IGE :: Volume #5

#461: Winding peaks and paths

Security...... Imperial!” “警戒……御!” The fat people look at these two to come out, immediately is one trembles. 胖子一看这两人出来,顿时就是一个哆嗦。 How is these two most damn fellows, hasn't died unexpectedly, lives to run away? 怎么是这两个最该死的家伙,竟然没有死,活着逃了出来? Is the disaster loses really the millenniums? 难道真的是祸害遗千年? Other people also immediately anxious. 其他人也顿时都紧张了起来。 At present the Radiant Palace Hall pitiful condition, this skeleton such as the mountain and rivers of blood, do not know many Sect master expert change to the blood putty, saying that is these two devils makes completely. 眼前光明殿的惨状,这尸骨如山、血流成河,不知道多少宗门高手强者化作血泥,以说完全是这两个魔头制造出来的。 In fire quiet Quan Jiankeng the mutation again and again, passed on pitiful yell severe howl a moment ago unceasingly, obviously is inside demon soul and person, has been hit by the total destruction. 刚才地火幽泉剑坑之中异变连连,不断地传出来惨叫厉吼,显然是里面的魔魂和人,都遭到了灭顶之灾。 However speaks the truth, if must in entering in fire quiet Quan Jiankeng the person, chooses non- refuses stubbornly to be possible one batch, what standard no matter, all people hopes in the person who dies has Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan. 但是说实话,如果说非要在进入地火幽泉剑坑之中的人里面,选择非死不可一批的话,那不管是以什么样的标准,所有人都希望死的人里面有蔺争鱼非言 But why these two fellows, actually lived. 但为什么偏偏这两个家伙,竟然活了下来。 Perhaps was knows the feelings of people, the Lin Zheng sudden facial color one positive, walked step by step directly toward the people, White tiger fights armor The light tiger, stands on his shoulder. 也许是感受到了众人的心情,蔺争突然面色一正,一步步地直接朝着众人走来,【白虎战甲】所化的光虎,站在他的肩膀上。 The scary imposing manner, just likes the rough sea waves raging tide same front surface oppression. 骇人的气势,犹如巨浪狂潮一样迎面压迫而来。 Instantaneous, no matter king Li Jin or Qu Hanshan, Du Gu Quan and the others, instantaneously change color completely. 瞬间,不管是王郦金还是曲寒山独孤全等人,全部都瞬间为之变色。 On Lin Zheng is seamless, absolutely does not have what loss, is as in peak condition. 蔺争身上并无伤痕,完全没有什么损耗,依旧在巅峰状态。 Right Minister under this condition, facing Radiant Palace Hall one crowd of old , weak , sick and disabled, almost can at this time in instant, completely the crush. 这种状态下的右相,面对光明殿此时一群老弱病残,几乎可以在一念之间,就全部都碾压。 Before Radiant Palace Hall. 光明殿前。 On the faces of all people, has revealed the solemn and stirring color. 所有人的脸上,都露出了悲壮之色。 In some people of throats sends out low roar. 有人喉咙里发出低吼。 Some people closely have gripped weapon. 有人紧紧地握住了兵器。 But at this moment, Lu Heng actually gradually slowly walked, the look on face is a little dignified, said: Smooth that Lin the master, the following matter, may carry on?” 但就在这时,陆衡却一步一步地缓缓走了出去,脸上的神色有点儿凝重,道:“蔺相爷,下面的事情,可进行的顺利?” All people look at Lu Heng astonished. 所有人惊愕地看着陆衡 But Right Minister is always on the serious dignified face, suddenly bloomed the lively smiling face, all scary imposing manners, instantaneous dissipation. 右相从来都是严肃威严的脸上,突然绽放出了轻快的笑容,所有骇人的气势,瞬间消散。 Ha Ha Ha Ha......” 哈哈哈哈……” He like is a practical joke has prevailed the child, suddenly face upwarded Ha Ha Ha to laugh. 他像是一个恶作剧得逞了的小孩子一样,突然仰天哈哈哈大笑了起来。 This laughter is willful, does not bring slight concealing. 这笑声恣意豪放,不带丝毫的掩饰。 Like this has the flavor laughter that one type was teasing smart-alecky, should not send out in Right Minister Lin Zheng this kind of political strategy Unparalleled and mouth of city palace faint giant absolutely. 