IGE :: Volume #5

#462: Four groups

The senior marshal by his such saying, immediately was startled, thinks carefully that suddenly at present one bright, said: „The current political situation changes to this aspect, sister of the emperor Your Highness, as if has not come.” 老元帅被他这么一说,顿时一怔,仔细想了想,突然眼前一亮,道:“说起来,时局变化到这个局面,长公主殿下,似乎并未现身。” Du Gu Quan nods immediately, said: Was, sister of the emperor Your Highness was Royal Family one, naturally also received the Royal Family destiny, moreover her talent was outstanding, Cultivation Base was profound, in the past obtained the personal direction of Unparalleled war-god Your Excellency, although these years getting rid number of times has been short, but Cultivation Base was in the situation that being hard has measured, only feared true Battle Strength, but also in two snow emperors above......” 独孤全立刻点头,道:“是了,长公主殿下皇族一员,自然也是秉承了皇族气运,而且她天赋卓绝,修为精深,当年得到过无双战神冕下的亲自指点,这些年虽然出手次数少了,但修为已经到了难以度测的地步,只怕真正的战力,还在两位雪帝陛下之上……” The Ouyang non- flat spot nods: Indeed, in the empire Divine Dragon list, the sister of the emperor is also is next to military lunatic Hu Yu expert, strength and status, poured absolutely suffice...... Right, on the other hand, hasn't that military lunatic, how come to the present?” 欧阳不平点点头:“的确,帝国神龙榜上,长公主也是仅次于武疯子胡钰的强者,实力和身份,倒都是绝对够了……对了,话说回来,那个武疯子,怎么到现在也没有现身?” The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 Ha Ha, your this old Ouyang, was remembers the old man finally.” sound/noise does not have the indication to remember in void suddenly. “哈哈,你这个老欧阳,总算是想起老夫了啊。”一个声音突然毫无征兆地在虚空之中想起。 Then brilliance Flashed, yuan qi surges. 接着光华一闪,元气涌动。 The people only think at present a flower. 众人只觉得眼前一花。 In field were many two people. 场中多了两个人。 One is the white hair such as the snow and crane sends the old person of young face, over the face red light, if neglects that snow white long hair, to the feeling of person, the reversed image is a naughty child is the same. 一个是白发如雪、鹤发童颜的老人,满面红光,如果忽略那雪白的长发,给人的感觉,倒像是一个顽童一样。 Another is white men's clothing warrior long robe, but the facial color like the jade, in the jade bone ice muscles is bringing solemnly, the curved thin eyebrow, the facial features are fine, actually clearly is a female. 另一个则是一袭白色男装武士长袍,但面色如玉,玉骨冰肌之间带着冷峻,弯弯细眉,眉眼精致,却分明是一个女子。 If Ye Qingyu, can look, simple and beautiful refined female who this is dressed as a man, was on the same day once in Youyan Pass the war of immortal pavilion, once appeared side Liu Yuqing and Xing'er that god Bai Yi (white-clothed) secret student. 如果叶青羽在的话,可以看出来,这女扮男装的清丽脱俗女子,正是当日曾经在幽燕关的仙亭之战中,曾经出现在刘雨卿杏儿身边的那个神白衣秘书生。 These two people come, a surroundings person of complexion immediately changes. 这两个人现身,周围人脸色顿时都一变。 Has seen sister of the emperor Your Highness!” “见过长公主殿下!” See sister of the emperor!” “参见长公主!” The surrounding person salutes. 周围人都行礼。 Even if Lin Zheng, salutes to express best wishes slightly. 即便是蔺争,也微微行礼致意。 The simple and beautiful refined female of transvestite, now the sister of the emperor fish Monarch in empire invites, wind and cloud great person who in the empire Divine Dragon list, is listed second. 女扮男装的清丽脱俗女子,正是如今帝国的长公主鱼君请,帝国神龙榜上,排名第二的风云大人物。 But her side that old person, is in the Divine Dragon list ranks first Wu Chi Hu Yu, is considered as is the present empire official recognizes first expert. 而她身边那位老人,则是神龙榜上排名第一的【武痴】胡钰,也算得上是如今帝国官方认定第一强者 The people after the sister of the emperor salutes, to Hu Yu greets. 