method that war-god keeps fast.” Yu Feiyan opens the mouth saying that he is one of the Century plan general situation a small number of insiders, therefore also has the right to speak, said: Moreover we have Two building sovereigns Your Excellency assumes personal command, believes that so long as prepares fully, certainly can this central Domain Portal, grasp in our hands.” “既然如此,那我们就按照那位战神留下来的手段快速进行吧。”鱼非言开口道,他是这个百年计划大局的少数知情人之一,因此也是颇有发言权,道:“况且我们还有【二楼帝君】冕下坐镇,相信只要准备充分,就一定可以将这中央域门,掌握在我们的手里。” Yes, fortunately, situation has not worsened to the most awful degree.” Li Guangbi said. “是啊,还好,局势还没有恶化到最糟糕的程度。”李光弼道。 At this time, has been silent Lu Heng, opened the mouth suddenly, said: Ye Qingyu has been injured, moreover injury is very serious.” 这时,一直沉默着的陆衡,突然开口,道:“叶青羽受伤了,而且伤势很重。” People look, immediately for it one gloomy. 众人神色,立刻为之一黯。 Right Minister sighed, said: Yes, this Ye Qingyu, indeed is my Human Race big rare talent, if can train, certainly is the Heaven Wasteland Human Race column Liang Ji character, what a pity......” 右相叹息了一声,道:“是啊,这个叶青羽,的确是我人族一大奇才,若是能够培养起来,一定是天荒人族的柱梁级人物,可惜了……” ------------ ------------ This chapter, gives one enthusiastically to help the friend of knife first, everybody understands. 这一章,先给一位一直热心帮助刀子的朋友,大家懂的。 Today the mentality is a little card, two chapters 今儿思路还是有点儿卡,两章吧 A chapter owes the chapter, tomorrow also 还有一章欠章,明天还
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