这样带着一种俏皮调侃的味道的笑声,绝对不应该在右相蔺争这样一个权谋无双、城府幽微的巨头的口中发出。 But Lin Zheng actually such did. 蔺争却偏偏这么做了。 This old boy what's the matter, happy insane?” The king Li Jin mouth was whispering. “这老小子怎么回事,难道高兴疯了吗?”王郦金嘴里嘀咕着。 Du Gu Quan and Ouyang did not put down two people, on the face have also revealed the surprised inexplicable color. 独孤全欧阳不平两个人,脸上也露出了惊讶莫名之色。 They and Right Minister have had many social dealings. 他们和右相打过不少的交道。 But has not seen this kind of Right Minister. 但从来没有见过这样一个右相 On the face of Lu Heng, actually finally reveals a relaxed color, said: Master mood such good, looked like should be all is very smooth.” 陆衡的脸上,却终于露出一丝轻松之色,道:“相爷心情如此之好,看起来应该是一切都很顺利了。” Right.” Has stood Jinding crown prince Yu Feiyan in distant place, walks in big strides, said: All are smooth, the method under that Your Excellency establishment, is really may be called goes against heaven's will, more than 100 years passed by, actually in the past the demon soul that will run away from formation, caught the whole lot in a dragnet, leakproof, even if were in the past that immortal step peak old strange, were extinguished by us kill.” “没错。”一直站在远处的金顶亲王鱼非言,大踏步地走过来,道:“一切都非常顺利,那位冕下设置下的手段,果然是堪称逆天,100多年过去了,却还是将当年从阵法之中逃出去的魔魂,一网打尽,一个不漏,即便是当年那个仙阶巅峰的老怪,也被我们灭杀了。” „The Century pains, blossom and bear fruit today finally.” Lin Zheng received laughter gradually, said: These time annihilated the enemy thoroughly, catches the whole lot in a dragnet the Foreign Domain demon ashes, Heaven Wasteland Human Race can feel relieved finally.” 百年的苦心,终于在今日开花结果。”蔺争渐渐地收住了笑声,道:“这一次彻底犁庭扫穴,一网打尽域外邪魔灰烬,天荒人族终于可以放心了。” Lu Heng long relaxed. 陆衡长长地松了一口气。 On her face reappeared a relaxed color, the smiling face bloomed, was the same just like a hundred flowers in full bloom, before this battle scene earth shatter Radiant Palace Hall, appeared especially beautiful gentle. 她脸上浮现出了一丝轻松之色,笑容绽放,宛如百花盛开一样,在这尸山血海大地破碎的光明殿前,显得格外的美丽温柔。 This time, was lucky two.” “这一次,多亏两位了。” Lu Heng the Yu Feiyan nod expressed best wishes to Right Minister Lin Zheng and Jinding crown prince. 陆衡右相蔺争和金顶亲王鱼非言点头致意。 She said this saying time, the stance is very unusual, completely with these two big giant equal status flavors, even must be slightly higher, fought the picture with them when with before, was completely different. 她说这话的时候,姿态很奇特,一副完全和这两大巨头同等地位的韵味,甚至还要略微更高一层,和之前与两人战斗之时的画面,完全不一样。 Does not dare.” “不敢。” Yu Feiyan and Lin Zheng answer in chorus. 鱼非言蔺争齐声回答。 These two regarding the Lu Heng manner, became respected suddenly. 这两人对于陆衡的态度,也陡然变得尊敬了起来。 Such change, lets the bewilderment that the surrounding other people look at completely, is confused. 这样的变化,让周围其他人完全都看的莫名其妙,一头雾水。 How more to look likely is...... 怎么越看越像是…… Likely is Lu Heng and Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan is one group. 像是陆衡蔺争鱼非言都是一伙儿的。 But this is impossible. 可这不可能啊。 Not to mention before soon, Lu Heng is life and death with the harsh in every word that Lin Zheng kills, solely is Lin Zheng and Yu Feiyan two people, in the past is dozens years, struggled does not know many times, wished one could to kill the opposite party thoroughly. 且不说不久之前,陆衡还和蔺争杀的刀刀见血你死我活,单单是蔺争鱼非言两个人,在过去长达数十年的时间里,明争暗斗不知道多少次,都恨不得将对方彻底弄死。 In the entire empire, is as for entire Heaven Wasteland Domain, who does not know that these two people are the life and death enemies. 整个帝国之中,乃至于整个天荒界之中,谁不知道这两个人是生死对头。 