众人向长公主行礼之后,也都向胡钰打招呼。 Hu Yu is Royal Family consecrates big consecration in institute, does not like the earthliness government affairs, little participates in the power and influence competing, moreover an inborn naughty child general mentality, always the biggest hobby practices martial art. 胡钰是皇室供奉院之中的大供奉,不喜欢俗世政务,很少参与权势争夺,而且天生一种顽童一般的心态,平生最大的爱好就是习武。 About this Wu Chi, a legend. 关于这位武痴,还有一段传说。 The hearsay, Hu Yu talent was quite long ago ordinary, the family background is ordinary, and practices martial art inadequately, it is said in first 50 years, only Cultivation to Spirit Spring, but is dull-witted. 传闻在早年间,胡钰天赋极为一般,出身普通,且习武不成,据说在前50年时间里,只修炼到一眼灵泉,可算是愚钝至极。 A such person, such intelligence, no matter what no one will look at one. 这样的一个人,这样的资质,任谁都不会多看一眼。 But how does not know, in the past that Unparalleled war-god, actually noted also obscure Hu Yu, it is said also only spoke thoughtlessly to direct Hu Yu several. 但偏偏也不知道怎么的,当年那位无双战神,却注意到了还默默无闻的胡钰,据说也只随口指点了胡钰几句。 Even the recording a name disciples are not. 甚至连个记名弟子都算不上。 But who knew afterward, Hu Yu matured slowly unexpectedly, 30 years did not call, 30 years later actually amazed the world with a single brilliant feat, erupt unequalled strength, becomes expert that in the empire was second to none. 但谁知道后来,胡钰竟然是大器晚成,30年不鸣,30年之后却一鸣惊人,爆发出了无与伦比的实力,成为帝国之中首屈一指的强者 Hu Yu instinct is pure, never participates in the empire the matter, does not form cliques for selfish ends, once in the empire in view of the fight of Alien race during, performed the oversized merit, therefore in the major clique influence respect by empire, the status was been a little aloof. 胡钰天性单纯,从不参与帝国内事,不结党营私,又曾在帝国针对异族的战斗之中,立下过大功劳,因此被帝国之内的各大派系势力尊敬,地位有点儿超然。 Sister of the emperor returns, is always matter carries on is very smooth.” Right Minister Lin Zheng opens the mouth to say. “长公主返回,向来是事情进行的很顺利。”右相蔺争开口道。 The sister of the emperor nods, smiled, said: Has Hu Wuchi to get rid to assist, naturally is smooth, that Domain Portal in desert Barbarian Race royal court, thoroughly had been destroyed very much to prohibit together.” 长公主点头,笑了笑,道:“有胡武痴出手协助,自然是顺利的很,大漠蛮族王庭之内的那一道界域之门,已经被彻底摧毁封禁了。” Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan two people, relaxed. 蔺争鱼非言两个人,都松了一口气。 Originally reason that the sister of the emperor and Hu Yu have not come, accompanies northwest desert Barbarian Race unexpectedly, their goals, in the desert Barbarian Race royal court were protecting Domain Portal. 原来长公主和胡钰之所以没有现身,竟是结伴去了西北大漠蛮族,他们两个人的目标,正是大漠蛮族王庭之中守护着的界域之门 Was saying, in sky, is together brilliance Flashed. 正说着,天空之中,又是一道光华一闪 A person's shadow appears. 一个人影出现。 This is a middle-aged thin man, jaw next three wisps of black long beard, appear the extremely pretty erudites Confucian scholar, obviously young time, is a rare handsome man, is only the facial color is a little slightly pale, the body also has this rich bloody aura, should just experience frigid battle. 这是一位中年清癯男子,颌下三缕黑色长须,显得极为俊秀儒雅,显然年轻的时候,是一位罕见的美男子,只是面色稍有点儿苍白,身上还有这浓郁的血腥气息,应该是刚刚经历了一场惨烈的厮杀。 On the same day intercepts beginning Qin Lin of generation of snow emperors. 正是当日拦截初代雪帝的秦林 Qin Lin, the Sky Sword of Era of Sects correct path five-character jue peak. 秦林,宗门时代正道五绝峰之天剑。 Before he is Century, overawes four directions expert. 他是百年之前就威震四方的强者 Reported the master, hurricane wave Demon Court Domain Portal, has destroyed to prohibit smoothly, the overlord returned to the palace to heal from a wound, all also smooth.” Qin Lin said. “禀相爷,诸位,飓浪妖庭界域之门,已经顺利摧毁封禁了,太上皇陛下已经回宫养伤,一切都还顺利。”秦林道。 Good,” Lin Zheng nodded, said: Laborious Mr. Qin, was right, overlord injury how?” “好,”蔺争点了点头,道:“辛苦秦先生了,对了,太上皇陛下伤势如何?” Qin Lin smiles lightly, said: No worries, training 12 moon/month then recovery.” 秦林淡淡一笑,道:“无虞,修养12月即可恢复。” Lin Zheng hear that, this thoroughly feels relieved. 蔺争闻言,这才彻底放心下来。 On the same day arranges Qin Lin intercepts beginning the generation of snow emperors, naturally does to that Black Demon Abyss god causes to look, does all pays attention to the situation demon soul to look in secret, but one type the method that tempts the Foreign Domain Fiendgod ash fire to swallow the bait. 当日安排秦林去拦截初代雪帝,当然只是做给那位黑魔渊的神使去看,也是做给所有暗中关注着局势的魔魂去看,只是一种引诱域外神魔余烬上钩的手段而已。 The true goal, is let Mr. Qin and beginning the generation of snow emperors converges certainly, to already prepare good mystique channel, went to hurricane wave Demon Court, attacked that Domain Portal restricted area, hit match one to be caught off guard, thoroughly destroyed the seal this Domain Portal. 真正的目的,当然是让秦先生和初代雪帝汇合,以早就准备好的秘法通道,前往飓浪妖庭,突袭那界域之门的禁地,打对手一个措手不及,将这一处界域之门彻底摧毁封闭。 But that correct path does not have peak Yu Xianjiao divine book of certainly, intercepts the goal of contemporary snow emperor, the nature and Qin Lin are exactly the same, is the surface comes up the interception hindrance, in fact is actually converging, after having deceived all parties' attention, immediately makes a detour, to already the rune formation channel of opening, go to snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race, Domain Portal that surprise attack snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race Wang Ting protects. 而那位正道无绝峰之天书俞先觉,去拦截当代雪帝的目的,自然和秦林一模一样,也是表面上去拦截阻碍,实际上却是在汇合,等到欺骗了各方的注意力之后,立刻转道,以早就开辟的符文阵法通道,前往白山黑水蛮族,突袭白山黑水蛮族王庭守护的界域之门 After all once the Bright City war starts, two snow emperors definitely are the focus of attention the object, although they already low-key dozens years, but after is Heaven Wasteland Human Race to exists high, surely their responses, are these plan the Century demon souls to pay attention. 毕竟一旦光明城的战事打响,两位雪帝肯定是都备受关注的对象,虽然他们都已经低调了数十年,但毕竟是天荒人族的至高存在,他们的反应,必定是那些谋划百年的魔魂们所关注的。 Now in Heaven Wasteland Domain turmoil, several big Alien race after being pressed not gasping for breath near Century, suddenly counter-attacks Human Race, has broken through the defenses on various Human Race border lines at one fell swoop, the army enters the Human Race center, superficially, is Human Race is in the absolute inferiority all of a sudden, in imminent danger. 如今天荒界之中局势混乱,几大异族在被压得喘不过气来近百年之后,突然反攻人族,一举攻破了人族各条边境线上的防御,大军杀入人族腹地,表面上看起来,是人族一下子处于绝对劣势,岌岌可危。 But truth? 但真相呢? Tyrannical Century Human Race army, so will be really frail? 强横了百年人族军队,难道真的会那么脆弱? Wheted the near Century four big main action regiments on the border line, collapses at the first blow , is stupid? 在边境线上磨砺了近百年的四大主战军团,难道真的那么不堪一击,那么昏庸? How possible! 怎么可能! All these are only the false appearances. 这一切都只是假象而已。 Four big Alien race royal courts occupy completely winning side, commandeds the troops radically, the front elongates, in the clan master expert was dispatched to enter the Human Race area by batches of places, the royal court protection strength naturally is weakened. 四大异族王庭占尽上风,挥师激进,战线拉长,族中高手强者被一批批地调遣进入人族疆域,王庭的防备力量自然是被削弱了许多。 