They...... Unexpectedly is one group? 他们……竟然是一伙儿的? Many people were instantaneously ignorant. 很多人瞬间都懵了。 Du Gu Quan and Ouyang do not put down, the Qu Hanshan, Li Guangbi and other empire high-level giants, could not completely understand completely that only thinks to be confused. 独孤全欧阳不平、曲寒山李光弼等帝国高层巨头们,也完全看不透,只觉得一头雾水。 Lu Heng looks at this time the surrounding piece of corpse piles up, the rivers of blood, said: Is only this plan, slaughters overweight, although extinguished the demon soul ash fire of Foreign Domain demon, but also makes Human Race Martial Artist lose seriously!” 陆衡这时看着周围一片尸体堆积如山,血流成河,道:“只是这次计划,杀戮过重,虽然灭了域外邪魔的魔魂余烬,但也让人族武者损失惨重!” Lin Zheng has swept surrounding countless corpses, smiles lightly, said: Lasts with magnificently for the multiplication of Heaven Wasteland Human Race, dies some people are very normal, let alone these Jiang Hu Sect people, cherish the ambition, refuses to accept the empire to enlighten, the variant violated a prohibition by the military, is clamoring anything Jiang Hu matter Jiang Hu, root originally was one group of unstable members, compared with the Foreign Domain demon soul, distinguished not in a big way, this time our transferred Jiang Hu Sect expert, has not set out the emperor ** the team, must here, making them kill one another, catches the whole lot in a dragnet.” 蔺争扫了一眼周围累累尸体,淡淡一笑,道:“为了天荒人族的繁衍存续和辉煌,死一些人是很正常的,更何况这些江湖宗门中人,一个个都心怀野心,不服帝国教化,侠以武犯禁,叫嚣着什么‘江湖江湖了’,根本就是一群不稳定分子,和域外魔魂比起来,区别不大,这一次我们之调动江湖宗门强者,没有出动帝**队,就是要借此机会,让他们自相残杀,一网打尽。” In this saying, contains is working off anger densely. 这话之中,蕴含着森森杀气。 All people hold breath an cold air/Qi. 所有人都倒吸一口冷气。 This split second Lin Zheng, turned into that method to be stern instantaneously, unfeeling, planned the world Right Minister. 一瞬间蔺争,瞬间又变成了那个手段森严,冷酷无情,算计天下的右相 Yu Feiyan also nodded, said: As long as participates to besiege a Bright City Sect people today voluntarily, originally is not the friendly kind, these years I am too many with this kind of person contact, fully realized that their countenance, except is better. Let alone, today regarding them, was the king leaves a loophole, if they were not because was extremely greedy, entered fire quiet Quan Jiankeng, that did not use, A'Heng you do not need to be extremely sad, the life and death had the life, was own choice.” 鱼非言也点了点头,道:“但凡今日自愿参与围攻光明城宗门中人,本就不是善类,这些年我与这类人接触太多,深知他们的嘴脸,除去更好。何况,今日对于他们,也是王网开一面了的,如果他们不是因为太过贪心,进入地火幽泉剑坑,那也不用死,阿衡你也不必太过感伤,生死有命,都是自己的选择。” Lu Heng hear that, slight bow. 陆衡闻言,微微点点头。 But sighed. 但还是叹息了一声。 At this time, senior marshal Li Guangbi of anxious temperament, could not bear at the same time finally, said: You...... This...... Real matter?” 这个时候,一边急脾气的老元帅李光弼,终于是忍不住了,道:“你们……这……到底是真么回事?” These words, ask the aspirations of all people. 这句话,算是问出了所有人的心声。 Lu Heng turns around, smiles lightly, said: „The whole story of this matter, is a long story...... If the senior marshal wants to know that waits for your majesty to return, all were naturally clear.” 陆衡转身过来,淡淡一笑,道:“这件事情的原委,说来话长……老元帅若是想要知道,等陛下归来,一切自然就清楚了。” Your majesty?” Li Guangbi is startled, said: „Didn't your majesty close up? Has not appeared to the present, only feared that is......” “陛下?”李光弼一怔,道:“陛下不是闭关了吗?到现在都没有出现,只怕是……” Yu Feiyan Ha Ha Lang Xiao, shakes the head saying: Closes up? That is only a pretence, your majesty and overlord, these years lives in seclusion, pays no attention to the royal government, to not close up Cultivation merely is so simple.” 