Most critically, in like this seems like under the big situation of having victory in the hand, since Alien race regarding the protection and vigilance of Human Race, reduced to Century the most lax situation. 更为关键的是,在这样看似胜券在握的大局势下,异族对于人族的防备和警惕,降低了到了一个百年以来最为松懈的地步。 This gives Human Race to the strong strength, attacks four big Alien race royal court restricted areas Domain Portal, has created the biggest opportunity. 这就给人族的至强力量,突袭四大异族王庭禁地的界域之门,创造了最大的机会。 Naturally, in the past dozens years, to initially the generation of snow emperors, the contemporary snow emperor, Right Minister, Yu Feiyan and other Human Race high levels of artificial head, laboriously gingerly rack one's brains the game of big chess that developed, cheated with paralysis four big Alien race Demon Court. 当然,在过去的数十年里,以初代雪帝,当代雪帝、右相鱼非言等人为首的人族高层,辛辛苦苦战战兢兢殚精竭虑演的这一局大棋,也哄骗和麻痹了四大异族妖庭 This game of chess, besides a few knows personally, other participate in person innumerably, simply has not realized slightly the trace. 这一局棋,除了少数几个人知道之外,其他无数参与其中的人,根本没有察觉到丝毫痕迹。 These potencies in the Right Minister person, work for in the Yu Feiyan person, racks one's brains for own Master struggle, believes all that in the surface saw. 那些效力于右相的人,效力于鱼非言的人,是真的殚精竭虑为自己的主人奋斗,真的相信了表面上自己看到的一切。 But in the past that dozens years of bleeding sacrifices, real. 而过去那数十年的流血牺牲,也都是真的。 Entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, believes all that in the surface had. 以至于整个天荒界,都相信了表面上发生的一切。 Human Race these giants, number ten years like a day arrange the game of chess, nearly in perfect. 人族这些巨头们,数十年如一日布下的这一局棋,近乎于完美。 But to today, arrived at the harvest time. 而到了今天,也到了收获的时候。 Moment. 须臾。 In sky, is brilliance glitters. 天空之中,又是光华闪烁。 The dubhe Yu Xianjiao form, appeared nearby the people. 天枢俞先觉的身影,出现在了众人跟前。 Right Minister, the matter became.” Yu Xianjiao Bai Yi (white-clothed), be with smile on the face. 右相,诸位,事情成了。”俞先觉一袭白衣,面带微笑。 Several characters exit / to speak, Lin Zheng is long relaxed. 几个字出口,蔺争又是长长地松了一口气。 On the faces of other people, has revealed the happy expression. 其他人的脸上,也都露出了喜色。 But the Qin Lin vision falls on the body of Yu Xianjiao, the complexion suddenly changes, said: Yu brother, your injury is heavy, wound and source......” 秦林目光落在俞先觉的身上,脸色陡然一变,道:“俞兄,你伤势不轻,伤及了本源……” Yu Xianjiao beckons with the hand, shows a faint smile, said: Might as well, was only the buckle 20 years of life, that snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race Demon Court Domain Portal that traded was prohibited, the Foreign Domain demon is unable to enter through this Domain Portal together, pays such price , was worth.” 俞先觉摆摆手,微微一笑,道:“无妨,只是折损了20年寿元而已,换的那白山黑水蛮族妖庭界域之门被封禁,域外邪魔无法通过这一道界域之门进入,付出这样的代价,也是值得的。” Mister high character and integrity, worthily are one generation of masters.” Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan sighed. “先生高风亮节,不愧是一代大师。”金顶亲王鱼非言叹道。 Du Gu Quan and Ouyang not equal person, salutes to Yu Xianjiao, said: Past misunderstood Right Minister, has misunderstood the mister, was really ashamed, Mr. Qin and Mr. Yu two character, making me and others blush with shame mediocre.” 独孤全欧阳不平等人,也向俞先觉行礼,道:“昔日误会右相,也误会了先生,实在是惭愧,秦先生和俞先生两位的风骨,令我等凡俗汗颜。” Yu Xianjiao beckons with the hand, said: For my Human Race.” 俞先觉摆手,道:“只是为我人族而已。” Right Minister also asked: Snow emperor did he safely return?” 右相又问道:“雪帝陛下他可是已经安然归来?” Yu Xianjiao nods: Your majesty returned to the palace...... His injury is heavy, the snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race inside story is not small, although is the surprise attack, but actually also almost fails when success seemed within reach, the critical moment, your majesty burns the source, can strike certainly successfully.” 俞先觉点点头:“陛下已经回宫……他伤势不轻,白山黑水蛮族的底蕴不小,虽然是突袭,但却也差点儿功败垂成,关键时刻,陛下燃烧本源,才能绝地一击成功。” What?” Lin Zheng and the others suddenly change color. “什么?”蔺争等人都是霍然变色。 Combustion source? 燃烧本源? Unexpectedly to this degree? 竟然到了这种程度吗? Yu Xianjiao light several words, but the people can actually imagine then thrilling stimulation, divine book Buckle life, but snow emperor has burnt the source, then thrilling, thinks to let person. 俞先觉只是淡淡几句话,但众人却能够想象到当时的惊险刺激,【天书】折损了寿元,而雪帝更是燃烧了本源,当时的惊险,想一想都让人一身冷汗。 Must know this motion, to attack the rapidity and secrecy, know truly the goal also gets rid, only then snow emperor and divine book Yu Xianjiao two people, once falls into the protracted war, while still alive will be consumed lethal. 要知道这次行动,为了突袭的快速性和保密性,真正知道目标并且出手的,只有雪帝和【天书俞先觉两个人而已,一旦陷入持久战,就会被活活消耗致死。 Was good because of the plan becomes.” Lin Zheng has rubbed the temples, felt that an intermittent spirit is exhausted. “好在计划都成了。”蔺争揉了揉太阳穴,也感觉到一阵阵精神疲惫。 Senior marshal Li Guangbi looked at people, finally falls on the body of Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan, angry [say / way]: Such important matter, the old man actually does not know that you thought old man this old bones, extremely has entrusted with heavy responsibility?” 老元帅李光弼看了看众人,最后落在蔺争鱼非言的身上,恼怒道:“这样的大事,老夫竟然不知道,你们可是觉得老夫这把老骨头,已经不堪重用了吗?” Cannot participate so to seize completely in the Century general situation of Heaven and Earth good fortune, lets this brave soldier later years fierce heart old person, feels angry unwilling. 没有能够参与到如此夺尽天地造化的百年大局之中,让这位壮士暮年烈心不已的老人,感觉到气恼不甘。 Lin Zheng smiled, said: Senior marshal no wonder, is only you, the temperament is too straight, has any matter unable to keep, is the object of demon soul and Alien race key attention, therefore does not dare to state clearly, hid the truth from you......” 蔺争笑了笑,道:“老元帅莫怪,只是您老人家,脾气太直,有什么事情都藏不住,又是魔魂和异族重点关注的对象,所以才不敢明说,瞒住了您……” The senior marshal snort|hum, actually also no longer has haggled panting in indignation over. 老元帅气呼呼地哼了一声,却也不再计较了。 Du Gu Quan at the same time resembled suddenly has realized anything, said: „It is not right,...... Snow Ground Demon Court is Domain Portal, destroyed to prohibit by whom? In four big Alien race, by the Snow Ground Demon Court strength, is most formidable, moreover they have not broken through Youyan Pass, the concentration of efforts is complete, likely will not be other three big Alien race so will be inevitably lax, only feared that was attacked very much difficultly.” 一边的独孤全突然似是意识到了什么,道:“不对,还有一路……雪地妖庭界域之门,是由谁去摧毁封禁的?四大异族之中,以雪地妖庭的力量,最为强大,而且他们没有攻破幽燕关,力量集中完整,必然不会像是其他三大异族那样松懈,只怕很难被突袭啊。” This saying, the people respond immediately that immediately in the heart is also one tight. 这话一出,众人立刻反应过来,顿时心中也是一紧。 Because of until now, Snow Ground Demon Court, as if had not had the news to transmit. 因为到现在为止,雪地妖庭一路,似乎还未有消息传来。 But the sister of the emperor actually smiled. 但长公主却是笑了笑。 But Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan is actually the appearance that has victory in the hand is not worried about, said: This, is actually safest, various types cannot be worried that the general situation has decided surely.” 而金顶亲王鱼非言却是一副胜券在握丝毫不担心的样子,道:“这一路,却是最保险的一路,各种不需担心,必定已经大局已定了。” ---------- ---------- Second 第二更
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