鱼非言哈哈郎笑,摇头道:“闭关?那只是一个幌子而已,陛下与太上皇,这些年深居简出,不理朝政,绝非仅仅是为了闭关修炼那么简单。” What?” Li Guangbi is startled immediately, at once on face reveals the happy expression, is a little inconceivable, has the anticipation that is unable to conceal, said hastily: This what's the matter? Doesn't old man how what know?” “什么?”李光弼顿时一怔,旋即脸上露出喜色,有点儿不可思议,又带着无法掩饰的期待,连忙道:“这到底是怎么回事?老夫怎么什么都不知道?” The senior marshal in the past when as empire, founded a country, directs the mighty force, sweeps away all parties, that time Li Guangbi, was what kind was in high spirits, cherished the determination, must establish a formidable magnificent Human Race dynasty, pushed to a prosperous peak Heaven Wasteland Human Race. 作为帝国的老元帅,当年开国之时,指挥千军万马,横扫各方,那时的李光弼,是何等的意气奋发,心怀壮志,就是要建立一个强大辉煌的人族皇朝,将天荒人族推向一个鼎盛的巅峰。 However after founding a nation, the different frequency conversion leaves. 但是立国之后,异变频出。 First is the empire pillar Unparalleled war-god vanishes, is beginning the generation of snow emperors abdicate, the generation of snow emperors take a seat, then two imperial capitals pay no attention to the royal government, inward was chaotic, did not have the heart of keeping forging ahead. 先是帝国支柱无双战神消失,接着是初代雪帝退位,次代雪帝即位,然后两帝都不理朝政,朝内混乱,没有了进取之心。 Li Guangbi watches, pain at heart. 李光弼看在眼里,痛在心里。 His places submit a written statement to speak frankly that was actually put aside, unable to get any response. 他一次次地上书直言,却被束之高阁,得不到任何的回应。 To afterward, this senior marshal was also gradually dejected. 到了后来,渐渐地这位老元帅也心灰意冷了。 Today hears the Yu Feiyan words suddenly, around associates again matter, during is indistinct, what Li Guangbi has guessed correctly, in the heart can not be unhappy? 今天陡然听到鱼非言的话,再联想前后之事,隐约之中,李光弼猜到了什么,心中怎么能不喜? Two your majesty closes up, the matter covers their ears and eyes, to wait for today, if the plan has not made a mistake, only fears this time, Snow Ground Demon Court and hurricane wave Demon Court and snow-capped mountain black water Barbarian Race and desert Barbarian Race Domain Portal, thoroughly had been sealed up, was difficult to open.” “两位陛下闭关,之事掩人耳目而已,就是为了等待今日,如果计划没有失误的话,只怕此时,雪地妖庭、飓浪妖庭、白山黑水蛮族、大漠蛮族域门,都已经被彻底封闭,再难打开了。” What?” “什么?” These time calls out in alarm makes noise, is Du Gu Quan and Ouyang is uneven. 这一次惊呼出声的,却是独孤全欧阳不平。 How is this possible?” Du Gu Quan calls out in alarm said: You said...... But, Domain Portal of place of these four big Alien race royal courts, had already opened, is relatively stable Domain Portal, although is narrow and small, but is actually the Heaven and Earth good fortune production, is certainly difficult to close, if destroys forcefully, will initiate domain to be chaotic, once the Space-Time turbulent flow expands, entire Heaven Wasteland Domain will be destroyed......” “这怎么可能?”独孤全惊呼道:“你是说……可是,这四大异族王庭之地的域门,早就开启过,乃是相对稳定的界域之门,虽然狭小,但却是天地造化生成,绝难关闭,若是强行摧毁,会引发界域混乱,时空乱流一旦扩展,整个天荒界都会被摧毁……” Yes, if is not so, in the past that war-god Your Excellency, Domain Portal of these four big Alien race royal courts, had already closed, but also with waiting till today?” Ouyang does not put down is unable to believe tunnel: In the method of that war-god surface, is unable to achieve, how now can......” “是啊,若非是如此,当年那位战神冕下,早就将这四大异族王庭的域门,都关闭了,还用等到今天?”欧阳不平也无法相信地道:“以那位战神面的手段,都无法做到,现在怎么会……” Right Minister Lin Zheng smiles lightly, said: These are the methods that war-god Your Excellency keeps, the ordinary method, indeed is unable to seal up already stable Domain Portal, but if the life petition in domain, by reading of strength all living things, supplements with rune formation and rare book, can actually its close.” 右相蔺争淡淡一笑,道:“这些都是那位战神冕下留下来的手段而已,普通的手段,的确是无法封闭已经稳定的界域之门,但如果是界域之内的生灵请愿,以众生之念力,辅以符文阵法和秘籍,却是可以将其封闭的。” Reading strength that all living things petitioned?” Ouyang does not put down one dull, resembles has become aware, actually again and again shakes the head, said: If gathers all living things to read the strength, must the city subjects pray surely together that also petitioned, transmits Heaven and Earth, was these days, similar matter has not actually occurred......” “众生请愿的念力?”欧阳不平一呆,似是有所悟,却又连连摇头,道:“若要聚集众生念力,非得千万城池子民一起祈祷,同时请愿,传达天地,可是这段时间,却并没有类似的事情发生……” Du Gu Quan has actually realized anything, said: „The position of emperor, all living things prostrate oneself, Royal Family has Sovereign Qi, Sovereign Qi came from all living things prostrates oneself to read the strength, is it possible that...... Is it possible that is......” 独孤全却是意识到了什么,道:“皇者之位,众生膜拜,皇族皇气,皇气来自于众生膜拜念力,莫非……莫非是……” Your this Old Man, pours is not muddled.” Lin Zheng has swept Du Gu Quan, said: „ Snow Country opens toward Century, condensed the Century Royal Family destiny, the Royal Family member, has Royal Family destiny in addition to hold, obtains the Unparalleled war-god Your Excellency mystique subsequent party again, wants the seal closed four big Alien race royal courts “你这老家伙,倒还不糊涂。”蔺争扫了一眼独孤全,道:“雪国开朝百年,凝聚了百年皇族气运,皇室的成员,有皇族气运加持,再得到无双战神冕下的秘法后手,想要封印闭合四大异族王庭 Domain Portal, can certainly achieve. ” 界域之门,当然可以做到。” This saying, Du Gu Quan and Ouyang do not put down with Li Guangbi several people, immediately somewhat understands. 这话一出,独孤全欧阳不平和李光弼几人,立刻都有些明白了。 But quick Li Guangbi slightly knits the brows, said: Domain Portal of four big Alien race royal courts, belongs their prohibits heavily, the protection is stern, the bystander is difficult to enter, perhaps the foray, may achieve, but Snow Country has the Royal Family destiny in unparalleled expert of body, less than four, is unable simultaneously to attack four big Demon Race royal courts, if chooses successively the surprise attack, is unable to prevent the news to proliferate, two snow emperors, which two royal courts no matter attacks first, another two royal courts, will definitely obtain the news, when they had the protection, is wanting the seal their Domain Portal, only feared that is the countless sufferings and hardships!” 但很快李光弼又微微皱眉,道:“四大异族王庭的界域之门,都属于它们的封禁重地,守护森严,外人难入,突然袭击,或许有可能做到,但雪国皇室气运在身的盖世强者,不足四个吧,无法同时袭击四大妖族王庭,若是选择先后奇袭,根本无法阻止消息扩散,两位雪帝陛下,不管是先袭击哪两个王庭,另外两个王庭,必然会得到消息,等他们有了防备,在想要封印它们的界域之门,只怕是千难万难!” This saying said that Du Gu Quan and Puyang were uneven, nodded subconsciously again and again. 这话说出来,独孤全和濮阳不平,也是下意识地连连点头。 Yu Feiyan actually shows a faint smile, said: Who said that my Snow Country Royal Family destiny adds unparalleled expert of body, only then two snow emperors, the senior marshal, you think again well.” 鱼非言却是微微一笑,道:“谁说我雪国皇族气运加身的盖世强者,只有两位雪帝陛下,老元帅,您再好好想一想。” ------------ ------------ Today gasps for breath slightly, 2. 今天略微喘口气,2更。 Remaining one, will make up tomorrow. 剩下的一更,明天补。
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